• Volume 15,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents
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    • Research on Genetic Mechanism of White Sheath in Maize inbred line K10

      2014, 15(6):1167-1172. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.001

      Abstract (1880) HTML (0) PDF 5.28 M (4771) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Maize with white sheath is one of important materials for genetic research. In this study, the genetic mechanism and gene loci of the white sheath of maize inbred line k10 were studied. The phenotype of F1 generations produced by reciprocal cross of K10 and other lines showed that white sheath was a recessive trait and controlled by nuclear genes. The segregation ratios of F2 generations were not consistent with Mendel's regulavity of segregation, indicating white sheath was controlled by multiple genes. The chloroplast ultrastructure of the white sheath and the green sheath was detected by Transmission Electron Microscope in F2 generation group. The results indicated that complete structure of chloroplast was fewer than the green sheath and grana as well as thylakoid was absent in most of the white sheaths. There was no significant difference of chla, chlb and total chlorophyll contents between the white sheaths and the green ones. However, all of them were found to be more in the green leaves than white leaves. By the method of SSR technology, the genes controlling the trait of white sheath in maize were mapped on the chromosome 8 and 9, respectively.

    • Genetic diversity of gliadin in some American wheat germplasms and their effect on quality properties

      2014, 15(6):1173-1181. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.002

      Abstract (2008) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (3794) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to know the diversity in 67 American wheat germplasm resources and investigate the effects of gliadin variation on wheat quality characters, A-PAGE was used to analyze the variations of prolamin among those wheat germplasm resources. moreover, their farinograph and physical chemistry qualities were tested. The results showed that there were 1332 protein bands in tested germplasms and there were 49 protein bands with different mobility. Most of those different mobility bands showed great polymorphism. Each material had 13 to 28 bands. The number of bands in α、β、γ and ω zones had big difference. Different material has different bands. The genetic similarity ranged from 0.54 to 0.90,with an average of 0.731.Cluster analysis based on genetic similarity of seed gliadins showed that 67 cultivars could be divided into 6 clusters at the level of GS 0.607.Significant or extremely significant correlation were found between 17 of the 49 bands and 36 kinds of wheat quality characters.6 bands(The mobility were 49.0、49.6、56.2、56.7、79.4、85.4、86.8) were positively correlated with protein content, gluten content and zeleny , while 60.5 was negatively correlated with protein content, gluten content and zeleny. 11 bands(The mobility were 26.5、42.0、49.6、52.5、56.2、56.7、62.2、64.1、72.0、79.4、86.8) were positively correlated with good wheat farinograph of dough stable time, development time and Stretch area, etc., while another 6 bands (34.4、47.5、49.0、60.5、69.4、85.4)showed opposite trend. High genetic diversity in 67 American wheat germplasm resources was observed and bands which were positively correlated with good properties were existed, which would provide theoretical guidance for the further use of those 67 germplasm resources and high-quality wheat varieties breeding.

    • Evaluation and Identification of major agronomic characteristics for Shanghai Chongming local Soybean Germplasm

      2014, 15(6):1182-1187. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.003

      Abstract (1906) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (4005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The major agronomic characteristics of 9 local soybean germplasm resources collecting from Shanghai Chongming islands was evaluated, the results showed that there are clear difference among 9 soybean germplasms. According to the photoperiodical reaction of each germplasm, they were falled into spring-planting ecotype and summer-planting ecotype, among them ,the liuyueba,zaolvpi and wudaqing were belong to spring-planting ecotype, the others are belong to summer-planting ecotype. Comparing with the fresh pod quality of each germplasm, the zaolvpi,wudaqing and huangniutabian are excellent germplasm used in vegetable soybean breeding, which are with big fresh pod (pod width was longer than 1.5cm, and pod length was longer than 6.0m) , and pubescence on the pod was sparse and gray, their fresh grain are with good flavor, aroma, slightly sweet taste, and 100-seed weight was greater than 40g.The germplasm ‘guliqing’ is with green cotyledon, it can be used to produce seedling vegetable. The total-protein content of 9 germplasm are more than 42%, among them,the total-protein content of liuyueba and xibayuebai is more than 45%,they are belong to high-protein germplasm.The germplasm resistance to SMV and Soybean rust could not be find in 9 germplasm,which should be make further improvement on the resistance

    • Identification and Evaluation of Drought Resistance of Naked Oat (Avena nuda L.) under PEG-6000 stress at Germination Stage

      2014, 15(6):1188-1195. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.004

      Abstract (2142) HTML (0) PDF 1.49 M (4379) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Germination energy, germination rate, germination index and other eight identification indices of seventeen varieties of naked oat were measured under drought stress simulated with 20% PEG-6000. According to the relative value of eleven identification indices as evaluation indices, drought resistance of oat varieties was evaluated comprehensively with the method of weighted membership function on the basis of the principal component analysis. The role that identification indices play in evaluation of drought resistance among different varieties was compared. The results showed that vigor index (VI) was the most susceptible to drought stress, and the closest to the comprehensive evaluation value of drought resistance and could be used for rapid and preliminary identification of drought resistance of naked oat germplasm at germination stage. An optimal regression model for the comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance was established and could be use to effectively predict the drought resistance of naked oat varieties at germination period through measuring germination rate, average germination velocity, length of the longest primary root, total length of primary roots, coleoptile length and vigor index of seed. Three varieties, namely N-C33Ⅳ-45-16, grosse and Gaoqian Sihao with stronger resistance to drought stress were identified through comparing the comprehensive value of drought resistance among tested varieties, and could be used to cultivation and breeding for dry conditions.

