• Volume 17,Issue 5,2016 Table of Contents
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    • Review of the studies on core collection for horticultural crops

      2016, 17(5):791-800. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.001

      Abstract (2148) HTML (0) PDF 9.91 M (2370) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Core collection always plays an important role and one of the highlight in the study of plant germplasm resource, which shows an important significance for the evaluation, conservation, utilization and exchange of plant germplasm resource. In this paper, the concept of the core collection of plant genetic resource, procedures of its construction, evolution & test of the core collection and the new research progress of the core collection construction in horticultural crops have briefly been summarized. Subsequently, some study perspectives have been proposed on this research field in the near future. Four novel opinions have been presented, such as (1) grouping of germplasm and sampling strategy are always the most important steps in the core collection of horticultural crops; (2) core collection of horticultural crops, which with a large produce and originated from China, need to be carried out as soon as possible; (3) we should pay high attention to the study on gene discovery and utilization with the rapid, precise and high-throughput pattern based on re-sequencing technology and (4) we need to enhance the research management and cooperation to increase the sharing of the existing core collection in horticultural crops around whole country. This paper provides the theoretical and technological reference for studying and application of horticultural crops core collection.

    • Study on the distribution of Corylus in China and the climatic evaluation of the suitable areas

      2016, 17(5):801-808. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.002

      Abstract (1789) HTML (0) PDF 7.74 M (2046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Application of geographic information system and the principle of statistics, research Chinese Corylus L. distribution, evaluate the climate of the Corylus L. normal region, analysis the impact of climate factors effected on the distribution, and according to the similarity of suitable climate, research Corylus L. interspecific relationship. The results show that: the Corylus L. latitude range from 24?1′ N-51?2′ N, longitude range from 85?5′ E-132?2′ E, the main distribution area distributing from northeast mountainous area of North China, Qinling Mountains and southern of Gansu ,Henan, central of China, to southwest with diagonal distribution, species show normal distribution;vertical distribution from east to west longitude elevation increased gradually with decreasing latitude, There were significant differences in Latitude influence on Corylus L. distribution of altitude. temperature and distribution of Corylus L. showed significant correlation, especially with an average annual temperature and cold temperature ,they are the key factor affecting of Corylus L. distribution; the regression equation between the distribution of plant species and the climatic factors is Y=11.883 - 0.051 X1 0.131 X2 - 0.003 X4-0.004 X5 - 0.001 X6 0.051 X8; according to the climate similarity of Corylus L. distribution area, north of C. heterophylla Fisch and C.mandshurica Maxim. as a class, suitable climate very similar,germplasm genetic closer, C.kweichowensis Hu, C.chinensis Franch., C.fargesii Schneid.,C.yunnanensis A.Ccmus and C.ferox Wall. are into second categories; C.wangii Hu is into third categories.

    • The research of botanical classification of local pepper varieties “shuanla”and“que la”in Yunnan

      2016, 17(5):809-814. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.003

      Abstract (1758) HTML (0) PDF 6.34 M (2452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on 90 accessions of pepper genetic germplasms,phylogenetic analysis of “shuan la”“que la”was carried out using genetic structure and molecular clustering based on 29 SSR makers evenly distributed over 12 chromosomes and using horticultural characters. The results show that “shuanla” belongs to C.chinese and “que la” belongs to C.frutescenson in botanical classification.

    • Construction of Primary Core Collection of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province

      2016, 17(5):815-823. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.004

      Abstract (1713) HTML (0) PDF 8.05 M (2150) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on 14 agronomic traits, the information of 663 germplasm resources of common bean stored in Shanxi Gene Bank were used to construct the primary core collections. In this paper, the different combinations of grouping rules, sampling proportion and total sampling amount were compared. As a result, the combination of geographical origins, proportions of square root and 20 percent of total sampling amount was used. Meanwhile, the germplasm resources including extreme characters were selected and eventually 152 common beans were confirmed as the primary core collections of Shanxi germplasm resources of common bean. By means of the diversity analysis, comparison of means, extreme value, variable amplitude and standard deviation of quantitative traits, and chi-square test of total distribution between total germplasm resources and primary core collections, the result showed that 152 common beans can represent the total common beans of Shanxi Gene Bank and can be used as the preferential studying objects of breeding, evaluation, improvement and usage.

