• Volume 13,Issue 6,2012 Table of Contents
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    • Morphological types, genetic variation and structure in Chinese wild soybean (Glycine soja) genetic resources

      2012, 13(6):917-928. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.001

      Abstract (2735) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (4836) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We described the morphological types, genetic variation and structure in Chinese wild soybean genetic resources. We found that not only did the evolutionary bottleneck occur in the domestication of cultivated soybean from wild soybean, but also the differentiation bottleneck appeared between the different phenotypes of the same characters. Here we also introduced our most recent studies answering about some long-term questions over whether there is genetic differentiation among strains of different seed sizes within wild soybean species, where the genetic boundary between the typical wild and semi-wild types lies, how semi-wild soybean was originated, which side the semi-wild soybean is taxonomically closer to between the wild or the cultivated soybean, whether there are genetic differences between the smaller (3-4 g 100-seed weight) and the outsize (over 8.5g) seed-sizes of semi-wild soybean, whether there is genetic differentiation between large-seeded semi-wild soybeans and less-evolved primitive soybean landraces, whether the outsize semi-wild soybeans (over 8.5g 100-seed weight) belong to the cultivar, which of seed size and seed-coat colour is more important in the evolutionary degree in wild soybean and whether cultivated soybean genes have introgressed into the wild soybean. We think that the true transitional-intermediate ancestors have disappeared during the domestication of cultivated soybeans, and some genes as such controlling white flower, grey pubescence, and no-seed bloom introgressed from the cultivated into wild soybeans.

    • A Newly Discovered Wild Ichang Papeda Population in Yuanjiang County, Yunnan Province

      2012, 13(6):929-935. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.002

      Abstract (2106) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (3916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A wild ichang papeda population was discovered in Mt. Nizubai, Yicibei Village, Wadie Town, Yuanjiang County, Yunnan Province through wild exploration activity supported by the project “Investigation for Bio-agricultural Resources in Yunnan and Surrounding Areas” in 2008. A further survey was conducted to know more about its habitat, geographic distribution, population size and accompanying species. Our result suggested that the wild ichang papeda population in Yuanjiang County is the largest in China based on its distribution area as well as plant number, height and age. This finding not only expands our knowledge about the distribution of ichang papeda but also gives a new clue to its origin and evolution.

    • Allicin UPLC Detection Technology and Tts Utilization in Garlic Genetic Resources

      2012, 13(6):936-945. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.003

      Abstract (2257) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (4443) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the most important bulb crops. Allicin was proved as the most important composition which has been used for human, animal and plants to fight against kinds of diseases. So, the allicin content was the most important quality trait for garlic. An efficient UPLC method for determination of allicin in garlic bulb were developed and used to detect the allicin content among 212 accessions of garlic germplasm. In the UPLC method,methanol/water (50︰50, v/v) as a mobile phase which ran through at a constant flow rate of 0.3 ml/min was performed on UPLCTM BEH C18 column. Allicin content of 212 accessions of garlic were determined by the UPLC.The content of allcin among the germplasm was significantly different. The highest content is 3.01% which was almost four times of the lowest content of 0.82%.

    • Investigation and collection and evaluation on wild strawberry resources in Sichuan and neighboring regions

      2012, 13(6):946-951. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.004

      Abstract (2219) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (4529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The wild Fragaria species and their geographic distribution were investigated in Sichuan province and neighboring regions (excluding Qinghai province). The wild strawberry resources were collected and moved into the conservations. The variance and principal component analysis of the botanic characters, flowering and fruiting habits, resistant capability under abiological and biological stress were evaluated respectively. The results indicated that the wild strawberry resources in Sichuan and neighbouring areas distributed mainly from 26014′~33022′N to 96057´~108013´E at the altitudes of 823~4531m. Four wild strawberry species including Fragaria. nilgerrensis Schlecht., F. pentaphylla Lozinsk. (red fruit type and white fruit type), F. moupinensis (Franch.) Card. and F. gracilis Lozinsk. hadve been identified in the investigatedion regions. The fruit of F. nilgerrensis Schlecht. has special peach aroma. The plant height, petiole length, leaf length and width, hairs density, drought resistance and high temperature resistance wrer the key indicator of the hereditary character. And hairs density was closely related to the stress resistance.

