河北省农林科学院粮油作物研究所 / 河北省遗传育种实验室
国家食用豆产业技术体系(CARS-08-G03);河北省杂粮杂豆种业科技创新团队(21326305D);河北省现代产业技术体系杂粮杂豆创 新团队(HBCT2018070203);河北省农林科学院科技创新专项(2022KJCXZX-LYS-17)
Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences/Hebei Laboratory of Crop Genetic and Breeding
China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-08-G03);Hebei Seed Science and Technology Innovation Team of Coarse Cereals and Food Legumes(21326305D);Hebei Agriculture Research System-Innovation Team of Coarse Cereals and Food Legume(HBCT2018070203);Innovation Special Project of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences(2022KJCXZX-LYS-17)
Salt stress is one of the main environmental factors that result in the stunted growth and yield losses in mungbean. Understanding of the tolerance mechanism under salt stress conditions and breeding for salt-tolerant mungbean cultivars would become of interest to increase the use ratio of saline-alkali land. This review summaries the identification methods and evaluation indexes of mungbean salt tolerance, the identification of salt-tolerant germplasms, the discovery of salt-tolerant genes, and the strategies to improve salt tolerance. Moreover, we propose future research focuses and experimental strategies, which aims to provide a reference for future research and breeding highly salt-tolerant mungbean varieties with elite agronomic traits.