• Volume 16,Issue 3,2015 Table of Contents
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    • Comparative Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Landrace and Modern Rice Varieties in China

      2015, 16(3):433-442. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.001

      Abstract (2593) HTML (0) PDF 7.41 M (3410) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Ninety-eight SSR markers were used to compare the genetic diversity in 202 Chinese cultivated rice varieties. The result showed a high level genetic diversity in Chinese cultivated rice. All the 98 loci revealed a total of 1350 alleles. The number of allele per locus (Na) ranged from 3 to 39, with an average of 14. The Nei’s genetic diversity index of per locus (He) was 0.733 with a range from 0.125 to 0.955. The polymorphism information content (PIC) varied from 0.122 to 0.953, with a mean of 0.680. Number of rare alleles (the allele frequency < 5%) (Nr) was 913 and genetic richness (Rs) was 8.33. There exited a significant difference in genetic diversity between landrace and modern rice varieties. Landrace (Na=1219, He=0.747, PIC=0.710, Nr=756, Rs=8.50) had more variation than modern rice (Na=919, He=0.704, PIC=0.650, Nr=529, Rs=7.01). Diversity analysis in chromosomes demonstrated that the Chromosome 1 of modern rice had higher genetic diversity than that of landrace. Further analysis showed interval specificity of genetic improvement in the level of whole genome for modern rice.

    • Genetic diversity of buckwheat and its wild species

      2015, 16(3):443-450. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.002

      Abstract (2201) HTML (0) PDF 9.40 M (2828) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Buckwheat was originated in southwest of China, where exists a large number of buckwheat landraces and wild relatives. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of 81 samples of buckwheat and its wild species with SSR molecule makers. The results indicated that 84 alleles were detected among 81 samples of 11 species by 19 pairs of SSR primers, averaged 4.421 alleles by each pair of SSR primers. The average Shannon's information index of 19 pairs of SSR primers was 0.985, while the average PIC was 0.478. The similarity coefficient range of 81 buckwheat samples were 0.500 to 1.000. The analysis found that the large-seed group grain(F.esculentum, F.esculentum ssp.ancestralis, F.tataricum, F.kashmirianum, F.cymosum) were more closely related to F.urophyllum. At the position 0.732 of the similarity coefficient, all samples can be divided into four categories by the clustering analysis. The first category is composed of F.gracilipes, F.gracilipes var. odontopterum, F.leptopodum, F.leptopodum var.grossii and F.urophyllum; the second category is made up of F.esculentum, and F.esculentum ssp. ancestralis, the third category is composed of F.cymosum only, and the fourth category includes F.tataricum and F. kashmirianum. However, the pellets can be obviously distinguished into buckwheat F.leptopodum var.grossii, F.urophyllum, F.gracilipes and F.gracilipes var.odontopterum. At the position 0.920 of genetic coefficient, F.leptopodum var.grossii, F.urophyllum, F.gracilipes var. odontopterum and F.gracilipes were clearly distinguished in the small-seed group. This research shows that SSR primers have high level of polymorphism and is able to detect the genetic diversity of buckwheat and its wild species. The results provided a scientific basis for analyzing the genetic relationships and studying the origin and evolution of buckwheat.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) from Shanghai Based on DUS Testing

      2015, 16(3):451-459. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.003

      Abstract (1782) HTML (0) PDF 9.06 M (2831) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this article, 38 example varieties and 52 basic characteristics in rice DUS testing guideline were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 172 varieties of japonica rice landraces from shanghai region. 14 modern cultivars from the same region were compared with these landraces for finding their relationship. The result showed that there were totally 176 alleles, 3.6667 alleles per characteristic with range from 1 to 8 in morphological characteristic of landrace. The Shannon’s diversity index (H’) of landrace was 0.6834 on average, ranged from 0 to 1.9327. Almost 77.08 percent of all the characteristics had more than three alleles. The genetic diversity of landrace was higher than the modern cultivars according to comparing their total alleles, alleles per characteristic and H’ value. All the varieties could be well divided into 3 groups with one group containing all the modern cultivars at a genetic similarity coefficient of 0.53 with UPGMA clustering analysis method, and into two distinguished areas with principal coordinates analysis method. Japonica rice landraces from shanghai have rich diversity, with great differences to modern cultivars on these morphological characteristics, which can be good utilized in japonica rice breeding improvement in future.

    • Genetic Analysis of Rice Grain Mineral Elements Content and Correlation Analysis with Main Agronomic Characters

      2015, 16(3):460-466. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.004

      Abstract (2221) HTML (0) PDF 5.81 M (3317) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Contents of mineral elements including micronutrients as Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn and Se in rice grains were researched. Lvhan No.1 as male parent, 102S, KD36S, 7HS012 and 7HS013 as female parents, some hybrid combinations were selected, genetic analysis of main agronomic and economic characters and mineral elements were measured between parents and hybrid combinations, correlation analysis between agronomic characters and mineral elements, among mineral elements of all hybrid combinations were analyzed. The result showed that many agronomic and economic characters of hybrid combinations were better than Lvhan No.1, and LK3 was the best. There were some positive or negative correlation between mineral elements content and agronomic characters. the relationship of K, Mg, Zn,Se and other elements and the yield of rice was close. The order of mineral elements content was P>K>Mg>S>Ca>Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Se, the K contents of all hybrid combinations were better than Lvhan No.1, and Fe contents of LK2, LK3 and LK4 were also better than Lvhan No.1. The relationship was the closest among trace elements, the relationship of major elements and trace elements was second, the relationship among major elements was farthest. Agronomic characters or mineral elements content of hybrid combinations which 7HS012 as female parent were best. 7HS013 as female parent was second, others were ordinary. This study provides some theoretical basis for selecting female parent of drought tolerance and high nutritional value rice.