    • Studys of Developing a Core Collection for Jiangxi Traditional Rice Germplasm by using SSR markers

      2012, 13(6):952-957. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.005

      Abstract (2224) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4355) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 3187 traditional rice germplasm from Jiangxi were studied to developing a core collection for Jiangxi traditional rice germplasm. Indica/Japonica, early/middle/late season rice, waxy/non-waxy, color of brown rice and grain shape, the five qualitative characters as basic data were used to classify this germplasm. The team were classfied to second team by eight rice plant region. SSR masrkers were used to analysis genetic diversity and clusing, and analysis the genetic distance of rice germplasm. A core collection bank of 296 germplasm was constructed and accounted for 9.28% of total germplasm.

    • Analysis on the Reaction of Verticillium Wilt Resistance in Upland Cottons

      2012, 13(6):958-962. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.006

      Abstract (2136) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (4224) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The resistance reaction of verticillium wilt in Upland cottons was studied by factor analysis. The result showed that disease index of different stage of the varieties was related to disease resistance of prior or late 2-3 stages. The disease development was controlled by four principal factors. The first principal factor (F1) and second factor (F2) explained more variance. The F1 and F2 factors were related to the disease index from July 26 to August 5 and from August 20 to September 1, respectively. One hundred and eight varieties (lines) were classified to 5 groups based on 4 factors loading. The varieties of Type I with high resistance in the prior stage and rapid development in the late stage possessed low yield and fiber quality. The varieties of Type II with low disease resistance in the prior and late stage had high yield. The disease resistance of some stage could not represent the disease reaction of the varieties.

    • Performance and Correlation of Main Quality Traits in Kale Seed (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)

      2012, 13(6):963-967. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.007

      Abstract (2099) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (3722) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:148 lines of kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) from germplasm resource and advanced generation were selected randomly to analyze the performance characteristic and correlation of oil, protein, glucosinolates and seven fatty acid compositions in mature seed. The results showed that the average contents of oil and protein were 29.48% and 45.13% respectively, and total content of oil plus protein was 74.61%. The variation range of glucosinolates was maximum and its coefficient of variation reached 31.72%. Among seven fatty acid composition, the contents of oleic acid and erucic acid were higher, followed by linoleic acid, and palmitic acid and stearic acid were lower in mature seed. Except glucosinolates and stearic acid, the rest 9 traits presented a single-peak normal distribution. Correlation analysis indicated that significant or very significant correlations were existent among the most quality traits and this was similar to the results of three types of rapeseed. There were some excellent germplasm resources in kale and they could be utilized directly in breeding of high quality rapeseed.

    • Evaluation on cold tolerance of sugarcane varieties under field conditions

      2012, 13(6):968-973. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.008

      Abstract (2202) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (4247) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An investigation was conducted in order to understand the cold tolerance of 400 accessions of sugarcane germplasm maintained in Sugarcane Research Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Sugarcane Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences at Nanning, China. Different cold tolerant groups were clustered based on internode and internode growing point injury index by system clustering method during the extreme low temperature disaster in early 2008. The low temperature in early 2008 was a rainy frost type. The cold tolerance of 400 accessions of sugarcane germplasm could be divided into 5 groups, that is, strongest cold tolerance group, strong cold tolerance group, average cold tolerance group, poor cold tolerance group and poorest cold tolerance group, which include 226 (56.50%), 103 (26.75%), 53 (13.25%), 7 (1.75%) and 7 (1.75%) accessions of sugarcane germplasm, respectively. The Cold Tolerance Index (CTI) of sugarcane could be calculated as: CTI = 0.3× internode injury index+0.7× internode growing point injury index. The internode growing point was more sensitive than internode tissue for low temperature injury, and CTI could be used to evaluate the cold tolerance of sugarcane germplasm under rainy frost.

