保山市代表性古茶树资源表型 及生化组分多样性研究







Study on Phenotype and Biochemical Components Diversity of Representative Ancient Tea Germplasm Resources in Baoshan

1.Tea research institute,Yunnan academy of agricultural sciences;2.Baoshan Agricultural Technology Promotion Center;3.Tea Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences;4.Changning Tea Industry Development Cente

Fund Project:

Yunnan Province innovation guidance and technology-based enterprise cultivation program(202304BI090015); Big-leaf tea germplasm resources safety preservation(19230835); Modern agricultural industrial technology system of Yunnan Province (2024kJTX-08); Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Tea Sciences open found project (2022YNCX002)

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    保山市地处世界茶树发源的中心地带,古茶树资源极为丰富,是普洱茶和滇红茶的核心产区,研究该地区古茶树资源表型和生化组分多样性,对于优异茶树种质资源的充分挖掘利用、古茶树资源整合与保护,以及茶树核心种质构建和优良茶树新品种选育具有重要意义。通过变异系数、遗传多样性指数(H')、差异性分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析,分析了保山市73份代表性古茶树资源数量性状和质量性状的多样性水平。结果显示:23个质量性状多样性指数(H')介于4.135 ~ 4.277之间,平均多样性指数为4.234,27个数量性状多样性指数介于3.545 ~ 4.287之间,平均多样性指数为4.187,变异系数介于7.88 % ~ 153.13 %之间,大部分性状间表现出极为丰富的遗传变异;27个数量性状相关性分析表明:大部分性状间呈现显著或极显著相关性,各性状间不是相互独立,而是彼此相互关联;主成分分析结果显示,6个主成分累积贡献率为68.42 %,其中,生化组分、叶片性状和茶树花性状是茶树变异的主要因素;保山市不同区域茶树21个数量性状差异显著性分析显示:不同区域间茶树叶长、叶面积、叶脉对数、氨基酸、表儿茶素没食子酸酯、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯、非酯型儿茶素和儿茶素总量8个性状差异最显著,叶片长宽比和水浸出物2个性状间差异最小,这些差异可能与保山市海拔、地形地貌、土壤和气候等因素有关;以27个数量性状为基础的聚类分析将73份古茶树资源聚为5类。优异茶树种质资源筛选结果显示:73份古茶树资源中,有特异资源36份,其中高茶多酚(≥25 %)资源6份、高氨基酸(≥5 %)资源29份、低咖啡碱(≤1.5 %)资源1份。本研究为保山市优异茶树种质资源的充分挖掘与利用、古茶树种质资源的整合与保护,以及茶树核心种质构建和优良茶树新品种选育提供了科学参考。


    Baoshan Municipality is located in the center of the origin of tea trees in the world, where the ancient tea tree resources are extremely rich, the city is also the core production area of Pu'er tea and Yunnan black tea, The study on the phenotype and biochemical component diversity of ancient tea tree resources in this area is of great significance for the full exploitation and utilization of excellent tea tree germplasm resources, the integration and protection of ancient tea tree resources, the construction of tea tree core germplasm and the breeding of new varieties of excellent tea trees. Through coefficient of variation, genetic diversity index (H'), difference analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis, the diversity level of quantitative and quality traits of 73 representative ancient tea tree resources in Baoshan City was analyzed. The results showed that the diversity index (H') of 23 quality traits is 4.135 ~ 4.277, the average diversity index is 4.234, the diversity index of 27 quantitative traits is 3.545 ~ 4.287, the average diversity index is 4.187, and 27 quantitative traits had the coefficient of variation of 7.88 % ~ 153.13 %, most of the traits showed extremely rich genetic variation; Correlation analysis of 27 quantitative traits showed that most of the traits showed significant or extremely significant correlation, and the traits were not independent of each other, but correlated with each other; Principal components analysis showed that the cumulative contribution of six principal components is 68.42 %, Among them, biochemical components, leaf and flower traits were the main factors of tea plant variation. The significance analysis of 21 quantitative differences of tea trees in different regions of Baoshan showed that 8 characteristics of tea leaf length, leaf area, number of vein pairs, amino acid, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, non-ester catechin and total catechin had the most significant differences, the ratio of leaf length and to width and Water extract had the least difference,These differences may be related to the elevation, landform, soil and climate of Baoshan. Cluster analysis revealed that 73 ancient tea tree resources were divided into 5 clusters based on 27 quantitative traits. The screening results of rare tea germplasm resources showed that: Among 73 accession representative ancient tea germplasm resources, there were 36 accession rare tea germplasms resources, Among them, 6 accessions were selected for high tea polyphenol germplasm resources (>35 %), 29 accessions were selected for high amino acid germplasm resources (>5 %) and 1accession was selected for low caffeine germplasm resource (?1.5). This study provided a scientific reference for the full exploitation and utilization of rare tea germplasm resources, the integration and protection of ancient tea germplasm resources, the construction of tea core germplasm and the breeding of new varieties of rare tea trees in Baoshan.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-09-02
  • 最后修改日期:2024-12-25
  • 录用日期:2024-12-30
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2025 版权所有