• Volume 12,Issue 1,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Status of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultural in China

      2011, 12(1):1-12. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.001

      Abstract (3025) HTML (0) PDF 424.90 K (5004) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Over a decade, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA). According to 20 priority fields described in the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GPA), the Chinese government has formulated and perfected a series of regulations and laws and has strengthened the management for plant genetic resources. Through training and popularization of scientific knowledge related to genetic resources, the public awareness has been promoted. Through the international cooperation and establishment of collaborative networks, it has promoted the exchanges of information, prefessionals and materials. Through the implementation of various national programmes and projects, the conservation system for plant genetic resources has been established and improved gradually to achieve the objectives of safe conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, which has played a great role in plant breeding and food security in both China and the world.(1) A systematic survey and cataloguing for main grain crops and wild species of crops has been undertaken. Totally 116 in situ conservation sites, including wild rice, wild soybean, wild relatives of wheat and wild vegetables etc. has been established. In addition, other 30 in situ conservation sites have been put in plan for construction. Rapid extinction of wild plant genetic resources has been controlled effectively.(2) China has established a long-term national genebank, one national duplication genebank, ten medium-term national gene banks, 29 medium-term provincial genebanks and 32 national gemplasm nurseries (including two in vitro seedling banks). In addition, other seven germplasm nurseries are in building. Thus, a sound system for conservation of national plant genetic resources has been basically formed. Totally 397067accessions of plant genetic resources has been preserved in the long-term genebank and the germplasm nurseries.(3) A total of 286604 accessions of plant genetic resources were multiplied and regenerated in the past ten years, which has enriched the medium-term genebanks and significantly increased the distribution ability of plant genetic resources to breeders and researchers. Only in 2001-2007, 132000 accessions of germplasm resources were provided to 2650 institutions in China.(4) With the investment of 180 million RMB from the State, the National Key Facility of Crop Gene Resources And Genetic Improvement was established in 2003, which provides a excellent platform for genotyping and gene discovery of plant genetic resources.(5) Through in-depth characterization and evaluation of plant genetic resources, a great number of elite germplasm have been screened out and used in the development of new plant varieties widely used in production, leading to the effective increase of the utilization efficiency of plant genetic resources. Meanwhile, through intercropping and rotation between (6) Although China has gained remarkable achievements in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources, there still are a number of challenges. China needs to strengthen the cooperation with other countries and international organizations, to acquire plant genetic resources and relevant technologies from abroad, to continue the survey, exploration and collecting of plant genetic resources, especially for wild plant genetic resources and landraces which are grown in remote areas of the country, to further establish and perfect conservation systems for plant genetic resources. Therefore, we should systemetically characterize and evaluate plant genetic resources conserved and provide them for the use. The sharing of genetic resources and benefits should be further improved to promote the utilization efficiency of genetic resources in China.By strengthening the management for plant genetic resources, the objectives of sharing the plant genetic resources in the country and expanding the exchanges with foreign countries have been achieved, greatly contributing to food security in both China and the world, rapid development of national economy, and increase of the farmers’ income.different kinds of crops and mix-cropping of different varieties, the diversity of varieties has been conserved and the damages caused by diseases, pests and weeds have been reduced.

    • Research Advances in Colored Rice

      2011, 12(1):13-18. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.002

      Abstract (3912) HTML (0) PDF 235.94 K (4937) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Colored rice is the type of rice wich pigments deposited in their grain pericarp, red rice and purple rice are the two most common types of it.It is rich in the essential component of human nutrition, such as protein, amino acid ,fats, fiber and minerals et al, it was grown and consumed in china with a long historiy. Proanthocyanidins is the major flavonoids of the red rice, the red pericarp characteristic of rice is dominant over that of white pericarp.The red pericarp were controlled by two genes(Rc/rc and Rd/rd), Rc gene was mapped on chromosome7, and Rd gene was mapped on chromosome1.It was reported that a 14bp deletion within the exon 6 of the Rc gene caused the mutation from red to white color of pericarp.Anthocyanins is the major flavonoids of the purple rice,the purple pericarp characteristic of rice is dominant over that of white pericarp. The purple pericarp were controlled by two genes. Pb gene was mapped on chromosome 4, and Pa gene was mapped on chromosome 1,respectively.

