• Volume 12,Issue 2,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Status of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultural in China

      2011, 12(2):167-177. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.001

      Abstract (3692) HTML (0) PDF 1022.57 K (4852) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Over a decade, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA). According to 20 priority fields described in the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GPA), the Chinese government has formulated and perfected a series of regulations and laws and has strengthened the management for plant genetic resources. Through training and popularization of scientific knowledge related to genetic resources, the public awareness has been promoted. Through the international cooperation and establishment of collaborative networks, it has promoted the exchanges of information, prefessionals and materials. Through the implementation of various national programmes and projects, the conservation system for plant genetic resources has been established and improved gradually to achieve the objectives of safe conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, which has played a great role in plant breeding and food security in both China and the world.(1) A systematic survey and cataloguing for main grain crops and wild species of crops has been undertaken. Totally 116 in situ conservation sites, including wild rice, wild soybean, wild relatives of wheat and wild vegetables etc. has been established. In addition, other 30 in situ conservation sites have been put in plan for construction. Rapid extinction of wild plant genetic resources has been controlled effectively.(2) China has established a long-term national genebank, one national duplication genebank, ten medium-term national gene banks, 29 medium-term provincial genebanks and 32 national gemplasm nurseries (including two in vitro seedling banks). In addition, other seven germplasm nurseries are in building. Thus, a sound system for conservation of national plant genetic resources has been basically formed. Totally 397067accessions of plant genetic resources has been preserved in the long-term genebank and the germplasm nurseries.(3) A total of 286604 accessions of plant genetic resources were multiplied and regenerated in the past ten years, which has enriched the medium-term genebanks and significantly increased the distribution ability of plant genetic resources to breeders and researchers. Only in 2001-2007, 132000 accessions of germplasm resources were provided to 2650 institutions in China.(4) With the investment of 180 million RMB from the State, the National Key Facility of Crop Gene Resources And Genetic Improvement was established in 2003, which provides a excellent platform for genotyping and gene discovery of plant genetic resources.(5) Through in-depth characterization and evaluation of plant genetic resources, a great number of elite germplasm have been screened out and used in the development of new plant varieties widely used in production, leading to the effective increase of the utilization efficiency of plant genetic resources. Meanwhile, through intercropping and rotation between (6) Although China has gained remarkable achievements in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources, there still are a number of challenges. China needs to strengthen the cooperation with other countries and international organizations, to acquire plant genetic resources and relevant technologies from abroad, to continue the survey, exploration and collecting of plant genetic resources, especially for wild plant genetic resources and landraces which are grown in remote areas of the country, to further establish and perfect conservation systems for plant genetic resources. Therefore, we should systemetically characterize and evaluate plant genetic resources conserved and provide them for the use. The sharing of genetic resources and benefits should be further improved to promote the utilization efficiency of genetic resources in China.By strengthening the management for plant genetic resources, the objectives of sharing the plant genetic resources in the country and expanding the exchanges with foreign countries have been achieved, greatly contributing to food security in both China and the world, rapid development of national economy, and increase of the farmers’ income.different kinds of crops and mix-cropping of different varieties, the diversity of varieties has been conserved and the damages caused by diseases, pests and weeds have been reduced.

    • Current Status and Strategy for International Development of Hybrid Rice

      2011, 12(2):178-183. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.002

      Abstract (3287) HTML (0) PDF 575.32 K (7051) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hybrid rice, invented by Chinese scientists, is a great agricultural achievement in science and technology. The latest progress of hybrid rice development outside China was reviewed and the prospect of international development of hybrid rice was analyzed. Based on an intensive discussion on the existing principal issues and constraints in the international development of hybrid rice, the strategy was proposed to enhance the development of hybrid rice in the world.

    • Research Progress on Conservation Techniques for Ramie Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(2):184-189. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.003

      Abstract (5259) HTML (0) PDF 564.46 K (11844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ramie is an important industrial crop. In this paper, we briefly introduced the germplasm distribution in the world, the situation in field genbank for ramie in China and conservationg technology for ramie germplasm resources. At the same time, we discussed conservation technologies and put forward some suggestions.

