• Volume 16,Issue 5,2015 Table of Contents
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    • User model research of national crop germplasm resources infrastructure based on ontology

      2015, 16(5):927-932. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.001

      Abstract (1658) HTML (0) PDF 4.97 M (2149) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A method called dynamic multi-group and multi-level based on ontology was proposed to build user model according to national crop germplasm resourcesinfrastructure. A user node was first created, and an initial multi-group user model was built on the basis of user registration information and domain ontology. Then site log was mined to extend and update the user model regularly. Finally synonyms extension and different languages semantic expansion was implemented using common ontology WordNet, so as to further optimize the user model. The core domain ontology of national crop germplasm resources infrastructure was built under the environment of open source software protégé. User information was added to the ontology and formed the initial user model. User interest degree to resources was calculated, and time factor was added to the user model to indicate the interest change of users, so as to dynamically update the user model. The user model of dynamic multi-group and multi-level based on ontology could provide personalized services to different users, and could help improve service quality of national crop germplasm resources infrastructure.

    • The Research Progress of Epigenetic insights into the molecular bases Bases of Heterosis

      2015, 16(5):933-939. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.002

      Abstract (2138) HTML (0) PDF 7.87 M (2231) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Heterosis is a complex biological phenomenon and has been widely used in agricultural production. However, the formation mechanisms and molecular basis for of this phenomenon remains elusive. The further development of epigenetics, especially the development of techniques in DNA methylation, small RNA and histone modification, provides new strategy and approaches for the study of the molecular bases of heterosis. The previous researches indicate that there was a certain relationship between the varied level of DNA methylation, small RNA, histone and heterosis in hybrid. DNA methylation, small RNA and histone modification played important roles in heterosis. Meanwhile, the interaction amongof DNA methylation, small RNA and histone modification involved in gene expression which lead to the formation of heterosis. This paper review summarizeds the progress of the role and genetic mechanism of epigenetics in heterosis in recent years, as well as the problems and key issues which should be focused in the following researches. It will be helpful for the better understanding of the mechanism of heterosis, and facilitate the study on the epigenetic basis of heterosis and application in plant breeding in the future.

    • Identification of Glyphosate-tolerance in Soybean Mini-core Collection

      2015, 16(5):940-946. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.003

      Abstract (1716) HTML (0) PDF 10.43 M (1894) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 223 accessions of core collection using a glyphosate tolerance transgenic line AG5601 as a control, were used for comparison of the glyphosate tolerance. They were treated with glyphosate (roundup) on cotyledonary node as the target point in the early stage of germination of soybean using four different concentrations of roundup dilute solution (1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000). The results showed that highest concentration (1/10 roundup dilution) resulted soybean plant height significantly reduced but both 1/1000 and 1/10000 roundup dilution had no significant influence on plant growth, indicating the glyphosate tolerance of soybean would decrease with the concentration of glyphosate increased. However, there were variations of tolerance among different soybean accessions when they treated with 1/100 roundup dilution. Then we identified 10 elite accessions with moderate glyphosate tolerance. Despite the glyphosate tolerance of soybean mini core collection was much lower than that of transgenic AG5601, we found out that there were great variations of glyphosate tolerance among different accessions. This study provides information for selection of transformation receptors and parents using transgenic and traditional techniques in development of glyphosate resistant soybeans.

    • Analysis of maize accessions resistance to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot

      2015, 16(5):947-954. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.004

      Abstract (1758) HTML (0) PDF 7.89 M (1816) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Maize is one of the most important crops in China. Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot are serious diseases in maize production. A total of 1647 maize accessions were screened for resistance to these two diseases from 2006 to 2012. Five hundred and sixty-four and 27germplasm was highly resistant to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot, accounting for 32.24﹪and 1.64﹪ of total accessions screened, respectively. In addition, 209 and 352 accessions with resistance to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot were discovered, accounting for 12.69﹪ and 21.37﹪ of total accessions, respectively. Among resistant germplasm, there were 13 accessions with high resistance to two diseases and 207 accessions with resistance to two diseases or resistance to one and high resistance to another. In present study, 56.5﹪and 23.6﹪ of maize inbred lines were highly resistant or resistant to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot, whereas 21.2﹪and 21.4﹪of germplasm in landraces were resistant to these two diseases, respectively, indicating higher level of resistance and more multiple resistance in inbred lines than in landraces. Among 227 corn varieties participating in national regional test in 2009-2012, 11.5﹪, 11.9﹪, 40.1﹪, 17.6﹪ and 18.9﹪ of varieties were highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, susceptible and highly susceptible to Pythium stalk rot, respectively. The total of ratio of new varieties with moderate resistance, resistance and high resistance obviously tended to ascend during 2009-2011, but descended in 2012-2013.

