• Volume 15,Issue 2,2014 Table of Contents
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    • Analysis on the Resistance of Cruciferous Vegetable Crops and Their Wild Relatives to Diamondback Moth

      2014, 15(2):229-235. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.001

      Abstract (2441) HTML (0) PDF 7.64 M (2738) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Diamondback moth is one of the most destructive pests of cruciferous vegetables and causes great economical lost annually. The shortage of resistant plant resources has hindered the insect-resistant vegetable breeding progress. In this study, the resistances to diamondback moth were analyzed among the 218 accessions, which belong to 42 crucifer species and were collected from 10 different countries by the national mid-term gene bank for vegetables. The resistance level distributed almost evenly from highly resistance to highly sensitive, except that the extremely resistance or sensitive resources are rare. Significant differences in resistance were found between genus, species and subspecies. Even in same species, the resistant levels of accessions were widely distributed. In general, the cultivated resources showed higher resistance compared to the wild species on average, but wild species contained more high-resistant accessions. The north Europe and several other areas are the places being rich in resistant resources. By the present study, a total of 19 resistant resources were screened out, including four extreme high-resistant accessions. These materials will be valuable and useful in future vegetable breeding and anti-insect gene discovery.

    • Investigation of wild plant resources of Schisandra in Qinling Mountains

      2014, 15(2):236-241. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.002

      Abstract (2641) HTML (0) PDF 6.18 M (2861) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, we conducted a survey regarding the current situation and distribution of wild resources of Schizandra plants within 26 towns, 20 counties, and 6 cities in Shaanxi province, in which multiple approaches including specimen and literature review, interview, and field investigation were used. The result showed that six kinds of Schisandra were found along areas of altitudes ranging from 500 to 2 800 m in Qinling Mountains, these contained Schisandra sphenanthera, Schisandra rubriflora, Schisandra grandiflora, Schisandra propinqua var. sinensis, Schisandra glaucescens and Schisandra lancifolia. Moreover, S. sphenanthera grew widely and abundantly, and S. grandiflora was relatively scarce in the survey area. According to the investigation, the florescence and fruit period of Schisandra in different areas were determined, thereby relative key to species were established. Together, these complemented the distribution situation of Schisandra plants in Qinling Mountains. Through the survey we found that the distribution area of wild plant resources of Schisandra was suffering varied degrees of damage, and we also discovered a very rare species which was lack of attention for long time. The study helps us to utilize the genuine medicinal materials reasonably and make a sustainable development. Furthermore, the result provides some recommendations and basal data to strengthen the protection of rare species.

    • Genetic diversity analysis and a core collection construction in Chinese rice bean(Vigna umbellata)

      2014, 15(2):242-247. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.003

      Abstract (2074) HTML (0) PDF 5.87 M (2928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rice bean (Vigna umbellata), belonging to the genus of Vigna, high resistant to poor soil, drought and diseases, is an elite gene pool for breeding legume’s of Vigna cropsbreeding. However, the study on this species is much lagged, and the genetic resources were seldom used in breeding. In the present study, we evaluated the genetic variations among agronomic traits of 1432 rice bean germplasm resources. The results showed that there were abundant of genetic variation among these germplasm and the variation types with low frequencies had a certain regular trends on geographical distributions. The quantitative traits also varied by a wide distribution scope, and. the The variation coefficients varied from 14% to 98%, that wasand pods per plant>branches per main stem>plant height>10-seed-weight>seeds per pod>growth period>pod length. Populations from different provinces of China had a little difference in variation level. Cluster analysis can not divide the germplasm into groups accordingbased on to their origins of provinces. But some germplasm from the a same province were grouped together on the dendrogram. These germplasm were always similar on quantitative traits and geographical origins, and might be repeatedly collected. Based on the cluster analysis and sampling within groups, a core collection including 157 accessions was finally established, after evaluation and adjustment, which will be a great help for further study of rice beanthis crop.

    • Genetic Similarity of Hunan Rice Landraces with the Same or Similar Name Based on SSR Markers and Phenotypic Traits

      2014, 15(2):248-254. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.004

      Abstract (2224) HTML (0) PDF 6.24 M (3112) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:136 rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces accessions were selected from the Hunan gene bank and divided into eleven groups, accessions within each group sharing the same or similar name. Genetic similarities among these accessions were evaluated through phenotypic investigation and SSR marker analysis. The phenotypic traits differ among accessions with the same or similar name, the maximum genetic distance among groups ranged from 1.25 to 1.52, while the minimum genetic distance ranged from 0.16 to 0.81. Cluster analysis based on SSR markers indicated that multiple accessions of the same name were found to be genetically different, with the minimum Nei,s similarity coefficients varying between 0.46 and 0.78, with the maximum Nei,s genetic similarity coefficient varying between 0.86 and 1.00. Accessions with the same name were not always clustered together but cross-cluster. However, the genetic relationships among accessions based on SSR markers were not always consistent with those based on phenotype traits. Many accessions showed high Nei,s genetic similarity coefficient but significantly differences in several phenotypic traits. These results provide useful information for conserving rice landraces and valuable germplasm for rice breeding.

    • Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of an Endangered Species: Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun

      2014, 15(2):255-261. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.005

      Abstract (1935) HTML (0) PDF 8.43 M (2793) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tsoongiodendron odorum is an evergreen broad-leaved tree and at risk for becoming extinct in the wild. In this study, 13 T. odorum populations was analyzed using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to investigate the genetic diversity and structure. Eight primers produced discernible markers were applied. The percentage of polymorphic bands at the species and population level were 79.67% and 46.84%, respectively. Shannon’s phenotypic diversity index at the species and population level were 0.3880 and 0.2192, respectively. It indicates that T. odorum had a slightly higher level of genetic diversity than other related plants of the Magnoliaceae. The coefficient of genetic differentiation (ΦST) was 0.3752 by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicating that differentiation between populations was significant. Analysis of the ISSR data using STRUCTURE program and UPGMA revealed that the populations were clustered into three four population genetic clusters. The result of correlation analysis showed genetic distance was significantly positively correlated with geographical distance (DF=12,r=0.6635,p<0.05). The Nankunshan, Bijiasha and Nongxiangshan populations should be given priority for conservation, because these populations had the highest genetic diversity among all the 13 populations investigated.

    • Identification for the tolerance to bolting of radish germplasm resources

      2014, 15(2):262-269. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.006

      Abstract (2055) HTML (0) PDF 6.97 M (2454) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Radish(Raphanus sativus L.) is one of important vegetables in China and the premature bolting is a destructive problem in radish production. In this study, 73 radish accessions were selected as materials, whose seeds were treated at 4 ℃ for 21 d, to identificate bolting tolerance of radish germplasm in the field. It resulted that 9 foreign materials still not bolting after growing for 136d, which were classified as the level of high tolerance to bolting. Among them, 7 accessions were Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus Bailey originated from Korea(6)and Japan(1) respectively, 1 Japanese accession belonged to R. sativus L. var. niger, 1 Russian accession belonged to var.radiculuse pers. 7 indexes were used to evalutate bolting characteristics of 64 bolting accessions. Frequency distribution of all indexes accorded with normal distribution, stem height at bolting stage and stem height at flowering stage slightly biased to low value area. Significance analysis showed that 7 indexes were at highly significant level, indicating that bolting features of tested accessiones expressed significant difference. Correlation analysis resulted that budding date and flowering date were different in highly significant level. Flowering date could be selected to effectively evaluate the bolting tolerance of radish germplasm. Bolting speed reached a highly significant correlation level with stem height at flowering stage, stem height at budding stage and number of bolting days. Bolting speed could well refelect bolting ability of radish germplasm. The stem height at flowering stage reached a very significant correlation with number of bolting days and bolting speed, which could be used to evaluate bolting ability conveiently. To evaluate the tolerance to bolting of radish germplasm using principal component analysis and subordinate function method, radish germplasm were well separated. 2 radish germplasm were screened to be highly tolerant accordingly. Only 1 radish germplasm was screened to be susceptible to bolting as principal component analysis.

    • Analysis of C.meiocarpa Phenotype Diversity

      2014, 15(2):270-278. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.007

      Abstract (2495) HTML (0) PDF 7.90 M (2519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 18 geographic population were selected in all the flora of Camellia meiocarpa Hu 's. Twenty-three phenotypic traits from fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves were analyzed statistically. The results showed that there were a wide phenotype variation within or between populations, indicating a stronger phenotypic plasticity with the change of environmen.There were significant correlations among some phenotypic traits such as leaves, flowers and fruits. Thus, we selected some important and key traits as primarily measured parameters. Certain correlations were also found between phenotypic traits and ecogeographical factors. The phenotypic traits of flowers were the most sensitive to ecogeographical environment, but the leaves, seeds and fruits were relatively insensitive. Eighteen populations of C.meiocarpa were divided into 4 groups with obvious geographic feature according to the UPGMA euclidean distance among populations. Most populations remained the same results between plots of the principal components analysis and cluster, and the relationship of all different populations could be discriminated by two ways. It will lay a good foundation for collection of germplasm resources and breeding fine variety.

    • Identification on purine alkaloids of representative tea germplasms in China

      2014, 15(2):279-285. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.008

      Abstract (2000) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (2854) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A set of 403 accessions tea genetic resources were selected from China National Germplasm Hangzhou Tea Repository (CNGHTR) to test the purine alkaloids content of spring and autumn in two years using HPLC. It revealed the caffeine content of tea genetic resources were relatively stable between years or seasons, while the theobromine content had a significant variation in spring. The caffeine content of more than 93% resources varied from 25.0 to 45.0 mg/g. Caffeine content had a significant difference in the three varieties of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze, and that of assamica variety in autumn was significantly higher than the spring’s. The variation of caffeine among different provinces had been investigated. It had a significant difference in the contents, and Guangdong and Yunnan had higher coefficient of variation (CV) and diversity indices (H’). Moreover, 6 specific tea accessions were screened out, including 3 high caffeine, 1 low caffeine and high theacrine, 2 low caffeine and high theobromine accessions, respectively.