    • Study on a Method for Identifying Indica-Japonica Rice by Using Specific Heat-Stable Protein Bands

      2011, 12(1):19-24. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.003

      Abstract (2595) HTML (0) PDF 633.78 K (4425) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, differential expression of heat-stable proteins in eighty-five cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) was analyzed by using SDS-PAGE and western blotting, to explore the feasibility of using specific proteins to identify Indica-Japonica rice. The results showed that the heat-stable proteins expressed differentially between Indica and Japonica rice, especially in the molecular weight of about 42 kD ~ 47 kD range. Among them, 45.2 kD band (Band I) and 46.5 kD band (Band II) were marker bands for typical Japonica rice. Both bands matched to Os03g0168100 in NCBI protein databank, 42.0 kD band (Band Ⅲ, matched to OsI_10172) was marker band for typical Indica rice. Eighty-five Indica and Japonica rice varieties were identified based on the expression pattern of these three bands, and then compare the results with Cheng’s index. The concordances were 80.0% and 86.4% in typical Indica rice and Japonica rice, respectively. Therefore, the method of hest-stable protein marker bands can be used for identifying typical Indica rice and Japonica rice.

    • Ecotypes and Genetic Diversity of Rice Genetic Resources from the Mediterranean Area

      2011, 12(1):25-30. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.004

      Abstract (2430) HTML (0) PDF 327.56 K (3994) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity and clasification of indica and japonica for 109 accessions of rice from the Mediterranean Area were studied by SSR markers and morphological traits. The results showed that 80.73% and 77.98% of the accessions were clustered into japonica group based on the two approaches, respectively, which means that most of the accessions of rice genetic resources from the Mediterranean Area were japonica ecotype. 37 ones were selected from 109 accessions to evaluate the compatibility with indica and japonica. 75.68% of 37 accessions shown good compatibility to japonica.The Mediterranean rice has high genetic diversity with 3.84 average effective numbers of alleles (Ae) and 0.482 average Nei’s genetic diversity index (H). The level of genetic diversity of indica group is higher than japonica group with Nei’s genetic diversity index of 0.459 and 0.340, respectively. These results are useful for properly conserving and effectively using rice genetic resources from Mediterranean Area.

    • Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Quality and Agronomy Traits of Maize Landraces Selected from the Collection of China National Genebank

      2011, 12(1):31-36. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.005

      Abstract (3006) HTML (0) PDF 233.27 K (3846) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:10 maize landraces selected from the collection of China National Genebank were planted according to the randomized block design to reveal the phenotypic diversity of quality and agronomy traits. The results showed : 1) The average oil content was 4.92%, and 11, 2 and 3 landraces were identified to reach the high oil level of class 3, 2 and 1 respectively. There was no significant difference among districts for oil content. 2) The average protein content was 12.55%, and 96% of landraces reached the protein content of class 1 of edible maize. There existed significant difference among districts for protein content. 3) The average starch content was 70.88%. No landraces reached the certificated standard of high starch maize variety. 4) Plant height, ear height and tassel branch appeared to be widely variant and significantly different among districts. The landraces from the south, southwest and northwest of China possessed stronger and higher plants and well developed tassels whereas the those from northern and northeastern China possessed relatively shorter and slimmer plants and fewer-branched tassels. 5) Among three ear traits, the highest variation belonged to ear length followed by ear row number and ear diameter. There existed significant difference among districts for these three traits. 9 landraces were identified according these 3 ear traits, of which, 5 presented the longest ear, 1 the widest diameter and 3 the largest row number. 6) There existed significant difference among districts and traits for diversity indices. Landraces from the south, east and southwest of China possessed relatively higher diversity level. Results from the phenotypic diversity analysis suggested that the evaluated landraces appeared higher oil and protein content but lower starch content. Meanwhile, landraces from southern, eastern, and southwestern China showed relatively higher diversity level than those from the other regions of the country.

