Evaluation of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Four Famous Landraces Groups of Foxtail Millet and Relationship Analysis

1.Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Breeding, Beijing 100081;2.College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801;3.Chifeng Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences, Chifeng 024031,Inner Mongolia

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Foundation projects: China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS-06-14.5-A2); Protection and Utilization for Crop Germplasm Resources (2022NWB036-06)

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    A two-year field trials and agronomic performance analysis were conducted in 179 foxtail millet accessions which are homonyms of the four famous landraces (Qinzhouhuang, Taohuami, Longshanxiaomi and Jinmi),as well as exploring the genetic relationships between the materials. Fifty-one accessions including the four original varieties were subjected for nutritional quality analysis. The significant differences on quantitative traits were detected in 179 accessions, while the quality traits were detected without much differences. Through the correlation analysis, a highly significant positive correlation between kernel weight of single ear and ear weight, as well as stalk weight and ear weight, were found. Principal component analysis showed that the first three principal components contributed to 89.414% of the cumulative variation. Gained from the composite score F-value calculated based on the results of principal component analysis, we observed the highest and lowest composite scores in Bocaigen-30 (F=7.42) and Yintianhan-27 (F=-9.17), respectively. Cluster analysis based on agronomic traits revealed that the 179 accessions were classified into four clusters with relatively concentrated clustering within homonyms varieties and greater similarity of agronomic traits. The results of phylogenetic relationships indicate that there are diverse evolutionary relationships among different varieties with the same name, and there may be gene exchange between different varieties with different names. The differences in nutritional quality among the four categories of famous foxtail millet were small, and the differences in all nutritional quality indexes except crude fiber were not significant. The crude protein and crude fat was positively correlated, while starch negatively correlated with protein and fat. The first six major components explained 88.414% of the cumulative variation and could basically cover the information of the 10 nutritional qualities. Based on the principal component analysis of nutritional qualities, the top ranked varieties were Bocaigen-77, Bocaigen-33, Bocaigen-44, Papocao-15, Jugenqi-25 and Yintianhan-13, combined with the comprehensive scores of different accessions.This study identifies and studies the agronomic traits, quality traits, and phylogenetic relationships of the four famous foxtail millet groups, which is of great significance for the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, as well as the excavation of excellent resources.

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  • Received:June 09,2023
  • Revised:July 16,2023
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  • Online: April 29,2024
  • Published: April 16,2024
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