• Issue 4,2008 Table of Contents
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    • Genetic Diversity of Bupleurum chinense DC.Populations from Different Altitudes in Dongling Mountain District in Beijing


      Abstract (3005) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of Bupleurum chinense DC.populations from different altitudes in Dongling Mountain district in Beijing were conducted by ISSR technology.The values of genetic diversity indexes,Shannon diversity indexes,hereditary distance,genetic differentiation coefficient and gene flow were observed.Results showed that altitude affected the genetic diversity of Bupleurum chinense DC.in Dongling Mountain district.The population at altitude 1135m showed higher genetic variation,while lower genetic diversity was observed in populations of high altitude.Hereditary distances between different populations were certainly correlated with altitude distance,that the value of hereditary distances between near altitude populations was lower.B.chinense DC.has large genetic differentiation,while a majority of genetic variation was existed in inner population.Divergent habitats and gene flow caused by different altitudes played important roles in genetic diversity of B.chinense DC.population.

    • Fingerprinting Construction and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Yunnan Dayezhong Tea Germplasm Resources by ISSR Markers


      Abstract (2670) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (496) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:利用ISSR标记构建了40份大叶种茶树资源的指纹图谱,用3种独立的方法(特殊的标记、特异的谱带类型、不同引物提供的谱带类型组合)可以有效地鉴别大叶种茶树种质资源,证明ISSR标记是鉴定茶树资源的有效方法。15条ISSR引物共扩增出275条谱带,其中274条具有多态性,占99.6%。40份材料间平均遗传相似系数、Nei's基因多态性(gene diversity)和Shannon's信息指数分别为0.4180、0.3797、0.5586。材料间的遗传多样性较高,说明材料间的遗传距离较远,亲缘关系较远。遗传基础较宽。ISSR聚类分析表明,40份种质资源被聚为3个类群,其中Ⅲ类群又聚为3个亚群。亲缘关系树状图在分子水平上清楚地显示了云南大叶种茶树资源间的亲缘关系,为今后茶树育种和杂交亲本的选择提供了依据。

    • Analysis of Differential Proteins in Perfect and Imperfect Flowers of Japanese Apricot(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc.)


      Abstract (2424) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (482) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to analyze differential proteins between the perfect and imperfect flowers in Japanese apricot(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc).About 400 proteins were detected after analysis with software(PDQuest).One specific protein,one up-regulated proteins and twenty-one down-regulated proteins were found in the perfect flowers,two specific protein were found in the imperfect flowers,which might be related to the development of pistil.Three specific protein and five differential proteins were identified by mass spectrometry.And identified proteins were presented through the protein database,No.A7(28.2kD,pI 4.53)was related to the phytochrome B.

    • Identification and Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Fiber Quality of Natural Colored Cottons


      Abstract (2318) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on agronomic traits and fiber quality,identification and variance analysis of sixty-one colored cotton lines were conducted.The results showed that there were extremely significant differece in lint percentage,2.5% span length and micronaire value,and significant differece in uniformity,elongation,fiber strength and boll number per plant,but the boll weight,plant height and number of branch per plant had no significant difference among differrent colored cotton lines.Except Zong 125 and Zongxu 1,dveloped by Cotton Research Institute of China,the fiber quality of most lines were poor and can not meet the needs of textile using.However,31 colored cotton lines including Zong 2-63(IAA),Zong 3-944 etc.had good quality for certain fiber traits.The tested cotton lines were divided into seven field-based groups(FGs) by clustering analysis with the unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages(UPGMA).There was great diversity of phenotypic characteristics among colored lines,especially some basic genetic colored cotton lines were clustered into single group,and had more far genetic distances with other lines.In a summary,the colored cotton lines had poor agronomic traits and fiber quality with abundant genetic diversity.

