• Volume 14,Issue 2,2013 Table of Contents
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    • Wild Relatives of Agricultural Crop in Yunnan Province and Its Peripheral Area

      2013, 14(2):193-201. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.002

      Abstract (4388) HTML (0) PDF 31.18 M (23950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The project of “investigation of biological resources of agriculture in Yunnan province and its peripheral area”belongs to National Basic Task Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The project has passed the acceptance inspection from the Ministry of Science and Technology in May, 2012, after it has been carried out for 5 years. Yunnan and its peripheral area are low latitudes and high altitudes, also the concentrative areas inhabited by minority nationality people, where the species of agricultural crops are quite abundant, so are the biological and genetic diversity, as a result, the wild relatives of agricultural crops are plenty. In this paper, the authors have introduced the wild relatives of food crops, economic crops, vegetable crops and fruit trees collected in Yunnan and its peripheral area in order to provide basic information and scientific evidences for the researches and development, and constituting the national conservation policy of the diversity of wild plants and scientific researches.

    • The origin and evolution of upland rice in Li ethnic communities in Hainan Province, China

      2013, 14(2):202-207. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.001

      Abstract (2540) HTML (0) PDF 688.05 K (3551) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 14 accessions of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) named Shanlan Rice by Li Ethnic people, 69 accessions of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and 120 accessions of common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were selected for sequencing analysis to study the origin and evolution of upland rice in Li Ethnic communities in Hainan Province of China. Five high mutation regions of SSⅡgene, ITS gene and Ehd1 gene from nucleus genome, the ndhc-trnv inter spacer from chloroplast genome and cox3 gene from mitochondrial genome in rice were chosen to be sequenced. The results showed that the gene diversity of Shanlan rice was the lowest while the common wild rice was the highest and that of Asian cultivated rice was in the middle. 85 percent of Shanlan Upland Rice was japonica. In addition, Shanlan rice had a close genetic relationship with common wild rice from Guangdong, and Hunan province but not Hainan Province, which inferred that Shanlan rice may be originated from common wild rice from Guangdong, and Hunan province.

    • Progress of Research on Lodging Resistance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

      2013, 14(2):208-213. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.002

      Abstract (2384) HTML (0) PDF 767.46 K (4187) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lodging is one of the major factors affecting grain yield and quality in wheat production. The paper highlighted progresses made on relationships between culm morphological and anatomical characters, chemical components with lodging resistance, genetic analysis and molecular markers for lodging resistance. Plant height and length of basal internodes were negatively correlated with lodging resistance, while culm diameter, wall thickness and dry weight per cm of basal internodes were positively associated with lodging resistance. Culm anatomical characters involving thickness and the cell layer of sclerenchyma (mechanical tissues), the number of vascular bundlers and the area of single vascular bundler, and pith diameter were closely associated with lodging resistance. Culm chemical components including cellulose and lignin content, the amount of carbohydrate stored in culm, and quantity of silicon and potassium were positively related with lodging resistance. Lodging resistance was a quantitative trait, and it was governed by several major genes and possibly minor modifying ones. QTLs associated with lodging resistance and related culm morphological and physiological traits were identified.

    • Field Identification for the Thermotolerance of Different Germplasm in Cotton

      2013, 14(2):214-221. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.003

      Abstract (2643) HTML (0) PDF 2.06 M (3015) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With global climate been warming, heat stress has become one of main factor s influenced crop product around the world. In cotton growing areas of china, especially in Yangtze River valley, unexpected periodic extreme high temperature usually occurred in the period of full florescence and boll setting, and this resulted in higher bud and boll abscission rates and lower lint yield. So screening of heat resistant cotton germplasm is extremely urgent subject. In this study, we planted 200 different thermotolerance cotton germplasms in Tulufan of Xin Jiang province located in west of china. We investigated the bud and boll abscission rate, pollen vitality, situation of leaf wilting, pollen morphology, infertility seed rates and so on. And then 29 germplasms with different hot tolerance were growed in Anyang, Henan. The pollen germination rate in vitro at 30℃、35℃、 40℃、 45℃ and 50℃ were investigated respectively. There were significant difference in field index and pollen germination rate among different thermotolerance cotton germplasms. Meanwhile there were different correlation in the ten identify index. Based on the pollen germination rate in vitro and the field index of hot tolerance, 29 germplasms were grouped into four types including heat tolerance, moderately heat tolerance, heat suseptible line and moderately susceptibl

