• Volume 17,Issue 3,2016 Table of Contents
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    • Breeding achievement analysis of novel wheat-Agropyron cristatum germplasm sister lines Pubing2011

      2016, 17(3):395-403. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.001

      Abstract (1836) HTML (0) PDF 4.57 M (2270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Distant hybridization is one of the important ways for wheat improvement, but a number of sister lines were usually derived in the process of obtaining stable novel germplasm. Thus how to scientifically deal with these sister lines is an urgent problem to be solved. In order to provide theoretical guidance to the effective utilization of different innovated sister lines, 205 sister lines "Pubing2011" obtained by wheat-Agropyron cristatum distant hybridization, were analyzed through agronomic characters evaluation of the conventional breeding, identification of powdery mildew and stripe rust resistance and HMW-GS composition, detection of vernalization and photoperiod genes. The results showed that 205 sister lines were similar with the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.9854-0.9999, however, they showed some differences that the coefficient of variation of different characters was in the range of 0.54%-20.21%. 205 lines conferred adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew, 204 of them conferred adult-plant resistance to stripe rust, two of them conferred seedling resistance to stripe rust. 112 sister lines carried high quality subunits 5 10, including 4 lines with both 2* and 5 10. The composition of vernalization genes of Pubing2011-2 was (vrn-A1, vrn-B1, Vrn-D1, vrn-B3), the others were (vrn-A1, vrn-B1, vrn-D1, vrn-B3), the photoperiod gene at the Ppd-D1 locus of the 205 lines was Ppd-D1a with non-sensitive character. Further analysis showed that three high and stable yield and lodging resistant sister lines could be used directly in the production practice, eight outstanding sister lines could be used as parents to improve the yielding ability, quality and disease resistance of common wheat.

    • Establishment and Analyses of a genetic diversity fixed core collection of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)

      2016, 17(3):404-415. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.002

      Abstract (1799) HTML (0) PDF 1.83 M (2638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, 149 pairs of InDel primers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 473 inbred lines of a primary core collection in cucumber. Three methods with twelve sampling proportions were applied to sample the candidate genetic diversity fixed core collections (GDFCC). Number of alleles (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), Shannon’s information index (I), Gene Diversity, polymorphism information content (PIC), total number of loci and retention rate of loci were used to test diversity and representativeness of the candidate GDFCCs. The results indicated that the method of stepwise clustering plus rare genes preferred sampling with 15% sampling proportion was more efficient for the GDFCC construction. By comparison, Ne, I, Gene Diversity and PIC of the GDFCC were higher than those of the primary core collection, and the retention rate of loci in the GDFCC reached 99.68%. The materials of the GDFCC comes widely from eighteen provinces in China and fifteen foreign countries with a rich diversity and representation. This study provides with a valuable population with genetic stability and extensive representativeness for promoting efficient research and utilization of cucumber germplasm resources.

    • An Analysis of Species Identification and Genetic Divergence of Elymus nutans and E. sibiricus by SSR markers

      2016, 17(3):416-422. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.003

      Abstract (2124) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (2479) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Elymus nutans and Elymus sibiricus, common species of Elymus genus of Triticeae tribe, are both tall-growing, perennial bunchgrass with drooping inflorescence. When collecting wild germplasm in field survey, there are some difficulties in rapid and accurate identification of the two similar species due to some overlapped morphological characters such as dense spikelets in some E. Sibiricus collections from upper elevations. We used SSR primers from different sources to characterize genetic variance on a total of 18 accession of E. nutans and E. sibiricus. The 12 selected primers produced 152 well defined bands, and the percentage of polymorphism was 88.6%. Two main clusters corresponded exactly to two species are shown in an arithmetic average (UPGMA) dendrogram, which is in agreement with the results of principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) analysis. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the t-test of Dice coefficients among accessions revealed genetic divergence between the two species was much higher than that within species. Furthermore, we screened out 3 primers, in which ESGS79 and ESGS155 are able to amplify the specific bands to E.nutans accession, while Xgwm311 could amplify specific bands to E.sibiricus. These primers will provide guidance and convenience for the wild germplasm collection and breeding.

