ZHAI Wenqiang , Tian Qingzhen , JIA Jizeng , Dong Yuchen
2002(4):1-7. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.001
Abstract:AFLP markers were applied to 30 melon accessions to study polymorphism and cluster analysis.Twenty-five primer combinations were used to generate 262 polymorphic bands.The cluster analysis showed that the accessions within the same mutation or the same origin were assembled in the same group.The result of cluster analysis was basically consistent with the classification according to the ecotype and geographycal origin,which indicates that AFLP markers are useful for genetic analysis of melon accessions.
Nie Yichun , Zhou Xiaorong , ZHANG Xianlong
2002(4):8-12. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.002
Abstract:The yield,resistance to Helicoverpa amigera and Pectinophora gossypiella, fiber quality of 36 varieties or strains of transgenic pest-resistant cotton were evaluated. Results showed that increasing seed cotton and lint yield for 12 of these materials were significantly compared with the check variety E-Kong 9 and their resistance to pest were high without insecticide treatment,but their fiber quality component traits were generally poorer.
XIE Zhaohui , Wu Xianjun , WANG Bin , MU Chunhong , WANG Xudong , ZHOU Kaida
2002(4):13-19. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.003
Abstract:水稻早世代稳定现象是近年来发现的一种特殊现象,其中多个早世代稳定群体是在利用来自水稻双胚苗中的多倍体与不同二倍体材料杂交得到的。本实验利用一自然突变的多倍体,与二倍体水稻太平369杂交,F_1代大部分为非整倍体,其中5株为二倍体,收取这5株二倍体上的种子,种下得到 F_2群体且定名为718群体。该群体田间观察整齐一致,经过对田间调查数据和微卫星结果的分析,表明该群体为一早世代稳定群体。
Srinives P , ZHOU Jihong , WU Shaoyu , CHENG Xuzhen , Wang Suhua , Srinives P
2002(4):20-22. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.004
Abstract:This experiment was carried out to evaluate AVRDC mungbean lines (BC12 generation) to bruchids resistance.Two BC12 mungbean lines' resistance to bruchids were checked,and their recurrent parents (KPS1,CN60) were compared.The result indicated that two BC12 lines and their recurrent parents had no significant difference in number of eggs laid (NEL) and rate of eggs laid (REL).However,the differences of the number of adults emergence (NAE),the rate of adults emergence (RAE),the number of seeds damaged (NSD) and the rate of seeds damaged (RSD) were highly significant.Correlation coefficient revealed that there were significant positive correlation between NEL and NAE,NAE and NSD.The comparison of BC12 lines and their recurrent parents showed NSD was especially significant,indicating BC12 (KPS1) and BC12 (CN60) really being resistant to bruchids.
2002(4):23-27. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.005
Abstract:经测定,本试验各参试甜高梁品种茎秆糖锤度性状的配合力效应及其相对效应值存在显著差别。在亲本不育系中以 Tx625A 为最高(4.44、45.16%);在亲本恢复系中以4035为最高(2.01、20.44%)。由于双亲的交互作用,各组合之特殊配合力相对效应值,以 Tx622A×4034最高,为28.99%,其次是 Tx625A×4008,为19.83%。说明在应用三系选育甜高粱杂交种时,为了获得高锤度的组合,特殊配合力相对效应值高是重要的指标,关键在于亲本的选择及其组配方式。
Wang Qiuling , LIU Yan , GU Chuanyan , GUO Lingyun , LIU Fengzhou , ZHANG Guihua
2002(4):28-31. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.006
Abstract:Date of new soybean varieties in Shandong Province from 1996 to 1997 was studied,using objective weight to gain weighted situation,according to the grey situation to decide policy in the grey systematic theory.Synthetic analysis was conducted on the index of 14 main characteries to decide the quality of tested variety.The results was in accordance with practice.It is an objective method to evaluate soybean varieties.