    • Construction of DNA Fingerprinting and Analysis of Genetic diversity with SRAP markers for tigernut (Cyperus esculentus)

      2013, 14(2):222-225. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.004

      Abstract (2352) HTML (0) PDF 574.47 K (3044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fingerprinting and genetic diversity of 14 tigernut accessions collected from different geographical regions were investigated with SRAP molecular markers. The results showed that 306 polymorphic bands were detected among the tested accessions, with an average of 8.1 bands per primer. Twelve accessions had unique bands by 28 primer pairs, which could be identified with one pair of specific primer expect No 4 and No 14. All 14 accessions could be distinguished by two primer combinations (Me2/Em6 and Me8/Em11) at least, and digital fingerprinting code was also established. Clustering with UPGMA method revealed that the genetic distance ranged from 0.09 to 0.72 with an average of 0.37, which indicated that there was abundant genetic diversity among all 14 accessions.

    • Genetic Diversity of 60 Japonica Rice Germplasms

      2013, 14(2):226-231. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.005

      Abstract (2307) HTML (0) PDF 787.59 K (3308) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This test focuses on the genetic diversity of 60 Japonica rice Germplasms in Ningxia Province. These Japonica rice germplasms were analyzed by using SSR molecular markers. The results indicated that 58 of 103 pairs SSR primers performed polymorphisms, and 212 alleles were detected. Each pair of primer ranged from 2 to 9 alleles, and the average value was 3.7 alleles. Polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.032 to 0.788, and the average value was 0.403. High-polymorphic loci emerged mainly at chromosome 3, chromosome 6 and chromosome 11, while non-polymorphic loci and low-polymorphic loci emerged at chromosome 1 and chromosome 10. Genetic similarity of paired varieties ranged from 0.642 to 0.958 and mean was 0.790, while that of single varieties ranged from 0.710 to 0.816 and mean was 0.781. Genetic basis was similar and close genetic relationship. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that 60 rice varieties could be clustered into 11 groups and the overwhelming varieties were clustered into the same group.

    • An Initial Analysis of Functional Marker-Assisted Selection with Drought Tolerance in Maize

      2013, 14(2):232-236. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.006

      Abstract (2331) HTML (0) PDF 4.46 M (3265) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Drought is one of the main factors affecting maize production, and development of new cultivars with high yield stability under water stress is a major breeding objective. With the enrichment of bioinformatics databases and development of genomic technology, progress on identification of the consensus drought-tolerant QTLs provide new approaches and prospects for molecular breeding of drought tolerance in maize. According to our previous study, some important constitutive and adaptive QTLs using meta-analysis were identified and to find specific genes and their families for speculating on drought tolerance networks. The objective of this study was: on the basis of excavated drought-tolerant universal QTLs, we selected 18 linked markers to develop and verify the drought tolerance in 24 different germplasms. The results were as follows: (1) 42 polymorphism sites allelic variants were detected and a mean polymorphism information content of 0.4245, with a range of 0.0799 to 0.7170. (2) By GGT32 analysis, five linked markers (including umc2217, umc2029, phi099, umc1213 and phi022) showed significant variations among different germplasms, which may be initially used to identify different drought-tolerant materials. (3) Using the analysis of chi-square test, we found that linked markers phi022 and umc2217 have reached significant levels, which might be closely related to sites of drought tolerance. Therefore, these linked markers can not only be for the corresponding groups of drought-resistant marker-assisted selection, and lay the foundation for future marker-assisted selection and drought resistance gene cloning.

