• Volume 12,Issue 4,2011 Table of Contents
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    • The Implementation Progress on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

      2011, 12(4):493-496. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.001

      Abstract (2215) HTML (0) PDF 372.50 K (3870) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objectives and contents and implementation progress on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was reviewed hear which includes the implementation of funding strategy, progress on compliance to the Treaty, implementation of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing and the work programme in the future et al. as to provide some reference information for the related scientists and officials in China.

    • Diversity of Crop Germplasm Resources in China

      2011, 12(4):497-500. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.002

      Abstract (3118) HTML (0) PDF 411.82 K (5392) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, Species diversity and genetic diversity of crop germplasm resources in China were summarized. The 8 kinds: food crop, economic crop, vegetable crop, fruit crop, forage and manure crop, flower crop, medicine crop and forest crop in China, according to agronomy and use were differentiated. Totally 840 kinds of crops in China were gathered, including 1251 cultivated species and 3308 species of their relatives, they are subordinate to 176 families and 619 genera, the rich species diversity of crop germplasm resources in China were identified. Fairly rich of genetic diversity of crop germplasm resources in China, according to very much types or varieties and heavy variation range of character of crop in China were expounded. This paper would provide the base to collection, conservation, effectively use, creation, classification and genetic research of crop germplasm resources in China.

    • Analysis on Genetic Variation of the Protein Content and Correlation between Protein Content and Main Agronomic Characters of Soybean

      2011, 12(4):501-506. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.003

      Abstract (2007) HTML (0) PDF 509.15 K (3671) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Backcrossing was an effective way to breeding high-protein soybean lines. In this study Zhonghuang13 popularized in Yellow-Huai-Hai Valley with super synthetic characters was choose to be the recurrent parent of four crosses. Zhonghuang20 and Dongshan69 which were lower significantly than recurrent parent and Chihuangdou-1 and Taixingniumaohuangyi which were higher significantly than recurrent parent on protein content were screened from soybean mini core collection to be the donor parents. The RP, DP, F2, BC1F2 and BC2F2 of four crosses were conducted to evaluate the genetic variation of protein content and correlation between protein content and main agronomic characters. The results show that the level of recurrent parent and donor parent on protein content would notably affected the performance of hybrid and backcross lines. The mean protein content and the ratio of transgress individuals of hybrid and backcross lines were superior in the cross which recurrent parent and donor parent were both rich in protein. The genetic variation of populations would decrease with backcrossing, in this study variation coefficient of protein content in F2、BC1F2 and BC2F2 descended in turn. The mean protein content and variation coefficient of BC2F2 were both closed to recurrent parent. The protein content of F2 populations obedient to normal distribution, the BC1F2 populations of two crosses which donor parents were significantly higher than recurrent parent obedient to skewed distribution, but it recovered normal distribution in BC2F2. F2 was positively correlated with donor parent significantly on main agronomic characters such as protein content, oil content, plant height, height of 1st pod , No. of stem node , effective branch number, pod No. per plant, seed No. per plant, 100 seed weight. BC1F2 and BC2F2 were positively correlated with donor parents significantly on protein content, oil content, plant height, pod No. per plant, seed No. per plant, 100 seed weight.

    • Principal Components Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation on Quality Traits of Peanut Parents

      2011, 12(4):507-512. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.004

      Abstract (2486) HTML (0) PDF 528.75 K (5718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:【Objective】Comprehensive evaluation on peanut quality traits of the main can provide the basis for peanut quality breeding and production. 【Method】Principal component analysis and cluster analysis on peanut quality traits such as oil content, protein, oleic acid, linoleic acid, O / L, by using DPSS software.【Result】The result of Principal Component Analysis showed that the 10 traits were consolidated into four principal components independent representing 80.73% of the original information; 51 peanut varieties were divided into six categories through cluster analysis, and there was a wide genetic distance and quality between each categories.【Concussion】It is an effective way to comprehensively evaluate the peanut quality by Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis, which not only could avoid the bias and the instability of single factor analysis, but also explores a practical distinction way for the peanut quality analysis and the quality breeding.