    • Genetic diversity of chinese taro germplasm resources based on ISSR

      2014, 15(2):286-291. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.009

      Abstract (2203) HTML (0) PDF 6.25 M (2818) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Accessions of taro,collected from different parts of China were subjected to ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeats) analyses to assess prevalence of genetic diversity. With 13 ISSR primers,109 bands were amplified in 72 accessions of taro, of 85 bands were polymorphism. High genetic diversity was revealed by ISSR markers as ranges of similarity coefficient values was 0.56-0.97, The accessions were grouped by subjecting the f similarity values to UPGMA based clusting. At 0.725 genetic similarity value, all the 72 accessions could be grouped in 3 big clusters and several subclusters. The result will be helpful in efficient classification, evolutionary, conservation and utilization of genetic diversity of taro.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Papaya Resources by SRAP and SCoT Combination

      2014, 15(2):292-298. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.010

      Abstract (2041) HTML (0) PDF 7.17 M (2668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) and start condon targeted polymorphism (SCoT) molecular markers were used to detect the genetic diversity among 22 main cultivars (strains) of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in China. Genetic diversity parameters and the range of genetic similarity (GS) from SCoT were all higher than those from SRAP indicating the genetic diversity identified by SCoT was higher than that by SRAP. UPGMA cluster analysis based on combination of two molecular markers data showed that the range of GS was 0.65–0.90 among 22 papaya resources with a low genetic diversity, and all resources could be divided into three groups at the GS of 0.82. The data implied a correlation among SRAP, SCoT and these markers combination, which showed a significant relationship using Mantel test. These results indicated that the genetic basis of papaya resources in China is narrow.

    • Genetic Diversity of 111 Dioscorea alata Linn. Germplasm using AFLP Markers

      2014, 15(2):299-304. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.011

      Abstract (2096) HTML (0) PDF 6.09 M (3168) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms(AFLP) analysis was employed to reveal the genetic diversity of Dioscorea alata Linn.. 111 germplasm, collected from six different provinces of China, were used with eight AFLP primer combinations that generated a total of 1291 fragments. A total of 1286 fragments showed polymorphism in the germplasm analyzed. A variety of marker attributes like polymorphism information content (PIC), marker index (MI) and resolving power (RP) values were calculated to assess the discriminatory power of eight primer combinations. The average values of PIC (0.22), MI(35.67), and RP (50.50) indicated great polymorphic and distinguishable ability of the eight AFLP primer combinations. The primer combination E-ACT/M-CTTE-AAC/CAG-M was be most informative with PIC, MI,and RP being 0.22, 35.67, 50.50, respectively. A total of 1286 fragments presented polymorphism which can be summaried as great divesity among 111 Dioscorea alata Linn. germplasm with extremely lower similiary (0.30 to 0.82 with average of 0.58) germplasm. At the genetic similarity coefficient level of 0.54, the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) phylogentic anlaysis further classified those gemplasm into four subcroups, and the germplasm 20, 42 and 47 were individually separated. The clustering results indicate no close relation to the geographic location of the germplasm.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chinese Cucumber Breeding Cultivars Based on Fruit Appearance Quality Characters

      2014, 15(2):305-312. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.012

      Abstract (2273) HTML (0) PDF 7.86 M (2572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the genetic diversity of cucumber breeding cultivars, 19 fruit appearance traits of 138 bred varieties cultivated in green-house which belong to different ecotypes were surveyed. The results showed that the genetic diversity index of qualitative traits of tested varieties was less than that of the quantitative traits. And the genetic diversity index of fruit appearance of different ecotype varieties was arranged as North-China Ecotype>South-China Ecotype>European Greenhouse Ecotype, the genetic diversity index of qualitative traits arranged as South-China Ecotype > North-China Ecotype >European Greenhouse Ecotype, and that of quantitative traits arrayed as North-China Ecotype>South-China Ecotype>European Ecotype. By Principal coordinate analysis(PCO) all these bred cultivars were divided into three parts: Part I are mainly North-China Ecotype, Part II mixed distribution of South-China Ecotype and European Ecotype, Part III European Ecotype. And the PCO result showed that there was gene interflow between Part I and Part II. The sparse papilloma and light skin type were separated in the offspring through selfing the gene-exchanged cultivars of North China type, which .validated the results of gene communication between Pat I and Part II germplasm. Representative cultivars of three ecotypes were selected by evaluation of their fruit appearance traits according to the demand of cucumber production. And also we gave some advice for the next cucumber breeding work on the reference of fruit traits of bred varieties.

    • Evolutionary and Functional Diversity of the Poplar MIR171 Genes

      2014, 15(2):313-319. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.013

      Abstract (2300) HTML (0) PDF 5.82 M (3438) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MMicroRNAs (miRNA) are a class of non-coding small RNAs that function as regulators of development and stress responses in plants. The ptc-MIR171 gene family is an old gene family which consists of 14 members. In this paper, the duplication, expression patterns, promoters and target genes of poplar MIR171 gene family are analyzed. The results showed that poplar MIR171 gene family expanded mainly through large-scale duplication 48-54 million years ago (MYA) and the expression patterns and functions have diversified. Poplar MIR171 gene family involves in complex regulation of development, light responsiveness and photomorphogenesis by targeting GRAS transcription factors and signal transduction proteins.

    • Molecular Cloning, Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Analysis of Transcription Factor Gene JrCBF in Juglans regia L.