    • Establishment of China’s Miscanthus sinensis Primary Core Collection

      2014, 15(6):1196-1201. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.005

      Abstract (2291) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (4106) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 555 Miscanthus sinensis germplasm resources were selected as material. Based on 26 phenotypic traits, 19 sampling strategies were used, which consisted of 3 stratification methods such as resource of geographical origin, floristic region and single character , 3 sampling number determination methods such as proportioned, square root and diversity index and 2 individual selection methods such as random and cluster. The criteria against whole collection included mean similarity coefficient, coincidence of traits, mean coefficient of variation of quantitaive traits and mean shannon index. The results indicated that an optimal strategy was set by stratification according to floristic region. determination of the sampling number with genetic diversity-dependent strategy and selecting sample by clusters. By using this strategy, a pre-core collection of Chinese Miscanthus sinensis germplam with a total of 83 accessions was established, carrying 100% phenotypic genetic diversity of the whole collection.

    • Phenotype Identification and Cluster Analysis of North Soybean Based on Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition

      2014, 15(6):1202-1208. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.006

      Abstract (1862) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (4738) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To identify the phenotypes and to classify the genotypes through genetic diversity, factors and cluster analysis, the content of protein and 16 amino acids was measured in 240 north soybean core collections. The results showed that there are higher genetic variation and diversity for the content of protein and 16 amino acids in 240 north soybean core collections. Three common factors were screened for clustering analysis according to the factor analysis. Seven genetic groups were divided through clustering analysis for 240 north soybean core collections. The sequence for protein content from high to low acted as group 7 > group 6 > group 5 > groups 2> groups 1> groups 3 > group 4. Change trend of 12 amino acids composition was in accordance with protein content. Group 7 and 6 for high protein genetic groups would be used as parent materials for gene polymerization breeding. 24 high methionine germplasm resources were identified by analysis, including Gongye 04L-141, Longpin 03-311, Proto, Helongyoutai, Maoyandou, Chasedou, Zihua 2, Dongnong 48. These germplasm resources are the material basis for innovation of high methionine germplasm.

    • Evaluation in Agronomic Traits of Adzuki Bean Accessions

      2014, 15(6):1209-1215. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.007

      Abstract (1783) HTML (0) PDF 3.40 M (3576) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:262 accessions of adzuki bean from different ecological regions have been evaluated in the experimental field of Beijing for two years. The results indicated that the 16 morphology traits of 262 adzuki bean germplasm had extensive genetic variation types. The ecological environment, especially the lighting conditions in different years had a great effect on the agronomic traits. The main agronomic characters of adzuki bean varieties which showed notability difference were investigated with principal components analysis. Three common factors in every class were calculated. The results demonstrated the adzuki bean breeding should focus on the local varieties, which had a better growth potential (short growth period and scrubby plant height) and a father more pods and seeds. Cluster analysis showed that 262 representative landraces could be classified into 5 groups with a genetic similarity coefficient as 0.40. Each group had different characteristics and showed abundant genetic diversity. There was no obvious evidence that the groups had direct relationship with the origins of accessions.

    • Study on the Distribution of High Quality Glutenin Subunits in Xinjiang Wheat Varieties Resources

      2014, 15(6):1216-1222. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.008

      Abstract (1774) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (3736) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since glutenin subunits have important effects on the quality of wheat. Using high quality subunits is a key approach to improve wheat quality. 1242 Xinjiang wheat were used to explore the distribution frequency of high quality subunits and 1B/1R translocation by molecular markers. At Glu-1 locus, the distribution frequency of 2*, 7+8, 5+10 was 20.2%, 22.0% and 21.9%, respectively. At Glu-3 locus, the distribution frequency of gluA3d, gluB3b, gluB3d, gluB3g was 16.9%, 14.3%, 11.9% and 10.3%, respectively. In winter wheat varieties, the distribution frequency of 5+10 and 1B/1R were highest, and 7+8, gluB3d, gluB3g were lowest in foreign varieties. The distribution frequency of 2*, gluB3d, and gluB3g were highest in released varieties. In spring wheat varieties, the distribution frequency of gluB3d was highest in foreign varieties. The distribution frequency of 5+10, gluA3d, and 1B/1R were highest, and 2*, gluB3d were lowest in domestic varieties. The distribution frequency of 2* was highest, gluB3b and gluB3g were lowest in released varieties. Therefore, the distribution frequency of single subunit from highest to lowest is 5+10>7+8>2*>gluA3d>gluB3b>gluB3d>gluB3g. The distribution frequency of high quality subunits at Glu-3 locus in landraces is higher than other varieties, which makes them are better donors of high quality LMW-GS. The distribution frequency of high quality subunits is higher in spring wheat than in winter wheat. Import the LMW-GS high quality subunits is one of the important direction of further improvement of wheat quality in Xinjiang. Finally, 21 winter wheat varieties and 24 spring wheat varieties with multiple high quality subunits, including both winter and spring wheat, were selected, which would be useful for improving wheat quality in Xinjiang.