Zhang Guanghua , LI Hua , Li Chunxiang , Xu Yufang
2002(4):32-35. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.007
Abstract:Allium ascalonicum L,在我国的邦名比较混乱,而且它与洋葱、葱的亲缘关系不清。作者认为,它在我国的邦名应规范为胡葱,同时,从性状比较的角度研究胡葱与洋葱、葱之间的亲缘关系。结果表明,胡葱的植物学特征和生物学特性介于洋葱和葱之间。
ZHAO Mizhen , YU Guihong , QIAN Yaming , MENG Xianfeng
2002(4):36-38. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.008
Abstract:Evaluation on resistance to botrytis fruit rot (Botrytis cinerrea Person) of 160 strawberry varieties was conducted.The results showed that no variety was immune, 7 varieties were highly resistante to botrytis fruit rot,accounting for 4.38% of the total varieties evaluated.It was obvious that the resistance varied with different varieties.The plants of the resistant varieties was strong and more erect.
PANG Wen , Yang Shiying , Zong Xuxiao , CAI Qingsheng , WEI Guangtian
2002(4):39-43. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.009
Abstract:A set of 242 faba bean accessions from Yunnan,Hebei,Jiangsu,Gansu, Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces of China and from ICARDA,were tested in three years progressively for the agronomic traits,as well as for diseases resistance in the field for two years,in Nanning of Guangxi Province of China.Most accessions from Gansu,Hebei,Jiang- su and ICARDA have very low podding rates,while accessions fron Guangdong and Yun- nan were much better,and Guangxi indigenous accessions performed the best in Nanning. It revealed the narrow adaptability of faba bean with isolated ecological groups.Eight excellent accessions best suited to Guangxi were screened out for future use.
2002(4):44-46. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.010
Abstract:1670 landraces from Tai Lake Region,which were taken out of approxi- mately ten thonsand of rice germplasm preserved at the institute,were evaluated for al- lelopathy.The results indicated that 35 entries had slightly inhibitory effects on seedling growth of Brassica campestris L.,68 accessions had inhibitory effects,49 rice varieties had fatal effects.Allelopathic potential did exist in rice germplasm,though the inhibitory ef- fects on aquatic weeds are needed to make further research.
ZHANG Zhonglin , Tan Xuelin , DENG Anfeng
2002(4):47-50. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.011
Abstract:Thirty-four accessions of weedy rice,introduced from Korea,were grown at different ecological environmental conditions in Yunnan,China.Blast resistance,agro- nomical and grain quality traits were evaluated.Six excellent accessions with good agro- nomical characteristics and grain quality were identified.Those accessions can be used as resistant donor or resources for excellent grain quality in rice breeding.
LIU Ying , PAN Qihui , SUN Xuebing , Peng Xueyuan , LAI Zhanjun
2002(4):51-56. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.012
Abstract:The nursery of wild ramie germplasm which were collected from the Yangtze valley and 14 southern provinces or autonomous regions was set up.With con- trolled growing environment,the characteristics,stress resistance,apomixes of the wild germplasm in Boehmeria were observed and studied.Further utilization was discussed.
2002(4):57-60. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.013
Abstract:Noodle is one of the most important staple food in northern China.Noodles in Asia can be classified into two main groups,white-salted noodle and yellow-alkaline noodles.In this review,the research status on wheat quality in relation to noodle products are reriewed.
MIAO Baohe , ZHU Changjin , DENG Yangyong , WANG Fengjuan , GUO Lingyun , ZHU Daomin
2002(4):61-63. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2002.04.014
Abstract:Germplasm introduced from other countries,e.g.Williams,Clark63 and SRF,were widely used in the soybean breeding programs in Heze,Shandong Province.By using these germplasm,eight varieties including He7308,He84-1 and He84-5 were devel- oped,with the total growing area of more than 1.05 million ha.The genetic contribution rate of the introduced germplasm was estimated to be 13/32.