• Volume 18,Issue 4,2017 Table of Contents
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    • Study on genetic diversity of Oryza officinalis Wall in Guangxi province and the effect of the number of SSR primers on genetic diversity analysis

      2017, 18(4):603-610. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.001

      Abstract (1872) HTML (0) PDF 2.05 M (3015) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Guangxi province has the most abundant Oryza officinalis Wall germplasm resource in China. In this study, 1610 Oryza officinalis individuals which collected from all over Guangxi in situ sites, were used for genetic diversity analysis with 25 SSR markers. 181 polymorphic bands were detected, and the effective number of alleles (Ae) ranged from 1.0094 to 2.2674 and averaged at 1.3568. The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.0093 to 0.5591 and averaged at 0.2212. The Shannon-Weaver information index ranged from 0.0393-0.9296 and averaged at 0.3624. We confirmed that Wuzhou and Nanning are the genetic diversity center of Oryza officinalis in Guangxi and in China as well. Mantel correlation test was carried out to examine the correlation among cophenetic matrices, the results showed that more than 21 pairs of primer (no less than 10 pairs) would be the appropriate number for genetic diversity analysis of Oryza officinalis Wall populations.

    • Genetic Diversity of Wild Tomato Species Solanum pimpinellifolium

      2017, 18(4):611-619. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.002

      Abstract (1916) HTML (0) PDF 2.67 M (3747) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wild tomato species Solanum pimpinellifolium possesses rich variation in many elite characters. In this paper, we analyzed the phenotypic and genetic diversity of 433 genetic resources of S. pimpinellifolium collected from different resource center of the world. The results of phenotyping indicated that about 14% of these accessions are Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme. Among 370 accessions of typical S. pimpinellifolium, about 22% of them are segregated on certain degree. Population variation analysis showed that variation coefficient varied among different traits. The maximum variation existed in stigma and is about 56.716%, while the minimum one is petals number with about 2.082%. Correlation analysis of different traits showed that there is significant correlation between different traits. Based on the data of phenotyping and genotyping, S. pimpinellifolium population were divided into two groups. Principal component analysis further showed that fruiting rate, fruit weight and soluble solids content makes great contribution to the variation. The obtained results may provide the basis for tomato genetic improvement by Solanum lycopersicum.

    • Phenotypic diversity of 78 wild Allium germplasmsin Inner Mongolia

      2017, 18(4):620-628. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.003

      Abstract (2868) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (3533) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, a total of 14 morphological characters were investigated to reveal the genetic diversity in 78 accessions of Allium L. germplasms from Inner Mongolia in China. The results show that the Inner Mongolia Allium L. germplasms has abundant genetic diversity. The variation of average coefficient in 14 phenotypic traits was 43.0%, among them the number of flowers was the largest (94.7%) and seed thick was the smallest (14.6%). 14 phenotypic traits can be classified into six principal components, and the cumulative contribution rate was reached 80.77%, which could be reflected the phenotypic characteristics mostly among all of 78 accessions. A significant correlation was existed between the 14 phenotypic traits. The 78 accessions were divided into seven categories by using Euclidean distance system. This study reveals a higher genetic diversity existing in the Allium L.germplasms, provide a important implication for Allium L. germplasm characterization, improvement, and conservation.

    • Analysis and Evaluation of the major quantitative and qualitative traits for C. kweichowensis Hu

      2017, 18(4):629-637. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.004

      Abstract (1321) HTML (0) PDF 2.74 M (2446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taken 96 accessions of C. kweichowensis Hu in Dabie mountain as subjects .Using both probability classification and factor analysis methods to evaluate 16 quantitative traits and 9 qualitative traits of C. kweichowensis Hu. The results showed that the variation of quantitative traits were relatively abundant, ranged 5.49% to 111.18%. The quantitative traits which were relevant to nut yield had obvious variation , including shell kernel clearance (111.18%), kernel quality (32.61%), nut quality (32.22%), kernel mass percentage (26.60%) and shell thickness (25.46%).K-S test showed that 14 nut quantitative traits obeyed normal distribution with the significance value higher than 0.05 except for kernel shape index and shell kernel clearance. Factor analysis method extracted nut size factor, nut kernel mass percentage factor and nut plumpness from 16 quantitative traits, which preliminary built comprehensive evaluation index of nut quantitative traits for C. kweichowensis Hu. The study will provide a reference for evaluation, description and data standardization of C. kweichowensis Hu.

