2002(3):1-5. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.001
Srinives P , ZHOU Jihong , WU Shaoyu , CHENG Xuzhen , Wang Suhua , Srinives P
2002(3):6-9. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.002
Abstract:Twelve AVRDC mungbean varieties were evaluated for powdery mildew (PM) resistance at seedling stage.Three varieties VC1560C,V4785 and VC2768A showed significantly higher resistance to PM.Two varieties,VC6713-13-14 and Vl132, were moderately resistant.Others were susceptible and highly susceptible to PM. Sixteen lines backcrossed for nine times at AVRDC (BCg),which were resistant to bruchid,were evaluated for powdery mildew resistance at adult stage.Two of them showed less susceptible than the check VC1973A and VCl178A.The others were highly susceptible to PM.
Li Sheng-rong , Pang Qi-hua , TAO Jun , Ou Jun-mei , ZHOU Qiang , Du Xiao-ying
2002(3):10-14. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.003
Abstract:绵阳01821是绵阳市农业科学研究所采用复合杂交育成的优良种质,以它作为主要亲本之一,已育成4个小麦新品种,其中绵阳24号通过国家和省级审定,绵阳92-330和西南335通过省级审定,绵阳30号结束国家区域试验和生产试验,推荐国家审定,还有7个优良新品系正在参加各级区域试验和多点品比试验。育成品种已在生产上推广180.728万 hm~2。该材料具有矮秆、抗倒抗病力强、大粒、籽粒白皮、品质优良、商品性好等突出特点,是西南麦区小麦高产优质育种中有重要利用价值的种质。
2002(3):15-20. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.004
GAO Sanji , LUO Jun , CHEN Rukai
2002(3):21-25. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.005
QIN Haiying , YU Zhaocheng , GAO Hongze , CHENG Xianyun
2002(3):26-29. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.006
Abstract:Twenty cultivars of wheat introduced from all parts of the country were analysed and classiflied by the principle and method of star site cluster analysis.Analysis results agreed with the manifestation in field in general.This method can help selection of parents for breeding purposes and for classification of wheat genetic resources.
GUO Xiouping , QIN Ruizhen , CHEN Xu
2002(3):30-33. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.007
Abstract:Effects of colchicine treatment date,concentration,treatment time and cultivar tolerance to colchicine on production of autotetraploid rice was investigated.The results indicated that the percentage of plant chromosome doubling was different,when the date of colchicine treating buds was different.The buds were treated with colchicine before April 15,the percentage of plant chromosome doubling was the highest.The per- centage of plant chromosome doubling were affected by colchieine concentration and treat- ment time.The optimum combination was that the buds were treated for 48 h with 0.1 ~//00 colchicine,or for 24 h with 0.2% colchicine.Tolerance to colchicine was different be tween cultivars.Zhongzuo 9025 has the strongest tolerance to colchicine,the recovery per- centage of buds is 92.4%,and the percentage of plant chromosome doubling is 38.7%. Yanzhou 14 is most susceptible to colchicine,and recovery percentage of buds is only 10.6%.
2002(3):34-36. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.008
Abstract:Soybean is major source of botanic oil and protein.There are three kinds of different structural lipoxidase isozymes which are cause of gamey smell.The gamey smell restricts use and process of the soybean.In either squeezing the oil or processing protein, taking off the gamey smell is the main working procedure and technique.Usually adoptive high temperature and the strong sour/alkali methods denaturalize protein,reduce solubili- ty Of soybean protein,and destroy many nourishment composition and vitamin.However, the gamey smell can not be removed away completely.From 1994 we studied transfer breeding and germplasm enhancement of the soybean lipoxidase genes.We obtained some no gamey smell materials by mutant at the loci with good general agreculture traits.These materials have already been approved by the crop examine committee of Heilongjiang province officially in March 2002,and used in the production and process.
2002(3):37-40. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.009
2002(3):41-46. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.010
Abstract:This paper report the kinds,number and distribution of genetic resources of bast fiber crops in China,which was based on the researches carried out fron 7~(th)to 9~(th)Five Year Plan of China.Statues on protection,utilization of these resources were discussed. Strategies for sustainable utilization of these resources were also discussed.
2002(3):47-52. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.011
Abstract:Cytoplasm of CMS line influence the expression of F_1 of hybrid rice.The effect of a certain CMS cytoplasm on different characters of F_1 is dissimilar and different CMS cytoplasms have vary effects on a same character.Most of CMS cytoplasms present negative effects.A practical method to reduce or eliminate the negative effects of CMS cytoplasm is selecting elite CMS cytoplasm or strong restorer by broadening CMS cytoplasm base.It is necessary to breed homokaryon-alloplasm sterile line with multiple cytoplasms for hybrid rice production.
2002(3):53-57. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.012
Abstract:In situ conservation is the important methodology for protection of the genetic diversity in wild relatives of forests and crops.In China,wild rice resources were abundant and distributing widely.However,these important genetic resources have been erosion seriously because destroy of the environment for its living in these years. Therefore,In situ conservation of wild rice is very urgent.This essay discusses the meaning,choice of the sites,and the basic requirement on the place for in situ conservation of this wild important genetic resource.
MI Yanhua , Ye Changrong , Dai Luyuan
2002(3):58-61. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.013
Abstract:Yunnan is one province with richest crop genetic resources in China.More than 20,000 accessions of crop genetic germplasms have been collected,including rice, wheat,maize,sugarcane,tea,oil plants and flowers.Serious researches have been carried out for sustainable use of these resources.Further potentional for use in breeding and international exchange of these collections were discussed in this paper.
2002(3):62-65. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.03.014
Abstract:Crop germplasm resources can be divided into three categories, transferability resources,non-transferability resources and obstacle transferability resources,according to transferability of genes in crop crossing.These three kinds of resources exist in all crop.With the development of life science,non-transferability resources will be reduced,and the obstacle transferability resources increased.