• Volume 14,Issue 4,2013 Table of Contents
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    • ISSR analysis of genetic diversity in natural populations of Castanea henryi

      2013, 14(4):581-587. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.001

      Abstract (2375) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (3148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 16 natural populations of Castanea henryi. were assessed by ISSR. 379 loci were identified in 449 individuals, of which 378 loci were polymorphic, the polymorphic loci of percent (PPL) was 99.74%. The mean expected heterozygosity (He) and the Shannon information index (I) was 0.2950 and 0.4522, respectively. In population level, the PPL was 46.09%. The genetic diversity in different population was not consistent. Than those from other 15 regions, Xiangxi region had the higher level of diversity (PPL=53.30%,He=0.1861,I=0.2781). A high level of genetic differentiation was detected among populations based on Nei`s (Gst =0.4466)and the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), the distribution of genetic differentiation within and among populations was 52.51 %and 47.49%, respectively. 16 populations were clustered 2 groups and 5 subgroups by the UPGMA analysis. Xiangxi region maybe the secondary distribution center and (or) modern center of genetic diversity of Castanea henryi, also is the source center. It is the most valuable gene pool,therefore, natural populations of Castanea henryi in this region need deserve prior conservation.

    • Viability Loss of Wheat Seeds under Different Storage Conditions

      2013, 14(4):588-593. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.002

      Abstract (4006) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (3843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed viability loss at low temperature genebank and ambient storage received increasing concerns, but comparing with its importance, few publications dressed this question. In this paper, viability monitoring data of wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) seed from a midterm genebank, ambient storage, as well as an accelerated ageing experiment were quantified to get further understanding of seed ageing under these conditions. The results showed that seed longevity of all accessions followed normal distribution, and that seed survival curves showed inverse-S shape, which received no obvious effects from storage conditions. The rate of seed viability loss decreased, and the plateau phase and seed longevity increased as the storage temperature reduced. T-test was adapted to determine the turning point (Pt) between the plateau phase and viability sharp decline phase of the seed survival curve. The results showed that the Pt under different storage conditions were quite close, which varied between 82.2% and 83.6%. The possible role of Pt and some physiological indexes as indicators for seed viability loss during germplasm storage were discussed.

    • Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Camellia japonica in Zhoushan Archipelago by ISSR Markers

      2013, 14(4):594-599. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.003

      Abstract (2217) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Camellia japonica is an important horticultural species, widely distributed in East-Asia. Four populations of C. japonica were analyzed by ISSR markers to detect the genetic diversity. Twenty primers with discernible DNA bands markers were applied. The percentage of polymorphic bands, Nei’s gene diversity and Shannon’s Information Index were 64.06%, 0.2390 and 0.3548, respectively, indicated that the genetic diversity of C. japonica populations was relatively high. The value of differentiation (Gst = 0.2241) affirmed that C. japonica had high genetic differentiation among populations. The effect of geographical isolation had great influences and significant correlation was found between genetic distance and geographic distance (r = 0.9653, P<0.05). UPGMA analysis revealed that populations on the same isalnd had a closer relationship. In order to maintain genetic diversity and resource utilization of C. japonica, management strategies were proposed that natural population should be protected in situ from human disturbance to facilitate it s natural generation.

    • Drought Resistance Identification of Common Bean Germplasm Resources at Bud Stage

      2013, 14(4):600-605. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.004

      Abstract (2123) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (3364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Drought is a major problem for common bean production and the drought tolerance in common bean is a priority research area in worldwide. The germination rate and germination vigor of common bean germplasm resources were evaluated with different PEG6000 density. The results showed that 19.6% (-0.7 MPa) is the optimum density for screening drought resources at bud stage of common bean. Thus, -0.7 MPa PEG6000 solution was used to analyze 121 accessions of common bean germplasm resources for drought resistance. Principal component analysis results showed that relevant germination rate (RGR), relevant germination vigor (RGV), relevant fresh weight (RFW), relevant dry weight (RDW), relevant root length (RRL), relevant shoot length (RSL), relevant root /hypocotyls (RR/H), relevant germination index (RGI) and relevant activity index (RAI) were considered as closely related traits for the drought resistance in common bean. Based on the membership function analysis, Yaojindou (F0000156) and Baibiandou (F0000613) exhibit high drought resistance.

