• Volume 12,Issue 5,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Discussion on the Origin and Taxonomy of Naked Oat (Avena nuda L.)

      2011, 12(5):667-670. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.001

      Abstract (3158) HTML (0) PDF 344.08 K (5566) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are five cultivated species in Avena L. They are Common oat (A. sativa L.), Abyssinian oat (A. abyssinica Hochst.), Red oat (A. byzantina Koch.), Small oat (A. strigosa Schreb.) and Naked oat (A. nuda L.). Naked oat is characterized by its hulless seeds, while other oats by their hulled seeds. Naked oat is mainly planted in China and hulled oats are grown in other countries. Therefore, Naked oat has an important place among oats in the world. However, the viewpoints on the origin and taxonomy of Naked oat were disputable among some researchers. The authors believe that the origin locality of Naked oat would be the adjacent region of Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, and the taxonomic status of Naked oat would be an independent species, i.e. A. nuda L.

    • Identification and Analysis of 20 New Flue-cured Tobacco Germplasm which Catalogue in National Bank of Tobacco Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(5):671-678. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.002

      Abstract (2013) HTML (0) PDF 514.34 K (3906) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is devoted to identification and analysis of 20 new flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources, which have been newly collected, introduced, bred and catalogued in the National Bank of Tobacco Germplasm Resources. The results show that the varieties of Yunyan 317, Yunyan 201, Yunyan 202, Yunyan 203, PVH09 and RGH51, identified by National Committee of Tobacco Variety, have resistance or mid-resistance for more than 2 or more main diseases, such as black shank, tobacco root knot nematode, bacterial wilt, TMV etc., and have moderate yields as well as good quality. Baihuadajunyuan, Jiangchuan Seed, Dayou Seed and Renminliudui-15 have heavy susceptible to black shank. The rest of germplasm resources grow normally in the field. The related data materials, such as period of duration, morphological characteristics, main agronomic traits, leaf face quality, chemical components and main diseases, have been obtained through field experiments, and the photos of plant, leaf, inflorescence, corolla and capsule also been sent to Tobacco Research Institute of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, so as to make contributions to the construction as well as allocation for National Information System of Tobacco Germplasm, enrich the resources of the National Bank of Tobacco Germplasm Resources, and make the continuous ultilization of germplasm resources for future research works.

    • Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Adzuki Bean Native Variety

      2011, 12(5):679-685. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.003

      Abstract (2174) HTML (0) PDF 463.92 K (3816) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 96 landraces of Tangshan and Tianjin auzuki bean was investigated by SSR molecular markers . These materials can be divided into 14 populations in terms of their geographical origins. 89 out of 197 pairs of primers were detected producing 285 bands , with total percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 100%. The genetic diversity of ‘Zunhua’ population was the highest and that of Yutian and Qian’an was second higest. All landraces from Tianjin excluding Jinghai population has relatively low genetic diversity and the lowest PPB with 22.47% can be found in Ninghe polpulation. Total of 96 accessions are divided into three groups by genetic similarities. Jinghai population from Tianjin was included by Tangshan auzuki bean and Dagang population from Tianjin was one separate group. The rest accessions of Tianjin auzuki bean froms another group. So reference for landraces conservation and selection of diverse parental combinations can be provided by this research.

    • Study on the Origin and Evolution of Cultivated Rice in China Based on Gene Diversity of Chloroplast Genome