    • Heritability Analysis and the Influence of the Erect Panicle Mutant of Indica Rice on Lodging Resistance for the Combination

      2016, 17(5):824-831. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.005

      Abstract (1690) HTML (0) PDF 6.82 M (2102) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the heritability and combining ability of lodging resistance for erect panicle mutant of R1338 and R334, the incomplete diallel developed on Shuhui 498 and its erect panicle mutant R1338, R334, and two type CMS one is Chuannong 1A, ABG15s for bending panicle, and anther are E69A, E102A for erect panicle which both contain DEP1 erect panicle gene, for comparing the lodging resistance of the base stem of F1. It get that flexural strength and the lodging index of base stem of F1 showed a significant negative correlation. In contrast, the flexural strength and diameter and wall thickness of stem showed a significant positive correlation. By regression analysis showed that the major factors are flexural strength bending moment for lodging resistance of rice base stem. The lodging index reduced with increasing bending force and bending moment and reduce. GCA value of two upright panicle mutant basal lodging index was lower than that of wild type, and R1338 is the lowest. So for combination to choose erect panicle parents can easier get significantly hybrids lodging capacity.

    • Difference Analysis of Kernel Test Weight and Nutritional Quality Traits in Maize Germplasm Resources

      2016, 17(5):832-839. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.006

      Abstract (1816) HTML (0) PDF 7.79 M (2104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A set of 290 maize inbred lines with abundant genetic diversity were employed to make an exploration of relationship between kernel test weight and nutritional quality traits, after which, multiple comparison was performed to learn about the difference of kernel test weight among different heterosis groups, and excellent lines were screened from every heterosis group. The results were as followed. Significant difference was found for different lines , in addition, significantly positive correlation was observed between kernel test weight and fat content, while positive correlation was observed between test weight and starch content, conversely, test weight showed significantly negative correlation with moisture content and lysine content and showed negative correlation with protein content. The pass analysis also indicated that direct decision coefficients of fat content, starch content, protein content, lysine content and moisture content on test weight were -0.3376,0.2821,0.1289,-0.0558 and -0.1825. At the significant level of 0.05, there were differences of test weight between P group, LRC, TangSPT and Lancaster. Different heterosis groups had their excellent lines which partly were W222 and ye8112 in Reid, W64a, P167 and ji63 in Lancaster, huangchang b, R136 and shan89 in P group, nongxi5678, Lo415, B100 in LRC, and huangchang a, D33A, xun926 in TangSPT. Key words: Maize; kernel test weight; nutritional quality traits; heterosis group

    • Functional Nutrition Quality Analysis of Japonica Rice Varieties in the Cold Region

      2016, 17(5):840-845. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.007

      Abstract (1763) HTML (0) PDF 6.04 M (2295) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Functional rice has been paid more and more attention because of the functions of adjusting human body's physiological function, improving human health and other characteristics. This study was conducted to analysis the genetic variation, correlation and principal component of 6 functional nutrition qualities of 226 japonica rice varieties in the cold region. Results showed that there are not significant difference in each functional nutrition qualities in two years,lysine, gluten, γ-Aminobutyric Acid(GABA), flavonoids and average embryo weight, embryo of brown rice all have large variation of the 226 japonica rice varieties in the cold region. Among them, average embryo weight have the biggest variable coefficient, is 92.17%, flavonoids have the smallest variable coefficient, is 11.51%. Screen out of seven varieties(Suijing 3,Sujing 5,Mudanjing 21,Hejing 1,Mudanjiang 22,Longnuo 2,Xixuan 1) which have two higher functional nutrition components. Lysine content and average embryo weight, embryo of brown rice were all have extremely significant positive correlation; flavonoids content was significant negative correlative with GABA and significant positive correlative with gluten. The cumulative contribution of the embryo factor, flavonoids and gluten factor, GABA factor was 69.2%. In the process of functional variety breeding, should first pay attention to select big embryo, high GABA and low gluten and use marker-assisted selection or transgenic breeding means to realize polymerization breeding of multiple functional nutrition quality traits.