    • Identification of wheat-Agropyron cristatum 6P chromosome intercalary translocation lines

      2013, 14(4):606-611. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.005

      Abstract (2128) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (4186) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Distant hybridization is a practical way to introduce the chromatins conferring agronomically desirable genes of the wheat related species into the common wheat in order to enhance the diversity of the wheat genetic pool. The aim of this study was to identify the homozygous small segmental translocation lines with excellent agronomic performances among the progenies of the hybridization between wheat and alien species by using Genomic In Situ Hybridization (GISH) as the cytogenetic tool. In this study, the translocation progenies of the hybridization between the wheat-Agropyrum cristatum disomic substitution line 4844-8 and common wheat or between the disomic addition line 4844-12 and common wheat were studied as the research materials. Two intercalary translocation lines with a pair of small homozygous A. cristatum chromatin segments respectively were identified with GISH. One intercalary line(104-3) was resistant to powdery mildew and was with high thousand grain weight(TGW). The other intercalary line(19-2) was excellent for its high grain number per spike(GNPS) and high TGW. The excellent agronomic performances of these 2 lines indicated that they were both elite genetic resources, which could be used in the future to broaden the wheat genetic basis.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chinese Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Germplasm Resources Based on Morphological Characters

      2013, 14(4):612-619. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.006

      Abstract (2562) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (4328) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 257 representative melon germplasms from various regions in China was studied based on the investigation of 20 morphological characters. The results showed that the obvious difference was observed with the seven qualitative characters (fruit shape, ground color of fruit skin, vein color of fruit skin, vein shape of fruit skin, flesh color, flesh texture, and seed coat color) and the six quantitative characters (fruit diameter, fruit length, fresh weight of single fruit, thickness of fruit flesh, soluble solid content, and 1000-seed weigh). The Shannon’s indices of the seven qualitative characters and the six quantitative characters exceeded 1.00 and 1.50, respectively. The mean Shannon’s index of all the melon germplasms reached to 1.09, and the degree of genetic diversity between various regions was distinctly different. The upper-to-lower older of Shannon’s index for the various regions was: Northwest China, Central China, East China, North China, Northeast China, and South China. Principal coordinate analysis (PCO) divided all the melon germplasms into three regions, i.e. dominant region for thick germplasms, mixed-distribution region for chick/thin germplasms, and dominant region for thin germplasms. The melon germplasms from various regions distributed differently in the PCO diagram; the thick germplasms from Northwest China widely distributed cross the three regions and revealed higher genetic diversity, so did the thin germplasms from Central China and East China. Our result supports the view that Sinkiang is considered as a second origin center of thick melon, and Huanghuai and Changjiang River zone is considered as a primary origin center of thin melon.

    • Germplasm screening for salinity tolerance at germination and seedling stages in wheat

      2013, 14(4):620-626. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.007

      Abstract (2147) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (4560) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:【Objective】 The study aims at the work of developing better wheat varieties with salinity tolerance and searching for suitable NaCl concentration for screening salinity tolerance.【Method】293 accessions of wheat germplasm were treated with 1.5%NaCl at germination stage to get the relative salt injury rate; 24 varieties whose relative salt injury rate below 40% were treated with different NaCl concentration at seedling stage to get the relative growth rate.【Result】The relative salt injury rate indicated 16 varieties were high salt-tolerant lines and 42 varieties were salt-tolerant lines; 1.0% NaCl was the suitable concentration for wheat salt-tolerance at seedling stage, Marmin-Minhardi譎44-Minturki and Huashupu were salt-tolerant lines at both germination and seeding stages;【Conclusion】The salinity tolerance of different original germplasm were bred and local varieties > introduced varieties > advanced lines; Marmin-Minhardi譎44-Minturki and Huashupu were newly evaluated germplasm with salinity tolerance and may be useful in wheat improvement for salinity tolerance.