    • Population characterization of rice landrace Acuce from Yunnan Province through phenotyping and genotyping

      2016, 17(3):423-432. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.004

      Abstract (2097) HTML (0) PDF 3.18 M (2218) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Acuce, one of the rice landrace has being cultivated at Yuanyang Hani terrace more than one hundred years. For the purpose of intensively elucidating its population genetic characters under local rice production patterns, at present research, 24 populations were collected from local peasant household with stratified random sampling method. The intra- and inter- population of Acuce was analyzed through morphological traits and genetic diversity evaluation. The results showed that Acuce was classified into subspecies Oryzae indica, and displayed moderate resistance (MR) to Magnoporthe oryzae, the pathogenic fungi caused rice blast worldwide. Whatever intra- or inter-population, it showed blast resistance variation within all of the populations. For the reason of landrace harboring high frequent intra-heterogeneity, 30 single plants of each population were sampled and analyzed on 48 SSR loci which evenly distributed on 12 chromosomes of rice genome. The results showed that, whatever intra- or inter-population, 720 samples obtained 91 polymorphic alleles with polymorphic allele percentage 77.08%, and the mean of Nei diversity index 0.064 with the range 0-0.4302. Through cluster analysis, it indicated that genetic similarity coefficient range from 0.98-0.99 within 24 populations, and coefficient 0.86-1 between single plants within individual population. Taking Acuce source village as natural population, AMOVA results showed that it consisted of inter-village variation 3.36%, inter-population within village 33.15% and intra-village contributed 63.49% variation. Further, the cluster analysis result indicated that the inter-village genetic similarity correlated with geographical distance between villages.

    • Ancestors Tracking and Analysis on Genetic Basis of Super Rice Longjing31 in Cold Region

      2016, 17(3):433-437. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.005

      Abstract (1959) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (2325) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Longjing31 bred by rice research institute of Heilongjiang academy of agricultural sciences is new super japonica variety in cold region. It has many characteristics such as early maturity, high yield, quality, disease resistance and cold-resistant. In this paper, the ancestors were traced and the family tree was constructed. The main characteristics of the parents and the nuclear genetic contribution rate were analyzed in order to expound the genetic evolution process, and it will provide reference for the selection and utilization of breeding parents. The result showed that Longjing31 belonged to Xiabei cytoplasm family, transfer process was Xiabei→Zaofeng→Hejiang20→Hejiang21→Longjing No.10→Longjing13→Longjing31. Nuclear genes were provided by the ancestors at different proportions, including Xiabei, Shishoubaimao, Nonglin11, Xiayi, Tijin, Hongxing No.2, Aoyu239, Quxi17, Tengxi117, Xueguang, Yueguang, Shou921, Kongzhi, Beiming, Kongyu125, Beihai84, Taizhong27, Gaoxiong53, Hexuan58 and Sejiangke. Nuclear genetic contribution rate respectively was 4.6875%, 0.9766%, 2.5391%, 8.2031%, 3.9063%, 3.1250%, 3.9063%, 7.8125%, 15.6250%, 1.5625%, 1.5625%, 3.1250%, 6.2500%, 12.5000%, 0.7813%, 0.7813%, 0.7813%, 6.2500% and 3.1250%. In the parent selection, the adaptability of female parent in the locality should be attended, and the male parent should have the geographical and ecological distant genes. Narrow genetic basis was mainly factors which limit the new breakthroughs of rice breeding in cold region.