    • Advances in Genetics and breeding of High oleic acid peanut

      2011, 12(2):190-196. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.009

      Abstract (5677) HTML (0) PDF 503.46 K (17200) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) is an important oilseed and economic crop in China. Oleic content and linoleic content of peanut seed add up to 80%. Oleic acid is an important factor that affects physical and chemical stability and nutritional value of peanut oil. Breeding peanut variety with high oleic content is an important breeding objective of peanut quality to promote international competitiveness and meet domestic consumption demand since 2000. Increasing oleic content in peanut significantly improves the nutritional quality. In this paper, we summarize mutants of high oleic peanut, the genetic characteristics of high oleic acid content and analyse pedigree relationship of high oleic acid peanut varieties and developing methods. Our purpose is to improve high oleic breeding of China peanut.

    • Progress and Prospect of Male Sterility Studying on the Cotton and Bast Fiber Crops

      2011, 12(2):197-202. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.004

      Abstract (3075) HTML (0) PDF 613.83 K (4652) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cotton and bast fiber are very important natural fibre crops in china.In this paper, the research progress was summarized based on the type of male sterility line、the breeding of male sterility line and the mechanism of male sterility line .The problems about development direction of male sterility line and utilization of heterosis on fiber crops were also discussed,and ideas of the breeding of male sterility line was proposed

    • Seedling and Slow Rusting Resistance to Leaf Rust of Wheat Cultivars in Xinjiang Province

      2011, 12(2):203-210. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.005

      Abstract (3002) HTML (0) PDF 454.69 K (4579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Identification of leaf rust resistance genes is important for developing leaf rust resistant wheat cultivars. A total of 104 Xinjiang winter wheat cultivars and advanced lines were inoculated with 12 Chinese pathotypes of Puccinia triticina for postulation of leaf rust resistance genes effective at the seedling stage. These genotypes were also planted in the field for characterization of slow rusting responses to leaf rust in the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 cropping seasons. Six leaf rust resistance genes Lr1, Lr3ka, Lr14a, Lr26, Lr34, and Lr50, either singly or in combinations, were found in 41 genotypes, whereas known resistance genes were not identified in the other 63 accessions. Resistance gene Lr26 was present in 21 accessions. Lr34 was identified in 17 lines. Genes Lr1 and Lr14a were each detected in three entries. Lr3ka was present in two lines and Lr50 may exist in one line. Seven genotypes showed slow leaf rusting resistance in two cropping seasons.

    • Molecular Evaluation of 180 Maize Inbred Lines by SSR Markers

      2011, 12(2):211-215. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.006

      Abstract (3039) HTML (0) PDF 478.23 K (4787) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:22 SSRs covered the entire maize genome were selected to fingerprint a set of 180 maize inbred lines preserved in Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Totally, 129 alleles were detected by these 22 SSRs, averaged 5.9 per locus, ranging from 2 to 13. The average gene diversity (He) was 0.583, and the overall PIC across all these SSRs was 0.528. Model-based clustering analysis indicated that all these 180 inbreds could be seperated into 5 distinct groups, agreed well with the heterotic groups of Chinese maize inbreds. Results from the F-statistics and the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic differentiation coefficient among model-based groups varied from 0.021 to 0.079, and the overall genetic variation among these groups only accounted for 3.38%, the rest (96.62%) was observed existing within these groups.

    • Inheritance of Fruit Flesh Color in Cucumis sativus L.

      2011, 12(2):216-222. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.007

      Abstract (3434) HTML (0) PDF 566.05 K (5109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two hybrid combinations and 4 generations (P1、P2、F1、F2) were made with one xishuangbanna cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannanesis Qi et Yuan) and two common cucumber(Cucumis sativus L. var. sativus)inbred lines. Four indexes including color grade classification, a value and b value determined by color different meter, β-carotene content measured by HPLC were determined respectively to study the inheritance of cucumber flesh color traits with joint analysis method of multiple generations. The results showed that the F2 population of the two combinations appeared one asymmetry peak or two peaks distribution, indicating that the trait was quantitative in nature and controlled by major gene plus polygene. The heritance of fruit flesh color of cucumber fitted the pattern of two major genes plus polygene. For F2 generation, the major gene heritability was high(76.0%-99.3%)and that of polygenes(0-23.7%)was low,which suggested that artificial selection to orange flesh of cucumber could be carried out in the separation of the early generations.