      2011, 12(5):686-693. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.004

      Abstract (4130) HTML (0) PDF 647.96 K (11521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the origin and evolution of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.), 98 accessions of Asian cultivated rice and 125 accessions of common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were selected for sequencing analysis. Through sequencing the atpA gene, rps16 intron, trnP-rpl33 inter spacer, trnG-trnfM inter spacer and trnT-trnL inter spacer in chloroplast genome in rice, the haplotype network and phylogenetic tree were made with bio-information software. The results showed that the tested common wild rice had more Indels and SNPs than the Asian cultivated rice. Both the haplotype network and phylogenetic tree divided all test materials into three groups. GroupⅠconsisted by accessions from the Japonica subspecies and the common wild rice, Group II included mainly the accessions of Indica subspecies, while Group III were of the accessions of the common wild rice. Importantly, Group II and Group III had a close relationship, which indicated that the Japonica and Indica Subspecies were originated from Japonica-like and Indica-like common wild rice separately, supporting the Double Domestication Hypotheses of Asia cultivated rice. All the materials of common wild rice with a close relationship to Asian cultivated rice were identified to be collected from South China, implicating South China might be the origin center of Asian cultivated rice.

    • Progress on Study of Gnetaceae Plants in World

      2011, 12(5):694-699. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.005

      Abstract (2438) HTML (0) PDF 563.43 K (5040) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gnetaceae, as a sole lianas (rare shrubs or arbors) in gymnosperms, plays an important roles in the studies of theoretics and applications. There is only one genus, and about 40 species in the world and 9 species in China, which distributed in the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa and South America. On the aspects of theoretical research, it is still disputed for the evolution between gymnosperms and angiosperms although a large amounts of studies have been carried out on the morphology and anatomy, chemical constituents and molecular biology. On the aspects of applicable research, the constituents of biological activities, stilbene or its derivatives, alkaloid and flavone, et al., are greatly abundant in this family. Moreover, some species have been Chinese traditional medicines in history. However, exploiture and utilization have been blocked due to its weakness on the studies of introduction, domestication and cultivation. Consequently, this article reviews that the progress on its distribution of species, the research values of theoretical and applicable research, exploiture and utilization, which will provide an basis for the further study of Gnetaceae in future.

    • Analysis of Genetic Similarity on Major Improved Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties in Yunnan Province Based on Their Phenotypies of SSR Markers and Traits

      2011, 12(5):700-708. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.006

      Abstract (2587) HTML (0) PDF 670.16 K (4193) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim is to explore the genetic similarity(GS) of major improved rice (Oryza Sativa L.) varieties in Yunnan province The phenotypes of 17 agronomic traits and 48 SSR markers were applied to evaluate the GS among the 40 major improved rice varieties bred by 18 different breeding groups in Yunnan province since 1960s. .The average GS coefficients were 0.244 of the total 40 varieties, 0.289 of the indica ones , 0.309 of the Japonica ones and 0.162 of between indica ones and Japonica ones,respectively on the basis of 17 agronomic traits while the average GS coefficients were 0.383, 0.318,0.478 and 0.267 correspondingly on the basis of 48 SSR markers. The GS at agronomic level was lower than that at DNA level. In total ,214 number of alleles (Na) were detected,and the mean Na was 4.458 ranging from 2 to 8. The average number of the effective alleles (Ne) was 2.8336 ranging from 1.1515 to 5.2981. The average of polymorphic information contents (PIC) was 0.6058 varying from 0.2118 to 0.8816. The average genotype diversity index (H′) was 1.1328 varying from 0.3768 to 1.8087. The markers including RM84, RM249, RM152, RM222 and RM528 were found to be more suitable to evaluate improved rice varieties in Yunnan province in genetic similarity. Clustering analysis based on GS coefficients showed that all the varieties could be grouped into two obviously different clusters corresponding to the two subspecies, indica and japonica. The results also indicated that genetic difference of among the indica rice varieties was higher than that of among the japonica ones. It was discovered that the genetic diversity of improved japonica rice varieties was lower compared with the indica ones and genetic diversity of varieties bred by one breeding group was lower than that by different groups.