    • Studies on Geographical Distribution of Rice Germplasm Diversity in Yunnan Province


      Abstract (2514) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (477) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Analysis and Evaluation of Agronomic Traits and Nutritious Elements of Red Rice Germplasm Resources in Jiangxi Province


      Abstract (2449) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The major agronomic traits of 94 accessions of red rice landraces and nutritious elements of 33 accessions in Jiangxi were analyzed and evaluated.The results showed a high seed setting rate for all entries with other characteristics of lodging,weak resistance to rice blast,medium 1000-grain weight and type of maintainer line.Nutritious elements were generally at a high level and 26 varieties had higher content of lipid(more than 3.0%) with that of Liushuihong up to 4.62%.Some varieties with high content of Ca,Se,vitamin B1and B2 were selected including Hongmimake(81.6mg/kg Ca) and Hongjingmi(0.09mg/kg Se).Six varieties with vitamin B1 more than 2.0mg/kg were screened with the highest of 17.0mg/kg for Zaohong.Ten varieties contained vitamin B2 more than 0.1mg/kg with 0.6mg/kg in Youhongzi.Studies on the red rice provide valuable information to the utilization of germplasm resources and will contribute to rice breeding programs.

    • Evaluation of Cold Tolerance at Booting Stage and Cluster Analysis for Japonica Rice Landraces in China


      Abstract (2377) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cold tolerance at the booting stage of 329 japonica rice landraces from 18 provinces in China were evaluated under natural low temperature and cold water irrigation,and the cluster of different landraces was analyzed.The result showed that performance of cold tolerance at the booting stage and main agronomic traits associated with cold tolerance among the landraces had significant differences under natural low temperature and cold water irrigation.Seed setting rate and cold water response index(CRI) of the landraces from Tianjin,Sichuan and Taiwan,which had stronger cold tolerance,and not sensitive to cold water at the booting stage,were higher than those of other provinces under natural low temperature and cold water irrigation.Yunnan japonica rice landraces showed stronger cold tolerance(seed setting rate) at booting stage under natural low temperature,and CRI of sowing to heading days and plant height were also higher,and not sensitive to cold water under cold water stress.From the overall trend,beside specific provinces,the cold tolerance(seed setting rate) at booting stage of landraces from relatively higher latitude of north provinces were stronger than those from relatively low latitude of southern provinces.In addition,the cluster results of the landraces were closely associated with geographical location and cold tolerance under natural low temperature and cold water irrigation.Moreover,the cluster results were more closely correlated with geographical location under cold water stress than that of natural low temperature.

    • Principal Components and Cluster Analysis of Agronomic Traits of Proso Millet(Panicum miliaceum)


      Abstract (2484) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (487) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The agronomic traits of 8016 accessions of Panicum miliaceum were investigated.Using 11 traits including plant height,1000-grain weight,growth period,etc.,principal components and cluster analysis were performed.The cumulative proportion of the first eight of principal components achieved 86.44%.All these accessions were divided into 5 groups.Each group has specifically morphological traits.The group 4,including 1301 accessions,had more number of main stems,more yield per plant and more 1000-grain weight indicating that germplasms in group 4 have better morphological traits.

    • Identification and Evaluation of Resistance to Dustbrand in Chinese Proso Millet Germplasm Resources


      Abstract (2225) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (479) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Adopting the method of artificial saturated-inoculation treatment of seeds,6526 landraces of proso millet germplasm resources collected from 14 provinces of China were tested for resistance to dustbrand.Among the samples tested,11 and 574 landraces were highly resistant(HR) and resistant(R) to dustbrand,which make up 0.17% and 8.80% of the total samples in the assesment,respectively.The results of the present study facilitate further research and breeding of dustbrand resistance cultivars in proso millet.