    • Evaluation of drought Resistance for Watermelon Germplasm Collections at Seedling Stage

      2011, 12(2):223-226. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.008

      Abstract (4459) HTML (0) PDF 324.44 K (10109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:1066 watermelon accessions were screened for drought resistance under progressive drying condition at seedling stage. The result indicated that the suffered degree was significantly different among accessions. Using fast cluster analysis, 1066 collections were devided into 4 classes, which were resistant, susceptible, middle resistant and resistance seperation, respectively. 25 accessions were identified as high resistant to drought, while 30 collections were middle resistance. Most of high resistant accessions were wild germplasm which from Africa, they were suitable for watermelon rootstock breeding. Those middle resistant germplasms were cultivar accessions, which have good agriculture traits and disease resistance, they could be used as watermelon drought resistance breeding.

    • TP-M13-SSR Technique and Its Applications in Analysis of Genetic Diversity for Apple Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(2):228-233. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.009

      Abstract (5193) HTML (0) PDF 401.61 K (13369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An economical detection method of simple sequence repeat with tailed primer M13(TP-M13-SSR) was used in genetic diversity analysis of 25 regional apple cultivars . The ranges of gene diversity, PIC and locus heterozygosity on 5 SSR loci were 0.5032~0.8448, 0.3952~0.8268 and 0.4400~0.9600,respectively. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the apple species were classified into two groups, correlatively with geographic origin and relationship. The method has the advantages of high-throughput, sensitiveness, cost-effectiveness and high accuracy. And it had been used in studies on genetic diversity analysis of apple successfully. In addition, the merits and demerits of the TP-M13- SSR technique as well as the potential of application in analysis of genetic diversity in fruit tree were assessed.

    • Family Assessment of Usual Sugarcane Parents and their Cross Combination

      2011, 12(2):234-240. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.010

      Abstract (3130) HTML (0) PDF 432.79 K (4510) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Australian family test was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the genetic characters of Chinese sugarcane parents and the matching effect of cross combination. The genetic variance and general combining ability (GCA) of sugarcane parents and the special combining ability (SCA) of the cross combination was estimated by the R software. The results showed that brix was controlled primarily by female additive genes effects,and cane yield was mainly controlled by female additive genes effects and non-additive genes effects,while plant height, stalk diameter and tiller number were controlled by male and female additive genes effects and non-additive genes effects.In the case that CP88-2143,ROC10,ROC26,guitang00-122, yuetang00-318,and yunzhe99-113 were used as female parent,neijiang57-416, yacheng93-26, yuetang91-976 and yuetang00-319 were used as male parents , their hybrid progenys exhibited high yield and high sugar content, these parents can used in breeding for sugar and energy.Accord to the special combining ability(SCA) effects of cross combination. The combination CP88-2143 ×Yuetang00-319, ROC10×Yuetang91-976, ROC26×Yacheng93-26,Guitang00-122×ROC22,Yuetang91-976×ROC22,Yuetang93-159×neijiang57-416,Yunzhe99-113×CP84-1198 showed excellent comprehensive character

    • Genetic Diversity and Heterotic Group of 70 Maize Inbred Lines in Guizhou by SSR Marker