    • Analysis of the Agronomic Characteristics and Classification of Malting Barley from Different Regions

      2011, 12(1):37-41. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.006

      Abstract (2589) HTML (0) PDF 200.80 K (3722) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to select good germplasm for improvement of Yunnan malting barley, agronomic characteristics of 107 accession of malting barley from different ecological regions were evaluated and classified. The results showed that the malting barley cultivars from Yunnan have the common characters of long maturity, strong tillering, high plant, wide flag leaves, middle spike length, grain number per spike, grain weight per spike, 1000-grain weight, and dry panicle grain/item. The cultivars from abroad have middle height and compact plant type, long and narrow leaves, high single panicle grain weight, 1000-grain weight, middle panicle grain/item. Nineteen cultivars with good morphological characteristics were selected for possible parents to improve productivity of barley in Yunnan. Through a cluster analysis, the material could be divided into 4 groups with different characteristics in which differences morphological character was obvious. It would be advantageous to the choice of breeding material.

    • Genetic Diversity of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Germplasm Resources Revealed by Morphological Traits

      2011, 12(1):42-48. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.007

      Abstract (2912) HTML (0) PDF 450.36 K (4013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:624 pea genotypes sampled from a world collection of various geographical origins were evaluated based on 20 morphological traits, to create initial knowledge with better understanding of their genetic diversity, and to provide useful information for variety improvement in pea breeding programs. Large genetic variation among geographic origin based groups of genetic resources were revealed by comparison of mean value, CV, genetic diversity index of their 20 morphological traits. Two gene pools, a Chinese gene pool and a oversea gene pool, were detected and defined by three-dimensional PCA graph method. Genetic distance based UPGMA clustering analysis provided the same results for support. The research results testified the reliability of morphological traits based genetic diversity analysis.

    • Investigation of Agricultural Biological Resources in Achang Area,Yunnan Province

      2011, 12(1):49-53. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.008

      Abstract (2567) HTML (0) PDF 200.84 K (4120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In September. 2008 and May-June, 2009, 300 accessions of agricultural biological resources which is closely related to Achang people’s life and production, located at 18 villages such as A-chang people town(Hu Sa region, Long Chuan county), Jiu Bao town and Nang Song town(Liang He county), etc. was investigated, collected and systemized. Local situtation, growth and decline of agricultural biological resources and its botanical classification, value in use were analysed. At the same time, the utilization, protection and development were also disscussed in the paper.

    • An Entropy-based Evaluation Model for Multiple Objective Decision Making on Adzuki Bean Germplasm

      2011, 12(1):54-58. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.009

      Abstract (2887) HTML (0) PDF 245.80 K (4072) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to evaluate adzuki bean germplasm resources precisely, an entropy-based evaluation model for Multiple Objective Decision Making (MODM) was tested. Combining misty mathematics and the thought of entropy, the method of double base point in multi-property decision analysis was applied. After comprehensive evaluation, the order of eight adzuki bean entries in the test was decided from the best to the worst as following, B00766, B01805, B00091, B00651, B01670, B00655, B00388 and B00774. The MODM method can avoid the bias caused by single trait decision methods, and provide more reliable decision for parents selection in breeding programs. The MODM was an easy and precise method to handle in the evaluation procedure of adzuki bean germplasm resources based on multiple characteristics.

    • Inheritance of QualityTraits of the Distant Crossing between S. officinarum and S. spontaneum

      2011, 12(1):59-63. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.010

      Abstract (2513) HTML (0) PDF 340.77 K (4227) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The distant hybridization of commercial cultivar Co419 × a wild clone of S.Spontaneum Yunnan75-1-2 was fulfilled. Yunye02-356, one clone of F1 generation, was backcrossed as male by commercial cultivar ROC25. The seedlings, from the two populations of Co419 × Yunnan75-1-2 (F1) and Yunye02-356 × ROC25 (BC1), were selected for propagation. All clones including F1,BC1 and their parents were planted in one trial with random complete block design of three repeats. The inheritance of quality traits of real progenies from the two populations was analysed with R software. The results showed that the broad-sense heritability of quality traits of the two populations is high. All quality traits displayed a obvious normal distribution regularity. All quality traits showed significantly and positively related. Both sugar yield and fibre content are higher in the F1 populations than commercial parent, but other traits including commercial cane sugar, sugar content in cane juice, brix in cane juice and apparent purity of cane juice are all worse in the F1 population than in the commercial parent. The performances of quality traits are almost between the two parents except sugar yield higher in the BC1 population, and the main traits are better in BC1 population than in F1 population.

