• Volume 13,Issue 2,2012 Table of Contents
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    • Current Situation and the Future in Collection, Preservation, Evaluation and Utilization of Cotton Germplasm in China

      2012, 13(2):163-168. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.001

      Abstract (2344) HTML (0) PDF 258.34 K (4320) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cotton collection in China rank fourth in the world. Total 8868 accessions were collected and preserved including 7362 G.hirsutum, 350 G.hirsutum race, 633 G.barbadence, 433 G.arbareum, 18 G.herbaceous, 32 wild spicies until Dec. in 2010. Based on IPGRI standard description for cotton (1980),we establish the “Descriptors and Data Standard for Cotton Germplasm” which help for cotton data collection , germplasm sharing and utilization. 66 agronomic traits including morphological, agronomic,fiber quality,disease, insect and adverse resistance were evaluated .8503 accessions cotton seeds were catalogged,7527 accessions were acquired data information, the eligible 7298 accessions were kept in the longterm genebank. The techniques for increasing seeds were perfectly test,and the seeds of 6550 accessions were propagated again,11507 accessions were released to 704 person-times with average of 1150 accessions per year in 2001-2010. A precise identification for 330 elite germplasm were carried out in Anyang of Henan,Nanjing of Jiangsu, Kuche of Xinjiang in 2007-2010, and the elite germplasm were shown to the breeders and famers in the fields. In recent ten years, 32 novel germplasm combined mutiple disirable traits such as better fiber quality,mutiple-resistance , high yield , high efficience etc. were developed. The related gene location and their gene sources of 12 elite germplasm were analyzed based on morphological, pedgree original and molecular characters. The fingerprints of elite germplasm were established based on a novel barcode method with denary numeric string of SSR,EST-SSR,AFLP markers.

    • Screening and Evaluation of Maize Germplasm for Resistance to Five Diseases and Asian Corn Borer

      2012, 13(2):169-174. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.002

      Abstract (2937) HTML (0) PDF 256.77 K (4463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Among 604 maize accessions screened in 2003-2005, 93 were resistance to Curvularia leaf spot and 22 were resistance to asian corn borer. From 2006 to 2009, 836 maize accessions were identified and evaluated for resistance to northern corn leaf blight, Pythium stalk rot, Fusarium ear rot and common smut and some of them were highly resistant and multiplely resistant. Approximately 50﹪ of maize accessions with resistance to northern corn leaf blight race1, 2 and N were screened, respectively. 41.3﹪ of accessions were resistant to Pythium stalk rot, including 264 highly resistant and 81 resistant. 5 and 171 accessions were highly resistant and resistant to Fusarium ear rot, respectively, accounting for 21.1﹪ of total accessions screened. 32.9﹪ of accessions with different resistance to common smut was screened and 261 highly resistant and 14 resistant lines were discovered. Based on the above data, we thought there were relatively abundant maize germplasm with resistance to northern corn leaf blight, Pythium stalk rot and common smut. There were different in resistance level and diversity among maize germplasm from different ecological areas, for instance, there was higher level of resistance and more multiple resistance in germplasm from Heilongjiang Province and Inner Mongolia than that from Sichuan Province. In addition, there was higher level of resistance and more multiple resistance in maize inbred lines than in landraces.

    • Effect of Sample Sizes and Isolation Methods on Genetic Integrity of Faba Bean(Vicia faba L.)Germplasm

      2012, 13(2):175-181. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.003

      Abstract (2659) HTML (0) PDF 1020.00 K (3810) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic integrity of nine faba bean landraces and their regeneration groups were studied to investigate the effects of sample sizes and isolation methods on the regeneration of faba bean (vicia faba L.) using AFLP markers. Seeds stored in the national genebank were used as CK. The results showed that: compared with those of the control group, the number of polymorphic loci, percentage of polymorphic loci, effective number of alleles per locus, Shannon index, and genetic diversity index decreased in 50 and 20 plants groups, but the decline was greater in 20 plants group. Genetic similarity analysis and UPGMA cluster showed that the genetic similarity between CK and 50 plants group was higher than that between CK and 20 plants group. Cages isolation can reduce pollen contamination, but their genetic integrity was lower than that of the open pollination groups.