      2011, 12(2):241-248. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.011

      Abstract (3518) HTML (0) PDF 576.79 K (4068) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Evaluation of maize germplasm resources is a basis for genetic improvement and breeding in maize. In this study, genetic diversity of 70 parental inbred lines of 47 maize hybrids authorized in Guizhou province since 2000 was analyzed by using 88 simple repeat sequence (SSR) markers equably distributed in genome and screened from 251 SSR markers through whole genome. Four hundred sixty six alleles were detected across 88 SSR loci; 5.31 (2-18) per locus, averagely. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.586 (0.213-0.965) per locus. This showed that the genetic diversity of inbred lines tested was relatively plentiful. The 70 inbreds could be classified into three groups by POPTREE software (Windows version). The 1st Group included 8 inbred lines mainly with temperate germplasm of Reid, Lancaster, etc.. The 2nd Group had 11 inbreds mainly with temperate germplasm of PN78599, Reid, Lancaster, etc.. The 3rd Group possessed 51 lines, and could be sorted into A and B sub-group which could be again divided into B1 and B2 sub-sub-groups. A Sub-group with 10 lines had chiefly temperate local germplasm. B1 Sub-sub-group with 19 lines bore basically sub-tropical local germplasm of Guizhou, and B2 Sub-sub-group with 22 lines tropical Suwan germplasm from Suwan Farm in Thailand. An analysis of hybrid vigor utilization indicated that two heterotic groups of B1 and B2 were principally applied to maize breeding in Guizhou during the recent decade, relating to higher percentage of polymorphic loci and allelic mean number of SSR loci within B1 and B2. It is necessary to reinforce researches of germplasm enhancement, improvement and innovation in that less of germplasm types used in Guizhou.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Populations of Panax notoginseng Using EST-SSR Markers

      2011, 12(2):249-254. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.012

      Abstract (2944) HTML (0) PDF 449.47 K (3842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity and genetic structure of 6 populations of Panax notoginseng and its two related species were analyzed by using 17 pairs of EST-SSR molecular markers in this research. As a result, a total of 205 EST-SSR polymorphic loci were detected in 8 populations. The PIC (Polymorphism information content) of six cultivated populations of P. notoginseng was 0.729, Gene diversity within population (H) was 0.1568,Shannon’s information index (I) was 0.2466, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.2350 among populations of P. notoginseng. The results revealed abundant genetic diversity but low level of genetic differentiation in P. notoginseng and confirmed that the genetic difference of the species existed mainly within population. In addition,Genetic similarity and cluster analysis showed that 8 populations of P. notoginseng and its related species were classified into three groups, 6 populations of P. notoginseng were classified into three subgroups. Genetic distance was closer between P. notoginseng and P. japonicus var. major than between P. notoginseng and P. stipuleanatus

    • Possibility and Probability of Gene Introgression from Common Wheat into Aegilops L.

      2011, 12(2):255-258. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.013

      Abstract (3219) HTML (0) PDF 422.23 K (4573) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to provide science-based information on the possibility and probability of gene introgression from common wheat (Triticum astivum) into Aegilops. The artificial indoor hybridization was conducted using 7 genotypes from 4 wheat relative species as female, and common wheat as male. The result indicated that different species had variable cross-ability. Among the 4 Aegilops species, the highest hybridization rate was from the combination of Ae. tauschii ? T. aestivum (46.49% for genotype Ae42, 22.58% for Y92), the second was from Ae. ovata ? T. astivum (14.76% for Y100, 12.11% for Ae23), the third was from Ae. cylindrica ? T. astivum (2.23% for Ae7, 8.50% for Y145), the lowest was from Ae. speltoides ? T. astivum (0.19%). Hybrid embryos from different combinations had different ability of callus initiation and germination. The hybrid embryos from A. ovata / T. eastivum and Ae. tauschii / T. eastivum had higher level of callus initiation and germination, Ae. cylindrica / T. eastivum had medium level, while the Ae. speltoides had lower level. The interspecific hybrids between Aegilops and common wheat had very low fertility. In backcrosses, the seed-set rate of hybrids of Ae. ovata / T. aestivum was 3.71% and 4.36% respectively backcrossed with male and female parents, while for hybrids of A. cylindrica / T. aestivum, it was 0 and 0.33% respectively, and for A. tauschii / T. aestivum, 0.33% and 0 respectively. On selfing of the hybrids, the seed-set rate was 0 (no seed set from 9750 florets) for the combination of Ae. cylindrica / T. aestivum, 0.044% (3 selfed seeds out of 6870 florets) for A. ovata / T. aestivum and 0 (no seed set from 7253 florets) for A. tauschii / T. aestivum. The study suggested that the probability of gene introgression from T. aestivum into Aegilops species was very low in nature.

