• Volume 17,Issue 1,2016 Table of Contents
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    • Characteristic Analysis of Kernel Related Traits in Important Maize Inbred Lines of China

      2016, 17(1):1-5. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.001

      Abstract (2440) HTML (0) PDF 4.37 M (2591) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Kernel related traits are important determinant factors for maize yield. In order to explore the genetic basis of kernel variation about important Chinese maize germplasm, kernel related traits were investigated in a panel of 627 diverse important maize inbred lines by means of correlation analysis and regression analysis. It was indicated that HKV and HKW were significantly correlated and HKV could explain 78% phenotypic variation explained (PVE) of HKW. Regression analysis among different heterotic groups indicated that kernel width (KW) contributed the most to HKV in the heterotic groups of Reid, LRC, Lancaster and P with the PVE varied from 54% to 71%. While in TSPT, kernel thickness (KT) and kernel length (KL) made great contribution to HKV with the PVE of 45% and 22%, respectively. This result would provide positive information for kernel trait improvement in maize breeding.

    • Cold Tolerance Identification at Germination Stage of Cucumber Core Germplasm

      2016, 17(1):6-12. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.002

      Abstract (1918) HTML (0) PDF 5.37 M (2298) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:65 core germplasms were identified and evaluated under 15℃(26℃,CK)at the stage of germination. The results showed that the range of relative germination percentage, relative germination power, relative germination index, relative radicle length, relative fresh weight and relative dry weight were 1.00%-123.00%, 0.00%-112.00%, 0.00%-70%, 13.00%-109.00%, 0.00%-100.00%, 0.00%-101.00% respectively, showing that the seeds vigor and growth ability of most materials were influenced by low temperature and just some of them expressed no obvious difference comparing with CK. 7 accessions with extremely high tolerance were screened out.

    • Collection and Phenotypic Traits Analysis of Vigna Minima

      2016, 17(1):13-19. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.003

      Abstract (1877) HTML (0) PDF 6.50 M (2363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:V.minima is one of the important Vigna species in legumes. However, there was little research report about it. In this paper, the geographic distribution and characteristics about V.minima were elucidated and the differences among V.minima with V.angularis and V. angularis var. nipponensis were analysed.The results showed that (1) Forty-five V.minima resources were collected from Liaoning, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and Beijing. Germplasm collected indicated rich variation in seed color, seed size and plant type,etc. (2) Compared with V.angularis, V.minima showed such characters as big plant, short epicotyls, small leaves, slim and short pod, strong shattering of pod, blackish brown pod, small seed and colorful seed coat. Compared with V. angularis var. nipponensis, the traits of plant and seed were similar, but its hilum was prominently protruding and longer. (3) By cluster analysis, V.minima was clarified into the same group with V. angularis var. nipponensis, and was distinct separated with V.angularis.

    • Comparative Analysis of the Main Agronomic Characters of Plateau Japonica Rice backbone of Parents and their Derivative Cultivars

      2016, 17(1):20-26. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.004

      Abstract (1746) HTML (0) PDF 5.98 M (2232) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Phenotypic principal component and cluster analysis were carried out on agronomic characters of two Yunnan Plateau Japonica Rice backbone parents(Dianyu 1 and Todorokiwase)and their derivative varieties. The results showed that: (1) There were no significant differences in panicle length, flag leaf angle, flag leaf width and seed setting rate between two backbone parents compared to others agronomic characters. (2) There were also no much differences in agronomic characters among derivative varieties from two backbone parents except flag leaf angle, number of panicle per plant, number of filled spikelets per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. (3) The accumulative contribution rate of five major principal component factors from these varieties derived from Dianyu 1 and Todorokiwase reached 85.54% and 85.27%, respectively. The first factors were plant type and number of grains per panicle, their contribution rate as 39.9% and 41.1% respectively. (4) Seventy-four varieties were clustered into six categories according to genetic distance, of which 85% of the varieties distributed in Class Ⅰ and Class Ⅲ. The main features of these varieties were plant height 90 ~ 100 cm, flag leaf length 25 ~ 34 cm, width of 1.5 ~ 1.7 cm, Panicle length of about 20 cm, 91 ~ 138 grains per spike, 7 spikes per plant. Seed setting rate per plant and 1000-grain weight were 85% and 27 g, respectively.