    • Evaluation on Genetic Diversity of Cotton Germplasm Resources(Gossypium hirsutum L) on Morphological Characters

      2016, 17(3):438-446. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.006

      Abstract (1900) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (2500) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:429 superior cotton accessions from cotton regions, both in China and abroad, have been identified in 2 places for 2 years. We have made a comprehensive evaluation of 15 phenotypic traits through the field observation and fiber quality testing. The results showed that the variation coefficient of height of first sympodial branch, boll number and sympodial branch node was the biggest of all traits. The average of genetic diversity index of all traits was high for 2.02. The principal components analysis calculated three common factors in every class. The results demonstrated that upland cotton breeding should focus on the varieties, which had a good fiber quality (the higher fiber length and strength) and a higher lint percentage and more bolls. Cluster analysis showed that all materials could be classified into 10 groups, including the first big groups accounted for 76.9% of the total. Each group had different characteristics and showed abundant genetic diversity. There was no obvious evidence that the groups had corresponding relationship with the origins of accessions.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Registered Rice Varieties in Heilongjiang Province Based on SSR Markers

      2016, 17(3):447-454. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.007

      Abstract (1964) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (5644) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To evaluate the genetic diversity of major rice varieties registered in Heilongjiang province in the past two decades, 73 conventional rice varieties were collected and genotyped with a set of 62 SSR markers well distributed on all the 12 rice chromosomes, including 24 SSR markers used in rice DNA fingerprint database of China. The results showed that a total of 142 alleles among these varieties were identified at all of 62 SSR markers loci, with an average of 2.3 alleles per marker locus, and 71.0% of the SSR markers were polymorphic between varieties, and the values of the frequency of polymorphism ranged from 0.000 to 0.775 with an average of 0.246. The 73 varieties existed highly similarity, the genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.622 to 0.966 with an average of 0.759, and 96.4% of the tested varieties showed the genetic similarity coefficient from 0.66 to 0.86. The 73 varieties were clustered into 11 groups based on the genotyping data, which consisted with pedigree information of these varieties. The major differences among these groups were detected on maturity and grain quality. Based on our results, the genetic background was very narrow in the registered varieties in Heilongjiang province in the past two decades. It is necessary to introgress diversified germplasm and enhance germplasm innovation in the conventional rice breeding program for further increase of rice yield and stress tolerance in Heilongjiang province.

    • Analysis of Karyotypes and Evolutionary Features of Wild Species of Buckwheat

      2016, 17(3):455-460. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.008

      Abstract (1867) HTML (0) PDF 2.74 M (3327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Buckwheat was originated in southwest of China, where exists a large number of wild relatives. Wild buckwheat karyotype feature analysis has important implications for buckwheat breeding practices. In this study, F.esculentum ssp.ancestralis,F.urophyllum, F.leptopodum var.grossii, F.gracilipes, F.gracilipes var. odontopterum were selected as experimental material and karyotypes of these species were identified by squash method. The results showed that F.esculentum ssp.ancestralis,F.urophyllum and F.leptopodum var.grossii were all diploid, the karyotype formula were 2n=2x=16=12M 4m(2SAT), 2n = 2x = 16 = 16M, 2n = 2x = 16 = 14M 2m(2SAT), while that of F.gracilipes and F.gracilipes var. odontopterum were tetraploid, and the karyotype formula were 2n=4x=32=32M and 2n=4x=32=30M 2m(2SAT). Karyotype genus type F.esculentum ssp.ancestralis and F.urophyllum was 1A, and the rests were 1B. F.esculentum ssp.ancestralis, F.leptopodum var.grossii, F.gracilipes var.odontopterum had one pair of satellite chromosomes. It proved that basic chromosome number of wild species of buckwheat were 8. There are diploid and tetraploid levels in wild buckwheat. The analysis indicated that F.urophyllum has a primitive evolutionarily status, while F.gracilipes var. odontopterum was a more advanced tetraploid buckwheat wild species in evolutionary status.