    • Distributing and genetic diversity of high oleic acid germplasm in peanut (Arachia Hypogaea L.) core collection of China

      2011, 12(4):513-518. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.005

      Abstract (2650) HTML (0) PDF 466.19 K (3958) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a widely cultivated commercial plant in the world, which is also an important source of protein and edible oil. Discovering distributing and genetic diversity of high oleic acid germplasm in China peanut (Arachia Hypogaea) core collection is important to peanut high oleic acid breeding. There were forty accessions of germplasm that mean oleic acid content of two years is over 57%, which contains six accessions of ssp. fastigiata (var. vulgaris, 6), thirty-three accessions of ssp. hypogaea (var. hypogaea, 25 and var. hirsute, 8) and 1 intermediate. Except for 7 accessions coming from ICRISAT, 1 accession coming from America, 1 accession coming from Japan, and 1 accession coming from Korea, the other come from 12 provinces in China. We also discoverd three accessions germplasm with high oleic acid and oil content, which are Zh.h4094 (oleic acid=66.70%, oil content=54.99%), Zh.h4029 (oleic acid=63.50%, oil content=55.58%) and Zh.h4319 (oleic acid=59.70%, oil content=56.04%). And yield being over 3000 kg/ha had 10 accessions genotypes, and the ranked first third were Zh.h0883 (4086.06kg/ha), Zh.h1182 (3955.00kg/ha) and Zh.h2910 (3741.00kg/ha). Based on botanical and yield traits, the first five principal components (PCs) explained 81.17% variation, and based on dendrograms produced in NTSYS-pc 2.10e software, the varieties were classified into six groups in value being 0.1942. So, there was abundant genetic diversity of high oleic acid in Chinese peanut core collection. Varieties of high oleic acid Acquired was one strategy to improve oil quality of peanut and to develop high oleic fatty acid using plant breeding techniques

    • Analysis of Principal Component and Genetic Distance Determine in 27 Peanut Germplasm Resourcesof 27 Peanut Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(4):519-524. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.006

      Abstract (2530) HTML (0) PDF 374.64 K (4678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract : The variation and principal component analysis of 10 principal agronomic traits in 27 peanut germplasm resources were conducted;The results indicated the coefficient of variation of individual deef-pod、inividual pod、plant high and individual two-seed were bigger; the accumulative contribution rate of the first 4 principal component were 84.98%. Basing on their principal component , we judged the traits of every germplasm resource and selected 10 cultivar with better multiple traits to be used as parents in breeding . The genetic distance were calculated using the value of the first 4 principal component. Divided them into 6 groups at the level 0f D2=3.21, which basing on the value of genetic distance. Among 6 groups ,theⅡgroup had the most(16parts) number cultivar, and its multiple traits also displayed better . The most cultivar of theⅡgroup could be used to utilize as breeding parent or be spreaded.

    • Analysis on Genetic Diversity of 80 Sugarcane Germplasm using RAMP markers

      2011, 12(4):525-532. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.007

      Abstract (2201) HTML (0) PDF 2.01 M (2921) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:80 accessions of sugarcane germplasm (32 parental species, 48 cultivars or clones) were analyzed by random amplify microsatellite polymorphisms(RAMP) markers.4 pairs of primers were selected from 30 pairs, and used to establish the RAMP fingerprints of the germplasm, which amplified 84 polymorphic bands, and were accounting for 91.7%.80 accessions were clustered with RAMP data using UPGMA method. The genetic similarity coefficients among 80 germplasm ranged from 0.433 to 0.988 with a mean of 0.710. Based on the difference of the similarity coefficients,the sugarcane germplasm could be distinguished among intergenus(Saccharum and E.arundinaceus),wild species(S. spontaneum, S. barberi ,S. sinense and S. robustum),cultivated species( S. officinarum).cultivated species and cultivars derived from interspecific hybridization. The similarity between cultivars and parental species S. officinarum were the highest, and followed by S. barberi,S. sinense,S. robustum, S. spontaneum and E. arundinaceus in the order from high to low. Clustering based on RAMP showed that the groupings of most cultivars were corresponded to their pedigrees in which a given cultivar and one of its parents was always clustered into the same group. In the meantime, we found some specific DNA fragments of S. officinarum, wild species of Saccharum spp. and E.arundinaceus ,which could be recovered in their derived cultivars with different probabilities.

