• Volume 16,Issue 4,2015 Table of Contents
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    • Dymatics of the issue of access and benefit sharing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

      2015, 16(4):677-683. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.001

      Abstract (2235) HTML (0) PDF 6.85 M (2557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Access and benefit sharing (ABS) is one of three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which entered into force in 1993.The adoption of the Nagoya Protocol by COP-10 of the CBD at Nagoya, Japan, on 29 October 2010, was a landmark decision in global governance of natural resources. COP-10 decided to establish the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol (ICNP) to undertake the preparation necessary for COP/MOP-1. Its three meeting (ICNP-1, ICNP-2 and ICNP-3) has been held from 2011 to 2014 in Canada, India and Korea. It was proposed to be in force 90 days after the date when the fiftieth country or regional organization had ratified it. So it would enter into force during COP-12 and the COP/MOP-1 will be held at Pyeongchang, Korea, from 13 to 17 October 2014. The paper summarizes the background, the focus of key issues, negotiation process and dymatics of the issue of ABS, analyses positions, strategies and roles of the main groups of countries, such as EU, the Africa Group, Switzerland, and non-state actors, such as non government organization (NGOs) and other actors, discusses post-Nagoya the trend of the issue of ABS and the challenges faced to China.

    • Identification of resistance and tolerance to Phytophthora sojae in wild soybean germplasm

      2015, 16(4):684-690. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.002

      Abstract (2060) HTML (0) PDF 6.99 M (2373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phytophthora root rot is one of the most important diseases of soybean and cause severe economic losses worldwide. Deployment of resistance or tolerance cultivars is the most effective method for controlling the disease. Screening of disease resistance resources is a basis of novel resistance genes or QTLs discovering and disease resistance breeding. In this study, resistance and tolerance to Phytophthora root rot in wild soybean germplasms were identified, in order to exploit novel resistance and tolerance sources. One hundred and four wild soybean accessions were identified for resistance to two isolates PS41-1 and PSJS2 of Phytophthora sojae using cotyledon plug-inoculation method in seedling. Thirty-three accessions were resistant to isolate PS41-1, 35 accessions were resistant to isolate PSJS2, and 18 accessions were resistant to the two isolates. Further, 82 accessions were selected for evaluation of tolerance to the two isolates of P. sojae using inoculum-layer method. Seven accessions had high levels of tolerance. These results indicated that elite sources of new P. sojae resistance and/or tolerance were present in wild soybean. The resistance and/or tolerance wild soybean maybe provide new sources for phytophthora root rot resistance breeding for diversifying resistance genetic base to Phytophthora root rot in soybean in the future.

    • The screening of germplasm with low seed shattering rate and the evaluation on agronomic Traits in Elymus sibiricus L.

      2015, 16(4):691-699. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.003

      Abstract (2049) HTML (0) PDF 7.29 M (2074) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 28 E. sibiricus accessions were selected and evaluated for agronomic performance in 15 traits in order to screen the materials with low seed shattering rate and excellent agronomic traits. The cluster analysis, correlative analysis, and component analysis were conducted by SPSS 19.0. The subordinate function was used for the comprehensive evaluation of agronomic traits. The results indicated the higher seed shattering rate were found at about 31 days after flowering. Variation of seed shattering varied in tested accessions, great variation were found in ZhN03 and MQ01. Meanwhile, seed shattering of individual plant within each accessions varied as well. Based two years’ data, XH09 had the highest seed shattering rate, followed by XH03, LQ03 and LQ04; ZhN03 and MQ01 had relatively low seed shattering rate. The correlative analysis revealed that significant negative correlation exist between shattered rate and flag leaf width(-0.47), shattered rate and internodes number(-0.44); Length of the second leaf from the inflorescence is highly significant negative correlative with the shattered rate (-0.50). Phenotypic variation were also found in other traits, of which tiller number has the greatest variation with the CV of 17.7%. The subordinative function showed ZhN03 had the best comprehensive performance with subordinate function value of 0.73. These screened materials with low seed shattering rate and excellent agronomic performance are important materials for future breeding programs.

    • Salt tolerance analysis and nutritional evaluation of golden quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

      2015, 16(4):700-707. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.004

      Abstract (2100) HTML (0) PDF 10.76 M (1903) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Golden quinoa,collected from China coast area,was evaluated with its nutritional quality and its salt tolerance ability in this study. The results showed that the seeds of golen quinoa are considered as a nutritionally complete food with high protein content (14.2%) and an outstanding composition of essential amino acids. The protein quality of golden quinoa seeds was far superior to that of milk and some common crops. The seeds are rich in vitamins (B,E) and several minerals including Ca2+, Mn2+,Fe3+,Cu2+, and Zn2+,and the Ca2+ content of golden quinoa is 190.16 mg/100g,35 fold higher than that of millet. Moreover,they provide a valuable source of carbohydrates and essential fatty acids,the content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid were 3.58 g/100g and 0.44 g/100g. These results showed that the golden quinoa owes the excellent nutritional quality and naturally high tolerance to salt stress,which providing the excellent germplasm resources for quinoa study and planting.