    • Indigenous Rice Varieties Grown In Bulang Nationality Area In Yunnan Province And Their Distribution Characteristics

      2011, 12(1):64-70. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.011

      Abstract (2530) HTML (0) PDF 531.10 K (4409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Indigenous rice varieties were collected and investigated from 622 representative households of 20 Bulang nationality communities distributing cross 4 counties in Yunnan province , through participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and questionnaires. Distribution characteristics of the Indigenous rice varieties were analysed at both community and household levels.As a results, there were a total of 53 indigenous rice varieties collected, including 14 colored rice varieties and 14 non-glutinous ones both accounting for 26.4%.There were 318 households growing indigenous rice varieties, accounting for 51.1% of the total 622 households investigated. The area planted with the indigenous rice varieties coverd 30.02% of the total area of rice growing.The mean richness of indigenous rice varieties at community level was 5.64 while the biggest 9. And that at household level was 1.29 while the biggest 4 .As for the evenness of indigenous rice varieties, the average values of evenness at community level and household level were 0.548 and 0.172, respectively. There was significant difference in the numbers of indigenous rice varieties collected between among the 4 counties investigated, i.e 27 varieties in Menghai county , Xishuangbanna prefecture (,accounting for 50.9%)>17 ones in Shuangjiang county, Lincang prefecture , ( 32.1%)>9 ones in Mojiang county, Puer prefecture,(17.0%)>none in Shidian county,Baoshan prefecture. There was also difference in the numbers of indigenous rice varieties collected between among the 6 townships investigated, i.e 22 varieties in Xiding township, Menghai county, Xishuangbanna prefecture , 9 ones in Bangbing township,Shuangjiang county ,Lincang prefecture, 8 ones in both Dawen township, Shuangjiang county, Lincang prefecture and Jingxing township ,Mojiang county, Puer prefecture,5 ones in Bulangshan township , Menghai county, Xishuangbanna prefecture and only one in Xinfu township ,Mojiang county ,Puer prefecture. It was presumed that the factors resulted in the difference of distribution characteristic from one place to another in the regions investigated, might be the complex agro-ecological environment ,rich nationality culture and diversiform diet customs

    • Inheritance of the Resistance of Elite Germplasm to Diamondback Moth (plutella xylostella L.)in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage

      2011, 12(1):71-74. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.012

      Abstract (2616) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (493) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The insect-resistant inbred line 508 of the non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.)as female parent and susceptible inbred line 114 as male parent were used to construct six generation populations of P1、P2、F1、BC1P1、BC1P2 and F2. The resistances of all the populations to diamondback moth (DBM) were evaluated in net, and the joint analysis method for six generations was used to analyze the inheritance of insect-resistance. The results showed that the insect-resistance was partly recessive in the combination of 508×114 and fitted to the D-1 genetic model which is one pair of major additive-dominant gene plus additive-dominant polygene’s. The heritability of the major genes in BC1P1, BC1P2 and F2 populations were respectively 57.21%、25.87% and 76.05%. The results will be helpful for us to effectively utilize the insect-resistant gene resources in insect-resistance breeding.

    • Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Oryza rufipogon Griff. in ZhangPu County FuJian Provincewith SSR Markers

      2011, 12(1):75-79. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.013

      Abstract (2781) HTML (0) PDF 339.22 K (4494) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:21 SSR primers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 62 common wild rice individuals from Zhangpu County Fujian Province, Hainan Province. Results indicate that common wild rice in Zhangpu County Fujian Province has a high level of genetic diversity: 74 alleles were detected from 21 loci , A= 3.5238, Ae=2.0629, He =0.4635, Ho=0.2465, I= 0.7918; t estimated by the fixation index(F=0.4304) is 0.3982, it is suggested that the mating system of common wild rice in Zhangpu County Fujian Province is a type of cross-pollinate system with a high self-breeding rate; For degree of differentiation, Shitanhu population is higher than that of Gutang population.

