Abstract:Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberous L.) belonging to Asteraceae family, is a perennial herb. Jerusalem artichoke is an important crop germplasm resource. The researches on its ecological, economy, energy, cultivation and breeding, and the stress responses have been conducted for many years. Jerusalem artichoke is one of asexually propagated crops, and mainly conserved in the filed nursery. The in vitro conservation and cryopreservation method has been tried in the United States Department of Agriculture. However, the relevant research has not been started in China. In this paper, we will summarize the research progress of Jerusalem artichoke germplasm resource and pay more attention on the study of stress response, including research the drought, salinity and low temperature stress on the behavior of the field, physiological and biochemical, protein and molecular level. And the general conservation and In vitro conservation of Jerusalem artichoke, and points out the problems. This will be benefit for the future utilization and cryopreservation in the future.