Broomcorn millet is the oldest crop, whose origin is from China, its Chinese name is called “shu ji”. The glutinous one is called “shu”; another one is called “ji”, which is not glutinous. The Chinese name of Broomcorn millet is not unified for a long time. Special for the name of “ji”, there is much debate in agriculture history circles; it is difficult to be a last word. The article introduces the process of origin and evolvement of Broomcorn millet, the modern cytology and genetics study of Broomcorn millet, and as the oldest domesticated crop, the relative recordation about the Broomcorn millet in Chinese ancient inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and ancient agriculture books. All of above demonstrate that the origin of Broomcorn millet is earlier than Millet (Chinese name “su”), but the “ji” is different from the “su”, and Broomcorn millet is called “ruan mi” , “ying mi”, “mi shu” , “mi zi”, “shu zi” and other different names that is unadvisable .The “shu ji” shall be the standard name of Broomcorn millet.
王星玉,王 纶,温琪汾.黍稷的名实考证及规范[J].植物遗传资源学报,2010,11(2):132-138.