    • The investigation and cluster analysis of main morphological characters for germplasm of Chinese wolfberry

      2013, 14(4):627-633. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.008

      Abstract (2380) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For further study genetics diversity and relation of Chinese wolfberry germplasm, main morphological characters ,31 landrace wolfberry samples originally from China, 1 sample from USA and 1sample from Republic of Korea conserved in Ningxia were analyzed by Principal component and cluster methods in this paper. Results showed that these wolfberry materials had bigger differences for morphological characters, higher diversity for genetics. Evolution trends of morphological characters that leaf shape, wattle firmness and color, fruit color and flower organ, especially, fruit color from black →red →yellow, and leaf shape from lanceolate →strip lanceolate→strip evolution trends were obviously. Genetics distance was longer between Ningxia yellow-fruit- wolfberry and Zhongning black fruit wolfberry, compared with genetics distances between Ningxia yellow-fruit- wolfberry and Ningxia wolfberry cultivars that Ningqi 1 or Ningqi 2. It confirmed again that Ningxia yellow-fruit wolfberry was a mutation of Ningxia wolfberry. Among genetic characters, wolfberry plant height, crown, ground diameter, natural plant type, foliage shape, wattle firmness, leaf position, fruit color and flower form played dominant roles. Therefore, they could be reference breeding indices for new cultivar selection. Chinese wolfberry germplasm could be clustered into 10 genetic groups. It was similar to botanical classification result that 7 species and 3 mutations. Genetic distances of between groups, as well as between 33 wolfberry materials, have been identified.

    • Diversity of Tea Landraces Based on Agronomic and Quality Traits in Yunnan Province

      2013, 14(4):634-640. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.009

      Abstract (2011) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (3545) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to excavated the excellent tea germplasms, 51 accessions tea landraces were taken as materials from Yunnan province, and the genetic diversity was investigated based on agronomic and quality traits. The results showed those accessions had the rich genetic variation in agronomic and quality traits. The average variation coefficient and diversity index of agronomic characters was 25.84% and 1.94. The average variation coefficient and diversity index of biochemical composition was 16.53% and 1.88 . Based on sensory evaluation, the total score of black tea was 87.5 to 94.2 points, and green tea was 78.8 to 91.5 points. Their diversity index of adaptability was 0.92 and 0.94. Based on agronomic and quality traits, 51 materials were clustered into 3 groups: the groupⅠ suited to be processed black tea, the groupⅡ suited to be processed green tea, the group Ⅲ was the special varieties on some biochemical composition. 18 fine varieties were selected and used for future production and breeding.

    • Genetic Analysis of Rapeseed Plant Height of New Semi-Dwaf Germplasm 10D130 Using Major Gene Plus Polygene Mixed Genetic Model

      2013, 14(4):641-646. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.010

      Abstract (2030) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (3105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plant height is an important characters of plant type and it play important role influence to change lodging resistance, difficulty of mechanical harvesting,yield and quality in rapeseed。six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2) were produced between 10D130(semi-Dwaf Line) and Zhongshuang 11 to analyze inheritances of plant height in rapeseed (Brassica napus) by the mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance model in this paper. The results showed that the plant height of 10D130 譠hongshuang11 were dominated by a pair of major gene with additive-dominant-epistasis effects plus polygenes with additive- dominance- epistasis effects ( D model). The additive effect and dominant effect of major gene of plant height is –8.58 and 7.14. The heritability of the major gene in B1, B2 and F2 are 23.52%, 0.91% and17.81%, and the heritability of the polygene in B1, B2 and F2 are 30.05%,68.05% and 39.35%, respectively. The result implied thant not only major gene’s effect but also polygene’s effect and Environmental effect should be considered in genetic breeding for using 10D130.

    • The Variance Analysis of Functional Compositions in Barley Grain of Yunnan Local Varieties

      2013, 14(4):647-652. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.011

      Abstract (1967) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (2986) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Understanding the genetic variation of functional components in Yunnan barley landrace will benefit the genetic improvement and developing health food. In total, 236 accession Yunnan barley landraces were used to compare the difference of resistant starch(RS), total flavones(FL), alkaloids(AL) and γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA) of barley grains. The results showed that significant difference in RS, FL, AL and GABA contents existed among 249 barley accessions. Comparisons of RS and FL contents of different barley types showed that the difference between multi-row and two row, purple grain and yellow grain barley was significant at 0.01 level, respectively. Meanwhile, significant difference of AL and GABA contents also existed between multi-row and two row, hull and hulless barley, respectively. 236 Yunnan barley landraces could be clustered into 10 clusters. The fourth cluster and eighth cluster are outstanding. Distances of final cluster centers is furthest between first cluster and seventh cluster, and that is nearest between first cluster and tenth cluster. It would be advantageous to the choice of breeding material. Twenty accessions with good functional components were selected for possible parents to improve productivity of barley in Yunnan.

