The Analysis of Basic Characteristics of Certified Rice Varieties in Fujian Province from 2000 to 2023

1.Rice Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The Fujian Provincial Germplasm Bank for Rice, Fuzhou 350018;2.Agricultural Bio-resources Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350003

Fund Project:

Foundation projects: Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project - Fundamental Research Project of Provincial Public Welfare Research Institutes (2021R1023005);5511 Collaborative Innovation Project(XTCXGC2021019-SDS01,XTCXGC2021001)

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    The data on main agronomic traits, blast resistance, and rice quality of certified rice varieties in Fujian province from 2000 to 2023 were extracted from the certification announcements of the National Rice Data Center for statistical analysis. The results help to reveal the evolutionary trends of these traits and the distribution frequency of certified rice varieties in different years, and provide insights for developing new rice breeding in the future in Fujian province. The results showed that a total of 609 rice varieties were certified in Fujian province in the past 24 years. They were classified into 593 indica rice, 14 indica-japonica hybrids, 2 japonica rice by the subspecies, and 580 hybrid rice,29 conventional rice by breeding method. The varieties bred and planted in Fujian were mainly indica rice. In Fujian province, three-line hybrid rice breeding is the strong point. The yields of these rice varieties mainly ranged from 450 to 650 kg/667 m2, and appeared a general upward trend with the increase of years. The inter-annual trends of four yield components were as follows: in 2000-2013, the number of fertile panicles per unit area presented a downward trend, while spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weight showed a general upward trend; but in 2014-2023, the number of fertile panicles per unit area, spikelets per panicle, 1000-grain weight remained stable in general; the seed setting rate fluctuated between years. Grain yield showed significantly positively correlated with panicle length, spikelets per panicle, seed setting rate, and 1000-grain weight, but had significantly negatively correlated with the number of fertile panicles per unit area. Among these 609 rice varieties, 228 varieties showed moderate to high resistant to blast, and 310 varieties were high quality rice. The six traits of rice quality displayed a fluctuating state with years. The certified rice varieties in 2019-2023 showed an upward trends of whole milled rice rate, alkali digestibility value, and gel consistency, and a downward trend of chalkiness, transparence, and a stable trend of amylose content, and a gradually increase of the rate of achieving high-quality rice standards.

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