    • Screening of resistant germplasm resources to common bacterial blight on common bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

      2015, 16(3):467-471. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.005

      Abstract (2003) HTML (0) PDF 7.38 M (2719) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By using ground storage water to moisturize after needle method, 146 accessions were evaluated for resistance to common bacterial blight of common bean in the greenhouse. The results showed that the inoculation was reliable. Combined with moisturizing of ground storage water after inoculation by needle method, we found 2 resistant, 50 moderately resistant, 81 susceptible and 13 high susceptible accessions of germplasm resources. This paper provides a reference method to evaluate resistant resources to common bacterial blight of common bean. The inoculation technique could be used as a basal identification method of seedling stage resistance to common bacterial blight in the greenhouse.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Seedingand Early Flowering Stage Morphological Marker in Cucumber Core Germplasm

      2015, 16(3):472-479. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.006

      Abstract (1822) HTML (0) PDF 5.95 M (3230) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study evaluated the level of genetic diversity in 92 accessions of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) core germplasm using seedling and early flowering stage morphological markers. The results showed there were significant genetic variations in the seedling and early flowering stage traits of the tested cucumber core germplasm. The average variation coefficient between each germplasm traits was 31.0%. The variation coefficients for the node of the first female flower with 59.4% and the date of flowering with 14.2% were the biggest and the smallest, respectively. Based on the morphological traits, cluster analysis indicated the 92 accessions could be divided into three and eight groups at the Pearson correlation coefficient of 6.5 and 3.5, respectively. The results of the present study enrich the evaluation system and provide important information for the exploitation and utilization of excellent gene resources of melons.

    • Identification and Genetic Diversity Evaluation of New-collective Germplasm of Sorghum in Gansu Procince

      2015, 16(3):479-484. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.007

      Abstract (1833) HTML (0) PDF 5.47 M (3062) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 128 sorghum landraces germplasm distributed in thirties counties of seven prefecture in Gansu province were collected at the elevation between 953-2024 meters and the latitude between 33?4′~36?4′. Based on the identification, eight quality characters and eight quantity characters were analyzed by coefficient variation、genetic diversity index and clustering analysis method. The result showed that average genetic diversity index of 128 germplasm was about 1.203. Among the sixteen characters, the genetic diversity index of weight per spike and the burr trait respectively were the most with 1.468 and the smallest with 0.627; the CV % of panicle type and period of growth respectively were most with 62.99 % and smallest with 3.99 %. The result also showed that the gemplasm genetic diversity index collected from Qingyang prefecture had the most with 1.186 and the smallest with 0.373 collected from Lanzhou prefecture. The result of clustering analysis showed the 128 sorghum landraces germplasm were classified six groups according to their genetic distance, and the genetic diversity of the population from Qingyang, Dingxi and Tianshui prefecture were very ample.

    • Ancestors Tracking and Genetic Dissection for Released Soybean Cultivar ‘Mudou8’

      2015, 16(3):485-489. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.008

      Abstract (1770) HTML (0) PDF 4.83 M (3464) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:‘Mudou8’, bred by Mudanjiang Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is a high oil and high yield soybean cultivar, is welcome by soybean planters with high yield, drought resistance and high quality. Based on ancestors tracking and pedigree tree building, we analyze ‘Mudou8’ parent geographical origin and nuclear genetic contribution, and reveal its genetic basis, this research can provide a reference for soybean breeding parent selection and use. ‘Mudou8’ belongs to Sihuang cytoplasm family, transfer process is: ‘Silihuang’ → ‘Mancangjin’ → ‘Ke5501-3’ → ‘Suinong3’ → ‘Suinong4’→ ‘Suinong8’ → ‘Kennong19’ → ‘Mudou8’. Nuclear genes are provided by the ancestors, including ‘Nongda4840’, ‘Hkeshangsilijia’, ‘Xiaolidou9’, ‘Tokchi’, ‘Nagaha’, ‘Amsoy’, ‘Silihuang’, ‘Jinyuan’, ‘baimei’, ‘Yongfengdou’, ‘Xiaolihuang’, ‘Huang-zhong-zhong20’ and ‘Jiamusitujiazi’. Nuclear genetic contribution rate respectively is:25%, 15.23%, 12.5%, 12.5%, 7.81%, 7.28%, 7.28%, 5.96%, 3.13%, 2.34%, 0.78% and0.20%.

    • Studies on Geographical Regions and Analysis on Genesis Through Natural Population of ‘Malus baccata (L.) Borkh’ in North-east of China

      2015, 16(3):490-496. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.009

      Abstract (2302) HTML (0) PDF 13.86 M (5300) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The concentration distributes area of natural population of Malus baccata (L.) Borkh are locate in N 49º11´~50 º40´,E 119°42´~120°16´, altitude from 620m to 670m, present a form of band and covered the connection of half-moisture land between Foothill of Da Xinganling and Plain of Hu Lunbeier, cover the surface of 230km2. Be preserved naturally. 423 of individuals were tested and indicated that, 1 to 400 years old of tree-age were found, and 37% of them were form 30 to 40 years old. Upright and open were the 2 mainly types in tree’s figure, dropping style take the occupation of 14%. Tree’s height and diameter presented a trend of Positive Tai Distributes, dwarf type were 19.8%. Fruit’s color were found through yellow, red-purple and dark-red took the occupation of 43.8%, yellow 4.5% and purple 3.2%. Acid types including sweet-acid were 72.9% in generally. Under the condition of natural pollinate, 47.7% of them bearing 3 fruits in one inflorescence, 26.5% of them with 5 fruits, and 3.5% with no fruits. The figures of oblate, round, oval and oblong were presented in leaves and fruits, there are no correlations between fruits and leaves. Based on GPS, rivers trend, geomorphology character, tree-age, records compared with genetic analysis and the results of references. We conclud that Malus baccata (L.) Borkh is inferior-geography species of Malus baccatus .Jiang which accumulated in the north-west valleys of ‘Da Xinganling’, altitude on 800m, seeds were carried by rivers and birds, and followed by the rivers of Yi Min, Gen, Hai Laer and Ya Lu, migrating in the towns of Hei Yangzhan, Meng Gutun, Ha Kezhen and Hong Jilabu, which were belonged to the city of Hai Laer and Manzhouli. They were adapted and reproduced, then formed the second class evolution areas.

