






Study on Important Agronomic Characters and Genetic Diversity of 1775 Rice Germplasm Resources

1.Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences;2.Institute of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University;3.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Fund Project:

Foundation projects: Jilin Province Major Science and Technology(20240203005NC)

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    摘 要:水稻种质资源是水稻遗传改良及新品种选育的重要基础,研究水稻种质资源遗传多样性对拓宽稻种资源的遗传背景起到重要作用。本研究采用多种分析方法对来源于11个省(市)的1775份水稻种质资源的20个重要农艺性状进行了遗传多样性分析,发现所有种质资源农艺性状的变异系数(CV )差异较大,范围为4.42%(谷粒厚)~89.75%(空粒数),空粒数具有较丰富的遗传变异;遗传多样性指数(H')的变化范围为1.585(空粒数)~2.069(抽穗期),抽穗期具有较丰富的多样性。通过对来源于11个省(市)种质农艺性状的分析发现,吉林种质的有效穗数及穗粒数等7个性状具有较丰富的多样性;云南种质的始穗期及穗长等4个性状具有较丰富的多样性;黑龙江种质的抽穗期等3个性状具有较丰富的多样性。1775份种质包含品系、地方品种及选育品种,地方品种的剑叶长、株高等11个性状具有较丰富的多样性,选育品种的生育期性状、有效穗数等9个性状具有丰富的多样性。通过对不同地理来源及不同种质类型种质多样性的分析,可为今后水稻目标性状育种提供广泛的亲本材料。相关分析表明,149个相关系数达到极显著(P<0.01)水平,其中始穗期等3个生育期性状与其他农艺性状相关程度较高。主成分分析发现,前6个主成分累积贡献率达79.309%,且与生育期相关的性状贡献率最大。在欧氏遗传距离为0.6时,1775份水稻种质被划分成3个类群,其中东北三省及北京和杭州的种质为类群Ⅰ,该群种质的始穗期等生育期性状、与产量相关的性状分蘖数及有效穗数等10个性状的遗传多样性较丰富,可为今后水稻种质资源创新及新品种选育提供优异种质。第Ⅱ类群仅包含宁夏,说明宁夏种质资源与其他省(市)的种质资源亲缘关系较远,因此,应加大对宁夏种质资源的利用率,以拓宽水稻种质资源遗传基础。第Ⅲ类群包含河北、山东、云南、江苏及新疆,此类群种质谷粒长度的H'在3个类群中最大,说明这些种质的谷粒长度具有较丰富的多样性,可为今后水稻品质育种提供丰富的种质。


    Abstract: Rice germplasm resources are important foundation for rice genetic improvement and new variety breeding. The study of genetic diversity of rice germplasm resources plays an important role in broadening the genetic background of rice. In this study, genetic diversity analysis was conducted on 20 important agronomic traits of 1775 rice germplasm resources from 11 provinces (cities) using multiple analysis methods. The results showed that: The coefficient of variation (CV) of agronomic traits varied greatly, with a ranging from 4.42% (grain thickness) to 89.75% (number of empty grains), There was abundant genetic variation in empty grain number; The range of genetic diversity index (H") was 1.585(number of empty grains) to 2.069(heading date), and the heading stage had rich diversity. Through the analysis of agronomic characters of germplasm from 11 provinces (cities), There was rich diversity in 7 characters such as panicle per plant and spikelets per panicle from Jilin. There were 4 characters such as First heading date, panicle length and so on. Them with rich diversity from Yunnan. While heading stage and other 2 characters were rich from Heilongjiang. The 1775 germplasms included lines, landrace and advanced cultivar. The 11 characters were bundant such as leaf length and plant height in landrace, and the 9 characters were abundant such as First heading date and panicle per plant of advanced cultivar. Genetic diversity analysis of different geographical sources and germplasm types can provide useful information for the selection of parental material and thus help in planning breeding strategies. The correlation analysis showed that 149 correlation coefficients reached the very significant level (P < 0.01), among which 3 growth stage traits, such as head stage, had higher correlation with other agronomic traits. Principal component analysis found that the cumulative contribution rate of the first 6 principal components reached 79.309%, and the contribution rate was the largest in the traits related to growth period. The 1775 rice germplasm can be divided into three groups at the Euclidean genetic distance of 0.6, among which the germplasm was group I from three provinces in Northeast China, Beijing and Hangzhou.10 traits were rich, including the growth stage traits, the number of tillers related to yield and the panicle per plant. It can provide excellent germplasm for rice germplasm resource innovation and new variety breeding in the future. Group II only included Ningxia, indicating that germplasm resources in Ningxia were far from germplasm resources in other provinces (cities). Therefore, the utilization rate of those germplasms should be increased to broaden the genetic basis of rice germplasm resources. Group III includes Hebei, Shandong, Yunnan, Jiangsu and Xinjiang, The H " of grain length is the largest among the three groups, indicating that the grain length is rich in the germplasms, which can provide rich germplasm for rice quality breeding in the future.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-02
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-24
  • 录用日期:2024-11-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-11-08
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2025 版权所有