• Volume 14,Issue 1,2013 Table of Contents
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    • In-situ Conservation Practices of Wild Relatives of Crops in China

      2013, 14(1):1-7. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.001

      Abstract (2462) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (5687) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In-situ conservation of wild relatives of crops has been one of the key issues of biological diversity conservation in the World and China in resent years. China has established 226 in-situ conservation sites of wild relatives of crops which distributed in 27 provinces and covered 51 species since 2001 with physical isolation and mainstreaming approaches. Among the total conserved sites, 154 sites with 39 species in 27 provinces and 72 sites with 31 species in 15 provinces were established with physical isolation approach and mainstreaming approach respectively. Based on the results from field surveys and analyses of the established in-situ conservation sites, the authors compared the advantages and disadvantages between physical isolation approach and mainstreaming approach, summarized the main experiences of both approaches and their facing problems, and provided some opinions and countermeasures on detected problems. Finally, some ideas on the main focuses and key points of in-situ conservation of wild relatives of crops in the future were discussed toward to the development trends in the area of biological diversity conservation in the World.

    • Rare Germplasm Resources of Biology of Agriculture in Yunnan Province and Its Peripheral Area

      2013, 14(1):8-18. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.002

      Abstract (2151) HTML (0) PDF 1.92 M (4096) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Study on the Origin and Evolution of Asian Cultivated Rice Based on Gene Diversity of Mitochondrial Genome

      2013, 14(1):19-25. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.003

      Abstract (2108) HTML (0) PDF 2.23 M (4576) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) has been recognized as the ancestor of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa). However, where and how cultivated rice originated from wild rice has been debated for a long time in the World. Moreover, whether the two subspecies of the Asian cultivated rice, indica and japonica, were domescated with the ways of single origin or multiple origins is still considerably controversy, and whether they origined in China or aboard is still the focus of debate among international scholars. In this study, we collected 184 accessions of the Asian cultivated rice and 203 accessions of Oryza rufipogon to be sequenced with 5 genes: cox3, cox1, orf224, ssv-39/178, rps2-trnfM in mitochondrial genome of rice Through the study of the gene diversity of the five genes, we verified the following propositions: first, the origin of japonica is in China, and the origin of indica is not only in China but also in foreign countries; second, the subspecies of Asian cultivated rice were domesticated with two origins, in another words, common wild rice exists the indica-like and japonica-like types, and the two subspecies were evoluted from the indica-like wild rice and the japonica-like wild rice respectively.

    • Methodology and Screen of Saline-alkaline Tolerance in Sorghum Accessions

      2013, 14(1):26-31. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.004

      Abstract (2347) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4672) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seedlings with 3-5 leaves of five hundred and sixty-eight sorghum accessions were treated with 50mmol/L saline-alkaline solution to evaluate the tolerance by scoring the seeding survival percentage. Result showed that about 5% of the accessions possessed a third grad and above tolerance to saline-alkaline. The methodology could be applied for saline-alkaline tolerance evaluation in seedling stage. However, the saline-alkaline tolerance of mature plants were screened with the following index system, witch the agronomic traits showed significantly different among different treatments and the correlationship between the checked characters and fresh spick weight and fresh stem weight. Eighteen sorghum cultivars were screened using above evaluation system. This system was suitable for cultivars screen of Saline-alkaline tolerance in coastal area.

    • Powdery Mildew Resistance and HMW-GS Composition Analysis of Novel Wheat-Agropyron cristatum Germplasm Possessing Large Kernel Number

      2013, 14(1):32-36. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.005

      Abstract (2390) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (4384) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Grain number per spike is one of the three main factors determining crop yield, so producing novel germplasm with large kernel number through distant hybridization has important significance for broadening the genetic basic and improving the breeding level continuously. Thirty one of Wheat-Agropyron cristatum derivative lines chosen in the study have the characteristic of large grain number, which were verified by multi-places and multi-years test. The evaluation of the powdery mildew resistance through inoculating the popular physiological race E09, the HMW-GS composition analysis by SDS-PAGE, and the investigation of agronomic traits were carried out. The results showed that 26 lines had powdery mildew resistance, and 12 lines had the desirable subunits compositions (2*, 7+8, 5+10) or (1, 7+8, 5+10). In comprehensiveness, 8 lines of them had characteristic of grain number per spike more than 80, height under 75cm, as well as the characteristics of powder mildew resistance and high quality subunits compositions. These lines provided the important materials for wheat breeding in super-high-yield, high quality and disease resistance. In addition, the possibility of the sources and utilizations of large kernel number, disease resistance and the quality subunits were discussed.