    • Study on the Taxonomy, Distribution, Development and Utilization of Corylus kweichowensis Hu

      2014, 15(6):1223-1231. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.009

      Abstract (1745) HTML (0) PDF 1.50 M (4563) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the taxonomy, distribution, development and utilization of Corylus kweichowensis Hu were summarized based on the records of books and the literatures collected form libraries and network date base. The suitable ecological conditions were analyzed through the statistics of the meteorological data of the representative distributed sites. The results showed that: C. kweichowensis Hu was mainly distributed in the area of east longitude 102?6'-121?6', northern latitude 26?9'-36?8', covering 15 administrative provinces or municipalities. The natural distribution of C. kweichowensis Hu was dominated in hilly land, spanned temperate, warm temperate and subtropical zone, with an average annual temperature of 6.1-19.3℃. Thus, C. kweichowensis Hu had an extensive ecological adaptability in the southern part of China. In the aspect of distribution range, ecological habits, botanical characters, palynology and genetic relationship, evidences to date indicated that C. kweichowensis Hu had obvious difference with C. heterophylla Fisch., they should be two independent species; C. kweichowensis Hu has high economic and breeding values, but its development and utilization were very slow; it was urgent to carry out research works about the investigation, protection, population diversity and the hybrid use of C. kweichowensis Hu. This study performed would provide references for the future investigation, collection and evaluation of C. kweichowensis Hu genetic resources.

    • The Genetic Diversity Analysis of Leaf Color of genus Pyrus in China

      2014, 15(6):1232-1238. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.010

      Abstract (1869) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (4164) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the new classification reference index for the Chinese pear. In the experiment, the important genotypes of the genus Pyrus and its allied genera (Cydonia oblongs) used as materials. The leaf chlorophyll content, the color value L、a、b were determined using a colorimeter and a chlorometer. The colour parameters H、h and C were calculated. The correlation and clustering analysis were carried out based on these data. The results showed that there was significant difference in leaf color parameters between genus Pyrus and its allied genera, the genus Pyrus were divided into different categories on the basis of leaf color parameters, the clustering analysis results were basically consistent with the natural classification. The close population of genetic relationship was divided into together. In addition, interspecific hybrid and the types of classification difficulty were able to get a reasonable explanation. The results showed that the leaf color parameters in the genus Pyrus may be a suitable index to assess the classification of the genus Pyrus. The investigation could provide a reference for the future taxonomy of the genus Pyrus and the development and utilization of germplasm resources.

    • Indentification for the thermotolerance of rootstock-used pumpkin varieties and selection for the morphological indexes

      2014, 15(6):1239-1247. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.011

      Abstract (1995) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (4134) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: High temperature is one of the major factors that threats to cucumber production. Cucumber grafted seedlings could alleviate the damage induced by high temperature stress, but the awareness of rootstock-used pumpkin varieties is insufficient. In a search for thermotolerace and morphological indexes, we collected 48 specimen rootstock-used pumpkins from different regions. Those varieties were treated with high temperatures (38℃ and 42℃) at germination and seedling stages, respectively, and screened for thermotolerance using UPGMA cluster analysis. Ten indexes (i.e., germination rate, germination potential, germination index, vigor index at germination stage, and plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, seedling index and hot injury index at seedling stage) were evaluated. These results show that the thermotolerance of 48 rootstock-used pumpkin varieties could be divided into 4 types at germination stage and seedling stage. In both development stages there were 2 moderately heat susceptible cultivars (samples 26, 27) and 11 heat sensitive cultivars (samples 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 36, 47, 48). The relative value of germination potential, germination index, vigor index, dry weight were credible indexes for identification.

    • Compositive Evaluating of the Grey Closeness Degree for 09 Series Hybrid F1 of the Sacchrum species

      2014, 15(6):1248-1254. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.012

      Abstract (1680) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:New thirty-three hybrid F1 of the Sacchrum species were evaluated by the grey closeness degree. The results showed that the order of the frontal ten was 09-162、09-167、09-164、09-172,09-167-1,09-174,09-167-2,09-161,09-179 and 09-166. There are nineteen materials exceeding ROC22 and YT93-159.Thise is accord to the trial observing. The result of the grey closeness degree analysis is completely same to the identical degree analysis , and basically same to gray correlation degree . The grey closeness degree analysis is a good method.

    • Biochemical Diversity Analysis of Wild Tea Germplasms in Guizhou

      2014, 15(6):1255-1261. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.013

      Abstract (1841) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (4016) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore new tea germplasm for tea quality improvement, the biochemical composition and diversity were analyzed among 53 over 100-year-old wild tea plants located in 25 counties/cities of Guizhou province. High levels of biochemical diversity and variation were found. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of amino acids content, polyphenols content, caffeine content and ratio of polyphenols to amino acids (TP/AA) was 27.55% among 53 germplasms. Genetic diversity index (H') of these four indicators ranged from 1.88 to 2.08, and the mean H' was 2.00. The average CV and H' of catechins constituent in 28 wild tea germplasms was 37.10% and 1.82, respevtively. TP/AA in 13 germplasms, 28 germplasms and 12 germplasms was less than eight, 8~15, greater than 15, respevtively. By means of cluster analysis, when the Euclidean distance was about 15, 53 resources were clustered into three groups, without independent group. Five high polyphenols germplasms, one potential elite germplasm and 20 special germplasms were preliminarily selected from 53 wild tea plants.