    • The Effection of the Quantity of SSR Primer and Allele on Cluster analysis of Gossypium hirsutum Linn races

      2013, 14(2):237-242. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.007

      Abstract (2269) HTML (0) PDF 794.32 K (3304) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the influence between the number of markers applied or corresponding polymorphic alleles investigated and the reliability of evaluation the genetic diversity of G. hirsutum L. races using SSR markers, significance tests were done base on coefficient of variation(CV) about genetic similarity coefficient, the correlation among cophenetic matrices were also examined using Mantel correlation test. A total of 90 pairs of SSR primers were used to amplify the 42 accessions of germplasm. 440 polymorphic bands were obtained, which accounting for 88.5% of the total 530 bands. For 90 primers, the polymorphism information content (PIC) was from 0.046 to 0.888, with the average of 0.649. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H′) ranged from 0.113 to 2.289 and averaged at 1.248. Significance test showed that relatively accurate results could be got by 25 primers or 150 polymorphic alleles when the primers were sorted based on PIC in descending order and by at least 50 primers or 200 polymorphic alleles in ascending sort order. The correlation among cophenetic matrices was also examined using Mantel correlation test. The objectively genetic relationships could be reflected with 20 primers in descending sort order or 50 primers in ascending sort order or all 150 alleles. In addition to this, the primer offered more information which has provided more alleles when less primer is used relatively, but the information of each primer provided was becoming not obvious with the adding of primers. When using less allele, the quantity of primer is more important, and the information is more important than quantity of primer as the alleles increase. In general, it’s necessary to use 30 pairs of primers and amplify 150 alleles, the objectively genetic relationships of 42 accessions of G. hirsutum L. races could be reflected, using more than 50 is better.

    • The Morphological Diversity Analysis and Preliminary Construction of Core Collection of Catalpa fargesii Bureau

      2013, 14(2):243-248. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.008

      Abstract (2346) HTML (0) PDF 727.45 K (3263) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are abundant germplasm conservation of Catalpa fargesii Bur. in China, but only a few of which have been used in improvement programme. Establishing a core collection of Catalpa fargesii Bur. can enhance utilization of genetic resources in research programme. Using 267 accessions of Catalpa fargesii Bur. as test materials, 15 morphological traits were carried out, then principal components and cluster analysis were performed. The results were used to evaluate the morphological diversity of Catalpa fargesii Bur. germplasm resource. Moreover, basing on geographical distribution and phenotypic data, sum of squares method and Euclidean distance were used to perform hierarchical cluster, and 63 accessions of core collection were constructed preliminarily, accounting for 23.6%of the total 267 accessions. The results showed that genetic diversity of the 63 core collection had no significant difference with total accessions, which mean that the 63 core collection of Catalpa fargesii Bur. could represent the genetic diversity of the tota1. This lays foundation for study, effective use and conservation of Catalpa fargesii Bur.to some extent.

    • Comprehensive assessment of Drought resistance of BILs Population Derived from Dongxiang Wild Rice (Oryza rufupogon Griff.) at Seedling Stage and Its Genetic Analysis

      2013, 14(2):249-256. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.009

      Abstract (2564) HTML (0) PDF 923.27 K (3243) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, 66 rice (Oryza sativa L.) materials, including four upland rice, the backcross inbred lines (BILs) derived from the combination R974//R974/DXWR Dongxiang wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff., Hereafter DXWR) and their parents, were employed for evaluation of drought-resistance identification and screening of drought-resistance indexes of at seedling stage. Nine index traits were monitored correlating withfor assessment of drought resistance were monitored, those wereincluding maximum root length (MRL), number of root (NR), stem length (SL), dry root weight (DRW), fresh root weight (FRW), root relative water content (RRWC), leaf relative water content (LRWC), level for rolling leaf (LRL) and seedling survivability under repeat drought (SSRD), respectively. Comprehensive assessment of drought resistance based on the principal component analysis (PCA) indicated the line ‘1949’ showed the highest strongest drought resistance. Analysis on the stepwise regression equation and correlation demonstrated that MRL, RN, FRW, and RRWC significantly influenced the drought resistance, thus could be used as comprehensive index for identification of drought resistance at the seedling stage. Using the major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model of quantitative traits, the inheritance genetic mechanism of drought-resistance at the seedling stage of in the BILs population at seedling stage was controlled by double two independent major genes and polygenes, based on comprehensive drought resistance value (CDRV). As a result, the DXWR could be precious natural resources for genetic improvement of drought resistance in cultivated rice.