    • Identification of QTL for 100-kernel Weight Based on Introgression Line in Maize

      2015, 16(5):955-960. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.005

      Abstract (2370) HTML (0) PDF 5.86 M (2147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 100-kernel weight of maize is a main component of yield traits. The research of genetic controlling sites by identifying QTL or cloning genes is helpful for the implementation of molecular breeding. In this study, We used introgressed homozygous line SL19-41, containing two chromosome fragments of QB80 introgressed into the genetic backgrounds of Ye478, because Ye478 is a main maize inbred line with widely used in maize breeding. We constructed the segregated population families by hybridizinng with Ye478 (F2、F2:3 and BC1F1). After the field experiment of three environments, we located the 100-kernel weight QTL and analyzed the phenotypic effects of QTL loci linked markers through the stepwise regression interval mapping by IciMapping software. The results showed that two QTLs of 100-kernel weight were identified, of which qKW4-1 located in bnlg1784-umc1194 interval on the 4 chromosome which are repeatly detected in three environments, interpreting 6.74%-17.81% phenotypic variations and illustrated genetic mechanisms of 100-kernel weight of introgression line SL19-41, At the same time, we obtained the modified version of the Ye478 (Ye478QB80), it provided useful molecular markers for genetic improvement of 100-kernel weight of maize and also provided material resources for cloning genes of 100-kernel weight.

    • Genetic Diversity of 405 Wheat Lines from CIMMYT

      2015, 16(5):961-967. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.006

      Abstract (1937) HTML (0) PDF 6.45 M (2202) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to take full advantage of common wheat from CIMMYT, the genetic diversity of 405 wheat lines was analyzed by 62 SSR polymorphic markers with clear SSR products, selected from 420 SSR markers evenly distributed in wheat genome. A total of 198 alleles were identified and 2~8 alleles were identified by each marker, with an average of 3.19. The PIC value of each marker ranged from 0.03 to 0.79, with an average of 0.48. Among the 405 CIMMYT lines, both the polymorphic site number and average allele number of A, B and D genome were close. The mean PIC value of B genome was the highest while the D genome was the lowest. These lines were clustered into 24 groups when genetic distance was 0.1285. Significant differences of the major agronomic and quality traits were observed among groups.

    • Evaluation and identification indexes selection on the drought resistance of broomcorn millet bred cultivars at seeding stage

      2015, 16(5):968-975. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.007

      Abstract (1909) HTML (0) PDF 6.55 M (2437) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In DunHuang city of annual rainfall less than 40 mm, 56 Broomcorn millet bred cultivars from different regions in China and repeated drought method were chosen as experiment material and identification method at seeding stage. The study made use of survival rate after repeated drought and comprehensive evaluation valve D as drought evaluation methods, as well as applied cluster analysis and principal component analysis, correlation analysis as classification and the drought resistance index screening methods. Results show: 10 traits were occurred difference among 56 Broomcorn millet bred cultivars. Seedling plant height, plant water content, leaf area per plant, biomass have the greatest effect on repeated drought stress at broomcorn millet seedling, on the contrary, root length, relative growth rate have lesser affect. Longmi No.5, Mengjingmi No.1, Mengjingmi No.7, Ji No.3 were screened grade 1 drought-resistant varieties. Plant water content, biomass, leaf area per plant, relative growth rate can be used as dominating drought resistance identification of broomcorn millet seedling, and root number, root length, root-shoot ratio can be used as auxiliary indexes in drought-resistant identification of broomcorn millet seedling.

    • Investigation of Agro- biological Resources and Comparative Analysis on Species Diversity in Zhenfeng and Songtao County, Guizhou Province

      2015, 16(5):976-985. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.008

      Abstract (2163) HTML (0) PDF 7.45 M (1970) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Agro-biodiversity plays significant role in food production,ecosystem security and sustainable agricultural development. It is based on agricultural species diversity. Therefore, obtaining precise biodiversity information is a foundation of study and scientific decision of biodiversity conservation. In this paper, taking the survey area (county, township), nationalities and types of biological resource as the basic analysis unit, using biodiversity indexes that were composed of species richness, dominance, diversity index, Pielou index and similarity coefficient to evaluate diversity of agro-biological resource utilized by different nationalities in six townships of Zhenfeng and Songtao County. Results showed that the species diversity of the two counties are high and similar, but the level of species diversity of three towns in Songtao County was higher than the three towns of Zhenfeng County, and species diversity of Miao nationality was higher than those of Buyi, Tujia and Han nationality. In analysis unit of agro-biological resource types, the species diversity of food crop of Buyi and Tujia, food crop of Zhaiying Town in Songtao County, vegetables and annual economic crop of Miao, vegetables and annually economic crop of Panshi Town and Zhengda township in Songtao County, fruit trees and perennially economic crops of Miao and Buyi, fruit trees and perennially economic crops of Lugong Town in Zhenfeng County and Zhaiying Town in Songtao County, medicinal plants of Miao and Panshi Town in Songtao County,was higher than other towns and nationalities.