    • Genetic Analysis of Main Parents of Tea and Their Pedigree in China Using SSR Markers

      2011, 12(4):533-538. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.008

      Abstract (2414) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (3868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two tea cultivars, Tieguanyin and Huangdan, are used as main parents in oolong tea breeding. Fuding Dabaicha is considered as one of core parents in breeding of green and black tea plants. So far, Many quality tea cultivars have been bred based on these cultivars. Therefore, research on the genetic diversity and fingerprint map of these parents and their superior derived varieties are considerably important, which can contribute to the selection of breeding materials and the protection of plant variety right. In this study, the genetic diversity and relationship of 13 Oolong tea varieties and 21 green tea varieties were analyzed by 40 SSR markers. The average genetic diversity (H) and genetic distance of 34 samples were 0.54 and 0.58, respectively, which means that the genetic diversity of the accessions tested were relatively high with rich variation. Furthermore, 90% genetic diversity came from genetic differences of tested materials. These samples were divided into two groups according to its breeding source using UPGMA method. Moreover, the genetic structure of two sets of varieties is different. In consideration of good stability and high polymorphism, 5 out of 40 pairs of SSR primers were selected and combined to construct the fingerprinting maps of 34 materials.

    • Diversification of Resistance to Fruit Shrink Disease in Chinese Jujube Germplasm

      2011, 12(4):539-545. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.009

      Abstract (2464) HTML (0) PDF 446.58 K (3886) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two hundred and sixty eight kinds of jujube germplasm growing in Cangxian County, Taiyuan City and Taigu County were employed to evaluate resistance to fruit shrink disease(FSD) in field trials during fruit white-ripening stage (early September). There are significantly differences both in percentage of diseased fruit (PDF) with the large range of 0%~66.18% and disease index (DI) with the large range of 0%~55.06% among cultivars. The severity of FSD varied with the year evaluated and the different positions such as Taigu, Canxian and Taiyuan. The resistance to FSD of cultivars might be divided into five groups, which is based on the average of DI over the year of 2006 and 2009 in Cangxian County, i.e. 0%~5%, 5%~10%, 10%~15% , 12%~25% and more than 25%. Of 77 jujube cultivars tested in Cangxian County, 80.52% were evaluated as high resistant, 2.60% resistant, 7.79% moderately resistant, 6.49% susceptible and 2.60% high susceptible. Among the cultivars mainly grown in China, both ‘Pozao’ and ‘Hupingzao’ is the high susceptible cultivars, and ‘Jinsixiaozao’, ‘Yuanlingzao’, ‘Changhong’ , ‘Dongzao’ is the high resistant cultivars.

    • Study on Identification of Resistance to Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae in Agave Germplasm

      2011, 12(4):546-550. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.010

      Abstract (2242) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (4013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pathogens of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae from sisal was successfully isolated by pure-culture. Then 38 agave accessions were analyzed to evaluate their resistance to Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae through artificial inoculation. The result showed that the accessions with high resistance were A. americana, A. hybrid D.h.No.368, Moyin No.6, Moyin No.12, Moyin No.7, Moyin No.5, Jia No.7, A.cantala Roxb., A.Potalorum Var.a.h‘Dongfang hong No.109', A.attenuata var and Moyin No.4. And disease severity and the speed of disease spot development can be used as indexes for rapid resistance identification of agave.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cymbidium grandiflorium’S Germplasm Resources Based on SRAP Markers

      2011, 12(4):551-556. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.011

      Abstract (2213) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (4677) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SRAP was used to analyse the genetic relationships of 42 Cymbidium grandiflorium cultivars from Different countries ,and 4 species of native Cymbidium. 29 Stable and polymorphic primers were screened from 34 primers,and a total of 398 DNA bands were amplified,387 of which were polymorphic, The ratio of polymorphic bands was 97.2%.The average number of polymorphic DNA bands amplified by each primer was 13.3.The genetic similarity among 46 Germplasm ranged from 0.41~0.99 ,with an average of 0.60 .According to the amplification of 29 markers, genetic similarity coefficient of Dice was Calculated using software NTSYS 2.10e,and a dendrogram of genetic relationship was constructed using UPGMA method .The dendrogram showed that all the tested cultivars and species were classified into four cluster groups with the similarity coeficient of 0.60,and well revealed the Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relatives among Cymbidium grandiflorium cultivars and native species. The findings of this research would provide a scientific basis for Cymbidium grandifloriu germplasm utilization,and parental selection in cross breeding.

