李种质资源研究是李育种和生产的重要基础。本文以‘国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃’中保存的405份中国李和杂种李为材料,依据32个主要形态性状和农艺性状的评价数据,对这些主要性状进行了遗传多样性分析和相关性、主成分分析。结果表明中国李表现出丰富遗传多样性,从分级性状数据看叶形、果形、果皮彩色、果肉色泽等性状均表现出较为丰富的多样性;从数量性状数据看各性状的变异系数从47.09%~14.85%,其中单果重的变异系数最大为47.09%,其变幅4.50~107.90;其次是维生素C 含量,变异系数为40.44%,变幅0.80~14.70;从相关性分析:节间长度和一年生枝条长度、可溶性糖含量呈正相关;果实发育期与可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量呈正相关,而与可滴定酸和Vc含量呈负相关。
Chinese plum (Prunus Salicina Lindl.) germplasm was an important base on breeding and production. In this paper, 405 accessions of Chinese plum germplasm resources were collected from Xiongyue Plum and Apricot Repository among National Fruit-tree Germplasm Resources, and 32 morphological and agronomic traits of them were used genetic diversity, correlation and principal component analyses. The results showed that Chinese plum resources were rich in genetic diversity; The leaf shape, fruit shape, skin color, flesh color, and so on, have high diversity. For quantitative traits, the coefficient of variation was from 47.09% ~ 14.85%, the largest fruit weight coefficient of variation was 47.09% and of range was 4.50 ~ 107.90; vitamin C content coefficient of variation was 40.44%, and ranged from 0.80 to 14.70. The correlation analysis showed internode length with annual shoot length, soluble Sugar was a positive correlation,and fruit development with soluble solids content, soluble sugar content showed a positive correlation, but with titratable acid content and vitamin C content showed the negative correlation.
郁香荷.中国李(Prunus Salicina Lindl.)种质资源形态性状和农艺性状的遗传多样性分析[J].植物遗传资源学报,2011,12(3):402-407.