    • Advances in Research on Function of WRKY Transcription Factor Genes in Plant Resistance

      2011, 12(1):80-85. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.014

      Abstract (3207) HTML (0) PDF 230.70 K (5196) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Numerous transcription factors located in plant genome play important roles in the regulation of plant development, substance metabolism, and diverse biotic and abiotic stresses. Among them, WRKY family plays a vital role in the signaling transduction of disease resistance. In this study, we have surveyed the genes in WRKY transcription factor family induced by plant disease pathogens and their regulation mechanisms involved in the resistance responses. These results will supply some suggestions on the further research in the molecular regulation of WRKY transcription factors in the plants resistance.

    • Genetic Analysis and QTL Mapping of Wheat Spike Traits in a Derivative Line ‘3558-2’ from Wheat × Agropyron cristatum Offspring

      2011, 12(1):86-91. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.015

      Abstract (2676) HTML (0) PDF 360.88 K (4486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new wheat derivative line 3558-2 from the cross between common wheat variety Fukuho and Agropyron cristatum Z559, possess the elite traits of more spikelet number per spike, kernel number per spikelet and kernel number per spike. In order to reveal the genetic feature of spike traits in line ‘3558-2’, a population derived from the cross between ‘3558-2’ and ‘Jing 4841’ was used to genetic analysis and QTL mapping about spike length, spikelet number per spike, kernel number per spikelet and kernel number per spike traits. The analysis results of the major gene plus polygene model indicate that these spike traits are all accord with the feature of quantitative traits. QTL mapping results show that four QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1A, including spike length, spikelet number per spike, kernel number per spikelet, kernel number per spike, which explain 14.41%, 5.15%, 14.84% and 10.87% of phenotypic variance respectively. Interestingly, an elite gene clusters were found on 1AS chromosome contained the traits of spike length, spikelet number per spike, kernel number per spikelet, kernel number per spike. The results suggest that line ‘3558-2’ carry a elite gene cluster on 1AS chromosome , and also be a good germplasm resource for wheat improvement.

    • Prokaryotic Expression and Polyclonal Antibody Preparation of the Wheat TaMAPK2 Gene

      2011, 12(1):92-95. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.016

      Abstract (2735) HTML (0) PDF 512.70 K (4035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MAPKs are of importance in stress signal transduction process in plant. In order to investigate the function of wheat MAPKs, a MAPK gene named TaMAPK2, was isolated from wheat. To obtain the polyclonal antibody of TaMAPK2, the non-conservation fraction of TaMAPK2 gene was constructed into the prokaryotic expression vector pET-28a-(+). Under the condition of 1 mmol/L of IPTG, the expression of the fusion protein His-antiMAPK2 was up to the peak. The fusion protein His-antiMAPK2 was purified by HisTrapTMHP and used to prepare antibody. The titer of the rabbit`s anti-serum was measured by ELISA method. The rabbit` antiserum with high titer (>80000) was obtained. The polyclonal antibodies can be used for further investigation, which establish the foundation for investigating the function of the MAPK2 gene in protein level.

    • QTL Mapping and Interaction Analysis for Seed Dormancy and Seed Weight of Mungbean

      2011, 12(1):96-102. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.017

      Abstract (2700) HTML (0) PDF 304.70 K (4272) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed dormancy and seed weight were analyzed by using a Recombinant-inbred-lines (RIL) population from the cross between a no dormant parent Berken and a highly dormant wild parent ACC41. The RIL population were planted in Beijing and evaluated for their geminating energy, germinating percentage and 100-seed weight in the laboratory of CAAS. Software ICiMappingV1.3 was applied to detect the additive and epistatic QTLs. As a result, three QTLs on group 1 and 11 for geminating energy, four QTLs on group 1 and 11 for germinating percentage, five QTLs for 100-seed weight on group 2,8,9,11 were detected, explained 8.17%-12.14%, 4.34%-12.69% and 4.58%-10.36% of the phenotypic variations respectively. 26 pairs of interaction were detected, contributed 66.58%, 47.91%, 39.90% of the phenotypic variations respectively. In order to breed weather-tolerant mungbean varieties with large seeds, the relationship between seed dormancy and seed weight was analyzed and compared with previous research.