    • Formation of Anthocyanin in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Influence of Anthocyanin Content to Storage

      2012, 13(6):974-978. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.009

      Abstract (2412) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (3879) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Anthocyanin, mainly existing in glume and episperm of colored rice, is a group of compounds formed from anthocyanidin and glucoside. Because of the structure of flavonoid, anthocyanin has the ability of antioxidation. The paper reported the changes of rice anthocyanin in growing and ageing processes and the function of rice anthocyanin to extend seed longevity in seed storage. The results indicated that rice anthocyanin had been accumulated in the early stage. With the increase of the seed’s size, anthocyanin content gradually decreased in caryopsis; meanwhile, the anthocyanin content did not change significantly in glume. After artificial ageing, the anthocyanin content notably decreased, contrary to the result in glume. It might indicate that the anthocyanin in glume doesn’t get involved in antioxidant response. The analyses of mycotic infection of ageing seeds suggested that, in the three varieties, the anti-mycete ability of the ones with higher content of anthocyanin was better than that with lower content of anthocyanin. Considering the results, anthocyanin was not the crucial factor in seed storage.

    • Genetical Study on a New Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterile(TGMS) Line Chang S in Rice

      2012, 13(6):979-983. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.010

      Abstract (1925) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (3845) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Chang S is a new rice thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) line obtained from the offsprings of the cross between Oryza rufipogon L. and indica Zhenzhu’ai. The sterility segregation and its genetic pattern of Chang S was analyzed based on the investigation of the fertility of the individuals in F1and F2 populations from the crosses of Chang S and indica conventional varieties such as Zhongzhe B ,R608, and so on under natural long day-length and high temperature conditions in Ji’an in 2011. The results indicated that the sterility of Chang S was controlled by one pair of recessive nuclear genes. Fertilities of F1 generations of the crosses between Chang S and other five photo or thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(P﹠TGMS)lines such as HN5S,C815S,Guangzhan 63S,Xiangling 628S and HD9802S were investigated under the same natural conditions in Ji’an in 2011. The results showed that the sterility gene in Chang S was nonallelic to that in the photo-sensitive genic male sterile(PGMS)line HN5S,and allelic to those in thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(TGMS)lines such as C815S,Guangzhan 63S,Xiangling 628S and HD9802S.

    • Evaluation And Analysis On Germplasm Resources Of Aster tataricus L.f.

      2012, 13(6):984-991. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.011

      Abstract (2301) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (2871) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Aster tataricus L.f. is an important and traditional medicinal plant in China but till now no systematic research has been carried out on germplasm resources. As the identification and evaluation of germplasm resources is the premise and base for the biomass and quality improvement, in this paper 44 germplasm resources were collected from its main product area Anguo in Hebei province and Bozhou in Anhui province and agronomic and quality traits had been evaluated based on the data from the field and laboratory. Besides, genetic diversity analysis was conducted by clustering method. The results showed that stem hair number, stem diameter and bud distance were top three influencing factors for seedling quality, and in terms of affecting extent are stem hair number, stem diameter and bud distance, which had also been proved by germination experiments. For all materials, except that no significant difference examined in leaf width, there were some variations in leaf length, plant height and growth potential to some extent. Dry weight and shionone content were different in very significant level. Correlation analysis showed that seedling growth potential had significantly positive relation with leaf length, leaf width and plant height but had significantly negative relation with dry weight, which had significant negative relation with shionone content. The clustering results based on similarity coefficient showed obvious regional relations. This study clarified that Asters from different regions had genetically differentiated correspondingly to adapt to the local ecological environment, which could provide the powerful theory basis and plentiful materials for the identification of elite genes and development of good varieties.

    • The genetic effects of agronomic traits in Yunnan aromatic soft rice resources

      2012, 13(6):992-996. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.012

      Abstract (2386) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (3985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic effects of 11 agronomic traits were analyzed using an additive-dominance-epistasis model in incomplete diallel cross (NCII) design experiment. A total of 30 crosses were derived from 5 aromatic soft rice landraces in Yunnan as female parents and 6 own-breeding aromatic soft maintenance lines as male parents. The results showed that most agronomic traits of aromatic soft rice were affected by additive × additive epistasis, additive × environment interaction and dominance × environment interaction, and the additive effect and dominance effect were detected at different levels. Yield per plant was affected by gene additive effect, dominance effect, additive × additive epistasis, additive × environment interaction, dominance × environment interaction. The general narrow sense heritability of plant height and panicle number was predominant and the other traits of the general narrow sense heritability and interactive narrow sense heritability have significance at 0.01 level; The genetic correlation among yield components were detected at different types and levels, and the genetic correlation among most traits were mainly affected by additive × additive epistasis, additive × environment interaction, and dominance × environment interaction.