    • Genetic diversity in Miscanthus sinensis germplsams revealed by simple sequence repeats DNA markers

      2013, 14(1):37-42. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.006

      Abstract (2088) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (4360) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the genetic diversity of Miscanthus sinensis from China, 46 collections of M. sinensis from 18 provinces were analyzed by the simple sequence repeats(SSR)markers. The results show that 33 SSR primer pairs produced 87 bands with 75 polymorphic (86.21%) and the size of amplified DNA varied from 80 to 310bp. Shannon diversity index (I) is 0.020~1.522, with a mean of 0.745. Polymorphic information content (PIC) is about 0.040~0.738, with a mean of 0.445. Genetic similarity coefficient is about 0.315~0.933, with a mean of 0.569. UPGMA and PCA Cluster analyses indicated that 46 collections of M. sinensis were clustered into 3 groups. Group I was mainly composed of the germplasm from north China, group II composed of those from center China and group III composed of those from south China. But some collections from southwest of China were divided into the above three groups. These results indicated that there was some relationship between M. sinensis varieties and geographical distribution, but not all varieties were incomformity with geographic origin.

    • Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits for Improved Japonica Rice Varieties under Salt Stress

      2013, 14(1):43-52. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.007

      Abstract (2063) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (4096) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, We choosed 402 japonica varieties from 30 countries as experimental material, analyzed the Phenotypic differences and clustering features of the main Agronomic traits of Japonica varieties under natural condition and salt stress 。The Result Indicates that there were significant differences in the main agronomic traits of japonica varieties from different countries under salt stress ,including significant delay of the heading days, shorter culms length and panicle length, less number of effective heads and grains per head ,reduction of setting rate and dry-weight of seed 。 18 japonica varieties show a strong resistance to salt stress. By analyzation the main Agronomic traits and clustering,We found that salt tolerance and clustering result of japonica varieties have a certain correlation with geographic location, latitude and climate conditions in different countries .

    • Construction of Core Collection of Melon Landraces in Xinjiang

      2013, 14(1):53-58. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.008

      Abstract (2240) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (4409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Local melon germplasm in Xinjiang is the most important resources for hami-melon genetic improvement because of its abundant genetic diversity. By combining source grouping and systematic cluster selection, an optimal sampling scale was determined after multiple comparisons of 29 phenotypic traits of the 121 melon landraces (Cucumis melo L.) in Xinjiang, and 25 landraces were selected as preliminary core collection then. Supplemented 5 landraces with elite, rare and extreme traits by hand, the core collection of total landraces was conformed, and the sampling scale was about 25% lastly. 7 parameters, such as ratio of phenotype retained, genetic diversity, coefficient of variance, variance of phenotypic frequency, and conformity of extreme difference, average and standard deviation were examined between preliminary and confirmed core collection, core collection and total landraces. The results showed that except conformity of standard deviation all parameters of confirmed core collection were more suitable than or the same as that of preliminary one, and representation of confirmed core collection was better than that of the preliminary one. The genetic diversity and variation in the core collection obtained were well presented in the total landraces.

    • Evaluation of Lodging Resistance on Sweet Sorghum Lines

      2013, 14(1):59-65. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.009

      Abstract (2109) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (4506) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lodging was a more important limiting factor of sweet sorghum production and extension. Lodging resistance of several sweat sorghum lines were evaluated using a scale of 1 to 10 according lodging coefficient. The results indicated that differences in lodging resistance-related traits were evident among the different lines. The maintenance lines Tx3047B, Tx3048B, mo-cai B, Zhang 02427B, aphis resistance 60B, MAMAMAMA, R111B/Sug moderate plant height, P236/R111-1, E35/tang/9047B, and the restoring lines Tian C-1-1 hybrid-1, HAT-1, 15069, Zhou huang ai/pin 02283 were lodging resistant lines. It was probably that the variety with larger diameters of internodes, larger stalk mechanical strength and better lodging resistance could be breed.