    • Evaluation System Established for the Quality of Ripened Longan Fruit Based on Physicochemical indices

      2015, 16(3):503-511. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.010

      Abstract (1948) HTML (0) PDF 8.49 M (2799) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This research was conducted to establish an evaluation system for the maturation quality of longan fruit based on the quality components and their relationships between each other. 30 varieties of longan and 43 indices for internal and external quality were chosen to be determined, and by applying multivariate statistical analysis, the evaluating results and predictive formulas for different types of fruit quality, as well as the discriminant formulas for the fruit comprehensive quality, were all studied. The results showed that the common factors were simplified as expected with their interpretive indices screened for 4 types of quality including the apparent traits, economic traits, arial quality and comprehensive quality of the ripened longan fruit. The 4 models used for predicting the scores of 4 types of quality and their corresponding database for the effective evaluation indices were all established, from which the predicted scores and the corresponding comprehensive scores from the factor analysis were all significantly relative with each other. Lastly, according to the scores for the comprehensive quality, the 30 varieties of longan were classified into 3 types, namely, low-sugar and large-size, high-sugar and medium-size, and high-sugar and small-size. Taking the two types of effective evaluation indices for the natural attribute and application value respectively as the variables, 3 types of varieties were all self-validated and cross-validated by discriminant analysis with high accuracy, which shows that the value assessment system for the practical application of longan fruit can basically meet the common needs of natural and applicative classifications. In conclusion, the evaluating indices for the comprehensive quality of longan fruit consist of glucose content, watery surface of arial, edible rate, average fruit mass, TSS and arial thickness rate, but, with the view of the characteristics of the existing varieties, the 7 indices cannot all reach the optimum level in a same variety, at least so far.

    • A preliminary study on the characters for the germplasm resources of C.sinensis cv.gulin-niupicha

      2015, 16(3):512-519. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.011

      Abstract (1719) HTML (0) PDF 7.82 M (2581) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to carry out the collection,conservation and evaluation of the germplasm resources of C.sinensis cv.gulin-niupicha,8 representative tea plants ( Class-Ⅰ to Class-Ⅷ ) were selected from the germplasm resources of C.sinensis cv.gulin-niupicha. We observed and determined their botanical features and biological characteristics and biochemical composition. The results showed that those accessions had the rich diversity in morphological characters, genetic and quality traits. Most tea plants belong to shrub with semi-erect tree pose, have green Shoots with moderate pubescence, elliptic Leaves with its apex acuminate, middle sized flower with style of 3-4 cracks, spherical and reniform fruit with spherical seed. Most of them show cultivated tea characters. To different types of the tea plants are rich of biochemical compositions in the spring, polyphenol content arranges at 19.71%±0.39%~30.16%±0.22%, free amino acids arranges at 2.20±0.11%~4.88±0.12%, caffeine content arranges at 3.45%±0.17%~4.41%±0.09%. According to the contents of major biochemical components and polyphenol/amino acids ratio and catechin components etc, It can be deduced that Class-Ⅴ and Class-Ⅵ were appropriate system of black tea, other classes are suitable for green tea. It is preliminarily concluded that they belong to C. gymnogyna Chang and C. sinensis var. sinensis in classification systems respectively by the morphological and biochemical composition characteristics of tea plant, Class-Ⅴ and Class-Ⅵ are more original, other classes are the evoulution of relatively high levels.. There are some resources with breeding value in the germplasm resources of C.sinensis cv.gulin-niupicha. Class-Ⅴ and Class-Ⅵ are preliminary determined as resources of high catechins and high ester catechins .Class-II is determined as breeding material selection of high quality Green Tea varieties.

    • Comprehensive valuation of drought resistance of flax germplasm in germination

      2015, 16(3):520-527. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.012

      Abstract (2053) HTML (0) PDF 7.90 M (2688) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study drought resistance of different types of flax germplasm in germination, screen varieties with resistance to drought, and give support in breeding under drought conditions, this paper studies stress test under different concentrations PEG-6000 stress condition for Dingya 17, Longya 8 and 2011621080, to select the best concentration of PEG-6000 solution, for 161 varieties from northwest arid area of resistance to adversity crop germplasm resources survey of flax seed during germination, and meanwhile 5 relevant character which were relevant to drought resistance were studied. Comprehensive evaluation was carried out of drought resistance for different germplasm resources through drought resistance coefficient, comprehensive drought resistance coefficient, membership function and grey relational analysis. The results showed that had an influence on the germination of flax germplasm with the increased of PEG-6000 concentration, with 18% PEG-6000 stress condition for the flax germplasm of seed during germination among them, the relative germination rate, root length, root fresh weight, bud length, bud fresh weight of 161 flax germplasm decreased under PEG-6000 stress. According to drought resistance comprehensive evaluation value, flax germplasm used in this study were divided into 5 drought resistance grades, 2 belonged to grade 1, 15 belonged to grade 2, 28 belonged to grade 3, 82 belonged to grade 4, 34 belonged to grade 5. The capacity of drought resistance of the tested cultivars was relevant to geographical origins. Using several relevant characters, it is an effective and accurate way to comprehensively evaluate the drought tolerance of flax in germination.

    • Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Barbarea Vulgaris Germplasm Resources Based on Phenotypic Traits

      2015, 16(3):528-534. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.014

      Abstract (3953) HTML (0) PDF 19.71 M (17946) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Barbarea vulgaris is an excellent cruciferous plant, particularly being ideal as a model species to study saponin biosynthesis, insect resistance, and coevolution of plants and insect pest. In order to make full use of B. vulgaris germplasm, the genetic diversity was analyzed among the 34 accessions conserved in the national mid-term gene bank for vegetables, based on the phenologic, morphological and insect resistance data from the field investigation. The results showed significant morphological diversity in B. vulgaris germplasm from Europe. Among the 34 accession, BV13-BAR13 bolted earliest, 47 days earlier than the latest bolting material (BV13-BAR9). Most of the B. vulgaris germplasm have glabrous leaves, strong tillering ability and more leaf numbers. The range and coefficient variation (CV) of the plant height, silique length and inflorescence length are the highest among all traits. Only 9 of 34 B. vulgaris are susceptible to the diamondback moth, most accessions are highly resistant to the pest. The clustering analysis showed that 34 accessions can be divided into 3 groups. The resistant and susceptible germplasm were distributed to different groups, reflecting their genetic relationships. Our research will provide useful materials and information for the genetic breeding of insect resistant B. Vulgaris and cruciferae crops.

    • Diversity analysis of leaf mustard germplasms based on phenotypic traits

      2015, 16(3):535-540. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.013

      Abstract (1804) HTML (0) PDF 5.40 M (3025) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To evaluate 30 leaf mustard germplasms, 11 phenotypic traits were investigated and measured. The data were analyzed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis to study the genetic diversity. The results showed that the average coefficient of variation of 11 phenotypic traits was 44.74 %, leaf number was the largest and the coefficient of variation was 150.80 %, and the smallest coefficient of variation of the percentage of net vegetable was 9.54 %. 24 leaf mustard germplasms were divided into three categories through cluster analysis and there was a wide genetic distance between each categories. The 11 phenotypic traits were consolidated into 5 principal components which accounted for 86.62 % of total cultivars. The results clearly defined the phenotypic specificity and genetic diversity of leaf mustard germplasms, which screened some specific leaf mustard resources to provide the basis for the higher yields and improved quality breeding.

    • Study on the stem cell structure alteration of sweet potato varieties with different resistance to Fusarium wilt

      2015, 16(3):541-548. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.014

      Abstract (1755) HTML (0) PDF 25.32 M (3758) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fusarium wilt is one of the main diseases of sweet potato in south China. In this study, ultrastructure was performed to understand the disease-resistant mechanism of cell structure alternation in sweet potato via Fob (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. batatas) inoculation treatment. Sweet potato cultivars with different disease-resistance [Highly resistant (HR) cultivars: Jinshan57, Moderate susceptibility (MS) cultivars: Reshu NO.1, Higher susceptible (HS) cultivars: Xinzhonghua,] were inoculated by stem base, and any alteration in cell structure of the sample was observed by direct observation combining with microscopy and transmission electron microscope(TEM) technology. The results showed that there were different performances among different cultivars after inoculation. The Fob mycelium growth was not observed in the stem of Jinshan 57 (the HR cultivars ) after inoculation, which cell structural integrity was not violated. With the inoculation of Fob, the cells in stem base of Reshu No.1 (MS cultivar) were violated to apoptosis. While in the middle part of which stem, the plant-pathogen interaction was more active and the transportation of plant nutrition was disrupted. The Fob mycelium spread from the stem base to the top stem through the vascular bundles. After inoculated by Fob, the mycelium spread to the epidermal cells, cortex and vascular bundles of Xinzhonghua (the HS cultivar ) from the injury, then spread to the middle and top part of the stem till the whole plant exsiccation. During this period, the thylose was observed in the vessels, and rupture of cell wall and membranes of cytoplasmic organoids were also observed. At the same time, the sediment of cell wall and tubercles emerged wherever the pathogen invasion, and the Fob hyphae were surrounded by a variety of amorpphis or cellosilk net.

    • The morphological diversity and correlation research of Gu Jing wild tea plant from Guizhou

      2015, 16(3):549-554. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.015

      Abstract (1800) HTML (0) PDF 4.91 M (3046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the leaf, flower, fruit and other 34 phenotypic traits of tea plant from Gu Jing Cun, Nayong County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province,were analysed . The results showed that 10 of the 21 described characters showed only one phenotypes with relatively stable botany characters , and the other 11 exhibited different levels of genetic differentiation. The variation coefficient was between 3.74%-21.86% with the average as 15.10%. The diversity index was between 0.15-2.02 with the average as 1.62. Then the samples can be clustered into 3 groups based on numerical characters, and the 2 and 3 classes has had only 3 samples for each. From those, we suggested that it was necessary to distinguish the lines of class III in the industrialization development, identify the agronomic traits and quality traits and pay attention to biodiversity conservation. In addition, leaf and fruit organs were affected by altitude factors v significantly.Tea plant of Gu Jing have a high breeding potential with the abundant phenotypic diversity and significant genetic variation .