      2014, 15(2):320-326. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.014

      Abstract (2200) HTML (0) PDF 9.07 M (3065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) methods, a full length cDNA homologuous to CBF was cloned with two degenerate primers from Juglans regia L.. The complete cDNA sequence was designated as JrCBF and the sequence was submitted to GenBank (GenBank accession number JX875914). Sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequence of JrCBF was 879bp, encoding a protein with 214 amino acids. The real-time PCR technology was used to analyze the expression levels of JrCBF gene when seedlings were treated with cold stress. JrCBF gene expression was increased in 2 h after treated with low-temperature of 4 ℃and reached to a peak after 8 h. Under the condition of natural overwintering, JrCBF gene expression was first rise after falling, reaching to a peak at severe winter (in January). Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphism was analyzed among 15 varieties. In the Juglans regia L. populations, 28SNPs and seven Insertion/Deletion (indel) were detected and two hot mutation regions existed. Haplotype analysis showed that 15 varieties were divided into nine haplotypes, and the haplotype diversity was 0.9238. The successful cloning of JrCBF gene from J. regia and confirming cold resistance target gene can provide a basis for cultivating cold resistance variety and for molecular marker assistant breeding.

    • An available resource for wheat improvement: the resistance genes in rye

      2014, 15(2):327-332. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.015

      Abstract (2237) HTML (0) PDF 5.95 M (2831) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rye is an important genetic resource for wheat improvement which contains a lot of resistant genes, Transferring the rye resistant genes into wheat is always an important work for wheat breeding. This article reviewed the advance researches about the location and marker, and the application of germplasm with rye resistance genes, the application value of rye resistance genes in wheat breeding is assessed, the problems of resistance effect and genes markers are raiseed and prospected, expected the rye beneficial genes could be used widely in wheat breeding.

    • Genetic diversity analysis and fingerprinting of Chinese cucumber main cultivars by simple sequence repeat polymorphisms

      2014, 15(2):333-341. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.016

      Abstract (1925) HTML (0) PDF 8.16 M (2502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 116 cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)main cultivars from different regions was estimated using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Three hundred and fifty five polymorphic bands were detected by 35 pairs of SSR primers. Each SSR loci can amplify2.46 alleles on the average. 70.99% of the total alleles were effective for genetic diversity analysis. The average Shannon's information index and PIC is 0.639 and 0.382, respectively. The genetic similarity (GS) varied from 0.5029 to 0.9797 among the 116 cultivars. These cultivars were divided into two groups at the genetic distance of 0.25 by cluster analysis. The first group consisted of 106 cultivars belonged to three ecotypes, north China type, south China type and Japanese type. And this group can be divided into five subfamilies. Ten cultivars belonged to European greenhouse type were in the second group.

    • Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Puroindo1ine b-2 Alleles in Bread Wheat

      2014, 15(2):342-347. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.017

      Abstract (2049) HTML (0) PDF 6.50 M (2460) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Puroindoline b-2 is related to wheat grain hardness and yield-related traits. In this study, 81 wheat cultivars or advanced lines from four different countries were used to identify allelic variation of Puroindoline b-2 by PCR amplification with specific primers and DNA sequencing, and relative expression levels of different Puroindolne b-B2 alleles were examined in grain, leaf and root of selected wheat cultivars by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-PCR). The results showed that all bread wheat cultivars surveyed contained Pinb-D2v1 and Pinb-A2v4 variants in their genome D and A, respectively. However, Pinb-B2v3 variant was identified on the B genome of 74 wheat cultivars and advanced lines, and Pinb-B2v2 variant was found in the remaining 7 cultivars and advanced lines. Therefore, Pinb-B2v3 is the most prevalent variant in Pinb-2 locus with percentage of 91.4℅, while Pinb-B2v2 was only 8.6℅. RT-PCR result indicated that the expression level of Pinb-B2v3 was significantly higher than that of Pinb-B2v2 in wheat grain. Furthermore, the expression level of Pinb-B2v3b variant is significantly higher than those of Pinb-B2v3a and Pinb-B2v3c variants that have no significant difference even though Pinb-B2v3c is slightly higher than that Pinb-B2v3a. In addition, the expression level of Pinb-B2 in leave of wheat was significantly higher than that in roots. This study could provide a better understanding of molecular and genetics basis of Pinb-2 gene.

    • The Influence of Genotype of SSIIa on the Calibration of RVA Pasting Temperature of Rice and the Relationship between Gelatinization Temperature and Amylose Content

      2014, 15(2):348-353. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.018

      Abstract (1965) HTML (0) PDF 7.27 M (2753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RVA was often used to identify germplasm resources and eating quality of the selected strains, but the RVA pasting temperature(PT) couldn’t accurately reflect gelatinization temperature(GT). Calibrated pasting temperature(PTm) could accurately reflect GT, however, the calibration range of PT, the accuracy rate of using PTm to reflect GT and the influence of SSIIa gene on them weren’t reported in papers. In this study, we use fifty-eight individual plants came from B1F8 breeding line as our materials which had small differences in genetic background, but large differences in gelatinization temperature of their parents. By detecting the genotype(haplotype) of SSIIa gene of the materials, we divided materials into three categories and compared PT、PTm and GT under the genetic background of three different genotype of SSIIa respectively. The main results were as follows: Calibration ranges of PT were apparently different due to the differences existing in genotype of SSIIa, and the average of PT-PTm had very significant difference. The accuracy rate reached 39.66% when we used PT to evaluate GT, while reached 89.66% when we used PTm to evaluate GT. Then using PT and PTm to represent GT respectively, we analyze the relationship between AC and GT of rice, the result showed that AC had a significant negative correlation with GT, which was different with some scholars’ conclusion.