    • Analysis on genetic relations in different ecotypes of longan (Dimocarpus longan) germplasm resources by ISSR markers

      2013, 14(1):66-70. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.010

      Abstract (2476) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (4232) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ISSR markers were used to study genetic diversity and relationship of different ecotypes of longan germplasm resources. The results showed that the 12 primers screened from 100 ISSR primers and then used to amplify the genome DNAs of 39 materials. Totally 152 ISSR loci were produced, including 117 polymorphic loci, with a polymorphism rate of 76.97%. The genetic similarity coefficients among 39 different ecotypes materials of longan were between 0.57 and 0.92. Then ISSR markers can be reveal the genetic diversity of these tested materials. The cluster analysis conducted with UPGMA showed that the tropical and south subtropical ecotypes materials of longan were clustered into one major group each other based on the ISSR analysis. All of the cultivars could be separated into three groups at about 0.65 similarity value(a group of south subtropical ecotype longan from China; a group of south subtropical ecotype longan Shixia and Dawuyuan,and tropical ecotype longan Sijimi genotype; a group of longan from Vietnam and Tailand).It was also showed that the genetic relationship was little related and has a higher genetic background between different ecotypes of longan. The results will provide much more useful information for classification, genetics and evolution of longan germplasm resources.

    • AFLP analysis of Gasdorida elata B1 from different regions

      2013, 14(1):71-78. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.011

      Abstract (2389) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (4286) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Amplified fragment length Polymorphism (AFLP)was used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 27 accessions of gastrodia B1 elata from 5 provinces of china . A Total of 548 bands ranging in size from 100bp to 2500bp was generated from 16 primer combinations screened from 64 primer combinations and 428 of these bands showed polymorphism.The polymorphic ratio(PP) is up to 78% .Results showed that some genetics diversity existed among gastrodia B1 elata accessions from the different regions and AFLP can be used to investigate effectively genetic diversity of gastrodia B1 elata.The analysis of genetic variation indicated that the genetic distant among 27 accessions ranged form 0.54 to 0.018 ,with an average of 0.1904,which implied that the genetic discrepancy of gastrodia elata B1 from different sources was not high and the genetic diversity of gastrodia elata B1 was limted. However the genetic variance of gastrodia elata B1 accessions from Guizhou was more evident than that from other areas ,which indicated that there was abundant gene resource of gastrodia B1 elata in Guizhou province.Therefore, the accessions from Guizhou can become significant germplasm resources in the genetic improvement of gastrodia elata B1. The investigation on different forms of Gastrodia elata B1 from the same places using AFLP analysis illustrated that the variance of inter-specific level was morphologic variation.Whether the classficiation of Gastrodia elata B1 forms was correct still needed farther investigation.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of bitter gourd's Germplasm Resources Based on SRAP Markers

      2013, 14(1):79-85. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.012

      Abstract (2419) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (4250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:61 pairs of polymorphic and good repeated SRAP primers were screened form 144 pairs and used to amplify genome DNA of bitter gourd by PCR.A total of 2078 DNA bands were amplified, 863 of which were polymorphic.The average number of polymorphic DNA bands amplified by each pair of primer was 14.15, the ratio of polymorphic bands was 42.11%. UPMGA method was used to make a cluster analysis, and result showed that the genetic similarity among 43 bitter gourd germplasm ranged from 0.50~0.95.They were divided into two groups with the similarity coefficient of 0.65.The first group is wild species and the second group is semi cultivated species and cultivated species.The second group was divided into five subgroups with the similarity coefficient of 0.80( L2).The L2 division reflects bitter gourd germplasm genetic diversity which has higher correlation to fruit characters, source or geographic distribution. The first subgroups was divided into four groups on the similarity coefficient 0.83, broadly divided into smooth bitter gourd, top bitter gourd, fine-edge and round-tumor of bitter gourd ,spiked tumor or bump bitter gourd. Classification results is closely related to whether to have rib, thickness of ridge, tumor size and color. Papilloma of bitter gourd is initially considered as a primitive type.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of populations of Rosa longicuspis

      2013, 14(1):86-91. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.013

      Abstract (2254) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (4839) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We analyzed the genetic diversity of eight natural populations of Rosa longicuspis Bertoloni in Yunnan by simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. The result showed that: 77 alleles were detected by 14 polymorphic SSR primers. At the species level, the Nei's genetic diversity (He) was 0.3139 and the Shannon information index (I) was 0.4747 abundant. It was 65.47% of genetic variation within populations, and 34.53% of genetic variation among populations. So the genetic variation within populations was the main cause of the genetic variation. The Nei’s pairwise genetic identity were 0.7879-0.8986, and genetic distance 0.1070-0.2384. The eight populations were clustered into 3 groups based on genetic distance, showing that the genetic distance was not significantly affected by the geographic distance. The elevation of population growth was positively correlated with He, with the correlation coefficient 0.8771(P<0.01). The results reveal that the genetic diversity of the populations of Rosa longicuspis Bertoloni in Yunnan is abundant and the genetic variation among populations has medium genetic differentiation. Conservation strategy should be included in situ conservation and ex situ conservation based on the observed genetic information of populations.

