• Volume 18,Issue 3,2017 Table of Contents
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    • Introduction and Phenotypic Evaluation of the Purified Lines of the U.S. Peanut Mini Core Collection

      2017, 18(3):381-389. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.001

      Abstract (1797) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (2580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Peanut germplasm resources are the basic materials for peanut breeding and genetic research of important agronomic traits. Introduction of foreign peanut germplasms is of great significance for exploring elite materials, enriching genetic diversity, and utilizing germplasm resources of peanut for genetic improvement in China. A set of 104 accessions of the purified U.S. mini-core collection was evaluated for the agronomic traits and diseases resistance in 2014 and 2015 in the fields of Hebei Province of China. The results showed that most accessions of the U.S.mini-core collection were spreading type. Large variations of the evaluated traits were observed among tested accessions. The ranges were 24.50 cm to 89.50 cm for main stem height; 39.37 cm to 99.23 cm for lateral branch length; 8.75 to 46.33 for the number of pods per plant; 8.49 g to 29.54 g for yield per plant ; 80.76 g to 216.72 g for 100-pod weight; 18.25 to 58.00 for the number of kernel per plant; 9.89 g to 33.36 g for weight of kernel per plant ; 25.52 g to 74.18 g for 100-kernel weight; and 52.58 % to 76.08 % for shelling percentage, respectively. Some accessions of the U.S. mini core collection showed highly resistant to leaf spot and net leaf blotch diseases. The identified purified lines for disease resistance and evaluation data collected from this research will be valuable for breeding practices and genetic research of peanut in China.

    • Analysis on genetic diversity and the origin of Oryza rufipogon Griff in Yunnan Province

      2017, 18(3):390-395. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.002

      Abstract (1487) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2281) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To determine the role of O. rufipogon populations in Yunnan Province in the origin of cultivated rice, 27 SSR primers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of O. rufipogon populations from Yunnan and the neighbor areas. The analysis result indicated that the genetic diversity of O. rufipogon from other provinces of China and Southeast Asia were higher, while that of Yuanjiang materials was the lowest. The relationship analysis results indicated that there was obvious genetic structure between O. rufipogon in Yuanjiang population and Jinghong population. The population from Yuanjiang County had a closer relationship with those from China; while samples from Jinghong County and Myanmar had the closest relationship. All the results inferred that O. rufipogon from Yunnan might be the bridge type between those from China and Southeast and South of Asia, which may provide the scientific reference for the theory “Cultivated Rice Originated in the Area from India-Assam to China-Yunnan”.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Core Rice Restorer Lines of China and South Asia and Southeat Asia Based on Yield Loci Related Markers

      2017, 18(3):396-403. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.003

      Abstract (1438) HTML (0) PDF 1.44 M (2355) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objective of this study is to analyze the genetic diversity of 58 varieties of rice restorer lines based on yield loci related markers. 47 yield loci related markers were used to scan 58 varieties from China and south and Asia southeast Asia.(China: 14, India: 18, Philippines: 3, Vietnam: 12, Bangladesh: 8, Thailand: 2). The result showed:(1)In restorer lines from China ,36 yield loci related markers showed polymorphism, and 90 alleles were detected with an average of 2.500 alleles per marker(64.905 effective alleles with an average of 1.747 alleles per marker) ,and the average of Shannon information index was 0.632 , ranged from 0.271-1.266. (2) In restorer lines from another countries, all of the 47 yield loci related markers showed polymorphism, and totally 131 alleles were detected with an average of 2.787 alleles per marker(82.686 effective alleles with an average of 1.759 alleles per marker), and the average of Shannon information index was 0.649 , ranged from 0.109-1.110. (3) Cluster analysis showed the 58 varieties could be clustered into three categories on the level of 0.73 genetic similarity coefficient. The varieties from China were mainly clustered in 1,2,3 subsets of groupⅠ. Vietnamese varieties were mainly clustered in 4 subsets of groupⅠ, Bangladesh varieties were mainly clustered in 4 subsets of groupⅢ. All of above results showed a narrow genetic base in the tested Chinese varieties and Chinese varieties had a distant genetic relationship to other countries varieties.