    • SRAP Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationships in Orchardgrass

      2011, 12(5):709-715. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.007

      Abstract (2159) HTML (0) PDF 528.27 K (3732) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity and Relationships among 45 orchardgrass accessions was tested by SRAP. Twenty-one primer combinations were used and 438 bands were produced in SRAP, of which 363(82.08%) were polymorphic. The coefficient range of genetic similarity was 0.6248-0.966 with 0.7958 on average, which showed rich genetic diversity of orchardgrass germplasm, too. 45 accessions could be divided into 4 main groups by cluster and principal component analysis, which not only revealed the geographical distribution of accessions but also reflected the difference of karyotype. The result suggested that the genetic diversity of orchardgrass were correlative with karyotype and geographical distribution of accessions. In addition, the narrow genetic basic of Chinese orchardgrass cultivars were found. Overall, it is efficient to breed more excellent orchardgrass and release the genetic variation among accessions by this research.

    • Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Review on Quality Character of Dry-jujube Varieties

      2011, 12(5):716-720. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.008

      Abstract (2015) HTML (0) PDF 364.50 K (4335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Comprehensive review of quality characters of main cultivars may offer scientific foundation for select and production use of dry-jujube. Using SPSS analytical soft, comprehensive character of thirteen dry-jujube varieties fruit quality was compared and sorted by factor analysis. The result showed that: (1) Differences of the target on radio of edibility, radio of dried fruit and saluble sugar content of dried fruit were smaller, but differences of the target on fruit weight, toughness of fruit skin and juice of flesh were bigger and there is either relative independence or close correspondence among the characteristics indicators of fruit quality. (2) In thirteen quality factors effecting dried jujube fruit quality, fruit weight, radio of dried fruit, evaluation of taste, saluble sugar content of dry-jujube fruit and toughness of fruit skin decide fruit quality. (3) The result of factor analysis showed that the comprehensive quality of Xiangzao and Banzao were best, Linfentuanzao, Hongzhaoxiaozao and Zhongyangmuzao were bad comparatively, and the result was similar to sensory review of the varieties. The result showed the method of factor analysis was better to reviewing comprehensively dry-jujube fruit quality properties.

    • Morphological Properties of Wilding Resources in Medicago ruthenica in Inner Mongolia

      2011, 12(5):721-726. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.009

      Abstract (2157) HTML (0) PDF 453.48 K (3516) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The statistical methods of cluster analysis and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to study 12 morphological characteristics from 12 populations of Medicago ruthenica in Inner Mongolia .The results show: the genetic diversity of 12 gemplasm is abundant, inter-population variation occurred remarkably in most morphological character except for pod shape, seed width. The first and second principal components totally represented 62.30% of morphological diversity, principal components analysis showed: five characters including Branch length ,area of leaf ,pod width ,seed length and 1000-seed weight are mainly factors which produced morphological variation of Medicago ruthenica .Based on the morphological data , 12 Medicago ruthenica germplasm were clustered into 4 groups. The first group, including MR-12 of germplasm, had taller plant height, more plant branches and leaves, bigger pod length, and more 1000-seed weight. The germplasm in cluster had better morphological trait, and it could be used for breeding.

    • Evaluation on Disease Resistance and Dry Matter of Landrace Resources on Sweetpotato and Its Utilization in Sweetpotato Breeding

      2011, 12(5):727-731. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.010

      Abstract (2093) HTML (0) PDF 368.81 K (3984) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Selection of sweetpotato local resources of disease resistance and dry matter was the basis of breeding with multi-resistant, high-quality and high yielding. Identification of disease resistance and quality analysis of 850 sweetpotato local resources were carried out: 71 high-dry matter materials (dry matter ≥30%) were found, 5 high-dry matter materials resistance to three diseases, 23 materials (dry matter ≥30%) resistance to two diseases, 42 materials (dry matter ≥30%) resistance to one disease. Analysis of parent type about 254 varieties of sweetpotato showed that: 85.58% of 254 varieties selected variety (strain) as parents, 18.5% of 254 varieties selected foreign resources as parents, only 8.3% and 0.78% of total varieties selected local resources and wild resources as parents separately.