    • Optimizing and Confirming of Digoxigenin Based Southern Blotting for Wheat Genome Analysis

      2012, 13(2):182-188. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.004

      Abstract (2548) HTML (0) PDF 1.66 M (4468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Southern blot analysis based on isotope labeling technique has some shortages such as facility limitation, environmental pollution, and poor stability. Therefore, establishing a safe, stable and efficient Southern hybridization protocol is very important to detect the integration of exogenous genes in transgenic wheat. In this study, by using the DNAs from wild-type wheat and transgenic wheat as material, the DIG-labeled Southern blot analysis was improved through modifying several key steps, including probe preparation and purification, usage of DNA samples amount, digestion system, vacuum transfer conditions, stringent hybridization conditions, and immunoassay detect. The results showed that the purifications of DNA template and probe- labeled could significantly improve the efficiency of the probe labeling when random prime labeling method was used. Desirable digestion result could be achieved when 10μg DNA samples with high quality was enzymed in 80μl reaction system for 8~12 hours. In the vacuum transfer step, alkaline liquid was better than neutral liquid to obtain clean transmembrane effect. Reagent purity, the temperature and the rotation speed in hybridization inside the hybridization oven impacted on the hybridization results greatly. Application of chemiluminescence detection system combining with improved coating CSPD method was not only easier to operate, but also cleaner in background comparing X-ray imaging optimized. The improved digoxigenin-labeled Southern blot technique showed good sensitivity and high ratio of signal to noise for wheat DNA analysis, can be used stably and widely in ordinary laboratory, overcoming restrictions of isotope labeling to experimental conditions, equipments, and physical status of researcher.

    • Evaluation for Salt Tolerance of Wheat Cultivars

      2012, 13(2):189-194. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.005

      Abstract (2822) HTML (0) PDF 717.62 K (4655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the industry standard NY/PZT001-2002 of Ministry of Agriculture, 882 wheat varieties were evaluated for salt tolerance at the germination stage and the seedling stage. Among varieties tested, 328 wheat cultivars with salt tolerance grade 1 were identified at the germination stage,and 43 cultivars were medium salt tolerance at both the germination stage and the seedling stage. Besides the slat tolerance, some varieties, such as Xiaoyan22, Xinshuguang 1 etc., were high yield and high quality. The excellent salt tolerance germplasm screened in this study provides the genetic materials for wheat breeding to improve salt tolerance. Correlation analysis of wheat varieties with salt tolerance grade 1 and 2 at the germination stage showed that significant negative correlation existed between the germination stage and the seedling stage for salt tolerance, while no correlation existed at both stages for wheat varieties with salt tolerance grade 3, 4 and 5, indicating that evaluation of the wheat salt tolerance at the germination stage had the same significance as that at the seedling stage in screening of wheat germplasm with salt tolerance.

    • Identification and Evaluation of 76 Special Utilized Sweetpotato Germplasm Resources

      2012, 13(2):195-200. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.006

      Abstract (2382) HTML (0) PDF 3.78 M (3480) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is basis for rich in parent materials on breeding of special utilized sweetpotato new varieties that pay attention to evaluation on special utilized sweetpotato germplasm resources. 76 Special utilized Sweetpotato germplasm with high content of carotene from CIP were evaluated, the results are as follows: 2 accessions with short-vine characteristics, 19 ones with higher dry matter rate than Xushu18 (CK), 3 ones have the dry matter content in excess of 30%, 19 ones have carotene content ≥ 10 mg/100 g fresh weight, the fresh root weight of 440189 is higher than CK. Accessions with resistance to black-rot, root rot, rot-nematode were obtained 44, 10, 26 respectively, and 20 accessions are resistant to any two diseases of black-rot, root rot, rot-nematode, 5 ones are resistant to 3 kinds of disease.