    • Studies on sampling strategies of sweet potato core germplasm based on morphological traits

      2013, 14(1):92-97. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.014

      Abstract (2187) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (4084) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With 15% sampling ratio, two ways in dividing groups, three ways in determining sampling numbers in each group, and two methods for selecting individuals, 18 agronomic characteristics of 476 sweet potato collection in Guangxi province were analyzed and 13 samples of primary core collection were developed. To determine the effectiveness, each of primary core collection was compared with the whole collection for 5 parameters including ratio of phenotype retained, variance of phenotypic frequency, index of genetic diversity, coefficient of variation and coincidence rate of range. The result showed that the way of according to the resources type was significantly better than according to the source in developing core collection. Among the methods to determine the sampling numbers in each group, logarithm method was the best, followed by proportioned and square root method. On the selection of individuals, least distance stepwise sampling method was better than random method. Therefore, the optimum sampling strategy for developing sweet potato core collection is firstly to group by resource type, then determine the sampling numbers in each group by proportion of logarithm, and finally choose individuals through least distance stepwise sampling method.

    • Damage Mechanism of Heat Stress and Genetic Basis of Heat Tolerance in Rice

      2013, 14(1):98-104. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.015

      Abstract (2561) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (4426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The extreme climate affairs occur more frequently under the trends of global warming. Heat has been one of the major constrains of rice yield and quality. The most effective way to solve the problem is to develop new rice varieties with heat tolerance. The advance of molecular biotechnology and rice functional genome research provide an effective approach for studying on the genetic bases of rice heat tolerance. The damage mechanism of heat stress and genetic basis of heat tolerance in rice were summarized in this review, e.g. QTL mapping and cloning, transcriptome and proteomics. It may facilitate the deep dissection of genetic mechanism of heat tolerance in rice and the development of new rice variety with heat tolerance.

    • SSR and AFLP-derived SCAR Markers for a Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Common Wheat Cultivar ND399

      2013, 14(1):105-110. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.016

      Abstract (2633) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (4192) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (Bgt), is one of the most important wheat diseases worldwide.Common wheat line ND399, with pedigree Torino/2*2552// 9516/3/5*Shi4185, is a new registered high-yielding and powdery mildew resistance cultivar. Genetic analysis using an F2 segregating population and F2:3 families,originally from a cross between susceptible line Shi4185 (IT: 4) and ND399 (IT: 0;), indicated that a single dominant gene, temporarily designated MlND399, confers powdery mildew resistance in ND399 at seedling stage.By applying molecular markers and bulked segregant analyses (BSA),a polymorphic SSR marker (Xcfd81 ) and two AFLP-derived SCAR markers (SCAR203 and SCAR112) were found to be linked to MlND399.Among these markers, Xcfd81, SCAR203 and SCAR112 were linked to MlND399 with genetic distances of 0.2cM, 1.0cM and 1.2 cM, respectively.MlND399 was physically located on chromosome 5DS bin 0.67-0.78 using Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomic and deletion lines.According to the infection type of MlND399 to Bgt isolate E09 and molecular marker mapping results, MlND399 was supposed to be powdery mildew resistance gene Pm2.These molecular markers linked to MlND399 provide useful tool in pyramiding and maker assisted selection of the powdery mildew resistance gene in ND399.

    • Molecular Mechanism and Application of HSP90 in Plants

      2013, 14(1):111-116. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.017

      Abstract (4533) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (16909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) widely mediated stress signal transduction, and plays an important role in the control of normal growth of human cells and in the promoting tumor cell development. At present, HSP90 has become forefront projects of cellular immunity, signal transduction and anti-cancer investigation. The physiological function of HSP90 start later in plant than in animal and fungi. Recent researches revealed that plant HSP90 plays an important role in development, environmental stress response and disease resistance. This paper discussed the molecular functions of HSP90, and systematically reviews latest progresses on molecular mechanism of plant HSP90 as well as improvement of plant resistance to facalitate broaden work.