    • Study on Flavone in Buckwheat Determined by Spectrophotometric Method


      Abstract (2204) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Flavone in buckwheat is a dietary source.In the world,the largest collection of buckwheat has been conserved in China.For developing and applying functional ingredient in buckwheat,the spectrophotometric method with AlCl3 was investigated to determine the flavone content in buckwheat germplasm,and flavone content of 169 accessions of buckwheat germplasm was evaluated.It indicated that this method possessed characteristics of well-stability,high-accuracy,low-deviation and easy-operating,so it was proved to be suitable for identification and evaluation of buckwheat germplasm.Also,it showed that the average,range and standard deviation of flavone content in tartary buckwheat germplasm was 2.53%,1.94 %-3.11%,0.2436,respectively;and that those of flavone content in common buckwheat germplasm was 0.13%,0.08%-0.21%,0.0273,respectively.The average content of tartary buckwheat germplasm appeared to be 20 times as high as that of common buckwheat germplasm.

    • Comparison and Evaluation of Biochemical Criteria for Phosphorus Efficiency in Wheat


      Abstract (2393) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (462) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The characteristics of phosphorus efficiency and some biochemical evaluation criteria were studied using thirty wheat cultivars from Hebei plain as the materials.The results indicated that there were obvious differences in plant dry weight in the tested cultivars under deficient phosphorus(-P) condition.The cultivars could be classified into four types of phosphorus efficiency,including high,relative high,middle and low efficiency.Under-P condition,the plant dry weight and plant accumulative phosphorus amount showed an increase tendency,with the increase of phosphorus efficiency of the cultivars.Meanwhile,the superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity and catalase(CAT) activity were gradually increased,and malonaldehyde(MDA) content was gradually decreased.The correlation analysis and regression analysis indicated that there were most positive,positive and most negative correlations between plant dry weight and SOD activity,CAT activity and MDA content,respectively,so were between plant accumulative phosphorus and SOD activity,CAT activity and MDA content,respectively.Thus,SOD activity and MDA content could be acted as the important criteria for evaluation of phosphorus efficiency under deficient phosphorus condition in wheat.

    • Investigation of Agricultural Biological Resources in Pingbian County,Yunnan Province


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      Abstract:The investigation,collection and arrangement of agricultural biological resources related to work and life of the Yi national minority were carried out in 9 villages distributed in 3 townships in Pinbian county,Yunnan Province in November 2007.The survey collected accessions of 249 agricultural biological resources.In this paper,the current situation of local agricultural biological resources,the reasons for the growth and decline,the types and the value use of collected resources were analyzed.The protection and development of the agricultural biological resources in Pingbian county were discussed.

    • Identification of Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Monosomic Alien Addition Lines CO-5-1 and CO-8-2


      Abstract (2499) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a set of Chinese cabbage-cabbage monosomic alien addition lines,the backcross BC1 between allotriploid hybrids(AAC) and Chinese cabbage(AA) were used to screen monosomic alien addition lines by cytological observation.The results showed that chromosome numbers of BC1 varied from 20-29,the majority of those aneuploids were the plants with chromosomes 2n=23-24,reaching 51.44% of observing plants.Two monosomic alien addition lines were identified primarily by karyotype analysis and were named CO-5-1(Chinese cabbage with 5# chromosome from cabbage) and CO-8-2(Chinese cabbage with 8# chromosome from cabbage).

    • Discovery and Genetic Identification of a New Dwarf Germplasm in Maize


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      Abstract:Dwarf germplasm are valuable in breeding programs.We found a dwarf mutant from the inbred line K36 during multiplication in 2002.A stable inbred Ai 2003 was obtained after successive selfing.It was 62.1cm in plant height with good agronomical performance in Beijing.The test for response to gibberellin(GA) in different stage and dosage showed that Ai 2003 was not sensitive to GA.In order to understand the genetic control of this dwarf material,several crosses between Ai 2003 and normal inbred lines were undertaken to produce F1,F2 or BC1 families.The results showed that this dwarf germplasm was controlled by a major single nuclear recessive gene,which was different from gene Dwarf8(dominant) reported previously.

    • Cycas gracilis Y.Y.Huang,Y.C.Zhong et Z.F.Lu,a New Species of Cycas from Guangxi


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      Abstract:Cycas gracilis,a new species of the genus Cycas L.(Cycadaceae)from Guangxi,China was reported and the characters was described and illustrated in this paper.