    • A Study on Medicinal Plants of Lancang in Yunnan

      2011, 12(4):557-561. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.012

      Abstract (2420) HTML (0) PDF 391.16 K (4327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lancang country is rich in medicinal plant resources. Local people have kept the tradition of using medicinal plants to prevent and treat diseases for generations. In this paper, Wendong village, Donghui village and Jiujing village have been selected to investigate the medicinal plant resources in Lancang country, methods such as interviewing local persons, free listing, participatory survey and related literature reference were applied. A total of 58 species was collected, which belong to 55 genera in 35 families. Chinese names, Latin names, medicinal parts, processing methods, medicine function and main effects were recorded about them. The characteristics and features of utilization of the plant resources were also analyzed.

    • A comparative study on agronomical traits of Brassica juncea

      2011, 12(4):562-569. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.013

      Abstract (2396) HTML (0) PDF 537.40 K (2974) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We used canonical correlation analysis in this study for four agronomical traits including yield traits, the main stem traits, branching characteristics and pod traits of Brassica juncea species from 113 germplasms. The results showed that 1) Among the 18 traits investigated in the present study, the average value for Tibetan B. juncea species is 1.88 folds of that from the species in the adjacent provinces, and the population coefficient of variation is 10.22% and higher than that of the adjacent regions; 2) In the Tibetan B. juncea species, yield per plant is prominently dependent on pods per plant and 1000-grain weight. However, yield per plant of B. juncea in the neighboring provinces is mainly determined by efficient pods per plant. In the neighboring countries, the dominant factors are efficient pods per plant and 1000-grain weight. 3) The yield traits in Tibetan B. juncea are mainly attributed to pod traits, followed by branching characteristics and main stem traits. In terms of the species from adjacent regions, the most important yield-determining factor is main stem traits, followed by the branching characteristics and pod traits. 4) Among the 4 sets of traits analyzed, there are 9, 8 and 5 pairs with significant or extremely significant correlation in the species from Tibet, the adjacent provinces, and the neighboring countries respectively. The Tibetan B. juncea species exhibited close relevance as well as gradient differences in the agronomical traits with that of the species from the adjacent provinces and countries.

    • Investigation of standard chrysanthemum cultivars in six cities of China

      2011, 12(4):570-574. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.014

      Abstract (2095) HTML (0) PDF 1003.84 K (3127) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:2732 copies of standard chrysanthemum cultivars were investigated, photographed in six representative cities of China. And their morphological characteristics were documented, of which 1429 cultivars were identified as standard chrysanthemum through morphological comparison analysis. The identified cultivars are classified into 8 types of colors, 5 types of petals and 43 flower types. The yellow color is the major color and amounts to 500 cultivars, more than one of the third of the total cultivars, while only a few cultivars are green, double-color or variegated varieties. Flat petal type is the major petal type and amounts to 626 cultivars, 44% of the whole investigated cultivars, followed by spoon petal and tubular petal type which are 414 and 305 cultivars respectively; while cultivars of anemone petal and abnormal petal types are comparatively uncommon (only 84 cultivars accounting for 6% of the total cultivars. Moreover, flowers are mainly of hydrangea type, including 187 cultivars (13.09% of the total cultivars). The study here will of significance for further survey and protection of standard chrysanthemum throughout China.

    • Proress on DNA Methylation Research During Plant in vitro Culture

      2011, 12(4):575-580. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.015

      Abstract (2491) HTML (0) PDF 632.04 K (4345) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Epigenetic variation plays an important role in plant growth and development, including DNA methylation, histone modification, chromosome remodeling, and RNA interference and so on. DNA methylation is one of the most important epigenetic mechanism and is wildly used in the process of plants’ cultivation in vitro.This paper reviews DNA methylation variation phenomenon, influencing factors and mechanisms etc in the process of plants’ cultivation in vitro.

    • Current Status and Perspectives of TILLING Technique for Crop Mutagenesis Research

      2011, 12(4):581-587. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.016

      Abstract (2379) HTML (0) PDF 1.07 M (4392) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TILLING(Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes) is a complete reverse genetics approach for rapid and high throughput detecting of the target point mutations induced by chemical mutagen—Ethyl Methane Sulfonic acid(EMS). This paper briefly introduced the application status of TILLING on main crops, i.e., rice, wheat, corn and soybean, etc, with the emphasis on a review of the advances in methodology of mutagenized population construction and novel mutant alleles detect. The problems and future prospects of TILLING were also discussed.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Orn-δ-aminotransferase gene Ntδ-OAT in Nicotiana tabacum