    • Classification Analysis for Italian Ryegrass DUS Testing Quantitative Traits

      2016, 17(5):846-853. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.008

      Abstract (1632) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3281) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quantitative traits of 7 Italian ryegrass varieties were measured in different growth periods and correlation of 30 quantitative traits were analyzed. The results showed that coefficient of variation of the 30 quantitative traits accessions varied from 7.55% to 40.65%, and the variation coefficient of tiller number was the biggest, while the variation coefficient of thousand seed weight was the least. According to the quantitative traits of K-S test and chi-square test, only a small number of properties did not conform to the chi-square distribution; finally, the 28 quantitative traits could be divided into 5 grades, but the time of inflorescence emergence and the tiller number could be divided into 3 grades. The correlation analysis of 30 quantitative traits indicated that the height and the vegetative growth habit, the number of spikelet and the density of spikelet, and the length of upper internode and the number of internode were all showed highly significant negative correlation, while the length of inflorescence and the spikelet density were showed highly significant positive correlation. These results can provide basic information for variety identification, breeding, and quantitative traits classification of Italian ryegrass.

    • Analysis of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Peanut Landraces of Henan Province

      2016, 17(5):854-860. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.009

      Abstract (1791) HTML (0) PDF 6.36 M (2516) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Comprehensive analysis of agronomic and quality traits were conducted in peanut landraces of Henan province to provide theoretical basis for the genetic breeding of peanut. One hundred and twenty eight peanut landraces from different regions in Henan province were investigated for their botanical characters including plant type, branch type and flowering habits as well as agronomic traits such as main stem height, lateral branch length, total number of branches, number of pod-bearing branches,100-pod-weight and 100-seed-weight. Quality traits comprising protein content, oil content, oleic acid content and linoleic acid content were also detected. The result showed that most of the landraces were dense branch types. Among agronomic traits the coefficient of variation of one hundred kernel weight was the highest ( 31.1%), followed by that of pod weight per plant (27.5%),and total number of branches (22.2%). The coefficient of variation for the lateral branch length was the lowest (12.5%). In concern of the quality traits , the oil contents of the Henan landraces were relatively high and there were 10 accessions which had oil content more than 55%.The protein content was not high and the average was 25.3%. The oleic acid content was generally normal with the average of 45.4% and the highest of 52.4%. It is indicated that the agronomic and quality traits of Henan peanut landraces are diverse and oil contents are generally high. Rational utilization of Henan peanut landraces can provide materials with high quality traits in peanut breeding program for the quality improvement.

    • Analysis on Combining Ability of Yield Traits Between China and South Asia in Rice Restorer Lines

      2016, 17(5):861-865. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.010

      Abstract (1642) HTML (0) PDF 4.67 M (2455) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For providing a reference on introduction and use of South Asia rice restorer lines resources,the combining ability analysis of yield trait was studied in rice restorer lines between China and South Asia by a NCⅡ mating design. 37 restorer lines from China and South Asia were used as male parents, and 3 CMS line,Gang46A,Lu98A,De-xiang074A were used as female parents, 111 hybrids were gained. The hybrids was planted in Lu-zhou city and De-yang city of Sichuan province in China respectively, and 8 yield traits was investigated and analyzed. The results shows: (1) Both general combining ability(GCA) and specific combining ability(SCA)were significant at 5% or 1% levels on 8 yield traits, and the additive effects were more important than non-additive effects. (2) The Yield traits were greatly influenced by restorer lines than by fmale sterile lines.(3) There are different between China and south Asia restorer lines on yield trait GCA, and India and Bengal restorer lines has a better GCA on tiller number than Chinese resource,Chinese rice restorer lines is better than South Asia resource on other yield traits GCA..

    • Linkage Analysis on Flesh Firmness of Watermelon by SSR Molecular Marker

      2016, 17(5):866-870. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.011

      Abstract (1829) HTML (0) PDF 5.96 M (2128) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Flesh firmness is an important quality attribute of watermelon, more and more producers and consumers pay attention to this. In this study, the BC7F1 population was constructed using PI271769 (known to have different characters compared to the recurrent parent) as a donor parent, and the elite watermelon cultivar 203Z as the recurrent parent, and we found that some watermelon of BC7F1 population have hard flesh. One hundred eighty five simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers on 11 chromosomes were used to detect polymorphism between PI271769 , 203Z,soft flesh pool and hard flesh pool. BVWS00954 on chromosome 6 of them was found to have polymorphism between soft flesh pool and hard flesh pool. Then we found that BVWS00954 was linked with flesh firmness in the BC7F2 segregating population through one – way ANOVA, and this correspond with different watermelon germplasm. These results laid an important foundation for fine mapping, map-based cloning and marker-assisted selection breeding of watermelon flesh firmness gene .