    • The growth characteristics of different Lilium pumilum DC. populations in Baoding,China

      2013, 14(2):257-264. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.010

      Abstract (2190) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (3245) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phenophase and growth status of twenty five Lilium pumilum populations were investigated and analyzed in Baoding. The results showed that the phenophase of twenty five Lilium pumilum populations were significantly different. Liaoning populations showed the earliest germination and blossom stages were, while the Yixian and Handan populations showed the latest and the differences among the germination stages were 37~39 days and could be 3 months in blossom stages. The length of growth stages (bud period, days of flowering period, the growth circle) varied with twenty five Lilium pumilum populations. The growth curves of twenty five Lilium pumilum populations were in substantial agreement, which had the growth trend of slow-fast-slow. The result of correlation analysis shows that latitude was significantly negatively related to the development stages of bud, squaring, beginning flower, late blooming, ripe fruit, withered time. The early and late phenophases of Lilium pumilum varied remarkably ,which provides good resources for Lily breeding.

    • The methods of crop lodging resistance assessment and their application in foxtail millet

      2013, 14(2):265-269. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.011

      Abstract (2392) HTML (0) PDF 628.62 K (3515) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The yield and quality of crops are seriously affected by occurrence of lodging, which results from interactions between plants and the environmental conditions where they grow. It is difficult to assess crop lodging under natural conditions because of inconsistency of climates that are favorable for lodging every year, which makes artificially induced lodging important in evaluation of lodging resistance in crops. Foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) is prone of lodging and the lodging resistance is one of the crucial factors for high and stable yielding in this cereal crop. Because little information on lodging resistance is available in foxtail millet, this review outlined the methods and parameters for evaluation of lodging resistance in other cereal crops in order to provide a reference for lodging resistance in foxtail millet. This article also reviewed the relationship between lodging and the traits associated with plant and yield and the parameters for assessing lodging resistance of foxtail millet cultivars.

    • Cold hardiness of wheat cultivars differing in vernalization VRN-1 alleles

      2013, 14(2):270-277. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.012

      Abstract (2212) HTML (0) PDF 9.75 M (3404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to clarify the effects of VRN-1 vernalization genes on cold hardiness of wheat, the freeze injury of 134 wheat cultivars collected from eleven wheat growing provinces was investigated in shijiazhuang region during the period 2009-2010, and the VRN-1 alleles in above cultivars were analyzed using the sequence-specific markers. The results indicated that the cold hardiness of cultivars is closely related to composition of VRN-1 alleles, geographic origin and drought tolerance. As in the same geographical origin, the cold hardiness of cultivars is generally weakened with the enhancement of vernalization effects controlled by VRN-1 alleles. Besides, cold hardiness of cultivars with same VRN-1 alleles are always weakened with the lower the latitude of the geographical origin. These results should be helpful to cold hardiness improvement of wheat cultivars.

    • Development and application of cucumber InDel markers based on genome re-sequencing

      2013, 14(2):278-283. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.013

      Abstract (3525) HTML (0) PDF 2.28 M (3326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 134 pairs of primers were designed by screening the InDel loci at a distance of every 1M-3M base pairs on all chromosomes of cucumber based on genome resequencing. The effectiveness of the InDel markers were tested on 16 typical cucumber germplasm. The results showed that distinct PCR amplification products were obtained from the InDel markers. Among these markers, 116 InDel were polymorphic, accounting for 86.6% of the total and revealing the genetic diversity and specificity of the tested cucumber germplasm. The InDel markers developed in the study will offer powerful tools for cucumber germplasm identification and marker-assisted selectionin cucumber breeding.