    • Analysis of Genome Contents in Some Cruciferous Vegetables

      2011, 12(1):103-106. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.018

      Abstract (2701) HTML (0) PDF 196.54 K (5103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genome contents of 14 major cruciferous vegetables were measured. The genome contents of green-kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. caulorapa D.C.) , savoy (Brassica Chinensis var. rosularis Tsen et Lee.) , leaf mustard (Brassica juncea var. multiceps Tsen et Lee.) and Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) were firstly reported in the current study. Comparing the relevant data and numerical of foreign literature provided, the genome contents of the green radish (Raphanus sativus Bailey) , cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) , broccoli (Brassica. oleracea L. var. italica) and root mustard (Brassica juncea Coss) were basically consistent with the reported values, the genome contents of the heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. var. cephalata Tsen et Lee) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L .var .botrytis L.) were some different from the reported data. The reasons which cause the variation in genome content of the same species were possibly the difference of breed, the diverse growing environment or the inconsistent reference standard.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of ZmVPP1 under Stresses in Maize (Zea mays L.)

      2011, 12(1):107-112. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.019

      Abstract (3104) HTML (0) PDF 466.02 K (4169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Understanding molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance is beneficial to molecular breeding for salt tolerance in Maize. Previous studies on Arabidopsis revealed that the Na+/H+ antiporter conferring salt tolerance depends on the proton gradients established by proton pumps. H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase pump cytoplasmic H+ across the vacuolar membrane into the vacuole, generate the H+ gradient, and power secondary active transporters of inorganic ions and organic acids. Therefore, in this study a gene from maize based on AVP1 of Arabidopsis by the homology-based cloning was cloning. Blast searches indicated that this gene encodes a vacuolar membrane pyrophosphatase (VPP)-like protein belonging to the H_PPase superfamily, therefore named as ZmVPP1. The cDNA contains an uninterrupted open reading frame of 2301 bp, coding for a polypeptide of 766 amino acids. Multiple sequences alignment revealed that the protein is highly conserved in the plants. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to analyze expression patterns of ZmVPP1 in different organs and under different stresses. We found that ZmVPP1 was mainly expressed in mature leaves but lower in reproductive organs such as young ear, indicating that ZmVPP1 may play some roles in sequestration of Na+ in the vacuole of mature leaves and protect young tissues. Expression under dehydration, PEG, NaCl, cold and ABA showed that ZmVPP1 was response to the stresses rather than ABA. The results suggest that ZmVPP1 is involved in salt tolerance.

    • EST-SSR based genetic diversity analysis on salt tolerant plants from six species in Chenopodiaceae

      2011, 12(1):113-120. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.020

      Abstract (2292) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (4124) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This report focus on EST-SSR based evaluation of genetic diversity in salt tolerant plant from six species in Chenopodiaceae. Thirty-one pairs of EST-SSR primers were designed according to ESTs sequence collected from Salicornia and Suaeda genera. Only sixteen out of all primer pairs successfully amplified the DNA fragments by using PCR procedure across all samples, which demonstrated a 51.6% over all primers was transferrable. Total 18 polymorphic loci were detected by the 16 primer pairs, and allele number at each locus ranged from 2 to 4, indicating a wide range of genetic diversity. Clusterring analysis based on Nei’s genetic distance showed that the six plants could be grouped into three clades, and the division was confirmed by principal component analysis. More over, this grouping profile was mainly attributed to polymorphism of three ESTs, e.g. DY529957, DY529903 and DY529885. According to the sequence similarity, the three ESTs were assumed to encode an auxin-repressed protein (ARP), Defensins (Def) and hypothetical proteins, respectively, Both ARP and Def were well documented to be involved in salt stress responds but form different pathways in plants. This result implies that different mechanism might be evolved among the genera.

    • >研究简报
    • Evaluation and identification of wheat varieties resistant to sitodiplosis mosellana

      2011, 12(1):121-124. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.021

      Abstract (2652) HTML (0) PDF 174.71 K (3804) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:183 wheat varieties resistant to sitodiplosis mosellana were evaluated in the field. The results showed that there was significant difference among them in resistance of S. mosellana. Highly resistant, moderate resistant, low resistant, susceptible and highly susceptible varieties were 24.59%, 16.94, 18.58%, 14.21% and 25.68%, respectively. There was significant difference in ratio of damaged ear, damaged seed, and estimated damage of different wheat varieties. Among them, the highly resistant, moderate resistante varieties were 45 and 31, respectively. These wheat varieties were valuable as a main extention variety and reserved variety in occured area of S. mosellana or for breeding of resistance varieties.

