Large-scale Identification of Maize Germplasm Resources for Resistance to Ear Rot Caused by Two Fusarium Species

1.College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002;2.Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081;3.Institute of Food Crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650221;4.Maize Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097

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Foundation projects: Henan Innovative Talent Project(22HASTIT040,212300410046); Major Scientific Joint Research on National Maize Varieties(19190496)

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    Maize ear rot is a fungal disease mainly caused by Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium graminearum, which seriously threatens national food security. With the change of climate and farming system, ear rot has become one of the most common and most harmful diseases in maize production. Large-scale identification of disease-resistant germplasm resources is conducive to solving the difficulty of breeding resistant varieties due to the lack of good disease-resistant germplasm. In this study, based on the establishment of a high-throughput resistance identification platform for maize ear rot, a rolling resistance identification strategy was adopted, that is, in the primary identification stage, a large number of germplasm resources were initially screened using a single repeat and single environment strategy, and then in secondary identification stage the highly resistant germplasm from the primary identification stage was accurately evaluated under multiple environments and years, and the susceptible germplasm was gradually eliminated. During the year 2018 to 2020, a total of 191 highly resistant germplasm was identified from 10524 maize germplasm in the primary identification stage, and a total of 59 stable resistant germplasm, including 18XDHNAM11-20, H5084 and MC303, was finally identified through the secondary identification stage. Among them,24 germplasm showed resistance to Fusarium ear rot in the five years. In terms of heterosis groups of disease-resistant germplasm, the disease-resistant germplasm was divided into 5 groups, namely, tropical-temperate introduced heterosis group, Reid group, NSS group, SS group and Huangai group, which basically covered the most important heterosis groups in China. Among them, there are 24 resistant materials came from tropical-temperate introduced heterosis group germplasm, accounting for 41% of the total materials. These resistant germplasm resources identified in this study provide important resources for ear rot resistant breeding in maize.

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