    • Comparative study of phenotype and genotype in soybean and its derivative line with different seed coat colors

      2013, 14(2):284-288. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.014

      Abstract (2310) HTML (0) PDF 8.24 M (3082) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed coat color, one of the most important morphological markers, is changed from black to yellow during the artificial selection of cultivated soybean from wild soybean. Therefore, discovering genes related to the seed coat color is very important not only for evolutionary study but also for breeding practice in soybean. In this study, Jin1265-1 (yellow seed coat) and its derived line J1265-2 with brown seed coat were used to check whether they had the same genetic background using 161 SSR markers. Meanwhile, The coding sequence and promoter region of a candidate gene (GmF3'H) which was related to seed coat color in soybean was also amplified and sequenced. SSR marker analysis revealed that two lines with different seed coat color had similar genetic background and they were near isogenic lines. There were no sequence difference between two lines in coding region and 1465bp promoter region of GmF3'H , suggesting that gene controlling brown seed coat in J1265-2 was different from the known allele.

    • Identification of QTL for Tassel Color in Maize

      2013, 14(2):289-297. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.005

      Abstract (5147) HTML (0) PDF 10.61 M (22778) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: tassel is an important reproductive organ of maize and the appearance of different kinds of maize differ in thousands of ways .molecular markers, tightly linked with tassel color, could be screened by genetic analysis and QTL mapping of the color of the maize tassel. these molecular markers can be used as an useful tool for maize variety protection and species identification. Mean while, higher pigment content of anthocyan in purple tassel is closely related to the insect resistance of maize tassel. In this study, a black SDM of maize inbred lines were used as a common male parent and respectively hybrid with the white maize inbred lines of wood and yellow maize inbred line Mo17 to build two F2: 3 groups, respectively named MuS (Mu6 x SDM), and MoS (, Mo17 ?SDM).these two groups were planted in two different environments in Yunnan and Chongqing, then conduct QTL mapping about two traits, the anther color (COAn) and the anther capes color (COCa). The results showed that: the anther color and the anther cape color are both quantitative traits, jointly controlled by major genes and minor genes. Seven QTL related to anther color are detected from the two groups in two different environments. They are located in chromosome 2,3,6 and 10.The QTL within marker interval umc1196a-IDP8526 on the chromosome 10 both expressed in Chongqing and Yunnan, and the contribution rate of the phenotype were 23.17% and 19.98%; nine QTL related to anther cape color are detected from the two groups in two environments, located in chromosome 3, 6, 9 and 10 .Among them, three QTL are environmental insensitive (they express in both two environments and the contribution rate are greater than 10%), which respectively in the marker interval umc1979-umc1796 mmc0523-umc2006 in chromosome 6 and the marker interval umc1196a-umc2043 in the chromosome 10 and the contribution rate of the phenotype ranges from 10.69% to 59.30%. The location and effect of the major QTL detected from these two groups have a high degree of consistency, and the major QTL controlling the two traits of anther color and anther cape color have the phenomenon of chain of distribution, mainly near the marker mmc0523 at bin6.04 and the marker IDP8526 at bin10.04. QTL that located on chromosome 6 and 10, and that are stable in different environments and genetic backgrounds can be regarded as the target sites used for further fine mapping. They can also provide a valuable reference for marker-assisted selection of maize tassel color.

    • Development and applification of SSAP molecular marker for identification of apple sports

      2013, 14(2):298-302. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.015

      Abstract (2287) HTML (0) PDF 2.77 M (2952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The most popular retrotransposon-based molecular marker system at the present time is the sequence specific amplification polymorphism (S-SAP) system, which is widely used for various applications including phylogenetic analysis. In this study, we successfully developed a new S-SAP marker system based on Ty1-copia retrotransposon in apple genome. Among 34 primer combinations used to develop the S-SAP marker system, seven primer combinations produced high-quality and reliable banding patterns. A total of 84 polymorphic bands from 588 amplified bands were detected in 27 Delicious sport cultivars, with a polymorphic ratio of 8.1% and genetic coefficient ranged from 0.73 to 0.90. Phylogenetic analysis showed that genetic coefficient ranged from 0.42 to 0.94 for 15 apple sport cultivars, and the variety line was distinguished based on genetic coefficient 0.80. The available evidences proved S-SAP marker had high level of polymorphism in apple accessions, efficiently applied to genetic diversity, systematic evolution and identification of variety.