    • Genetic Diversity among Chinese and Russian Eggplant Germplasm Resources

      2017, 18(3):404-412. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.004

      Abstract (1848) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (2339) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:105 accessions of eggplant germplasm from China and Russia were evaluated for genetic diversity using 24 morphological traits and 25 SSR markers. Morphological variation analysis showed that 24 traits showed various degrees of diversity in all the germplasm resources, and the same trait differentiated between Russian and Chinese germplasm. Principal component analysis showed that 24 traits can be summarized as 6 factors, including fruit shape factor, the color factor, fruit appearance factor, leave shape factor, fruit calyx spines and anther stripes, and fruit characteristics accounted for the major component. Morphological traits UPGMA clustering analysis showed that the genetic similarity coefficient among those materials ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 with the mean value as 0.6. Twenty-five polymorphic SSR markers showed polymorphisms among the tested germplasm resources. A total of 122 bands were amplified using the 25 markers in 105 accessions, containing 82 alleles, among which 24.8 were effective alleles. The polymorphism information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.3 to 0.7. Molecular UPGMA clustering analysis showed that genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.5 to 1 with the mean value of 0.7.The clustering results obtained from morphological traits and SSR maker were similar. The clustering results of tested eggplant germplasm did not showed clear correlation to their geographic origin, but the fruit traits had some relation to clustering results.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis and DNA Fingerprint Construction of Coix lacryma-jobi Germplasm Resources by SRAP Marker

      2017, 18(3):413-420. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.005

      Abstract (2028) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (2141) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 90 Coix lacryma-jobi germplasm resources collected from the main places of production were analyzed by Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) marker, 68 of which were collected from Fujian, 6 from Taiwan, and another 16 from Zhejiang, Liaoning, Shandong, Henan, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangdong, Shanghai etc. It shows that 26 pairs of primers were selected from 88 pairs of SRAP primers. 26 pairs of SRAP primers produced 185 amplified fragments, of which 157 were polymorphic, accounting for 84.67% of the total. It shows that there is distinct genetic diversity among 90 Coix lacryma-jobi germplasm resources. 90 Coix lacryma-jobi germplasm resources are classified into four categories basing on the UPGMA cluster analysis, which is similar to the result by morphological markers. A DNA fingerprint with 73 Coix lacryma-jobi was constructed by 16 pairs of SRAP primers. There are of significance for genetic research, variety breeding and resource protection of Coix lacryma-jobi.

    • Evaluation of Seed Morphological Characteristics Diversity of Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Germplasm

      2017, 18(3):421-428. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.006

      Abstract (1560) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (2959) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is a superior crop used as food and herbal medicine. For the better utilization and conservation of Chinese Job’s tears germplasm, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to analyze the 15 seed morphological characteristics of 36 Job’s tears accessions. The results indicated that the 36 Job’s tears accessions possess high morphological characteristics diversity. Variations were recorded for the 4 qualitative seed morphological characteristics measured. One-way ANOVA showed very significant differences between accessions for the 11 quantitative seed morphological characteristics. Coefficient of variation ranged from 8.43% to 68.01% with the maximum value recorded in weight of the hull and the testa and the minimum value recorded in seed length. Principal component analysis divided the 36 Job’s tears accessions into 3 groups, which corresponded to the central and south, north, and wild groups, respectively. The morphological characteristics of the 3 groups were significantly different. Cluster analysis divided the 36 Job’s tears accessions into 5 groups, including the central and south group, the north group and 3 wild groups. Six Job’s tears accessions FJNJ, TJ-BK-1, TJ-BK-2, MY-BK-1, MY-BK-2 and JYSD were preliminary selected as accessions with high anticancer activity.

    • Analysis on Quality Characters of 93 Guizhou Local Pepper Germplasm Resources

      2017, 18(3):429-435. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.007

      Abstract (1533) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2651) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:93 Guizhou local resources pepper quality traits were analyzed. The results showed that: crude fiber content is between 22.99% -44.06%,the highest was the cow horn shape pepper,the content was 33.71%; , crude fat content is between 11.49% -27.46%, the claw shape pepper has the highest content -20.91% , protein content is between 12.81% -22.97%,the finger shape pepper has the highest content-18.78%, capsaicin content is between 0.28-7.61mg /g, the finger shape pepper has the highest content-4.47mg/g. The average membership values of the four indices is between 0.21-0.68, and four pepper resources’ --S106, S103, S072 and S016 more than 0.60. Cluster analysis showed that 93 pepper resources can be divided into four types, namely, high-quality, medium quality type, general type and quality of special quality type according to the average membership values. This research established foundation to the innovative use of pepper germplasm and breeding new varieties.