    • Molecular markers and their applications in hop germplasm

      2011, 12(5):732-737. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.011

      Abstract (2182) HTML (0) PDF 602.18 K (3515) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The review focused on the use of molecular biology of DNA molecular markers in the existing wild and cultivated hops of Genetic Diversity progress. Materials were summarized through reading all relative literatures published since 1990s. The results of DNA molecular markers technology are accurate and stable compared to morphological markers and cytological markers. This method is simple, rapid and requirement of sample is low. Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA (RAPD), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR), Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) are commonly used molecular markers. We found genetic diversity is often higher in hops from North America than which from Europe. The same results were also found in the degree of genetic variation. Meanwhile, the wild hops' gene order has the rich gene diversity, may take an idioplasm in the molecular heredity hybridization breeding to improve the cultivated varieties’ some certain bad characters. However, molecular markers also have disadvantages that employees are required special skills and the cost is high. The widely used molecular markers in plant genetic diversity research solved a number of difficult issues that traditional method cannot deal with. The use of molecular markers in the study of genetic diversity of hops will be an excellent tool to provide theoretical guidance and technological support for the breeding of hops.

    • Diversity and dynamics of introduced plant from China in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

      2011, 12(5):738-743. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.012

      Abstract (2161) HTML (0) PDF 493.33 K (4646) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on data inquired from the database on living collection in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, this article analyzes the introduction of plant resources from China by the Garden in recent century, including the diversity of introduced plants, the source provinces and collection team, main taxa and the total quantity of introduced species in different period. The results show that the Garden has been introducing Chinese plants incessantly since early 20th century. Before 1980s, the introduction was mainly conducted by individuals and the annual sum of introduced species varied from several to several tens. However, since 1990s many expeditions participated in species collection in China and the annual sum was increasing every year, even reaching 500 species one year. The species are introduced from more 20 provinces, especially from Yunnan Province, Sichuan Province, Xizang Automonous Region and Taiwan Province in China. The article also discusses conservation-related problems, challenges and potential counter-measures for China, as one of the mega-diverse countries, in the context that growing focus and highlights are given to protecting bio-resources-related intellectual property rights.

    • Effects of the 6VS/6AL translocation on agronomic traits of wheat

      2011, 12(5):744-749. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.013

      Abstract (2227) HTML (0) PDF 440.91 K (4831) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the effects of the wheat-Haynaldia villosa 6VS/6AL translocation chromosome on agronomic traits of common wheat, eleven derived advanced lines carrying 6VS/6AL translocation chromosome and their respective parents, three segregation advanced lines and five F2 population with and without the 6VS/6AL translocation chromosome were selected and analysed for agronomic traits. In general, there were no significant differences between 6VS/6AL lines and their recurrent parents in agronomic traits, including grain yield, spikelets, grains/spike and grain weight/spike. 6VS/6AL lines showed slightly but significantly higher thousand-kernel weight and spike length. Most 6VS/6AL derivatives showed higher plant height than their control parents. However, significant variation occurred for this trait among sister lines from the same cross, indicating that additional selection could lead to further improvements. It was concluded that the 6VS/6AL translocation can be used in wheat breeding programs as a donor of resistance to powdery mildew with no obvious undesirable effects on agronomic traits.

    • Advances in Inheritance and Mapping of Rice Genes Resistance to Plant Hoppers

      2011, 12(5):750-756. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.014

      Abstract (2501) HTML (0) PDF 734.58 K (4866) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brown planthopper(BPH, Nilaparvata lugens St錶), whitebacked planthopper(WBPH, Sogatella furcifera Horvath)and small brown planthopper(SBPH, Laodelphax striatellus Fall閚)are three serious pests of rice, which often cause major yield losses and quality reduction in China. Breeding and utilization of resistant varieties is economical and effective in controlling plant hoppers. Study on resistance inheritance and gene is the base of breeding for pest resistance. Nowadays, great progress in rice genes resistance to brown planthopper has been made and twenty-one major BPH resistance genes, morn than fifty QTLs and some resistance-related genes were identified, mapped and cloned. However, research on WBPH and SBPH resistance genes is still in the early stage. In addition, the application of resistance genes to rice production has to be promoted.

