Abstract:The selected six varieties of soybean and four different strains of soybean mosaic virus(SMV) are divided into nine combinations that respond on different resistance levels. Through the symptom observation of inoculated leaves and the upper leaves, aniline blue staining followed by fluorescence microscopy, and pharmacological experiment we want to study the characteristics of callose (β- 1,3 - glucan ) accumulation in combinations of different resistance levels and the function of callosein in the process of soybean and SMV interaction. The results show that,in the earlier period of time after inoculation (6-72 h ), callose fluorescence in the mesophyll cells of different combinations, which resistance levels ranges from 0 to 3, were observed at different time depending on different resistant leveles of combinations and the emergence time of callose fluorescence is closely related to the resistance levels.In another word, the variety more strongly resisting to SMV can earlier be found the callose fluorescen at the sites of inoculation. However, callose fluorescence has not been observed in the combination that responds in resistance level 5 . In addition, in the combinations responding in resistance level 0 and 1, necrosis in the upper leaves was observed and the viral RNA of specific coat protein(CP-RNA) was detected by RT-PCR analysis following pre-injection of 2-DDG ( an inhibitor of callose synthesis).. Therefore, the deposition of callose at the sites of inoculation can limit the transportation of SMV in mesophyll cells, indicating that callose plays an important role in the resistance of soybean to the infection of SMV. All the results above indicated that,the variety more strongly resisting to SMV can earlier be found the callose accumulation at the sites of inoculation .Callose accumulation relates closely to the resistance of soybean to SMV.