    • Proso millet germplasm resources lodging resistance identification and lodging resistance and lodging resistance research

      2016, 17(1):27-31. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.005

      Abstract (1665) HTML (0) PDF 4.40 M (2219) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The breeding and rebirth of Broomcorn millet Germplasm resources is a long-term and systemic basic research work. In order to standardize the breeding and rebirth technique, the article describes the breeding and rebirth technical operation specification systemically from the following aspects: variety of Broomcorn millet Germplasm resources, breeding characteristics of different type Broomcorn millet Germplasm resources, biology base and breeding characteristics of Broomcorn millet, main technical standard and work procedure of Broomcorn millet breeding, which will supply reference and guidance for the later breeding and rebirth of Broomcorn millet Germplasm resources.

    • Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Cluster Analysis for the Weedy Rice in Ningxia Province

      2016, 17(1):32-38. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.006

      Abstract (1782) HTML (0) PDF 7.34 M (1987) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The main agronomic traits of 143 accession of rice germplasm including the weedy rices,improved cultivars and rice landraces,which were from Ningxia province,were evaluated in Ningxia,and the genetic diversity,genetic similarity and cluster analysis of different rice germplasm were conducted using a total of 24 SSR markers distributed on 12 chromosomes.The results of phenotypic analysis showed that,Ningxia weedy rice was dwarf and early maturity,phenotypic variation range was large;pericarp was mostly red colored,glume color was straw yellow,all plants were prone to seed shattering.The results of SSR analysis showed that totally 141 alleles were detected,and the number of alleles per pair of primers ranged from 3 to 11 with a mean value of 5.8333.Nei's genetic diversity index (He) ranged from 0.2241 to 0.8065 with the average of 0.5219.The number of alleles (Na),the effective number of alleles (Ne) and the Shannon polymorphism index (I) in weedy rice were higher than that in improved cultivars and landraces.In the different sources of weedy rice,Nei's gene diversity index (He) of weedy rice from Wuzhong and Yongningdonghe were the highest with the value of 0.4912 and 0.4814,while that of weedy rice from Qingtongxia was minimum with the value of 0.2802.Similarity analysis showed that weedy rice is high similar with local varieties,the similarity coefficient was as high as 0.9585,while the similarity of improved varieties and weedy rice was the lower,the similarity coefficient was 0.4584;the similarity coefficient of landrace and improved cultivars was only 0.3560.The cluster analysis showed that the tested materials were cluster into three categories.Improved cultivars were fallen into category Ⅰ,its genetic background was significantly different from that of weedy rice and landraces;and most weedy rice and landraces were fallen into category Ⅱ, different sources of weedy rice and landraces were more evenly distributed,category Ⅲ was composed of a small part of weedy rice and landraces.Distribution of weedy rice in Ningxia was no obviously regional,and weedy rice and landraces are integrated highly and high genetic similarity.

    • Study on distribution and botany characteristics of Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi in Shanxi

      2016, 17(1):39-44. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.007

      Abstract (1874) HTML (0) PDF 6.48 M (2488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Objective To understand the distributioncommunity composition and the botany characteristics of Pueraria lobata(Willd)Ohwi germplasm resources in Shanxi Province provides some references for the protection and sustainable utilization of resources. Methods The environment and botany properties of Pueraria lobata(Willd)Ohwi ,which were produced from the main 12 different sources in Shanxi Province wre investigated. Results They are mainly distributed in Yuncheng city ,Jincheng city and Datong city of Shanxi Province.From the point of horizontal distribution, the range is between N34?7'04.77''~N39?1'05.23'', E110?0'17.80''~E114?3'18.24''; The vertical distribution between 730 ~ 1 240 m, with an elevation of 730 ~ 950 m is the most common. The annual rainfall of the growth area are between 400 ~ 800 mm, average annual temperature 6.8 ~ 14 ℃. The community composition is relatively single, most growth with shorter brush, only a small number with poplar, acacia trees. Depending on the ecological environment, the plant were roughly divided into three kinds of types such as savanna shrub grassland type, channel type and sandy soil type. Conclusion The germplasm resources with a wide range distribution is very abundant in Shanxi province. The differentence of ecological environment such as climate, altitude, rainfall is the most important factor to cause uneven distribution of Pueraria lobata(Willd)Ohwi in Shanxi province. The result complement and perfect the germplasm resources information .