    • Studies on Genetic Diversity of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties Bred in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces

      2012, 13(2):201-206. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.007

      Abstract (2227) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (4172) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to assess the genetic diversity, 41 peanut varieties bred in Hebei, Henan and Shandong provinces were used with methods of SSR markers, phenotypic identification and cluster analysis. Using 21 pairs of SSR primers, 41 peanut varieties were screened and 52 alleles were detected, with 2~4 alleles per locus and average of 2.5. Shannon information index of varieties ranged from 0.21 to1.40 with an average was 0.73 for each pair of primers. Cluster analysis based on SSR markers showed that 3 groups and 7 subclasses were clustered while threshold was 5.54.The coefficient of variation for nine kinds of agronomic traits were at range of 13.16%~186.49%. And the result of cluster analysis based on agronomic traits showed that these varieties were divided into 6 categories and 11 subclasses when threshold was 5.48. Varieties in each category have their own characters.

    • Collection, Conservation, Evaluation and Enhancement of Camellia sasanqua L. Germplasm Resources

      2012, 13(2):207-211. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.008

      Abstract (2419) HTML (0) PDF 252.84 K (4392) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Camellia sasanqua is a protential shrub which flowering in winter. This paper reviews the history and status of germplasm collection,conservation, evaluation and enhancement of Camellia sasanqua L. in the world. Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center (SAGC ) has worked on germplasm resources since 2002. About 80 varieties were collected and planted in the field nursery. Propagation and evaluation were carried out. A total of 3 varieties were screen out adapt to Shanghai area. Some good germplasm had been used in breeding programs and 1 new variety was registered.

    • Characterization of Fertility and Pollen Abortion of Sorghum Sterile Line Ji 130A under Different Temperature Conditions

      2012, 13(2):212-218. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.009

      Abstract (2472) HTML (0) PDF 419.57 K (4583) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new male sterile line Ji 130A was developed after backcrossing Hui 18A with an aphid-resistance parental line 130B for 8 generations. It was discovered that temperature affects sterility of Ji 130A. In order to understand the effect of temperature to sterility of Ji 130A , confirm critical temperature for the hybrid production, the Ji 130 was sown on different dates in different growing sites and various temperature conditions at key growing stages were applied. The results showed that Ji 130A was completely sterile when the mean temperature was below 23℃ during period from flag leaf to heading but fertile pollen appeared when temperature was above 23℃. Its selfing rate could reach 30% with variation among individual plant when temperature was over 26℃. The development of its anther and pollen under various temperature conditions was characterized by using paraffin sectioning and microphotography. The results showed that under low temperature conditions the tapetal cells appeared obvious deformity including vacuolation, radial expansion and delayed degradation. The sporegenous cell or pollen mother cell of early abortive anther disintegrated earlier than normal and no mononuclear pollen developed. When the mean temperature was over 26℃ during period from flag leaf to heading mononuclear pollen developed with deformity but some about 40% were normal and could be released from anther. Low temperature causes tapetal cells abnormal, which may be the main reason causing pollen abortion. Ji 130A was identified and developed, it diversifies the cytoplasm and nuclear genetic base of sorghum hybrids and is beneficial to the commercial hybrid breeding programs. Ji 130A can be as a new germ plasm to research the pollen abortion mechanism, the research on the characteristics of fertility alteration lays a foundation to select the region and sowing time for hybrid production.

    • Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius L) Germplasm Resources from Yunnan Province, China

      2012, 13(2):219-225. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.010

      Abstract (2409) HTML (0) PDF 518.81 K (4011) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To assess genetic diversity of germplasm resource is very important for breeding of new varieties. We assessed 16 traits of 66 native safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) varieties by both the cluster analysis and the principal components analysis. The resul- ts: there are abound genetic diversity in native safflower varieties from Yunnan. The diversity index of the number of seed per fruit is highest, then plant height, the height of top branch, and 1000 seeds weight. The coefficient variation (CV) of the height of first branch is third highest, after the branches number and the fruits number per plant, while the diameter of top fruit is lowest. By data obtained, 66 native varieties can be divided into 6 groups. The first group can be parents of progenies with high yield potential, the third one can be the parents of progenies with high yield, the fourth group can be parents of progenies with big seeds, the fifth group can be parents of progenies with high oil content, the sixth can be parents of progenies with both high oil content and high yield. The principal comp- onents analysis of 11 traits showed the top four traits principal components account for 82.59% of all principal components, the first one is plant height the second is seed yield components, the third is 1000 seeds weight ,the fourth is the number of seed per fruit. The germplasme resources from Yunnan,China is useful for breeding of new varieties with abound diversity.

    • Genetic Diversity of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) with Different Fleshy Colors Based on SSR Data

      2012, 13(2):226-232. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.011

      Abstract (2274) HTML (0) PDF 888.71 K (4044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 37 radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) with different fleshy colors collected from different areas of China was investigated using 86 SSR primers with distinct amplified bands. 86 SSR primers from 600 pairs of SSR primers in Brassica produced stable amplified bands and 976 bands were detected among the 37 accessions with 892 polymorphic bands, accounting for 91.39%. The mean number of alleles was 8.7 with a range from 2 to 20. The effective allelic number was 443.99 and accounted for 58.96%. Shannon’s index varied from 0.44 to 2.77 with an average of 1.76. On the basis of the genetic similarity coefficients, clustering analysis separated the 37 accessions into three groups. The cluster analysis showed that the accessions could be classified into three clusters when the genetic similarity was 0.81. Cluster I included six accessions of which are the white fleshy radishes, cluster II consisted of three red fleshy radishes and six white fleshy radishes, and cluster III composed by 22 accessions of which are the radishes with red fleshy. Genetic similarity coefficients of over 0.80 in the red and white fleshy radishes were 97 and 91%, respectively. The results above indicated that there was somewhat higher variation in the red than in the white fleshy radishes. The genetic similarity coefficient between the red and white fleshy radishes was 0.83 indicating genetically close relationship in radishes with different fleshy colors. In addition, it was deduced that the former may be a variant of the latter.

    • Analysis on the Phenotypic Indexes for Identification of High Yield and Drought Resistance of Winter Wheat Varieties in Hebei province

      2012, 13(2):233-238. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.012

      Abstract (2406) HTML (0) PDF 285.47 K (3951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wheat is one of the main crops in Hebei production, and possesses a prominent position in wheat production of China, but it is shortage of water resource in this area. So it is of great significance for high yield and drought resistance breeding of winter wheat and variety utilization to select appropriate phenotypic traits and analyze their yields and drought resistance. In this study, 85 winter wheat varieties authorized in Hebei Province were planted under the conditions of spring drought through rainproof shelter, and irrigation twice at jointing and booting stages. 27 phenotypic traits, such as plant height, were observed at anthesis and maturity. And the correlation between phenotypic characters and grain yield per plant were analyzed. The results showed that, the correlation was significant or very significant between 12 traits including spike number per plant, and drought resistance coefficient (DRC) or drought resistance index (DRI) of grain yield per plant under drought condition. Based on the coefficient of variation of phenotypic traits, it was recommended that, such traits as spike number per plant, grains per spike, and the longer flag leaf under irrigation or shorter under drought be the main breeding targets of wheat for high yield and drought resistance in Hebei Province. 4 traits, including grain specific gravity, grain length and Setting percentage under drought, Spikelets per spike under drought could be used to identify the drought resistance of wheat germplasm resources in Hebei Province. The wheat varieties of Hebei Province possessed high yield ability, but the drought resistance need to be improved.