    • Morphological Characters and Karyotype of Allium caeruleum Pallas

      2014, 15(6):1262-1269. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.014

      Abstract (1805) HTML (0) PDF 2.08 M (3753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Morphological characters and karyotype of three populations of Allium caeruleum Pallas distributed in Xinjiang, China, were studied. The results showed that there were morphological and karyotypic differentiations in different populations of A. caeruleum Pallas. There were no morphological differences in 43 characters of three populations such as bulb, plant type and leaf shape. There were significant differences or highly significant differences in 19 characters of three populations such as bulbil, leaf colour, leaf length, individual leaf number, flower number, umbel height and scape length. The karyotype formula was 2n = 2x = 16 = 12m + 4sm for A. caeruleum Pallas (Urumqi population).The karyotype formula was 2n = 3x = 24 = 18m + 3sm + 3st for A. caeruleum Pallas (Tacheng population) .The karyotype formula was 2n = 4x = 32 = 28m(4SAT) + 4sm for A. caeruleum Pallas (Yumin population). Morphological and karyotype differentiation were found in three populations of A. caeruleum Pallas, and the ploidy levels was diploid, triploid and tetraploid, respectively. However, morphological characters and ploidy levels were stable within populations. The composition and relative length of chromosome of three populations of A. caeruleum Pallas are different. The karyotypes of them are 2A types.

    • Effects of Growth and Physiology of Herbaceous Peony under Water Stress

      2014, 15(6):1270-1277. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.015

      Abstract (1579) HTML (0) PDF 4.09 M (3985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Herbaceous peony is a kind of perennial flowers with a strong adaptability and a good application prospect especially in arid region. ‘Da Fu Gui’, ‘Fen Yu Nu’, ‘Karl Rosenfield’, and ‘Duchesse de Nemours’ were used to study the effects of different soil water content on phenotypic traits, water physiological index and other physiological indexes, and drought resistance of four cultivars by pot experiment. Principal component analysis and subordinate functions were used to evaluate the drought resistance. The four cultivars could be ranked, in decreasing levels of drought resistance, as: ‘Karl Rosenfield’, ‘Duchesse de Nemours’,‘Fen Yu Nu’, and ‘Da Fu Gui’. This will provide a scientific basis for the application and cultivation of herbaceous peony in arid regions.

    • Mixed Major-gene Plus Polygenes Inheritance Analysis for CMV Disease Resistance in Flue-cured Tobacco

      2014, 15(6):1278-1286. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.016

      Abstract (1658) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (3888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The joint segregation analysis method of mixed major gene plus polygene genetic model was used to study the inheritance of CMV disease resistance in flue-cured tobacco.In two different environments, four generations (P1、P2、F1 and F2) from the crosses between Taiyan-8 which is high resistant to CMV disease as the maternal parent and NC82, susceptible to CMV disease, was used as the paternal parent were investigated. It was found that, Under the environment of green house, CMV resistance genetic model identified fit model E1 both at seeding stage and adult stage. That is CMV resistance genes were hybrid controlled by two additive-dominance-epistatic major genes and plus-dominant multiple genes, heritabilities of the major genes were estimated to be 37.11% and 57.76% respectively. Under the environment of field, the CMV disease resistance genetic model fit the additive-dominance-epistatic model (C0) and the heritability of the polygene was 26.86% at seeding stage. However, CMV resistance genetic model was identified to fit model E2 and heritability of the major genes was estimated to be 36.57% at adult stage. The results indicated that inheritance of Taiyan-8 resistance showed slightly difference in different environments and growth stages as the temporal and spatial expression of plant resistance genes. With the growth of tobacco, CMV resistant genes were controlled by two major genes and polygene in two different environments. So major-gene is a main factor in genetic improvement of CMV disease resistance whereas environmental effect should also be taken into consideration.

    • Resources of Vaccinium Linn. in Yunnan Province

      2014, 15(6):1287-1294. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.017

      Abstract (1762) HTML (0) PDF 1.74 M (4314) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Yunnan Province rich in species diversity and genetic resource of Vaccinium linn.. Through the field investigation, specimens and literatures searching, there are 45 species, 12 varieties in Yunnan of which 9 species and 7 varieties are endemic to Yunnan. The distribution altitude is mainly in the range of 400-4300 m. The geographic distribution, botanical characters and genetic diversity of the Vaccinium Linn.,species are summarized, and 8 species with medicinal and exploitation value were discussed in detail. The collection, preservation and utilization were also preliminary discussed. The aim of this paper is to provide basic information for the research and utilization of Vaccinium Linn. in Yunnan Province.