    • Cloning and characterization of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase gene(NCED)encoding a key enzyme during abscisic acid biosynthesis in Lycium barbarum L

      2013, 14(2):303-310. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.016

      Abstract (2609) HTML (0) PDF 20.21 M (2909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates the essential physiological and developmental processes of plants and plays imporant roles in plant responses to various environmental stresses. 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) is the key regulatory enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of ABA in higher plants. In the study, a full-lengh cDNA of NCED gene (LbNCED) was fristly isolated and characterized from the leaves of L.barbarum. LbNCED has 2,316 bp, containing a 1,824-bp ORF and encoding 607 amino acids. Comparative and bioinformatics analyses revealed that the homologyamino acida sequence of LbNCED to Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum tuberosum was 90%. At the N-terminus of the LbNCED located a 15-aa putative chloroplast transit peptide. Southern blot analysis revealed that it was a low-copy gene in the genome of L.barbarum. Real-time Quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR) analysis showed that LbNCED mRNA accumulated most abundantly in leaves. The RT-QPCR analysis revealed that dehydration, salt stress signficantly enhanced LbNCED transcript expression and ABA content accumulation.

    • Isolation and Identification of Self-incompatibility Allele in 11 Apple Cultivars

      2013, 14(2):311-316. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.017

      Abstract (2162) HTML (0) PDF 14.00 M (3141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The self-incompatibility allele of 11 apple cultivars were tested in this article.Self-incompatibility apple primers were designed according to the conserved sequence of amino acid“FTQQYQ”and“anti-1/WⅠPNV”. In this article, 9 new self-incompatibility genes named S34-, S35-, S36-, S37-, S38-, S39-, S40-, S41-, S42-Allele respectively were isolated with enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing of aim fragment method, they were deposited in GeneBank under the accession numbers of EU310474, EU391605, EU391606, EU391607, EU391609, EU391610, EU391611, EU391612 and EU391613. The self-incompatibility Alleles of 11 apple cultivars were: Sansa(S40S40), Fangming(S1S9), Yanga1(S38S27),Hongjingala(S39S27),Yanga2(S38S27),Qing9(S41S42),Asi(S36S36),Huangjiagala(S37S27), Jingxiang(S1S9S34),Gaoling(S38S9), Hongao(S35S35).

    • Physical Mapping of the 45S and 5S rDNA of Cultivated Buckwheat

      2013, 14(2):317-321. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.018

      Abstract (2441) HTML (0) PDF 19.13 M (2961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 45S and 5S rDNA loci were physically mapped by double color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on the mitotic metaphase chromosomes of F. esculentum and F. tataricum. The results showed four pairs of 45S rDNA loci on ⅠS, ⅡS, ⅢL, and ⅤL (L and S represent chromosome long and short arm respectively, and the Roman number indicate chromosomes serial number, hereinafter the same), as well as two pairs of 5S rDNA loci on ⅠL and ⅣS in F. esculentum, and five pairs of 45S rDNA loci on ⅠS, ⅡS, ⅢL, ⅤL, and ⅦS, as well as three pairs of 5S rDNA loci on ⅠL, ⅣS, and ⅥS in F. tataricum. There are obviously differences in 45S and 5S rDNA loci of F. esculentum and F. tataricum, suggesting they are far in phylogenies. Based on 45S and 5S rDNA loci location and karyotype characteristics of the mitotic metaphase chromosomes, eight pairs of homologous chromosomes of F. esculentum and F. tataricum all can be distinguished distinctly, respectively.