      2011, 12(4):588-593. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.017

      Abstract (2724) HTML (0) PDF 1.77 M (4478) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Orn-δ-aminotransferase is the key enzyme for Pro synthesis from Orn, so that it plays an important role in adaptation to environmental stress in plants. A 425-bp segment was cloned from tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum,zhongyan 14)using degenerate primer designed from the known conserved regions of Orn-δ-aminotransferase gene. Special primers derived from the 425-bp segment were used to amplify the 5’ and 3’ ends of the cDNA by RACE. Comparison and analysis of the sequence was performed with BLAST which proved that it was the first time to get the clone of Orn-δ-aminotransferase gene from tobacco. The full-length cDNA was termed Ntδ-OAT (GenBank accession GU144571) which was 1,781 bp in length and encoded a protein of 477 amino acids. According to phylogenetic tree, the evolution of Ntδ-OAT corresponds with traditional biological classification. Its functional domain has a high conservative property in the process of biological evolution. By the analysis of real-time PCR, It was determined that Ntδ-OAT could express under many inducements such as drought, high salt, low temperature, ABA and so on, from which we might conclude that Ntδ-OAT plays a role in the resistance to osmoticstress.

    • Polymorphism analysis of PPO genes related to flour color of wheat

      2011, 12(4):594-600. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.018

      Abstract (1993) HTML (0) PDF 988.00 K (3862) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To obtain desirable hybrid parents for improving the quality of wheat flour color, 261 wheat cultivar lines from our country’s gene pool were selected as a original population and their genetic polymorphism were analyzed based on molecular markers in wheat genome. A proposed core germplasm group of wheat lines was constructed which included 100 cultivar lines, the proposed core germplasm group was divided into three sub-groups by population genetic structure analysis. The allele diversity at two PPO gene loci were checked in 100 lines of the proposed core gernplasm group , the results showed that the frequencies of Ppo-A1a 、Ppo-A1b、Ppo-D1a and Ppo-D1b were 43%、57%、72%、and 28% in the 100 cultivars lines respectively. The data has supplied a basic information for improvement of wheat PPO activity in the marker-assisted selection.

    • QTLs Location and Molecular Markers of Economic Traits for CCRI 48 with Big Bolls

      2011, 12(4):601-604. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.019

      Abstract (2483) HTML (0) PDF 460.71 K (4121) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: A total of 4961 pairs of different sources SSR primers were used to screen polymorphism between two parents, 71 pairs of them with stable amplification and clear bands were used to amplify among the 261 F2 and resulted into 71 polymorphism loci. With the Joinmap 3.0 software with LOD of 3.0, a total of 49 loci was grouped into 14 linkage groups and covered 498.7cM, approximately 10.0% of the total recombinational length of the cotton genome. 13 groups have been anchored to the chromosomes. A total of 11 stable QTLs, 2 for boll weight, 4 for lint percentage and 5 for fiber quality including 2 for fiber uniform, 2 for micronaire and 1 for fiber elongation, were detected in F2 population of CCRI48. By Complex Interval Mapping (CIM) method with the software of Win QTL Cartographer 2.5. These stable QTLs with greater phenotypic variations could be used for maker assisted selection for yield and fiber quality.and be used as molecular marker assisted breeding.

    • Transfer of Para-caroene Biosynthesis Enzyme Gene(LycB) into Rice

      2011, 12(4):605-611. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.020

      Abstract (2130) HTML (0) PDF 1017.84 K (3132) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Callus induced from mature embryos of 3 rice varieties were transformed by Agrobactorium tumefaciens. Transformation efficiency was affected by factors of pre-culture time, density of bacteria, duration for inoculation and co-cultivation. The transformation conditions were optimized with the combination of pre-culture of 4 days, infection in bacterium with OD600 0.7-1.0 for 5-10 minutes., followed by co-culture of 2 days. Plantlets with resistance to hygromycin were regenerated. PCR and PCR-Southern analysis on them confirmed the integration of the LycB be into the rice genome.