    • Genetic Variation of Main Agronomic Traits of Transgenic Insect Resistant Lines in Cotton

      2011, 12(1):125-130. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.022

      Abstract (2546) HTML (0) PDF 373.45 K (3991) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Eleven transgenic Cry1Ac+API-B cotton lines were evaluated on the agronomic traits, like resistance to cotton Bollworm, yield and fiber quality traits. Compared with their receptor ‘Ekang 9’, distinguished resistance to cotton bollworm was found among these transgenic lines, and most of them presented moderate resistance or high resistance to bollworm. Moreover, significant differences were also found in yield and yield related components between transgenic lines and ‘Ekang 9’. All transgenic lines decreased in lint percentage and lint index. But other agronomic traits like plant height, number of fruit branch, bolls per plant and fiber quality traits like length, micronaire and strength varied in different directions compared these transgenic lines with‘Ekang 9’.

    • Evaluation of Alkalince Tolerance at the Seedling Stage for Japonica Rice Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(1):131-137. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.023

      Abstract (3112) HTML (0) PDF 386.08 K (4802) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using 378 japonica rice germplasm resources from 14 foreign countries and 13 provinces of China, the dead leaf rate at the seedling stage under different alkaline stress was evaluated, and japonica rice germplasm resources with strong alkaline tolerance were selected. The results showed that the dead leaf rate under alkaline stress for pH9.4 was significantly larger than that under alkaline stress for pH 8.9, while alkaline stress for pH 8.9 was more suited to evaluate the dead leaf rate for japonica rice germplasm resources. The alkaline tolerance among different japonica rice germplasm resources from different geographical origins under alkaline stress for pH8.9 was significantly different. The japonica rice germplasm resources from Australia, Italy and Jiangxi province of China were appeared lower dead leaf rate, which had stronger alkaline tolerance than others. The dead leaf rate of tested materials during 16 days to 26 days under alkaline stress for pH8.9 were ranged from 20% to 100%, and which showed continuous distribution near normal with larger variance and coefficient of variation. So these period was considered fit to evaluate the alkaline tolerance for japonica rice germplasm resources. Twenty-one japonica rice germplasm resources, such as YR196, Baru, Fengjin, Nipponbare, 8068, Suijing 5 and so on with strong alkaline tolerance were selected, which showed stronger alkaline tolerance with less than 40% of the dead leaf rate when 16 days under alkaline stress for pH8.9. These rice germplasm resources could be applied for further rice alkaline tolerance breeding.

    • Construction of Effective High-Throughout Inducible RNAi and Tap-tag Vector for SGT1 and RAR1 Genes in the New Model Plant Brachypodium distachyon

      2011, 12(1):138-144. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.024

      Abstract (5569) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (11693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brachypodium distachyon which characters a small genome size, a short lifecycle, simple cultivation condition, and high transformation efficient is one of most popular model plants recently. The International Brachypodium Initiative (IBI) just sequenced the whole genome in February 2010. The SGT1 and RAR1 genes are pretty important and well conserved genes related the plant resistant disease function. RNA interference (RNAi) is an excellent and major method to study the genes’ function of plants nowadays. In this paper, we used the new powerful cloning system called Gateway Cloning to generate the high-throughout inducible RNAi gene silence vectors for these two important disease related genes in Brachypodium distachyon. Gateway Cloning system is a time-saving, easy to operating, and high efficient molecular cloning technology. It concluded two steps which called BP reaction and LR reaction respectively. At the same time we also used the Gateway Cloning to generate the protein TAP-tag fusion vectors which can be used for the study of the purification the SGT1 and RAR1 proteins and their interactive proteins in this new model plant Brachypodium distachyon. Finally we used the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system (ATMT) to transform these RNAi and TAP-tag fusion vectors into Brachypodium distachyon genetype Bd21, and got the RNAi TAP-tag fusion plant transformants which can be used for further studying the function of these two genes related disease resistance in Brachypodium distachyon in future.