    • Genetic Relationship Analysis of Thirty-eight Sun/Air-Cured Tobacco Germplasms Based on Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers

      2013, 14(4):653-658. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.012

      Abstract (2091) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We report the first phylogenesis of 38 Sun/Air-Cured tobacco germplasms analyzed by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers in this study. 30 primer pairs were randomly selected from a nearly total of 3000 tobacco SSR primers which were developed by our own. A total of 173 polymorphic alleles were amplified in 38 varieties using 30 SSR primers, and the number of alleles detected by each SSR primer ranged from 2 to 11, with an average of 5.77 alleles per markers. Genetic similarity coefficient (GS) among the 38 varieties ranged from 0.165 to 0.928, with an average of 0.546, which indicated the genetic variation of the 38 varieties was quite large and the genetic diversity was much abundant in Sun/Air-Cured tobacco varieties. The result of cluster analysis based on SSR markers showed that 38 varieties could be clustered into 2 groups: Sun/Air-Cured and TI tobacco groups, at a relative low level of GS=0.165. And the Sun/Air-Cured group was further classified into 4 subgroups, which was basically according with expected case. The study finally showed that SSR is a stable, reliable and valuable molecular marker system which was more efficient in generating accurate information on genetic background and relationship of tobacco, especially in Sun/Air-Cured germplasms.

    • Structure and Function of Stress-related Protein Kinases in Plants

      2013, 14(4):659-667. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.013

      Abstract (2295) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (5479) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plants can activate their signal transduction when adverse enviroments occured in the surrounding environment. Plant signal transduction can perceive and transduce different stress signals, and activate a variety of physiological and biochemical systems to survive. Plant protein kinases play very important roles in signal transduction, growth, development and gene expression regulation. The function of protein kinase in signal transduction is phosphorylating the target protein. In this paper, we focused mainly on the structure, classification of plant kinase and the relationship between hormone signal transduction and plant protein kinase. We summarized the latest research of plants resistance and development mediated by protein kinases, which provide evidence for the molecular mechanisms of protein kinases in plant growth and development.

    • The Genetic Analysis of the Resistance to Tobacco Powdery Mildew

      2013, 14(4):668-672. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.014

      Abstract (2172) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (3111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Six populations (P1,P2,F1,B1,B2 and F2) were constructed from the resistant variety Taiyan 7 as the female parent and the susceptible variety NC89 as the male parent. The inheritance of the tobacco powdery mildew was investigated by the mixed major-gene plus polygene inheritance model. It was found that the inheritance of the resistance to tobacco powdery mildew was fit to a mixed genetic model of two major genes with additive-dominant-epistatic effects plus polygenes with additive-dominant-epistatic effects(the E-0 model).The heritability of major gene in B1, B2 and F2 was 88.05%, 32.62% and 84.43%, respectively. Because of the high heritability of the major gene, the selection of resistant plant could be carried out in the early breeding for disease resistance. Both of the polygene heritabilities in B1, F2 were 0.00%,which showed that the environmental effect should also be taken into consideration for the outbreak of tobacco powdery mildew.

    • A genetic linkage map for naked oat (Avena nuda L.)

      2013, 14(4):673-678. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.015

      Abstract (2172) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (3118) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on 281 individual plants of F2 population derived from a cross “Yuan Naked Oat” x “555”, a genetic linkage map for naked oat (Avena nuda L.) was constructed by 20 pair AFLP primers, 3 SSR primers and 1 panicle type character. The map was 1544.8cM in total length with 20.1cM for the average distance between neighboring markers. 92 AFLP markers, 3 SSR markers and 1 morphological trait were mapped on 19 linkage groups, which contained 2-14 markers and varied in size from 23.7 to 276.3cM with an average of 81.3cM. The segregation ratio of panicle type fitted to 3:1, and 11 AFLP markers demonstrated distorted segregation with the percentage of 11.5%. The results provided a framework of genetic linkage map for naked oat (Avena nuda L.), which is the theoretical basis for QTL mapping, molecular breeding and comparative genome in naked oat research.