    • Cloning and preliminary analysis of a new BBI-type protease inhibitor gene TaUES from wheat

      2014, 15(2):354-361. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.019

      Abstract (1832) HTML (0) PDF 7.53 M (2379) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A gene, named as TaUES (up-regulated expression under saline-stress in wheat, ID: KC408382) expressing significantly after NaCl treatment for 24hrs, was cloned from the leaves of wheat variety Shanrong No.3 based on the results of wheat gene chips, and it encoded a cysteine-rich polypeptide with 97 amino acids, containing a BowB domain and 10 conserved cysteine residues. The analysis of amino acid sequence indicated that this polypeptide showed high homologue to those of BBI-type protease inhibitors from wheat or other species, implying that TaUES may be a gene encoding a new wheat BBI-type protease inhibitor. TaUES expression suggested that it was involved in salt and drought stress response. Preliminary analysis of ectopic gene expression showed that over-expression of TaUES in transgenic tobacco lines resulted in their high tolerance to salt stress.

    • Isolation, Subcellular Location and Expression of MdKS and MdKOA1 Gene from Apple

      2014, 15(2):362-368. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.020

      Abstract (2188) HTML (0) PDF 6.50 M (2981) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ent-kaurene Synthase (KS) and ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase gene (KOA) are critical genes in the pathway of gibberellins biosynthesis. In this research, KS and KOA gene in apple, designated as MdKS (GenBank accession number: KC437681)and MdKOA1 (GenBank accession number: KC437682), were isolated from the apical tissue of ‘spur-type Fuji’ apple by touchdown PCR. The length of MdKS ORF is 2211bp, MdKOA1 ORF is 1509bp. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the KS sequence had 45.2%-98.8% similarity with those of other report plant; and the KOA sequence had 42.8-99.4% similarity with other plant. Subcelluar localization assays that the MdKS protein was located in the nucleus and the plasma; and the MdKOA1 protein located in the plasma. Fluorescent quantitative PCR analysis showed that the trend of expression of MdKS and MdKOA1 gene are the same in SH40 and SH28 grafted cultivar ‘spur-type Fuji’. The expression of MdKS and MdKOA1 gene in the apical tissue, young fruit and branch bark of semi-dwarf type SH28 grafted cultivar ‘spur-type Fuji’ are higher than dwarf type SH40 grafted cultivar .

    • Cloning and Function characterization of Wheat Transcription Factor TaWRKY74-c and TaWRKY74-d Genes Based on Bioinformatics Analysis

      2014, 15(2):369-376. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.021

      Abstract (2074) HTML (0) PDF 9.35 M (2693) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The WRKY proteins are broadly investigated in plants in the past twenty years. Presently, many members of this gene family have been identified and characterized in more than 10 plant species. WRKY genes were also isolated from wheat, but functional characterization of these genes is largely restricted by the lack of bioinformatic analysis. In this study we cloned the TaWRKY74-c and TaWRKY74-d genes, which shared high similarity with TaWRKY74 genes in public GenBank database and encoded transcription factors with 344 and 371 amino acids, respectively. These proteins contain highly conserved WRKY domain and belongto Class III of WRKY transcription factors family. Real-time PCR indicated that target gene expressed in flower, leaves and stem with the highest level in stem and the lowest in flower. In order to comprehensively clarify the genes functions, Genevestigator tools were used to detect genes expression patterns under 331 environmental stimuli, 10 developmental stages and 21 tissues or organs. Results showed that genes played important roles throughout plant development stages and in plant responses to cold acclimation and pathogens. We then carried out RT-PCR to verify these results. The data indicated that the expression patterns of TaWRKY74 gene under different conditions are highly consistent with bioinformatic predictions. Bioinformatic tools with some recently developed programmes in this study enriched our knowledge in wheat WRKY gene functions and provided crucial clues and information for further clarification of these genes.

    • Evaluation of the genetic diversity and disease resistance of einkorn wheats

      2014, 15(2):377-382. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.022

      Abstract (1924) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (3044) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to exploit the beneficial genetic resources in einkorn wheat, one hundred SSR (single sequence repeat) markers that locate on the A genome of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42, AABBDD) were used to characterize genetic diversity of 34 einkorn accessions. The results revealed that 69 pairs of primers yielded polymorphism among the 34 accessions, and 670 alleles were identified, with a range of 3-19 alleles per locus. In addition, there was an average of 10 alleles per locus. Loci polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.167 to 0.887, and the average PIC was 0.691. By using cluster analysis method, the 34 einkorn accessions could be classified into 3 groups. In addition, the disease resistances of these 34 einkorn wheat accessions were evaluated at seedling stage in greenhouse. 15 accessions were resistant to powdery mildew, 21 accessions resistant to leaf rust, 12 accessions resistant to both diseases. The results indicated that einkorn wheat contains abundant genetic variation and might be useful as an important genetic resource for common wheat improvement.