    • Mining Elite Alleles for Seedling Anoxic Tolerance of Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Taihu Lake Region

      2011, 12(5):757-763. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.015

      Abstract (2436) HTML (0) PDF 624.95 K (4204) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The purpose of this study were to detect elite alleles associated with anaerobic tolerance of seedling from japonica rice varieties growing in Taihu Lake region, and to screen typical carrier genotypes of these alleles. The genotyping data of 91 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers on representative samples of 94 varieties were used in the present study, and the anaerobic responsive index of seedling were investigated. The association analysis between SSR loci and the anaerobic tolerance was performed using General Linear Model program in Tassel 2.0. Elite alleles and their carrier materials were determined on the basis of the result of comparisons between the average phenotypic value of accessions with the specific allele and that of accessions with “null allele”. Four SSR loci associated with seedling anaerobic tolerance were detected. Six elite alleles were RM311-176bp, RM317-164bp, RM112-127bp, RM20-205bp, RM317-157bp, and RM311-170bp. Zhendao88, Baimangnuo, Kaiqing Youmangzaodao, Cuganhuangdao and C-bao were carrier genotypes having the elite alleles for seedling anaerobic tolerance.

    • Cloning and sequence analysis of DREB-like gene EeAP2.2 in Elytrigia elongata

      2011, 12(5):764-769. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.016

      Abstract (2627) HTML (0) PDF 3.94 M (3536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the restriction of special nucleotide sequences in some genes, it’s difficult to obtain their full-length cDNA sequences by using only one method. In this paper, by combining RACE and Genome Walking techniques, a full-length cDNA sequence of AP2 family was cloned from Elytrigia elongata (2n=70), and named as EeAP2.2. Sequence analysis of EeAP2.2 revealed a single open reading frame (ORF) of 837 bp encoding a protein of 279 amino acids, and a highly conserved AP2 domain which classifies EeAP2.2 as a new member of AP2 superfamily. Further comparison analysis through NCBI blast showed that EeAP2.2 has 98%, amino sequence identities with TaDREB1 (Accession no. AAL01124.1) and TaDREBW50 (Accession no. AAY44605.1) from Triticum aestivum, and its amino sequence identities with HvDREB1-a (Accession no. AAY25517.1) from Hordeum vulgare, FaDREB2A (Accession no. CAG30547.1) from Festuca arundinacea and OsDREB2.2 (Accession no. AY064403) from Oryza sativa are 93%, 86%, 69%, respectively. The result indicates that EeAP2.2 has the highest homology with AP2 family members from Triticum aestivum. This study also provided a fast and effective method for cloning full length cDNA sequences in plants.

    • Construction of SMART cDNA library of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus under cold and freezing stresses and its sequence analysis

      2011, 12(5):770-774. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.017

      Abstract (2395) HTML (0) PDF 2.72 M (3742) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A cold and freezing-induced full-length cDNA library of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, a plant with remarkable resistance to severe environments, was constructed by using SMART (Switching mechanism at 5’-end of RNA transcript)cDNA library construction method. The titer of the unamplified library is 9.44?06 pfu/mL; the recombination percentage of the library is 98.3%; the sizes of the insert cDNA fragments ligated to λTriplEx2 vector ranges from 0.5to 2.5b and averagely reaches up to 1.0kb. The titer of the amplified library is 1.98?010 pfu.mL-1. Four hundred and eighty positive clones selected from the unamplified library were sequenced and some stress responsive related genes and novel genes were found. Moreover, using the amplified library as template, a RD22-like gene with the complete coding region of 1083 base-pair was obtained by PCR method. All of the results indicated that the library quality is high and can satisfy the demands of follow-up researches.

    • Isolation and Expression Analysis of a Stress-responsive Gene “ZmbZIP71” in Maize (Zea mays L.)

