HOU Heting HOU Lijuan ZHANG Keqiang WANG Liangqun HOU Xudong YI Zhiben YUAN Aiping
2001(2):6-11. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.002
LIN Guoqiang XU Shuchuan HUANG Jiancheng CHEN Zhixiong
2001(2):12-15. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.003
Abstract:The results of analysis on genetic parameters(genetic varitation coefficents,hereditary capacities and genetic advances) of F_2 in three different soybean cross combinations showed that these genetic parameters varied significantly among the three types.The parameters in the parent forms with wild relatives have broader diversity for selection.
WANG Xiaoming ZHU Zhendong WANG Huabo WU Xiaofei TIAN Yulan
2001(2):22-26. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.005
Abstract:1027 soybean germplasm were screened and evaluated for resistance to root rot,caused by Phytopththora sojae.The results showed that the resistance of Chinese soybean germplasm was better than that of introduced ones;The germplasm from south of China was higher resistant to root rot than north ones; The germplasm from Yangtze River Basin was highest resistant,the germplasm from Yellow River,Huaihe River and Haihe River Basins was higher and the Northeast ones were low.The resistance of breeding lines was better than cultivars and landraces and there were different in resistance in the germplasm from different provinces,of which Heilongjiang germplasm was lowest resistant to Phytophthora root rot.It was one of the important causes of occurrence of Phytophthora root rot in the Province.There were more resistant germplasm in colorless,yellow and brown color types of seed navel.
2001(2):27-30. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.006
Abstract:Triticum aestivum spp yunnanense King originated from lower reaches of Lancang and Nu rivers in Yunnan Province.It has special traits such as hard chaff,which is difficult to shell,and fragile spike axes.This paper presents the study on drought resistance of seedlings and grown plants in Triticum aestivum spp yunnanense King.The results showed that there were significant variances in drought resistance of seedlings in different varieties.Of which,cultivar Youzhadi Guangtou was the strongest,following by Lancang Tieke,Yongde Tieke and Yunmai 42.Youzhadi Guangtou is a local cultivar of common wheat in Yunnan Province.Drought resistance of grown plant was stronger than that of seedling and no significant variance in different varieties.Of the all varieties tested, Yunxian Tieke was the best in drought resistance in grown plant and Youzhadi Guangtou was in second.Others were similar to Yunmai 42.
XIE Lingqin GU Juntao RONG Guangzhe WANG Xiumin
2001(2):31-35. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.007
Abstract:本研究采用Griffing方法Ⅰ,利用6 × 6完全双列杂交,对6个不同类型的冬小麦品种粒重叶比的遗传进行了初步分析.结果表明粒重叶比的一般配合力(GCA)效应,特殊配合力(SCA)效应和反交(R)效应,均达到极显著水平,其均方比为1.94650.67001;粒重叶比的遗传以加性基因效应占优势,但反交效应和非加性基因效应也不可忽视;粒重叶比的广义遗传力(hB2)为97.79%,狭义遗传力(hN2)为58.53%.河农2552是较为理想的育种亲本.
GUO Baosheng YANG Kai SONG Jingzhi HUANG Henglu WENG Yuejin
2001(2):36-39. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.008
Abstract:One hundred and sixty one Tibetan wheat accessions were identified for salt tolerance under three different salt concentrations.Salt-tolerant variety Chadianhong and sah-sensitive variety PI94341 were used as CK varieties.Fourteen accessions with better salt tolerance were selected.Three salt insensitive accessions were found.The results showed that Tibetan wheat is rich in salt tolerant genotypes.These sah-tolerant germplasm of Tibetan wheat will become important material basis for salt-tolerant wheat breeding.
HU Lin XU Weigang ZHAO Xianlin HUANG Hui XU Xiangyang WANG Gensong SONG Hongchao LI Hezhi
2001(2):40-44. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.009
Abstract:High quality,early maturity and scab resistance are the three prior objectives in wheat breeding in most wheat growing area in South Yellow River Region.A new wheat variety,Zhengzhou 9023,with high quality,early maturity and scab resistance was successfully developed.Discussions on breeding methodology,characterization and use strategy were presented in this paper.
LI Haiying~ LENG Yanhua~ NI Hongtao~ YANG Qingkai~
2001(2):45-49. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.010
Abstract:This paper presents the results of study on agronomic characters and resistance to Cercospora sojina Hara of soybean cultivars in Helongjiang Province.It was found that the ratio of the cultivars with branchy form,round leaf,purple flower and brown leaf pubescence was high in the cuhivars with resistance to Cercospora sojina Hara. This finding is useful in selecting and breeding varieties with resistance to Cercospora sojina Hara.
WANG Tongqiang HUANG Zesu WEI Zhongfen TIAN Zhuping DAI Wendong
2001(2):50-55. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.011
RUAN Renchao CHEN Huicha ZHANG Zaixing YANG Yushun JIN Taoye YOU Junmei ZHU Yuqin
2001(2):56-60. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.012
Abstract:Rice germplasm resources in Guizhou are rich in genetic diversity with relatively large variation of biological characters and various types from evolution and artificial selection.Being evaluated and sorted systematically and comprehensively with the multi-disciplinary sciences,5168 traditional varieties,collected from 79 counties of Guizhou,accounting for about 10% of the total in China,were regenerated and sent to the National Bank of Crops Germplasm Resources at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)for long-term storage.There were some elite types including semi-dwarf, big panicle,big grain,high quality,cold and drought tolerance,resistance to diseases and pests.Other special elite types characterized by restoring to CMS,wide compatibility,and poly-embryonic seedlings were also screened out.Database for base and core collection was established to facilitate the uhilization of rice germplasm resources.
2001(2):61-65. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2001.02.013
Abstract:There are about 3000 accessions of mulberry germplasm resources in China.Of which,over 60 accessions can be used as fruit mulberry.Comprehensive studies on nutrition components,red pigment and cultivation technology of fruit mulberry have been conducted.And mulberry juice,can fruit,jam and wine were developed.Moreover, fruit mulberry was used as important medicinal material and the raw material for heahh food.Needs for strengthening research on pharmacology of mulberry fruit and promoting the industrialization of mulberry fruit products were discussed.