    • Study on the Floral Diversity of the Different populations of Lilium pumilum DC.

      2012, 13(6):997-1004. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.013

      Abstract (1995) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the floral diversity of germplasm resources of L.pumilum, domestic resources of L.pumilum were planted and observed. The results showed that here were certain discrepancies among twenty five L.pumilum populations. The discrepancies were mainly concerned with those flowers With or without hair bud, petals wide, anti-curl of petals and flower color, etc. There were significant or very significant correlation between the characters of flower diameter, anther length and the geographical factors(longitude, latitude, elevation). According to the main floral traits of 25 populations L.pumilum, it can be clustered into 5 groups. The geographical location and altitude were correlated with clusters based on floral traits.

    • Genetic Analysis of Ear characters in Maize(Zea Mays L.)by Using Joint Analysis of Multiple Generations

      2012, 13(6):1005-1010. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.014

      Abstract (1992) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (3711) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Characters of maize ear were very important yield component traits.In this paper, inheritance of 6 ear characters was analyzed applying the joint segregation analysis of a mixed genetic model of major gene plus polygene in six generations (P1, P2, F1, B1, B2, and F2 ) derived from the crosses 095譒26. The result showed that, kernel row of ear, ear weight and grain weight fit one additive major gene plus additive-dominance polygenes (D-2); Ear diameter and 1000-kernel weight fit two additive-dominance-epistasis major gene(B-1);Bald tip length fit two additive major gene plus additive-dominance polygenes (E-3).Genetic analysis of ear characters with major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model in maize will help to elucidate the genetic mechanism of ear characters.

    • Agro-Biological Resources and Related Traditional Knowledge Used by Nu Minority People in Yunnan Province,China

      2012, 13(6):1011-1017. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.015

      Abstract (1966) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (4167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The systematic survey was made to the agro-biological resources and related traditional knowledge of the Nu minority in 4 townships in Lanping,Gongshan and Fugong county, Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture,yunnan province.The results show that there were 121 ago-biological resources involved in the production and daily life of the Nu minority in the survey area,which belong to 24 families,49 species, including 58.68% food crops, 19.83% vegetables, 15.70% fruit trees, and 5.79% medicinal plants. The traditional knowledge of the agro-biological resources utilization by Nu Nationality were mainly related to food, herbal medicine, festival, religious worship and culture. Most of the resources are used for food and herbal medicine. The special usage and processing methods possess Local and Nu’s characteristics. he agro-biological resources not only provide Nu minority for basic survival food and medicine,but also play an important role their religious activities.

    • Research advancement on development of uoung panicle and spikelet in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

      2012, 13(6):1018-1022. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.016

      Abstract (1972) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (5202) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rice, one of the world’s most important food crops, is a model plant for developmental biology research of the grasses. Development of its young panicle and spikelet is also the basic for formation final yield. So, the research on developmental biology of young panicle and spikelet has been the same focus question in plant molecular genetics and crop science. The developmental biology related to young panicle and spikelet has achieved a series of great advances in recent years. The present paper reviewed their developmental process, effects of cultural practices and environmental factors and related genes. And the problems and countermeasures in present research were also been discussed.

