Abstract:A Specially-long pod variant line was selected from resynthesized B. napus lines derived from an distant crossing between a landrace of B. campestris L. , collected in eastern Tibet, and a vegetable cabbage, B. oleracea vat. alboglabra Bailey from Yunnan in China. The average length of pods at the middle of main racemes was about 20cm, with a body length of 16- 18cm and a beak length of about 3cm. The longest pod from this variant line reached 31.5cm, with a body length of 26. lcm and a beak length of 5.4cm. This is a line with specially long pods rarely seen in Brassica species. The average pod length of the variant line was about 3 times that of the common B. napus. It has been genetically stable and is named Chuannong Techangjiao. The breeding process and the main characteristics of the specially-long pod variant were reported and the breeding and research values were briefly analyzed in the paper.