





The Variation Analysis of Growth and Stem Form Quality Traits from Wackham Germplasm Resources of Hevea brasiliensis

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    于2009-2016年每年12月中旬,对2008年定植保存在“农业部景洪橡胶树种质资源圃”内来自4个国家的364份橡胶树魏克汉种质资源1740株林木年度径围生长量进行了跟踪观测,2016年12月底对其枝下高、主干通直度、主干分杈、侧枝分枝轮、侧枝粗细、侧枝分枝角、侧枝伸展等指标进行了观测,统计分析了年度径围生长规律及变异情况;以364份种质资源的调查数据对8个指标的遗传多样性指数进行了计算,并分别以基因型和国家为单位进行了多指标综合聚类,旨在为揭示橡胶树魏克汉种质资源遗传多样性及合理保护和利用提供理论依据。研究结果表明,可以根据林木的茎粗生长量将保存的364份魏克汉种质资源划分成3个类群,依次为缓慢型(径围<50 cm)、中间型(径围在50~60 cm)、速生型(径围>60 cm),其中,8a生时径围总生长量平均为52.88 cm,变幅为41.50~64.00 cm;缓慢型均值为47.49 cm,变幅为40.50~49.75 cm;中间型均值为54.02 cm,变幅为50.00~59.75 cm;速生型均值为61.07 cm,变幅为60.00~64.00 cm;速生型与缓慢型之间均值相差13.58 cm。从变异程度来看,总体、缓慢型、中间型、速生型等年度间变异系数变幅依次为10.87 %~25.81 %、10.20 %~26.89 %、9.32 %~25.62 %、8.64 %~20.78 %。随着林龄的增加,3类群体连年生长量与年平均生长量均呈现出先增大后降低的趋势,且两者在8年间只出现了1次相交,相交时间在3~4a生之间,速生型相交时间较晚一些。年度间径围生长量相关性分析表明,缓慢型和中间型群体相关性均达到极显著正相关(除中间型1 a生与8 a生间相关性不显著外),速生型群体3 a生后各年度间相关性达到极显著正相关。8个指标的遗传多样性指数从大到小排序依次为:枝下高(1.835)>径围生长量(1.713)>侧枝分枝轮(1.222)>侧枝粗细(1.192)>侧枝分枝角(1.079)>主干通直度(1.032) >主干分杈数(0.991)>侧枝伸展(0.579),多数指标遗传多样性指数偏小。聚类结果表明,来自同一国家的种质大部分聚在一组或几组;4个国家中关系最为密切的是印度尼西亚和马来西亚,其次是印度尼西亚和中国,距离较远的是斯里兰卡。综上可知,国内保存的橡胶树魏克汉种质资源8个性状变异程度不大,遗传多样性丰度低。建议在进行早期选择时,以较小的林龄(如2龄)进行淘汰选择,以较大的林龄(如4龄)进行速生资源选择,其中7份速生型种质资源可直接用来培育胶木兼优无性系或作为亲本材料进行杂交育种。


    In every mid-December of 2009 to 2016, the annual growth of diameter circumference of 1740 ramets in 364 samples of Wickham germplasm resources from four countries preserved in 2008 by the Germplasm Repository of Rubber Tree (Hevea Spp.) Jing Hong City, Ministry of Agriculture, was made a tracing observation. Besides, the height under branch, trunk straightness, stem branching, lateral branch wheel, lateral branch thickness, lateral branch angle and lateral branch stretch were also observed by the end of December 2016. The diameter circumference annual growth rule and variation were analyzed based on investigating data from the samples of 364 Wickham germplasm resources, and the genetic diversity of eight indexes was calculated and multi-index comprehensive clustering was analyzed from the prospective of genetypes and countries respectively. The research was to provide a theoretical basis for revealing their genetic diversity and reasonable protection and utilization. According to the diameter circumference, 364 Wickham germplasm resources samples could be divided into 3 groups, they are slow-growing type (diameter circumference<50 cm), middle-growing type (in the range of 50 cm and 60 cm ) and fast-growing type (>60 cm ), respectively, among which the total growth averaged in 52.88 cm at the age of 8 with an amplitude of variation in 41.50 to 64.00 cm. The average total growth in slow-growing type was 47.49 cm and the amplitude of variation was 40.50 to 49.75 cm, it was 54.02 cm at variation amplitude of 50.00 to 59.75 cm for middle-growing type and 61.07 cm at variation amplitude of 60.00 to 64.00 cm for fast-growing type. The difference of average value was 13.58 cm between the fast-growing type and slow-growing type. From the degree of variation, the amplitude of annual variation coefficients were 10.87 %-25.81 %, 10.20%-26.89%, 9.32 %-25.62 % and 8.64 %-20.78 % for total, slow-growing, middle-growing and fast-growing, respectively. With the forest getting old, the annual increment and annual average growth of three groups all showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, and both intersected only once at the time of 3a-4a during the eight years, the fast-growing type intersected more lately. Correlation analysis of diameter circumference annual growth showed that there was an extremely significant positive correlation between slow and middle group (excepted the 1a and 8a from middle group). That of fast-growing group also reached an extremely significant positive correlation at the age of 3. Eight indexes of genetic diversity were orderly from large to small: height under branch(1.835)>diameter circumference growth(1.713)> lateral branch wheel(1.222)> lateral branch thickness(1.192)>lateral branch angle(1.079)> trunk straightness(1.032)> stem branching(0.991)> lateral branch stretch(0.579. Most genetic diversity indexes were comparatively smaller. Clustering results showed that germplasm from the same country were mostly gathered in a group or several groups. Indonesia and Malaysia had the closest relations in four countries, the second was Indonesia and China, and Sri Lanka was farther. In conclusion, the variation of eight indexes from Wickham germplasm resources which preserved in China was not significant, and the abundance of genetic diversity was low. In the very early selection, it was recommended that eliminating choice at smaller forest age (such as the age of 2), and fast-growing resource option at larger forest age (such as the age of 4). Seven samples from fast-growing type germplasm resources can be used for cultivating the latex/timber clone or hybridizing as parent materials.



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  • 收稿日期:2017-05-17
  • 最后修改日期:2017-11-13
  • 录用日期:2017-07-27
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-01-23
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植物遗传资源学报 ® 2025 版权所有