    • >研究简报
    • Study on the α-amylase activity of the Chinese barley landrace

      2013, 14(2):322-328. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.019

      Abstract (2438) HTML (0) PDF 841.83 K (3638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was aimed to detect the extensive variation in activity of α- amylase in Chinesebarley landraces and explore the elite germplasms ng with high α- amylase activity . The α- amylase activity was tested in 257 Chinese barley landraces with the seeds harvested in two years by two methods.The method of 3’5- dinitrosalicylic acid(DNS) was used for the enzym activity test in germinated seed, and the method of falling number(FN) was for the test of dry seeds respectively. The results shown that there was extensive variation in α-amylase activity in Chinese barley landraces, with about three-fold difference between the highest and the lowest. .Generally , enzyme activity reached the maximum in five to six days for most accessions. There was a strong correlation between 2010 and 2011 forα-amylase activity in germinated seed. , But no correlation was found between germinated and dry barley seeds in the enzym activity, suggesting that α-amylase activity in barley accessions does not come from dry seed by the method of falling number.

    • GISH analysis of interspecific hybrid between Brassica juncea and B. carinata

      2013, 14(2):329-333. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.020

      Abstract (2699) HTML (0) PDF 18.29 M (2747) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brassica carinata originating from Africa with good adaptation in drought and hot environment is an important genetic source to improve B. juncea, which has been widely sown in the Northwest of China. The technique of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was adopted to investigate the chromosome segregation of interspecific hybrid (ACBB, 2n = 35) between B. juncea and B. carinata during meiosis. The predominant segregation pattern of chromosomes was 17:18 in pollen mother cells (PMCs), followed by 16:19, while lagged chromosomes were occasionally observed. And the major segregation pattern of B-genome chromosomes from two species was 8:8. Our data suggest that it will be possible to transfer the genetic component of B. carinata into B. juncea via homologous recombination within B genome and homeologous recombination among three genomes.

    • Studies on Starch Granule-Associated Proteins and Starch Content in Local Wheat

      2013, 14(2):334-338. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.021

      Abstract (2422) HTML (0) PDF 2.91 M (3210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The majority of Starch granule-associated proteins (SGAPs) are believed to correspond to starch biological enzymases and identification and characterization of SGAPs are beneficial to the finding of novel mutants, which is very important to understand better the mechanisms of starch biosynthesis and improvement of starch quality in the breeding programms. In this study, we firstly Separated SGAPs of 74 indigenous wheat accessions from the adjacent areas of Sichuan, Tibet and Yunnan of China using 1D-SDS-PAGE technique and analysed starch and amylose content . A total of 9 different bands with molecular weights 57~130 kD, were found, of which bands 1and 2 were novel protein bands and 12 mutants with the deletion of Wx-B1 and 3 rare mutants with the deletion of SGP-B1(SSII ) were presented. The amylose content of the studied accessions was between 14.73% and 40.73%, with an average of 20.39%, and that of 10 materials was about 15% and 2 over 30%.These results are very important for further study on the of starch synthesis mechanism and improvement of starch quality.

    • Estimation of Genome Size of Miscanthus floridulus

      2013, 14(2):339-341. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.022

      Abstract (2550) HTML (0) PDF 2.10 M (3022) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Miscanthus floridulus is a species of the genus Miscanthus Andersson, which has attracted worldwide interests as one of the most potential bioenergy crops. In this study, the genome size of M. floridulus was determined by flow cytometry using rice (Oryza sativa L. var. Nipponbare) as an internal reference. The average genome size that resulted from 6 collections of M. floridulus was about 2596.59 Mb, namely 2 C DNA = 5.31 pg (1 pg=978 Mb).

    • Crossability among Variant Types of Brassica oleracea Cytodeme

      2013, 14(2):342-346. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.023

      Abstract (2100) HTML (0) PDF 467.19 K (3085) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brassica oleracea cytodeme includes variant wild types, which are important resources for improving cultivated types of B. oleracea. During the long evolution, reproductive isolations were formed among variant type of B. oleracea cytodeme at certain degree. In the present study, 35 lines from seven wild and eight cultivated types were crossed randomly to each other in order to investigate the crossability in B. oleracea cytodeme. Significant differences for crossability were detected among crosses, and biological type, cross direction, and genetic difference were found to affect the crossability significantly. Our data suggests that the crossability of combinations with wild type as female is higher than those with wild type as male in the crosses between wild and cultivated types of B. oleracea.