    • Evaluation and Grading of stipule length in Peach Germplasm Resources

      2016, 17(3):461-465. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.009

      Abstract (1738) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (2806) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A stability analysis was made based on different branch length, tree age and different years in order to improve and perfect the method of the stipule length in peach germplasm resources. A stabilized method of evaluating the stipule length in peach germplasm resources is established. The method is: choose 3 years old trees,outside the crown ,1~1.5m height from the ground, 15~25cm length of young shoot in the middle part of long fruit shoot, measure the stipule length of the grown leaves. We observed and measured the stipule length of 718 Peach Germplasm Resources by this method. We studied the stipule length of Peach Germplasm Resources According to the classification of species and taxons of peaches by SPSS. The stipule length of Peach Germplasm Resources are graded:<0.55cm is extremely short,0.55~0.9cm is short,0.91~1.30cm is Intermediate, 1.30~1.65cm is long,>1.65cm is extremely long. The reference cultivars of stipule length of peaches are ‘Guanghetao2#’,’Honghuabitao’,’New hakuho’,’ saotome’&’ TX4C199’.

    • Selection and Classification for Amaryllis DUS Testing Quantitative Traits

      2016, 17(3):466-474. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.010

      Abstract (2159) HTML (0) PDF 2.94 M (2356) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 12 quantitative traits were selected and classified with 70 amaryllis varieties. And the measurement site of five quantitative traits were studied also. The results showed that all quantitative traits are suitable for DUS testing, while characteristic 2 has a weak distinguishing ability. 12 quantitative traits can be classified into 3-9 continuous grades respectively. The peduncles become narrow from base to apex with a different degree in different variety. The measurement of “Peduncle: maximum width at middle third” should be made at the middle of peduncle to reduce the error. The quantitative traits of different peduncles have little difference, except for length of peduncle and pedicel. The differences between quantitative traits of different flowers on the same peduncle were little. There is no significant difference between the lengths of outer petal, so do the width of them. Bulb size had a remarkable effect on quantitative traits.

    • Comprehensive Evaluation and Cluster Analysis on Yield Characters of Main Released Jute Varieties(Strains) Based on Principal Components

      2016, 17(3):475-482. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.011

      Abstract (1746) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2384) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to gain knowledge of genetic diversity of released jute varieties(strains), and provide scientific evidence to the improvment of jute varieties. The yield characters of 26 jute varieties(strains) were investigated based on the principal of numerical classification, and the PCA(define) of 8 yield characters were analyzed. The scatter plot were drawn based on the first 3 principal(PC) and the clustering analysis was carried out based on the genetic coefficients. The results showed that the coffident variation of 8 yield characters ranged from 2.54% to 14.70%, 7 yield characters of Fiber bark thickness, Fresh bark weight per plant, Fresh bone weight per plant, Fresh bark dry rate, Dry bark weight per plant have a high coefficient of variation over 10%, there was variation potential on filed. Principle component analysis indicated that the first 3 PC accounted for 88.247% of variation among the strains, followed by Fresh bone weight per plant factor, Fresh bark dry rate factor, Branching height factor. According to 3 principal components factors score, 26 strains could be divided into 4 categories while D=2.15, with 18 strains belonging to the first cluster, 5 strains belonging to the second cluster, 1 strains belonging to the third cluster and 2 strains belonging to the fourth cluster. Each group had different characteristics, these varieties(strains) could be used for castor breeding with different purposes. The scatter plot of the former three principal components indicated the coefficients of the first three PCs of 9(09 Pin-11), 11(89m5-83), 12(09 Fan-7), 19(Fuhuangma 1), 21(Fuhuangma 3), 25(Y007-10)were better than others. In general, cluster analysis and scatter plot based on PCs analysis together could make good comprehensive evaluation on jute strains, which could provide scientific evidence for the reasonable selection of germplasm resources for further jute breeding.

