LIU Xu , Richard R.-C.WANG , JIA Jizeng , Dong Yuchen
2002(1):1-6. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.001
Abstract:After amplification of 15 accessions of Ae.longissima by 70 selected primers,766 bands were obtained,85% of which (651) showed polymorphism.However, about 38% (253) of the bands with polymorphism were presented in 3 samples.The above result revealed that Ae.longissima was composed of two populations with less variation within each population and greater variation between the two populations.The results of RAPD showed that the genetic distance between two populations was three times of that within population.With consideration on the variation of morphology and seed setting rate in crossing with wheat,we suggested that Ae.longissima be divided into two sub-species.
GUO Jun , XU Yong , Shou Senyan , ZHANG Haiying , KANG Guobin
2002(1):7-13. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.002
Abstract:RAPD analysis was applied to assess the genetic relationships among 32 accessions of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.].Fifteen primers(2.08%) were screened from 720 arbitrary 10-mer primers,and a total of 104 bands were amplified, 43 of which (41.35%) were polymorphic.The average number of DNA bands amplified by each primer was 7.0.A dendrogram was constructed by using complete linkage method.The 32 accessions were assigned to six groups which were one East-Asia group, one American group,two medial groups and two African wild groups.Each ecological type group had its specific bands which were available to discriminate other groups.The results obtained by RAPD analysis were fundamentally identical with their origins and characteristics,and the genetic diversity in watermelon was narrow.
Wang Shumin , HU Yingkao , HU Jiapeng
2002(1):14-19. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.003
DU Yong , PAN Qimin , Xu Dayong , XU Minquan
2002(1):20-22. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.004
Abstract:携有白化苗性状的水稻品种金龙与不含有白化苗性状的其它九个水稻品种杂交,F_1苗期表现全绿,F_2苗期绿叶苗与白叶苗的分离比经 X~2测验完全符合3:1的遗传模式,从 F_2中选出的白苗 F_3仍表现为白化苗,从 F_2中选出的绿苗 F_3里面有的株系表现为全绿(即绿苗纯合体),有的株系表现为分离,仍符合3:1的分离比。水稻白化苗性状由隐性单基因控制,不受细胞质的影响。结合两系杂交制种及杂交稻生产,利用杂交手段,已经成功地转育出含有纯合白化苗基因的不育系。
DENG Dexiang , GAI Junyi , BIAN Yunlong , YIN Zhitong , WANG Yuncui , Wang Weijuan
2002(1):23-27. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.005
Abstract:The resistance of 145 maize inbred lines to Aspergillus flavus were identified.The results showed that:(1) There were significant difference in resistance among inbred lines.Eight inbred lines were highly resistant,and 72 inbred lines were moderately resistant;(2) Most inbred lines with high resistance to Aspergilluv flavus came from Southern China;(3) Treatment with radiation can increase resistant level;(4) Popcorn were resistant to the disease;(5) There were difference in resistance by inoculation with different strains of Aspergillus flavus.
GE Zaiwei , Zhang Qingying , YANG Liying
2002(1):28-30. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.006
Abstract:Thirty-three groundnut germplasm from CIRAD were evaluated by measuring major agronomic characters,quality characters and resistance in Yunnan Province.Seventeen groundnut accessions with high pod weight/per plant (>60 g),5 accessions with high protein (>30%),15 accessions with high oil content(>50%)were screened.
ZHANG Xiaoming , SHI Chuenghai , BAO Genliang , YE Shenghai
2002(1):31-35. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.007
Abstract:Standard amylose procedure and modified amylose procedure were compared in the paper.There are following advantages in modified arnylose procedure.not only milled or brown rice powder but also milled or brown rice grains can be analyzed and the testing standard differences are much smaller.The order of amylose content (AC)of different type samples in a variety was:milled rice grain>milled rice powder and brown rice grain>brown rice powder.KOH should be used while analyzing milled rice grain or powder,and NaOH should be used while analyzing brown rice grain or powder should chose.100 mg sampling weight is better,but less than 100 mg can also be used when comparing varietal amylose content.
XIE Chaojie , SUN Qixin , YANG Tsomin
2002(1):36-40. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.008
Abstract:One hundred seventy varieties or lines of wheat relatives,including 81 accessions of spelt and 27 accessions of Triticum compacturn from USA and Europe,4 accessions of semi-wild wheat collected from Tibet,China,and 58 accessions of synthetic hexaploid wheat from CIMMYT,were tested for their resistance to wheat powdery mildew at seedling stage.The results indicated that three spelt accessions,including Hubel and Leug collected from Switzerland and one Germany primary spelt line 69Z6.245 (PI348085) were found resistant to powdery mildew.Nineteen accessions among the 58 synthetic hexaploid wheat and two accessions of T.compactum were highly resistant to powdery mildew.The resistant germplasm will be uesful for powdery mildew resistance breeding of wheat.
He Jihong , Yang Tianyu , WU Guozhong
2002(1):41-44. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.009
Abstract:The results of nutritive quality analysis for 199 local varieties of foxtail millet in Gansu Province showed that mean of nutritive quality was high and variation was great among varieties.Variation existed not only in the different area but also in the different grain colour for foxtail millet's nutritive quality:the contents of foxtail millet nutritive quality were higher in local varieties of eastern area of Gansu and of gray grain.
PU Xiaobin , JIANG Liangcai , Zhang Qixing , Zhang Jingfang
2002(1):49-54. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.011
Abstract:This paper reviews the damage of rapeseed pod shattering,the impor- tance of study on rapeseed pod shattering resistance and the advance of study on rapeseed pod shattering resistance.It also introduces the main rapeseed cytoplasm resources of pod shattering resistance in China.In this paper,the authors also suggest that it is necessary to understand the mechanism and genetics of rapeseed pod shattering resistance and to con- duct the genetic engineering of rapeseed pod shattering resistance in China.
ZHENG Diansheng , SHENG Jinshan
2002(1):55-60. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.012
2002(1):61-64. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.013
Abstract:Chromosome translocation as an efficient way to transferring desirable genes to common wheat is successful in creating new wheat germplasm.In this paper the development of the technology on the utility of wheat relatives to common wheat and the influence of this technology on chromosome translocation to transfer desirable genes are summarized.Common wheat as an polypoids is considered more efficient to succeed on chromosome translocation.The studies on wheat evaluation and the relationship among wheat genomes promote the application of chromosome translocation in transferring desir- able genes to common wheat.As the advantage of the chromosome transolcation was ap- peared gradually in wheat breeding programmes,it presents a new way to creating wheat germplasm.
DING Xiaoyi , JIANG Hongming , ZHAO Qian , Liu Zhaoye
2002(1):65. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.01.014
Abstract:1999~2001年连续2年,对 CIMMYT 提供的165份小麦品种进行成株期田间人工诱发抗白粉病鉴定。鉴定病圃设在本院试验农场,面积为200m~2。人工诱发鉴定圃的接种菌源,以上年度采集并保存的当地白粉病菌菌株,先在温室的感病品种8017-2上繁殖,2月下旬将带有大量分生孢子堆的病株移植到病圃的二个诱发行中间,每距33cm 种植2株病株。由于病株上有大量分生孢子,使诱发行麦株迅速受侵染且严重发病,形成充分接种菌源,保证对供鉴品种的重复侵染,以诱发供试小麦材料成株期感染发病。