    • Genetic diversity of foreign mungbean germplasm resources by agronomic characters

      2015, 16(5):986-993. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.009

      Abstract (2048) HTML (0) PDF 8.73 M (1968) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the genetic basis of foreign mungbean, broaden the kinship and improve the breeding efficiency of domestic mungbean gremplasm, we studied the genetic diversity of 352 foreign mungbean accessions from 15 countries by evaluating 5 qualitative traits and 10 quantitative traits. The results showed that there was a high level of genetic variation in 15 morphologic traits among 338 mungbean accessions except 14 accessions that could not mature for the reason of geography and climate. The genetic diversity index of leaf shape (0.69) and young stem color (0.69) were the highest in the five qualitative traits and length of straight (2.08) and 100 seed-weight (2.07) were the highest in the ten quantitative traits. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that 338 mungbean accessions were classified into 6 groups and the average yield distinctively different between groups. The Group 5 have some traits of early maturity, short stem and large grains, these accessions could be used for reference in the hybridization breeding. The mungbean accessions in Philippines, Indonesia, ARC-AVRDC, Korea, India, the United States and Russia had different characteristics and showed abundant genetic diversity; The diversity index of Russia was the highest, In contrast, the diversity index of Korea was the lowest; The accessions in Indonesia had the highest number of stem node, seeds per pod, pods number per plant and grain yield per plant and the lowest growth period, they were early-maturing, large seed sand high yield, and could be used for some basic breeding materials in our country. The accessions in seven countries were divided into 3 groups based on UPGMA, group 1 included some mungbean accessions in Indonesia, group 2 included some mungbean accessions in Korea, group 3includedthe rest of 5 populations . It indicated that there were some relationships between population traits and geogeaphical origin.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Sweetpotato Landraces in China

      2015, 16(5):994-1003. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.010

      Abstract (2080) HTML (0) PDF 8.08 M (2013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 176 sweetpotato landraces from 17 provinces in China, was analyzed using morphological traits. The accessions from the same origins were clustered into different groups, indicating that there was no direct relationship between genetic diversity and geographical origins. 176 landraces can be divided into five groups by UPGMA cluster based on euclidean distance . And two pairs of duplicate collections were found. The quality characters of 133 landraces were identified. 11 collections with high dry matter content and high starch content were screened, in which Baopiwang from Guangdong is the highest one with 34.87% dry matter content and 23.32% starch content of fresh sweetpotato respectively. The 11 landraces which soluble sugar content of fresh sweetpotato≥4.00% were screened, the highest one is Tengchongbendizhong of Yunnan, 5.22%. 2 landraces were screened with high raw protein content. The 133 landraces were clustered into five groups based on quality traits. The groupⅠincluded 28 landraces with high soluble sugar content, low dry matter and raw protein content. The groupⅡ was mainly composed with the landraces with low starch and protein content, high soluble sugar content. There was only 1 collection Tengchongbendizhong with the highest soluble sugar content in the groupⅣ. The groupⅤ includes 4 landraces from Guangdong with high starch content. The rest of the 86 landraces constituted the group Ⅲ.

    • Study on the Main Traits Genetic Analysis and Superior Tree Selection of Hybrid Offsprings of ‘Lvling’ Walnut

