“十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD02B02); 河北省科技支撑计划项目(09220101D-10)
对河南、河北和山东等地的482份谷子地方品种和近30年培育的谷子品种11个形态性状和农艺性状进行种植观察, 研究两类品种的遗传多样性。与地方品种相比, 育成品种形态性状的多样性指数大多低于地方品种, 育成品种的株高比地方品种显著降低, 穗重、穗粒重和出谷率等性状显著提高。地方品种的广泛变异类型是现代谷子育种的重要遗传资源。
Phenotypic diversity of 482 landraces and improved cultivars in foxtail millet mainly originating from Henan, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, China was investigated based on a field evaluation of 11 morphological and agronomic traits. Compared to the landrace cultivars, the improved cultivars had smaller diversity index and narrower frequency distribution of different types in the traits investigated. The mean plant height of the improved cultivars was significantly lower than the landraces. The improved cultivars had greater spike weight, grain weight per spike, and percentage of grain weight per spike in comparison with the landraces. The broad genetic diversity of the landraces is a valuable genetic resource for developing foxtail millet cultivars.