    • Genetic diversity analysis of melon landraces (Cucumis melo L.) in Xinjiang based on SRAP markers

      2017, 18(3):436-448. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.008

      Abstract (1497) HTML (0) PDF 1.95 M (2510) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phylogenetic relationship and genetic diversity among 145 melon accessions,including 117 China’s Xinjiang landraces and 28 exotic melon germplasms collected from abroad and eastern China, were analyzed based on sequence-related amplified polymorphism technique (SRAP). Two-hundred and twenty-four bands were identified by 20 pairs of SRAP primers in total. Among them, 216 bands were polymorphic with the polymorphic rate 96%. And 11.2 bands and 10.8 polymorphic bands were amplified by each pair of primer on average. The polymorphism information content (PIC) with each pairs of primer was between 0.73 and 0.94, and the average was 0.85. The genetic diversity index (H) and Shannon's information index (I) of accessions in different ecological regions ranged from 0.1075 to 0.2560 and from 0.1569 to 0.4061, respectively. Whether H and I of southern Xinjiang, eastern Xinjiang or northern Xinjiang, which were higher than other ecological regions, in which the southern Xinjiang was highest. These results suggested that there was rich genetic diversity among the melon landraces collected from various parts of Xinjiang. The values of genetic identity and genetic distance between any two distinct ecological regions were 0.6384-0.9919 and 0.0081-0.4488, respectively. The values of genetic identity were above 0.95 among northern Xinjiang, southern Xinjiang and eastern Xinjiang, and in which the values of genetic distance were below 0.04, the genetic differentiation in three ecological regions was low. The relationship of melon accessions which are from Xinjiang of China, Western Asia, India and Spain were near with each other while it had a distant relationship for Xinjiang with Korea, Japan, the Untied States and the former Soviet republics. Three groups were clustered for 145 melon accessions according to genetic similarity coefficient of 0.548. There is no distinct boundary between thick-skinned melon and thin-skinned melon. The genetic relationship of thick-skinned melon and thin-skinned melon is quite different with different germplasm materials. 117 China’s Xinjiang landraces can be divided into four categories and six subgroups, as A(Ⅰ~1),B(Ⅰ~2,Ⅰ~3,Ⅰ~5),C(Ⅰ~6)and D(Ⅱ),which is different from the clustering result based on SRAP markers and the classification result according to the characters of melon mature period, the fruit shape and fruit surface. But the melon accessions which belong to the same variety or cultivar group are tending to in the same cluster in the clustering result based on SRAP markers.

    • Evaluation of salt tolerance and screening for salt tolerant accessions of Medicago sativa and Medicago ruthenica at germination stage

      2017, 18(3):449-460. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.009

      Abstract (1754) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (2247) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objective of this study was to investigate the salt tolerance between Medicago sativa and Medicago ruthenica. Five wild alfalfa and five wild ruthenian medic from different areas were selected as test materials. Compared to the control, the salt stress of 0.3 %、0.6 %、0.9 %、1.2 %、1.5 % was used to explore the effect of tested materials in germination stage. The comprehensive evaluation of salt tolerant coefficients (STC) contained the germination rate (GR), germination energy (GE), germination index (GI), vital index (VI), root length (RL), seedling length (SL) and seedling dry weight (DW). The salt-tolerance comprehensive evaluation value (D value) were analyzed by variance analysis, correlation analysis, principal components analysis and subordinate function analysis. The results showed that different salt concentration and different materials had significant differences in the same index. There were different correlational relationships among different indexes. 2 indexes including GR and DW were closely related to the salt tolerance, the correlation value was 0.745 and 0.752. Besides, the materials of ruthenian medic came from Tongliao Daqinggou Nature Reserve and Wuchuan county near Hohhot of Inner Mongolia had the higher salt resistance, the D value and the correlation value was 0.807, 0.699 and 0.793, 0.716 respectively. To sum up, ruthenian medic are better than alfalfa in terms of salt resistance.

    • GISH Analysis of Intergeneric Complex ( Erianthus arundinaceus ?Saccharum spontaneum) and its F1 Hybrids from crosses with Sugarcanes ( Saccharum spp.)

      2017, 18(3):461-466. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.010

      Abstract (1465) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (2427) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:GXAS07-6-1, an intergeneric hybrid of E. arundinaceus and S. spontaneum L. has the advantages of its parents, which make it an important material for sugarcane innovation breeding.In this study, The F1 hybrids GXAS08-2-17, GXAS08-2-22 and GXAS08-2-32 were identified as a true progenies of E.arundinaceus by the method of Alu-like. And the chromosomes composition of the GXAS07-6-1 and the F1 generation were analyzed using the genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) technique. The results showed that there were 62 chromosomes in GXAS07-6-1,of which 30 are from E. arundinaceus and 32 are from S.spontaneum. The somatic chromosome karyotypic types of GXAS07-6-1 is 1B , following n n transmission. Furthermore, there were 75 to 84 chromosomes in the F1 hybrids, of which 78 to 80 are from Saccharum spp and S. spontaneum GXS79-9, and 9 to 11 are from E. arundinaceus. The somatic chromosome karyotypic types of 3 F1 progeny were 2B, 1B, 1B, respectively, following n n transmission. Chromosome translocation and exchange were not observed in the intergeneric hybrid GXAS07-6-1 and it’s F1 hybrids as well . We also confirmed the occurrence of chromosome missing from E. arundinaceus.in the F1 progeny.