    • Construction and Operation of Crop Genebank in Shandong Province

      2015, 16(4):708-714. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.005

      Abstract (1745) HTML (0) PDF 6.06 M (2127) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Crop germplasm resources of Shandong province are diverse and abundant. In the past years,, there lacks of unified and effective management strategies, which leads to the decrease and even extinction of many rare germplasm resources. In this study, the necessity for the construction of crop genebank in Shandong Province was briefly described. Besides, the types, functions and technical indicators, as well as the situations in conservation and operation for the crop germplasm resources of Shandong province were comprehensively introduced, with the aim to provide a reference for the construction of crop genebank by the other units or organizations.

    • Field Survey and Conservation of Wild Rice Resources in Hainan

      2015, 16(4):715-719. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.006

      Abstract (1850) HTML (0) PDF 6.67 M (2129) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To better conserve and utilize wild rice in Hainan, a survey on wild rice resources was conducted in 18 counties in Hainan from 2002 to 2013.As a initial investigation,154 natural populations, which included 136 populations of Oryza rufipogon Griff., 7 populations of Oryza officinalis Wall. and 11 populations of Oryza meyeriana Baill. , were found in 15 counties in Hainan. During the survey, total 2900 accessions from 87 natural populations were collected and conserved ex-situ in the temporary field genebank for tropic wild rice established in the research base of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Science. Meanwhile, 6 in-situ conservation areas of wild rice, which contained 4 Oryza rufipogon Griff., 1 Oryza officinalis Wall. and 1 Oryza meyeriana Baill., were set up in Wenchang, Qionghai, Danzhou, Wanning, Lingshui, Baoting respectively in accordance with the guidelines of procedure and methods of in-situ conservation of relatives of crops issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Besides, this paper analyzed the endangering status and the root causes of wild rice in Hainan, and provided suggestions for the conservation strategies of wild rice in Hainan.

    • Investigation of agricultural biological resources in Hezhang County Guizhou Province

      2015, 16(4):720-727. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.007

      Abstract (1982) HTML (0) PDF 9.69 M (1992) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The investigation, collection and arrangement of agricultural biological resources related to work and life of the Miao national minority, Yi national minority, Bai national minority and Hui national minority were carried on in 18 villages distributed in 7 townships in Hezhang county in Guizhou Province on September and October 2014. The survey collected accessions of 239 agricultural biological resources, which include the 97 characteristic, special and high quality accessions. In this paper, the current situation of local agricultural biological resources, the reasons for the growth and decline, the types and the value use of collected resources were analyzed. The protection and the development of agricultural biological resources in Hezhang county were discussed.

    • Genetic Diversity of Peanut Cultivars Registered in Fujian Province

      2015, 16(4):728-733. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.008

      Abstract (1805) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (2276) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study had analyzed the Shannon-Weaver and Simpson indexes of 11 phenotypic traits including plant type,leaf shape,leaf size,leaf color,peanut shell shape,thickness of skin texture,depth of skin texture,flowering habit,grain size,grain color,grain shape on 23 peanut varieties which were registered in Fujian Province.The results showed that flowering habit, grain color and grain size traits are all the same and the genetic diversity index of 23 peanut cultivars were SI = 0.506, SWI = 0.796 respectively, fruit shape was the lowest (SI = 0.237, SWI = 0.387) and textured thickness was the highest (SI = 0.755, SWI = 1.335). The genetic diversity among 23 peanut varieties was analyzed with 50 SSR markers, 9 SSR loci were polymorphism.59 bands were polymorphic, 6.56 polymorphic bands could be detected by each marker averagely, The polymorphism information content(PIC)was varied from 0.74 to 0.95,with an average of 0.88. The genetic similarity(GS) among 23 peanut varieties were calculated based on the data from these SSR markers, the value of GS ranged from 0.225 to 0.818,with an average of 0.579. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the 23peanut varieties could be divided into three groups at similarities coefficient of 0.55. Most of the similar varieties were bred by the same breeders or belonged to the same type, which was in accordance with the pedigree information, the use of irradiation mutagenesis material for broadening the genetic base of peanuts obviously played an important role. The results of SSR analyzing genetic diversity are basically consistent with the pedigree.

    • Comprehensive evaluation and forecast of low iron resistant ability in maize seeding stage

      2015, 16(4):734-742. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.009

      Abstract (1570) HTML (0) PDF 7.79 M (2003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Twenty-three corn varieties were studied to screening and identification of resistance to low iron capacity. Maize seedlings grown in low and regular iron supply conditions. Seven days later, fifteen indexes including plant height, stem diameter, visible leaf number, expanded leaf number, leaf area, root length, root volume, chlorophyll content, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root shoot ratio, total dry weight, active iron, iron content and iron accumulation of the seedlings were measured. Relative values of these indexes were comprehensively evaluated the resistance low iron capacity, using the principal component analysis, subordinate function analysis and clustering analysis. The results showed that the different corn varieties resistant to low iron capacity significantly different. Fangyu1, Fukangyu909, Zhengda619, Zhenghong102, Fude2 and Zhenghong2 have strong resistance to low iron. Relative values of expanded leaf number, leaf area, root length, root dry weight and iron accumulation could be considered as low iron-resistance selection in maize seedling stage. The regression equation, D= (-384.23+2.71X4+2.50X5+3.22X6+1.70X9+4.86X14) ×10-3, can be used to predict the low iron-resistance ability of corn varieties in seedling stage.