    • Construction of RNAi and Overexpression Vectors for Genetic Transformation of Monocotyledon Plants Based on Gateway Technology

      2013, 14(1):117-125. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.018

      Abstract (2544) HTML (0) PDF 3.40 M (5775) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Particle bombardment and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation are the two most widely employed methods in plant genetic transformation. Vector system plays an important role in development of an efficient transgenic technology. At present, RNAi and overexpression vectors are widely used for gene function analysis. Gateway is a kind of easy and quick cloning technology, which is based on site-specific recombination characteristics of lambda phage. A number of genes can be cloned into destination vectors quickly and conveniently by using this technique. In this study, the overexpression vectors pAHC-PSK-OE and pClean-G185-OE, and the RNAi vectors pAHC-PSK-RNAi and pClean-G185-RNAi for biolistic and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were constructed based on traditional enzyme digestion and ligation method, and gateway technology, respectively. This laid the basis for high-throughput platform for gene function analysis in monocotyledon plants.

    • Introducing Phytase Gene phyA Into Different Soybean Varieties From Transgenic Line Utilizing Sexual Hybridization

      2013, 14(1):126-133. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.019

      Abstract (1916) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important inorganic nutrients that can significantly affect plant growth and metabolism. However, 30-40% of the unavailable P in agricultural soils exists as phytate, which can not directly be absorbed by plant except for resolved by phytase. So selecting or developing new varieties that can resolve phytate-P through the modern transgenic breeding approach provided a new opportunity to improve the efficiency of phosphorus by plants. In this paper, a phytase gene (phyA), isolated from Aspergillus ficuum, was introduced into soybean by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, and then thirty-eight soybean crosses had been made between transgenic line (JL35-phyA, male parent) and other non-transgenic varieties (female parent). PCR and RT-PCR results showed that the phyA was successfullly incorporated into soybean genome and expressed in transgenic line “JL35-phyA”. The results also showed that 427 PCR positive transgenic F1 plants from the thirty-eight cross combinations above and 377 PCR positive transgenic F2 plants from the progenies of the cross combination “JD17*L35-phyA” were obtained by the sexual hybridization transfer method.

    • Study on callose fluorescence labeling and function in the different soybean-soybean mosaic virus combinations

      2013, 14(1):134-142. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.020

      Abstract (1920) HTML (0) PDF 3.19 M (2942) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The selected six varieties of soybean and four different strains of soybean mosaic virus(SMV) are divided into nine combinations that respond on different resistance levels. Through the symptom observation of inoculated leaves and the upper leaves, aniline blue staining followed by fluorescence microscopy, and pharmacological experiment we want to study the characteristics of callose (β- 1,3 - glucan ) accumulation in combinations of different resistance levels and the function of callosein in the process of soybean and SMV interaction. The results show that,in the earlier period of time after inoculation (6-72 h ), callose fluorescence in the mesophyll cells of different combinations, which resistance levels ranges from 0 to 3, were observed at different time depending on different resistant leveles of combinations and the emergence time of callose fluorescence is closely related to the resistance levels.In another word, the variety more strongly resisting to SMV can earlier be found the callose fluorescen at the sites of inoculation. However, callose fluorescence has not been observed in the combination that responds in resistance level 5 . In addition, in the combinations responding in resistance level 0 and 1, necrosis in the upper leaves was observed and the viral RNA of specific coat protein(CP-RNA) was detected by RT-PCR analysis following pre-injection of 2-DDG ( an inhibitor of callose synthesis).. Therefore, the deposition of callose at the sites of inoculation can limit the transportation of SMV in mesophyll cells, indicating that callose plays an important role in the resistance of soybean to the infection of SMV. All the results above indicated that,the variety more strongly resisting to SMV can earlier be found the callose accumulation at the sites of inoculation .Callose accumulation relates closely to the resistance of soybean to SMV.