    • Rapid determination of protein and starch in buckwheat by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy

      2017, 18(3):467-471. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.011

      Abstract (1367) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (2181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a rapid determination method for the contents of protein and starch in buckwheat by applying Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS), NIR spectra of 217 buckwheat samples were collected. Calibration models were established based on the spectra and chemical values by partial least-squares (PLS) algorithm with cross-validation. Analysis indicated that the models of protein and starch showed good prediction effect by using multiplicative scattering correction (MSC), with rank of 5 and 5, respectively, and frequency regions of 6803.9-6094.2 cm-1. The R2 of them were 0.9481 and 0.9167, RMSECV were 0.68 and 2.08, RPD were 4.39 and 3.46, respectively, with the coefficients in external validation greater than 0.96. This study has demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of using NIRS to rapidly determine the content of protein and starch in buckwheat.

    • Selection and assessment for Alstroemeria DUS testing traits

      2017, 18(3):472-482. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.012

      Abstract (1451) HTML (0) PDF 1.55 M (2369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 51 traits were evaluated and 12 quantitative characteristics were classified with 39 alstroemeria varieties. The measure method of 6 quantitative traits of inflorescence were studied. The relationship between the length of outer middle tepal and outer lateral tepal was studied also. The results showed that “Inflorescence: length of peduncle” and “Inflorescence: length of pedicle” are not suitable for DUS testing, 43 characteristics were selected as DUS testing characteristics. 12 quantitative traits can be classified into 3~7 continuous grades respectively. The measure method had obvious effect on the quantitative characteristics of inflorescence, random observation was recommended in DUS testing. Some characteristics of the same variety were different between two batches. In most alstroemeria varieties, there are linear correlation between length of outer middle tepal and outer lateral tepal. Clustering analysis based on the morphological characters agreed with that "flower: the main color" could be used as grouping characteristic.

    • Progress in the Studies on Resistance to Abiotic Stress of Sugarcane

      2017, 18(3):483-493. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.013

      Abstract (1553) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (2741) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sugarcane is a worldwide important crop for sugar and bio-energy. China produces third most sugar in the world, of which more than 90% was from sugarcane. Therefore, sugarcane plays a key role in China sugar industry. China has become the second largest sugar consumer in the world, and its rapid-developing economy, society, and living standard are driving an increasing demand for sugar. However, its sugarcane production area is in reduction caused by accelerated urbanization and extensive crop competition. A tending that sugarcane production region are moving to poor environments such as high altitude and barren land can be observed. As a result, the plants are growing under more and more stress, which seriously impacts the development and yield. Improving yield in stressed environment has become an important chanllenge for sugarcane industry. Breeding for varities with enhanced resistance has been demonstrated one of the best solution. In this paper, bio-chemical and physiological mechanism involved in harm and resistance to various abiotic stress, such as low temperature, drought, salt, heavy metal, were presented. Progress in functional gene mining related to these resistance was reviewed. The aim of this work was to offer a systemic and precise description of the research progress to abiotic stress, and thus to provide reference for studies on molecular mechanism responsing stress and breeding for robust varities.

    • Genetic Resources and Conservation of Yunnan Wild Rice Species

      2017, 18(3):494-502. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.014

      Abstract (1632) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (2622) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Yunnan wild rice species have a lot of ecological types. The wild rice species have many good characteristics such as strong resistances to white blight disease, blast, insects, drought, coldness etc. They have many elite genes that rice cultivars do not have or already lost. Therefore wild rice is an excellent genetic germplasm library for rice breeding. However, in recent years, due to the intensive human activities, the important strategic biological resources-wild rice species are facing the danger of extinction. We have tried different approaches to enhance the conservation and protection of Yunnan wild rice resources. These approaches include in-situ conservation (physical isolation, mainstreaming approaches) and ex-situ conservation (genebank, field genebank, DNA bank, cDNA library and BAC library). Each conservation approach has its advantages as well as disadvantages, and has special application purpose . In general, we have preserved the diversity and abundance of Yunnan wild rice resources which would be important gene resources forin future.improving cultivated rice.