    • Cloning of GbHyPRP1 from Gossypium barbadense and validation of Verticillium wilt resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis

      2015, 16(3):549-602. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.016

      Abstract (1767) HTML (0) PDF 20.51 M (2466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In a full-length cDNA library of roots from Gossypium barbadense Pima90-53 inoculated with Verticillium dahliae, we identified a gene, named GbHyPRP1, which encodes a hybrid proline-rich protein. The nucleotide sequence of the 1747-base pair (bp) cDNA includes a 945 bp open reading frame (ORF), which could encode a protein of 314 amino acids. GbHyPRP1 has a signal peptide, a proline-rich repetitive domain at the N-terminus and a Pollen Ole e I domain at the C-terminus. Homologous analysis found that GbHyPRP1 had a similarity with HyPRP1 proteins from G. raimondii, G. hirsutum and G. arboreum as high as 95.95%, 93.87% and 91.34%, respectively. qRT-PCR (quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction) analysis indicated that the GbHyPRP1 mRNA level was drastically down-regulated in roots of G. barbadense seedlings inoculated with V. dahliae. Furthermore, the ORF of GbHyPRP1 was cloned into the plant expression vector and then introduced into Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Statistical analysis of disease index showed that overexpression of GbHyPRP1 compromised transgenic Arabidopsis plants resistance to V. dahliae. Overall, our results suggest that GbHyPRP1 involves in cotton resistance to V. dahliae and may be an important negative regulator.

    • Utilization and Conservation on Crop Germplasm Resource of Minority Nationality in Guizhou Province

      2015, 16(3):549-554. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.017

      Abstract (1912) HTML (0) PDF 5.69 M (3005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The project of “investigation of biological resources of agriculture in Guizhou province” (No. 2012FY110200) belongs to National Basic Task Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Guizhou province is in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau where the landform is complexity and the climate is diversity, and also is the concentrative inhabited areas with minority nationality people, which is described as a proverb that is ‘There are different weathers in ten miles, and different minority nationality at the same mountains’. Just because of these, the biological diversity of agriculture is quite abundance in Guizhou province. Nothing is changeless, however, the vicissitude is happening that minority cultures, life style and customs, and relevant biological resources of agriculture are disappearing gradually along with economic development and infiltration of external cultures. In order to conserve and develop traditional culture and biological resource of agriculture in the minority area, forty two counties were general survey, and of which twenty one counties were systematically investigated. The authors introduced conservation and utilization on biological resources of agriculture of minority nationality in Guizhou province, in which the aim was focused on providing basic information and scientific evidences for conservation and development of traditional culture of minority, and constituting the conservation policy of biological resources and scientific researches.

    • The Study on Potato Shoot Tips Viabilities during Cryopreservation by TTC Staining MethodResources

      2015, 16(3):555-560. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.018

      Abstract (5869) HTML (0) PDF 9.51 M (4808) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TTC (2,3,5-Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) vitality staining conditions for potato shoot tips of Huzi83-213cultivar were optimized in this study. The optimal staining temperature and duration were determined as 40ºC and 2h, respectively. The viability of potato shoot tips was investigated during droplet-vitrificaion cryopreservation by TTC staining under the optimal conditions. The fresh shoot tips and precutured (Murashige and Skoog liquid medium with 0.3 mol/L and 0.5 mol/L sucrose) shoot tips showed high vitality. However, after cryoprotection with plant vitrification solution No.2 (PVS2 solution), the shoot tips had the temporal and spatial specificity of viality loss and survival, and the inner meristem and the middle part of the leaf primordium kept high vitalities. The results between TTC staining viality and survival percentages after recovery showed extremely significant positive correlation (P<0.01)when the area ratio of the red-stained shoot tips was higher than 0.4.

    • Studies on Cooking and Eating Quality of F2 Population of Indica/Javanica Rice

      2015, 16(3):561-568. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.019

      Abstract (1748) HTML (0) PDF 8.55 M (2755) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A rice F2 population was obtained from a hybrid cross of the indica restorer line CG133R with high amylose content and the glutinous rice variety javanica 22, which was as materials. The variation and their correlation between the cooking and eating quality indices and starch RVA characteristic values were analyzed and the genetics of the major genes (Wx and SSII-3) controlling the physicochemical indexes in the F2 population were examined. The results indicated that the physicochemical indexes and RVA profile characteristics had great variation in F2 population, setback with the maximum variation, followed by gel consistency and amylose content; correlation of physicochemical indexes of materials with high amylose content were not significant with RVA profile characteristics. RVA profile characteristics in materials with medium, low amylose content and glutinous rice groups had significant or extremely significant correlation with the physical and chemical indices. In materials with medium and low amylose content, there also had significant or extremely significant correlation with gelatinization temperature (GT). Separation of Wx and SSII-3 genes in F2 population was detected using molecular marker and showed that the two molecular markers existed partial separation and deviated to two parent types, respectively. There was more variation in the F2 population except for the materials with high amylose content. RVA profile characteristics could be used for assisted-selection for quality rice breeding.

    • Assessment of Agrobacterium sensitivity for different soybean genotypes and excellent germplasm screening

      2015, 16(3):569-575. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.020

      Abstract (1828) HTML (0) PDF 6.63 M (3054) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soybean is a widely planted transgenic crop worldwide. However, it is still one of the most recalcitrant crops for genetic transformation due to the genotype dependence and the infection ability of Agrobacterium. In this study, the GUS transient expression analysis was used for evaluating the Agrobacterium sensitivity for different soybean genotypes and four Agrobacterium strains. The highest transient expression efficiency of two soybean genotypes were acquired when the explants were infected by Ag10 among different stains. Meanwhile, Agrobacterium sensitivity of 33 soybean genotypes including modern cultivars, landrace and wild soybeans was assessed and six sensitivity genotypes were identified when compared with the sensitivity control Peking. The results also showed that the Agrobacterium sensitivity for landrace or wild soybean was significant higher than modern cultivars. These results are important to construct or improve the high-efficiency soybean genetic transformation system and to develop new receptors for high efficiency genetic transformation.

