






Grading of Quantitative traits and Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Dendrobium Based on DUS Testing

1.Crop Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;2.Fuzhou Sub-center for New Plant Variety Tests, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Fund Project:

Basic Research Projects of Public Welfare Research Institutes in Fujian Province(2022R1031002); Species and Variety Resource Protection Fee Project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs(111821301354051028); Application for DUS Testing of Protected Varieties and Maintenance of Known Variety Libraries(2019350004000166); The “5511” Collaborative Innovation Project of High-quality Agricultural Development and Surpassment in Fujian Province(XTCXGC2021016)

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    为客观科学描述石斛数量性状,以85个石斛品种为研究对象,分析20个数量性状分布特点,采用最小显著差法和极差法确定分级范围,通过变异系数、遗传多样性指数及相关性、主成分和聚类等分析方法评价遗传多样性水平。结果表明,植株大小等15个性状符合正态分布,采用最小显著差法分级,花数量等其他5个性状不符合正态分布,采用极差法分级,确定了20个数量性状的分级范围。各数量性状在品种内表现较稳定,品种间变异丰富,品种内和品种间的变异系数分别为5.44% ~ 17.33%和24.99% ~ 124.03%,遗传多样性指数在1.16 ~ 2.02之间,供试品种适合作为分级研究的对象。各性状间普遍呈极显著或显著相关且相关系数绝对值较大,花纵径与花横径、侧萼片长度、花瓣长度之间,中萼片长度与侧萼片长度、花瓣长度之间,侧萼片长度与花瓣长度之间相关系数均在0.95以上,表现出高度相关性,可以减少此类性状,提高DUS测试效率。主成分分析显示,前2个主成分累计贡献率为84.78%,其中第一主成分贡献率为73.54%,代表花的大小,第二主成分贡献率为11.24%,代表花的数量和植株高度。在欧式距离为25处可将85个石斛品种分为两个类群,主要体现在植株大小和花纵横径上的差异;第Ⅱ类群在欧式距离为18处又可分为2个亚类群,主要表现在花数量、花序梗长度上的差异。综合主成分和聚类分析结果,花数量在品种间区分能力强,可新增作为石斛DUS测试分组性状。


    In order to provide reference for more objective and scientific description of quantitative traits, 85 Dendrobium varieties were used as research objects. According to the distribution characteristics of 20 quantitative traits in the Dendrobium testing guidelines, the least significant difference method and the range method were used to determine the grading range. In addition, the level of genetic diversity was evaluated through the methods of coefficient of variation, genetic diversity index and the analysis of correlation, principal component and clustering. The results of K-S normality test showed that 15 quantitative traits which included plant size, pseudobulb length, pseudobulb diameter, blade length, blade width, pedicel length, pedicel diameter, flower longitudinal diameter, flower transverse diameter, middle sepal length, lateral sepal length, lateral sepal width, petal length, petal width, lip petal length conformed to normal distribution and were graded by the least significant difference method, while the other quantitative traits which included number of flowers, peduncle length, peduncle diameter, middle sepal width, lip petal width were graded by the range method, and the grading range of the 20 quantitative traits were determined as the basis for describing and grading the quantitative traits of Dendrobium DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) testing in the future. The performance of each quantitative trait was stable within the varieties, and the variation among the varieties was rich, with the coefficients of variation of quantitative traits within and among varieties ranging from 5.44% ~ 17.33% and 24.99% ~ 124.03%, respectively. Additionally, the genetic diversity indexes of 20 quantitative traits were between 1.16 ~ 2.02. Therefore, 85 Dendrobium varieties were suitable for quantitative traits grading studies. The correlation analysis results indicated that the correlation coefficients were generally highly significant or significantly correlated and the absolute values of the correlation coefficients were large among the quantitative traits. Especially, the correlation coefficients between flower longitudinal diameter and flower transverse diameter, lateral sepal length, petal length, middle sepal length and lateral sepal length, petal length, lateral sepal length and petal length are all above 0.95, which showed a high degree of correlation. In this situation, such traits with high degree of correlation could consider to reduce in the varieties DUS testing process to improve the testing efficiency. Principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first two principal components was 84.78%, including 73.54% for the first principal component, representing the flower size, and 11.24% for the second principal component, representing the number of flower and plant height. The clustering analysis results showed that the 85 Dendrobium varieties could be divided into two groups at the Euclidean distance of 25, which mainly reflected the differences in plant size, flower longitudinal diameters and flower transverse diameters. Moreover, the second group could be divided into two subgroups at the Euclidean distance of 18, which mainly showed the differences in the number of flower and peduncle length. Combining the results of principal components analysis and cluster analysis, the number of flower has a strong distinguishing ability among varieties and can be added as a grouping trait for DUS testing of Dendrobium.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-09-25
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-30
  • 录用日期:2024-12-27
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2025 版权所有