    • Study on Factors Influencing Penetrance of Multi-ovary in Wheat


      Abstract (2482) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (499) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to enhance the seed production efficiency of hybrid wheat,the multi-ovary varieties of homonucler-homoplasmic,heteronucler-homoplasmic and homonucler-heteroplasmic with different Aegilops cytoplasmic were used as the trial material.The penetrance of multi-ovary varieties was investigated in the mature,and the analysis of variance was made using professional data processing software DPS 7.05 for the results.It was showd that the first,second,third grain per floret of homonucler-homoplasmic and homonucler-heteroplasmic multi-ovary wheat have no significant differences in penetrance.However,the penetrance of homoplasmic-heteronucler multi-ovary wheat reached significant levels.The suitable nuclear gene type is very important to raise the penetrance of multi-ovary.

    • Biological Evaluation and Utilization of Excellent Jute Germplasm Introduced


      Abstract (1996) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Biological evaluation of 12 excellent jute germplasm introduced have been carried out for continuous 3 years.The results showed that most of the germplasm were late mature,green stem,with axillary bud,lanceolate or ovate leaves and morphological uniformity.The leaf wax content of O-4 was markedly higher than any domestic variety,petioles of O-5 clinged to the stem.All the varieties were photoperiod sensitive varieties in the short day treatment,but when planted in the field,no early-flowering phenomenone was found.These varieties growed normally in main planting area,the late mature varieties could be harvested seeds only planted in south China.

    • Study on the Growth and Development Characteristics of Dwarf Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Lu-ai No.1


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      Abstract:A field study was conducted from 2005 to 2007 with the objectives to determine the growth and development characteristics of dwarf cotton line Lu-ai No.1.The results showed that there was no significant differences in morphology at seedling stage among different cotton varieties.However,the difference became more and more obvious with growth and development progressing.Daily increasing growth amount of main stem of Lu-ai No.1 was significantly lower than that of normal varieties at every growth stages except for seedling stage.The daily increasing peak stage was the same among different varieties,but the daily growth amount of Lu-ai No.1 was lower than that of normal varieties,and the increasing amount of main stem was very small after midbloom stage.At the end of growth stage,the plant height of Lu-ai No.1 was only about half of that of normal varieties,the number of fruit branches,internodes,fruit sites per fruit branch and the length of fruit branch were obviously lower as well.There were no significant differences in internodes length under the 12th nodes of main stem,but the upper internodes length of main stem was significantly lower in Lu-ai No.1 than in normal varieties.Compared with the normal varieties,the growth duration of Lu-ai No.1 was shorter,bolling sites and time was more concentrative.

    • Design of Field Movable Photographed Background and Key Techniques of Photographing for Tobacco Germplasm Characteristics


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      Abstract:In the research of tobacco germplasm and construction of foundation platform,the characteristics pictures of plants,leaves and inflorescences are needed to establish and perfect the germplasm files.Through several years of photographing practice in field,a set of photographing experiment,including filed design of target plant,movable photographed background and key techniques for picture taking,was summarized and can improve the quality and efficiency of photographing.

    • Genetic Basis of Grain Yield Potential in Rice:A Critical Review on QTL Studies


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      Abstract:Grain yield is the most complex quantitative trait of intensive invetigation but remains poorly understood genetically.In this review paper,the published results on the genetic dissection of rice yield potential by QTL appoach were critically reviewed.During the past 15 years,large numbers of QTLs affeting grain yield and its components in rice have been identified mostly using random segregating populations.Most QTL studies have been focused on identification and cloning of single main-effect QTLs,even though there is strong evidence that epistasis plays an important role in determining variation of grain yield and its components.While there is no doubt that QTLs are real genes with specific functions,results from these QTL studies do not seem to provide sufficient knowledge linking the underlying genes and the complex phenotype,nor provide sufficient information for breeders to improve grain yield by marker assisted selection.Finally,the authors believe that the future studies should be directed to identification of QTL networks underlying complex traits and to integration of QTL discovery with trait improvement.

