Abstract:143 newly-bred greenhouse cucumber cultivars belonging to different ecotypes were treated with 100mM solution of Mg(NO3)2 for 4 days at germination stage. And eight indices including germination potential, germination index, salt-damage index, germination frequency, relative germination frequency, radicle length of 2 and 4 days after salt treatment, radicle elongation speed of the latter 2 days were investigated. Using the Membership function value of these indices to cluster the new-bred greenhouse cucumber cultivars, and primarily select salt-tolerance germplasms through growing them under salt-free conditions after 4 days salt treatment. The results showed that cucumber salt-tolerance at germination stage were affected by multiple factors. The variation coefficient of eight indices were ranged as 10.0%-81.0%. Except variation coefficient of germination frequency and relative germination frequency was less, other indices variation coefficient was larger as 32.0-81.0%. The variation coefficient of these indices was different among different ecotype germplasm. The variation coefficient of salt-damage index is the largest of North-China Ecotype and European Greenhouse Ecotype, however in South-China Ecotype and European-processing type germplasms, the variation coefficient of radicle elongation speed of the latter 2 days is the largest. From overall view of Germplasm Salt tolerance, European greenhouse Ecotype and Processing Ecotype is better than South-China Ecotype, and then South-China Ecotype is better than North-China Ecotype. All the germplasm were divided into three groups according to the cluster results of Subordinate function value: better, moderate, and less salt-tolerance. There are 54 high salt-tolerance cultivars as accounting for 37.8%. By emergence selection of these high salt-tolerance germplasm after salt treatment, 12 cultivars were chosen as better restore-growth germplasm. They were arranged as J31-1>Lvjingling>DRT5>YT24>dongnong2> Shanghanongke 4>Dongling 1 02>IVF8>Jinyou35>HGS-2>Yangda13>J30-1 according to their restore-growth ability.