• Volume 15,Issue 5,2014 Table of Contents
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    • Evaluation of Heat Tolerance at the Heading-flowering stages for Early-season Rice Varieties in Jiangxi

      2014, 15(5):919-925. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.001

      Abstract (2433) HTML (0) PDF 6.66 M (2938) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Heat tolerance at the heading-flowering stages for 37 early-season rice varieties, which were released in Jiangxi province, were evaluated under natural and high temperature conditions. Heat tolerance of rice varieties was evaluated using seed setting rate (SSR) and its reduced rate under high temperature. The result showed that the F values of variance analysis for SSR under nature and high temperature conditions and its reduced rate in hybrid rice combinations were 1.7-1.8 (F0.05=1.9), which were close to significant level, it means that there are definite difference of heat tolerances among hybrid rice combinations. The F values of variance analysis for SSR under nature and high temperature and its reduced rate in conventionality rice varieties were 0.8-0.9 (F0.05=3.8),which were no significant, it means that there were a very smaller difference of heat tolerances in conventionality rice varieties. The average of SSR for hybrid rice combinations in 2013 was reduced than 2012 for 8.9%, while the average of SSR for conventionality rice was only reduced 1.72% than 2012, when the average of maximum temperature (41.3 ℃) under high temperature stress was more than 2012 for 0.9 ℃, the reduced rate of SSR for conventionality rice was obviously lower than hybrid rice combinations; so the heat tolerance of conventionality rice were stronger than hybrid rice combinations. In natural condition, the average maximum air temperature of 2013 was 36.8 ℃, higher than 2012 for 1.3℃, but the average SSR of hybrid rice combinations and conventionality rice were more than 2012 for 5.6% and 15.0%, respectively. This results were caused by the relative humidity (81.4%) of 2013 in nature condition, which was higher than 2012 for 14.4%. It indicated that the high tolerance of rice varieties will become stronger with the increase of relative humidity, when the air temperature was higher than suitable growth temperature. Four hybrid rice combinations of Wufengyou 623, Lingliangyou 611, Zhuliangyou 819, Zhuliangyou 312, and four conventionality rices of Xiangzaoxian 7, Jiayu 948, Zhongzao 35, Zhongzao 25 were showed more SSR and smaller reduced rate under high temperature stress, which could be used in rice production and breeding with heat tolerance.

    • Application of SSR markers in cultivar identification of clonal tea plant in Zhejiang Province, China

      2014, 15(5):926-931. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.002

      Abstract (2256) HTML (0) PDF 6.86 M (2585) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Thirty six tea cultivars origin from Zhejiang province were analyzed using SSR markers. The genetic diversity and cluster analysis shown that: totally 121 alleles and 187 genotypes were amplified by 34 polymorphism markers, with an average of 3.5 and 5.5, respectively; the polymorphism information content (PIC) were ranged from 0.02 to 0.74, average 0.45; most similar cultivars were classified according to their genomic background. Ten core SSR markers fitting for cultivar identification were confirmed, and were used to evaluate 4 unknown varieties. It is believed that if more than 2 core primer pairs were different between 2 tea plants, they should be defined as different varieties; otherwise they are same variety or highly similarity varieties. If necessary, the value of genetic distance should be used to distinguish highly similarity varieties, if the value >0.140 they should be defined as different varieties, otherwise they are same variety. We believe that, this study will promote the breeding research of tea plant in Zhejiang province.

    • Genetic Analysis of Fruit Sugar Content Correlated Traits in Interspecific Population of Melon

      2014, 15(5):932-939. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.003

      Abstract (2153) HTML (0) PDF 6.83 M (2480) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Six generations(P1 、P2 、F1 、F2 、B1 、B2 )derived from a cross of ‘0246’(cultivated inbred line)and‘Y101’(wild germplasm)were used to study the inheritance of melon(Cucumis melo L.)fruit sugar content correlated traits , with joint analysis method of mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance model. The results showed that fructose content, glucose content and total sugar content were controlled by two pairs of additive-dominant-epistatic major genes plus additive-dominant-epistatic polygene model effects (E-0),and the heritabilities of major genes in F2 population were estimated as 90.32%,.82.42% and 94.66%,respectively. The sucrose content was controlled by one pairs of additive major genes plus additive-dominant polygene model effects (D-2),and the heritability of major genes in F2 population was estimated as 83.76%. This implied that the major genes had strong effects on fruit sugar content correlated traits of melon,while the environment played a little role, so it would be more efficient to be selected in the early generation.

    • Genetic diversity of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. seed orchard among generations

      2014, 15(5):940-947. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.004

      Abstract (2211) HTML (0) PDF 7.86 M (3131) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. is one of the most proper conifer species of conifer for forestation in north China. Seed orchards of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. have been built since 1960s in China, and some of which have already contained three generations. However, lack knowledge of variations of genetic variationsdiversity after selection on molecular level causes some unclearness in breeding and forestation. 10 EST-SSR primers are used in this study to analysis the genetic diversity among three generations in the seed orchard in Hebei. Each primer has 2-5 loci. The numbers of average effective loci for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations are 1.92, 1.81, 2.07. Shannon index are 0.7127, 0.7052, 0.7908. Heterozygote excesses in the population. The value of Fst is low, which shows that Genetic differences are mainly occurred in one generation rather than between generations.