    • 1Correlation Analysis between Gene Expression of Isoflavone Synthesis Relative Enzymes and Isoflavone accumulation During the Seed Development in Soybean

      2014, 15(6):1295-1304. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.018

      Abstract (3109) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (4583) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:1 Isoflavones are an important group of secondary metabolites in accompany with soybean development. Due to their important roles for plant protection and human health, more and more attention has been paid on soybean isoflavones. In this study, the HPLC and Real-time PCR analyses were used to determine the isoflavone content and relative expression levels of genes encoding isoflavone synthesis relative enzymes during the seed development in two soybean cultivars with significantly different isoflavone content (cv. LHD2 and NHZ), and their correlation was also analyzed. We found that the isoflavone content increased gradually during the development of soybean seeds. In the meanwhile, the expression trends of different isoflavone synthesis relative enzyme genes differed significantly. The expression trends of CHS7, CHS8, CHR, CHI1A and IFS2 were consistent with isoflavone accumulation, while the expression trends of IFS1 and CHI1B1 were opposite to isoflavone accumulation. The expression trend of isoflavone reductase (IFR) differed between two cultivars. In LHD2, it was opposite to isoflavone accumulation, while in NHZ, it was consistent with isoflavone accumulation. Our results also demonstrated that different gene members in the same gene family exhibited different expression levels during the seed development. For instance, CHS7 and CHS8 showed higher expression levels than other members in chalcone synthase gene family, as well as the CHI1A in chalcone isomerase gene family. The expression level of IFS2 was also significantly higher than IFS1 in isoflavone synthase gene family. This result suggested functional differentiations among different members of the same gene family. Additionally, the correlation analysis between expression level and isoflavone accumulation showed that the correlations differed between two cultivars for different isoflavone synthesis relative enzyme genes. In LHD2, the expression levels of CHS7, CHS8 and IFS2 showed significant positive correlations with multiple isoflavone components, CHI1B1 exhibited significantly negative correlation with multiple isoflavone components. On the other hand, in NHZ, the expression level of IFR was significantly positively correlated with the accumulations of multiple isoflavone components. That implied a potential genetic basis for the varying isoflavone contents between both of soybean varieties. The correlation analysis among the expression levels of isoflavone biosynthesis relative enzyme genes during soybean seed development showed that PAL1 and CHS2 had significantly positive correlation with 4CL, and that CHS1 was significantly positively correlated with IFS2. This result suggested that these genes co-regulated the biosynthesis and accumulation of isoflavones. Taken together, our results provided substantial genetic basis on isoflavone biosynthesis and accumulation during soybean seed development, which will be useful to improve soybean isoflavones through genetic engineering in the future.

    • Isolation and Functional Characterization of APETALA2-Like Gene from Larix

      2014, 15(6):1305-1311. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.019

      Abstract (1741) HTML (0) PDF 5.96 M (4038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the transcriptome of Larix kaempferi, a 1,590 bp APETALA2-Like gene containing initiation and terminator code was obtained by RT-PCR and named LaAP2L1. This cDNA encodes a predicted protein containing 529 amino acids, which form a 58.327 kD polypeptide with a calculated pI of 6.45. The secondary structure of LaAP2L1 contained alpha helixes, extended strands and loops. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequences of LaAP2L1 in different plant species showed this transcription factor was highly homologous with the reported APETALA2-like in Pinus thunbergii and Picea abies. To elucidate the function of LaAP2L1, LaAP2L1 overexpression vector driven by an enhanced CaMV 35S promoter was constructed and transformed to Arabidopsis via dip flower. Compared with the empty vector control lines, the LaAP2L1 overexpressed transgenic plants had remarkably enlarged leaves, stems, flowers, and plant height, suggesting an important molecular role of LaAP2L1 in regulating plant organ development.

    • Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of an Novel NAC Transcription Factor MsNAC1 from Medicago sativa L. and Detection of its Expression Under Abiotic Stresses

      2014, 15(6):1312-1319. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.020

      Abstract (2144) HTML (0) PDF 8.11 M (3668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:NAC are specific novel transcription factors in plants with multiple biological functions, which play an important role in growth and development, anti-stress and hormonal regulation. In this study, the MsNAC1 gene in Medicago sativa L. was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method. Bioinformatics analysis showed that MsNAC1 has an open reading frame (ORF) of 993 bp, encoding a stable, water-soluble protein with 330 amino acids. The MsNAC1 protein with a conserved NAM domain in the N-terminus and highly divergent C-terminus had the basic characteristics of the NAC transcription factors. It was predicted to locate in the nucleus with 2 nuclear localization sequences, and contain 9 glycosylation sites and 23 phosphorylation sites. The tertiary structure of MsNAC1 was predicted to be dimer. Sequence alignment analysis revealed that MsNAC1 has high homology with legume plants NAC protein but low with Gramineae. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that MsNAC1 was a member of NAC transcription factor family belonging to NAM subgroup, and has most close genetic relationship with GmNAC048. The expression of MsNAC1 under abiotic stresses was analyzed by qRT-PCR, its expression levels were upregulated in high-salinity, drought and cold stress treatments, indicating that this gene may be participate in regulation of plant abiotic stress response. The expression level in root was higher than that in leaf, and was highest and longest in root and leaf in cold stress treatment, indicating that this gene may be highly related to low temperature resistance in root.

    • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Calcium- dependent Protein Kinase BnCDPK1 in Brassica Napus

      2014, 15(6):1320-1326. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.021

      Abstract (1635) HTML (0) PDF 2.54 M (3702) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The full length sequence was cloned from the leaves of brassica napus according to the EST of RNA-Seq through RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) techniques which had been deposited in GenBank database with the accession number of KF740477. The full length of BnCDPK1 amplified from cDNA is 2115 bp, compared to 2857 bp from gDNA which include 11 introns and 12 exons. Bioinformatics analysis showed that BnCDPK1 contain an entire opening reading frame of 1581bp, which encode a polypeptide of 527 amino acid residues possessing a serine/Threonine protein kinase catalytic domain(S_TKc ) and four EF-hand calcium-binding domains, and it shared high identity with AtCPK28 and belong to the CDPKs subgroup Ⅳ. Fluorescent quantitative PCR analysis displayed it was constitutively expressed in all tested organs, but the transcript abundance was relatively higher in leaves and stems , then in roots and seeds, and less was in flowers. It can be induced by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection in both high resistant and susceptible cultivars, however, the relative transcript level was higher in the former in all time periods , 1.4 fold before inoculation, 4 fold for12hpi and 3 fold for 24hpi.Thus it was deduced to involve in growth and development in oil seeds, and play an important role in the defense reaction to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.

    • Construction and Validation of Three Convenient and Practical Constructs for Plant Transformation

      2014, 15(6):1327-1333. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.022

      Abstract (2288) HTML (0) PDF 6.29 M (5418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To enrich tools for plant functional genomics and to develop marker-free transgenic plants, three plasmid vectors, pAH006, pWMB022 and pWMB025, ideal for cereal transformation, were constructed in this study by using some plasmids available publically. The vector pAH006 can be used to improve the Agrobacterium mediated transformation system on monocot plants and to evaluate the biolistic particle mediated transformation efficiency of linear transgene expression cassette on which both GUS and bar genes were controlled by the ubi promoters; the intact T-DNA region can be easily recovered by enzyme digestion. The vector pWMB022 carries maize pigment regulatory genes Lc and C1 under the control of double 35S promoters, which can be used to visually screen positive calli or shoots when co-bombarded with other expression vectors containing genes of interest. The vector pWMB025 carries the glyphosate-resistant gene EPSPS regulated by the ubi promoter; the vector can be used in Agrobacterium- or biolistic-mediated transformation of cereal plants to generate bio-safely transgenic materials. Genes of interest can be easily cloned into the multiple cloning site (MCS) between the ubi promoter and the nos terminator on pWMB025 by enzyme digestion. All three vectors were confirmed by enzyme digestion and then tested in Agrobacterium- or biolistic-mediated transformation by using wheat immature embryos derived calli or leaves as explants. It was shown that all three vectors were constructed successfully, and the selectable reporter/visual genes worked efficiently. Construction of these three expression vectors is important for the improvement of transformation efficiency of some recalcitrant cereals such as wheat, development of bio-safely transgenic crop varieties, and plant functional genomics.

    • Genome-wide analysis of ANK gene family and expression pattern of the ANK25 gene in Snap Bean

      2014, 15(6):1334-1341. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.023

      Abstract (3662) HTML (0) PDF 5.58 M (13908) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ankyrin repeats, as one of the most commonly protein motifs, are involved in diverse protein-protein interactions in various life activities. Based on Snap Bean genome database and bioinformatics method, we obtained Snap Bean ANK family genes and analyzed their molecular biological characteristics. A total of 30 ANK genes were systematically identified from Snap Bean and located on 9 chromosomes. The chromosome 5 has 13 genes, which is more than other chromosomes. Protein structure domain analysis showed that ANK25 still contains a RING domain besides an ANK domain. Ring proteins are mainly involved in gene transcriptional regulation, DNA repair and recombination. The transient expression in Arabidopsis protoplasts displayed that ANK protein mainly contributed in plasma membrane. Expression pattern analysis found that ANK25 is responsive to drought, salt and exogenous ABA. This study provides valuable information regarding the classification and functions of ANK genes in Snap Bean.

    • Molecular characterization of radiation sensitivity of different wheat genotypes irradiated by γ rays

      2014, 15(6):1342-1347. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.024

      Abstract (2056) HTML (0) PDF 4.80 M (3970) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstrct: In this paper, sixty three wheat genotypes irradiated by γ rays with the doses of 0 Gy, 100 Gy, 150 Gy and 250 Gy, respectively were used to investigate the difference of radiation sensitivity and its molecular mechanism in wheat through germination test and gene expression analysis. The results showed that, based on the damage effect of seedling height, sixty three wheat genotypes could be divided into four categories: i.e., the sensitive (Heyou No.1、Zhongyou 206、Taiyuan 703 et al), the mildom sensitive (Hanxuan No.10、Jimai 20、Zhongmai 175 et al), the mildom insensitive (Dekang 961、Yumai 68、Huaimai 20 et al) and the insensitive (Hengguan 136、Han 6172、Yanzhan 4110 et al). The analysis of expression pattern of the TaKu70 and TaKu80 gene responsed to the γ rays irradiation revealed that there were significant differences in the induced expression amounts in the sensitive genotypes while there were no significant differences between the induced expression amounts of the control group and those of treatment group among the insensitive genotypes. It was concluded that the radiation sensitivity was significantly different in the sixty three wheat genotypes, and the differences upon radiation sensitivity were significantly associated with expression pattern of the TaKu70 and TaKu80 gene responsed to the γ rays among sixty three wheat genotypes.