    • Evaluation and identification on the drought resistance of broomcorn millet bred cultivars at adult stage

      2016, 17(1):45-52. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.008

      Abstract (1824) HTML (0) PDF 6.39 M (2362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to find out drought resistance of broomcorn millet cultivars under the different ecological environment, to excavate the drought of genetic resources, to provide drought resistance of materials, field direct identification method was used for drought resistance identification of 56 broomcorn millet cultivars at adult stage on the study in Dunhuang City, Gansu where annual rainfall is less than 40mm. By paired analysis, drought stress was no significant to nodes of main stem, panicles per plant, straw weight per plant, main panicle length, 1000-grain weight, specific leaf weight, on the contrary, plant height, spike weight per plant, grain weight per plant, yield per plot, Flag leaf area, leaf area index, period of duration reached a significant level. On the basis of system cluster result of drought resistance index and comprehensive evaluation value D, screened two cultivars named Longmi No.2, Longmi No.1o with better drought resistance; By gray correlation analysis, flag leaf area, 1000-grain weight, panicles per plant, yield per plot can be used as adult stage drought identification index.

    • Screening and comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance indices of cotton at blossing and boll-forming stages

      2016, 17(1):53-62. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.009

      Abstract (1791) HTML (0) PDF 8.34 M (1973) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Six main agronomic traits and Yield per plant(Y) of ninety main cotton germplasm resources in China were measured at flowering and boll setting stage- under drought stress. Comprehensive drought resistance coefficient(CDC value), factor analysis, subordinate function coefficients, clustering analysis, grey relational analysis , broad-sense heritability were used to evaluate the drought resistance, classify drought resistance and select evaluation indices in tested cottons. D value based on traits related to drought stress were Correlation degree of order bits : Yield per plant(Y), Effective number , Effective fruit branch number , Plant height , Single boll weight , Lint percentage , Initial internodes of fruiting branch .Factor analysis showed that three common factors could represent 72.45% of the original information of cotton drought resistance data. The ranks of drought resistance of tested cotton sbased on drought resistance comprehensive evaluation values (D value) and weight drought resistance coefficient (WDC value) were similar. D values of tested cottons correlated positively with CDC value, WDC value and Y value.Broad-sense heritability showed that the highest rate of genetic generalized D value was 55.4%, followed by CDC value, WDC value. Y values of tested cotton salso had very significant and positive correlation with CDC value and WDC value. Tested cultivars were divided into five drought grades according to D value, and reflected the variety of breeding conditions and adaptation to regional well. Based on the comprehensive index of drought resistance, the size of heritability D value was the main parameter, assisted by WDC for evaluation parameters, with evaluation of the yield per plant as the main consideration goal, yield drought resistance of cotton were appropriate and necessary. Drought resistance comprehensive evaluation methods used in studying comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance drought resistant and screening evaluation indices in cotton were feasible and effective.

    • Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose and Maltose in Maize Seed by UPLC-ELSD

      2016, 17(1):63-69. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.010

      Abstract (2975) HTML (0) PDF 5.69 M (2416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:UPLC-ELSD was carried out to simultaneous determination of fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose in maize seed. UPLC-ELSD was utilized with a mobile phase with 75 % (v/v) acetonitrile containing 0.2 % (w/v) triethylamine. In addition, the flow rate of mobile phase was 0.2 mL/min and the column temperature was set to 35℃. The obtained regression equation revealed a good linear relationship between 0.9993 and 0.9999. The proposed UPLC-ELSD method was validated for quantification of fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose in maize endosperm and embryo during imbibition. The results showed that the content of four sugars various in both organs. In endosperm, the content of sucrose reached a minimum at 48 h imbibitions. The contents of fructose and glucose showed similar, displaying a steady rise during imbibition. However, maltose could be detected in 48 h. In dry embryos, the contents of four sugars could be detected and more than in endosperm. During imbibition, the contents of sugars in embryos showed very similar profiles to in endosperms. Taken together, these results might suggest that sucrose degraded to glucose and fructose in the beginning of imbibitions. Prolong with imbibition, reserve substance degraded into sucrose, maltose, glucose and fructose, providing carbon source for the maize seed germination.