    • >研究简报
    • Karyotype Analysis of Diploid Oat Germplasm Introduced from Canada

      2013, 14(1):143-147. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.021

      Abstract (2496) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (4048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The chromosome karyotype of three diploid oat species was studied with squash method. The results showed that the karyotype formula of Avena strigosa was 2n=2x=14=10m+4sm(2SAT), with metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes,1 pair of satellites on the short arm of the 4th chromosome and 68.17% for the asymmetry index; that of Avena hispanica, was 2n=2x=14=10m+4sm(2SAT), with metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, 1 pair of satellites on the short arm of the 7th chromosome and 59.31% for the asymmetry index ;and that of Avena brevis was 2n=2x=14=6m+4sm+4st(2SAT), with acrocentric,metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, 1 pair of satellites on the short arm of the 6th chromosome and 63.91% for the asymmetry index . Although the karyotypes of all three species were 2A type, there was obvious variation in the morphologies of karyotypes of three species, which comparatively indicated that the karyotype of Avena strigosa was more advanced in evolution, followed by Avena brevis and the karyotype of Avena hispanica was more original. This study will be a useful reference for the karyotype analysis and evolutionary analysis of oat germplasm resources.

    • Identification of drought tolerance at germination period of foxtail millet cultivars developed from different ecological regions

      2013, 14(1):148-153. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.022

      Abstract (2333) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (4578) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Drought tolerance of 201 varieties of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) from different ecological regions was investigated during germination with simulate water stress by -0.5MPa PEG6000. The results showed that the correlation was negative between germination drought resistance index (GDRI) and the relative ratio of root to sprout, and negative between GDRI and the inhibition ratio of sprout growth, and lower positive between GDRI and the inhibition ratio of root growth. The significantly positive correlation was found between GDRI and relative germination energy (RGE), and the correlation coefficient was 0.939. RGE could reflect the drought resistance at germination period of foxtail millet. Two hundred and one foxtail millet varieties were classified five groups as extremely drought tolerance, drought, moderate drought tolerance, no drought and extremely drought resistance based on GDRI.

    • Study on Meiosis Process of Pollen Mother Cell of L.lancifolium

      2013, 14(1):154-160. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.023

      Abstract (2334) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (4488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The meiosis process of pollen mother cell, the pollen grains vitality of L.lancifolium from Hanzhong district,Shanxi province, was observed. The results showed that the length of buds and anthers, and the colour of the anther wall were related to the stage of the meiosis process: The length of buds and anther which were in the meiosis process were between 2.5 and 3.2 cm /1.4 and 1.8cm,respectively.The main chromosome configurations were trivalent in diakinesis stage, and the average configuration was 11.6Ⅲ+2Ⅱ+1.1Ⅰ,which showed that the L.lancifolium was used in this experiment is autotriploid. The asymmetric division, chromosome lag, chromosome bridge and micronucleus were present in distinct meiosis stages, which provided the cytological evidence for the low fertility of pollen grain. The prospect of application of tripolid L.lancifolium in the Lily breeding was also discussed in this article.

    • Digital description of the mango (Mangifera indica)’s petal and anther color

      2013, 14(1):161-168. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.024

      Abstract (1943) HTML (0) PDF 1.62 M (4011) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The colors of petal and anther collected from 40 mango cultivars were digitally described and determined by using Photoshop CS to extract the parameters of CMYK pattern in the typical color region. Results showed that the percentage of C, M, Y, K could represent the colors of petal and anther more accurately and scientifically, and reflect differences between varieties of mango. They were divided into seven and four groups by UPGMA cluster analysis. The research will provide A new digital and scientifical method for germplasm description and new cultivar breeding of mango.

    • Genetic Diversity Of Anthocyanin In Peach Fruit And The Evaluating Criterion Of Red-flesh Peach

      2013, 14(1):169-174. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.025

      Abstract (2137) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (3994) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sirty-eight peach cultivars were detected for their anthocyanin content by Vis-UV Spectrophomery and HPLC,then compared the consistency of the two methods and analyzed for their genetic diversity,at last, we gave a criterion for red-flesh peach. Study results showed that anthocyanin content in white-flesh peach was close, we could choose one method according to the actual situation,otherwise, only HPLC was suitable for yellow-flesh peach.The major anthocyanin in peach fruit was cyanidin 3-glucoside that was deteceted in 48 cultivars,while cyanidin 3-rutinoside was identified in parts of cultivars,such as wuheijitoutao,daguoheitao. Grade index and reference cultivars were given by statistical anthocyanin data for red peach description. These grade indexes were recorded on 1- 5 scale which classified 20 mg/100g as critical points.In our research,we indentified five red-flesh peach,other cultivars thar were not regard as red-flesh peach and sweet flavor did not conform to the criterion,we would do further study to solve this problem.