    • Screening and Identification of Wheat Germplasm for Salt Tolerance using Artificial Sea Water

      2014, 15(5):948-953. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.005

      Abstract (2388) HTML (0) PDF 5.61 M (2854) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Salinity is a major limitation to crop production in coastal region. Breeding for salinity tolerance could be an effective way of improving yield and yield stability on saline-alkaline soils. However, these require a good understanding of the inheritance of this trait and occupy massive amounts of elite genetics resources tolerant to salt-stress. To provide elite germplasm for new varieties tolerant to salinity in wheat breeding, 363 accessions were evaluated for salt tolerance at the germination stage using artificial sea water. Among accessions tested,28 wheat cultivars with salt tolerance grade 1 were identified. To obtain further salt-tolerant accession at the seedling stage, 48 wheat accessions were selected from the salt tolerance resources ( grade 1 or grade 2 ) at the germination stage to evaluate salt-tolerant at the seedling stage. Two wheat accessions with high salt-tolerant were screened by using the methods of fuzzy membership function. They were Huaimai 31 and Hongkeyangmai, respectively. Based on the original of the wheat germplasm, the capacity of salinity tolerance was different: local varieties>improved varieties>introduced varieties. Correlation analysis of wheat salt tolerance at the germination stage and the seedling stage showed that there is no consistent correlation existed.

    • Correlation between 1000-grain Weight , Grain Yield and Quality in Japonica Hybrid Rice

      2014, 15(5):954-961. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.006

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 7.02 M (2466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study was aimed to prove up the relationship of 1000-grain weight with yield and quality in japonica hybrid rice. 4 BT-type CMS lines and 24 three-line japonica restorer lines with major difference in 1000-grain weight were crossed in p×q incomplete diallele design to study heterosis of 1000-grain weight in F1 hybrids and the correlations between 1000-grain weight of hybrids and their parents with yield and quality. The results were as follow:⑴56.3% of combinations tested had heterosis over their parents mean in 1000-grain weight, and 19.8% of combinations tested had positive super-parent heterosis. ⑵ The correlations of female, male parents and average of parents with F1 hybrids were very significantly correlated in 1000-grain weight(r=0.33**,0.71**,0.78**). 1000-grain weight character was more greatly influenced by restorer line than by CMS line.⑶1000-grain weight of F1 hybrids, male parents and average of parents had high significant positive correlation with yield per plant of F1 hybrids(r=0.55**,0.47**,0.51**). The correlation between 1000-grain weight of female parents and yield per plant of F1 hybrids was not significant.⑷1000-grain weight of F1 hybrids and their male parents had high significant positive correlation with brown rice rate, milled rice rate, head milled rice rate, chalky grain rate, chalkiness, grain length and grain width. They had significant positive correlation with endosperm translucency. 1000-grain weight of female parents had high significant positive correlation with chalky grain rate, chalkiness, grain length. It had significant positive correlation with grain width. ⑸The range of 1000-grain weight of hybrid Japonica with high quality and yield was 25.1 g-27.0 g.

    • Exploration and Phenotypic Traits Analysis of Erianthus fulvus

      2014, 15(5):962-966. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.007

      Abstract (2216) HTML (0) PDF 5.04 M (2811) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to utilize and estimate efficiently the Erianthus fulvus and to develop the elite traits, genetic diversity index, correlation coefficient of variance, correlation among quantitative traits, and correlation between quantitative traits and longitude, latitude or altitude were evaluated based on 5 quantitative traits of 29 Erianthus fulvus collected from Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan in 2012-2013.The results showed that:(1) 25 high altitude germplasm resources were collected, of which more than 2800 meters have 4 clones, and enrich the wild germplasm resource library of sugarcane in China;(2)The Shannon-Wiener genetic diversity index was high, the stalk length trait exhibited the highest genetic diversity index (1.441), while brix trait showed the lowest (1.291). There were high genetic variances in quantitative traits, with variation coefficient ranging from 21%~38% ,stalk length showed the highest variance value (38%) and lamina length showed the lowest (21%). (3) There were highly significant differences in quantitative traits, there was a significant correlation between lamina length, lamina width, stalk diameter and stalk length each other, not related with the brix. Lamina width traits showed positively correlation with longitude,and negative correlations with latitude, altitude.(4)The cluster analysis indicated, 29 Erianthus rufipilus resources could be divided into four groups, Erianthus fulvus Ⅱ(EF-27) groups had a good quality potential of brix, could be used as recommendations for development and utilization of breeding materials.

    • Characteristics and classification of the pollens of male Chinese olive

      2014, 15(5):967-974. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.008

      Abstract (2698) HTML (0) PDF 22.15 M (8255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pollens of 24 male Chinese Olive(Canarium album Reausch.) germs from main distribution areas were examined under scanning electron microscope( SEM ) .The results showed that the pollen grains were Spheroid or subprolate(1.07

    • Variation Analysis of Cluster and Berry Characters in Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes at Harvest

      2014, 15(5):975-985. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.009

      Abstract (2349) HTML (0) PDF 14.73 M (2806) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cluster and berry selection is widely accepted as an important process before fermentation for the production of premium-quality wine. However, little is known about the quality variation of the berries within and between different clusters. In the present study, four clusters of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) grapes with different size and compactness were analyzed at normal harvest date. Each cluster was assessed for compactness, weight, berry number, and each berry was assessed for seed weight and count, seed color, soluble solid concentration (SSC) and skin color. Based on this survey, the cluster and berry selection was simulated. Correlating the data with the light exposure of the berries failed to give useful correlations with SSC, but showed that skin pigmentation was significantly affected. Additionally, cluster compactness markedly impacted on the berry pigmentation and seed maturation. There was a weak correlation between the SSC of each berry and the berry’s weight, showing a slight decline with increasing weight. Cluster and berry examination could evaluate the proportion of the medium size berries (0.76–1.50 g) and reduce the proportion of one-seeded berries thereby, increasing the seed weight per unit of berry weight. This also reduced the coefficient of the variation (CV) of the berry weight, which had virtually no influence on the mean and standard deviation of the SSC for the whole berry population. Therefore, the potential quality of grape clusters for winemaking was a function of cluster compactness, berry size and extent of seed maturation. In order to make the premium-quality wine, initially clusters should be selected to eliminate those that are very tight, and then select berries on the basis of berry sizes.