    • The Effects of Salt Stress on Osmoregulation Substance and Chromosome of Wheat Substitution Lines

      2015, 16(4):743-750. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.010

      Abstract (1758) HTML (0) PDF 7.28 M (2390) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Wheat substitution lines between Chinese Spring and Synthetic 6x under the treatments of control(150mmol.L-1 NaCl) and salt stress(150mmol.L-1 NaCl)were studied to research the effect of salt stress on the changes of Na , K content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content,proline content and to locate the genes controlling the relative characters. The results showed that contents of K and Na increased under salt treatment comparing to control. The organic osmotic substance of wheat substitution lines also increased significantly under salt tolerance. Chromosome location of relative characters showed that the genes inhibiting Na content might be located on 1A, 2A, 3B, 7B, 1D, 4D and 7D chromosome and increasing K content might be exist on 4A, 7A chromosome of Synthetic 6x, genes promoting soluble sugar content might be located on 6A, 7A, 7D chromosome and increasimg soluble protein content might be exist on 1A, 2A, 4A, 6A chromosomes and the genes promoting proline content might be located on 7A, 6D chromosome of Synthetic 6x. In sum, the fourth,seventh chromosomes (4A, 4D; 7A, 7D) Synthetic 6x may contain the genes regulated inorganic substances and the sixth chromosome (6A, 6D) may contain organic osmotic regulation genes.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure in Natural Populations of Symplocos Paniculata

      2015, 16(4):751-758. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.011

      Abstract (1910) HTML (0) PDF 6.92 M (1833) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity and structure of 6 natural populations in Hunan Province from 5 different regions was investigated using inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)markers.As a result,122 loci were identified from the 9 selected primers in 149 individuals of all populations,of which, 113 loci were polymorphic,The percentage of polymorphic bands (P) was high to 92.62%,while Nei’s gene diversity(H) and Shannon information index(I)were 0.3264 and 0.4873. The coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst)was0.5215,Gene flow among populations(Nm)was 0.4588, Analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA)demonstrated that the genetic differentiation among populations was relatively high. The among-population component accounts for 51.07%of the total variation, while the within-population component accounts for 49.83%. 6 populations were clustered into 3 groups by the UPGMA cluster analysis,the result showed that Da Wei Shan and Long Shan populations were in the first group,Yue Yang and DaoXian populations were in another group,and Heng Shan population separated from all the populations in the dendrogram, the geographical distribution was not related to the cluster results, but was mutually related to the geographical Elevation.

    • Research Progress in the Mechanism of Parthenogenesis Haploid Induction and Doubling on Maize

      2015, 16(4):759-764. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.012

      Abstract (1888) HTML (0) PDF 6.40 M (2210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using parthenogenesis inducer as male parent breeding maize inbred lines and by chromosome doubling can provide stable pure line quickly, as well as, shorten time of inbred lines breeding, speed up the breeding process and improve the efficiency of breeding. What reviewed in this article was a research progress in the mechanism of parthenogenesis haploid induction and chromosome doubling on maize, aimed to provide theoretical basis of maize haploid.

    • Study on phenotypic variation of Paphiopedilum micranthum population

      2015, 16(4):765-771. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.013

      Abstract (2017) HTML (0) PDF 5.85 M (2178) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A research on phenotypic characters of 113 individuals from seven populations of P. micranthum was investigated to reveal its variation by the methods of coefficients of variation, the nested analysis,principal component analysis,correlation and cluster analysis. The results indicated that Coefficients of variation of all characters were from 0.088-0.189; Moreover, there were the large values of variation coefficient in pedicel length, leaf length, ratio of leaf length and leaf width, length of epidermal fibers. 18 quantitative characters involved in leaf and flower traits revealed that there were only 5 characters, for instance, leaf length and its width, bract length and its width, pedicel width, which they had no significant difference at population level. Phenotypic differentiation coefficient of 18 characters varied from 2.05%-50.62%. All characters attained to a mean value of 22.02% and that suggested that 77.98% of variability came within population level. Pearson coefficient revealed that there were higher correlations not only in sepal, synsepal, dorsal width, pedicel length and ratio of leaf length and width, but also in pouch and fuit length. Nevertheless, leaf width, bract length, staminode size and synsepal height had low relevance to other characters. Seven populations were divided into two groups based on Eulidean distance cluster dendrogram. Population Yangliujin and Magu had closer relationship. Other five populations belonged to one group, among which population Douzui, Jiahanqing and Tianba were close.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Natural Populations in Paeonia Delavayi

      2015, 16(4):772-780. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.014

      Abstract (1977) HTML (0) PDF 7.21 M (2106) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The diversity of nine phenotypic traits and ISSR analysis in six natural populations of Paeonia delavayi were studied in this work. The results revealed that abundant variations of all phenotypic traits occurred among and within populations. The coefficient of variation (CV) of nine phenotypic traits ranged from 0.9% to 39.8%, with 18.9% of the mean value. Variation of reproductive organs was larger than that of vegetative ones among populations, while variation of vegetative organs was easily occurred compared with reproductive organs variation within populations. Euclidean clustering analysis showed that the six natural populations could be clustered into four groups. It was indicated that variation of phenotypic traits did not correspond to geography distance. 56 ISSR polymorphic loci were amplified from 180 individuals of 6 natural populations by 10 useful primers. Of them, the value of PPB, H and I was 60.2%, 0.281 and 0.414, respectively, at population level, while the value of H and I was 0.409 and 0.596, respectively at species level. The GST (0.3119) indicated a high degree of genetic differentiation occurred among P. delavayi populations. The results of genetic diversity study, combined with field survey and previous investigations suggest that P. delavayi is not endangered.