      2015, 16(5):1004-1012. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.011

      Abstract (1816) HTML (0) PDF 7.67 M (1910) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to breed new walnut varieties with dwarf, precocious , fruitful and high quality traits which were superior were better than that of ‘Lvling’,, ‘Lvling’ walnut plants were used as parents crossed with ‘Liao ning NO 1’ and ‘Lvzao’ walnut, the 13 traits of 374 hybrid offspring in reciprocal crosses were investigated and itstheir genetic laws wasere analyzed. 13 traits of 374 strains in reciprocal crosses which ‘Lvling’ walnut was as a parent were investigated, and its genetic law was analyzed. The results showed that there existed relatively higher genetic diversities among the phenotypic traits of the hybrid offspring , the variation coefficients of each traits were more than 17%, the highest value reached 70%;%. But that of the fruit related traits were less than 20% except the soluble protein contents. In the 4 cross combinations, the inheritance of transfer ability of green husk percentage and kernel fat contents were more than 97%, that itsand their heredity was greatly influenced by additive effect. The broad-sense heritability of the fruit related traits were more than 90%, and this indicated that their heredities were relatively stable, you can and could be choosen in the early generation. 21 superior trees were primarily selected from the hybrid offspring , principal component analysis methods were used to evaluate them and select superior trees. The results showed that ,according to the cumulative variance contribution which reached 74.3%, 4 principal components which reflected the main economic characters were determined; by calculating the comprehensive evaluation value of each plant, 3 excellent trees from 21 superior trees were selected, and the evaluation results were similar to those of and thetheir actual phenotypes of pereach plants was similar, and found 3 indexes, that were the short bearing branch rate、, dwarf index and internode length canould reflect the excellent dwarf character of walnut.

    • Genetic diversity analysis of wild bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) using SRAP and TRAP markers in Hebei Province

      2015, 16(5):1013-1019. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.012

      Abstract (1766) HTML (0) PDF 8.71 M (1850) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SRAP and TRAP markers were employed to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships of 36 bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) accessions, including 34 wild bermudagrass germplasm resources of Hebei Province. Ten primer pairs from 238 primers pairs of SRAP and ten primer pairs from 85 primers pairs of TRAP were selected and used for the present study. Ten primers pairs of SRAP and TRAP produced a total of 186 and 161 bands, including 156 and 132 polymorphic bands, averaged 15.6 and 13.2 polymorphic bands per primer pair, and the percentages of polymorphic sites were 83.4% and 81.0% in average, respectively. Combined the both markers with cluster analysis, the genetic similarity among all accessions ranged from 0.519 to 0.983 and was 0.7 in average. When the GS is 0.68, the 36 accessions were classified into four distinct clusters. The results indicated there was substantial genetic diversity among the Cynodon dactylon germplasms in Hebei province, provide a scientific basis for germplasm resources conservation and breeding fine cultivars of bermudagrass.

    • Genetic Relationship Analysis and Cultivar Identification of Blueberry Based on SSR Markers

      2015, 16(5):1020-1026. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.013

      Abstract (1823) HTML (0) PDF 8.66 M (1853) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, we aimed to analyze the genetic relationship of 22 blueberry cultivars and establish a stable and reliable blueberry cultivar identification protocol, which would benefit blueberry germplasm evaluation, identification and management as well as novel variety breeding. We optimized the SSR-PCR reaction system, screened 15 SSR markers producing unambiguous, reproductive and abundant polymorphic bands. A dendrogram of 22 blueberry cultivars was constructed using these 15 SSR markers. It showed great consistency of the dendrogram and genetic background of the analyzed blueberry cultivars. SSR markers NA961 and NA1040 were chosen as core markers from the 15 SSR markers for blueberry cultivar identification, which together could completely distinguish the 22 cultivars. Reference markers and fingerprinting were made using these two core markers. A convenient and reliable blueberry cultivar identification protocol by SSR markers was successfully established

    • SSR Markers Analysis Genetic Diversity of Chickpea (Cicer arinuml L.) Germplasm

      2015, 16(5):1027-1034. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.014

      Abstract (1705) HTML (0) PDF 8.71 M (1935) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of germplasm resources was the foundation of thebreeding study.SSR markers analysis genetic diversity of chickpea (Cicer arinuml L.) germplasm.18 polymorphic SSR markers which was screened from a total of 48 SSR primer pairs detected 115 allelic variations which were 52.99% of total alleles for diversity in 96 chickpea accessions.The average number of alleles per SSR were 6.76 with a range from 3 to 10. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of each SSR locus ranged from 0.6661 to 0.8984 with an average of 0.8107.Shannon′s information index varied from 0.0607 to 1.9584 with an average of 1.4769.UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the 96 chickpea materimals were clustered into six categories at the genetic similarty coefficient of 0.59.The categoryⅠhad 9 varieties,Ⅱhad 2 varieties,Ⅲ had 28 varieties, Ⅳ had 4 varieties,Ⅴhad 40 varieties and Ⅵ had 13 varieties。Genetic diversity of the chickpea germplasm resources based on SSR markers was abundant. The study can provided reference for chickpea resources evaluation , utilization and exploration ofexcellent gene resources. The genetic diversity research of chickpea germplasm resources has guiding significance for breeding material parent.