    • Identification and Evaluation of Agronomic Traits for Corylus heterophylla Fisch. Accessions

      2016, 17(3):483-490. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.012

      Abstract (1706) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Corylus heterophylla Fisch. is one of the important Corylus resources in China. In order to identify, evaluate and protect C. heterophylla Fisch. germplasm resources, and enhance the efficiency of utilization, we evaluated 99 accessions of C. heterophylla Fisch. using both the cluster analysis and principal components analysis. The results showed that the 24 agronomic traits had extensive genetic variation types and genetic diversity. The principal components analysis of 10 traits calculated four common factors that reflect the breeding orientation and potential of major quantitative traits. Based on the genetic divergence of agronomic traits, C. heterophylla Fisch. genotypes were divided into 5 groups. The first group can be as parents of progenies with spherical and smooth seeds, the second can be as parents of progenies with large seed type and suitable for mechanical processing, the third group can be as parents of progenies with market products,the fourth group can be as parents of progenies with round type and without stripe on shell surface, the fifth group can be as parents of progenies with high yield. Comprehensive analysis of agronomic traits provided scientific information for evaluation, protection and screening of the C. heterophylla Fisch. germplasm resources.

    • Morphological and Cytological Study on Male Sterile Dandelion (Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam.)

      2016, 17(3):491-496. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.013

      Abstract (2049) HTML (0) PDF 3.45 M (2085) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Male sterile mutant was observed in Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam. To study the property and genes, we investigated anther development and pollen mother cell meiosis of male sterile mutant and normal wild-type of Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam. through morphology, paraffin section and chromosome technique. The results showed that the middle part of anther of male sterile mutant was red and withered without pollens. Compared with normal wild-type, male sterile mutant had shorter stamens, narrower ovaries, longer and narrower seeds. Abortion stage arose during tetrad to early mononuclear microspore, induced unusual decomposition of tapetum, and mutual adhesion of microspores. Lagged micronucleus was observed during dyad phase of microsporocyte meiosis in male sterile mutant, few tetrads of abounding chromosome bridges were emerged, loss of nutrients happened, leading to abortion of microspore eventually. The male sterility in the dandelion mutant was stable and thorough. Unusual decomposition of tapetum may result in male sterile of dandelion.

    • Analysis of the meiosis of pollen mother cells in Saccharum officinarum ? Erianthus rockii F1 hybrids by GISH

      2016, 17(3):497-502. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.014

      Abstract (1856) HTML (0) PDF 6.13 M (2231) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is significant for understanding the behavior of chromosome in Saccharum officinarum ? Erianthus rockii F1 hybrids, because it can provide cytology evidence for utilization the wild Erianthus rockii resource. In this paper, the Saccharum officinarum ? Erianthus rockii F1 hybrids and their male parent were used for materials, the meiosis of pollen mother cells were prepared by use squash technique and then were observed under a microscope, the result showed that division of the male parent yunnan95-19 was normal, but in F1 hybrids some abnormal behavior were observed; the further research was proceed by used the GISH technology, and the result indicated that Erianthus rockii has a distance relationship from Saccharum officinarum genus, because in the pollen mother cells of F1 hybrids the chromosome from these two genus could not pairing in meiosis, we detected 15 chromosomes which from Erianthus rockii were formed 15 univalent respectively, further more, the meiosis were observed with lagging chromosomes, elimination chromosomes and disequilibrium separated chromosomes in pollen mother cells of the F1 hybrids, the abnormal division we observed in this paper may illustrate why the pollen were abortive completely in F1 hybrids.

    • The Current Situation and Strategies of Chive Germplasm Development Research in China

      2016, 17(3):503-506. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.015

      Abstract (1898) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (2573) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chive is one of the most favorite allium vegetable in China.With the development of people's living standard, species of Chinese Chive varieties is put forward higher request, breeding new varieties of leek gradually attention. Research achievements of germplasm development and existing problems of Chinese chive germplasm are reviewed in this paper . Stratedies of Chive germplasm development were discussed.