    • Assessment of the salt tolerant ability on 60 asparagus bean (Vigna unguiculata (L.) ssp. sesquipedalis Verdc.) cultivars

      2016, 17(1):70-77. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.011

      Abstract (1897) HTML (0) PDF 7.91 M (1843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the salt-tolerant ability of 60 asparagus bean cultivars was identified by investigating their plant weight, leaf chlorophyll and soluble protein content, injury rate and CAT activity, after their seedlings exposure to 0 or 75 mM NaCl for 15 days. According to our patent technology (patent No. ZL200810048423.5), the salt tolerant comprehensive evaluation values (D value) of these cultivars were tested, and then they were classified into different salt-tolerant ability groups based on the evaluation standard. The results showed that eleven cultivars of them including Zikui,,Kangbingluhua etc were classified into salt-tolerant cultivar group, eight cultivars such as Zhijiang 14, Baipi, and Aiziweiqing etc into salt-sensitive group, the remaining 41 cultivars into moderate salt-tolerant group. The results provide the new information about asparagus bean cultivars’ salt tolerant ability and enrich the salt-tolerant germplasm identification data.

    • Genetic diversity in Medicago ruthenica (L.) Trautv. populations using AFLP

      2016, 17(1):78-83. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.012

      Abstract (1738) HTML (0) PDF 5.49 M (2189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic relationship of 10 M. ruthenica populations from Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Shanxi Provinces and Inner Mongolia and Tibet autonomous regions of China were analysis by AFLP. 8 primers with strong polymorphism and good repeatability were screened from 64 AFLP primers, generating a total of 640 bands of which 472 (73.8%) showed polymorphism. On average, the Nei’s gene diversity, Shannon’s information index and genetic similarity index (GS) were 0.157, 0.099 and 0.827, respectively. 10 M. ruthenica germplasms were divided into 3 groups with the higher correlation of geography resource by the cluster analysis and PC results. AFLP is the candidate molecular marker to reveal the genetic diversity of M. ruthenica. The results indicated that the wild population of M. ruthenica from the china had a rich genetic diversity in AFLP genotype and thus it was of great important to explore genetic evolution and gene resources and to preserve the local M. ruthenica populations in this area and expanded area.

    • Study on the Pollen Morphology, Taxonomy and Clustering of the Local varieties of Apples

      2016, 17(1):84-91. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.013

      Abstract (1752) HTML (0) PDF 9.09 M (2279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pollen morphology of 25 local varieties, 10 wild species, 3 cultivars and 2 hybrids of Malus were observed through scanning electron microscope, cluster analysis with UPGMA based on the shape, the length of equatorial axis, the length of polar axis and the other 8 indexes. The results indicated that Malus pollen belonged to the N3P4C5 type, prolate sphericity or ultra prolate sphericity with striate pattern and some small pores on the exine surface, the size and exine sculpture of pollen from different varieties were significantly distinct, the local variety ‘Zaobaihaitang’ which didn’t have stripe was different from others. From the UPGMA cluster analysis at the 1.30 level of genetic distance, 40 taxa could be classified into 9 groups, some local varieties distributed over the wild species, cultivates and hybrids, the others clustered into a category respectively. Pollen morphology of local varieties were rich in diversity, it need to be combined with other classification methods to taxonomy the local varieties except for some specific local varieties; and some local varieties originated from M.sieversii (Ledeb.)Roem or originated from the natural hybridization between M.sieversii (Ledeb.)Roem and others wild species or cultivars, other local varieties and the diversity emerged after natural hybrid and artificial selection, and the local varieties have important value in scientific research.