    • Cloning of a Maize Molecular Chaperone Gene, ZmBiP1, and Its Expression and Functional Analysis under Abiotic Stress

      2015, 16(3):576-580. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.021

      Abstract (1910) HTML (0) PDF 6.19 M (2954) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Molecular chaperone ZmBiP1 gene were identified and characterized in maize "Han21" line. The quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that ZmBiP1 gene had different expression patterns in different organs. It was highly expressed in ovaries. ZmBiP1 showed an up-regulated expression under mannitol conditions and down-regulated expression under NaCl conditions. Overexpression of ZmBiP1 in Arabidopsis led to sensitivities to salt and mannitol stresses in seed germination periods. The results suggested that ZmBiP1 gene may be a negative regulator in stress signaling pathways.

    • Morphological effect and genomic mapping of Si-SP1 (small panicle1) in Foxtail millet

      2015, 16(3):581-587. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.022

      Abstract (1916) HTML (0) PDF 8.38 M (2484) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A small-panicle mutant si-sp1 induced by chemistry (EMS) mutagenesis was isolated. The mutant exhibits small-panicle trait, as well as low-plant-height, low-spike-number per panicle and less-roots. Compare with its wild-type Yugu1, panicle length, plant height, spike weight per plant and spike number per panicle of si-sp1 were decreased by 37.8%, 9.0%, 40.3%, 31.7%, respectively, while the 1000-grain weight was increased by 20.2%. Genetic analysis showed that the small-panicle trait of si-sp1 mutant was controlled by one recessive nuclear gene. Genetic mapping of the mutant gene was conducted using small-panicle individuals from the F2 segregating population of si-sp1/Liaogu1. Finally, the mutant gene was mapped into genomic region within SSR markers CAAS8003 and SSR1038 in chromosome 8, with physical distances of 11.02 M. This research has laid the foundation for fine-mapping of the small panicle mutant gene.

    • Screening and Identification for Tolerance to Low Phosphorus Stress of Aegilops Genotype Germplasm Resources

      2015, 16(3):588-593. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.023

      Abstract (2169) HTML (0) PDF 7.51 M (2580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The physiological indices of Aegilops in different phosphorus treatments were studied to select species of tolerance to low phosphorus stress. Biologic and plant nutrient characteristics of Aegilops were investigated under two P levels , with 9 Aegilops at seedling stage. The correlation analysis results showed that root length could not be treated as the Aegilops resistance index of low phosphorus screening. By principal components analysis, 6 single indexes could be classified into 2 dependent comprehensive components. The adaptability of Aegilops under low-P condition is closely tied with the Plant root dry weight, stem dry weight. The study indicates the Aegilops Stem dry weight, root dry weight, biomass can be treated as the rapidly screening index of low phosphorus. Both of the Agronomic characters observation results and the comprehensive evaluation results showed that Aegilops umbellate contained genes which can resist the low phosphorus condition. The comprehensive evaluation and principal component analysis provide a useful way for selecting species of tolerance to lowphosphorus stress in wheat.

    • Transcriptome Analysis for Developing Kernel and Expression Analysis of Starch and Saccharose Metabolism-related genes in Castanea henryi

      2015, 16(3):603-611. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.024

      Abstract (1840) HTML (0) PDF 8.29 M (2536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Castanea henryi is an important woody grain plants in south of China. The current research on the fruit development of C. henryihenryi mainly focuses on fruit component analysis, fruit quality analysis, and fruit processing, whereas the molecular mechanisms involved in fruit development remain to be uncovered. Transcriptome sequencing and analysis were conducted on kernel in the beginning of starch synthesis peak phase of C. henryi using Illumina platform-based strategy. Expression patterns of seven starch and sucrose metabolism-related Unigenes were assayed with real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) method. The results showed that de novo assembly generated a total of 53 629 Unigenes with average length of 746 bp. Among them, 26 739 unigenes were annotated against NR, NCBI and Swiss-Port protein databases, 14 413 Unigenes were assigned 25 categories by comparing with COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups) database, and 33 926 Unigenes were assigned 3 categories (cellular component, molecular function and biological process) and 58 branches with GO (Gene Ontology) database. Functional annotation against KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) database identified 5 277 Unigenes which were mapped to 116 metabolic pathways. Moreover, the qPCR analysis showed that two Unigenes CH. 29636 and CH. 11971 had a gradual increase, while the other 5 genes(CH.31302,CH. 33690,CH. 19238,CH. 30128,and CH. 13088)increased at the early stage and then decreased. The expression profiles of the 7 genes are in accordance with the accumulation of starch and sucrose in the developing fruits of C. henryi. This study provides a foundation for further characterizing the functional genes involved in the formation of fruit quality in C. henryi.

    • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Almond CBF1 Transcription Factor

      2015, 16(3):612-617. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.025

      Abstract (2300) HTML (0) PDF 12.44 M (6520) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to identify the role of CBF transcription factors in plant resistance of almond. The CBF1 homologue gene named AF-PdCBF1 (Genbank Accession No. KM245570) was isolated from the leaf of almond ‘Aifeng’(Prunus dulcis) in Xinjiang with the technology and method of PCR. Sequence analysis revealed that the open reading frame was 729 bp in full-length and encodes a protein of 242 amino acids, and its relative molecular mass was approximately 27.405 kDa, and AF-PdCBF1 has no signal peptide. The homology tree showed that AF-PdCBF1 with Prunus avium and Prunus mume has recently genetic relationship. The recombinant prokaryotic expression vector pET-PdCBF1 was constructed by inserting the DNA fragment into the prokaryotic expression vector pET-32a(+), and then transformed into E.coli Rosetta (DE3). The SDS-PAGE displayed that the expressed proteins consistented with the size of expected protein and then 47.8 kDa protein was obtained. The optimal expression condition was set 0.2 mmol/L IPTG,induced temperature 28℃, and induced time 4 hours. The results have provided a foundation for further purifying and identifying target protein and studying the function of AF-PdCBF1.