    • ISSR Genetic Diversity of Poppy Germplasms in Different Ecological Zones

      2012, 13(2):239-243. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.013

      Abstract (2324) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3713) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the genetic diversity of poppy in different ecological zones. Based on the molecular markers of 100 inter-simple sequence repeat ( ISSR), poppy and relatives from 12 different areas were amplified and analyzed with optimizing conditions for the primers. The results showed that a total of 109 allelic variations were detected, between 7-16 loci for each primer. Among them, primer 807 had the most alleles of 16. The value of allelic polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.77-0.91, which the Maximum is 807 (0.92) and the minimum is 847 (0.77). The results showed that the genetic similarity among them ranged from -0.45 to 0.98, and these 12 germplasms were classified into 2 groups. The poppy germplasms sources was less correlated with geographic latitude . There was no evident geographic patterns of the poppy germplasm sources happened. The research will provide basis theoretical for scientific and effective utilization poppy germplasms.

    • Identification of Major QTL for Head Smut Resistance Based on Donor Chromosome Segment Introgression line and Linkage disequilibrium Analysis in Maize

      2012, 13(2):244-251. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.014

      Abstract (2362) HTML (0) PDF 3.56 M (3269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mo17 and SH15, two head smut resistant inbred lines as donor parents were chosen to produce BC3F1 and BC4F2 populations of Huangzao4 ×(Huangzao4×Mo17) and Chang7-2 ×(Chang7-2×SH15) with two susceptible inbred lines Huangzao4 and Chang7-2 as recurrent parents, respectively. These populations were evaluated for head smut resistance with artificial inoculation under field condition. The disease incidence for BC4F2 populations of Huangzao4 ×(Huangzao4×Mo17) was higher than that of BC3F1 population. The disease incidence was found different for the BC4F2 populations of Huangzao4 ×(Huangzao4×Mo17) and Chang7-2 ×(Chang7-2×SH15). The resistant individuals were genotyped by SSR markers on maize bins 2.09 and 3.04. The number of donor introgrssion segments in BC4F2 resistant plants was becoming less than that in BC3F1, and also was different in different populations. Using linkage disequilibrium analysis, two major QTL for head smut resistance were identified, each on bin 2.09 and bin 3.04, with linked markers umc2077 and phio53\bnlg1965, respectively. The results obtained provided both useful genetic information and materials for QTL mapping and marker assisted selection for head smut resistance in maize.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Glutathione Peroxidase 6 (ThGPX6) in Thellungiella halophile

      2012, 13(2):252-258. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.015

      Abstract (2363) HTML (0) PDF 797.22 K (3979) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) plays an important role in response to salt stress in plant. Through the analysis on EST sequence of Thellungiella halophila, a novel gene exhibiting high homology with plant glutathione peroxidase was discovered and named as ThGPX6 (GenBank accession number: FJ357244).ThGPX6 consists of 892 nucleotides,including a single 702bp opening reading frame which encodes a 234-amino acid peptide.Bioinformatics analysis showed that ThGPX6 had typical structures of GPX,such as catalysis region (NVASKCGLT), characteristic motif (ILAFPCNQF) and PHGPX special sequence (KWNF(S/T)KFL).Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that the gene expressed in shoot and root,and could be induced by NaCl in T.halophila.These results showed that the ThGPX6 played a crucial role under salt stress in T.halophila.

    • Characterizations and Gene Mapping of a Brittle Culm and Leaf Mutant in indica Rice

      2012, 13(2):259-264. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.016

      Abstract (2575) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brittle culm mutants are suitable materials to study the mechanism of secondary cell wall formation. A britlle culm and leaf mutant (bc9311-1) was obtained from M2 population of indica rice 9311 by ion beam irradiation. The fertility and tiller number of bc9311-1 mutant reduced observably, while other agronomic characters changed slightly. Cell wall components analysis showed that cellulose content of mutant leaf and culm decreased sharply, while hemi-cellulose increased evidently, no significant difference has been found in contents of SiO2 in leaf. Genetic analysis showed that the mutated phenotype of bc9311-1 was controlled by a recessive gene. The bc9311-1 gene was mapped on rice chromosome 1 by using a F2 population developed from a cross between the mutant and 02428, and the genetic distances from the gene to the linked SSR markers RM1095 and RM3632 were 0.6cM and 3.4cM, respectively.. The above results laid the basis for the research of the fragile and dwarf mutant and its gene cloning.