    • Fruit Characters and Principal Component Analysis of Different Ploidy of Kiwifruit Cultivars(Actinidia Chinensis Planch)

      2016, 17(1):92-99. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.014

      Abstract (1967) HTML (0) PDF 7.56 M (2170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the variation of fruit characters of kiwifruit cultivars of Actinidia chinensis Planch, a total of 44 cultivars or selections of A. chinensis Planch preserved in National Actinidia Germplasm Repository were evaluated for fruit traits, the results showed that: all the cultivars have high diversity on the fruit traits and ploidy levels are significantly correlated with the fruit traits of the cultivars with different, including fruit weight,fruit surface hairs, flesh color and texture, vitamin C content, fruit ripening days, the flesh firmness of eating ripe stage and fruit maturity. The principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that fruit maturity, flesh texture,fruit surface hairs,fruit ripening days and flesh color are main factors to distinguish cultivars. Because of the correlation of ploidy and fruit traits, the cultivars in the same ploidy levels are normally clustered together based on first and second components, with no overlap between the diploid and hexaploid cultivars, but with overlaps between diploid and tetraploid cultivars, and between tetraploid and hexaploid cultivars.

    • Collection, Conservation, Distribution and Utilization of Forage Resource in Germplasm Repository of Tropical Forage

      2016, 17(1):100-104. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.015

      Abstract (1802) HTML (0) PDF 4.84 M (2238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper briefly summarized the general situation of the Agriculture Department of Danzhou Germplasm Repository of Tropical Forage, introduced tropical forage germplasm collection, preservation, distribution and utilization. By the end of 2013, domestic and international tropical forage germplasm collected 7760 copies, Bred 22 forage and feed new varieties through the National Forage Variety Approval Committee. In the garden of vegetative propagation materials preserved grass germplasm in 1552 copies, belonging to 3 families, 68 genera and 202 species, 378 copies of the introduction. The Poaceae forage germplasm had 60 genera and 186 species, 6 genera and 42 speciesof legume forage resources, Cyperaceae resources had 4 genera 5 species. Every year the nursery provided grass germplasm materials of more than 300 copies to to the domestic and foreign related research institutes, universities, enterprises and individuals, provided grass data and information of more than 400. The paper pointed out the focus and direction of the nursery in forage resources collection, preservation, distribution and utilization in the future.

    • Genetic Effects Analysis of Flue-cured Tobacco Yield Traits at Different Growth Stages

      2016, 17(1):105-113. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.016

      Abstract (1654) HTML (0) PDF 7.87 M (2791) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abtract:Flue-cured tobacco high-yielding varieties ‘Shubalaomuji’, ‘Taiyan-7’ and the low-yielding varieties TI245 formulated into two crosses, respectively and got six generations plants( P1, P2, F1, F2, B1, B2). Principal Gene Mixed Genetic multiple generations combined method was used to analyze genetic effects of two combinations’ yield traits at different growth stages. The results showed the number of expressing genes and genetic effects , which played regulatory roles in the construction process of two combinations yield traits, existed differences in the developmental stages. The additive effect and dominance effect existed in the entire development process, while the extents of the effects at the different growth stages were significantly different. At the same time the additive ?additive, dominance ?dominance interaction effects performed strong performances during the development of yield traits, but expressed intermittently with the growth stage changing. With distinct genetic effects of the different growth stages, phenotypic variation of squaring stage was decided by genetic effects to more degrees than the other two growth stages, less impacted by the environmental. And the genetic effects of the two combinations also existing significant difference, combination Ⅱ was higher than combination Ⅰ. Major gentic plus polygentic effects of different combinations’ yield trait at the different growth stages were significantly different, under different environmental impact. It is necessary not only to consider gene effects in the breeding work, but also pay attention to the environmental impact.