    • Genetic Diversity of 16 male Actinidia Cultivars Bsaed on ISSR

      2015, 16(3):618-623. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.026

      Abstract (1718) HTML (0) PDF 5.91 M (3043) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 16 male kiwifruit cultivars were analyzed using inter-simple sequence repeat markers (ISSR) to invettigate the genetic diversity. 10 primers selected from 100 primers were used for ISSR amplification. A total of 172 bands were generated, of which 140 bands were polymorphic bands(the percentage of polymorphic band, PPB=81.4%). The results of POPGENE version 1.32 analysis showed that the genetic distance of the 16 male kiwifruit cultivars was between 0.15-0.51 and the genetic diversity index (H) and Shannon index (I) was 0.24, 0.40, respectively. These cultivars were divided into 4 groups at the genetic similarity of 0.64. Class Ⅰ was made up of A. chinensis and A. deliciosa. Class Ⅱ was A. latifolia and A. eriantha. Class Ⅲ was 'Kuilv' and Class Ⅳ was A. tetramera. It is indicated that ISSR markers were feasible to analyze the genetic diversity of male kiwifruits and the results would facilitate the explotation and utilization of kiwifruits.

    • Functional Study of a DREB homologous gene SsDREB from Suaeda salsa L.

      2015, 16(3):624-632. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.027

      Abstract (1891) HTML (0) PDF 11.52 M (2619) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SsDREB, which was highly homologous with DREB2 transcription factors from other plants, was cloned from Suaeda salsa L. and its expression was induced by high-salt and drought, not by cold and ABA.In this study, a plant expression vector containing a SsDREB-GFP fusion gene has been constructed and transformed into onion epidermal cells by gene gun method. The result of transient expression showed that the protein encoded by SsDREB was localized in the nucleus. In yeast cells, SsDREB protein was proved to be able to specificly bind to the DRE element and activate the expression of downstream reporter genes. By using agrobacterium-mediated transformation, the SsDREB gene driven by constitutive promoter CaMV 35S was successfully introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), and the obtained transgenic tabacco plants showed strong drought and salt tolerance. In order to study the molecular mechanism that overexpression of SsDREB increased tolerance to drought and salt stresses in transgenic tobacco, 8 genes from tobacco related with osmotic balance, eliminating active oxygen and improving membrane stability were selected, and their expression in transgenic and control tobacco plants were analyzed by using semi-quantitative RT -PCR method with α -tublin gene as a reference gene under normal growth conditions. The experimental results showed that the 8 genes are regulated by exogenous SsDREB gene, and the expression of 6 genes was significantly higher in transgenic plants than that in non-transgenic plants.

    • Cloning and Functional Analysis of NsylCIPK3 Gene from Nicotiana sylvestris

      2015, 16(3):633-639. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.028

      Abstract (1924) HTML (0) PDF 7.21 M (2410) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a serine/threonine protein kinase family, CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK) is one of the most populated families. CIPKs are activated by calcineurin B-like protein CBLs and form the CBL-CIPK network which can play an important role with response to different adversity stress and impact on the process of plant growth and development. Although many research have done in Arabidopsis, but seldom studies have done in model plant tobacco. We have identified NsylCIPK3, one CIPK gene from Nicotiana sylvestris genome which is highly homolog with PtCIPK3 and AtCIPK3 up to 87.5% and 68.4% accordingly. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that, the NsylCIPK3 protein encoded a typical activation loop domains at N-terminal, and C-terminal has a highly conserved NAF domain. Phylogeny revealed that it belonged to number II subfamily of CIPK family with rich in introns. Expression pattern analysis of different tissue demonstrated that NsylCIPK3 can express in both root and leaf, especially highly expressed in the leaves of mature stage. Real-time quantitative PCR results displayed that it can response to high salt, high temperature, UV, low potassium and chilling treatments. The results of protein-protein interaction by yeast two hybrid illustrated that NsylCIPK3 interacts with NsylCBL9. It assumes that NsylCIPK3 can be activated by NsylCBL9 and perform as NsylCBL9-NsylCIPK3complex, this complex might be involved in abiotic stress signal transductions pathways in tobacco.

    • >研究简报
    • Identification and analysis of Rice Blast resistance gene alleles in 24 rice cultivars from Liaoning Province

      2015, 16(3):640-648. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.029

      Abstract (1684) HTML (0) PDF 11.03 M (2629) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Identification of rice blast resistance genes in main rice cultivars and main parents help to understand the distribution of resistance genes among varieties, and provide a reference for breeding disease-resistant varieties and the makeup of varieties. In this study, 24 cultivars from Liaoning Province were used to study the distribution of resistance genes and functions of resistance alleles. Primers were designed according to the conservative region sequence of nine resistance genes to amplify the coding region of 24 cultivars. The amplification results from 24 cultivars were compared and suggested that the 24 cultivars from Liaoning Province did not carry the Pi21、Pi36、Pi37 gene or resistance alleles. However, Pid2, Pid3, Pita and Piks/Piks/Pikm/Pikp existed within the 24 varieties with different types and different mutation frequencies. Among these resistance genes, the resistance alleles Pid2 and Pid3 were detected in 24 cultivars. Pita alleles were detected in four cultivars and the newly-found base mutations did not affect resistance. The Piks/Piks/Pikm/Pikp sequence was not found in the 24 cultivars. After being inoculated with rice blast fungus with AVR-Pik, result showed that the alleles carried by varieties Liaojing454 and Shennong265 may serve resistance functions.