    • Effect of the Convention on Biological Diversity on International Exchange of Biogenetic Resources


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      Abstract:Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) was signed in 1992 and came into force in 1993.CBD argues against traditional view of "genetic resources is the heritage of all humankind"and sets up three principles as:(1) States have the sovereign rights over their own natural resources;(2) Accessing to genetic resources shall be subject to prior informed consent of the Contracting Party providing such resources;(3) Benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources shall be shared in a fair and equitable way among the Contracting Parties.The entry into force of CBD has great impact on actions of lawmaking on conservation of biodiversity and protection of benefits of biodiversity rich countries.However,more blocks in international exchange of genetic resources are created.The clauses of accessing and benefits sharing of biogenetic resources in CBD,and effects of CBD on international exchange policy were introduced in this article.The countermeasures and suggestion to strengthen international exchange biogenetic resources were also put forward.

    • Progress on Molecular Genetics of Foxtail Millet(Setaria italica)


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      Abstract:In recent years,the developing and perfecting biotechnology has opened new thoughts and methods for research in foxtail millet.This paper reviewed recent advances of molecular marker,gene mapping,functional genome and transgenic technology in foxtail millet,proposed the questions and made the preliminary discussion on development trend in foxtail millet research.

    • Documentation Concordance and Share of Forage Germplasm Resources


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      Abstract:The situation of conservation,documentation concordance and digital expression of the forage germplasm resources were introduced in this article.The shared utilization and the countermeasures of the problems in documentation concordance of forage germplasm resources were suggested.

    • Diversity Assessment of Crops and Their Wild Relatives in China


      Abstract (2673) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (443) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Species diversity and genetic diversity of crop plants including food crops,cash crops,fruit crops and vegetables etc.and their wild relatives in China were assessed.Concept and category of germplasm resources were defined scientifically and systematically.Theory of hierarchical structure of germplasm resources was also proposed.It was raveled that there exist 9631 species of food and agricultural plants in China with clear distribution,characteristics and/or uses.Profiles of crop germplasm resources in China were basically understood.Totally 528 kinds of crops in China were identified for the first time,including 1339 cultivated species and 1930 species of their wild relatives.Further,the criteria for intra-specific classification based on agronomic characters were optimized.Botanic and biological characteristics and genetic diversity of 987 varieties,978 bio-types and 1223 agronomically-specific types existing in landraces of the crops in China were investigated.It was suggested that China is the center of origin or one of the centers of origin of some special genes including the genes conferring nakedness,glutinousness,dwarfism and sterility etc.in cereals.Six volumes of a monograph titled "Crops and Their Wild Relatives in China" were published and a monograph titled "List of Species of Food and Agricultural Plants in China" was in press,leading to the establishment of the theoretical system of the discipline of crop germplasm resources.The thorough diversity assessment would provide the base to effectively use crop germplasm resources and ensure food security and sustainable agricultural development in China.

    • QTL Analysis of Yield and Its Components Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Free Air CO_2 Enrichment


      Abstract (1809) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:以粳稻Asominori与籼稻IR24所衍生的染色体片段置换系(CSSL)为材料,于2003年和2004年连续2年在FACE(free air CO2 enrichment,大气CO2浓度增加200μmol/mol)和正常大气CO2浓度(约370μmol/mol)下,分析了控制单株产量、有效分蘖数、每穗实粒数和千粒重的数量性状位点(QTL)。结果表明,2年共检测到36个控制产量性状的QTL,分布在除第5、10和11染色体的各条染色体上。其中,仅有位于第1染色体上靠近XNbp113标记的1个控制千粒重的QTL,在2年的FACE和对照下都被检测到,并且其加性效应均来自IR24,但其贡献率在各个年份和两CO2浓度下却表现不同。另外,36个QTL中,2个QTL(qTGW1-3QE和qFT3-3QE)被检测到具有显著的基因型×环境互作。