    • Identification and Evaluation of Poor-soil-fertility Tolerance in Ramie Germplasms

      2012, 13(6):1023-1030. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.017

      Abstract (2194) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (4153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: It is very important to identification and evaluation of ramie germplasms resistant to barren land for ecological restoration and economic production on barren land a mountain slope. In this study, the poor-soil-fertility tolerance of ramie was tested by cultivated 10 ramie germplasms in the flatland, slopeland and pot. The plant height, tiller number, leaf number, leaf area, leaf SPAD, total fresh weight, total dry weight, fiber weight, nitrogen use efficiency, potassium fertilizer use efficiency were evaluation indicators. The index and classification of poor-soil-fertility tolerance were comprehensively analysised using principal component analysis, membership functionand cluster analysis. Evaluation index of poor-soil-fertility tolerance can be done by tiller number, total fresh weight, leaf area, leaf SPAD value, leaf number, nitrogen use efficiency and potassium fertilizer use efficiency. Membership function of each character were analysised, 10 ramie varieties can be divided into two kinds, the stronger poor-soil-fertility tolerance germplasm were Lengshuijiangyema, Liuyangyema; The weaker poor-soil-fertility tolerance germplasm were Xiangzhu-3,Tri-1, Xiangzhu X2, Xiangzhu X1, Xiangzhu X3, Xiangzhu XB, Zhongzhu-1, and Changshayema. The evaluation index of poor-soil-fertility tolerance was established in ramie. And the ramie germplasms with higher poor-soil-fertility tolerance was screened and identificated.

    • Origin of Weedy Rice as Revealed by Hybridizations among Cultivated Rice and its Wild Relatives

      2012, 13(6):1031-1036. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.018

      Abstract (2070) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (4012) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objectives of this study are to explore the occurrence and development of weedy rice by investigating the frequency of weedy rice, which occurred in the progenies of crosses amount wild rice species, typical weedy rice, rice subspecies and cultivars. The results of this study indicated that wild and weedy rice showed brown or golden color of glum with or without awns and red pericarp, spreading type of panicles and shattering easily. Analysis for qualitative characteristics in F2 population suggested that the hybrid combinations with one of its parental line, which genetically nearer to its ancestry lines, would be prone to produce more weedy rice like plants. The frequencies of occurrence of weedy rice like plants in F2 population varied depending on the genetic similarities between the two parents. The more different between two parental lines are the more frequent weedy rice like plants produced. The sequence is as: weedy rice or wild rice/Japonica (44.44%)>weedy rice or wild rice/Indica (28.34%)>Indica/Japonica (3.30%)>Indica/Indica (1.41%)>Japonica/Japonica (0%). By bagging the panicle during flowering, the occurrence of weedy rice in the F2 population would be as high as 10.7%, viz. 4.9% of without bagging for the same hybrid combinations, indicating that certain degree of out-crossing would be relatively reduce the occurrence of weedy rice in the F2 population. A road map for occurrence and population development of weedy rice was discussed. Method of effective control of weedy rice was also proposed.

    • The Prediction of Nondestructive Measurement of Amino Acids Composition

      2012, 13(6):1037-1044. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.019

      Abstract (2419) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (5069) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a rapid, efficient and low-cost method of applying Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) to detecting amino acids in soybean, we selected 167 representative soybean flour samples from a large original population and utilized FT-NIRS to predict the contents (which were analyzed by HPLC) of eighteen amino acid species. According to the data we obtained, aspartate (R2CV = 0.85), glutamate (R2CV = 0.86), serine (R2CV = 0.82), glycine (R2CV = 0.89), tyrosine (R2CV = 0.83), phenylalanine (R2CV = 0.78), isoleucine (R2CV = 0.86), ryptophane (R2CV = 0.81) and the total amino acids content (R2CV = 0.82) can be detected by FT-NIRS accurately; the detected models of threonine, arginine, alanine, valine, leucine, and cystine are valuable as references and can be used to estimate the relative contents; the content prediction of histidine, lysine, proline and methionine is inaccurate. This study has further demonstrated the stability and feasibility of using FT-NIRS to detect the major amino acid components in soybean.