      2011, 12(5):775-781. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.018

      Abstract (2372) HTML (0) PDF 546.10 K (3327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A number of basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors are known to function in stress signaling in plants but few have thus far been functionally characterized in maize. A bZIP transcription factor gene, ZmbZIP71, was isolated from maize inbred line CN165. Sequence analysis showed that ZmbZIP71 encoded a polypeptide of 156 amino acids with predicted molecular mass of 17.59 kDa and pI of 9.24. The genomic DNA of ZmbZIP71 was composed of two exons. The results of real-time PCR analysis indicated that ZmbZIP71 was up-regulated by drought, cold (4℃) and ABA, and down-regulated by NaCl treatment in seedlings, suggesting that ZmbZIP71 might function as an early stress-responsive gene. The tissue-specific expression analysis suggested that ZmbZIP71 was constitutively expressed in maize different tissues and expressed much higher in tassels and female ear than in other organs.

    • Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Metallothionein-like Protein Gene (MdFjMT2) from Apple (Malus domestica)

      2011, 12(5):782-789. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.019

      Abstract (2629) HTML (0) PDF 2.74 M (3714) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An apple ESTs local database of apple fruit (Malus domestica CV red Fuji) was constructed by differential screening and a large number of sequencing against the suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA library from M. domestica Cultivar red Fuji coloring type sports and its wild type. A metallothionein (MT) gene, named MdFjMT2 (Accession No. HQ730757) was cloned by RT-PCR and splicing of 42 cDNA sequences that were obtained by Blastn searching against the ESTs local database. The full length cDNA encoding metallothionein gene MdFjMT2 was 686 bp, including 97 bp of 5′ untranslated region and 319 bp of 3′ untranslated region. It had an open reading frame (ORF) of 240 bp, encoding 79 amino acid residues. The protein molecular weight was 7.7938 kD and theoretical pI was 4.75. The MdFjMT2 contained the conserved domains of all known MT, with 14 Cys (C) residues, ranking in the feature of CC, CXC and CXXC, and locating at protein N terminal and C terminal. The phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that amino acids sequence of MdFjMT2 shared the higher similarity with Pyrus pyrifolia, M. domestica and M. xiaojinensis but the lower similarity with Prunus dulcis, Salix matsudana and Actinidia deliciosa. Bioinformatics analysis showed that MdFjMT2 mainly located in chloroplasts, it had no signal peptide and belonged to the hydrophilic non-transmembrane protein, it had no functional domains and random coil was the major components of its secondary structure. These results provided some information for the further structure and function study of MdFjMT2. The results would be useful to study the gene's functions, and clarify molecular mechanisms of apple coloring.

    • Comparison of morphological and SRAP markers in watermelon (Citrullus spp.) DUS test

      2011, 12(5):790-795. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.020

      Abstract (2317) HTML (0) PDF 458.32 K (3854) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The tests of distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability(DUS) are necessary steps for varieties identifing and new varietis applying. 21 SRAP markers and 54 morphological traits for DUS tests were used for diversity analysis of 28 watermelon(Citrullus lanatus) varieties. Average polymorphism information content(PIC) of the SRAP markers was 0.72, ranging from 0.525 to 0.892 and the correlation coefficients of varieties ranging from 0.92 to 0.99. The correlation coefficients range from 0.50 to 0.85 in morphological traits test. Clusters analysis of the band patterns using UPGMA analysis separated the varieties to four (SRAP markers) and five (morphological) groups, showing certainsimilarity with in them.The correlation coefficient of two markers is 0.218, showing of no significance correlation. But the SRAP markers show some advantages in varieties identification that could be a good supplement for DUS test .