    • Development situation on regime of access and benefit-sharing on biological genetic resource and associated with genetic resource in India

      2017, 18(3):503-508. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.015

      Abstract (1753) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (2458) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:India is the one of the richest biodiversity country in the global which the claims is the national sovereignty over genetic resource and benefit-sharing on it. India have stipulated the Act on Biodiversity in 2003, the Regulation on Biodiversity in 2004 including the issue like the nation has the sovereignty right on genetic resource and associated with traditional knowledge, the principle of protection, the competent authority and administrative regulation system and benefit-sharing, ect and the Guidelines on Access to Biological Resource and Associated Knowledge and Benefit Sharing Regulations in 2014 rules that bioprospecting and access to biological resource, the form and ratios of merchandises, the procedure of results transfer the application to IP and benefit-sharing, the transfer to third-party or merchandise and exemption approvals. This paper summarize the development process on regime system of genetic resource and associated with traditional knowledge of India and analysis or conclude the measures on regimes in different steps. The process mentioned above in India is step by step and to go completely and specific. The same situation in national and international negotiation between India and China in this field, the pathway of India in this field can be brought to China for research and reference.

    • Overexpression of TaLEA1 and TaLEA2 genes improves salt tolerance in Arabidopsis

      2017, 18(3):509-519. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.016

      Abstract (2132) HTML (0) PDF 1.92 M (2373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil salinization is becoming more and more serious in cultivated land in China, which poses a major threat to China’s food security.Identifying novel genes conferring salt tolerance and understanding their functions in salt stress adaptation are vitally important for improving crop stress tolerance. The late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, usually encoded by a multigene family in higher plants, play a positive role in plant response to abiotic stress. We have previously shown that overexpression of TaLEA1, originally isolated in wheat, conferred salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. In this study, we isolated TaLEA2 gene from wheat, analyzed the physical and chemical properties of its deduced protein, determined its expression pattern and promoter region, and examined its function through overexpression in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, we report the effects of simultaneous overexpression of TaLEA1 and TaLEA2 genes in transgenic Arabidopsis. The results showed that TaLEA2 belonged to the third group of LEA proteins. TaLEA2 was likely a stable hydrophilic protein and rich in α-helix and β-turn, thus providing a structural basis for its function in stress tolerance. TaLEA2 expression was detected in wheat root, stem, leaf, flower and seed tissues, and up-regulated by high salt treatment. Overexpression of TaLEA2 alone, or TaLEA1 and TaLEA2 simultaneously, conferred salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis, with the tranegenic lines exhibiting higher seed germination rate, longer root length and higher chlorophyll content than the wild type (WT) controls. More importantly, the double overexpressors displayed a higher level of stress tolerance than single overexpressors and WT controls. This study generated valuable information on the function of wheat LEA genes in salt and drought stress, which may facilitate the deployment of these genes in enhancing crop tolerance to abiotic stresses in the future.

    • Detection of pear S-genotypes and evolutionary analysis of novel S-RNase genes identified by cDNA microarray-based method

      2017, 18(3):520-529. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.017

      Abstract (1463) HTML (0) PDF 2.03 M (2107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Identification of S-genotypes of pear cultivars is useful for allocating suitable pollination trees and pear breeding program. The fluorescently-labeled specific cDNA sequences of S-RNases were obtained by PCR amplification using Cy3-labeled specific primers. The S-RNase cDNA microarray was further improved with which the pear S-genotype was detected and novel S-RNase genes were discovered. The S-genotypes of thirty-five pear cultivars,in total, including ‘Luding Wangpili’, ‘Xingshan 24’ and ‘Midu Baihe’ etc, were identified and seven new P. pyrifolia S-RNase genes were discovered. Then the DNA sequences of the seven new S-RNase genes were identified by DNA cloning and sequencing combined with PCR-RFLP method. Sequence analysis demonstrates that the seven new genes showed typical structural features with specific domains of S-RNase. Evolution analysis indicates that the seven genes blong to the S-RNase group of Maloideae, Rosaceae and the evolutionary relationship among S-RNases is closer between species or genera than intra-species or intra-genus. The seven S-RNases were named PpS53 (Pyruspyrifolia S53), PpS54, PpS55, PpS56, PpS57, PpS58 and PpS59, and have been deposited under the GenBank database with accession numbers being KX581753, KX581754, KX581755, KX581756, KX581757, KX581751 and KX581752, respectively.