    • Detection of quantitative trait loci for seed dormancy and heading date in the brown planthopper resistance cultivar Swarnalata (Oryza sativa L.)

      2015, 16(4):781-787. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.015

      Abstract (1686) HTML (0) PDF 6.80 M (1904) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present study, one F2 population derived from brown planthopper resistance cultivar Swarnalata/02428 was planted in 2013 at Nanjing Agricultural University Rice Station (Tuqiao, Nanjing, China). Phenotype values of heading date and seed dormancy in the F2 population were investigated. Using 172 markers, a molecular genetic map of the F2 population was constructed, which total length is 3311.4cM and an average marker interval distance is 19.22cM. QTL controlling heading date and seed dormancy was detected in this F2 population by using QTL Cartgrapher version 2.5 software. A total of 3 QTL for seed dormancy were found. They were located on chromosomes 3, 6 and 9, respectively. Among them, a QTL named qSd-9 was located between marker RM219 and RM1328 on chromosome 9 with relative high LOD values of 3.11 and explained phenotypic variations of 22.11%. Meanwhile, seven QTL related to heading date were identified. They were located on chromosomes 2, 3, 6 and 11, respectively. Among them, a QTL named qHD 11-1 was flanked by markers RM286 and indel11-2 on chromosome 11, which explained 28.85% of total phenotypic variation with a LOD score of 2.89. Results in this study suggest that seed dormancy and heading date are controlled by different genetic factors. These results provide an opportunity for. map-based cloning major QTLs for seed dormancy and heading date or materials for pyramiding program in the brown planthopper resistance rice breeding.

    • QTL Analysis of Panicle Exsertion in Rice under Different Growing Environments

      2015, 16(4):788-795. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.016

      Abstract (1564) HTML (0) PDF 5.49 M (2240) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Combining with the phenotypic data at five different growing environments of Mile(2012, normal growing environment), Songming(2012, 2013, natural low temperature environment) and Lijiang(2012,2013, natural low temperature environment) and genotypic data, QTLs controlling the panicle exsertion in rice were analyzed by using a Towoda×Kunmingxiaobaibu –derived RIL population (F14) consisting of 225 lines. The results showed that 12 QTLs contolling the panicle exsertion in rice were detected under five different environments, and these QTLs were distributed on chromosome 1(2 QTLs), 2, 4, 6 (3 QTLs), 7 (3 QTLs), 9 (2QTLs) chromosome in respective, with the variance explained by a single QTL ranged from 3.72% to 22.17%. Among them , 11 QTLs were associated with the panicle exsertion in the main spike, and 7 QTLs were associated with the panicle exsertion in the spike tiller, 6 QTLs were associated with the panicle exsertion in both main spike and spike tiller. Among the 11 QTLs controlling the panicle exsertion in main spike, qPE-7-1 has been detected in four growing environments, explaining 9.49%~22.17% of observed phenotypic variation, and 4 QTLs (qPE-1-1, qPE-1-2, qPE-6-1 and qPE-9-2 ) have been detected in more than two growing environments. And 3 QTLs(qPE-1-2, qPE-7-1 and qPE-6-1, ) of 7 QTLs controlling the panicle exsertion in spike tiller have been detected in more than two growing environments, explaining 4.35%~12.64%, 13.22%~20.89% and 11.49%~15.73% of observed phenotypic variation in respective .

    • Genetic diversity of hexaploid Triticale analyzed by SSR markers

      2015, 16(4):796-805. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.017

      Abstract (1726) HTML (0) PDF 7.63 M (1856) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: 339 hexaploid Triticale from International Maize an d Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)were analyzed using 100 microsatellite markers distributed across the whole Triticale genome. 100 pairs of primers detected 323 alleles, ranged from 1 to 6, with an average abundance of allelic variation was 3.23; polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0 to 0.748, an average of PIC was 0.465, belong to moderate polymorphic loci; average genetic diversity index (H') was 0.1439, indicating that the genetic diversity of hexaploid Triticale was relatively rich. Clustering results based on Nei's genetic distance showed that the tested materials can be divided into six groups. Among them, genetic distance between groups Ⅵ and others was very obvious.