    • SSR analysis and GISH detection of wheat-rye small fragment translocation lines

      2014, 15(2):383-388. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.023

      Abstract (2090) HTML (0) PDF 7.99 M (2439) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of this paper is breeding base materials with economic value of small fragments on R group for wheat breeding we analyzed 8 high-generation materials of wheat-rye 5R/5A × 6R/6A substitution lines (hybridization 6-30, 6-31, 7-1, 7-9, 7-13, 7-21, 7-22, 7-28) by the morphological and cytological characteristics observation, SSR analysis and GISH detection. The results showed that 8 lines were regular in field growth with normal fertility, big spike, more spikelets, high yield, and resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust disease as well as other good characters. Meiosis observation of two lines 7-1 and 7-9 showed that most cell chromosome configurations were 2n =21Ⅱand had a good genetic stability. Eight primer pairs located on the rye R chromosome universal primer and 5R,6R chromosome were used for SSR analysis, the results showed that 8 lines contained genetic element of rye 5R or 6R chromosome. Further testing by GISH showed that five strains (6-31,7-1,7-13,7-21, 7-22) had rye hybridization signals and proved to be wheat-rye small fragment translocation lines. Eight materials identified with comprehensive variety of testing means in this study were confirmed to be wheat-rye small fragment translocation lines that have potential utility value in wheat breeding.

    • Identification of breeding germplasm resistance to verticillium wilt in Gossypium hirsutum

      2014, 15(2):389-393. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.024

      Abstract (1914) HTML (0) PDF 6.39 M (2840) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Breeding and application of disease resistant varierties is the preferred method to control Verticillium wilt diseases, it is important to broaden the genetic base of upland cotton for continuous genetic improvement of disease resistance. The objectives of this study were to evaluate 107 upland cotton main breeding germplasm includes introgressed lines from G. barbadense were identified in Verticillium dahliae nursery for three years repeat identification experiments. The results showed that only 8 disease-resistant germplasm were screened, accounted for only 7.5% of 107 accessions; disease-tolerant cultivars or lines were 20 accessions, were 18.7%; The identified results indicated that it is scarcity of sources of disease resistant germplasm can be used as breeding parent at present. So it is necessity to research on disease-resistant genetic mechanism and collaborative improved relations with other economic characters, and provided theoretical guidance for cotton resistance breeding. The analyses suggest that distant hybridization breeding was a powerful way of creation of germplasm resistance to verticillium wilt in upland cotton.

    • Chromosome Genetic Analysis of F1 Hybrids between Saccharum officinarum and Erianthus arundinaceus Based on GISH

      2014, 15(2):394-398. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.025

      Abstract (2122) HTML (0) PDF 6.18 M (3040) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Utilization of Erianthus arundinaceus is a hot topic in modern sugarcane germplasm innovation program. Sugarcane breeders expect to permeate excellent characteristics of Erianthus arundinaceus into Saccharum through intergeneric cross. The F1 hybrids perform a base and importance role in studying and utilization of Erianthus arundinaceus. In this study, chromosomes of F1 hybrids between Saccharum officinarum and Erianthus arundinaceus were studied by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) to discover chromosome genetic behavior of F1 hybrids. The results of GISH revealed that F1 hybrids chromosome showed a total of 68 to 70 chromosomes, of which 40 were derived from Badila (Saccharum officinarum) and 28 to 30 were derived from Hainan Erianthus arundinaceus. Chromosome translocation and exchange were not found. Most of chromosomes belong to median centromere type (m) and few of chromosomes belong to submetacentromere type (sm) in 5 F1 clones, the karyotype is 1B or 2B. The results revealed that 5 F1 clones were product of n n transmission. These results may serve as chromosome genetic basis of the hybrid progeny for utilization of Erianthus arundinaceus germplasm in sugarcane breeding program.

    • >研究简报
    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Sea Island Cotton(Gossypium barbadense L.)Mostly from Former USSR Using SSR Markers

      2014, 15(2):399-404. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.026

      Abstract (3606) HTML (0) PDF 4.64 M (2941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The genetic relationship and genetic diversity of 56 Sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) were analyzed by 95 pairs of SSR markers. Among the 56 Sea-island cotton varieties,33 of which come from former USSR,1 from USA,1 from Albania,9 from Xinjiang and seven respectively come s from Yunnan, Jiangsu , and other places of China. Among the 95 pairs of polymorphic SSR primers 384 alleles were amplified in total ,and 296 were polymorphic, which accounted for 77.1% .2 t o 9 alleles could be produced from each pair of primers with average of 4.1.The gene diversity (H) was 0.035 to2.931 with average of 0.879. Shannon's information index(I)was 0.09 to 4.417with average of 1.363.The trend of each index is accordant. The value of allelic polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.035 to 0. 926,on an average of 0.698 per SSR marker. The genetic similarity of paired varieties ranged from 0.585 to 0.952,with average of 0.7,and the genetic similarity of 97% tested materials ranged from 0.6 to 0.8.which showed a high genetic similarity. The result of UPGMA cluster showed that four groups could be clearly clustered when genetic similarity coefficient was given as 0.69.The first ? group contained 27 varieties . mainly from former USSR. But Giza 77 ,Paizi cotton and zhong 239 were assigned ? to this group.The second group was a little complicated and mostly included 6 varieties from Xingjiang and 4 ? varieties from Egypt . The third group contained 8 varieties and 6 of them were from former USSR but 3116 from Xinjiang and JI B91-45 from Hebei.were also clustered in this group. The last group contained only one variety L-8007 from former USSR. Our result showed again as a kind of codominant markers ,SSR can be used for the pedigree analysis and identification of Sea-Island especially.Therefor SSR markers proved to be the work of Sea-Island cotton breeding practice of matching parents, to provide a reliable basis for the molecular level.