    • The Study of Leaf Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat Line 5R618

      2014, 15(6):1348-1351. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.025

      Abstract (1940) HTML (0) PDF 1.90 M (4240) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line 5R618 appears in low infection to most of Chinese current pathotypes of Puccinia triticina at seedling stage. In order to ascertain the resistance genes in 5R618, F2 segregating population and F2: 3 families originating from a cross between 5R618 and Zhengzhou 5389 (susceptible to leaf rust) were inoculated with pathotype THJP in greenhouse. The infection types were investigated 15 d after inoculation and molecular markers were also used for mapping the resistance genes. Results indicated that there was a single dominant resistance gene in 5R618, temporarily designated Lr5R. By using molecular marker Lr5R was located on chromosome 3DL and closely linked to barc71 and STS24-16, with genetic distances of 0.9 cM and 2.1 cM respectively. Based on the SSR markers, it can be concluded that Lr5R is likely to be a new leaf rust resistance gene.

    • Distribution of allelic variation for genes of vernalization and photoperiod in wheat from Heilongjiang

      2014, 15(6):1352-1359. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.026

      Abstract (1946) HTML (0) PDF 2.39 M (3573) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study vernalization gene and photoperiod gene influence on agronomic traits, in this study, 126 wheat varieties of Heilongjiang province was selected. The results showed that vernalization and photoperiod allelic loci dominant mutation frequency was significantly different from the distribution of wheat in Heilongjiang Province. Combination of vernalization and Photoperiod gene Vrn-A1/Vrn-D1 is most, accounting for 26.2%,then followed by Vrn-A1/Vrn-B1 and Vrn-A1/Vrn-B1/Vrn-D1, accounting for 23.8% and 23.0%, Vrn-B1 gene is minimal, accounting for 0.8%.In vrn-B3 site, All of 126 wheat varieties have recessive gene vrn-B3. Photoperiod gene Ppd-D1 was detected,53 varieties contain allelic gene ppd-D1a, accounting for 42%, 73 varieties contain allelic gene ppd-D1b, accounting for 58%. The effect of vernalization and photoperiod gene on agronomic Traits was analysed, found that Stolon Characteristicand vernalization gene are uncorrelated, wheat which contain Ppd-D1a gene heading early than wheat contain Ppd-D1b gene 1-5 days.

    • >研究简报
    • Physiological and seed vigor changes of Elymus sibiricus L. seeds during artificial aging

      2014, 15(6):1360-1363. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.027

      Abstract (1808) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (4153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: in this study,we studied the effects of the aging condition of high temperature and humidity(40℃、100%HR) on four kinds of Elymus sibiricus L. seeds vigor and physiological and biochemical characteristics. The results were as follows: we found that vigor index of Elymus sibiricus L. seeds had a degressive tendency with prolonging of the aging to deal with Elymus sibiricus L. seeds. The conductivity and soluble suger content of Elymus sibiricus L. seeds had been increased after decreased in a short period of time as the aging gradient extension. The MDA increased with the longer aging. The study showed that ,with exacerbation of artificial aging, POD activity had been no rule changes, SOD activity had been increased and then reduced in the later stage, and CAT activity was weaken after aging. These conclusions will play a very important role to the future research of Elymus sibiricus L. germplasm and provide the basis theoretical.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity and High Yield Characteristics of the Selected Offsprings from Mung Bean Cultivar Daminglv

      2014, 15(6):1364-1368. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.028

      Abstract (1619) HTML (0) PDF 1.55 M (3611) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 61 parts the system breeding offspring from cultivar “Daminglv” in eastern Inner Mongolia were test material, through the diversity and path analysis of agronomic traits, to clear the high yield population genetic types and characters of offspring. The result showed that the differences were significant in offspring strains traits among these lines and cultivar in “Daminglv”. The numbers of pods per plant has largest variation coefficient was 31.61%, followed by the grain weight per plant was 28.05%; The genetic diversity of mung bean was rich, the diversity index of pod number was 2.02, number of seeds per pod was 2.01, hundred-grain weight was1.89, the grain weight per plant was 1.96. There were six main types of offspring strains, The order of affect to the characters on the the grain weight per plant was: pod number per plant> seeds per pod> hundred-grain weight> stem section number> plant height. The main characteristics of high-yielding strains indexes was more than 15 g in grain weight per plant, pod number over 30 pods, per pod 8-10 seeds, height 48-60 cm, 9-10 sessions, hundred-grain weight can set standards according to different needs.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Phenotypic Traits in Erianthus rockii Wild Species

      2014, 15(6):1369-1373. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.029

      Abstract (2166) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (3973) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:B Based on 6 quantitative traits and 23 qualitative traits, the phenotypic variation, genetic diversity, and cluster relationships were investigated in Erianthus rockii wild species. The results showed that the variation coefficient of the 6 quantitative traits ranged from 12.72%~22.38% among the 51 materials, brix trait had the greatest coefficient variation of 22.38%, stalk diameter as the next of 22.27%, and lamina length was the smallest of 12.72%.Furthermore,the genetic diversity was abundant in internode colour exposed, however, stalk shape, bud shape, internode shape, growth crack, inflorescence shape did not segregate. Moreover, the cluster analysis indicated these progenies could be divided into 4 groups and 5 subgroups. Genetic diversity and cluster analysis would be helpful to utilization of the materials in breeding and gene discovery.