    • The Diversity of Lettuce Resource Based on the Analysis of Phenotypic Traits

      2016, 17(5):871-876. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.012

      Abstract (1620) HTML (0) PDF 5.02 M (2339) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phenotypic traits of 153 lettuce germplasm resources from United States and China were identified, which included the leaf traits, plant trait, bolting, etc. The results showed that coefficient of variation(CV) values of the 15 phenotypic traits ranged from 7.05% ( The flowering period) to 49.85% ( Leaf margin ) with an average of 28.98%. The diversity indexes(H’) of the 15 phenotypic traits ranged from 0.3 (degree of undulation of leaf blade margin) to 1.56(The leaf shape). Based on SAS clustering analysis of 15 phenotypic traits, the 153 collections at Euclidean distance of 15, could divided into 4 categories. The results show that the I and IV group contains 60 and 65 materials, the others group contain less material. In general, variation of phenotypic traits and diversity index is higher in those lettuce, which has rich variation and diversity.

    • Correlation and Cluster Analysis of Agronomic Traits in Rubber Tree

      2016, 17(5):877-882. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.013

      Abstract (1474) HTML (0) PDF 4.43 M (2264) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The comparative analysis of twenty-one agronomic traits were assessed in rubber tree genetics resources in national rubber tree germplasm repository. The results indicated that, the diversity indexes ranging from 0.27(nectar gland) to 1.20(shape of leaf scar) with an average of 0.83. The coefficients of variation ranging from 9.08(nectar gland) to 60.03(shape of petiole) for average was 33.88.It was significantly rated in seven pairs of traits, such as intensity of green color of upper side and glossiness of upper side , shape and shape of base. All of the agronomic traits could be classified into 2 clusters. The test clones were clustered into geographical region, parents and offspring, characteristic. The obtained results can be referenced for evaluating germplasm resources and parental selection of breeding.

    • Flavonoids Content of Rice Landraces with Different Seed Coat Color in Yunnan and Their effects on Seed Germination

      2016, 17(5):883-888. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.014

      Abstract (1599) HTML (0) PDF 5.60 M (2815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand total flavonid content of rice landraces with different seed coat color and their correlations with germination quality. 17 rice landraces from Yunnan province were used to measure total flavonoid content in grains,brown rice and husk. The germination indexes of grains and brown rice including seed germination force(GF),germination percentage(GP),germination index(GI),vigor index(VI) were investigated. The results showed that there were significant difference in total flavonid content of grains and brown rice with purple and red seed coat,which was very significantly higher compared with that from white seed coat. However,there was no significant difference in total flavonoid content of husks. The above 4 germination indexes of grains with red seed coat were better than that of purple and white seed coat,respectively. However,it was only significant difference of seed germination force between grains with red and white seed coat. The 4 germination indexes of brown rice with red seed coat were very significantly higher than that of purple and white brown rice. The other 3 germination indexes of brown rice with purple seed coat were also significantly or very significantly higher than that of white seed coat except for GI. These results showed that total flavonoid content of colored grains and brown rice were higher that of colorless. The germination indexes of colored grains and brown rice were also higher than that of colorless. There was no significant correlations existed between total flavonoid content and 4 germination indexes in grains. However, significant positive correlation was found between the total flavonoid content of brown rice and 4 germination indexes. These results indicated that flavonoids of grains didn’t make contribution to seed germination . However flavonoids of brown rice significantly affect seed germination Characteristics.

    • Anthocyanidin Synthase Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of Anthocyanidin Biosynthesis Related Genes in‘Xinlimei’Radish

      2016, 17(5):889-896. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.015

      Abstract (1941) HTML (0) PDF 7.24 M (2429) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Anthocyanin synthase (ANS) catalyzes the conversion of colorless leucoanthocyanins into colored anthocyanins, which is a key enzyme in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. The RsANS gene (GenBank accession number: KR262954) was isolated from‘Xinlimei’radish‘HX12Q-49’in present study. The full length of RsANS was 1,137 bp and included 2 exons and 1 intron. The cDNA length of RsANS was 1,071 bp and encoded a polypeptide of 356 amino acids. Homology analysis showed that RsANS has close relationship with ANS from Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi and mustard. qRT-PCR validation of RsANS revealed that it was expressed at five developmental stages and reached the peak at cortex splitting stage. Furthermore, the expression level of 8 other functional genes and 3 regulatory genes at different developmental stages were investigated. The results showed that the expression pattern of bHLH transcription factor was similar to that of RsANS, CHI, DFR and UFGT, which peaked at cortex splitting stage. The expression pattern of WD40 transcription factor was similar to that of CHS, which gradually increased at seedling, cortex splitting, early expanding and rapid expanding stages, then decreased at mature stage.