    • Genetic Diversity and Relationship Analysis of Asarum Germplasm Resources Based on ISSR and SRAP Markers

      2015, 16(5):1035-1044. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.015

      Abstract (1823) HTML (0) PDF 11.61 M (1950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To analyse the genetic diversity and relationship of Asarum germplasm resources, sixty-one Asarum germplasm were tested using ISSR and SRAP Markers. The results were as follows: (1) The average of bands amplified per primer by ISSR and SRAP was 8.35 and 7.85 respectively. The percentage of polymorphic bands of ISSR and SRAP was 86.3% and 86.0% respectively. (2) The percentage of polymorphic bands of ISSR was higher than those of SRAP amplified using same number of primers. (3) According to the dendrogram of cluster analysis, all the accessions could be classified clearly. The cluster of accessions was associated with resource region. Comparing to ISSR, SRAP marker had the advantage in reflecting the difference of genome. (4) Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Var. mandshuricum (Maxim) kitag. and Asarum sieboldii Miq. var. seoulense Nakai from same origin clustered first in two clustering dendrogram which showed they have close genetic relationship. (5) Not all A. heterotropoides or A. sieboldii were clustered together, and this showed that the taxonomy according to molecular marker was inconsistent with plant characteristics.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Anoectochilus roxburghii and It’s Relative Species Using ISSR Molecular Marker

      2015, 16(5):1045-1055. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.016

      Abstract (1729) HTML (0) PDF 16.29 M (2043) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ISSR molecular markers were employed to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of Anoectochilus roxburghii and it’s relative species collected from different districts of China. Results indicated that, a total of 156 bands were amplified from 50 samples by 9 ISSR primers, and 155 were polymorphic bands, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 99.36%; UPMGA dendrogram analysis indicated that, the similarity coefficient ranged from 0.56 to 0.90, at genetic similarity of 0.65, all the 50 samples were clustered into 4 groups, and A.roxburghii were mainly gathered in group A. Group A can further clustered into 3 subgroups and 5 small subgroups, and there were no significantly boundaries among A.roxburghii samples sourced from different districts. After removed unknown source samples, based on geographic source, 46 samples were divided into 8 populations, included 4 Fujian wild A.roxburghii populations, the values of Nei’s gene diversity (H) of them were 0.322 and 0.295, which were in average level compared with other orchids; the coefficient of genetic differentiation among population(Gst) were 0.328 and 0.240, which were in low level compared with other orchids.Results of AMOVA Analysis indicated that genetic variation within population was 87%, variation among population was 13%, indicated there could exist gene flow among populations.

    • Cloning of PAL Genes and Their Response to FHB in Wheat

      2015, 16(5):1055-1061. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.017

      Abstract (1821) HTML (0) PDF 8.55 M (1977) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Four PAL (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) genes were cloned from Sumai3, which were designed as TaPAL1, TaPAL2, TaPAL3, TaPAL4. Their Open reading frames(ORFs) were 2142bp, 2016bp, 2118bp and 2139bp, and the length of the deduced protein were 714, 672,706 and 713 amino acid residues, respectively. Sequence alignment of the four genes showed the similarity was 88.35% and the encoded amino acids was 91.92%. Amino acids sequence analysis showed that the four proteins all contain HAL-PAL domain and PAL domain. Expression pattern analysis revealed that all the four PAL genes were up regulated after inoculation with Fusarium graminearum, which suggested that PAL genes might have an important role in the defense response to F. graminearum.

    • Chromosomal Location of the Excellent Genes in Thinopyrum elongatum and its Application

      2015, 16(5):1062-1066. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.018

      Abstract (1675) HTML (0) PDF 5.76 M (2221) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Thinopyrum elongatum (2n=2X) and Thinopyrum ponticum (2n=10X) are important relatives of wheat, having some excellent characters such as resistance to disease, cold, drought and salinity-alkalinity. Thinopyrum elongatum and Thinopyrum ponticum are focused on for many years as theirgenomes contains many useful genes on wheat genetic breeding and as they are easy to hybrid with wheat. So, they are considered to be very important germplasm resources for wide hybridization breeding of wheat. This paper mainly summarized the research progress of the genomes in Th. elongatum (2n=2X) and Th. ponticum (2n=10X) and their application for wheat in adversity and disease resistance, photosynthetic capacity, yield and HMW-GS content improvement.

    • Mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with seed longevity of rice after nearly 10 years of seed storage

      2015, 16(5):1067-1072. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.019

      Abstract (1690) HTML (0) PDF 5.53 M (2048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In this paper, a F2:3 population of 186 linesstored in gene bank for ten years at Hunan Rice Research Institute (HNRRI) which were derived from Xiang 743 / Katy and was tested for germination percentage and normal seedling percentage in the fifth and ninth day at seed germination stage. A linkage map consisting of 129 SSR markers was employed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with seed longevity. A total of 12 QTLs were detected, distributing on 6 regions in the genome, with phenotypic variance explanation anging as 5.73% ~47.53% and general contribution as high as 50%. Among them, a major QTL was identified in the interval of RM152-RM310 on chromosome 8, with germination percentage contribution of 12.02% in the fifth day and germination percentage contribution of 47.53% and normal seedling percentage contribution of 38.64% in the ninth day, the allele for Xiang 743 played positive effect. Meanwhile, a stable QTL was detected in the interval of RM444-RM219 on chromosome 9, with germination percentage contribution of 8.85% in the fifth day and germination percentage contribution of 7.49% and normal seedling percentage contribution of 10.36% in the ninth day, the allele from Katy played positive effect. In addition, no epistatic interaction was detected among putative QTLs.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of A Transcription Factor Gene DcDofD1 Related to Abiotic Stress Reaction in Carrot

      2015, 16(5):1073-1079. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.020

      Abstract (1674) HTML (0) PDF 6.19 M (2338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In higher plant, Dof (DNA-binding with one finger) transcription factor is a plant-specific transcription factor, which plays important roles during the growth and development. Here, the genes of DcDofD1, which encoding to a Dof transcription factor, were cloned from two carrot varieties ‘Heitianwucun’ and ‘Junchuanhong’, respectively. The sequences of nucleic acid and amino acid, phylogenetic tree, hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, and molecular modeling were analyzed using bioinformatics method. The results demostrated that the two DcDofD1 factors from carrot had single zinc finger, and their amino acid sequence at Dof domain were very conserved. The DcDofD1 factors from carrot were classified into D1 subfamily of Dof family. The expression profiles of the DcDofD1 gene under four abiotic stress treatments (cold, heat, high salt, and drought) were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR in the two carrot varieties ‘Heitianwucun’ and ‘Junchuanhong’. The results of expression profiles showed that DcDofD1 gene responded to the cold, heat, high salt, and drought stresses in carrot. The results demostrated that the DcDofD1 gene involved into interact with abiotic stress in carrot.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of an Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Gene from Camellia oleifera

      2015, 16(5):1080-1088. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.021

      Abstract (1920) HTML (0) PDF 11.58 M (1990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, using state trial oil-tea variety (Camellia oleifera ‘Huashuo’) as material, a full-length cDNA of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase genes in seeds was cloned using RACE technique based on the transcriptome and expression profiling database of C. oleifera seeds. It was named as CoACAD (GenBank accession number KJ910338). The cDNA of CoACAD gene was found to be 2702 bp with an open reading frame of 2487 bp encoding 828 amino acid residues. The molecular mass of the CoACAD protein was 92.4113 kDa with theoretical pI of 8.47. CoACAD protein has two obvious transmembrane domains and contained a typical tyrosine protein kinase (PTK) active site, containing protein kinase domain, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (APH) domain, ACAD_N domain, ACAD_C domain and ACAD Center domain. The expression vector of CoACAD were constructed successfully, and the BL21 (DE3) bacteria harboring pET30a-CoACAD was induced to express the recombinant protein which was about 93 kDa. The relative expression abundance of CoACAD at 13 different developmental stages of C.oleifera seeds was analyzed using real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). The CoACAD gene are both up-regulated expression in the C.oleifera seeds’ enlargemental and mature period, which may play be involved in regulation of energy supply at different developmental stages of C. oleifera seeds.

    • Molecular Evolution and Targets Prediction of gma-miR171 Gene Family in Soybean

      2015, 16(5):1089-1092. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.022

      Abstract (2072) HTML (0) PDF 3.91 M (2279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The miR-171 gene family of soybean (gma-miR-171) was searched in miRbase using bioinformatics method in this study. Molecular evolution of gma-miR-171 gene family was analyzed and their target genes were predicted. The results showed that, 21 sequences of gma-miR-171 gene family were found in miRBase. Sequences analysis revealed that the gma-miR-171 gene family had low conservation. Only 2 bases were conserved completely. Gene location suggested that 21 gma-miR-171 genes were distributed in 12 chromosomes. Among them, Chr06 had the most gma-miR-171 genes distribution, and there were 4 gma-miR-171 genes locating in Chr06. Evolution analysis showed that the genes located in the same chromosome did not have nearer phylogenetic relationship than other gma-miR-171 genes. Gene predicting found 14 target genes of gma-miR-171 gene family, including proteinase, phosphatase, exportin, transcription factor. These findings suggest that gma-miR-171 gene family plays significant roles in soybean.