    • Development of Pima cotton chromosome segment substitution lines with Gossypium hirsutum background

      2016, 17(1):114-119. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.017

      Abstract (1957) HTML (0) PDF 6.90 M (1909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) consist of a battery of near-isogenic lines and cover the entire genome of some crops. With the exception of one or a few homozygous chromosome segment transferred from a donor parent, the remaining genome of each CSSL line is the same as the recipient parent. It is an ideal material for QTL mapping. In the present study, we developed a set of CSSLs that constituted of 182 lines, using G. hirsutum CCRI8 as the recipient parent and G. barbadense Pima90-53 as the donor parent, through molecular assisted-selection in BC3S1-3 generations. The genetic length of the substituted segments covered 19957.8cM with an average segment of 21.0cM, 4.7 times the total genetic length of upland cotton (4168.7cM). The substituted segments of each line varied in length, ranging from 0.7cM in the shortest segment to 83.2cM in the longest. The number of substituted segments ranged from 1 to 11. Fiber quality of the CSSLs was nearly normally distributed, and a part of the lines have been obviously improved in fober properties compared to CCRI8. These materials provide new genetic resources for further QTL mapping, as well as upland cotton fiber quality improvement.

    • Analysis of polymorphism of eIF4E in pepper germplasm resources(Capsicum spp.)of China

      2016, 17(1):120-125. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.018

      Abstract (1672) HTML (0) PDF 5.39 M (2529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Exon 1 of eIF4E gene (eukaryotic translation initiation 4E) of 1904 pepper accessions from National Vegetable Germplasm Bank in China was sequenced and researched on the diversity . The results showed: 17 haplotypes were found among the 1904 accessions and 9 new sites in the 14 sense polymorphic loci which mostly concentrated on the eIF4E protein surface ring; the average haplotype diversity(Hd) and average nucleotide diversity(Pi) of 8geographic populations were 0.519 and 0.00210; differentiation index(Fst value) and gene flow(Nm) between populations showed that it performs different degree of differentiation among groups; AMOVA analysis showed that the total variation comes mainly from individuals within populations(97.23%), only 2.77% of the variation occurred between populations. This research is helpful to understand the diversity of the eIF4E gene, providing more resistant resources for pepper PVY resistance breeding.

    • Agronomic Traits and HMW-GS of 143 Wheat-Thinopyrum Progenies and Their GISH Identification

      2016, 17(1):126-131. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.019

      Abstract (1715) HTML (0) PDF 11.70 M (1979) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One hundred and forty-three wheat-Thinopyrum progenies were evaluated based on agronomic traits, high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Analysis of main agronomic traits indicated that there was an abundant genetic variation in these germplasms, and most of them were superior in spike length, spikelets and spikes per plant than main wheat cultivars. One hundred and forty-two (99.3%), 125 (87.4%) and 62(43.4%)of the wheat-Thinopyrum progenies were above the average of main wheat cultivars for the three traits, respectively. At Glu-1 locus, a total of 12 different glutenin alleles were observed. They resulted in 15 different HMW subunit combinations, and the combination (2*,7 8,5 10) was the major type with the frequency of 25.7%. Desirable HMW subunits, 1 and 2* in Glu-A1, 7 8 in Glu-B1 and 5 10 in Glu-D1, were found in this study with the frequency of 68.4%, 68.4% and 52.0%, respectively. One hundred and two wheat-Thinopyrum progenies had desirable HMW subunits at two or three locus of Glu-1, which occupied 71.3% of all accessions. The combinations of HMW-GS were(2*, 7 8, 5 10)or(1, 7 8, 5 10)in seventeen of the wheat-Thinopyrum progenies, and all of them were superior in spike length, spikelets and spikes per plant than main wheat cultivars. Furthermore, thirty representative wheat-Thinopyrum progenies were tested with GISH, and the result showed that most of the accessions were octoploid or hexaploid trititrigias. These results obtained indicated that these wheat-Thinopyrum progenies were important genome resources in wheat improvement.

    • Comprehensive evaluation of breeding materials for resistance to wheat scab based on MAS

