Advances in Research on Premature Senescence in Plants

1.Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Engineering Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding and National Center of Space Mutagenesis for Crop Improvement;2.Pingyin Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau of Shandong Province

Fund Project:

Science and Technology Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,National Wheat Industry Technology System Project (CARS-03)

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    Senescence,as the final stage of natural development of plants,has an important influence on crop yield. In order to promoting the selection and breeding of new crop varieties and yield improvement, it is important to deeply analyze the regulatory mechanism and influencing factors of premature senescence. Except the stress of natural environment,genetic network of crops is an important factor in regulating plant premature senescence. A variety of metabolic pathways in plants affect the period of senescence onset. Here we reviewed the various physiological,biochemical and yield changes during premature senescence in plants. Premature senescence caused degradation of chlorophyll and other macromolecules,significantly reducd leaf photosynthetic and transportion of nutrients from senescent tissues to young tissues and reproductive organs. The process was accompanied by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS),decreased the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the cells and upregulated of senescence-associated gene (SAG) expression,which eventually led to premature senescence and reduced plant yield. Premature senescence is a complex and sequential process regulated by multiple genes. We summarized the gene networks regulating premature senescence among different species,and introduced the mechanisms of premature senescence regulation through transcription factor regulation,hormone and protein metabolism. It provides suggestions on the research of premature senescence mechanism and breeding utilization in the future.

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