    • Identification of Egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha Loquat Mutant Germplasm

      2014, 15(5):986-991. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.010

      Abstract (2033) HTML (0) PDF 7.76 M (2486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The loquat germplasm of egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha mutant, Ruantiao Baisha and five domestic cultivars were used to identify the variation of germplasm using morphological traits investigation and SRAP. 18primers which could produce clear and polymorphic bands were screened out from 96 ISSR random primers. 135 locis were detected ,of which 102were polymorphic and the polymorphic percentage was 75.6%.The genetic similarity coefficients of the loquat germplasms were among 0.53~0.89. 31 white flesh loquat germplasms were divided into four groups when the similar coefficient was 0.65. All the loquat germplasms come from Zhe Jiang province were clustered together in the first group.The second group contain 19 germplasms coming from China ,Japan and New zealand. .The genetic similarity coefficients between 0.58 and 0.89. The third group contain Shanghai Baisha and Guangxin Bami. The fourth group include Baili and Longcai Bai .As the key research object, GS between egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha and reference were among 0.55~0.88. It had the maximum genetic simlity with Bai Lizhi, and minimun genetic simlity with Wu Gong Bai. GS of egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha and Ruantiao Baisha was only 0.73. The study of biological characters, There were obvious differences among fruit shape,seed number and edible rate of egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha and Ruantiao Baisha The results showed that the egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha mutant and Ruantiao Baisha loquat has obvious difference in characters such as fruit shape, seed numbers and edible rate. The analysis confirmed the obvious genetic variation between the egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha and Ruantiao Baisha loquat. This study is important to apply new varieties identity and protection of intellectual property rights for the egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha mutant.

    • Progress in genetic and breeding research on rice chalkiness

      2014, 15(5):992-998. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.011

      Abstract (2136) HTML (0) PDF 6.45 M (2986) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rice (Oryza sativa L.) chalkiness, including percentage of grains with chalkiness and chalkiness degree, and an important appearance quality, affects many other quality traits. It’s essential to illustrate its genetic basis. With the development of functional genomics and molecular marker technology in last decades, researchers mapped many QTLs controlling chalkiness; some of them have been fine mapped already. This paper reviews evaluation index of rice chalkiness, correlation between it and other quality characters, genetic basis and QTL mapping of chalkiness, chalkiness gene cloning, and proposed molecular strategy of improving chalkiness by recurrent selection using dominant genic malesterility line combined with marker assisted selection. Our results will provide useful information for rice chalkiness improvement.

    • Research progress on stress response and conservation of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberous L.) germplasm

      2014, 15(5):999-1005. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.012

      Abstract (1992) HTML (0) PDF 7.76 M (2534) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberous L.) belonging to Asteraceae family, is a perennial herb. Jerusalem artichoke is an important crop germplasm resource. The researches on its ecological, economy, energy, cultivation and breeding, and the stress responses have been conducted for many years. Jerusalem artichoke is one of asexually propagated crops, and mainly conserved in the filed nursery. The in vitro conservation and cryopreservation method has been tried in the United States Department of Agriculture. However, the relevant research has not been started in China. In this paper, we will summarize the research progress of Jerusalem artichoke germplasm resource and pay more attention on the study of stress response, including research the drought, salinity and low temperature stress on the behavior of the field, physiological and biochemical, protein and molecular level. And the general conservation and In vitro conservation of Jerusalem artichoke, and points out the problems. This will be benefit for the future utilization and cryopreservation in the future.

    • Cloning and Analysis of a Salt Stress Related Gene TabHLH13 in Wheat

      2014, 15(5):1006-1011. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.013

      Abstract (2372) HTML (0) PDF 8.24 M (2571) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the large-scale sequencing of the wheat full length cDNAs clones in our laboratory and functional analysis of transcriptional factors, a salt stress related gene was screened out and named TabHLH13. TabHLH13 is 1072 bp in full length with a 732 bp ORF, encoding a bHLH transcriptional factor with 240 amino acids. After comparing the genomic sequence with its cDNA sequence of TabHLH13, we found that it contains five exons and four introns. Homologous analysis found that TabHLH13 had a similarity with bHLH proteins from barley and Brachypodium as high as 96.2% and 90.5%, respectively. Using electronic mapping strategy, TabHLH13 was mapped onto wheat chromosome 7DL. The results of subcellular localization indicated that the TabHLH13 protein was a nuclear-localized protein. Tissue specific analysis indicated that TabHLH13 expressed in root, stem, leaf, pistil and anther. RT-PCR and qRT-PCR revealed that the expression of TabHLH13 was induced by salt stress.

    • Bioinformatic analysis and expression pattern of NAC transcription factor genes homologous to TaNAC2a in bread wheat progenitors

      2014, 15(5):1012-1022. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.014

      Abstract (4203) HTML (0) PDF 19.05 M (9932) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study,107 and 126 NAC transcription factor family members in Triticum urartu L. and Aegilops tauschii L. genome were identified respectively by hmm profile search..They were further classified into two groups, consisting of 15 subgroups based on the classification method of Arabidopsis and rice. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 5 TuNAC genes and 6 AetNAC genes were found to be similar in protein sequence with TaNAC2a, which had been reported involving in the response to diverse stresses in plant. Phyletic evolution, protein domains, gene structure, cis-acting elements in the promoter region and tissue-specific expression pattern of these 11 NAC genes were further analyzed. Results showed that these 11 NAC proteins possessed typical NAC domains and several pairs of genes with close evolutionary relationship had similar gene structure. Prediction of cis-acting elements revealed that they all had stress-responsive cis-acting elements in their promoter region. Gene expression pattern analysis revealed that the transcripts of TuNAC, AetNAC genes were detected in root, coleoptile and leaf of Triticum urartu and Aegilops tauschii, respectively, and exhibited obvious tissue-specific expression pattern. It was speculated from microarray data and expression patten under stress conditions that AetNAC2c had a role in the response to drought stress and AetNAC2b was more likely to be involved in the regulation of plant reaction to low temperature and drought stress. Our analysis lays a foundation for systematical research of gene family in bread wheat progenitors and provides an experimental basis for the identification of excellent functional genes.