      2016, 17(1):132-139. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.020

      Abstract (1745) HTML (0) PDF 7.76 M (1958) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on molecular marker-assisted selection, four major QTL genes derived from Wangshuibai chromosome 3B, 6B, 4B, and 5A resistant to wheat scab were transferred into six different susceptible genetic backgrounds to improve wheat disease-tolerance in the Huang-huai-hai area, their resistance and agronomic traits were evaluated subsequently at BC1F3 and BC1F4 progeny lines. Results obtained from field trail for two consecutive years showed that the average percentage of diseased spikelet and fuasrium diseased kernel of the lines carried four QTLs was 12.2% and 6.3% while those of the susceptible recipient parents up to 59.1% and 44.2%, respectively, indicating the wheat lines performed more significantly than their recipient parents in the disease tolerance, and that the plant height and spike length showed apparently negative correlation with percentage of diseased spikelet and fuasrium diseased kernel, but there was not significant difference between lines and recipient parents in flag leaf width, fertile spikelet number, grain number and hundred grain weight. The resistance to wheat scab would be enhanced after pyramiding major QTLs in susceptible germplasm, therefore, the lines with four QTLs could be applied further in wheat breeding , but further backcrossing or cross with other varieties could be helpful in breaking the close linkage of major QTLs to the adverse agronomic traits.

    • Fine Mapping of the Multi-allele Genic Male Sterility Gene in Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinesis

      2016, 17(1):140-146. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.021

      Abstract (1660) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Multi-allele Genic male sterility is one of the most important methods for hybridization breeding in Chinese cabbage (B. rapa L. ssp. pekinensis). A segregating population F1S4 from a cross between a male sterile line 939A and a fertile line YQD56A which contained restoring gene was developed. Bulked segregate analysis (BSA) was used to screen markers linked to the MS gene. At the same time, an F2 population from a cross of 939A and a fertile line yellow sason which contained maintainer gene was received for the confirmation of the location and fine mapping of MS. Bulked segregate analysis (BSA) was used to screen markers linked to the MS gene. Finally 2 markers, A08_1900 and BrID111035, were found in F1S4 population, linked to MS. The distance was 8.8 cM and 2.5 cM, respectively. In F2 population, the MS were mapped in the same region in chromosome A08 with its in F1S4 population. Further, Br19470306 and Br19675586 were found tightly linked to MS. The distance was 1.6cM and 2.4cM, respectively.In this region, 58 genes were found. These results can be used for finding the candidate gene of MS and then accelerate breeding programs.

    • Molecular Cloning、Correlation Analysis and expression studies of 4CL Gene in Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Wuhexiaozao’

      2016, 17(1):147-152. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.022

      Abstract (1661) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2604) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study of forming mechanism of fruit stoneless, 4CL genes in full length with 1819bp coding sequence encoding protein of 591 amino acids was obtained from Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Wuhexiaozao’ by the PCR technology. It is named as Zj4CL (accession number KP279930).The alignment of Zj4CLand genomic sequence found that,the genome contains 5 exons and 4 introns.Sequence alignment and motif analysis showed that Zj4CLgene included Box I and Box II of 4CL gene families. Protein sequence alignment showed it had a highest genetic relationship with Malus domestica (XP_008362825). The results of qRT-PCR revealed that the highest expression levels were appeared on the 30th day after flowering. The expression 40th day after flowering declined apparently.

    • Mining and cluster analysis of rapeseed bZIP transcription factors induced by low temperature

      2016, 17(1):153-161. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.023

      Abstract (1795) HTML (0) PDF 11.40 M (2086) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plant response to low temperature stress is a complex network process, involving numerous of transcription factors regulation. In this paper, we had found 108 full length cDNA sequences encoding bZIP factors in rapeseed from a transcriptome database bioinformatics analysis under low temperature stress. Aim at sequence compare, chromosome distribution and cluster analysis, these sequences can be differently density distributed on the 19 chromosomes, performing dynamic change in cold resistance process. We also found these transcription factors in A subtribe, C subtribe, I subtribe, G subtribe, S subtribe gathered the most, the subtribe B and D subtribe rarely gathered. Quantitative analysis of the four genes differences performance in all stress stages, we found that the genes regulation has the same trend with the sequencing analysis, not only proved the reliability of the sequencing data, but also proved the dynamic regulation of rapeseed bZIP transcription factors in response to low temperature stress.