    • Isolation of ATP synthase subunit E gene in sorghum (SbATPase-E) and its functional analysis related to stress tolerance

      2016, 17(5):897-905. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.016

      Abstract (1560) HTML (0) PDF 10.52 M (2115) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a cereal crop with strong drought tolerance. In the presentthis study a gene encoding ATP synthase subunit E with 230 amino acids was cloned in sorghum, whose full length was 693 bp and named SbATPase-E. Under NaCl and ABA treatment, The SbATPase-E geneshowed an up-regulated expression a was induced by NaCl and ABA treatment in seedlingt the seedling stage. Heterologous Overover-expression of SbATPase-E could enhance drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Further study found that the improved drought and salt tolerance in the transgenic plants was associated with a more extensive larger root systems in transgenic lines compared with the wild type plants. Moreover, the expression levels of DREB2A, P5CS1, RD29A, RAB18 and ABI1 in the transgenic plants under drought conditions were higher than that in the wild type, and the expression transcript levels of SOS1, and SOS2 and SOS3 in the transgenic plants under high salt treatment were also higher. The up-regulation of these stress response genes may suggest the molecular mechanism of stress resistance in of SbATPase-E transgenic plants.

    • Molecular Cloning and Expression of CaM Family Gene CsCaMs Under Cold Stress in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)

      2016, 17(5):906-912. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.017

      Abstract (1880) HTML (0) PDF 9.43 M (2245) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Calmodulin (CaM) is a major participant in calcium signaling pathway, involved in multiple physiological processes of plant under cold stress. Using RACE-PCR and RT-PCR, two full-length cDNAs of CsCaM were cloned from tea plant based on the available EST sequences of calmodulin gene. CsCaM1 had 693 bp in length, and CsCaM2 had 841 bp in length. Both of them contained a 450bp open reading frame (ORF) encoded 149 amino acid residues. CsCaMs had four EF-hands, which are CaM gene familes’ characteristic. CsCaM1 and CsCaM2 were submitted to GenBank with accession number KT238971 and KT238972, respectively. The expression profiles of CsCaMs under cold treatment were investigated using qRT-PCR (quantitative real-time PCR). Results indicated that the expressions of CsCaMs were induced gradually with the extension of cold treatment. Under CaCl2 treatment, the expressions of CsCaMs were up-regulated. However, the expressions of CsCaMs were down-regulated under W7 and LaCl3 treatments. Above results demonstrated that CsCaMs might play an important role in cold tolerance of tea plant.

    • Relationship between Endogenous Hormone Contents in Ear Development and Fertility Transition on Thermo-photo-sensitive Male Sterile Line BNS

      2016, 17(5):913-919. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.018

      Abstract (1670) HTML (0) PDF 6.32 M (2326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new thermo-photo-sensitive wheat male sterile line BNS has features of thorough infertility and stable fertility transition and has important value in wheat heterosis researches . To study the temperature and endogenous hormone contents related to fertility transition at different development stages, BNS was designed to sow at five sowing dates in autumn and spring. The contents of heteroauxin (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellin (GA3) and zeatin riboside (ZR) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to analyze the dynamic changes of endogenous phytohormones in ears of BNS male sterility and fertility at different development stages. The results showed that BNS was sterile at normal sowing date in autumn but fertile in early sowing in spring in Guanzhong area of shaanxi province. The sensitive fertility stages of BNS were uninucleate and trinucleate stages and the critical temperature of fertility alteration was 15.35℃ and 18.64℃ respectively. At uninucleate stage, the content of IAA, GA3 and ZR in sterility BNS were lower 21.9%、33.6%、30.2% respectively than those in fertility BNS, but those of ABA higher 23.4%. Moreover, at trinucleate stage, the contents of ABA and ZR in sterility were higher 59.7% and 31.4% than those in fertility one, but those of GA3 lower 44.0%. Furthermore, the imbalanced ratios of IAA/GA3, ABA/GA3 and IAA/ABA in BNS sterility had harmful effect on anther development of anthers and induced their sterility.