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Stress-related Gene W1 in Wheat


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      Abstract:A putative stress-induced gene,W1,was cloned from the cDNA library of drought-treated wheat seedlings by phage hybridization in situ.The full-length cDNA of W1 consists of 901bp and contains a 498bp open reading frame(ORF) encoding a 166 amino acid protein.Southern blot analysis indicated that W1 was a low-copy gene.RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of W1 was upregulated by drought and cold.Amino acid sequence analysis discovered that W1 had a conserved region of USP(pfam00582).Phylogenetic analysis showed that W1 was 83% identical to a rice stress-induced protein(NM_001061239).However,genes of the group involved in putative stress responses were not reported.W1 is the first isolated USP gene in wheat,which promote to clarify the stress-resistant mechanism and provide a candidate gene for improving wheat stress-tolerant cultivars.

    • Construction and Analysis of a SSH Library from the Wheat Leaf Rust Resistant Near-isogenic Line TcLr41


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      Abstract:With the group of the TcLr41 seedling cDNA as the tester and the corresponding group of the Thatcher seedling cDNA as the driver,the suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH) was performed.A subtractive library which contains 2544 clones was constructed.The PCR results of random recombinant plasmids showed that the length of inserts ranged mainly from 200bp to 1000bp,which indicated that the subtractive cDNA library was qualified for the following research.Through gene function analysis,some genes,such as,catalase gene,rust resistance gene,blue copper-binding protein gene,ring zinc finger protein gene,stress responsive protein gene,etc.,were supposed to be the differential expression genes related to Lr41.

    • 45S rDNA FISH and Karyotype Analysis of Gossypium mustelinum


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      Abstract:黄褐棉是棉属5个四倍体棉种之一,利用荧光原位杂交技术将45S rDNA定位在黄褐棉2、4、9号染色体,2号染色体上的45S rDNA特别大,信号位于随体并覆盖了染色体的短臂,比二倍体和四倍体棉种的45SrDNA都要大得多;另外的2对信号很小,形状与陆地棉中的弱信号类似。黄褐棉的核型公式为:2n=4x=52=50m(2SAT)+2sm,属于2B类型,第2对染色体为亚中着丝粒染色体,其余都为中部着丝粒染色体。黄褐棉的核型、随体数、45S rDNA与其他四倍体棉种区别很大,黄褐棉是一个非常特殊的四倍体棉种。

    • Verity Identification of Soybean Hybrids Using SSR Markers


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      Abstract:In order to test the verity of hybrids derived from the cross of salt tolerant and salt sensitive cultivars,three polymorphic SSR markers between soybean parents were selected to evaluate 148 hybrids.The purity ratio of soybean hybrids is 81.8%,and the results identified by different SSR markers were identical.This study indicated,if the parents were pure lines,that a single appropriate SSR marker can be used to test seed purity of the hybrids.The SSR loci with great fragment length different between the parents should be selected in order to identify the genotypes by agarose gel.In order to estimate the effectiveness of this method,fifty seeds of a hybrid line named H02-286 were used as materials for further research,and the result showed the feasibility of this method.

    • Genetic Variation of Maize Hybrid SC704 and Its Parents Grown in Xinjiang Revealed by SSR Markers


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      Abstract:SC704 is the major maize variety in Xinjiang over the years.To evaluate the genetic variation of the variety from different regions,total 46 accessions(including SC704 and parents ZPL773,ZPL717) come from several major maize production regions in Xinjiang was identified by SSR markers.The results showed that heterozygosis and variation at some loci were detected in part ZPL717 accessions.Higher genetic uniformity was showed in most ZPL773 and SC704 accessions respectively,but separate heterogeneous accessions were detected.Additionally,94% of SSR loci are same between ZPL773 and B73,and only 41% are same between ZPL717 and Mo17 in this study.Interbreeding and natural mutation accumulation may be major factors in genetic variation among the hybrid and parents.

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