    • Advances in Research of Genetic Resources, Breeding and QTL for Disease Resistance and Resistance to Abiotic Stresses on Vicia faba L.

      2011, 12(2):259-270. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.014

      Abstract (2842) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (5853) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Faba bean (Vcia faba L.) is one of the world important grain legume crops in the temperate zone and subtropics, and it cultivated in China since 2100 years ago. China is the largest producer in both sowing area and production of faba bean globally. Faba bean becomes an important cash crop in western provinces and underdeveloped mountainous areas of China, due to its effective nitrogen fixation, soil improvement abilities and environmental in the modern cropping systems. Various kind of DNA markers have been successfully carried out in other legume crops such as soybean, common bean and pea, etc. However, the marker assisted genetic studies on faba bean is quite limited. Therefore, studies on origination, taxonomy, genetic diversity, genetic association mapping, breeding and QTL mappings of major traits such as growth habit and disease resistance on faba bean by Chinese and international researches have been reviewed, in order to providing essential information for future researches and utilization of faba bean genetic resources.

    • Developing Molecular Markers of a Resistance Gene to Powdery Mildew in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat

      2011, 12(2):271-274. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.015

      Abstract (2883) HTML (0) PDF 358.74 K (4769) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:YAV-2/TEZ//A.SQ(895) is a synthetic hexaploid wheat derived from a cross between T. durum Desf. and T. tauschii L., which is immune to powdery mildew. Genetic analysis of resistance to powdery mildew in F2 population and the F3 derived lines of YAV-2/TEZ//A.SQ(895)/3/Pinzi 50098 indicated a single dominant gene controlled the resistance. By bulk segregation analysis, microsatellite marker Xcfa2086 was identified to be closely linked to the resistance gene with genetic distance of 11.8cM. Based on the location of the linked microsatellite markers, the resistance gene was located on the telomeric region of chromosome 2AL in synthetic hexaploid wheat.

    • Cloning and Characterization of the PMADS9 Gene Promoter from Petunia

      2011, 12(2):275-280. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.016

      Abstract (5402) HTML (0) PDF 556.95 K (9309) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The PMADS9 is a member of the AGL15 subfamily of MADS-box genes. The Arabidopsis AGL15 subfamily genes have been reported to act as inhibiters of flower senescence, repressors of floral transition and enhancers of somatic embryo development. Using YADE method and hiTAIL-PCR, we isolated 1853bp sequences upstream of the putative translation start of the PMADS9 gene from petunia. The results of 5′RLM-RACE analysis showed that the PMADS9 gene has at least 4 TSSs, and 2 of them are located in the first exon. Cis-regulatory elements of the PMADS9 promoter predicted by PLACE and PlantCARE are related with seed and pollen development and environmental response. Analysis of promoter sequences from AGL15-clade MADS-box genes by FootPrinter showed that there are very conserved RY-repeat motifs among them, and the conversation of promoters between Solanaceae and the selected 5 species of Rosids is higher than that between Brassicaceae and the same selected species,even though Solanaceae is less closely related to Rosids than Brassicaceae. Furthermore, the results also suggested that regions of 200-400bp and 800-1000bp upstream of the ATG were functionally important.

    • Genetic Analysis of Chilling Tolerance of Cucumber Seedling Under Low Temperature and Weak Light Using Major Gene Plus Polygenes Inheritance Model

      2011, 12(2):281-285. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.017

      Abstract (2991) HTML (0) PDF 397.22 K (4426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Materials 9507, 9517 and their BC1, BC2, F1, F2 and so on 6 generations were carried under low-temperature treatments, 12/8℃ in day/night, with 7.5 h everyday by the light intensity of 30μmol/m2·s (or 2000 lx) for 14 days,which were difference in tolerance of low temperature and weak light. The dominat and additive effects of chilling tolerance was researched by the major gene - polygenes inheritance model,and the genetic parameters were estimated. The results indicated that the chilling tolerance index was controlled by 2 pairs of additive major genes plus additive - dominance polygenes, and the average of chilling tolerance index of F1 was higher than midparent value. The heritability of major gene was 62.871~79.310%, the heritability of polygenes was 3.448~7.792%, and the heritability of major gene plus polygenes was 74.026~82.759%.In other words under the low temperature condition, the environment plays a very little role for the chilling tolerance in Cucumis sativus L., which is suitable for being chosen in the early generation .