    • Cloning and expression profiling analysis of a transcription factor ChNAC1 in hazelnut(Corylus heterophylla Fisch.)

      2012, 13(2):265-270. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.017

      Abstract (2469) HTML (0) PDF 1.96 M (4156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:NAC transcription factors are a family of functionally diverse proteins. These plant-speci?c NAC domain genes play an important role in response to various stresses. A cDNA encoding the NAC-like gene homologue was isolated from hazelnut(Corylus heterophylla Fisch.)by RACE-PCR and designated ChNAC1 (GenBank Accession No. HQ639415). Sequence analysis showed that cDNA of ChNAC1 was 1154 bp long and contained a single open reading frame. The predicted ChNAC1 protein has 291 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 33.31 kDa and an isoelectric point of 6.66 kDa, qRT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of ChNAC1 was induced by low temperature and peaked at 4 h after exposed to low temperatures of 4℃. The transcripts of ChNAC1 appeared in many hazelnut tissues including male inflorescence, bark, ?ower bud and seeds, but mostly accumulated in male inflorescence. These results suggest that ChNAC1 may function in cold stress signal transduction pathway.

    • Optimization of Soybean Embryonic Tips Genetic Transformation System and Transformation of Stress Resistance Gene GmPK

      2012, 13(2):271-277. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.018

      Abstract (2398) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (4474) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated genetic transformation system of soybean embryonic tips was optimized. The experiment was carried out by orthogonal test involving four levels of five terms (Acetosyringone (AS) concentration, Agrobacterium OD value, infection time, co-culture time and recovery culture time) , and the transgenic events were ascertained by β-glucuronidase assay. The results indicated that the optimum transformation conditions were: 100 μmol/L AS, Agrobacterium OD of 0.9, infected for 15h, co-cultured for 5d, recovery cultured for 3d. In the above condition, GUS staining positive rate reached up to 74.59%. And then, transgenic plants were obtained by PCR and RT-PCR. Using the optimized system, a stress-resistant gene GmPK was transformed. PCR and PCR-Southern blotting results showed that the GmPK gene was integrated into the genome of soybean. The transformation efficiency was 0.6%.

    • Genetic Analysis and Endogenous Hormone Content in Apical Buds of A Cotton Mutant with Small Crinkled Leaves

      2012, 13(2):278-282. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.019

      Abstract (2261) HTML (0) PDF 845.17 K (3510) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A mutant with small crinkled leaves were discovered in the progeny of the genomic DNA of island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.cv.Hai7124 ) introduced into the upland cotton (G. hirsutum L. cv. Shiyuan321). Compared with the normal cotton plant, the leaves of the mutant were smaller and the stem was thinner, but it can flower and set bolls normally. Microscopic observation showed that cells of the mutant leaf epidermis were significantly larger than that of the wild type plant. The result of genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a dominant allele that may have homologous lethal effect. The endogenous hormone contents showed that the IAA and ZR contents in apical buds were obviously higher in the mutant than that in the wild type plant. It is suggested that the abnormal contents of IAA and ZR in the mutant result in the phenotypic mutation.

    • >研究简报
    • Research Progress on Plant Seed Aging and Mitochondria

      2012, 13(2):283-287. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.020

      Abstract (2580) HTML (0) PDF 262.60 K (4489) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed aging is a complex biological progress from quantitative change to qualitative change. Seed aging is closely related to the dysfunction of mitochondria. In the view of the “mitochondria aging theory”, the excessive accumulation of ROS in mitochondria is the main reason of seed aging. Understanding the changes takes place in mitochondria during seed aging is important to reveal the mechanism of seed aging and ensure safe conservation of seeds. In this paper, the current process of mitochondrial structure, respiration and antioxidant systems during seed aging were reviewed. Moreover, problems in the study of seed aging and mitochondria were discussed.