    • Analysis of Genetic Specificity and DNA Fingerprinting Establishment for the Hainan Island Landraces of Cucurbita moschata

      2013, 14(4):679-685. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.016

      Abstract (2255) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3075) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the collection of Hainan Island landraces of Cucurbita moschata, the present study was aimed to analyze their genetic specificity and establish DNA fingerprinting for 28 landraces by Inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), which will provide applicable guidance for identification, evaluation, protection and utilization of Hainan Island landraces in C. moschata. The result showed that genetic specificity was significant among the 28 landraces with special genetic background, 10 specific markers and 11 unique-lack bands scored were produced by 6 ISSR primers and 11 SRAP primer pairs selected; Four DNA fingerprintings for the 28 landraces were developed by two ISSR primer combinations and two SRAP primer combinations, i.e. UBC807/UBC814/UBC844/UBC868, UBC808/UBC814/UBC844/UBC868, Me1/Em2+Me1/Em10+ Me2/Em3, Me1/Em1+Me1/Em10+Me8/Em3, respectively. All the DNA fingerprintings developed were intuitionistic and simple. ISSR and SRAP molecular markers could be effectively used in the analysis of genetic specificity and DNA fingerprinting establishment for the landraces of C. moschata.

    • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression Character Analysis of AhRab7 Genes from Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L .)

      2013, 14(4):686-693. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.017

      Abstract (2010) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (3176) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The full length cDNA of AhRab7-1、AhRab7-2 was isolated from HuaYu 20 (Arachis hypogaea L.) by RT-PCR and transferred into Escherichina coli to analyzed if the expression of the small G protein AhRab7 in E. coli was associated with the tolerance to high salt environment for E. coli. AhRab7-1 and AhRab7-2 were 872 bp and 816 bp, containing a 621bp and 618bp open reading frame and encoding 206 and 205 amino acids respectively. AhRab7-1 and AhRab7-2 were cloned into the expression vector pET-28a(+) with full-length ORF, then transferred into E. coli. After inducing by IPTG, the E. coli were treated with high salinity stresses and the function of the protein AhRab 7 could be tested. The tolerance activity assay showed that pET-28a-AhRab7-1 and pET-28a-AhRab7-2 had normal restructure enzyme activities and significantly released the salt tolerance of E. coli in LB medium with high NaCl concentration (5.5% ~10%). The control which had been transferred only the vector pET-28 did not showed the similar enzyme activity. The result suggested the expression of AhRab7 in E. coli could extremely improve the tolerance of salt for E. coli. The product proteins of AhRab7-1 and AhRab7-2 were detected by SDS-PAGE and the proteins were 23kDa as expected. Our researches could be used as a starting point for generation of plants tolerant to Saline-alkali and other abiotic stress in the future.

    • Screening of Specific SSR Markers on Different Linkage Groups of Chinese Cabbage Compared with Cabbage

      2013, 14(4):694-698. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.018

      Abstract (2017) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (4168) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 207 pairs of SSR primers from 10 linkage groups of Brassica (A genome) were amplified on 9 Chinese cabbage varieties and 10 cabbage varieties. The result showed that 33 SSR markers were specific on Chinese cabbage compared with cabbage. These markers assigned on 10 different linkage groups of Chinese cabbage, in which 3 SSR markers on group A1, 4 SSR markers on group A2, 5 SSR markers on group A3, 2 SSR markers on group A4, 3 SSR markers on group A5, 4 SSR markers on group A6, 2 SSR markers on group A7, 1 SSR marker on group A8, 2 SSR markers on group A9 and 7 SSR markers on group A10. It laid a foundation to further identify cabbage-Chinese cabbage alien addition lines.

    • Transmission of Resistance Gene Pi-ta in Rice Backbone Parent and It’s Derivatives

      2013, 14(4):699-703. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.019

      Abstract (1781) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (3502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hejiang 20 is one of the most important backbone parents in cold region. In this paper, the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta genetic between Hejiang20 and its 25 transmission in derivatives were analyzed by using the dominant rice Pi-ta gene markers. The results showed that frequency of resistance genes Pi-ta was 63% in the first generations of Hejiang20 derivatives,and the frequency of occurrence in the second-generation derivative varieties was 33%, and the frequency of occurrence in the third-generation of derivative varieties was 9%. Disease transfer of genes Pi-ta Hejiang 20 just liked as derivative map. The spectral analysis of anti-Pi-ta results indicated that it was a positive correlation forresistance gene between which in the offspring and which in the derived varieties. These results could be caused by the loss of resistance genes in the species, which was also may be one of the main reason to determine the levels ofrice for the different rice varieties.