    • Cloning and overexpression of defensin SN1 in Escherichia coli and its Antifungal Assay

      2011, 12(2):286-290. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.018

      Abstract (2631) HTML (0) PDF 434.06 K (4117) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Potato SN1 is a new type of antimicrobial peptide. In this study,the full ORF of SN1 gene was isolated,and was sub-cloned in frame to the 3’-terminus of the ORF of Glutathione S-transferase(GST) in the prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-4T-1. This allowed the recombinant protein GST-SN1 to be highly expressed in cells of Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein GST-SN1 can be expressed in the form of inclusion bodies after induction by isopropyl-β-D- thiogalactoside. The protein GST-SN1 was solubilized, denatured, refolded, and purified. The results of antifungal assay in vitro showed that SN1 exerted obvious inhibition against the growth of phytopathogenic fungi, such as Rhizoctonia solani, and Bipolaris sorokiniana. SN1 gene may be useful for improving wheat resistances against the above pathogenic fungi.

    • Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum from Different Gene Sources in Cucumber

      2011, 12(2):291-296. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.019

      Abstract (2927) HTML (0) PDF 603.59 K (4293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the resistance identification of scab at seedling stage of cucumber, two materials resistant to Cladosporium cucumerinum (HX1, Cucumis sativus var. sativus, DI=5 and HX5, C. sativus var. xishuangbannesis, DI=38.7) and one susceptible material (HX8, C. sativus var. sativus, DI=80) were obtained. Six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2) of two combinations (HX1×HX8, HX5×HX8) were used as genetic populations and resistance identification of scab at seedling stage were performed. The genetic characteristics of scab resistance were analyzed with a mixed model of major genes plus poly-gene. The results showed that the inheritance of scab resistance of above two gene sources was different. The plants of F1 generation of HX1×HX8 combination expressed resistant while those of HX5×HX8 combination showed to be susceptible. The inheritance of HX1 was fitted to a mix genetic model of two major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects plus poly-genes with additive-dominance effects (E_1 model) and that of HX5 was fitted to poly-gene(C)model. For high resistance material HX1, the additive effect of two major genes was both larger than dominant effect. Heritabilities of the major genes in F2, B1 and B2 were estimated to be 96.91%, 98.19% and 72.51% respectively. Poly-gene heritabilities of three generations were all 0. Major gene heritability was important in 3 generations. For resistance material HX5, the heritability was mainly dominant effect of poly-gene.

    • >研究简报
    • Research and application progress of seedling marker character in crop breeding and seed purity identification in China

      2011, 12(2):297-300. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.020

      Abstract (2977) HTML (0) PDF 516.92 K (4940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seedling marker character application is an intuitive and accurate, simple and quick, and low-cost method in breeding new hybrid variety and identifying seed purity. It is superior to allopatric planting, isozyme electrophoresis and DNA molecular markers. Its application technique, material resources, research contents, application types and results were summarized in this paper. The existent problems and applied perspectives were reviewed simultaneously.

    • Effect of Light Intensity on Fertility Alternation of Thermo-Photo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Wheat