    • A New Extraction Method of Mature Kenaf Leaf ’s DNA for Cytoplasmic Genome Amplifying

      2013, 14(2):347-351. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.024

      Abstract (2467) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (3122) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research aimed to extract the high quality and yield genomic DNA from mature kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaves.According to the character of containing amylase and polyphenol,the kenaf varieties Fuhong 952 mature leaves were extracted by improved CTAB and SDS method, and they were identified by agarose gel electrophoresis,ultraviolet spectrophotometer method.The results showed that the sample hole was clean and no pulling,OD260/OD280 was about 1.9,the yield was up to 1.84μg/g . when the genomic DNA extracted by improved CTAB method was electrophoresis.and its quality and yield was higher than that extracted by improved SDS method. Genomic DNA extracted by improved CTAB also can be used in kenaf RAPD ( Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) Molecular markers, mitochondrial DNA, chloroplast DNA universal primer PCR amplification .therefor, the improved CTAB method was the effective methed of extracting the high quality and yield genomic DNA from mature kenaf leaves,and can be used for the kenaf molecular markers and cytoplasmic genomics research.

    • An exploitable wheat germplasm——Norin 10

      2013, 14(2):352-354. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.025

      Abstract (5917) HTML (0) PDF 493.03 K (7015) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The wheat cultivar Norin 89, also known as “Xiao Yingsu”, was derived from Norin 10 successfully. That was an important breakthrough in wheat breeding for drought-resistance and high-yield. The wheat cultivar Lumai 13 achieved a yield record of 9 244.5kg/hm2 under non-irrigated conditions . The wheat cultivar Lumai 14 had the largest acreage in the Yellow and Huai River Valley Winter Wheat Region (YHRVWWR) in the early years of 1990s. Both Lumai 13 and Lumai 14 are of high yield, multi-resistance, and wide adaptation. They were also elite parents widely used by many wheat breeders. Forty-nine elite wheat cultivars,which have been derived from Lumai 13 or Lumai 14,are now widely grown in the YHRVWWR and produced huge economic and social benefits. Thus it was suggested that the innovation of wheat germplasm is very important for a successful wheat breeding program and for the national food safety .

    • Identification of Resistance to Root-knot Nematode of Kenaf Germplasm

      2013, 14(2):355-360. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.026

      Abstract (2407) HTML (0) PDF 17.99 M (2718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was conducted to indentify the resistance against root-knot nematode in 120 kenaf varieties using field trials and pot culture. The results showed that the main species of root-knot nematode in the field were Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne javanica and Meloidogyne arenria. 5, 19, 25 and 71 varieties of 120 tested varieties were of high susceptibility, middle susceptibility, middle resistance and high resistance to these root-knot nematodes, respectively. Further study was carried out in representative 22 varieties using pot culture, 7 varities were middle resistance to Meloidogyne incognita, but no highly resistant or immune varieties.

    • Synthesis and cytological studies of allotriploid interspecies between Brassica carinata and Chinese kale

      2013, 14(2):361-366. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.02.028

      Abstract (5047) HTML (0) PDF 29.26 M (30556) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The allotriploid interspecies (BCC) were obtained by reciprocal crosses between Brassica carinata (2n=4x=BBCC=34) and Chinese kale (2n=2x=CC=18). The interspecies displayed a stronger growth than parents; the plant and flower type tended to parent B. carinata; and the flower color was the same as parent Chinese kale. Meiosis observation of the allotriploid showed that 9 bivalents and 8 univalents (9Ⅱ 8Ⅰ) were formed at diakinesis, and the two kind of chromosomes (B and C) tended to separate into two groups; at metaphaseⅠ, 9 bivalents of CC genome arranged on equatorial plane and 8 univalents of B genome distributed around the equatorial plane ; and at anaphaseⅠ, the distributions of chromosomes with 13/13 or 12/14 were in the majority. The obtain of this allotriploid (BCC) provides an important material for production of CC B alien addition lines and for study of chromosome homology between B and C genome.

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