    • Genetic Diversity of Tartary Buckwheat Based on the Sequence Analysis of PAL

      2017, 18(3):530-537. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.018

      Abstract (1517) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tartary buckwheat is widely cultivated in different areas of China and gradually evolved into genetic diversity. In order to study and utilize the tartary buckwheat, the PAL gene differences of the tartary buckwheat were analyzed on 67 samples, which were collected from different provinces of China. We amplified the PAL gene by PCR and then acquired the sequence results. Based on the sequences, genetic diversity was analyzed and cluster of analysis of 67 samples was also carried out by NJ method. Results showed that after aligning and splicing, the length the PAL sequence was 2011 bp in the matrix, the variable sites was 160, while the parsimony informative sites was 33, accounting for 7.9% and 1.64% of the total length, respectively. Variable type are main base transition and base transversions. Variable site mainly concentrated in the region of 600-1200, which was the site of the N-terminal of the exon-2. The intra-specific mean distance of the Sichuan group was 0.016, while the tartary buckwheat from Inner Mongolia group showed that the intra-specific mean distance was 0.002. And it revealed that there is a significant difference among the tartary buckwheat resources in genetics diversity from different geographic origins. We checked the 67 PAL sequences using software. And it showed that the average value of the Nucleotide polymorphism (?) and the average heterozygosity (θ) were 0.0034 and 0.0148, respectively. The Nucleotide polymorphism (?) value in samples from Sichuan is the highest (0.0148). From the phylogenetic tree, it has indicated that the 67 samples from the different province could be clustered into seven category. And the 5 sample in Tibet were clustered into another category. These results showed that the PAL sequences of the majority tartary buckwheat samples is stable and the differences between the most samples is not significant. The samples in Sichuan province had abundant genetic diversity. But only in samples from Tibet it revealed many SNPs site, and this should be the new mutation spots in the PAL coding regions.

    • Morphological characterization and Gene Mapping of sins1 (narrow spikelet 1) in Foxtail Millet

      2017, 18(3):538-545. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.019

      Abstract (1662) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (2481) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A foxtail millet narrow spikelet mutant which was induced from Yugu1 by EMS treatment, was genetically identified and named as sins1. The mutant exhibited narrow-spikelet, low-plant-height, short-thin-panicle, short-narrow-leaf, low-spikelet-number per panicle, as well as low-1000-grain weight. Compared with its wild-type Yugu1, plant height, panicle length, panicle diameter, flag-leaf length, flag-leaf width, the 1000-grain weight, spikelet number per panicle of sins1 were decreased by 3.89 %, 17.41 %, 21.62 %, 15.07 %, 25.87 %, 41.09 %, 25 % respectively (P≤0.05). Genetic analysis suggested that its F1 hybrid plants were restored to wild type and 3:1 segregation ratio of wild type to mutant plants were observed in the F2 generation of sins1×Yugu1, suggesting that the narrow-spikelet trait of sins1 mutant is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. Genetic mapping of the mutant gene was conducted using narrow-spikelet individuals from the F2 segregating population of sins1×SSR41. Finally, the mutant gene was mapped into genomic region within SSR markers 3-2658 and CAAS3031 in chromosome 3, with a 7.709 Mb interval. This research had laid the foundation for fine-mapping of the narrow spikelet causal gene and will promote spikelet development related research in cereal crops.

    • Analysis of wheat leaf rust resistance genes in 16 main wheat cultivars in Henan

      2017, 18(3):546-554. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.020

      Abstract (1658) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (2492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to identify the resistance and distribution of leaf rust resistance genes of wheat cultivars in Henan Province to provide theoretical basis for the promotion and reasonable layout, leaf rust control and resistance breeding, the resistance evaluation of sixteen main wheat cultivars of Henan was carried out using five mixed races of Puccinia triticina at the seedling stage. In addition, the resistance genes of the 16 wheat cultivars at seedling stage were postulated by inoculating 12 races of P. triticina. Meanwhile, thirty molecular markers closely linked or co-segregated with 24 wheat leaf rust resistance genes were used to detect these cultivars. The results showed that these cultivars were highly susceptible to the mixed races examined. The data of gene postulation and molecular detection indicated that four leaf rust resistance genes, Lr1, Lr16, Lr26 and Lr30, were found in these cultivars. Among them, Xianmai 8 carried Lr1 and Lr26, Zhengmai 366 and Zhengmai 9023 carried Lr1. Xinong 979 and Huaichuan 916 carried Lr16. Zhongmai 895, Yanzhan 4110, Zhengmai 7698, Ping'an 8, Zhongmai 1, Zhoumai 16, Hengguan 35 and Aikang 58 carried Lr26. The gene Lr26 was detected in Zhoumai 22, and Lr1 and Lr30 were also postulated in Zhoumai 22. Besides, Yumai 49-198 and Luomai 23 might carry unknown or untested resistance genes. Therefore, the abundance of leaf rust resistance genes in the main wheat cultivars of Henan was low, and the new leaf rust resistance genes should be introduced into new wheat cultivars to improve the leaf rust resistance and control wheat leaf rust effectively.