    • Analysis of tobacco germplasm distribution and utilization in China

      2016, 17(3):507-516. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.016

      Abstract (1739) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (2646) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tobacco germplasm is one of the valuable resources and strategic materiels for breeding new varieties of tobacco, genetic theory research, biotechnology research and tobacco production, is also the key to healthy and rapid development of tobacco cause in our country. The species and the status of collection and preservation of tobacco germplasm in China were elaborated in this study. We also counted and analyzed the distribution and utilization of tobacco germplasm in our country from 1983 to 2014 in detail, especially the utilization effect since the inception of Chinese Tobacco Germplasm Resource Platform sponsored by Chinese State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau in 2007. Furthermore, we described the problems in collection and conservation and utilization of research aspects of current tobacco germplasm work in China and appropriate countermeasures are proposed finally to strengthen and improve our tobacco germplasm work in the future. All of the above will benefit much for the further collection, conservation and utilization of tobacco germplasm in our country.

    • Advances in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Germplasm Resources and Molecular Biology Research

      2016, 17(3):517-522. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.017

      Abstract (1738) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3389) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sesame, an important traditional oil crop, is known as the queen of oilcrops for its high oil content and quality. China has rich sesame germplasm resources. In-depth study, evaluation and utilization of various sesame germplasm resources is of vital importance to protect its genetic diversity, to broaden the genetic basis and to improve sesame yield and quality. This paper reviewed the latest progresses of sesame germplasm research, such as germplasm collection, conservation and utilization, variety breeding, molecular genetics and functional genomics. We hope this paper can promote sesame genetic and application study .

    • henotypic and physiological identification of an ideal plant type mutant it1 in soybean

      2016, 17(3):523-528. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.018

      Abstract (1908) HTML (0) PDF 3.82 M (2295) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mutant is an important material for gene discovery and function research as well as crop improvement in plants. In this study, we reported the characterization of an ideal plant-architecture mutant (it1) from our EMS mutant population derived from the soybean cv. Zhongpin661 (Zp661). Phenotypic analysis revealed that the it1 mutant, compared with the wild type plant, showed more compacting plant architecture, eg, shorter internodes, and darker green leaves. And also the mutant showed a significant decrease in plant height by 30% compared to that of the parental line Zp661, but no significant difference in internode number, indicating that lower plant height for it1 is mainly caused by shortened internode length. Meanwhile, numbers of agronomic traits of the it1 mutant including number of branches, number of pods, petiole length and angle, 100-seed weight and yield per plant all displayed a significant or very extremely significant decline than the wild parent. In addition, the physiological characteristics were determined under normal growth conditions in the field, and it1 displayed significantly higher chlorophyll content and cellulose-lignin component than the wild type in seed-filling period. Therefore, the identification of the it1 mutant provides excellent material for mapping, cloning and function research of plant architecture-related genes and genetic improvement in soybean.

    • Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of the rice male sterile mutant D63

      2016, 17(3):529-535. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.019

      Abstract (2343) HTML (0) PDF 2.17 M (2366) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the male sterile mutant D63 was isolated from the indica cultivar G46B through ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. Furthermore, phenotypic characterization, genetic analysis and gene mapping of the mutant were performed. As result, anthers of the D63 mutant were smaller, thiner and milk white, and there was no pollen in its pollen sac, which belonged to non-pollen type of male sterility. During the mature period, compared with the wide-type parent G46B, plant height and panicle exsertion of D63 reduced by 13.7% and 266.7%, respectively, and selfing seed setting rate is 0. Genetic analysis indicated that male sterility of the D63 mutant was controlled by one pair of recessive nuclear gene. The sterile gene was finally mapped between the InDel markers J2 and J4 on the long arm of rice chromosome 2. The genetic distances from the sterile gene to the two InDel markers were 0.2 cM, 0.1 cM, respectively, and the physical length of this region was 105.8 kb. Sequenceing analysis of the candidate genes in the mutant and its wild-type revealed a single-nucleotide A-to-C mutation existed in the D63 mutant at position 1580 in coding region of the LOC_Os02g28970 gene for secretory fasciclin glycoprotein, which resulted in an amino acid change from His at position 527 to Pro in the encoded product. The D63 mutant has completely no pollen grain in its anthers, but the reported mtr1 mutant had abortive pollen grains. The differenent phenotypes of the two mutants may be caused by different mutational sites of the base sequence of LOC_Os02g28970 gene, and/or different genetic backgrounds of the two subspecies, because the two mutant belonged to indica and japonica subspecies, respectively.