    • Research Progress on In Vitro Conservation of Carnation(Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Germplasm

      2012, 13(2):288-292. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.021

      Abstract (2415) HTML (0) PDF 532.60 K (4159) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carnation is one of the world's four cut flowers with important ornamental value. Its germplasm resources are mainly conserved in field genebanks and in vitro genebanks, which including tissue culture and cryopreservation. As complementary to conservation in field genebanks, in vitro genebanks can conserve the germplasms in short, medium and long-term. In this paper, the related researches in the carnation germplasms in vitro conservation were studied summarily, aimed at providing references to carnation germplasm conservation.

    • Progress and Thinking of Conservation of Wild Rice in Guangxi

      2012, 13(2):293-298. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.022

      Abstract (2038) HTML (0) PDF 509.06 K (4214) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper expounded meaning of conservation of wild rice; principal progress of in situ and ex situ conservation of wild rice in Guangxi; bring up problems and thinking of the development in future.

    • Primary Research on Heredity Rule of Multi-leaflet Mutant in Soybean

      2012, 13(2):299-303. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.023

      Abstract (2541) HTML (0) PDF 957.88 K (4050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic analysis of multi-leaflet trait were conducted by four crosses from 4 normal female parents with 3-leaflets and one mutantal male parent with five-leaflet which is derived from 5th selfbred of cross Hefeng25×Dongnong7296. All leaves of F1 individual have 5 leaflet in 4 crosses, which indicated that 5-leaflet is dominantly controlled by nuclear genes. The segaration mode of 3-leaflet, 3+4-leaflet, 3+5-leaflet, 3+4+5-leaflet, 4+5-leaflet and 5-leaflet were different according to crosses in F2. While the inheridtary pattern of 3-leaflet and >3-leaflet were coherent in various genetic background with a segarating ratio of 1:3, which means that leaflet traits follows one dominant gene inheridity. Leaflet were controlled by one dominant gene and the new soybean mutant germplasm Mu5796-3 can be used in soybean breeding and gene cloning.

    • Comparative study on seed storage protein of Faba bean

      2012, 13(2):304-307. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.024

      Abstract (2438) HTML (0) PDF 492.18 K (4693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the difference of seed storage proteins in Faba bean, Seed storage proteins extracted from ten species of Faba bean were analyzed with SDS-PAGE, the result showed that it is different among the seed storage proteins of faba bean, a total of 23 subunits of different Rf were detected, counting 13 polymorphic protein subunits. The similarity index of seed storage proteins subunits in Faba bean is 0.619~0.947, with an average of 0.744. Cluster analysis divided the accessions into three major clusters in the leave of 0.8260 GS, the second cluster showed higher polymorphism, and 7 pair Faba bean were identified as the parents.

    • Foreign Wheat Germplasm Investigation, Introduction and Utilization in Ningxia

      2012, 13(2):308-312. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.025

      Abstract (2150) HTML (0) PDF 391.27 K (4297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ningxia has initially set up it’s a net work for global wheat germplasm introduction and international collaboration. Wheat germplasm in Ningxia was broad collected and more abundantly conserved, including some rare germplasm in China, even in the Word. Foreign Wheat germplasm Introduction of Ningxia has played an important action in wheat breeding. “Quality”, “Abbondanza”, “Cajeme F-71”, “WC-20(Ningchun 37)”, “9186(Ningdong 6)” and other wheat cultivars, originally from foreign country, have been directly utilized in wheat production in Ningxia, China. Ningxia spring wheat breeding programs has been initiated since 1953. Using foreign spring wheat germplasm, “Doudi 1”, “Ningchun 4” and other 50 more spring wheat cultivars have been bred up and released. In 1990, foreign winter wheat germplasm introduction has drive study on winter wheat production area northward expending and farming system reforming in Yellow River Ningxia Basin, as well as winter wheat breeding program in the Province. Ningxia winter wheat breeding program has been began since 1991. By fifteen years effort, “Ningdong 10”, “Ningdong 11”, the first group of winter wheat cultivars, have been released. The two new winter wheat cultivars has replaced “Mingfeng 5088”, introduced from Heilongjiang Province, in winter wheat production since 2010. It not only realized third winter wheat cultivar renovation, and fifth wheat cultivar renovation in YRNB, but also promoted Ningxia wheat production level to raise a new step, as well as strongly accelerated farming system reforming and planting industry structure adjusting.