    • Analysis of genes and enzymes associated with carotenoid metabolism in cassava

      2017, 18(3):555-563. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.021

      Abstract (1493) HTML (0) PDF 1.72 M (2253) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract The expressions of genes and enzymes related with carotenoid metabolic pathway in the storage roots of cassava swelling and mature periods was validated using white cassava SC6068, yellow cassava SC9, purple-leaf and yellow cassava BGM019 and pink cassava Mirasol as research materials. HPLC method was used to detect the changes of β-carotene contents; qRT-PCR and Western blot methods were applied to analyze the expressed changes of the genes and proteins regarding carotenoid pathway, respectively. In the present study, SC6068 was used as a control, the results showed that the expressed levels of DXR、DXS、PSY1、PDS、ZEP、CCD1 and NCED3 genes in SC9 and BGM019 swelling period were significantly higher than those in the mature period (p<0.05), while the expressions of genes including PSY2、ZDS、LCYB、HYD and NCED2 in swelling period were significantly lower than those in the mature period (p<0.05). The expressions of DXR、DXS、PSY1、PSY2、PDS、ZDS、LCYE and CCD1 genes in Mirasol swelling period were significantly higher than those in the mature period (p<0.05), and the expressions of HYD、ZEP、NCED2、NCED3 and OR genes in swelling period were significantly lower than those in the mature period (p<0.05). Of those, the expressions of ZDS、NCED2 and PSY2 genes were the highest in the mature periods of SC9, Mirasol and BGM101, respectively. These genes may use as the marker genes to determine yellow cassava and pink cassava varieties. These data, regarding the analysis of the gene expressions related with carotenoid metabolic pathway of storage roots in swelling and mature periods, will be helpful to understand the mechanism of ?-carotene accumulation. Furthermore, the Western blot results showed that there was no correlation relationship between ?-carotene accumulation and ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, FeSOD and HSP70; However, their expression is differed significantly during swelling and mature periods (p<0.05).

    • Distribution of Dwarfing Genes in Qinghai Wheat Cultivars by Molecular Markers

      2017, 18(3):564-572. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.022

      Abstract (1426) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (2302) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to define the distribution characteristics of dwarfing genes in wheat varieties in qinghai province and excavate the less use of dwarfing genes, this study used eight specific molecular markers of wheat dwarfing genes to test the dwarfing genes in 85 wheat varieties in qinghai province. Results showed that more than 56.1% of 82 varieties in qinghai wheat materials (50) contained dwarfing genes, with which Rht-B1b and Rht-8 gene frequency was higher, at 28.04% and 23.17% respectively. Only eight materials contained Rht-D1b gene, 11 materials contained Rht5 gene and 9 materials contained Rht12 gene, at 9.76%、13.41%、9.76% respectively. In the varieties containing the dwarfing gene, there were 18 materials containing more than 2 and 2 dwarfing genes accounting for 21.95% of the total materials. There were two varieties containing three dwarfing genes at the same time, including one containing Rht-B1b、Rht8 and Rht12 genes, one containing Rht-B1b、Rht5 and Rht8 genes. Five varieties contained Rht-B1b and Rht8 genes at the same time.Two materials contained Rht-D1b and Rht8 genes at the same time. Five materials contained Rht-B1b and Rht5 genes an the same time .Two materials contained Rht8 and Rht5 genes at the same time. One material contained Rht-D1b and Rht5 genes at the same time. And the rest of the 32 varieties each contained one dwarf gene. No variety was found at the same time containing Rht- B1b, Rht-D1b genes.

    • Improving the Rice Blast Resistance for a CMS Line of Rice Zhenda A and its Hybrids Using Molecular Marker-assistant Selection

      2017, 18(3):573-586. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.023

      Abstract (1551) HTML (0) PDF 2.00 M (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pi25, rice blast resistance gene, is a broad-spectrum resistance gene with high genetic transmission capacity. In this paper, the indica rice parent BL 27 with Pi25 was as the gene donor and was introgressed into Zhenda B, the maintainer line of the CMS line ZhengdaZhenda A, and then improved new maintainer lines with homozygous gene of Pi25 and agronomic traits similar to the ZhengdaZhenda B was successfully developed. The improved maintainer lines were crossed and backcrossed with CMS line ZhengdaZhenda A for transformation of CMS line. By molecular marker-assisted selection combined with phenotype-based visual selection, three improved CMS lines were developed with homozygous geno-type of Pi25, overall agronomic traits and flowering habit similar to the ZhengdaZhenda A. By artificially inoculating 22 representative blast isolates collected in Fujian province, the resistance frequency of 3 improved CMS lines and 15 hybirds were found to be 95.45% to 100% and more than 75%, respectively, whereas that of original control, Zhenda A and its hybrid combinations derived from the original control, ZhengdaZhenda A was only 54.55% and its hybirds were 40.91% to 63.64% respectively. Three improved CMS lines also displayed high resistance to leaf blast ( level 0 ) and panicle neck blast ( level 0 ) when grown in the epidemic areas field, whereas the original control was susceptible to leaf blast (level 5) and panicle neck blast (level 7) . Those 15 hybrid combinations displayed high resistance to rice blast. Furtherly, the results of comparison of yield, agronomic characters and quality among 15 hybrid combinations showed that Zhenda A-Pi25-3 improved CMS line showed best comprehensive characteristics and was backcrossed with improved maintainer line ZhengdaZhenda B-Pi25-3. Thus a new CMS line was bred with strong blast resistance, good combining ability, population uniformity and the stability characteristics, named for the 157A. The results indicated that the Pi25 gene could completely express its dominant resistance in background of CMS line Zhenda A during different growth stages, and also showed higher levels of resistance in backgrounds of the hybrid combinations derived from different restorer lines, suggesting its immense breeding value in blast resistance improvement for hybrid rice. Compared with Zhenda A, the 157 A showed blast resistance increased significantly, but also fundamentally retained excellent properties of high combining ability of CMS line, and provided a new male sterile germplasm for breeding of hybrid rice with high yield, high quality and disease resistance.