    • Genome-wide identification and bioinformatic analysis of B3 gene family in tomato

      2015, 16(4):806-814. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.018

      Abstract (2289) HTML (0) PDF 13.92 M (3008) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The B3 superfamily plays vital roles in plant growth and development, especially in related signal transduction pathway as a kind of transcription factors. All members of the B3 superfamily share the B3 DNA-binding domain of approximately 110 amino acids. 97 members of the tomato B3 superfamily were all confirmed according to BLAST from the protein databases of tomato using the conserved B3 domain. Phylogenetic trees, chromosomal localization, function domain of all B3 members, tissue and induced expression patterns of partial B3 members were all analyzed. All the members were divided into four subfamilies, including LAV, ARF, RAV and REM, with 4, 22, 9 and 62 members, respectively. The branch of each subfamily was obviously distinguished from others in the phylogenetic tree, with analyzing the function domains of all members. All members of the B3 superfamily were assigned to each chromosome, and each subfamily distributed in different patterns and frequency. Partial members of B3 superfamily have different tissue and induced expression patterns, and responded to different signals.

    • Development and evaluation of genic-SSR markers based on shoot tip transcriptome information of Gossypium hirsutum L.

      2015, 16(4):815-822. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.019

      Abstract (1879) HTML (0) PDF 6.63 M (2210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 4507 SSRs distributed in 4039 transcript sequences were identified from 73515 unigenes in Gossypium hirsutum shoot tip transcriptome. The frequency of unigene sequences containing SSR was 5.5% and the number of SSRs was significantly higher in non-coding regions than that in coding regions (2853/1654). The SSR repeat motifs dominated by trinucleotide repeats (51.03%), among which AAG/CTT (20.08%) accounted for the highest proportion. Dinucleotide repeats motifs (28.76%) were the next, and AG/CT (55.47%) were the dominant type. Using primers batch design software, 1569 pairs of genic-SSR primers were developed. Preliminary evaluation was conducted on four Gossypium species, TM-1 (Gossypium hirsutum L.), 3-79 (G.barbadense L.), G. herbaceum L var. africanum and G. raimondii Ulbrich.. A total of 1117 primer pairs amplified stable bands and the amplification rate is 71.2%. Six hundred and fifty pairs of primers were randomly selected and further screened in 13 accessions of five cotton species (plus G. arboreum L.). Eighty-three of these primers could amplify special bands, the PIC value ranged from 0.121 to 0.648, and the average PIC value was 0.422. Eighty pairs of primers displayed polymorphisms within G. hirsutum, and the average PIC value was 0.336. Five among the 83 genic-SSR primer pairs which distinctly revealed polymorphism between the laboratory mapping parents of Lumianyan22 and Luyuan343 were selected and carried on linkage analysis, four of the SSRs were successfully integrated into intraspecific genetic linkage map previously constructed in our lab. The results enrich the quantity of cotton genus genic-SSR for mapping and association analysis and related research on cotton species.

    • Isolation and Characterization a Chromosome Maker in Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel

      2015, 16(4):823-827. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.020

      Abstract (1720) HTML (0) PDF 5.14 M (2426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A repeat sequence producing the multiple hybridization signals on chromosomes was obtained by constructing a Cot-1 DNA library and screening with a technique of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel. Further cloning and sequence analysis revealed that the sequence is tandem repeated in the genome with a repeated motif of 90 bp. The repetitive sequence was named as pLs-90. Karyotyping with pLs-90 revealed that each chromosome of L. secalinus could be well identified by the different FISH patterns with multiple hybridizations on centromeric, subcentromeric, interstitial, or subtelomeric ?regions. PLs-90 can not only be an idea chromosome maker for Leymus germplasm identification and utilization but also a powerful tool for studying the genome evolution of different species in Triticeae.

    • Cloning and Expression of ζ-carotene Desatura Gene in Ornamental Sunflower

      2015, 16(4):828-835. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.021

      Abstract (1676) HTML (0) PDF 23.19 M (1824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:cDNA sequence of the zeta-carotene desaturase gene involved in carotenoids synthesis was cloned from the yellow Petals of Helianthus annuus ‘MinKui 3’ using RT-PCR and RACE techniques, named as HaZDS (GenBank No. KF263657). The full length cDNA was 2069bp, and it included an open reading frame (ORF) of 1761bp corresponding to 587 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence analysis showed that HaZDS protein contained a chloroplastic transit peptide sequence in the N-terminal region, a typical amino oxidase domain and NAD(P) binding domain that included one characteristic sequence. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that HaZDS was more related to ZDS protein from Tagetes erecta and Chrysanthemum × morifolium, shared up to 96.4% and 90.1% homologues. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that HaZDS gene showed the highest transcript abundance in fully opened flower. HaZDS gene was highly expressed in ray florets, green tubular florets, bracts and leaves, but lowly expressed in black tubular florets. With the petals yellow deepening, the relative expression level of HaZDS gene gradually increased. It was suggested that HaZDS gene could involve in the regulation of flower color formation in transcription level of Helianthus annuus.