    • Application of SCoT Molecular Marker in Saccharum spontaneum L.

      2013, 14(4):704-710. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.020

      Abstract (2415) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (3461) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To assess the effectiveness of the new SCoT molecular marking technique in Saccharum spontaneum L., 157 Offsprings of the crosses between Saccharum spontaneum (GXS85-30) and Saccharum spontaneum(GXS87-16) were analyzed by SSR, AFLP and SCoT molecular marking technique respectively. Comparatively, SCoT molecular marking technique was better than SSR molecular marking technique in amplification of polymorphic DNA, and had better segregation marker than AFLP molecular marking technique. These results demonstrated that SCoT molecular marking technique had potential application prospects in genetic analysis of Saccharum spontaneum L..

    • Identification of Resistance to Southern Corn Rust (Puccinia polysora Underw) in Maize Germplasm

      2013, 14(4):711-714. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.021

      Abstract (2844) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (3617) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Southern corn rust (SCR) is an destructive disease in the summer maize area and causes more than 10% yield loss in disease epidemic years. Few SCR-resistance lines are known and the deficiency in inbred lines with different SCR-resistance genes is evident in breeding. For finding and utilizing the new SCR-resistance germplasm screening of 1589 accessions to SCR was carried out by inoculation in the fields during 2008-2012 in Nanning, Guangxi. The results showed that 26 accessions were highly resistant, accounting for 1.64%; 138 accessions were resistant, accounting for 8.62%; 382 were moderately resistant, for 24.04%; 489 were susceptible, accounting for 30.77%; 555 were highly susceptible, for 34.93%. There were more resistant type lines (HR, R and MR) in imported maize germplasm. By re-screening 26 accessions, including 18 inbred lines, 3 landraces,4 Zimbabwe lines and Dr11 from CIMMYT were confirmed with highly resistance to southern corn rust that will provide new SCR-resistance source for breeding in China.

    • Genetic analysis on interspecific hybrids progeny between Brassica juncea and Brassica rapa

      2013, 14(4):715-722. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.022

      Abstract (2153) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3137) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Interspecific hybridization is an important approach to broaden genetic base and transfer superior traits, Which has been widely applied for improving crops. The objectives of this study were to obtain novel Brassica rapa by interspecific hybridization between B.juncea and B.rapa and transfer advanced characters from B.juncea, improving agronomic traits and resistance of B.rapa and broaden its genetic base. The results showed that hybridization with B.juncea as the female parent and B.rapa as the male parent was easy to harvest hybrid seeds. F1 plants were sterile and performed strong vegetative growth, which was backcrossed to the B.rapa to produce BC1 progeny. BC1 plants having great diversity of the morphology showed self-incompatible, with the average pollen stainability, being 34.8%, which ranged from 0 to 84%.. Self-compatible plants and pure yellow seeded plants were founded in BC1F1 and BC2 progeny. Moreover, BC1F1 and BC2 population, both showing increased fertility level, had the average pollen stainability of 79.7% and 79.1%, respectively.

    • Cultivation and Identification of Herbicide-resistant Genic Male-sterile line Yu98-8A1 of cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)

      2013, 14(4):723-727. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.023

      Abstract (2007) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (3287) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Yu98-8A1, a herbicide-resistant cotton genic male-sterile line, was developed by successive backcrossing cotton line EHC09-002 which has the herbicide-resistant gene EPSPS-G6 to a genic male-sterile line Yu98-8A. Phenotype observation of corrala showed that, compared with homogeneity normal fertile plants, smaller corolla and exposed stigmas were the significant characteristics. Cytological microscopical observation showed that the anther abortion of Yu98-8A1 occurred during the stage of microspore development after tetrad formation, which included that there was no spinescent protuberance on the pollen wall, and the microspore appeared abnormal and break down gradually. PCR identification and glyphosate resistance test indicated that herbicide-resistant gene EPSPS-G6 had been aggregated successfully into Yu98-8A1, and the anti-herbicide concentration reached up to 0.3%. Herbicide resistance makes Yu98-8A1 have significant value in the utilization of cotton heterosis.