    • Creation of High Oleic Acid Peanut Germplasm Materials with Red and White Variegated Seed Coat

      2017, 18(3):587-594. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.024

      Abstract (1584) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (2039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The hybridization composition, which parents was high oleic acid line G63 with pink seed coat and normal oleic acid line VG-01 with purple and white variegated seed coat, was used in this study. 16 true F1 hybrids were identified by allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) methods. The genotype _ol1_ol2 individuals were screened in F2 population and the seed coat color segregation in 64 F2:3 family lines was checked by Chi-square test. The results showed that the full-color peanut: variegated color peanut was 9:7 at 0.05 level. The variegated seed coat was controlled by two pairs of complementary genes. When the two pairs of genes were dominant, the seed coat showed full color. At least one pair of genes for recessive homologous, the seed coat showed variegated color. The genotypes of 334 F3 plants with variegated seed coat were identified by AS-PCR, and 29 plants of ol1ol1ol2ol2 genotypes were selected. The results of gas chromatography showed that GC value of F4 seed ranged from 70.77% to 82.87%, and oleic acid / linoleic (O/L) ranged from 8.15 to 26.30. The main stem of F4 population was 12.4 cm - 87.3 cm, with an average of 57.2 cm, which was 34.97% higher than that of the control Jihua 2. The first pair of lateral branches was 91.6 cm - 196.3 cm, with an average of 134.1 cm, which was 34.28% higher than that of the control. Pod weight per plant, pod number per plant, kernel weight per plant and kernel number per plant were (27.16 ± 9.51) g, (22.11 ±10.26), (20.10 ± 7.17) g and (31.94 ±15.16) respectively. The new germplasm lines (9-7, 14-2, 14-3, 17-3 and 17-7) were all red and white variegated seed coat. Comparied with the control, pod weight per plant was increased 230.02%, 165.80%, 210.66%, 200.65% and 160.26% respectively and pod number per plant was increased 280.00%、340.00%、450.00%、210.00% and 150.00% respectively. The oleic acid GC value was 80.54%, 81.75%, 80.63%, 81.30% and 81.56% respectively. The new germplasm materials not only have high oleic acid content, but also have great health care value, which have great practical significance to enrich the genetic diversity of high oleic peanut in China.

    • >普查专栏
    • Investigation of crops resources in Wushan , Fengjie and Shizhu counties of Chongqing province in the view of Buckwheat species

      2017, 18(3):595-601. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.03.025

      Abstract (1480) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (3073) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the Third National-Wide Investigation of Crop Germplasm Resources Project, the agrobiological resources in Wushan, Fengjie and Shizhu counties in Chongqing municipality were surveyed systematically during October and November in 2015. Through visiting communities and interviewing with farmers, information on crop species and variety diversity were collected and local old, native and rare germplasm resources were sampled. A total of 341 samples of landraces and crop wild relatives were collected, including 136 samples of food and oil crops, 86 samples of vegetables, 57 samples of fruit trees, 5 samples of tea, 22 samples of tobacco, 30 samples of forages and 5 samples of fiber crops. The current article will mainly introduce the survey and samples of buckwheat germplasm resources under the food and oil crops catalogue. Among 19 samples of buckwheat, not only the rare and old landraces, but also wild resources were collected. Buckwheat as a traditional crop of Yi ethnic group is losing its old, native and rare germplasm resources due to the development of modern agriculture. It was suggested that the relevant sectors should take measures to protect the old, native and rare buckwheat germplasm resources through household and in situ conservation for sustainable utilization.

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