    • Physiological responses of heat-tolerant variety “Nagina 22” to high temperature stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

      2012, 13(6):1045-1049. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.020

      Abstract (2552) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (4625) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Greenhouse pot experiments were carried out to study the main physiological responses of heat-tolerant variety “Nagina 22” (N22) under high temperature (HT) stress during flowering period, indoor growth chamber was used for the HT conditions for all tested varieties. The results show that: under HT stress, the flowering stage of N22 did not change but the daily flowering amount of spikelet manifested the “peak-lag”; anther dehiscence blocked and germinated pollen on the stigma reduced with a significant level (P<0.05) in heat sensitive variety “Moroberekan” compared with the N22; there was a significant relationship between the number of germinated pollen on the stigma and anther dehiscence, and then showed a strong relationship between seed-setting and the number of germinated pollen on the stigma; main tiller seed-setting was decreasing under HT, and the decline-rate significantly speeded up in “Moroberekan” compared with N22, indicating the true tolerance of N22 and the “cumulative effect” of HT stress on seed-setting, moreover, HT stress effect occurred before pollination.

    • Correlation between Genetic Distance Based on Grain Weight QTL Makers、 Grain Weight and Grain Weight Heterosis in Indica Hybrid Rice

      2012, 13(6):1050-1054. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.021

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (3686) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic difference of 10 rice parents (5 CMS lines and 5 The genetic difference of 10 rice parents (5 CMS lines and 5 restorer lines) was analyzed by molecular markers of grain weight loci in rice. The correlation between genetic distance and grain weight and heterosis was studied by reference to the performance of 25 combinations. The results showed that the correlation between genetic distance of grain weight loci and control heterosis wassignificant(r=0.28*) ,correlation between genetic distance of grain weight loci and grain weight was significant(r=0.26*), and correlation between genetic distance of grain weight loci and female parent heterosis wasvery significantly correlated(r=0.41**). The study of molecular markers predict heterosis in hybrid rice.

    • Dynamic QTL Analysis of Kernel Weight in Wheat at Different Developmental Stages

      2012, 13(6):1055-1060. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.022

      Abstract (2133) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Kernel weught is a key factor influencing wheat processing quality ,which is determined by quantitative trait loci(QTL). In the present paper, recombinant inbred lines(RIL) population was used derived from 6044?1-35. The results showed that sixteen QTLs of kernel weight were detected in different seed filling periods totally. One QTL of kernel weight per spike detected in 10 days after flowering was an important one, which was on chromosome 2A and actcounted for 12%, and its genetic effect is more than 10. QTLs of thousand kernel weight were detected in the seven periods. One QTL of thousand kernel was detected 10 days after flowering which was on chromosome 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 and explained 18% of phenotypic variance. One QTL was detected 15 days after flowering which was on chromosome2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 and explained 5% of phenotypic variance. Two QTLs of thousand kernel was detected 20 days after flowering which was on chromosome 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 and Xgwm372 to Xgwm95 explained 5% and 4% of phenotypic variance. Three QTLs of thousand kernel was detected 25 days after flowering which was on chromosome 4A, the interval from Xgpw2228 to Xwmc501, and chromosome 2A, Xgwm372 to Xgwm95 and Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399, explained 2%, 4% and 8% of phenotypic variance. One QTL of thousand kernel was detected 30 days after flowering which was on chromosome 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 and explained 3% of phenotypic variance. One QTL of thousand kernel was detected 35 days after flowering which was on chromosome 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 and explained 3% of phenotypic variance. Two QTLs of thousand kernel was detected 40 days after flowering which was on chromosome 1D, the interval from Xwmc93 to Xgpw2224 and chromosome 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399 explained 1% and 5% of phenotypic variance. QTLs of thousand kernel weight mostly located in linkage group 2A, the interval from Xgwm448 to Xgpw7399, which was a rich domain on QTLs.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Germplasm Resources of Towel Gourd Based on SRAP Markers

      2012, 13(6):1061-1066. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.023

      Abstract (2362) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (4023) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SRAP was used to analyse the genetic relationships 56 angular sponge gourds and 8 sponge gourds from different areas. 60 pairs of polymorphic and stable primers were screened form 144 primer pairs .A total of 1433 DNA bands were amplified,1280 of which were polymorphic.The average number of polymorphic DNA bands amplified by each primer pair was 21.33, and the ratio of polymorphic bands was 88.74%. UPMGA method was used to make cluster analysis,and result showed that the genetic similarity coefficient among 64 towel gourds germplasm ranged from 0.17~0.98. The tested species were classified into 2 cluster groups with the similarity coefficient of 0.17. The first group is sponge gourd, the second group is angular sponge gourd with two sub-groups including long green types and short cyan types. Classification and morphological traits of towel gourds are relatively consistent,namely, they are closely related to have ridges or not first, followed by fruit length and color.