    • Preliminary Identification to One Mutant of Sweet potato Variety“Fengshoubai” by Agronomic Trait and SRAP Marker Analysis

      2013, 14(4):728-732. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.024

      Abstract (1946) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (3504) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Different agronomic trait cluster analysis of 11 sweet potato varieties (lines) was done by UPGMA method. Three groups ,which include 2,3,6 varieties respectively, were divided on similarity coefficient of 0.17. SRAP clustering analysis showed that Part II group was divided into two sub-clusters: II A and II B on similarity coefficient of 0.77. II A included three varieties and II B included three varieties also. Part III group was divided into two sub-clusters: III A and III B on similarity coefficient of 0.75. III A included two varieties and III B included two varieties also. Fengshoubai wild-type and it’s mutant M-0 were clustered together in the cluster analysis of agronomic traits and SRAP markers. Six biological traits included leaf shape, vein color, young leaf color, root skin color, root shape and root flesh color were observed and compared between wild type and mutant. The results showed that fengshoubai mutant M-0 did not show significant difference among five traits, but significant difference only on root flesh color. Fengshoubai M-0 is pale orange flesh color while its wild type is white. The percentage of polymorphic bands between fengshoubai mutant M-0 and it’s wild type is 29.49 %, effective alleles are 1.2085,which show there are no obvious genetic differences between them. We preliminary deduced that the mutation was the result from point mutation.

    • Preliminary identification of the stay green mutant derived from “Kefeng 14” in soybeanfrom “Kefeng 14” in soybean

      2013, 14(4):733-739. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.025

      Abstract (2077) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (3209) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A mutant with stay green features was created by 60Co γ–ray radiation of the soybean Kefeng 14 seeds and 20 mutant lines were obtained from this mutant in years of selective breeding. The stay green features of these mutant lines were identified by comparing the growth period, biological characteristics, chlorophyll content of leaves in the late growth stage and the anti-aging test of leave. The results showed that the mutant lines had longer duration of the stay green features in the leaves and seed pods, and the seeds had green seed coat and green cotyledon. The flowering times were different for the 20 mutant lines, however, the mature periods all were later than Kefeng14, The chlorophyll content in the leaves of the mature were decreased slowly during seed filling stage even contained more chlorophyll before leaf dry in the mature period , while the chlorophyll content in Kefeng 14 were declined rapidly. The leaf-induced senescence test also showed that these mutant lines had stronger anti-aging than the original Kefeng 14.

    • >研究简报
    • Analysis of adzuki bean resistant starch content and cooking hardness

      2013, 14(4):740-743. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.026

      Abstract (2092) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (2796) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the geographical distribution profile of adzuki bean resistant starch and cooking hardness, analyze the correlation between cooking hardness and nutritive index, and screen the high resistant starch content or low cooking hardness germplasm resource, 140 adzuki bean resources were collected from different provinces in China. The results were that: The average content of 140 adzuki bean resistant starch and cooking hardness were 14.25 % and 150.72 g, respectively. Adzuki bean germplasm resource in Jilin province had the highest resistant starch content (15.71 %), while in Inner Mongolia had the lowest cooking hardness (96.42 g). There was a highly significant negative correlation between total starch and resistant starch. Cooking hardness showed no significant correlation with total starch or protein, but positive and significant correlation with resistant starch. And 12 elite resources with resistant starch content > 17.83 % and 9 resources with cooking hardness < 76.48 g were screened respectively. The screened high resistant starch germplasm resources could be used for diabetic special adzuki bean breeding and product development, while the low cooking hardness resources could be utilized in bean meal or gruel manufacture.

    • Leaflets Composition and Distribution of Different Compound Leaf

      2013, 14(4):744-748. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.027

      Abstract (2749) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (3545) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The object is to probe the variable rule of leaflet by analyzing scatter character and site node of different types of leaflets in Zhonghuang 55. The result indicate that, there are seven groups consisted with a total of 13 leaflets, in which 5 leaflets have not been reported. The main compound leaf was normal triple-leaflet type, following with the 4 leaflets of D1 type. Analysis of variance showed that significance differences exited among ratios of difference leaflet types, which indicated the leaf types and their ratios were affected by environments. The ratio of ternately compound leaf increased at first, then decrease from low nodule to high nodule, while the ratio of ternately compound leaf from branch at different nodule have little change. The study will broaden our acknowledge to soybean leaf.

