Standard Technical Regulations for Evaluating Drought Resistance of Rice Germplasm in the Field at Seedling Stage

1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193;2.Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University, Sanya 572025, Hainan;3.Sanya Institute, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sanya 572025

Fund Project:

Foundation projects: Project of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City (SCKJ-JYRC-2022-02); Project of Hainan Seed Industry Laboratory and China National Seed Group (B23YQ1517, B23CQ15HP); Introduce Talents Research Startup Foundation of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (HAAS2023RCQD15); Postdoctoral Research Project in Hainan Province (313570); Project of Sci-tech Talents Innovation in Hainan Province (KJRC2023B23); Science and Technology Innovation Project in Sanya (2022KJCX10)

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    Drought resistance in the field is a complex quantitative trait. Accurate phenotypic identification is critical to discover the genes and explore genetic basis for quantitative trait. However, the accurate identification of drought resistance for rice germplasm in the field has consistently been a bottleneck for researcher and a core technical for drought resistance breeders. On the basis of systematic drought resistance research in the previous work, we also have spent many years exploring and optimizing the conditions for assessing drought resistance in the field. The standard technical regulations for evaluating drought resistance in the field were summarized and normalized. It included general requirements, land preparation before sowing, seed preparation, sowing, fertilization, water management, prevention of diseases, pests and weeds, and evaluation of drought resistance in the field at seedling stage. The regulations provided technical reference for identification of drought resistance in the field at seedling stage in rice or other crops. It was suitable for the resistance evaluation of rice to drought during the winter in Sanya of Hainan province (from mid-November to early April of the next year).

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