      2011, 12(2):301-306. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.021

      Abstract (2973) HTML (0) PDF 550.99 K (4243) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Light-intensity-affected fertility of thermo-photo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines C412S and C404S, which were reported to be sterility under lower temperature condition and normal fertility under higher temperature condition, was investigated in growth chambers, with normally fertile wheat lines C412 and C404, the recurrent parents of C412S and C404S, as control. The plants were treated during the developmental period from pollen mother cells (PMCs) formation stage to the anthesis stage in growth chambers at two temperature levels ( 8℃ day temperature, 6℃ night temperature, and 18℃ day temperature, 14℃ night temperature) and two light intensity levels ( 160 and 300 μmol /m2·s) with photoperiod 12 hours day time and 12 hours night time. The results showed that under lower temperature condition (8 ℃ day temperature and 6℃ night temperature), both C412S and C404S showed complete sterility with self-fertilized seed setting rate of 0 % whether at higher light intensity level (300 μmol /m2 ·s) or at lower light intensity level (160 μmol /m2 ·s) . Meanwhile, under higher temperature condition (18℃ day temperature and 14℃ night temperature), C412S showed highly sterility with self-fertilized seed setting rate of 5.4 % after being treated with lower light intensity of 160 μmol /m2·s, but showed normal fertility with self-fertilized seed setting rate of 65.0 % after being treated with higher light intensity of 300 μmol /m2·s; and on the other hand, C404S showed normal fertility whether under higher light intensity (300 μmol /m2 ·s) or under lower light intensity (160 μmol /m2 ·s), with self-fertilized seed setting rate of 69.9 % and 73.2 % after being treated with light intensity of 160 and 300 μmol /m2·s, respectively. These results suggested that light intensity had important effect on fertility alternation of TGMS wheat.

    • Research Progress of Head Splitting on Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)

      2011, 12(2):307-310. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.022

      Abstract (4945) HTML (0) PDF 434.64 K (10388) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper summarized the studies on characteristics and identification methods of cabbage head- splitting worldwide. The genetic factor, morphological features, physiological and biochemical characters and so on , were all responsible for head splitting , and some cultural measures preventing from head splitting in cabbage are put forward.

    • Changes of Rice Landraces Diversity and Rules of Seed Exchange in Yuanyang of Yunnan

      2011, 12(2):311-313. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.023

      Abstract (2995) HTML (0) PDF 264.21 K (4402) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To evaluate the intrinsic factors of Hani rice landraces sustainable development, the rice landraces diversity in Yuanyang County and seed exchange in Qingkou village was surveyed. The results showed that the diversity of rice landraces in Yuanyang county reduced slower than that in modern culture region. In terms of altitude gradient and marital status, the seed exchange among Hani people has clear rules. 68.6 percent of exogamous households exchange seed outside their village and 55.1% inside, the percent of purchase rice seeds is very low; 35 % exchange seed from low to high, 40 % from high to low,also 25 % nearly at same altitudes. The results indicate that the frequent and regular seed exchange are important factors for sustainable development of Hani rice landraces.

    • Physiological Characterization of Drought Tolerance among Rice Introgression Lines Containing the DNA Fragments from Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb

      2011, 12(2):314-320. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.024

      Abstract (2748) HTML (0) PDF 573.26 K (4122) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Eight rice introgression lines carried the DNA fragments from Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb and two CKs, including the receptor 6527 (CK1) and a rice cultivar of IAPAR9 (CK2) with well drought tolerance were used to analyze the physiological characterization of drought tolerance of rice with a split plot design. Seven physiological parameters, including the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) content, conductivity, proline content, and content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were assayed with the stepwise lineal regression analysis and the principal component analysis. The results showed that the introgression line H8 possessed a stronger overall drought-tolerant performance than CK1 and CK2. Furthermore, the results also suggested that MDA, proline, chlorophyll and conductivity could be used as informative indicators in the physical characterization of drought tolerance in rice research.

    • Karyotype of Three Chinese jujube cultivars

      2011, 12(2):321-324. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.02.025

      Abstract (2724) HTML (0) PDF 262.57 K (4483) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The methods of eliminating walls by enzymolysis and low osmosis were used to analyze the chromosome karyotype of three Chinese jujube cultivars.The results showed that the chromosome numbers of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Dalilongzao’, Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Junzao’ and Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Dongzao’ were 2n=24, the karyotype formula was 2n=2x=24=20m(4SAT)+4sm,2n=2x=24=20m(2SAT)+4sm and 2n=2x=24=16m(4SAT)+8sm respectively, and the karyotypes of all were 2B type. Comparatively, the karyotype of Z. jujuba Mill. ‘Junzao’ was original, followed by Z .jujuba Mill. ‘Dalilongzao’ and the karyotype of Z. jujuba Mill. ‘Dongzao’ appeared most evolutional.

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