    • Studies on innovation germplasm of Erianthus rockii Ⅲ. Genetic diversity analysis of phenotypic traits in F1 population of Saccharum officinarum L. and E. rockii

      2013, 14(4):749-753. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.028

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (3290) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on 8 quantitative traits and 18 qualitative traits, the phenotypic variation, genetic diversity and cluster relationships were investigated in a set of 62 populations of Saccharum officinarum and Erianthus rockii. The results showed that the phenotypic variations of quantitative traits were primarily from millable stalk, average stalk weight and sucrose in cane. Furthermore, the genetic diversity were abundant in hair group 57 and shape of inner auricle, however, root primordial, bud placement, stalk shape, internode shape and growth crack did not segregate. Moreover, the cluster analysis indicated these progenies can be divided into 4 groups and 10 subgroups. Genetic diversity and cluster analysis will be stronger support to the hybrid offspring selection and its crossing or back-crossing .

    • Cytological Observation of pollen abortion in Eggplant

      2013, 14(4):754-758. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.029

      Abstract (1760) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3131) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The eggplant male sterile materials developed from advanced backcrossing of interspecific hybrid were used to study the anther’s morpholgy, the stage and the mechanism of pollen abortion by morphological and cytological methods. The results showed that the three eggplant male-sterile materials were grouped into three types: degenerative-anther type, petaloid–anther type and intermediate-anther type, according to the sterile anther’s morphological characters, ProphaseⅠwas the key stage that pollen abortion occurred. The abnormity of tapetum structure and function was probably the common reason that resulted in the male sterility. Abnormal meiosis was the intermediate process of pollen abortion. the transport disruption of polysaccharides may be one of the reasons for its occurrence of male serility.

    • Analysis of Gnetic Relationships of Anthurium andreanum Varieties Using SRAP Markers

      2013, 14(4):759-763. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.030

      Abstract (1965) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2979) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis was carried out to evaluate the genetic diversity and genetic relationships among 33 Anthurium andraeanum cultivars. Out of 100 pairs of primers screened twenty-six pairs of SRAP primers were used to analyze genetic diversity of the tested materials. The results showed that: (1) Twenty-six primer pairs amplified out 366 bands, out of which 314 bands were polymorphic bands, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 85.79%. The number of bands ranged from 9 to 23 with an average of 14.1 bands and 12.1 polymorphic bands per primer. (2) According to the SRAP amplification results, the genetic similarity coefficient among tested cultivars was in a range from 0.55 to 0.94, a dendrogram produced using unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA),and 33 Anthurium andreanum cultivars were divided into five groups when genetic similarity coefficient was given as 0.786. The Anthurium cultivars showed a high genetic diversity, and the results would facilitate variety identification and cross breeding.

    • The Growth Characteristics of Multi-trunk Ginkgo in Shengsheng Garden of Linyi

      2013, 14(4):764-770. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2013.04.031

      Abstract (2001) HTML (0) PDF 1.89 M (3046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is a common phenomenon that Ginkgo biloba L. produces multi-trunks in the process of development. This research take the Linyi Shengsheng garden multi-trunk ginkgo group which is the biggest of our country as an object, use tally method to measure multi-trunk ginkgoes in the garden.The result shows that there are 385 ginkgoes in the garden with 379 female plants which accounted for 98.41%;the average height is 20.9m,the total DBH is 0.93m,the parent stem DBH is 0.33m, the crown diameter is in 5.0-15.0m range,the under branch height is 6.3m;17 ginkgoes grow without multi-trunk, the ratio of multi-trunk is 98.58%,the average number of multi-trunks in single plant is 4.6,the biggest multi-trunk height is 12.5m,the DBH is 0.18m,the distance between multi-trunk and parent stem is 0.61m,the angle between multi-trunk and parent stem is 10.5?34 ginkgoes grow without sproutings,the average number of sproutings is 38, sproutings height is 1.11m,the distance between sproutings and parent stem is 0.73m.The original stumps of these ginkgoes has 240 years of history and the present ginkgoes which are 53 years actually sprouted from the original stumps.This paper discusses about multi-trunk ginkgo origin in the Shengsheng garden, sex ratio, the relationship between multi-trunk and adaptability of Ginkgo biloba L. and so on.

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