    • >研究简报
    • Evaluation of Resistance to Fruit Ring Rot for Pear Cultivars

      2011, 12(5):796-800. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.021

      Abstract (2214) HTML (0) PDF 366.81 K (4077) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The resistance of 182 pear cultivars to ring rot were evaluated by inoculation during 2009-2010. The results showed the average ratios of infected ring-rot dots of P. pyrifolia(Burn.f.)Nakai P. bretschneideri Rehd., P. ussuriensis Maxim., P. hybrid, P. communis L and P. sinkiangensis Yü were respectively 6.15%、7.20%、7.43%、12.66%、17.00%、18.93%, and the ring-rot resistance among cultivars was different. The ratios of infected ring-rot dots in most cultivars were different under the dissimilar condition. The ring-rot resistance were graded by the average ratios of infected ring-rot dots, 72 cultivars as high resistance, 63 cultivars as resistance, 25 cultivars as moderate resistance, 14 cultivars as susceptive and 8 cultivars as high susceptive.

    • Response Regularity of Wild Soybean to Photoperiod and Temperature in Natural Environment

      2011, 12(5):801-805. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.022

      Abstract (2174) HTML (0) PDF 273.20 K (3942) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wild soybean(Glycine soja)is distributed widely in China, providing us enough characteristics appearances to realize the regularity of wild soybean in natural environment. According to the investigation of photoperiod and temperature effects on different developing stages of wild soybeans growing naturally from 29 latitude areas, we recognized that, in natural conditions, the germination temperature for soybean was13.1-14.7℃,florescence temperature required 20.5-26.5℃,temperature for mature period required 10.0-19.0℃. The critical photoperiod for flowering was from 13 hours and 15 minutes to 16 hours and 40 minutes. For the seeds from low latitude areas, the earlier they germinated. The later they would flower and mature, For the seeds from high attitude areas, the later they germinated, the earlier they would flower and mature.

    • Genetic Research on Fruit Calyx Color in Eggplant

      2011, 12(5):806-810. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.023

      Abstract (2342) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (4148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two eggplant inbred lines are materials, whose fruit calyx color is green and purple respectively ,the color board classified the calyx color,the inheritance of eggplant fruit calyx color were studyed with P1,P2,F1,B1,B2 and F2 . The results showed that calyx color grade value of F2 is single peak and partial distribution, it is proved that the fruit calyx color is quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes. The inheritance of eggplant fruit calyx color is controlled by two additive-dominant-epistatic major gene additive-dominant-epistatic polygene model(E-0 Modle) . It with high main gene heritability is 96.82% which can be used in breeding.

    • Investigation of Flowering and Seeding Status and Comparison of Flower Organ of Taro Germplasm Resources

      2011, 12(5):811-815. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.024

      Abstract (2123) HTML (0) PDF 499.73 K (3999) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Investigation of flowering and seeding status of taro (Colocaia) germplasm resources which conserved in Wuhan National Germplasm Repository for Aquatic Vegetables were conducted. It indicated that: (1) In natural condition, all germplasm of previous C. esculenta (L.) var. antiquorum and C. tonoimo Nakai, which now belonged to Colocasia antiquorum (L.) Schott(2n=2x), flowered. The flowering status of that of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott presented that: All germplasm of headed-taro (2n=2x), taro with multi-headed taro (2n=3x), taro used with corm and cormels (2n=3x) did not flower. In Chinese taro with numerous cormels, purple-petiole-taro (2n=3x) did not flower. Red-purple-green-petiole-taro (2n=3x) and green-petiole-taro (2n=3x) flowered partly, whose flowering varieties were uncertain. In taro with numerous cormels which came from Southeast Asia, the flowering phase and flowering rate of green-petiole-taro (2n=3x) were high and long respectly. In addition, one accection of purple-petiole-taro (2n=3x) flower, which differed from Chinese taro with numerous corm els(2n=3x). The flowering rate of green-petiole-taro (2n=3x) which came from Southeast Asia was equal to or higher than that of Chinese taro. In Chinese taro, the flowering rate of diploid was more than that of triploid. The period of flowering of green-petiole-taro (2n=3x) which came from Southeast Asia was the longest, In Chinese taro, diploid was more than that of triploid. (2) Red-purple-green-petiole-taro with numerous cormels and taro used with inflorescence, whose buds were red, belonged to taro with short appendage, and the others, whose buds were white, belonged to taro with long appendage. (3) In natural condition, only 2 accessions of germplasm of C. antiquorum (L.) Schott (2n=2x), whose petiole was purple, seeded. But the others did not seed. (4) The comparison of first flowering date, last flowering date, flowering phase, number of inflorescence/leaf axis, number of floral clusters per plant, total numbers of inflorescences per plant, tube length (lower part of spathe enclosing the flowers), spathe length at male anthesis, length of appendage, length of staminate portion, length of sterile portion, length of pistillate portion were done as well.