    • Fine Mapping of the Panicle Apical Abortion PAA2 in Rice (Oryza sativa)

      2014, 15(5):1023-1027. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.015

      Abstract (2411) HTML (0) PDF 6.73 M (2553) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract::The identification and cloning of novel gene controlling rice Panicle Apical Abortion (PAA) is meaningful to understand underlying the molecular mechanism of the trait in order to reduce grain yield losses caused in rice production. We here reported the result of fine mapping to a rice mutant, paa2, derived from tissue culture of Zhonghua 11. Phenotypic analysis found that mutant panicle apical is gradually degraded during the panicle development. Genetic analysis revealed that the paa2 is caused by single dominance gene mutation. Using the BSA method, the PAA2 gene was finally mapped within the interval of 80 kb on chromosome 2, flanked by the newly developed markers of L2-33 and L2-50. The results provided here would beneficial the map-based cloning of PAA2 gene.

    • Phenotypic and Genotypic Identification of Powdery Mildew Resistance in 36 Pea Cultivars or Lines from Canada

      2014, 15(5):1028-1133. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.016

      Abstract (2282) HTML (0) PDF 6.45 M (2977) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the phenotype and genotype of powdery mildew resistance in 36 pea cultivars or lines introduced from Canada were identified, and the allele at powdery mildew resistance gene er1 locus in cultivars Cooper and Tara were investigated. All tested cultivars or lines were inoculated by two powdery mildew isolates from different geographical origins in seedling stage, respectively. Thirty-two cultivars or lines were immune to the two isolates, and line MP1818-2 was immune to isolate EPYN and susceptible to isolate EPBJ, whereas 3 cultivars were susceptible to the two isolates. Five marker genotypes were identified in the 36 cultivars or lines by 4 SCAR markers linked to er1. Sequence analysis revealed that both PsMLO1 candidate gene in Cooper and Tara contained a point mutation which G replaced C of PsMLO1 gene at 680 bp site.

    • Study on QTLs for Grain Traits in Hexaploid Naked Oat

      2014, 15(5):1034-1039. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.017

      Abstract (2184) HTML (0) PDF 5.50 M (2899) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The F2 mapping population including 202 lines derived from the cross between “578” (large grain) and “Sanfensan” (small grain) were used in present study. A genetic linkage map covering 21 linkage groups (LG) was created with 172 SSR markers. The method of CIM was used to detect QTLs related with grain traits. A total of 17 QTLs were identified, of which 6 for grain length (GL) explaining 0.7%-12.83% of the phenotypic variation, 5 for grain width (GW) explaining 0.77%-12.92% of the phenotypic variation, 6 for 1000-grain weight (TGW) explaining 0.58%-10.64% of the phenotypic variation. Four QTLs with over 10% contribution to phenotypic variation were considered as major genes, i.e. qGL-2 (12.83%) for grain length, qGW-5 (12.92%) for grain width, qTGW-3 (10.64) and qTGW-4 (10.05). It is interested that qGL-2 and qTGW-4 are located the same location of the linkage group. In addition, we detected that the interval between AM1089 and AM1512 on linkage group 3 was associated with the grain length, grain width and 1000-grain weight. Meanwhile, the interval between AM1044 and AM939 on linkage group 3 was related to the grain length and 1000-grain weight, and the interval between AM3217 and AM965 was relative with the grain width and 1000-grain weight. The outputs of this research pave the way for studying in oat grain traits and developing marker assistant selection for naked oats.

    • Allelic Variation of the Vernalization Genes in Henan New Bread Wheat Cultivars

      2014, 15(5):1040-1046. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.018

      Abstract (2282) HTML (0) PDF 6.47 M (2976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 50 bread wheat cultivars or advanced lines from Henan were used to identify allelic variation of vernalization response genes at the Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1 and Vrn-B3 loci. The results showed that all wheat cultivars surveyed possessed recessive alleles at the Vrn-B3 locus, and 48 cultivars possessed recessive alleles at the Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 loci, and 42 cultivars possessed recessive alleles at the Vrn-D1 locus. It suggests that recessive alleles are the most prevalent at the Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1 and Vrn-B3 loci in Henan bread wheat cultivars surveyed. Wheat cultivars with dominant vernalization genes at the Vrn-D1 locus included 8 cultivars of Yunong2019, Yunong 2020, Yunong 2071, Guomai 301, Ping’an 08-8, Bainong 69, Tunmai 3698 and 08 Luo 33. Two new advanced lines Yunong 3052 and Yunong 2053, developed in Henan Agricultural University, showed the deletions of both Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 genes. However, these two cultivars still could normally flower in field but they flowered two-days later than Zhoumai 18. It suggests that Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 genes are not necessary for bread wheat flowering. This study could provide useful information for screening high-yield and wide-adaptability wheat cultivars in Chinese wheat breeding program.

    • Transcriptome Analysis of Stem Apex of an Upland Cotton Dwarf Mutant Ari1327

      2014, 15(5):1046-1052. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.019

      Abstract (2265) HTML (0) PDF 7.66 M (2670) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the dwarf mechanism of Ari1327 on molecular level, three stem apex cDNA libraries of Ari1327, Ari971 and tall-culm mutant Ari3697 were constructed and sequenced using Illumina HiSeqTM2000 system, respectively. 4.9 G available transcriptome data were obtained, with 70877 unigenes were spliced. After comparing the transcriptome data of Ari1327 with data of Ari971 and Ari3697, we uncovered 13919 differentially expressed genes, of which 5406 up-regulated while 8513 down-regulated in Ari1327. Gene Ontology functional enrichment and KEGG pathway analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes enriched in plant hormone signal transduction pathway. After qRT-PCR, we speculated that the signal transduction and interaction of IAA and GA may contribute to dwarfism of Ari1327. We believe that the abundant differentially expressed genes detected by transcriptome sequencing will be beneficial for revealing the mechanism underlying cotton dwarfism which lays the foundation for breeding cotton dwarf gene type.

