Abstract:To study the heritability and combining ability of lodging resistance for erect panicle mutant of R1338 and R334, the incomplete diallel developed on Shuhui 498 and its erect panicle mutant R1338, R334, and two type CMS one is Chuannong 1A, ABG15s for bending panicle, and anther are E69A, E102A for erect panicle which both contain DEP1 erect panicle gene, for comparing the lodging resistance of the base stem of F1. It get that flexural strength and the lodging index of base stem of F1 showed a significant negative correlation. In contrast, the flexural strength and diameter and wall thickness of stem showed a significant positive correlation. By regression analysis showed that the major factors are flexural strength bending moment for lodging resistance of rice base stem. The lodging index reduced with increasing bending force and bending moment and reduce. GCA value of two upright panicle mutant basal lodging index was lower than that of wild type, and R1338 is the lowest. So for combination to choose erect panicle parents can easier get significantly hybrids lodging capacity.