    • Genetic analysis of stripe rust resistance gene in wheat cultivar Xikemai2028

      2015, 16(5):1093-1097. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.023

      Abstract (1743) HTML (0) PDF 4.56 M (2175) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: To the clear of Xikemai2028 of wheat stripe rust was popular small resistance and genetic law of resistance, in order to better and more effectively provide the basis for disease resistance in wheat breeding. With wheat stripe rust was physiological small CYR31 and CYR32, CYR33 and Su11-4, in seedling stage and booting stage of Xikemai2028 induced by artificial inoculation and natural, disease resistance identification. With Xikemai2028 and infected Mingxian 169 parents for hybridization, with CYR31 and CYR32, CYR33, Su11-4 small kind of wheat stripe rust was physiology, including of F2 and F3 lines and backcross BC1F1, artificial inoculation identification of BC1F2 generations. The results:showed that the immune and nearly immune article to rust in Xikemai2028 of wheat. Controlled by the three pairs of dominant gene for CYR31 disease resistance; To CYR32 by 2 to explicit and 1 to control the recessive gene; By CYR33 1 to dominant gene control; By Su11-4 for explicit and 1 control of recessive gene.

    • Resistant Identification of Stalk Rot and Head Smut for Introduced U.S. GEM Germplasm in Maize

      2015, 16(5):1098-1102. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.024

      Abstract (1633) HTML (0) PDF 4.16 M (2075) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During recent years, stalk rot and head smut have becoming two of the major diseases for the maize production in China. It was turned out that the disease-resistant breeding was the most effective approach to resolve the disease problem by the discovery and application of newly resistant germplasm. In this study, a set of resistant germplasm from introduced U.S. GEM materials for stalk rot and head smut were identified and selected under the condition of repeated inoculation, which was meaningful to the enhancement of disease-resistant maize germplasm of China.

    • Identification of a Putative Trigeneric Hybrid "Shennong Gaotangzhe" for its Germplasm Origin

      2015, 16(5):1103-1110. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.025

      Abstract (1712) HTML (0) PDF 12.49 M (1820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Improvement and innovation of germplasm resources are the keys of breeding new cultivars, and the distant hybridization is an important way in improving germplasm. A new variety named “Shennong Gaotangzhe” has been promoted in recent years, which was declared as a hybrid of Sorghum, maize and sugarcane. In order to identify the real germplasm sources of “Shennong Gaotangzhe”. In this study, we used morphology, SCoT markers and GISH technology to analyze the possible genetic origin of “Shennong Gaotangzhe”. Among them, the results of preliminary identification of morphology indicated that , “Shennong Gaotangzhe” was very similar to sugarcane, maize and sorghum only based on the characteristics of roots, stems, leaves and other organs,so,it was unable to accurately distinguish “Shennong Gaotangzhe” for true hybrids. According to the cluster results of SCoT markers, 12 tested materials can be divided into three categories named I, II and III, the category I included three kinds of Sorghum and the “Shennong Gaotangzhe”, the six tested materials of sugarcane belonged category II, and the two kinds of maize belonged category III. From the cluster diagram, the similar coefficient of “Shennong Gaotangzhe” and African sweet sorghum is the largest. It showed that the genetic distance between “Shennong Gaotangzhe” and African sweet sorghum is closer and the genetic differences is smaller than the others. The results of comparative-GISH revealed that “Shennong Gaotangzhe” shared a common ancestor with sweet sorghum, but without the descendant of sugarcane or maize. Combined with the three methods identified in this study, the “Shennong Gaotangzhe” was identified as a variety (line) of sweet sorghum, but not a hybrid of sugarcane, sorghum and maize. The results of the study not only reveal the false reports for avoiding unnecessary losses, but also explore the prospect of sweet sorghum as a germplasm resource of sugarcane for distant hybridization.