    • Correlation Analysis of Protein Content and Mineral Content in Brown Rice and Establishment of the Math Model for the NIRS Analysis

      2013, 14(1):175-180. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.026

      Abstract (4290) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (4207) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using 162 rice samples as materials, the method of ammonia-gas-sensing electrode was employed to determinate the protein content, while atomic absorption apectrophotometry (ASS) was employed to determinate the contents of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn, colorimetry with phosphate-molybdenum-blue complex was employed to determinate the content of P, and flame photometry was employed to determinate the content of K in brown rice. The relationships of protein content and mineral content, different mineral element contents in brown rice were investigated. the chemometrical method of partial least squarere gression was used to establish the calibration model of protein content in brown rice. The results showed that the elemental concentrations(mg.kg-1) in brown rice are in turn of P>K>Mg>Ca>Zn>Fe>Cu>Mn. Significant positive correlations were found between protein content and mineral contents, including P, K, Cu, Mn. In addition, the optimal model was developed by the spectral data pretreatment of the first derivative in 11995.7-7498.3cm-1 and 6102-4597.7cm-1, by analyzingspectral data pretreatment and light frequency ranges. This model’s calibration coefficient and determination coefficient were 0.9886 and 0.8991, respectively. The model showed significant correlation and lower error between near-infrared value and true value. The germplasm of rice resource with high protein content and rich mineral contents, Such as Xiao Heigu, Xiao Hongmi and Zi Nuomi had been selected. Good calibration equation was successfully developed for protein content, the equation show satisfactory determination coefficients. Finally, a probably effective way to improve protein content of rice was proposed. Combination of some special characteristics, shch as protein content, P, K, Cu and Mn etc, was one of the effective approaches to increase nutrient of rice. This NIRS-assisted-selection could be a very efficient method to improve protein content and mineral contents in rice breeding programs.

    • Development and Characterization of PvPGIP2 Transgenic wheat Plants with enhanced resistance to Rhizoctonia cerealis

      2013, 14(1):181-185. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.027

      Abstract (2244) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (5341) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Polygalacturcuase-inhibing proteins (PGIPs) are defense proteins produced in plants, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. In this study, pA25-PvPGIP2, the transformation vector of a bean PGIP gene PvPGIP2, which can be highly expressed in monocot plants, was correctly constructed. In the pA25-PvPGIP2 vector, PvPGIP2 gene was driven by maize ubiquitin promoter. 4000 of embryo callus of Yangmai 18 were bombarded by the particle containing pA25- PvPGIP2. Among the regenerated 203 plants, 65 positive transgenic individuals were identified through PCR assay in the T0 generation with a transformation frequency of 1.625 %. The transgenic wheat plants from T0 to T2 generations were subjected to PCR, RT-PCR, and Q-RT-PCR, and inoculations with Rhizoctonia cerealis as well as the disease resistance tests. Results showed that the alien PvPGIP2 gene was introduced into these transgenic wheat plants, can be inherited from T0 to T2, and expressed in the wheat background. The transgenic wheat plants expressing PvPGIP2 showed enhanced resistance to R. cerealis compared with untransformed Yangmai 18.

    • Identification and Utilization of Good-Quality Sweetpotato Germplasm Fushu No.1

      2013, 14(1):186-190. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.028

      Abstract (2233) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (4248) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Good-quality Sweetpotato Germplasm Fushu No.1was bred by The Crop Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was the progeny of a cross among Guangshu 62 and multi-male (such as A48, Fushu26 etc )by opening pollination. To study the importance of elite germplasm in sweetpotato breeding, flowering habits, seed setting rate and offspring lines selectivity rate were analyzed. The results showed that Fushu No.1 is a elite parent, as female parent, Fushu No.8, Fushu No.14, and Fushu No.16, were approved by Crop Variety Approved Committee of Fujian province or National Sweetpotato Variety Identification Committee. All the derived have retained high yield, high quality and high commodity rate.

    • The Application of new germplasm of Oat male sterility in breeding

      2013, 14(1):191-195. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.01.029

      Abstract (1814) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (4047) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The genetic performance and characteristics of CA male sterile oat materials have indicated that the male sterility is controlled by a pair of recessive genes. The original CA male sterile oat has been genetically improved, and selection procedures for different types of male sterile materials were designed, Meanwhile, a new genetic population with unique traits and higher proportion sterility has been obtained by using male sterile oat lines. A novel technique for oat hybridization by using the new sterile lines has been established, and breeding populations with high-thousand-grain-weight, high-protein, low-fat, high-yield, disease-resistant traits have been constructed with abundant genetic basis though this technique.

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