    • Principal component analysis and cluster analysis of Luffa germplasm resources in Zhejiang

      2014, 15(6):1374-1379. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.030

      Abstract (1658) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (4210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to breed the Luffa varieties, with 32 different luffa germplasm resources as research materials, 22 characteristics including bearing fruit habit, leaf margin, fruit ribbing, percentage of nodes with female flowers to total nodes and obtained various data of characteristics were performed using the principal component analysis and the cluster analysis method by the DPS software. The results showed that the 22 characteristics coule be integrated into 5 principal components and the cumulative contribution rate reached 81.308%. According to the correlation between the former 5 principal components and characters, 14 influential characteristics were selected. Based on the principal components, the 32 luffa germplasm resources could be divided into 2 groups by the Euclidean distance on the first level and further divided into 6 subgroups using cluster analysis method.

    • Investigationand Cluster Analysis of Main Morphological and Economical Characters for Oiltea Resource in Hainan

      2014, 15(6):1380-1384. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.031

      Abstract (1997) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (4936) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Main morphological and economical characters of 12 oiltea resource was investigated and cluster analyzed, Results showed that morphology and oil compositon of oiltea in Hainan are the most diverse and tree body, the size flower, fruit and leaf was less than that of C. gauchowensis. Fresh seed rate were between 19.84-36.21% while the dry kernel rate was 49.64-64.22%, and oil content of kernel was 44.56%-52.21%. Content of unsaturated fatty acids of oil tea in Hainan was 87.58-89.68% and linolenic acid content of only 0-88.7% of the C.oleifera, while content of saturated fatty acids were significantly higher than that. Cluster analysis showed that C.oleifera of Hainan had significant difference with C.oleifera from mainland and C. gauchowensis. In addition to the resources of Boao in Hainan, the other Hainan was classified into 1 class. This study provides theoretical and technical foundation for further classification of Hainan tea and resource utilization.

    • Study on polyploid induction of Lilium lancifolium in vitro with colchicine treatment

      2014, 15(6):1385-1389. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.032

      Abstract (1824) HTML (0) PDF 8.26 M (3259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lilium lancifolium bulblets were treated by 0.15 % colchicine with 2.00 % dimethyl sulfoxide for addition in vitro without light, and the polyploid seedlings were obtained by adventitious bud induction technology. The results of the chromosome quantity of the polyploid indicated that the induction lasting for 96 h showed the best result with the mutation rate of 54.29 %. Via the cytological observation of 4 mutative strains, as the control group was consisted by chimera including triploid(with the proportion of 54.76 % for the 36 chromosome cell), aneuploid and few haploid, the chromosome quantity of these 4 mutative strains was consisted by the different proportion of 53-72 chromosome cells, and they were obviously aneuploid cytochimera.

    • The state of Utilization and Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources

      2014, 15(6):1390-1394. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.033

      Abstract (1660) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (4210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic improvement programs have been carried out for more than 100 forest tree species in China. China produces an average of 23 million kg seeds of various tree species and more than 13 billion qualified young plant stocks. Significant gains have been achieved due to the use of genetically improved plant materials in plantations, achieving an average growth gain of 10-30% for timber trees and an average yield gain of 15-68% for fruit trees. China imports more than 150,000 kg tree seeds annually, involving more than 50 species; and exports 300,000 kg tree seeds and plant stocks of over 400 species annually. In the past 10 years, China has made significant progress in sustainable management and utilization of FGR, future priority should be given to the maintenance and capital subsidy to the conserved FGR, strengthening supervision of seed market and information services, and further enhancing the supply and use of genetically improved seeds.

    • Establishment and optimization of an ISSR reaction system for the wild-rice Zizania latifolia Griseb (Turcz)

      2014, 15(6):1395-1400. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2014.06.034

      Abstract (1770) HTML (0) PDF 5.30 M (3375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wild rice Zizania latifolia Griseb (Turcz), an aquatic/wetland genus, is a member of tribe Oryzeae widely distributed across China. Z. latifolia is not only an important genetic resource for crop improvement but also contributes significantly to the ecosystem. However, studies on Z. latifolia have been slow because of the lack of methodology and knowledge in all aspects. In this work, we first tried to develop and establish an optimized ISSR-PCR reaction system for genotyping of Z. latifolia using the single factor variable method in which 6 factors (dNTPs, Mg2+, Taq polymerase, primer, template DNA and primer annealing temperature) at 12 different concentrations or gradients were tested. We finally set up an optimized 20 μL reaction system as follows: 0.5 mM dNTPs, 3.0 mM Mg2+ (10× Buffer), 0.24 U·μL-1Taq polymerase, 1.0 μM primer,1.5 ng·μL-1DNA template and annealing temperature at 55℃. The optimized ISSR system was successfully applied in the amplification of 80 Z. latifolia individual samples, thus, the adaptability and stability of the system were testified.

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