    • Identification and molecular mapping of the powdery mildew resistance gene in einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) accession 3AA30

      2016, 17(3):536-540. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.020

      Abstract (1752) HTML (0) PDF 2.05 M (2426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The einkorn wheat contains abundant resistance genes and is one of important resources for common wheat cultivar improvement. An einkorn wheat accession 3AA30 was proved to be resistant to wheat powdery mildew in Beijing. Genetic analysis showed that 3AA30 carries a recessive resistance gene, temporally designated ml3AA30. Five SSR markers (Xgwm6, Xcfd39, Xcfa2185, Xcfa2141, Xcfa2155) and two STS markers (Xmag2170, Xmag1491) on chromosome 5AL of wheat were found linked to ml3AA30 by bulked segregant analysis, and a genetic map of ml3AA30 was established. Based on the above result,powdery mildew resistance gene ml3AA30 was located on the long arm of wheat chromosome 5A. This result provides new materical for wheat powdery mildew resistance breeding program.

    • Sequence Analysis of 13S Globulin Geneof Genus Fagopyrum Species

      2016, 17(3):541-546. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.021

      Abstract (1736) HTML (0) PDF 1.58 M (2169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:13S globulin is one of the major storage proteins in buckwheat seeds. This study investigated the 13S globulin gene sequence by PCR specific amplification and sequencing using 6 species of genus Fagopyrum, a total of 44 collections including cultivated and wild species of F. esculentum and F. tataricum, F. pilus, F. zuogongense, F. gracilipes, F. urophyllum. Variance analysis of ultra-conserved segments of 13S globulin gene sequence indicated that a total of 285 arrangement sites (excluding deletion and insertion loci) were identified including 24 invariable (monomorphic) sites and 261 polymorphic (segregating) sites (198 parsimony informative sites and 63 singleton variable sites), and a total of 503 mutations on Eta site were isolated in the whole sequence. The intraspecific genetic diversity of 13S globulin gene sequence for the wild species of common buckwheat was obviously higher than that of the cultivated species of common buckwheat, and for the wild species of tartary buckwheat was slightly higher than that of the cultivated species of tartary buckwheat,cultivated species of tartary buckwheat was higher than common buckwheat. However, a lower intraspecific genetic diversity of 13S globulin gene sequence for was found in wild species of tartary buckwheat when compared to wild species of common buckwheat. These results implied that the distinct genetic diversity of 13S globulin gene sequence between F. esculentum and F. tataricum might be due to the fact that only a few wild type groups were domesticated during evolution as well as the different reproductive patterns. artificial domestication leaded to a severe narrow of genetic diversity of 13S globulin gene sequence in common buckwheat with cross-pollination characteristics during evolution. Cluster analysis indicated that the cultivated species of F. esculentum was closely clustered with its wild species, and further grouped with F. zuogongense, while the cultivated species of F. tataricum was closely clustered with its wild species, and further grouped with F. pilus. The highly ultra-conserved gene sequence of 13S globulin of F. gracilipes and F. urophyllum was identified, implying a close relationship between F. gracilipes and F. urophyllum. These results provide the theoretical basis for research of genetic diversity and evolutionary relationship of genus Fagopyrum.

    • Genome-Wide Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of ARF Gene Family in Setaria Italica

      2016, 17(3):547-554. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.022

      Abstract (2558) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3366) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Auxin response factors (ARF) are important transcription factors that can regulate the expression of auxin genes and influence the plant growth. ARFs regulate the transcription of auxin-responsive genes through binding to their promoters. In this study, a total of 24 ARF genes are identified and analyzed and named SiARF. A comprehensive overview of the SiARFs is undertaken, including phylogenetic analysis, the gene structures, chromosome locations, conserved motifs of proteins and gene expression.Twenty-four setaria italica ARF genes are distributed in all setaria italica chromosomes except chromosome. Setaria italica ARF proteins share one B3 DNA binding domain, which consists of threeαhelixes and sevenβsheets. And some of these proteins have a Aux/IAA domain and ARF domain. In addition, setaria italica ARF proteins are compared with the proteins in other species in order to discover the evolution of ARF genes. Our results also show that the expression of SiARF genes is diverse in different tissues.