    • Identification of chemotype and genotype of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L.

      2016, 17(5):920-928. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.019

      Abstract (1917) HTML (0) PDF 8.03 M (2040) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cannabinoids are specific secondary metabolites in the plant of Cannabis sativa L. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)and cannabidiol (CBD)are the main constituents of cannabinoids. To distinguish the chemotype and genotype of cannabinoids of Cannabis germplasm, 23 Cannabis germplasm resources (including 69 single plants) from different areas of China were selected to analyze content characteristics of THC and CBD, and also gene polymorphism of key enzymes during the pathway of cannabinoid biosynthesis. The results showed that the cannabinoid contents of 69 single plants were significantly different. The average content of THC was 0.56% ranging from 0.01% to 2.45%, The average content of CBD was 0.53% ranging from 0 to 2.24%. According to CBD/THC ratio, all Cannabis plants can be divided into 3 chemotypes: drug-type (accounting for 44.93%), intermediate-type (accounting for 20.29%) and fiber-type (accounting for 34.78%). The THC content of these plants, including 93.5 % plants among drug-type and 71.4% plants among intermediate-type, are more than 0.3%. The THC content of plants in fiber-type are less than 0.08%. Genotypes in drug-type, intermediate-type and fiber-type were BT/BT, BT/BD and BD/BD respectively. The sequences alignment showed that BT allele (THCAS) had 10 mutation sites in nucleotide sequences, and 4 mutation sites in the deduced amino acids. The BD allele (CBDAS) had 4 mutation sites in nucleotide sequences, but no mutation in the deduced amino acids. According to the polymorphism of THCAS and CBDAS, a codominant multiplex PCR molecular marker was designedto identify three chemotypes of cannabinoids. This study revealed that the relationship among cannabinoid contents, chemotypes and genotypes, which can provide a theoretical foundation for genetic research and utilization of cannabinoids.

    • Response of Major Effect QTL to Artificial Selection for Resistance to Brown Spot Disease in Tobacco

      2016, 17(5):929-934. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.020

      Abstract (1432) HTML (0) PDF 5.95 M (2255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objectives of this study were to assess the response of major effect QTL to artificial selection for brown spot disease and to provide some useful information for molecular marker assisted selection (MAS) for tobacco breeding. To analyze response of major effect QTL to different artificial selection in different populations, the distribution of the all alleles at the two marker loci in the extreme populations selected from JYH/NC82 cross in different generations and a panel of 198 tobacco accessions were detected based on the major effect QTL with flanking molecular markers of J9 and J4. And there were three results: (1) the deviation of the JYH alleles at J9 loci exhibited the significance in the positive extreme populations under 5%, 10% and 20% selection intensities. The P value from X2-test for allelic frequency under different intensities (5%, 10% and 20%) were 0.015, 0.002and 0.050, respectively. (2) There was a significant increasing of the JYH allelic frequency in different generations (F3, F4, F5 and F6) derived from the cross JYH and NC82, indicating that the allele from JYH at J9 loci increase resistance to brown spot disease significantly. (3) In the panel of 198 tobacco accessions, 50 tested accessions, including highly resistant cultivars for brown spot disease such as zhongyan86, danyu2 and so on, have the same genotype with JYH cultivar. The result showed that the resistant alleles from JYH had been used widely in tobacco breeding. The major QTL associated with resistance to brown spot had been identified repeatedly and the response of major effect QTL to artificial selection for resistance to brown spot disease was evaluated. These results could provide information on MAS for improvement of resistance to brown spot disease in tobacco.

    • The Analysis of Photosynthetic Parameters and Proteomics of Leaves from Cassava Mosaic-leaf Mutation and Cultivar ZM-Seaside