    • Making SSR fingerprint profile for commercial cultivars of Lentinula edodes

      2012, 13(6):1067-1072. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.024

      Abstract (2375) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (4351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The distinctness of 25 commercial cultivars was identified with SSR marker from 14 pairs of primers for Lentinula edodes. The polymorphism was 100% for the all of primers. The 2-9 alleles were generated for one primer pair and the 5.0 alleles was average to each primer pair. The 2-12 genotypes were formed for one primer pair and the 6.3 genotypes was average to each primer pair. The expect heterozygosity 0.1151-0.8131 was presented and with average 0.6216. The PIC values ranged from 0.1064 to 0.7736 with average 0.5541. The 23 varieties were separated clearly each other by the 14 primer pairs except the one cluster consisted of ShenXiang 10 and ShenXiang 12. This result provided the basic technique for making SSR fingerprint profile to identify Lentinula edodes cultivars. The SSR profile is suitable to standard fingerprint for identification of the cultivars and it is good repeated and easy contrasted with various operators and labs compared with the profiles from RAPD, ISSR and SRAP. The operator no longer puts all of the presented cultivars as reference to be tested in the identification so that the workload reduced greatly.

    • >研究简报
    • Phylogenetic analysis of Schizonepeta tenuifolia from different producing areas based on ITS sequences

      2012, 13(6):1073-1077. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.025

      Abstract (2265) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4092) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The genetic relationship and evolutionary system of Schizonepeta tenuifolia from 5 different producing areas in China were analyzed based on the ribosome ITS1 and ITS2 sequences.Their complete ITS and 5.8S sequences on the ribosome region were amplified by PCR and were analyzed by software Clustal X(2.0) Multiple Sequence Alignments and Neighbor Joining.ITS sequence of S. tenuifolia from Hebei Province representing Chinese S. tenuifolia was compared with those from United States, Japan and Korea to construct phylogenetic tree. The results showed G/C contents of ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of S. tenuifolia from 5 different producing areas were high.ITS length was all 749bp for S. tenuifolia from 5 different producing areas with the same ITS sequence. Lengths of ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 were 231bp, 168bp and 236bp respectively. The ITS sequence similarity was 100% among S. tenuifolia from China, Japan and Korea; and 99% between those from China and America. Compared with S. tenuifolia from America, S. tenuifolia from China had 7 bases mutation. On the base of ITS sequence data, S. tenuifolia from different counties constructed a monophyletic group with 2 branches, one was consisted of S. tenuifolia from China, Japan and Korea, the other one was only consisted of that from America. ITS sequence similarity suggested that S. tenuifolia from 5 different producing areas belonged to one species.

    • Giemsa C-banding patterns analysis of

      2012, 13(6):1078-1081. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.026

      Abstract (2330) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (4590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the HKG method studied and analysised the C-banding of chromosomes in triple cross of ‘Inner Mongolia Hibrid oil sunflower 3’were used.The results showed that every chromosome had at least one C-band, and there were 62 C-bands on the chromosome pairs, most of them were centromeric and interbands, and the interbands were mainly distributed on the short arms; C-band intensity were different , 46 were strong and 16 were weak. The C-bands formula was 2n=2x=34=8I++3T++5I+I+T++4C+2CI+4CI++3CI++I+T++CT++2CT+ Each chromosome had its own unique band pattern distinguishable from all the others, so each chromosome of sunflower can be distinguished by Giemsa C-banding.

