1.海南省农业科学院三亚研究院,三亚572025;2.中国农业大学农学院,北京100193;3.中国农业大学三亚研究院,海南三亚572025;4.海南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所,海口 571100
研究方向为作物遗传育种,E-mail : zhangyage1992@163.com
王效宁,研究方向为作物遗传育种,E-mail : wxning2599@163.com
李自超,研究方向为稻种资源与基因组学,E-mail : lizichao@cau.edu.cn
孙兴明,研究方向为稻种资源与基因组学,E-mail : sunxm@cau.edu.cn
1.Sanya Institute, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sanya 572025;2.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193;3.Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University, Sanya 572025, Hainan;4.Cereal Crop Research Institute, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Haikou 571100
Project of Hainan Seed Industry Laboratory and China National Seed Group (B23YQ1517,B23CQ15HP); Project of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City (SCKJ-JYRC-2022-02); Project of Sci-tech Talents Innovation in Hainan Province (KJRC2023B23); Postdoctoral Research Project in Hainan Province (313570); Introduce Talents Research Startup Foundation of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (HAAS2023RCQD15); Science and Technology Innovation Project in Sanya (2022KJCX10)
Drought resistance is a complex quantitative trait of the interaction between crops and drought environment, accurate evaluation of drought resistance phenotype is the basis for mining drought resistance genes and exploring drought resistance genetics, it is very important for water-saving and drought-resistant rice breeding. The method system for the evaluation of drought resistance of rice germplasm during whole growth periods in the field has always been a technical problem concerned by drought-resistant breeding workers. Aims at this problem, we exploring and optimizing the conditions for assessing drought resistance based on many years of the evaluation and research of rice drought resistance in the field. The standard technical regulations for drought resistance evaluation in the field of rice germplasm during whole growth periods were summarized and normalized. It mainly includes general requirements, land preparation, the methods of planting, water management, fertilization, prevention of diseases, pests and weeds and drought resistance evaluation, so as to provide technical reference for drought resistance evaluation of rice germplasm during whole growth periods. The technical regulations are applicable to the evaluation of drought resistance during whole growth periods during the winter in Sanya city, Hainan province (from mid-November to early-April of the next year).