    • The Photosynthesis Characteristics of Wild Vitis Species Native in Guizhou Province

      2011, 12(1):145-149. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.025

      Abstract (2632) HTML (0) PDF 303.71 K (3755) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to acquire the difference among Vitis species and individuals, the photosynthetic parameters of twenty-five lines in seven species were measured using Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The results showed that photosynthesis characteristics was significantly different among wild Vitis species, Pn of Vitis bellula was the highest, the second was V. davidii ,and V. adenoclada was the lowest .The diversity of photosynthesis indexes among different wild Vitis individuals was abundant. The difference among individuals of V. flexuosa was the biggest. If the climates of origin were similar, the photosynthesis characteristics were alike. If the climates of origin were significantly different, the photosynthesis characteristics were significantly different. The regulation mechanism of Pn was diverse, and the non-stomatal regulation factors were universal in wild Vitis.

    • Karyotype Analysis in Wild Medicago sativa L.

      2011, 12(1):150-153. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.026

      Abstract (2542) HTML (0) PDF 272.40 K (4615) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The chromosome flaking of root-tip on germinate seed in Wide Medicago sativa L. can be made clearly, which pretreatmented by the mixture of 0.15% colchicine and 0.002mol/L 8-hydroxyquinoline for 3h, and then, enzymolysissed by 1% cellulase+1% pectinase for 1.5h at 25℃. The result of karyotype analysis shows that the total of chromosome in Wild Medicago sativa L. is 32 with a pair of satellites. The karyotype in such specie is 2B type and the karyotype formulation is 2n=32=30m(2SAT)+2sm, the length construction is 2n=2L+18M2+8M1+4S.

    • A Germplasm Data Organization Method Based on Property-Separation Storage

      2011, 12(1):153-157. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.027

      Abstract (2620) HTML (0) PDF 258.11 K (4421) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditional germplasm data organization methods, in which different tables are concerned different crops, cannot meet the need for germplasm synthetic data analysis. This paper raises a new organization method based on property-separation storage, in which all property data are put in the same level without affiliation. With this method, the data query procedures can be unified and of high efficiency. This method is flexible and extendable, which ensures that it can be applied in germplasm-related information system

    • Study on Morphology of Flower Organ and Anatomical Characteristics of Microspore Different Developmental Period in Chinese Jujube and Wild Jujube

      2011, 12(1):158-162. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.028

      Abstract (2549) HTML (0) PDF 876.94 K (4574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Microspore developmental stage and morphology of flower organ were studied by both of anatomical characteristics and morphological methods in Chinese jujube (‘Zanhuangdazao’, ‘Junzao’, ‘Pingguozao’, ‘Lizao’) and wild jujube. The results showed that buds color of microspore late-uninucleate were yellow-green, the color of anthers were light yellow, flower bud diameter of ‘Zanhuangdazao’ was about 2.7 mm, height was about 1.6 mm; flower bud diameter of ‘Junzao’, ‘Pingguozao’ and ‘Lizao’ were about 2.0 mm, height was between 1.1 mm and 1.8 mm; flower bud diameter of ‘Zanhuangdazao’ was about 1.9 mm, height was about 1.0 mm. We can judge the development stages of microspore by morphological characteristics of flower organs so as to define the standard of bud selection in correspondence with the optimal stage of anther culture or microspore culture.

    • Breeding and Utilization of Quanshu 218

      2011, 12(1):163-166. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.01.029

      Abstract (2388) HTML (0) PDF 245.59 K (4044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quanshu218, a sweetpotato strain with high yield and disease resistance,was bred by Quanzhou Institute of Agricultural Science. Using Quanshu218 and its developed off-springs as parents, 7 middle-materials ( Quanshu 511, Quanshu 740, Quanshu 745, Quanshu 958, Quanshu 922, Quanshu 267 and Quanshu 268) were innovated, and 4 varieties (Quanshu11, Quanshu23,Quanshu№9 and Quanshu№10) were bred and approved by Crop Variety Approved Committee of Fujian province, and the accumulated total acreage of the 4 varieties in Fujian province was about 7.0×104hm2 up to now.

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