    • Analysis of fatty acid elongation metabolism pathways based on the transcriptome in tung oil tree’s seeds

      2014, 15(5):1053-1059. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.020

      Abstract (1948) HTML (0) PDF 6.90 M (2531) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tung oil tree(Vernicia fordii) is one of the four woody oil plants in China. The current research of Tung oil tree focuses primarily on selective breeding, cross-breeding, and reconstruction of low-yield forests, but the molecular mechanisms related to fatty acid elongation of tung oil tree are still not covered. RNA-seq technology was used to compare and analysis the different expression of tung oil tree’s fatty acid elongation metabolism during three different development stages, which include fruit enlargement stage, initial stage of lipid synthesis, and peak stage of lipid synthesis . This research comprehensively analyzed the fatty acid elongation metabolism in tung oil tree’s seeds based on the nr, Swiss-Prot, KEGG and COG database. The results show that there are 37 non-redundant sequences participating in fatty acid elongation metabolism of tung oil tree’s seeds, which involve 9 kinds of main enzyme gene. Through the transcriptome data analysis, the genes regulating fatty acid elongation metabolism have different expression in tung oil tree’s seeds during three different development stages. And fatty acid elongation metabolism pathway was drawn according the results of comprehensive analysis. Meanwhile, this research revealed the mechanism of regulatory genes in fatty acid elongation metabolism pathway of tung oil tree’s seeds. These results not only provide resources and technical infrastructure for genetic improvement in tung oil tree’s fatty synthesis but also provide some scientific basis for molecular breeding of tung oil tree

    • QTL mapping for some traits related to yield of latex in rubber tree

      2014, 15(5):1060-1066. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.021

      Abstract (2260) HTML (0) PDF 6.59 M (3017) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Objective of the study is about to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for traits related to yield of latex such as Yield for plant and Size of laticifer of rubber tree. F1 population derived from crosses of the rubber tree cultivars Reyan88-13×IAN873 was used for QTL analysis. Data of trait about Yield for plant, Dry rubber content (DRC), Line of laticifer, Number of laticifer and Size of laticifer were collected and recorded. QTLs were detected by Composite interval mapping ( CIM) using FsQtlMap 1.0 based on the linkage map constructed with SSR markers. The results showed, the skewness and kurtosis of these traits were to conform to normal distribution except Number of laticifer, the mean and variance of each trait has great changes; the coefficient of variation of yield for plant maximum, the order is Yield for plant > Number of laticifer > Line of laticifer > Size of laticifer > Dry rubber content. The presence of five main-effect QTLs which are related with yield for plant was detected when LOD threshold was greater than 2.5, which could explain 71.3%,69.1%,68.3%,64.4% and 62.9% population variation respectively. Three main-effect QTLs which were related with Number of laticifer was detected, which could explain 84.5%,81.3% and15.4% population variation respectively. There were no effect QTLs related with the other traits.

    • Isolation and expression analysis of Ntc4h and Nt4cl encoding the key enzymes of phenylalanine metabolism pathway in tobacco

      2014, 15(5):1067-1073. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.022

      Abstract (2240) HTML (0) PDF 6.45 M (2869) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cinnamic acid -4- hydroxylase (C4H) and ρ-coumaric acid -4- ligase (4CL) are the key enzymes in phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway, whose polyphenol products is corresponding to the quality of tobaccos. Here, cDNAs of these two enzymes were obtained using homology-based cloning from variety honghua dajinyuan (HD) and variety K326, whose quantity of polyphenol products differed significantly and their expression profiles were analyzed by Real time qRT-PCR. The results showed that Ntc4h and Nt4cl both have two homologous genes. The ORF length of Ntc4h1, Ntc4h2, Nt4cl1 and Nt4cl2 was 1518 bp, 1518 bp, 1644 bp and 1629 bp, respectively. According to the analysis, Ntc4h1, Nt4cl1 and Ntc4h2 have shown differences in these two varieties on coding sequence. Real time qRT-PCR analysis showed that all the genes expressed in a spatial and temporal manner and the expression profiles differed in two varieties. The genes all expressed in root, stem, leaf, flower and sepal with the expression of xylem and phloem were higher than others. The expression in fast growing stage and technical maturity stage was higher than the others with the highest in technical maturity stage.

    • The genetic relationship analyzed of characteristic Mulberry resources based on ITS, TrnL~F and rps16 sequence