    • Effect of Ecological Environments on Panicle Traits and Cheng' s Index in the F2 Population of Cross between Indica and Japonica in Rice

      2012, 13(6):1082-1087. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.027

      Abstract (2747) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (3760) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of this study was to analyze the variation tendency of panicle traits and Cheng's index and their relationship under different ecological environments. The F2 population from a cross between Indica variety Wanlun422 and Japonica variety Shengnong265 was used as materials, which was grown in Liaoning, Sichuan and Shanghai in the same year. The results showed that the panicle traits changed significantly in the three places, with the panicle length (PL) longer, the higher secondary branches (SB), but the lower seed setting rate (SSR), and SSR had extremely positive correlation with grain density (GD) in Sichuan and Shanghai. While in Liaoning, the shorter PL, the more primary branches (PB) and the higher SSR, but SSR had no extremely correlation with GD. The frequency distribution of Cheng's index, pubescences of leaf, panicle node length, color of spike and grain length/width under different environments were all japonicalinous, which were increasing from northern to southern of China. The Cheng's index with the panicle curve degree (PCD) had no significant correlation in the three places. In Sichuan the Cheng's index had extremely negative correlation with GD, but it had extremely positive correlation with SSR and 1000-grain weight (TGW). In Shanghai the Cheng's index had extremely positive correlation with SSR. In Liaoning the Cheng's index had extremely negative correlation with GD, PB, SB, Grains, but it had extremely positive correlation with PL. There is no denying the fact that coordinating the improvement of panicle structure and complementation between advantages and disadvantages through subspecies hybrid should accord to local conditions in the super high-yielding rice breeding.

    • Genetic diversity of tsai-tai germplasm revealed by SSR marker

      2012, 13(6):1088-1092. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.028

      Abstract (2059) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (3944) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SSR methods were applied to detect genetic diversity of 45 Tsai-tai germplasm from China, provided biological foundation for the utilization and seed breeding of the Tsai-tai germplasm. 124 bands were amplified with 63 SSR primers.The amplified DNA fragments size were 100~300bp. Similarity coefficients between 0.56 ~ 0.89. The results show there were abundant genetic diversity in the Tsai-tai germplasm of China.

    • Hybrids Breeding and evaluation of H.rhamnoides subsp. Mongolica ?H.rhamnoides subsp. Sinensis for Multipurpose Use

      2012, 13(6):1093-1100. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.029

      Abstract (1918) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (4336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve seabuckthorn for both fruit production and for rise in soil erosion contro1, Chinese Seabuckthorn (H.rhamnoides subsp. Sinensis) as male parent was crossed with Mongolian Seabuckthorn (H.rhamnoides subsp. Mongolica) as female parent. The Mongolian cultivar has large fruits and few or nearly no thorn. Crossbreeding trial was started in 1995. Forty-five hybrid individual trees were selected in 1997. Experimental results indicated that the selected 45 hybrids were most significantly larger than the female parents in height, ground diameter and crown width, but most smaller than the male parents. The number of thorns in 2-year-old branches of the hybrids was 0~4,falling between the numbers of thorns in male and female parents. The 100-berry-weight of hybrids was 20.10~63.17g, except for seven individuals which showed exceeding parent fact, most significantly smaller than that of the female parents, but 0~206.75% larger than that of the Chinese cultivars. Compared with their parents, The results showed that the hybrids were intermediate in most characters. It also indicated significant correlation of 100-berry-weight with berry length, width and length of fruit stem. 1000-seed-weight was significantly correlated with length and width, and great significantly with thickness. Comprehensive evaluation results showed that the ecological adaptability and economic value of the selected thirteen hybrid individual trees were obviously higher than female parent and male parent respectively, and the ecological and economic value of the selected hybrids was excellent.

    • Contribution of Elite Combination Zhengzhou 135?Sidou 2 in Soybean Breeding

      2012, 13(6):1101-1107. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2012.06.030

      Abstract (2126) HTML (0) PDF 1.44 M (4374) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Zhengzhou 135and Sidou 2, as the elite summer soybean germplasm, were used to developed 87 soybean varieties in 8 provinces of Huanghuaihai region, China, among which 39 varieties were approved by National Crops Variety Approval Committee, The protein content of 20 varieties were over 45%, The fat content of 10 varieties were over 21.5%, thirteen varieties obtained the award of provincial and ministerial or National Science and Technology Advancement. The results indicated that elite germplasm are important for soybean breeding. In this paper, a few of recommendations as reference for soybean breeding were provided against germpalsm improvement.

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