    • Research of Crop Germplasm Resources Data Mining Platform Based On Cloud Computing

      2015, 16(3):649-652. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.030

      Abstract (1883) HTML (0) PDF 3.21 M (2924) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The massive volume and multiple dimensions of germplasm data have caused the low efficiency of data mining. This problem is envisaged in this paper by presenting a Hadoop-based data mining platform for crops germplasm after detailed analysis of both the components and working mechanism of Hadoop cloud platform. Different functional modules will also be discussed in detail, based on which, specific development programs of the platform are also to be proposed. The efficiency and feasibility of the platform will be verified through efficiency tests of improved classic Apriori algorithm.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of 51 Cybidium goeringii Cultivars by AFLP Molecular Markers

      2015, 16(3):653-658. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.031

      Abstract (1938) HTML (0) PDF 7.06 M (2326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 51 Cymbidium goeringii cultivars was evaluated based on AFLP molecular markers in this study. Among the 1315 DNA bands obtained from eight selective primer pairs,1217 (92.5% ) were polymorphic. The average number of DNA bands per primer pair was 164, and the number of DNA polymorphic bands per primer pair was 152. It was represented that 51 Cybidium goeringii cultivars had abundantly genetic diversity. 49 cultivars had their distinctive bands which could distinguish one cultivars from the others. Genetic similarity coefficients among the cultivars ranged from 0.501 to 0.716. Cluster analysis indicated that the 51 cultivars could be divided into five groups. The cultivars which collected from the same place were not clustered to the same group. It indicate that domestication causes confusion in the genetic backgrounds of C.goeringii.AFLP can be effectively applied to study the genetic diversity and relationship analysis of C.goeringii.

    • Study on Leaf Traits Genetic Law of Precocious Walnut

      2015, 16(3):659-663. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.032

      Abstract (3086) HTML (0) PDF 4.39 M (3296) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the genetic law of walnut leaf traits, so as to provide the basis for early trait selection of hybrid offspring, the leaf traits such as leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf index and specific leaf weight of 374 strains in two reciprocal crosses which were 7-year-old seedling tree were investigated. The results showed that the variation coefficients of each traits were more than 6%; the highest variation coefficient was specific leaf weight, which was more than 15%; in the 4 cross combinations, the inheritance of transfer ability of leaf index was more than 100%; compared with the other three traits, the broad-sense heritability of leaf width and leaf index was the highest, both more than 79; the frequency distribution of leaf area was continuous variation. The leaf areas in different cross combinations reciprocal offspring were mainly concentrated 55~60 cm2; the proportions of small leaf, middle leaf and large leaf types in the hybrid offspring were 13%~15%, 74%~80% and less than 10% respectively; in the reciprocal cross offspring combinations of ‘Lvling’ and ‘LiaoningNO.1’, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf index and specific leaf weight respectively were 12.52 cm, 6.72 cm, 55.27 cm2, 1.88,53.18 g/m2and 12.86 cm, 6.71 cm, 56.43 cm2, 1.91,59.09 g/m2; leaf area and specific leaf weight of inverse cross offspring were very significant higher than those of obverse cross offspring; in the obverse cross and inverse cross combinations of ‘Lvling’ and ‘Lvzao’, the value of each trait were 12.63 cm, 6.73 cm, 57.25 cm2, 1.94, 63.54 g/m2and 12.58 cm, 6.80 cm, 57.59 cm2, 1.88, 62.28 g/m2respectively. There were no significant differences among leaf length, leaf width, leaf area and specific leaf weight of reciprocal crosses; the leaf index of obverse cross offspring was significant higher than that of inverse cross offspring.

    • Conservation of Nyssa yunnanensis based on genetic diversity analysis using ISSR markers

      2015, 16(3):664-669. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.033

      Abstract (1586) HTML (0) PDF 7.05 M (2377) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Preserving genetic diversity and evolution potentials of the population is a key to successfully conserve an endangered species. Nyssa yunnanensis, is a critically endangered and range-restricted tree species under national Grade I protection in China, which has been listed in national grade I protection and projected in the Conservation of Species with Extremely Small Populations. To explore and draw up the pertinent conservation strategies, we examined the genetic diversity of 64 N. yunnanensis individuals using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers generated by twelve ISSR primers. The results showed that the genetic diversity of natural population of Nyssa yunnanensis(PPB) ranged from 50.00% to 87.50% with a mean of 74.65%±0.01; Alleles observed value (Na) was 1.7532; Eeffective alleles observed value (Ne) was 1.5804; Nei's genetic diversity index (He) was 0.3206, Shannon’s index (I) of phenotypic diversity at the species level was 0.3630, Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.15 to 0.44. with a mean of 0.27±0.01. Moreover, Shannon’s index (I) of phenotypic diversity raised as the number of N. yunnanensis population size increased. But Shannon’s index(I )I would had not been changed until the number reached 24. Based on results of genetic diversity analysis, we clarified the endangered mechanism of N. yunnanensis on the viewpoints of both geological history and contemporary human disturbances. Conservation measures were suggested to maintain and increase genetic diversity, evolution potentials, and environment adaptability of N. yunnanensis, so as to reach the goal of successfully conserving conserve this critically endangered species.

    • Diversity analysis of biochemical components of 42 Wuyi Mingcong tea germplasms

      2015, 16(3):670-676. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.03.034

      Abstract (1905) HTML (0) PDF 5.63 M (2933) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Biochemical composition and diversity analysis of 42 Wuyi Mingcong tea germplasms from Wuyi mountain tea area. The results showed that the biochemical diversity and variation were high in Wuyi Mountain tea germplasms. The average diversity index and coefficient of variation were 2.06 and 22.02 %, respectively. In principal component analy-sis, the first three principal components represented 89.02 % of the biochemical diversity. Based on the biochemical data, 42 Wuyi Mingcong were clustered into 3 groups. In addition to the caffeine content, other biochemical components exist significant difference of 3 groups. Most of the tea germplasms in the first and the second group suited to be processed Oolong tea. Most of the tea germplasms in the third group suited to be processed green tea. A set of special germplasms on some biochemical composition were selected.

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