    • Genetic Variation of Protein and Fat Content in Soybean Mini Core Collections

      2014, 15(2):405-410. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.027

      Abstract (2532) HTML (0) PDF 5.37 M (3215) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The soybean is one of main sources of plant protein and fat for human diet. Increasing protein and fat contents has become an important breeding target in soybean breeding program. In this study, protein and fat contents of 77 soybean mini core gerrmplasm were analyzed using NIR technique. Genetic variation and of protein and fat content and their relationship with main agronomic traits were evaluated. The results were as follows: There was significant difference in protein and fat contents among varieties and ecological regions, which explained the abundant genetic variation of protein and fat contents in the soybean germplasm; protein content ranged from 40.68% to 50.03%, with the mean 45.95%, coefficient of variation was 4.42%; fat content ranged from 13.81% to 21.51%, with the mean 17.42%, coefficient of variation was 7.96%. Protein content showed different trend in varieties from different ecological area, southern varieties>varieties from Huanghuaihai area>Northern varieties>Foreign varieties, black>brown>yellow>green, and it was reverse for fat content. The protein content was negatively correlated with fat content, No. of grains per plant and No. of effective pods per plant (r=-0.825**, r=-0.205**, r=-0.156*); protein content was positively correlated with height of the lowest pod (r=0.240**).

    • Genetic diversity analysis on sweet sorghum germplasm resources of different origins based on agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits

      2014, 15(2):411-416. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.028

      Abstract (2129) HTML (0) PDF 5.11 M (2467) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 194 sweet sorghum germplasm resources with different origins was analyzed based on agronomical traits using analysis for agronomical variance and cluster analysis. It is indicated that variation of agronomical traits was obvious among germplasm resources of different origins. Exotic germplasm resources could be used for germplasm enhancement because of their elite characters such as high plant height, high biomass and high sugar content compared to domestic ones. All the germplasm resources were clustered into 6 groups at the genetic distance of 0.66 mainly according to their agronomical traits. Information of this study can be used to select parent lines for development of segregating populations and hybrid breeding of sweet sorghum.

    • Agronomic characters and their correlations with yield in summer soybean varieties of different growth habits

      2014, 15(2):417-422. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.029

      Abstract (2078) HTML (0) PDF 5.63 M (2997) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:three hundred and fifty-five soybean varieties with different growth habits growing at Huanghuai summer sowing region were employed to investigate some main agronomic traits and yield performance and their correlations. The results indicated that the average of the vegetative period, plant height, effective branches, pods per plant, lodging, plant type traits reduced gradually in the order from indeterminate, semideterminate to determinate soybeans and the opposite trend was found in reproductive period, seed weight per plant, 100-seed weight, and plot yield. Highly significant positive correlation was found between yield and both plant height and seed weight per plant in indeterminate soybean accessions, with the partial correlation coefficients of 0.602** and 0.566**, respectively, while the significant negative correlation was between yield and both effective branch and lodging, the partial correlation coefficient was -0.384* and -0.451*, respectively.. In contrast, in semideterminate soybeans accessions, the correlations between yield and both seed weight per plant and reproductive period were significantly and highly significantly positive, showing partial correlation coefficients of 0.156* and 0.536**, respectively, while the correlation between yield and effective branch was highly negative, with a partial correlation coefficient of -0.323**. In determinate soybean varieties, the plot yield was found to have partial correlation coefficients of 0.433**, 0.262**, -0.160*, -0.202** with seed weight per plant, plant height, plant type, pods per plant. . Combined with the growth characteristics of soybean varieties of different growth habits, this study suggested that indeterminate soybean varieties should be more suitable for growing in arid areas and the semideterminate ones need nutrient supply during reproductive period, that determinate soybean varieties have short plant height because of short vegetative stage and limited absorption of light energy . The formation of high-yielding trait mainly depended on the balance between the various traits. So, during vegetative growth of the determinate, plenty of fertilizer supply is indispensable and excessive growth should be avoided.

    • Pedigree Analysis and Evolution of Agronomic Traits for Peanut Varieties Registered in Liaoning

      2014, 15(2):423-428. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.030

      Abstract (2121) HTML (0) PDF 4.48 M (2923) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pedigree analysis and the changes of agronomic traits were studied based on the data of 95 peanut varieties registered in Liaoning from 1949 to 2012.The results showed that 100 varieties were used as parents for peanut breeding, and 45 parents originated from Liaoning, 49 parents were mid-strains. Luhua 12, Baisha1016, Fuhuasheng and Yuhua 11were backbone parents for peanut cultivars in Liaoning. From 2002-2012, plant height and length of lateral branches of peanut varieties registered in Liaoning showed an increasing tendency, and the variation range for 100 kernel weight and shelling outturn of peanut varieties registered in Liaoning also exhibited a similar trend. However, crude protein content and crude fat contentdid not vary considerably as compared with the quality traits during other periods. Based on the analysis of peanut breeding background in Liaoning, we proposed that the use of backcross in peanut breeding in the province should be strengthened, and that breeding food uses peanut cultivars with tolerance of drought, low temperature, diseases, pests and continuous cropping should be listed as important breeding objectives. Biotechnological means and wild peanut genetic resources should be utilized to hasten peanut breeding process and further broaden the gene base of peanut cultivars in the province.