    • Efficiency Evaluation of Two Molecular Markers Linked with Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease

      2016, 17(3):555-561. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.023

      Abstract (1496) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2973) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease is a main virus disease of maize, and the most effective way of dealing with the disease is the breeding of resistant varieties. The combination of conventional breeding methods and molecular breeding technology can greatly improve the disease-resistant breeding efficiency. In this study, two molecular markers Indel186-9 and SCAR112 developed in previous study were used to identify the genotype of 100 maize inbred lines, and combining phenotype identification, the validity of two molecular markers was investigated for marker-assisted selection(MAS). The results suggest that there were few highly resistant varieties of the germplasm resources and the resistance is pressingly needed to be improved. Inbred lines used in this experiment were made of various blood, and the resistance materials mainly come from PB and sipingtou germplasm. The selection accuracy of both Indel186-9 and SCAR112 were up to 80%, and the selection accuracy of the two markers used simultaneously for MAS was up to 91.67%,among which the resistant selection accuracy was up to 100%. The two markers improved the average resistant level from 7.26 to 2.4 and 7.63 to 4.27 respectively. It proved that the two markers can be used to select resistant materials of maize dwarf mosaic disease, and the right combination can improve the efficiency of selection.

    • Expression Profiling of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) bZIP Genes Responsive to Abiotic Stresses

      2016, 17(3):562-569. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.024

      Abstract (1739) HTML (0) PDF 2.22 M (2495) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Low temperature, drought and salinity are major abiotic stresses that influence survival, productivity of cotton. bZIP transcription factor genes play significant roles in the response to abiotic stresses. In this study, twenty-four bZIP genes were identified in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by bioinformatic approach named as GhbZIP1-GhbZIP24. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolated cotton bZIPs genes can be classified into 8 groups: A, B, C, D, E, G, I, S. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR were employed to reveal the expression profiling of 24 GhbZIPs under different abiotic stresses (200 mmol.L-1 NaCl, drought, 4℃) treatments. The results showed that the expression of 19 GhbZIP genes and 11 GhbZIP genes were up- and down-regulated by salinity and drought stresses, and that of 15 GhbZIP genes were up- and down-regulated by cold treatments, respectively. Moreover, four genes including GhbZIP4, GhbZIP7, GhbZIP21 and GhbZIP23 were response to all above treatments. The results suggested that GhbZIPs may play important roles in upland cotton plant abiotic stress adaption. Taken together, our data provided valuable information for further exploring the roles of the cotton bZIPs genes in response to stress and will eventually lead to the development of genetically manipulated cotton varieties with improved stress tolerance.

    • >资源考察
    • Rare Germlpasm Resources of Crop and Wild Relatives of Minority Area in Guizhou Province

      2016, 17(3):570-576. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.03.001

      Abstract (1899) HTML (0) PDF 3.98 M (2945) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The investigation of twenty one counties in Guizhou province were carried out by the project of “investigation of biological resources of agriculture in Guizhou province”during 2012-1014. The results showed that of all twenty one counties systematically investigated have minority people to live , and all different minority people has their different traditional culture and customs of life, which endowed the local crop germplasm resources with rich culture connotation in the passed from generation to generation. Guizhou province is in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau where the landform is complexity and the climate is diverse. The diversity of natural condition and traditional culture in the minority areas resulted in rich resources of the crop rare germplasm and wild relatives. The rare germplasm resources of crop and wild relatives will be some utilization value in crop classification, new variety breeding and commercial development.

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