      2016, 17(5):935-941. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.021

      Abstract (1536) HTML (0) PDF 8.98 M (2182) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to indicate the influences of cassava leaf photosynthetic rate on roots yield in the present study, the proteomic methods was used to analyze the differences of photosynthetic capacity in both cassava genotypes ZM-Seaside (high yield) and mosaic-leaf mutation (low yield) to reveal the different reason of their root yield and provide theoretical basis for the selection of high yield cassava varieties. The leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Cs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), transpiration rate (Tr) were measured using a portable analyzer LI-6400. Western blot was used to analysis of protein expression level. Leaf global proteins were extracted by phenol extraction, and then were separated using two-dimensional electrophoresis. Delta 2D software was used to determine the differentially expressed proteins. The differentially expressed proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF-MS in combination with the KEGG database to classify proteins according to their functions. The results showed leaf Pn in ZM-Seaside was significantly increased more than that of mosaic-leaf mutation, while Cs, Ci and Tr in both genotypes were no significant differences. Western blot revealed that the expression levels of Rubisco, OEC and PRXQ, related with photosynthetic pathway, in ZM-Seaside was significantly higher than that of mosaic-leaf mutation. 20 different protein spots were detected in the leaves of ZM-Seaside compared with mosaic-leaf mutation, of which 15 were up-regulated, 5 was down-regulated. Sixteen protein spots were successfully identified, in which they involved in photosynthesis (3), carbohydrate and energy metabolism (4), chaperones (2), structure (2), defense (1), detoxifying and antioxidant (2), and unknown functions (2). Ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase and chloroplast latex aldolase-like protein were theorized as key proteins through the network of differential protein-protein interaction. The root yield of cassava ZM-Seaside was improved probably based on their up-regulation in leaves.

    • Observation and Genetic Segregation Distortion Analysis on Clustered Spikelets in Rice Resource Cgr320

      2016, 17(5):942-950. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.022

      Abstract (1497) HTML (0) PDF 14.68 M (2111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Clustered grain rice (Cgr320) is a type of mutant material that clustered 2-3 grains on top of the main panicle. In order to clarify its genetic mechanism, we developed two F2 segregating populations derived from crosses between Cgr320 and WYJ24 or 93-11 and carried out the phenotypic observation experiment and analyses on genetic linkage of gene underlying Cgr320. The results showed that there were no significance differences in nine agronomical traits between Cgr320 and WYJ24 or 93-11 except clustered grain rice (Cgr), which showed recessive phenotype in F1 plants, indicating that the mutant is controlled by recessive gene. The segregation ration of mutant type plants to wild type plants in “WYJ24/Cgr320” F2 population was seriously deviated from the Mendel’s laws of 3:1, the chi-square (χ2) test values for Cgr genetic segregation were 7.71 and 144.87, respectively. Twelve SSR markers distributing on rice chromosome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 were used to perform analysis on genetic linkage of gene underlying Cgr using 22 F2 recessive (mutant) plants, which showed serious segregation toward WYJ24, and the chi-square (χ2) test values for these markers were bigger than that of X2(0.05, 2) 5.991, this will mislead us to judge the correct linkage group of gene controlling Cgr. To our knowledge, this is a rare case of segregating distorting in rice gene mapping project analysis.

    • >资源考察
    • Investigating and analyzing adversity-resistant landrace in dryland region of Shaanxi

      2016, 17(5):951-956. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.023

      Abstract (1586) HTML (0) PDF 5.73 M (2410) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to collect, conserve and know current plant germplasm in dryland region of Shaanxi, landrace crop cultivars and varieties were systematically investigated and collected in 63 villages affiliated to 21 towns and townships of seven counties located in the Weibei Highlands and North Shaanxi, Chanwu, Pucheng, Aansai, Dingbian, Jingbian, Fugu and shengmu. As a result, there were totally 1049 accessions of landrace crop cultivars and varieties collected and analyzed of which 617 accessions were from grain crops and wild plants, 25 accessions were from fruit trees, and 250 accessions were from vegetables, and 157 accessions were from cash crops. All the accessions belonged to 56 species, 44 genera and 19 families, respectively, and among them those belonging to Leguminosae and Gramineae made up the highest proportions. And there were proposals about how to effectively conserve and utilize these accessions suggested depending on the investigation and analyzation results.

    • Proposal Concering Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiological Resources in Minority Area in Guizhou Province

      2016, 17(5):957-959. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2016.05.024

      Abstract (1443) HTML (0) PDF 3.21 M (2368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A large number of agrobiological germplasm resources have been obtained by the project of “investigation of biological resources of agriculture in Guizhou province”. The agrobiological resources are rich in species diversity and genetic diversity, and they are not only the material heritage passed on from generation to generation by the minorities in Guizhou province, but also the material basis of living and production of Guizhou minorities. In the meanwhile, the investigation results showed that there would be great potential in investigation and collection of agricultural biological resources in the minority area of Guizhou province. Thus it is clear that effective protection and sustainable utilization of agricultural biological resources in Guizhou province have important practical and long-term significance.

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