      2014, 15(5):1074-1079. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.023

      Abstract (2204) HTML (0) PDF 5.87 M (3000) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to develop and use the characteristic of mulberry varieties, twelve mulberry varieties were analyzed on genetic relationship and other three parameters, such as ITS, TrnL-F, rps16 nucleotide sequence length, G+C content and genetic distance. The tested mulberry varieties were Long sang, Long xu sang, Jian chi (high quality of mulberry), Xian feng chang sui sang (Guo sang), Qin zhou chang guo sang (Guo sang), Xiao guan sang (high quality of mulberry), Shen nong hua sang♀(Mu cai sang), Sri Lanka NO.1(Yi bu cheng yuan sang), Ya’an bai sang (Guo sang), Xinjiang bai sang (Medicine mulberry), Guangdon “Da shi” guo sang and Hubei meng sang NO.4(ecological mulberry). Experimental results: ITS region(including 5.8S) length, 576-590 bp, G+C%, 59.38-60.17; TrnL-F region(including TrnL introns), 920-923 bp, G+C%, 34.02-34.24; rps16 intron, 929-947 bp, G+C%, 32.51-33.26. The genetic distance of Jian chi (high quality of mulberry), Xian feng chang sui sang(Guo sang), Qin zhou chang guo sang(Guo sang), Xiao guan sang(high quality of mulberry), Shen nong hua sang ♀(Mu cai sang) from other Morus materials respectively is 0.2-0.3, 0.1-0.4, 0.1-0.2, 0.0-0.3. Long sang (Yuan lin sang), Sri Lanka NO.1(Yi bu cheng yuan sang), Ya’an bai sang(Guo sang), Xinjiang bai sang (medicine mulberry), Guangdong “Da shi”guo sang and Hubei meng sang with other genetic distance was very near, most of the genetic distance was 0. Mrbayes analysis showed that the length of bifurcation diagram was 191, the consistency index(CI) was 0.9895, the retention index(RI) was 0.9429, the consistency index adjusted(RC) was 0.9330. The length of sequence alignment was 2516 bp, among them, the invariant sites was 2330 bp, the variable non informative sites was 171 bp, the information site was 15 bp. The bifurcation diagram would first branch broussonetia papyrifera separated, which was a outgroup, while Xin jiang hei sang separated. Xian feng chang sui sang, Li chuan chang sui sang, Qin zhou chang guo sang were seperated respectively. Chuan sang, Hua sang, Nai sang, Shengnongjia hua sang♀(Mu cai sang), Mao ye nai sang belonged to a branch of mulberry. Guangdon “Da shi” guo sang, Si chuan bai sang (Guo sang) belonged to a branch of mulberry, Sri Lanka NO.1(Yi bu cheng yuan sang), Hubei meng sang NO.4(ecological mulberry), Long sang(Yuan lin sang), Xin jiang bai sang(medicine mulberry) belonged to a branch of mulberry. Long xu sang(Yuan lin sang), Jian chi(high quality mulberry), Xiao guan sang(high quality mulberry) was separately as a branch. Using the three segments(ITS, TrnL-F, rps16) to analyse system evolution of mulberry, the disadvantage of which is insufficient information site, these three pieces can be used to preliminary determine the genetic relationship, then choose other ways to analyse further.

    • Research Progress of hybrid sterility of rice

      2014, 15(5):1080-1088. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.024

      Abstract (2306) HTML (0) PDF 9.47 M (2803) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The application of the heterosis of rice subspecies increased the yield of rice dramatically, but the problem is still universal that hybrid sterility exists in subspecies as well as species of rice, and it hinders the utility of hybrid sterility of rice. In this paper, firstly, the cellular reason of hybrid sterility was elucidated in different aspects, then the genetic mechanism of hybrid sterility was discussed, and the delimitation and map-cloning of various different hybrid sterility genes were summarized, and the personal viewpoint of the author about how to overcome hybrid sterility and utilize hybrid heterosis was proposed in the end.

    • Molecular Identification of the Tamyb10 gene controlling the grain color in Landrace Wheat Cultivars from Huanghuai Wheat Region

      2014, 15(5):1089-1095. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.025

      Abstract (2208) HTML (0) PDF 6.89 M (2405) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tamyb10 genes, a kind of transcription factors of the MYB family, determine the grain color of bread wheat and also have certain influence upon pre-harvest sprouting in bread wheat. In this study, the Tamyb10-1 functional markers reported previously were used to identify allelic variations on the Tamyb10-A1, Tamyb10-B1 and Tamyb10-D1 loci in 100 landrace wheat varietiesfrom Huanghuai Wheat Region. The results indicated that there were two types of alleles on each Tamyb10-1 locus, which resulted in 7 allelic combinations of Tamyb10-1 genes, i.e., Tamyb10-A1a/Tamyb10-B1a/Tamyb10-D1a, Tamyb10-A1a/Tamyb10-B1a/Tamyb10-D1b, Tamyb10-A1a/Tamyb10-B1b/Tamyb10-D1a, Tamyb10-A1b/Tamyb10-B1a/Tamyb10-D1a, Tamyb10-A1b/Tamyb10-B1b/Tamyb10-D1a, Tamyb10-A1b/Tamyb10-B1a/Tamyb10-D1b and Tamyb10-A1b/Tamyb10-B1b/Tamyb10-D1b. Their distribution percentage were 38.0%, 15.0%, 1.0%, 8.0%, 1.0%, 33.0% and 4.0%, respectively. Further analysis suggested that wheat cultivars with wild-type Tamyb10-1 at three loci showed white grains, whereas wheat cultivars with at least one mutant of Tamyb10-1 at three loci showed red grains. In addition, the Tamyb10-1 genes also affect pre-harvest sprouting and grain color is closely related with antioxidant capacity. Therefore, this study could provide certain useful information for the purpose of screening relatively superior wheat germplasms.