    • SRAP Analysis of Genetic Variation among Native Poplars in Southwest China

      2015, 16(4):836-841. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.022

      Abstract (1666) HTML (0) PDF 5.96 M (2192) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:333 samples of native poplars among 11 species collected from Southwest China were examined by SRAP (Sequence-related amplified polymorphism) markers to determine the genetic variation. The results showed that 7 selected primer combinations of SRAP generated 215 bands, of which, 158 bands were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic bands was 73.49%. All these index indicated that there were considerable genetic variation existed among 11 native poplar species. The variance components among species was 10.84 and it accounted for 48.70% of the total genetic variation by molecular variance analysis (AMOVA) indicating the genetic difference among 11 native poplar species was significant (P<0.001). The genetic similarity coefficients among the tested poplars ranged from 0.8199 to 0.9607, with an average of 0.8983. The cluster analysis showed that there was the smallest genetic difference between Populus qamdoensis and P. szechuanica var. tibetica, whereas the largest genetic difference between P. lasiocarpa and P. trinervis. The results of this research would provide a scientific basis for conservation, development and utilization of the native poplar gene resources in Southwest China.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of HbCMT in Hevea brasiliensis

      2015, 16(4):842-847. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.023

      Abstract (1747) HTML (0) PDF 12.23 M (1930) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The full-length cDNA encoding chromomethylase methyltransferase (CMT), designated HbCMT,was isolated from rubber tree by using PCR and RACE techniques. HbCMT was 2697 bp in length and contained an open reading frame of 2556 bp. Sequence analysis revealed that the ORF of HbCMT encode 851 amino acid residues with a total predicted molecular mass of 95.67 kD. The deduced amino acid sequences of HbCMT showed high identities of 77%、74%、72%、67%、64%和52% to those of the CMT from Theobroma cacao, Cucumis sativus, Cicer arietinum, Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana. Real time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the transcripts of the HbCMT were differentially expressed in the root, the bark, the leaf and the latex of rubber tree. HbCMT transcript expressed at different levels with the lower in self-rooting juvenile clones than in their donor clones.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) Germplasm with SCoT Molecular Marker

      2015, 16(4):848-856. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.024

      Abstract (1915) HTML (0) PDF 32.32 M (1888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of forty seven originated from nine countries/regions were analyzed using SCoT molecular marker and the efficiency of SCoT marker in pineapple study was also discussed. Results showed that SCoT has the plenty polymorphsim in pineapple, the percentage of polymorphism bands ranged from 30%-100% and the mean value was 85.37%. The mean value for effective number of alleles, Nei’s gene diversity, Shannon’s information index and polymorphism information content was 1.45, 0.27, 0.41and 0.28, respectively, which suggested that SCoT has the high efficiency on detecting polymorphism in pineapple. Based on the genetic similarity coefficient between pineapple germplasm generated from SCoT markers, all the germplasms were divided into six groups. The first three larger group were groupⅠ, groupⅡand group Ⅲ, which account for 80.85% of the total pineapple germplasm. Although results obtained by principal component analysis was incomplete with that obtained by cluster analysis, the genetic relationship between pineapple germplasm illustrated with the two methods was roughly consistent. All these results would provide the important theoretical basis for the identification, protection and scientific utilization of pineapple in China.

    • Construction of an SSR genetic linkage map of wheat using DH population derived from BS20×Fu3 and mapping QTLs for sterile gene

      2015, 16(4):857-867. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.025

      Abstract (1635) HTML (0) PDF 9.16 M (1872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic linkage map of wheat was constructed with DH population consisting of 289 individuals from a cross between BS20 and Fu3. 1112 SSR and EST-SSR primers were used to detect the polymorphisms between parents. Applying QGA_CN software to carry out linkage analysis ,the genetic map contains 19 chromosomes (without 4D and 6A) which included 128 SSR and 6 EST-SSR markers. The linkage map covered 2749.2 cM and the average distance was 17.4 cM. All 19 linkage groups consisted of 2-15 markers,the coverage of length from 15.3 to 244.4 cM. At the same time,we constructed three DNA pools including Beijing sterile pool,Fuyang sterile pool and restorer pool for screening the sterile genes using BSA method,and these primers were Wmc264, Wmc73 and Xgwm350,which distributed by chromosomes 3A, 5B and 2A/7D. Six major QTLs were detected when the F value>7.5 by mixed-model composite interval mapping.Thirteen major QTLs were found when the LOD value > 2.5 with composite interval mapping.Three QTLs were shared from two methods, the sterile genes were located on chromosomes 1BL , 2BS and 3AL, the marker intervals were Wmc365-cfa2129,Wmc602-Xgwm148 and Wmc264a-cfa2262 respectively,after the analysis of BSA and QTL.

    • Molecular Mapping of Leaf Rust Resistance genes in Chinese wheat Cultivar Weimai 8

      2015, 16(4):868-871. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.026

      Abstract (2001) HTML (0) PDF 4.05 M (2134) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wheat Cultivar “Weimai 8” is a good source of adult plant leaf rust resistance in China. In order to understand the chromosomal position of leaf rust resistance genes, 179 F2:3 families of the cross Weimai 8 and Zhengzhou 5389 (susceptible to leaf rust) were used to map leaf rust QTL. Results showed that there was a major QTL on chromosome 2AS, temporarily named QLr.hbau-2AS. QLr.hbau-2AS provided by the resistant parent Weimai 8, was between SSR markers Xcfd36 and Xbarc1138, interval length was 2.58 cM, in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 crop season, explained 25.79%, 71.55% and 60.72% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. This experiment screened 13 molecular markers linked to QLr.hbau-2AS, these molecular markers will play an important role in molecular breeding in the future.