    • Inheritance Analysis of Mitochondrial(mt)DNA in the Interspecific Crossing of Genus Cucumis

      2011, 12(4):612-618. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.021

      Abstract (2250) HTML (0) PDF 2.03 M (3976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the inheritance of the mitochondrial(mt)DNA in the interspecific crossing of Genus Cucumis, fragments of the cob, nad1, nad7 mt gene were amplified and sequenced from S5 progenies of allotetraploid species(Cucumis hytivus Chen and Kirkbride.), cultivated cucumber ‘BeijingJietou’ (C. sativus L.) the paternal parents and the wild Cucumis species (C. hystrix Chakr.) the maternal parents, respectively. One, seven and seventeen polymorphic loci’s in the corresponding 909 bp cob, 943 bp nad1 and 880 bp nad 7 gene among three Cucumis species were detected, respectively. Among them, one, six and fourteen polymorphic loci’s in the mt gene of allotetraploid were revealed to be identical as the cultivated cucumber, the paternal parents, but different from the wild species , the maternal parents; the rest one and three polymorphic loci’s were found to be different from both parents. This result demonstrated that polymorphic loci’s in the mt DNA of S5 allotetraploid, the hybrid progeny, were dominantly transmitted from paternal parents but not maternal parents in the hystrix譻ativus interspecific crossing, and the mt DNA was dominantly paternal transmission.

    • A karyological study of two cultivated species and their wild species and three wild relatives of Corchorus

      2011, 12(4):619-624. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.022

      Abstract (2301) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3819) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, two cultivated species and their four wild species and three wild relatives of Corchorus were used to study chromosome number and karyotype of Corchorus by applying root tip squash method. The results showed that chromosome number in all of the materials was 2n=14 and the karyotype formulas were as follows: kuanye long-capsule cultivars of jute(C.olitorius) 2n=2x=14=14m(4SAT); Nanyang long-capsule wild species of jute (C.olitorius) 2n=2x=14=14m(2SAT); Tanzania long-capsule wild species of jute (C.olitorius) 2n=2x=14=2M+12m; Min ma No. 5 (C.capsularis) 2n=2x=14=12m+2sm;Aidian boll wild species of jute(C.capsularis) 2n=2x=14=14m ;Lianjiang boll wild species of jute (C.capsularis) 2n=2x=14=4M+10m;C.aestuans 2n=2x=14=2M+12m; C.pseudo-olitorius 2n=2x=14=2M+12m; Tianma (wild relatives of jute) 2n=2x=14=14m. Except kuanye long-capsule cultivars were 1B type, all of the karyotypes belonged to 1A type. The taxonamic status of Tianma has also been discussed in this paper.

    • >研究简报
    • Evaluation, suggestion and prospect on identification standards

      2011, 12(4):625-628. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.023

      Abstract (2318) HTML (0) PDF 466.61 K (4779) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The identification standards of saline-alkali tolerance in rice were evaluated according to the researches in both China and abroad. This study pointed out that the present adopted evaluation standards was inaccurate in distinguishing harms of salinity and alkalinity and they could only be used for the biological salt tolerance and could not be used for agricultural salt tolerance. Some suggestions on identification standards of rice saline-alkali tolerance in varieties, methods and stress concentrations were also provided in this paper. The saline-alkali tolerance abilities in the whole life cycle of rice should be emphasized in the future.

    • Study on content of huperzine A in Huperziaceae and different

      2011, 12(4):629-633. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.024

      Abstract (2283) HTML (0) PDF 954.85 K (3705) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Huperziaceae has attracted the attention of researchers in recent years because of its Huperzine A (HupA) being a potent, reversible, and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI) . HupA in four plants of Huperziaceae from Wuyi mountain were determined by HPLC. The results showed that the Hup A were found in all four species(both two genus), with the highest in Phlegmariurus petiolatus(0.151%)and lowest in Huperzia sutchueniana(0.016%).The comparisons of content of Hup A in Huperzia serrata(Thunb. ex Murray) Trev. var. longipetiolata(spring)H.M.Chang among 11 populations from this area were carried out in this paper ,which indicated that Wuping and Sanyuan population had good performance.Hup A in some species near Huperziaceae from this area were also determined .It is suggested that there were excellent resources in this area and there is no HupA in Lycopodiastrun casuarinoides.The fitful plant of Hup A resource for cultivation was also discussed here.

    • >研究简报
    • Analysis of tocopherol content of 50 genotypes of oilseed rape by HPLC method