    • Analysis on the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) Sequences and Phylogenetics of Chieh-qua and its affinis Cucurbitaceae Germplasms Resources

      2014, 15(5):1096-1106. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.026

      Abstract (2106) HTML (0) PDF 9.25 M (2596) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fifty-six Chieh-qua and 7 other cucurbits germplasm resources were collected from South China, subsequently rDNA-ITS amplication and sequencing were performed. With regard to them and ITS sequences of several cucurbitaceous plant downloaded from GenBank, the lengths, variable sites, G C% contents, genetic divergences, homologies, phylogenetics and system position were analyzed by bioinformatic softwares. ITS complete sequences of Chieh-qua and its affinis cucurbitaceae germplasm resources were obtained. The full-length of chieh-qua ITS was 608bp, G C% content were 59.33%( ITS1: 221 bp, G C% content: 60.18%, ITS2: 231bp, G C% content: 63.64%, 5.8S: 157bp, G C% content: 57.96%). The sequence alignment results showed that there were 94 variable sites(ITS1: 47, ITS2: 40, 5.8S: 7)among chieh-qua germplasm resources, some of them had significant species-specific characteristics and could be used as DNA fingerprint markers of Chieh-qua germplasm resources. 56 chieh-qua germplasm materials were clustered into 3 groups based on ITS sequences variance, 12-2-3 was ranked into the first branch, “Heimaojie H2251” was classified into the second branch, and the rest chieh-qua materials and wax gourd were grouped into the third group containing 4 subgroups. Compared with the other cultivated species, the variation of chieh-qua material 12-2-3 was the biggest, the genetic divergence ranged from 4.5 to 5.6. The system position of Chieh-qua was between Indomelothria blumei (GU799496) and Dactyliandra welwitschii (HQ201973), and had the closest relationship with Indomelothria blumei. Based on Mrbayes software analysis, Zehneria thwaitesii(AM981145), Ctenolepis cerasiformis (AM981142), Cucumis melo (AM36377), Dactyliandra welwitschii (HQ20 1973), Trochomeria macrocarpa (AM981141) were the most primordial species, the system evolution order was Cucumis melo(AM36377) → Cucurbita moschata, Trichosanthes yunnanensis, Momordica charantia, Luffa aegyptiaca, Citrullus lanatus (FJ915098), Lagenaria siceraria → Benincasa hispida, Benincasa hispida var. chieh-qua How → Cucumis sativus. The phylogeny of Chieh-qua and its affinis cucurbitaceae germplasm resources was investigated by using ITS sequences and it would provide useful information for their breeding, germplasm DNA fingerprint identification, classification and evolution and comparative analysis, etc.

    • Screening of transgenic wheat germplasm resistant to crown rot

      2014, 15(5):1107-1112. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.027

      Abstract (2351) HTML (0) PDF 5.68 M (3130) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the wheat crown rot (CR), an important disease in wheat area of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, we have transferred three genes, TaPIMP1, AtNPR1, Gastrodianin, to Yangmai12 using particle bombardment method. Forty-three of the homozygous transgenic lines with three alien genes were obtained, and the mRNA expression levels were analyzed. Meanwhile, we evaluated the transgenic plants resistance for the diseases of wheat crown rot, sharp eyespot (SE) and Fusarium head blight (FHB). The results have showed that the alien genes could express normally in the transgenic lines. However, the resistance levels differ among 43 transgenic lines. Twenty-four transgenic lines exhibit significant elevated resistance to wheat CR comparing to the recipient variety Yangmai12. The notable correlation was also observed between CR and SE but not CR and FHB. In the study, we have obtained a series of resistant materials, including two lines with the resistance to CR, SE and FHB and one line both resistant to CR and FHB, which will play a significant role in disease resistance breeding in the future.

    • Identification and evaluation of 240 Maize Inbred Lines for Resistant to Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight

      2014, 15(5):1113-1119. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.028

      Abstract (2216) HTML (0) PDF 6.39 M (3381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two hundred and forty inbred lines were identified and evaluated for the resistance to banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB) under artificial inoculation conditions from 2010 to 2012.Meanwhile, the correlation between the resistance to BLSB and major agronomic traits were also analysis. The results showed that there were no immune nor highly resistant lines, four inbred lines with moderately resistant to BLSB, and 236 lines were sensitive to BLSB, among which 218 lines were highly sensitive to BLSB. Meanwhile, there were no resistance lines in Reid, Lvdahonggu, PA and Tangsipingtou genetic groups, however, Lancaster and PB genetic groups were identified to be important sources for maize BLSB resistance. Additionally, the results of correlation analysis showed that five traits, such as plant height, ear height, ear height / plant height, internodes number below the ear and internodes length below the ear, were significantly negative correlated with the disease index. These traits can be used as the reference for screening germplasm with resistance to BLSB without artificial inoculation.

    • The Evaluation of Blast, Bacterial Blight and Brown Planthopper for Rice Breeding lines from IRRI

      2014, 15(5):1120-1125. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.029

      Abstract (2341) HTML (0) PDF 8.45 M (2433) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to expand germplasm resources and rich genetic resources in rice breeding, 165 rice breeding lines introduced from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) were evaluated for blast, bacterial blight and brown planthopper in 2011 and 2012 in Hubei Province, China. The resistance identification results showed that 19 lines were resistant to brown planthopper, 40 lines were resistant to bacterial blight, 14 lines were resistant to blast, 8 lines were resistant to both bacterial blight and brown planthopper, 7 lines were resistant to both bacterial blight and blast, and one lines were resistant to bacterial blight, brown planthopper and blast. Some of lines were used in breeding programme.

    • Obtaining and Character of the Interspecfic Hybrids between B.juncea and B. capitata

      2014, 15(5):1126-1136. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.030

      Abstract (1983) HTML (0) PDF 13.40 M (2485) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Interspecific hybridization is an important approach to broaden genetic base and obtain new species and germplasm. The objectives of this study were to obtain the interspecific hybrids from B. juncea and B. capitata and to study their morphological and cytological characteristic. The results showed that distinct differences between remained ovaries and obtained embryos existed after 30d in different crosses which made the influence on the obtaining of embryos. 36 true hybrids were identified by morphology method, which showed strong vegetative heterocyst. In addition, the meiosis behavior of the true hybrids was unnormal and some chromosomes lost in different degrees in meiosis anaphase. Some clones had 27 chromosomes and others were from 27 to 34. The pollen fertility of the true hybrids ranged from 0 to 47.87% and the self-fruitful rate was between 0 and 3.65%.