    • Identification of Markers linked to Disease Resistance on Chinese cabbage-Cabbage Disomic Alien Addition Line 1 and Morphological and Qualitative Traits of Its Selfed Progenies

      2015, 16(4):872-875. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.027

      Abstract (1843) HTML (0) PDF 3.75 M (2402) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The product of marker linked to downy mildew resistance from cabbage could be amplified on Chinese cabbage-cabbage disomic alien addition line 1 (AC1d) and its parents Chinese cabbage and cabbage. And the product of marker linked to TuMV resistance from cabbage could be amplified on AC1d and cabbage, the corresponding product could not be amplified on Chinese cabbage. The values of plant length, plant width, head length, vitamin C and soluble protein contents during mature vegetative period in selfed progenies of AC1d showed a wide range of variation beyond corresponding values of parents Chinese cabbage and cabbage, which offered an opportunity to screen translocation lines that meet the breeding aims.

    • Screening of mutant for rice cultivar “9311” by γ-ray irradiation

      2015, 16(4):876-882. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.028

      Abstract (1802) HTML (0) PDF 12.53 M (1913) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Creation and screening of mutants are an important source of mining gene, and also are one of the effective ways to expand the germplasm resources. In this paper, indica rice cultivar 9311 seeds were treated with 60Co γ-ray, and 134 mutants were obtained by M2 generation screening and M3 generation identification, and the mutation frequency was 10.24%. The types of mutation included growth period and fertility, leaf traits, stem morphology, panicle traits, grain shape, and so on. Moreover, we also found a dwarf mutant with shorter internodes and leaves and without reproductive growth, and the mutant can not flower and fruit after continuously planting in Hubei and Hainan province. The mutants provide abundant materials for rice functional genomics study, and some of them can be directly used as breeding materials.

    • >研究简报
    • Evaluation and characterization of adzuki bean germplasm for paste production

      2015, 16(4):883-887. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.029

      Abstract (1611) HTML (0) PDF 2.15 M (2131) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:(Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081) Abstract: 450 accessions of adzuki bean germplasm were accessed by bean paste indictors, to provide information for breeding new varieties specially used for bean paste production. The results showed that the rates of paste production and seed coat, color, and cell characters of starch varied greatly among different germplasm. The rate of paste production varied from 1.97~3.51 with an average of 2.51. The rate of seed coat varied from 7%-21% with a mean value of 9%. The light intensity L varied from 9.48-34.38 with an average of 29.6. And intensity values of rRed and yellow densities varied from 16.56~34.27 and-1.71~17.86, with average values of 21.5 and 11.8, respectively. A fairly There are also diverse values on the sizes of starch cell, especially the thickness of cell wall. These results indicated the difference among varieties on bean paste production. Based on those indictors, 20 adzuki bean germplasm that suitable for bean paste production were determined and they will play important role in breeding new varieties for paste production.

    • Preliminary Study on Relationship between Pigments and Flesh Color of Sweetpotato Based on the Characteristic Values of image RGB

      2015, 16(4):888-894. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.030

      Abstract (2007) HTML (0) PDF 6.74 M (1860) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to clear the relationship of pigment and dry matter content with flesh color of sweetpotato, and provide estimation methods for pigment content based on the RGB characteristic values of images, the carotene content in 240 strains, anthocyanin content in 234 strains, the relative dry matter content and RGB characteristic value were determinated. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of carotene content with RGB value was -0.913, and their partial correlation coefficient was -0.872, while the correlation coefficient of anthocyanin content with RGB value was -0.838, and their partial correlation coefficient was -0.836, indicating that pigment content was a determining factor and high positive correlation with root flesh color, however there was a closer relationship between carotene content and root flesh color. The correlation coefficient of dry matter content with carotene RGB value was 0.597, and their partial correlation coefficient was 0.273, while correlation coefficient of dry matter content with anthocyanin RGB value was -0.273, and their partial correlation coefficient was 0.255, indicating that dry matter content had very obviously negative effects. But in low carotene (about 3 mg/100gFW or less) group with the RGB value> 200, the partial correlation coefficient of dry matter content with RGB value was -0.0066 (P = 0.9426), so dry matter content had no effect on root flesh color of low carotene strains. The pigment content estimation achieved good fitting results using the quadratic polynomial regression model with R value, G value, B value, and dry matter. Multiple correlation coefficients of fitting equations in low carotene group with RGB values < 200, high or moderately high carotene group with RGB values ≥200, and anthocyanin group, were respectively 0.982, 0.975, and 0.937, indicating that the fitting values had close relationships with measured values, and their fitting values could reach respectively about the accuracy of 90%, 83%, and 86%. Therefore, the RGB characteristic value might be used as not only a good indicator of pigment content difference on varieties, but also a relatively accurate estimation for their pigment content, it could provide a convenient and objective evaluation method of pigment content for large sums of samples in the early-generation selection of sweetpotato.