    • >研究简报
    • Study on response of soybean stem characters to shading at seedling stage

      2015, 16(5):1111-1116. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.026

      Abstract (1652) HTML (0) PDF 5.61 M (2007) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stem characters of 51 soybean materials were studied under normal light and shading conditions at seedling stage. The results showed that the coefficient of variation (CV) of soybean materials based on stem characters under normal light and shading were 8.40%-78.06% and 11.27%-84.68%, respectively. Except for CV for first and second internode length, CVs for other stem characters under shading were higher than that under normal light. Plant height, height of lowest branch and internode length were very significantly raised (P <0.01), stem diameter, branch number and nodes of main stem were very significantly decreased under shading. Plant height index (IL),internode length index( I2, I4 and I6) were significant among normal light and shading (P<0.05). Correlation analysis showed that plant height was significantly positively correlated with every internode length (exclusion first internode length), and was not significantly correlate with nodes of main stem under shading. Path analysis indicated that the positively contribution of tenth, eleventh internode length to plant height was the largest under normal light, and that of seventh, tenth internode length to plant height was the largest under shading. Plant heights of six soybean materials were not significantly difference in two different light environments. Therefore, these results may play important role in soybean breeding of intercropping system.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Tagetes patula Germplasm Based on Phenotypic Traits

      2015, 16(5):1117-1122. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.027

      Abstract (1528) HTML (0) PDF 4.90 M (2335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the relationship and improve the use efficiency of Tagetes patula germplasm resources, analysis of genetic diversity and principal component of 40 Tagetes patula germplasms was carried out in terms of 18 traits. The results showed that the phenotypic diversity was abundant in Tagete spatula germplasms, and the higher variation of phenotypes was detected among accessions in phenotypic traits. The coefficient of variation ranged from 3.92% to 46.25%, with the largest for flower number followed by crown diameter and plant height. Shannon diversity indices indicated the higher diversity in frond (leaf) and flower traits with the average above 2.0. Moreover, the phenotypic diversity was more abundant in domestic germplasm than that in imported varieties. Four principal components with the variance cumulative contribution rate of 78.949% were obtained and 10 accessions with better comprehensive characters were screened out based on the principal component analysis. When the Euclidean distance was about 7.29, 40 accessions tested could be classified into two groups. The first group included 2 varieties (Shuixing yellow and orange) with the higher growth potential, and the second one containing 38 accessions that could be further divided into 2 sub-groups with flower color differences at the Euclidean distance about 6.0, suggesting that the growth potential and flower colour may be considered as the important indicators for classification of Tagetes patula germplasm based on phenotypic traits.

    • Genetic Diversity of 36 Chieh-qua Inbred lines Based on ISSR

      2015, 16(5):1123-1127. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.028

      Abstract (1976) HTML (0) PDF 4.28 M (2398) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 36 Chieh-qua Inbred lines Based on ISSR was analyzed in our research. ISSR markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 36 Chieh-qua inbred lines. 14 obviously polymorphic primers were selected from 100 ISSR primers for PCR amplification in 36 Chieh-qua samples. The results showed that 76 bands were amplified from 36 samples, 45 bands were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic bands is 59.21%. The genetic similarity coefficient of 36 Chieh-qua samples which ranged from 0.57 to 0.96 showed that genetic diversity was narrow. The cluster analysis showed that 36 Chieh-qua inbred line samples could be classified into three groups, which has a higher correlation with the geographical origin of the samples. The dendrogram could provide a scientific basis for Chieh-qua breeding and parents selection in constructing genetic linkage map of Chieh-qua.

    • Identification of Sweetpotato Drought-Resistance and Physiological Response of Sweetpotato Leaves under Osmotic Stress

      2015, 16(5):1128-1134. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2015.05.029

      Abstract (1649) HTML (0) PDF 5.65 M (2116) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A kind of auxiliary identification method of sweetpotato drought-resistance need be established to drought screening of new materials and breeding drought-resistance new varieties,promote sweetpotato planting in dry barren hills,inland arid etc. marginal land,reduce the workload of field identification. On the basis of identification of sweetpotato drought-resistance in the field, PEG-6000 simulate water stress, the relation of drought-resistance and physiological changes under was discussed. The results show that: Through drought identification in the field, Guangshu87 and Xushu22 have strong drought-resistance, Rizi0602 and Ningzishu1 have poor drought-resistance. Under stress, with the increasing of PEG concentration , the activity of NOS, CAT, T-AOC and T-SOD of sweetpotato leaves increased gradually, the content of Pro, MDA, Prot and T-AA also increased; especially after 24 h sweetpotato leaves were treated in 25% PEG-6000, drought resistance index and the relative values of NOS,T-AOC,Pro of sweetpotato leaves showed a significant positive correlation,the relative value of RWC and drought resistance index showed a highly significant positive correlation,drought resistance index and D value of NOS,T-AOC, Pro, RWC showed a significant positive correlation(r=0.8944).so the D value of this four physiological indexes could be used for preliminary identification of sweetpotato drought-resistance.

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