Abstract:Abstract:‘native peach’is the popular name for the local varieties (lines, plants) in southern Xinjiang. From 2014 to 2024, we explored peach germplasm resources about15 times around Tarim Basin at 24 counties in South of Xinjiang, mainly in Kashgar and Wada etc. Among these counties, Yarkant County in Kashgar region has the largest nature population of native peach. A total of 313 [第一作者研究方向为桃种质资源与遗传育种研究,Email: wanglirong@caas.cn 通信作者:王力荣,研究方向为桃种质资源与遗传育种研究,Email: wanglirong@caas.cn 基金项目:中国农业科学院科技创新工程(CAAS-ASTIP-2023-ZFRI-01),国家园艺种质资源库(NHGRC),农业农村部物种保护项目 与利用项目] peach germplasm resources were evaluated, including 223 accessiones belonged to P. persica L., 76 accessiones belonged to P. ferganensis Kost.et Riab and 13 Peach- Almond, which maybe the natural hybrid ppopulation between Prunus persica .and P. communis or P. ferganensis× P. communis. Ripen date are from early July to early November , fruit types include 262 peaches, 50 nectarines and 1 flat peach. The color of the skin and flesh are diversity, including pure green, pure yellow, pure white, etc. , some rare and endangered germplasm such as small nectarine, Hetian Green Tao, Hetian White Tao, Shache Green Tao, Yecheng Yellow No. 1, Moyu Yellow No. 1, Yellow-rowed Tao and White-rowed Tao were discovered. The distribution and diversity level of native peach germplasm resources in this region were basically clarified. The current situation of production and utilization of native peach was intoduced. It was suggested that aroud Tarim Basin was by far the most abundant region of local variety diversity in China, a number of varieties were screened out for commerical production and breeding program, which laid a foundation for the protection and utilization of native peach in this area.