    • Inheritance of Blast Resistance in New Germplasm Kangfeng A from Indica-Japonica Crosses

      2014, 15(5):1133-1137. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.031

      Abstract (2127) HTML (0) PDF 5.16 M (2971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Kangfeng A is a new CMS Line with special nuclear genetic background, which was from a new variant germplasm successive backcross with a CMS-wild abortive (WA).The new variant germplasm, with normal cytoplasm, male fertile and no restoring ability, which was from a cross between an indica-japonica restorer line 97gk419 with wide compatible gene and an indica restorer line Minghui 70(Restorer line×Restorer line).In this study, the evaluation of Kangfeng A for its resistance against 53 Magnaporthe grisea strains collected from different rice cultivated regions showed that Kangfeng A had the broad-spectrum performance for blast resistance in South China rice regions, especially in Fujian. The genetic analysis of Kangfeng A showed that the blast resistance was controlled by one dominant gene, which was evaluated by inoculating F1and F2 populations derived from a cross of Kangfeng A(B)×LTH with four Magnaporthe grisea strains, 81278,Guy11,FJ2009-66 and 98013A. The allelic test indicated that the resistance gene in Kangfeng A to strain 81278 was non-allelic to known loci (Pi-1,Pi-2,Pi-ta and Pi-3 ), and was genetic linkage to Pi-ta(Pi-?), then tentatively designated Pi-kf1(t).

    • >研究简报
    • Salicylic Acid Increases Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

      2014, 15(5):1138-1143. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.032

      Abstract (2224) HTML (0) PDF 7.31 M (2867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Common bean is one of major food legumes with high nutrition and large production area. Fusarium wilt has been a seriously soil-born disease and caused a great loss to the production of common beans. Salicylic acid (SA) is considered to be one of the important signaling molecules involved in plant defence reactions and has been proved to be involved in plant hypersensitive reaction (HR) and systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In this study, we treated the leaves of common bean cultivars BRB-130 by different plant hormones. The results indicated the levels of endogenous SA in bean roots were increased when the leaves were treated by SA; the resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli isolate FOP-DM01 was significantly improved; the enhancements of PAL and POX activity and H2O2 level were all detected significantly in roots. SA-treatment induced HR and SAR in common beans. Therefore, SA has the ability to improve resistance to Fusarium wilt of common beans as an important chemical activator in the resistant signaling pathways. This study provides a new idea for the development of environment-friendly fungicides.

    • Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment for Agronomic Traits of Adzuki Bean

      2014, 15(5):1144-1149. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.033

      Abstract (2098) HTML (0) PDF 4.71 M (2756) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:11 agronomic traits of 30 adzuki bean varieties were evaluated in the present study to provide helpful information for production or breeding.. The results showed abundant of variations among varieties and agronomic traits. The highest co-efficient of variation was observed in number of branches per stem(26.38%), and the lowest was pod length(5.66%).. Further study divided these traits into 3 main factors, namely growth period, pods per plant and seed weight. the 3 factors represented 81.574% information of total traits. Cluster analysis grouped the 30 adzuki bean varieties into 4 populations, which were agreeable to their geographic origins. according to the assessment of 11 traits, two cultivars from Tangshan , HT37 and Tangshanhong, were selected to be further used for production and breeding..

    • Genetic Relationship of Chieh-qua and Wax gourd based on the Morphological Phenotypes and SRAP Markers

      2014, 15(5):1150-1155. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.034

      Abstract (2435) HTML (0) PDF 6.65 M (2888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, genetic relationship of 38 representative germplasms of the chieh-qua and wax gourd was studied based on the investigation of 9 morphological characters and SRAP markers.A total of 9 characters were studied, including the rate of germination, single fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, skin color, shape, stars number, melon flesh and fresh color. The variation coefficient of these nine biological characters ranged from 0.092 to 0.547, among them the coefficient of single fruit weight was the maximum; their genetic diversity index (H) ranged from 0.122 to 1.405. The SRAP marker showed that totally 323 polymorphic fragments in the tested 38 chieh-qua and wax gourd materials were generated by 20 pairs of SRAP primers. The molecular genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.95 to 0. 99. The genetic backgrounds gap between chieh-qua and wax gourd was very narrow: the genetic relationship results showed that both common chieh-qua and wax gourd are close to the type of yellow-fuzz chieh-qua. Therefore, the chieh-qua should not be cheated as a variant of wax gourd, but can be considred as Southern China local variety; this study also addresses some material homonym problems. In a word, this study could provide the valuable reference for the chieh-qua and wax gourd breeding.

    • Determination of early maturing B.napus outcrossing rate

      2014, 15(5):1156-1160. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.035

      Abstract (2158) HTML (0) PDF 6.86 M (2434) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Fingerprinting of three very early Brassica napus restorer lines by using SSR molecular markers . CO dominant SSR markers were found in the 3 early maturing B.napus restorer lines and their F1; Those primers were used to determine the outcrossing rate of these 3 restorer lines in fields. The results showed that the outcrossing rate of these restorer lines (4395, 3509, 4152 ) were respectively in 46.02%, 33.32%, 18.12%, there was a significant difference in p = 0.01, it illustrated that the outcrossing rate of three very early maturing B.napus restorer lines had differences; And It provided a basis that to determine the proportion of three very early Brassica napus restorer lines in Synthetic hybrids.

    • Research Progress in Gene Mapping and Genetic Effect of Crop Earliness

      2014, 15(5):1161-1166. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.05.036

      Abstract (2238) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4526) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the purposes of crop breeding, earliness is an excellent comprehensive resistant character. Therefore, exploring how to combine conventional breeding methods with molecular biotechnology to shorten the growth period of the main crop varieties has very important significance for the development of crop production. This paper summarizes the crop earliness related traits, focuses on the current situation of related traits location and genetic analysis of crop earliness and proposes existing problems in current crop earliness breeding and future research prospects.

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