      2011, 12(4):634-639. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.025

      Abstract (2793) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (3431) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed oil tocopherol content in 50 divergent genotypes of oilseed rape of Brassica campestris L., Brassica napus L., Brassica juncea Coss.and Eruca stiva Mill. were analysed by HPLC method, the results indicated thatα-tocopherol andγ-tocopherol are the two dominant tocopherols in seed oil, and significant variation in both composition and content could be found among different genotypes. tocopherol content in seed oil of Brassica napus L. is the highest among the species, with a average content of 123.11 mg/100g oil, the genotype Omega has the highest total content of 144.73 mg/100g oil, the highest ratio of α-tocopherol andγ-tocopherol is 0.77. α-tocopherol ,γ-tocopherol and total tocopherol content showed significant negative correlation with carotenoid content, a significant positive correlation were found betweenα-tocopherol content and oil content. α-tocopherol ,γ-tocopherol and total tocopherol content presented significant positive correlation with growth peroid, α-tocopherol and total tocopherol content are significantly correlated with plant height, total tocopherol content demonstrated significant positive correlation with 1000 seeds weight. However, α-tocopherol ,γ-tocopherol and total tocopherol content showed no correlation with number of siliques and Seeds number per silique.

    • ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Seedling Walnut (Juglans spp.)Populations

      2011, 12(4):640-645. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.026

      Abstract (2265) HTML (0) PDF 1.44 M (3963) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Genetic Diversity Analysis through ISSR Markers for Purple, Red and Yellow Sweetpotato varieties

      2011, 12(4):646-650. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.027

      Abstract (2481) HTML (0) PDF 971.01 K (4607) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 21 purple and 28 red and yellow sweetpotato varieties has been evaluated by ISSR markers. There were 138 polymorphic alleles, 89.6% out of 154 amplified loci based on 17 selected ISSR primers with average 8.12 alleles each primer that shown a rich genetic diversity among the population. Clustering and principal component analysis showed that the all 49 sweetpotato clones had been divided into 4 groups with higher genetic distance among groups, and the red and yellow meat types have been ascribed into group Ⅱ. It indicated that there were different evolutionary relationship of purple, red and yellow sweetpotato germplasm. The coefficient of genetic conformability of all varieties were 0.58~0.93, 51.4% of germplasm were 0.61~0.70 and 44.0% of germplasm were 0.71-0.80. There was closer genetic relationship of the varieties come from the same or the nearby regions or breeding institute. It is discussed that how to use these varieties in sweetpotato breeding.

    • Effect of dehydration on pollen germination in vitro and storage character of platycodon grandiflorum

      2011, 12(4):651-656. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.028

      Abstract (2282) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (4056) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A metrical way of pollen activity by pollen germination in vitro was adopted to evaluate effect of dehydration on pollen activity of platycodon grandiflorum. Seed setting of pollen after the treatment of the dehydration and storage was estimated by artificial pollinating. This paper was given the base for storing pollen . The results showed that the pollen germination were better at 25℃~40℃, and it were best at 30℃ for 1.5 hours. Germination and tube length of pollen decreased after the treatment of the dehydration, with the smallest decline of pollen activity after treatment of dehydration in oven for 1.5 hours to 2 hours. furthermore, storability of pollen after treatment of dehydration in oven for 2 hours was longest than other treatments, its germination rate of pollen after five days under normal temperature was 42.9 percentage and its tube length of pollen was 192.3 micron. Changes of seed setting of pollen after different treatment were different significantly. Seed setting of pollen with treatment of dehydration for 2 hours in the shade was lowest, and seed setting of pollen was almost same with treatments for 6 hours in desiccator, for 2 hours in the sun and for 1.5 hours in oven. Seed setting of pollen were decreased with the delaying of storage time, and seed setting of pollen with treatment for 1.5 hours in oven after 5 days under normal temperature was 11.5%, and its seed setting was higher than others significantly.

    • Establish and Applications of Identification Interspecific Hybrids Between Welsh Onion and Onion

      2011, 12(4):657-661. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.029

      Abstract (2598) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (4957) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Onion, Welsh Onion, and their F1 progenies were applified to establish a method for interspecific hybrids identification by using PCR-RFLP. The results showed that rDNA internal transcription spacers (ITS) of onion could be digested into two restriction fragments with endonuclease Dde I ,while no Dde I restriction site was found in Welsh onion. Welsh onion hold a restriction fragment of approximately 0.3 kb after the PCR products of V7 region of mitochondria srRNA was digested with Rsa I , which was slightly shorter than that of onion. Of the 25 F1 hybrids analyzed in this paper, 22 were true F1, while the other three ones were false hybrids. The present research established a easy and accurate method for interspecific hybrids identification between onion and Welsh onion.

    • Pollen Characteristic and Embryonic Development of Tensei Apple

      2011, 12(4):662-666. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.04.030

      Abstract (1796) HTML (0) PDF 1.97 M (3747) Comment (0) Favorites


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