    • Observation on the Biological Characteristics and Molecular Identification of Changtai Fructus Amomi

      2012, 13(2):313-316. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.026

      Abstract (2138) HTML (0) PDF 326.52 K (4114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focused on the biological characteristics of Changtai Fructus Amomi, carried out its molecular identification, and cleared its taxonomic status, which laid the foundation for the origin brand building of Changtai Fructus Amomi. According to the combining field observations and measurements of the biological characteristics of Changtai Fructus Amomi with the indoor research, this paper analyzed ITS-5.8S sequences of the different Amomum species. It indicated that there is no significant difference of Fructus Amomi flowers, leaves, fruits and other major biological indicators between Xinwu Village, Chenxiang Town and Shanchong Village, Mayangxi tourist area, Changtai County. It also showed that the percentage of fertile fruit, ripening rate, 1000-gain weight and acre yield of Xinwu Village, Chenxiang Town are significantly higher than Shanchong Village of Mayangxi tourist area. According to the Phylogenetic trees, which were constucted based on ITS-5.8S sequences, Changtai Fructus Amomi, Amomum villosum and Amomum villosum Lour.var.xanthioides T.L.Wu et Senjen clustered into a branch with the 99 percent support. The homology of Changtai Fructus Amomi and the other two kinds all reached more than 99 percent. Therefore it is found that Changtai Fructus Amomi and Amomum villosum should be the same based on the morphological characteristics and ITS-5.8S.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of YiRen Rice Germplasm Resources by SSR Markers in Guizhou Provience

      2012, 13(2):317-320. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.027

      Abstract (2386) HTML (0) PDF 492.45 K (4279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 22 YiRen rice germplasm were studied by simple sequence repeats (SSR)markers. 11 SSR primers giving stable amplified band pattern detected 105 alleles among the lines tested. The average number of alleles per SSR locus were 9.55 with a range from 4 to 20. The value of polymorphism information content (PIC) for each SSR locus varied from 0.3048 to 0.9238 with average of 0.8255. The 22 germplasm were divided into 4 groups by UPGMA method based on SSR fingerprinting. The clustered results were similar to that based on geograph-ical resource and germplasmic genealogy. SSR marker could be an accurate and reliable method to study diversity of YiRen rice Germplasm. SSR marker assisted genetic improvement of YiRen rice germplasm would be an important way to breed new YiRen rice cultivars.

    • Studies on Innovation Germplasm of Erianthus rockii I. Establishment of F1 Intergeneric Distant Hybridization of S.officinarum L. and Erianthus rockii and the Identification of F1 by SSR Molecular Markers

      2012, 13(2):321-324. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.02.028

      Abstract (2527) HTML (0) PDF 525.78 K (3824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using photoperiod pathway controlling techniques induced S.officinarum Ludashi to bloom, and distant crossing with Erianthus rockii Yunnan 95-19. 62 seedlings have been transplanted and survived in the field. The survival rate was 81.6%. 4 pairs of SSR primers were chosen to use for authenticity identification of progenies. The results showed that all of the 62 progenies were genuine hybrids, and these SSR primers are quite efficient for identification of Erianthus rockii progenies. The genuine hybrids rate of this cross was 100%, and the F1 population of Erianthus rockii progenies was the biggest one at present.

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