
青海大学畜牧兽医科学院/青海省畜牧兽医科学院/青海省青藏高原优良牧草种质资源利用重点实验室/ 青藏高原种质资源研究与利用实验室,西宁 810016


研究方向为高寒区牧草种质资源创新和利用,E-mail: zhangych06@126.com




青海省帅才科学家负责制项目(2023-NK-147) ; 联合基金重点支持项目(U20A2050)

Analysis of Inflorescence Types of Elymus Species from Alpine Regions with Branched Spike Germplasm Resources

Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary of Qinghai University/Qinghai Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary/ Key Laboratory of Superior Forage Germplasm in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau/Laboratory for Research and Utilization of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Germplasm Resources,Xining 810016

Fund Project:

Foundation projects: The Leading Scientist Project of Qinghai Province (2023-NK-147);Joint Fund Key Support Projects (U20A2050)

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    披碱草属牧草生态适应性强,是青藏高原地区草地改良的主要种质资源。为了研究高寒地区披碱草属种质资源花序分支穗型的多样性,本研究以来自青藏高原不同地区的76份披碱草属花序分支种质资源为对象,测量和分析了花序分支的24个表型性状。结果发现:(1)76份种质资源群体间变异大,24个性状多样性指数高,各表型性状多样性指数H′平均为5.19。(2)披碱草属花序分支仅有一级分支,发生的分支数均值为7.03个,分支率均值为33.90%,分支一般发生在主花序轴中下部,分支始点变异系数最大(98.14%)。(3)相关性分析发现,分支数与分支率、分支宽度、分支穗总长、花序总长均呈极显著正相关;分支率与分支宽度、分支终点均呈极显著正相关;分支穗总长与花序总长、分支穗种子数均呈极显著正相关。(4)主成分分析表明,前4个主成分贡献率达84%,第1主成分(36%)与花序分支的数量和长度密切相关,反映了分支特征相关的变异;第2主成分(30%)反映了种子重量和分布特征;第3主成分(12%)反映了分支发生的位点和总花序长度等变异特征; 第4主成分(6%)反映了分支轴占花序长的比例和种子数质量密度等特征。(5)聚类分析表明,76份披碱草属花序分支种质资源可分为3类,包括少分支型、多分支型和均衡分支型;在此基础上通过亲缘关系分析,进一步分为9类种质,包括高位多支型、密支型、长支稀疏型、均衡分支型、重籽多产型、中等分支型、稀疏分支型、短支少产型、均匀稳产型。9种类型主要体现了分支特征和种子产量特征,为进一步筛选理想的花序分支穗型提供了基础。本研究的76份披碱草属花序分支种质资源多样性高,表型差异大,分支的发生改变了种子产量的格局,研究结果为改良高寒地区披碱草属牧草的种子产量提供了理论基础。


    The Elymus grasses, known for their strong ecological adaptability, are a primary genetic resource for improving the quality of grasslands in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This study focuses on the diversity of inflorescence branching types among Elymus species in alpine regions. It examines 76 Elymus inflorescence branching germplasm resources from different areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, measuring and analyzing the related phenotypic characteristics. The findings are as follows: (1)There is significant variation among the 76 materials, with a high diversity index across 24 traits, averaging an H′ index of 5.19. (2)In this survey, Elymus inflorescences showed only primary branching, averaging 7.03 branches per inflorescence, with a mean branching rate of 33.90%. Branches typically occur in the middle to lower part of the main inflorescence axis, with the highest variation (98.14%) in the starting point of branching on the axis. (3)Correlation analysis revealed highly significant positive correlations between the number of branches and branch rate, branch width, total length of branched spike, and total length of inflorescence. Branch rate was highly significantly positive correlated with branch width and the endpoint of the branch. The total length of the branched spike was significantly positive correlated with the total length of the inflorescence and the number of seeds on the branched spike. (4)Principal component analysis identified 4 main components, accounting for 84% of the cumulative contribution rate. The first principal component (36%) reflects the variability related to the quantity and length of branches. The second principal component (30%) reflects seed weight and distribution characteristics. The third principal component (12%)reflects variations in branch occurrence sites and overall inflorescence length. The forth principal component (6%) reflects the ratio of branch axes to inflorescence length and seed number weight density. (5)Cluster analysis categorized the 76 Elymus inflorescence branching germplasm resources into three types: less branching, more branching and balanced branching. With further phylogenetic relationships analysis based on inflorescence phenotypic characteristics categorized the 76 Elymus inflorescence branching germplasm resources into nine types: high branching, dense branching, long sparse branching, balanced branching, heavy-seeded high-yielding, medium branching, sparse branching, short low-yielding, and uniformly stable-yielding. These nine categories primarily reflect the characteristics of branching and seed yield, providing a basis for further selection of ideal inflorescence types.In summary, the 76 Elymus inflorescence branching germplasm resources show high diversity and phenotypic variation. The occurrence of branching alters the pattern of seed yield, providing a theoretical foundation for improving seed yield of Elymus grasses in alpine regions.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-08
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-10-09
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2024 版权所有