    • Identification and Expression Analysis of the ARF Gene Family in Nicotiana Tabacum

      2016, 17(1):162-168. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.024

      Abstract (2523) HTML (0) PDF 6.97 M (2096) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) gene contain a B3 domain and a transcriptional activation or repression domain, which play a very important role in plant development, Base on bioinformatic method, the ARF genes of Nicotiana Tabacum were screened with the ARF gene sequences of Arabidopsis. We analyzed sequence structure, phylogenetic relationship, subcellular localization and expression pattern of the identified gene sequences. A total of 50 ARF genes were identified from tobacco. These genetic structures were very complex which contain 10 exons generally. The analysis of subcellular localization show that a few of ARF proteins harbor mitochondrial or chloroplast localization sequences. The majority of ARF proteins were not found locating signals. The analysis of expression pattern show that the ARF genes have different expression patterns and tissue specificity. These results provide abundant information for further functional analysis of the ARF genes family.

    • Fingerprinting construction for superior individuals of Zelkova schneideriana based on CE-SRAP

      2016, 17(1):169-176. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.025

      Abstract (1600) HTML (0) PDF 7.27 M (1844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the SRAP reaction system of Zelkova schneideriana was established. Combining capillary electrophoresis technology, fingerprinting and genetic cluster analysis were studied for seventy superior individuals of Zelkova schneideriana collected from Guizhou, Jiangxi, Zhejiang province and Kyoto of Japan. Totally 2276 bands were generated with 13 pairs of SRAP primers, of which all were polymorphic and each pair could separate all samples. Genetic distance among 70 superior individuals was 0.0078~0.3772 with an average value of 0.0629, while genetic similarity coefficient was 0.9218~0.9565 with an average value of 0.9339. This suggests that the genetic distance of zelkovas was close and the genetic similarity was high. The cluster analysis based on SRAP markers revealed that the classification of zelcovas related with their origin time, geographic location and the phenotypes such as autumn color and glossy degree of leaves. This study could be useful in identification, genetic resource management and protection of plant breeders` rights in Z. schneideriana.

    • Modified Method for PCR Cloning of Soluble Acid Invertase Gene in Sorghum bicolor

      2016, 17(1):177-182. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.026

      Abstract (1682) HTML (0) PDF 5.19 M (2082) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soluble acid invertase (SAI) is a key enzyme in sucrose metabolism which takes a pivotal role in sugar sensing and plant development. It is necessary to find a simple method of cloning soluble acid invertase gene for genotyping a large quantity of breeding materials or germplasm. Based on known full-length sequence of SAI gene obtained by 5 segments PCRs and assembled in our lab, in order to further find a simpler one, we tried several strategies, i.e. one time cloning for full-length sequence, nested PCR, two even fragments PCR, and two uneven fragments PCR. And only was success achieved in two uneven fragments PCRs with a set of special PCR parameters. Sequence analysis showed bases of GC is strongly unevenly distributed in SAI-1 gene sequence, with a high GC content (69.6%) in 635bp PCR product of the first fragment, with highest over 80% in some regions of this segment. Except for high GC content, steep change of GC content may be another factor that affects PCR result. The suitable strategy for PCR cloning SAI-1 gene is through an approach of two uneven segments PCR with an annealing temperature difference.

    • Analysis of Genetic Background in Chinese Cymbidiums by Genic-SSR

      2016, 17(1):183-188. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.01.027

      Abstract (1653) HTML (0) PDF 5.60 M (2130) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ABSTRACT: Chinese Cymbidium has extremely high ornamental value. Owing to the lack of its genomic resource, research on its genetic background has been limited. The gene-derived markers (genic markers) have a high transferability, which make them an idea molecular marker for genetic studies across related species. Also, the genic markers could be used to explore the relationship between Chinese cymbidium’s genetic and geographic background. Here, a total of 62 genic-SSR makers in our lab were used for genetic analysis. The results exhibited that 52 were polymorphic when cross-tested among 5 Cymbidium species comprising 43 accessions. The genetic distance averaged 0.389, ranging from 0.016 to 0.600. The polymorphic index content (PIC) of 52 polymorphic markers averaged 0.415, ranging from 0.054 to 0.824. The phylogenetic analysis and principle component analysis (PCA) showed that the most of accessions derived from the same species were grouped together. However, C. goeringii accessions did not always form a separate cluster, suggesting that C. goeringii accessions were polyphyletic. Interdisciplinary cross-analysis of genetic and geographic background indicated that some accessions from same species were clustered into different branches based on their origins; some other accessions from near regions also clustered together, across species.

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