
农业农村部油料作物生物学与遗传育种重点实验室 / 中国农业科学院油料作物研究所





国家自然科学基金面上项目(32072106);国家作物种质资源库(NCGRC-2023-016);中国农业科学院科技创新工程(CAAS-ZDRW202105, CAAS-OCRI-ZDRW-202201, CAAS-ASTIP),国家油菜产业技术体系(CARS-12)

Evaluation and identification of nitrogen efficiency of Brassica napus L. at overwintering and maturity stages

Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Oil Crops Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32072106), National Crop Germplasm Resources Center (NCGRC2023-016), the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-ZDRW202105, CAAS-OCRI-ZDRW-202201, CAAS-ASTIP),and the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-12).

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    氮对植物的生长发育至关重要,对油菜增施氮肥,营养期促进生物量的积累,成熟期提高油菜籽产量和蛋白质含量,却降低种子含油量。油脂是油菜的目标产品,发掘低氮肥投入且高产油量的氮高效品种对油菜生产意义重大。然而,油菜不同时期氮效率的比较鉴定及不同时期性状之间的关系尚未见报道。本研究以生物量和产油量为指标,分别评价了甘蓝型油菜越冬期和成熟期的氮效率,并分析不同时期性状之间的关系。对越冬期不同氮肥下各生物量指标进行变异分析、主成分分析以及隶属函数分析,建立越冬期氮效率综合评价模型,提取单株干重和单株鲜重作为越冬期氮效率综合评价指标,鉴定出高氮高效材料3份,双低效材料7份,低氮高效材料2份,双高效材料6份。成熟期以产油量为氮效率指标鉴定出高氮高效材料4份,双低效材料6份,低氮高效材料3份,双高效材料4份。结合两个时期鉴定结果,筛选得到两个时期均高氮高效的材料芥65和中双11;均双高效材料6024-1;均低氮高效材料苏联油菜;均双低效材料兴选二号、Reaina II和Gisora。相关性分析表明,不同氮处理下油菜越冬期性状与成熟期各性状之间相关关系不显著。以上结果为研究油菜氮素高效的机制并明确其中重要的调控基因提供材料和理论基础。


    Nitrogen is essential for the growth and development of plants. Increasing nitrogen application to rapeseed promotes the accumulation of biomass at vegetative growth stage, increases seed yield and protein content, but reduces oil content at maturity stage. Oil is the target product of rapeseed. Thus, it is of great significance to explore nitrogen-efficient varieties with higher oil production when reducing nitrogen application. However, the identification of nitrogen efficiency in different periods of rapeseed and the relationship between traits in different periods have not been reported. In this study, biomass and oil yield were used as indicators to evaluate the nitrogen efficiency of overwintering and mature stages, and then we analyzed the relationship between traits in different periods. The comprehensive evaluation model of nitrogen efficiency at overwintering stage was established through the variation analysis, principal component analysis and membership function analysis of each biomass index under different nitrogen level at overwintering stage. The plant biomass and the fresh biomass were extracted as the comprehensive evaluation indexes of nitrogen efficiency at overwintering stage. Three high-efficiency germplasms under high nitrogen condition, seven low-efficiency germplasms under both nitrogen conditions, two high-efficiency germplasms under low nitrogen condition and six high-efficiency germplasms under both nitrogen conditions were identified. At the mature stage, four high-efficiency germplasms under high nitrogen condition, six low-efficiency germplasms under both nitrogen conditions, three high-efficiency germplasms under low nitrogen condition and four high-efficiency germplasms under both nitrogen conditions were identified by oil yield as nitrogen efficiency index. Combined with the identification results of the two periods, two high-efficiency germplasms (Jie 65 and Zhongshuang 11) under high nitrogen condition in the two periods, one high-efficiency germplasm (6024-1) under both nitrogen conditions, one high-efficiency germplasm (Soviet rapeseed) under low nitrogen condition, three low-efficiency germplasms (Xingxuan 2, Reaina II and Gisora) under both nitrogen conditions were identified. The further study showed that the correlation was not significant for the traits between overwintering and maturity stage under different nitrogen treatments. The above results will provide materials and theoretical basis for studying the mechanism of nitrogen efficiency in rapeseed and clarifying the important regulatory genes.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-31
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-15
  • 录用日期:2024-08-30
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2024 版权所有