    • Variation and Cluster Analysis of Morphological Characters and Nutrient Content of Chucrasia tabularis Seed

      2014, 15(2):429-435. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.031

      Abstract (2088) HTML (0) PDF 6.03 M (2941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was conducted to investigate the variation in seed traits and nutrient contents among 26 provenances of Chukrasia tabularis from 8 countries in Asia and Australia. There were highly significant differences among provenances in seed length (range 5.77~8.82 mm), seed width (3.82~5.52 mm), seed thickness (0.59~0.82 mm), seed length-width ratio (1.41~1.77), 100-seed weight (0.81~1.52 g), and contents of soluble protein (14.12~51.65 mg?g-1), soluble sugar (10.36%~16.63%) and starch (18.83%~70.74%) in seed. Although provenances showed mixed performances across the seed parameters measured, seeds from Australia and Malaysia were generally larger and heavier, and had higher protein, sugar and starch contents than those from other countries. Significant correlations between seed traits and environmental attributes were observed. Nutrient contents were correlated negatively with altitude, suggesting that provenances from lower altitude had higher nutrient contents, and vice versa. Principal component analysis revealed that seed length, width and weight, and soluble protein, soluble sugar and starch contents were useful characteristics in explaining the variation pattern among provenances. This study indicates marked variation in seed size parameters and nutrient content among C. tabularis provenances and the influence of geographic location and climate on the variation.

    • Comprehensive evaluation of the fasting-growing characters of 12 alfalfa varieties

      2014, 15(2):436-440. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.032

      Abstract (1869) HTML (0) PDF 4.59 M (2843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, two nutrition indexes and six agronomic characters including crude protein content (CP), relative feed value (RFV), plant height, tillering branches, fresh yields, hay yields, stem/leaf ratio and plant density of 12 alfalfa varieties grown in the irrigated area of Hexi Corridor were evaluated by the grey correlation analysis model. The results showed that The G, Xingjiang Daye and The I were the top three on the yield-index value system; Xingjiang Daye, The I, The H and The G were the top four on the nutritive-index value system; The G, Xingjiang Daye, The I were the top three on the general performance value system. In general,The G, Xingjiang Daye and The I preformed well in the study area, which indicated that these three varieties are suitable for cultivation in the irrigated area of Hexi Corridor.

    • The genetic analysis of important agronomic traits in sun-cured tobacco

      2014, 15(2):441-446. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.033

      Abstract (2129) HTML (0) PDF 5.33 M (3002) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using a genetic model including additive and dominance effects, six important agronomic traits including plant height (PH), number of leaves (LN), length of internodes (IL), length of leaves (LL), width of leaves (LW) and stem girth (SG) in sun-cured tobacco were analyzed for a complete diallel mating design with 8 sun-cured tobacco cultivars or breeding lines and their 28 F1. The results showed that additive effect and dominance effect played important roles in most of agronomic traits in sun-cured tobacco. For 6 agronomic traits, LL and LN were mainly controlled by additive effect, while PH, IL, LW and SG were mainly controlled by dominance effect. The narrow heritabilities of 6 different traits were LL>LN>PH>IL>LW>SG, and the narrow heritabilities for LL and LN were 0.35 and 0.34, respectively, which was relatively high and could be taken in early generations. In addition, the values of additive and dominance effects were estimated and the potential breeding values of different parents and crosses for improvements of different agronomic traits were discussed in respect to predicted values of genetic effects.

    • Discovery of the Asexual Reproduction Genetic law of Plant

      2014, 15(2):447-454. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.02.034

      Abstract (2302) HTML (0) PDF 13.22 M (2505) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The new type rice named hybrid rice that can be used for generations but do not need seed production every year was developed because of fixing heterosis, and the fixing heterosis of genetic and breeding. In this study,30 wild species were enrolled , O.longistaminate AgAg had the traits including rhizome reproduction, big anther with long stigma, small with uniformity for pollen grain, and with viability but self-incompatibility. The genetic of the hybrid of F2 and F3 population with uniformly agronomic traits that were continuous when developed from the cross of O.longistaminate AgAg and O.sativa AA, the population segregation and fixing hybrid that were very different from the inheritance which F2 and F3 generation separate individually and homozygosis after several generation of continuous self pollination named as Mendelian inheritance. The expression pattern of genetics was F1=F2=F3……=Fn and F1≌F2=F3……=Fn. The discovery was the first world record and showed the rule of inheritance of plant asexual reproduction and application of the genetic law of fixing heterosis to plant breeding that would save more than 2/3 time and material resources when hybridization between indica/wild rice, subspecies japonica and indica, and cultivars of japonica rice. This was the new way for plant breeding, for instance, japonica Zhongxin NO.1 (developed from F2 population of the japonica 84-15/Xingfeng cross) and indica hybrid rice NO.1(developed from F2 population of the Indica 90-3027/Fangdi cross) were recommended for commercialization in Beijing city and Hainan province.

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