    • Comprehensive evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of progenies between Brassica napus and Rorippa indica

      2015, 16(4):895-902. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.031

      Abstract (1539) HTML (0) PDF 7.25 M (1868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking three rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with different waterlogging tolerance as the control, waterlogging tolerance of 15 stable lines between Brassica napus and Rorippa indica were identified and evaluated comprehensively in seedling period by using simulated drought in plastic pots. The results showed that: (1) waterlogging restrained root system growth, resulting in shorter plant, yellow leaves and biomass decreased. Effects of waterlogging on root system were most serious compaired to the plant total biomass and the growth of plant upside. (2) Through principal components analysis and subordinate function analysis, 10 character indexes, including number of leaves, ratio of green leaves, seedling height, root length, fresh weight of plant upside, root and the whole plant, dry weight of plant upside, root and the whole plant, were transformed into a single comprehensive evaluation value (D value), which accurately provided comprehensive evaluation for 18 materials, also provided method reference for Brassica napus waterlogging tolerance evaluation in seedling period. (3) Waterlogging tolerance coefficient of 9 character indexes (excluding ratio of green leaves) from 15 innovative germplasm all were higher than the control cultivars. Comprehensive evaluation results showed D value of 15 germplasm all were higher than Yuhuang No.2, D value of 13 germplasm were higher than Zhongyou 821 with high comprehensive tolerance and D value of 3 germplasm were higher than Zhongshuang No.9 with high waterlogging tolerance. Cluster analysis showed innovative germplasm accounted for 6 (85.71%) in 7 germplasm with high waterlogging tolerance. Consequently, the waterlogging tolerance of innovative germplasm were higher than the control cultivars averagely, which indicated that innovative germplasm from wide cross obviously improved waterlogging tolerance of Brassica napus.

    • Study on Mating System of 3 Elymus spp.

      2015, 16(4):903-906. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.032

      Abstract (1841) HTML (0) PDF 3.47 M (2173) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To provide a theoretical basis for crossbreeding, yielding cultivation of Elymus, an experiment was conducted to study mating system of 3 Elymus spp. by pollen-ovule ration (P/O value), outcrossing index and seed setting rate under different pollination methods. The results showed that the pollen-ovule ration (P/O value) was 31.9-396.0, mating system was the facultative autogamy. Outcrossing index ( OCI ) value is 2, was also the facultative autogamy. Seed setting rate showed that 3 Elymus spp. was selfing, out-cross compatible. As a result, mating system of 3 Elymus spp. belong to the facultative autogamy.

    • Principal Component and Cluster Analysis Based on Fruit Traits in ILs of Tomato

      2015, 16(4):907-913. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.033

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 5.46 M (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The introgression line population, which was generated via processing tomato parent S. lycopersicum M82 and a wild species S. pennellii LA716, was employed in this paper to evaluate seven fruit’s traits using principal component and cluster analysis. The results showed that these seven fruit traits were mainly composed of three independent principal components, including fruit weight factor, fruit shape factor and fruit quality factor, that the cumulative contribution of these three factors was 85.44%. Furthermore, 77 introgression lines can be divided into three groups by euclidean distance UPGMA method. The first group include 70 lines and can be divied in to two sub-group at D=20.65 level. The second group include one lines, and the third group included six lines. The experimental result shows that the 70 lines with excellent fruit traits mostly belong to group one.

    • Agronomic traits and quality analysis of peanut EMS Mutation Progeny

      2015, 16(4):914-919. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.034

      Abstract (1782) HTML (0) PDF 10.32 M (1952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to create useful mutations and create new peanut germplasm, two different peanut lines were treated with five different concentration of EMS( 0 ,0.5% , 1%, 1.5%, or 2%). Through injecting EMS into peanut flower organs. The agronomic characters and seed quality of M1 and M2 were analyzed. The results showed that the two lines mutagenic effect were obvious and the aberrations increased with the increasing concentration of EMS. The seed setting rate of the plants injected with EMS solutions and the seeding emergence rate of M1 generation are both lower than the control. Various types of mutated plants were discovered in M2 generations and most of the changed characters can be stably inherited. All these mutatied materials are conserved in germplasm library and will be in peanut functional genomic research and variety in provenment.

    • Classification for Gerbera DUS Testing Quantitative Traits and Diversity Analysis of Mrphological Characteristic

      2015, 16(4):920-926. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.04.035

      Abstract (2115) HTML (0) PDF 5.75 M (1985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 11 quantitative traits were classified and diversity of 54 morphological characteristics were analyzed with 22 gerbera varieties. The results showed that 11 quantitative traits can be classified to five or seven continuous grades, 3-7 or 2-8 incomplete scale was set up. There were 162 alleles for 54 morphological characteristics variations in 22 gerbera varieties, the average was 3.0. The average effective alleles was 2.0209 (1.0000 ~- 3.9672). The Shannon's diversity index averaged from all morphological characteristics was 0.7578 with a range of 0.0000 ~ -1.4650. Similarity coefficient of 22 varieties was from 0.67 to 0.86. The 22 gerbera varieties can be divided into three groups according the threshold with similarity of 0.70. Varieties of single flower or bicolored varieties with 2 colors on the outer side of outer ray floret can effectively distinguish from other varieties.

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