    • Inheritance of Resistance to Phythophtora Blight in sweet pepper line N1345

      2011, 12(5):816-819. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.025

      Abstract (2159) HTML (0) PDF 342.54 K (4622) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The inheritance of resistance to phythophtora blight of N1345 is important for pepper breeding resistant to phythophtora blight.Using the model of the major gene plus polygene of quantitative traits, a joint analysis of six-generations from a sweet pepper line N1345 highly resistant to phythophtora blight and a highly susceptible hot pepper line N1308 was performed. It showed that the resistance to phythophtora of N1345 was controlled by two major genes (B-1-1) with equal additive and dominant effects.And the major genes heritabilities of B1,B2,F2 were 63.43%,82.32%, and 83.46%, respectively.

    • The evaluation of soyban germplasm resource to Cercospora sojae resistance and appraisement of dominant physiological race

      2011, 12(5):820-824. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.026

      Abstract (1951) HTML (0) PDF 398.77 K (4251) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During last decades, C. sojae become more severe in the Heilongjiang soybean production region due to the change of the soybean cultivars and clmiate. To obtain some resistant to C. sojae in soybean production and breeding, we evaluate and appraise the resistance of C. sojae from 1073 portions of Soybean resource under artificial infection condition. The results showed that there were 33 portions of high resisted resource, 291 portions of resisting disease, 332 portions of moderate resistance、381 portions of affecting disease, and 36 portions of highly affecting resource, which respectively occupied 3.1%、27.1%、30.9%、35.5%、3.4%. We also found much higher frequent advantage of physiological seeds from Number 1, 6 and 7 were 161 portions, 68 portions, 95 portions, which occupied 15%、6.3%、8.9% respectively. All these results showed that there are plenty of anti-disease sources in recent soybean germplasm resources.

    • Correct name for cultivated Bai-Ling-Gu in China

      2011, 12(5):825-827. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.027

      Abstract (4095) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (4782) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A wild A-Wei-Mo specimen collected from Xinjiang was identificated with morphological methods. The results showed that it was consistent with the morphological characteristics of Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis, but different from those of Pleurotus nebrodensis reported in Europe. In addition, the strain CCMSSC 02514 isolated from the wild mushroom specimen was analyzed with molecular menthods. Based on rDNA ITS sequences from the phylogenetic tree, the relationship among Bai-Ling-Gu in China, Pleurotus nebrodensis and Pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae in Italy, and Pleurotus eryngii are analyzed. The rDNA ITS sequences of CCMSSC 02514 and Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis AFRL 6022 are identical. Combined with morphology and rDNA ITS sequence analysis, we considered that Bai-Ling-Gu in China is different from the European Pleurotus nebrodensis, and the former is a branch of Pleurotus eryngii evolved independently in China. The scientific name for the Chinese Bai-Ling-Gu in China should be Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis.

    • Analysis of SSR Marker-based Polymorphism of Pigmented Rice in Shaanxi

      2011, 12(5):828-832. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2011.05.028

      Abstract (2022) HTML (0) PDF 400.31 K (4087) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 17 pigmented rice varieties in Shaanxi Province was investigated with the technique of SSR. By using 22 effective primers from 12 rice chromosomes, The result showed that: 128 alleles was detected by 22 pairs of SSR primers, The average number of alleles per SSR locus was 5.8, The average number of polymorphism information content per SSR primer was 0.73 with a range from 0.49 to 0.89. Genetic similarities ranged from 0.24 to 0.88.

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