    • Evaluation of Salinity Tolerance in Wheat Genotypes at Germination and Seedling Stages

      2017, 18(4):638-645. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.005

      Abstract (1967) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (3255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Soil salinization seriously impacts wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. Improving salinity tolerance is one of the main approaches responding to the problem. Salinity-tolerant germplasm resources provide a plant material basis for the improvement of salt tolerance in crops. The present research firstly selected the appropriate salt stress conditions for evaluating salinity tolerance at germination and seeding stages by screening a series of NaCl concentrations. The results showed that 1.2% NaCl solution and 0.8% NaCl in soil were the optimal concentrations for germination and seeding stages separately. Under the selected NaCl stress conditions, some morphological and physiological traits of 321 wheat genotypes were tested at the two stages. The salinity tolerance of the genotypes were evaluated and classified by principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Total of 21 and 18 genotypes with high salinity tolerance at germination and seeding stages were identified, which accounted for 6.5% and 5.6% of the tested genotypes, respectively. Two genotypes, Zhongzuo 60115 and Jimaiyihao, were determined as the high salinity tolerance at both germination and seeding stages. There was no significant correlation between D values of salinity tolerance at germination and seedling stages.

    • Studies on Cold Tolerance of Widely Adaptable PTGMS Line Y58S and its Physiological Mechanism at the Booting Stage

      2017, 18(4):646-652. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.006

      Abstract (1370) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (3046) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to clarify morphological and physiological mechanisms of cold tolerance at the booting stage for rice photo thermo sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) lines, by using the cold tolerant PTGMS line Y58S and four other key PTGMS lines widely used in the production, the effects of low temperature stress (17.5℃、10d) on seed setting rate, panicle traits, plant height, photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzymes were studied in this experiment. The results showed that Y58S had the highest cold tolerance among the five PTGMS lines under the long-term cold stress. Comparing to the cold sensitive PTGMS lines C815S and Zhu1S, morphological and physiological mechanisms of cold tolerant line Y58S were as follows: higher seed setting rate and lower cold injury index; panicle length and plant height were reduced to a lesser extent; photosynthesis was effected not significantly by cold stress, the SPAD value and Pn value didn’t change significantly; SOD and POD activity were slighter decreased, MDA content and relative conductivity were less increased.

    • Stalk fiber related traits and lodging resistance correlation analysis under different planting density in maize

      2017, 18(4):653-664. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.007

      Abstract (1601) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (2528) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 290 inbred lines with rich genetic diversity were used in this study. We investigated the relationship between Stalk pushing resistance and fiber quality related traits with at different densities. Stalk pushing resistance and fiber quality related traits excellent performance lines were screened by multiple comparisons among different heterosis. The results shows that different lines had highly significant difference at different densities, furthermore , significantly positive correlation was studied between stalk pushing resistance and content of cellulose. The results of multiple comparison shows that content of cellulose among different heterosis no significant difference at high density. Pushing resistance exist significant difference under two density and content of cellulose under low density among different heterosis. In different heterosis, the number of lines of screened out with excellent performance about pushing resistance and content of cellulose under two density, and there are 4 and 3 lines in the Reid group, 1 and 5 lines in the Lancaster group, 2 and 2 lines in the P group, 2 and 1 lines in the LRC group, 2 and 1 lines in the TangSPT group.

    • Photosynthetic Characteristics of Hybrid Variety Zayoudou No.1 and its Parents

      2017, 18(4):665-669. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.008

      Abstract (1693) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2508) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Photosynthetic characteristics of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 value, light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP), photosynthetic potential of Zayoudou No. 1 and its parents (W931A and WR016) were measured. The results showed that net photosynthetic rate of Zayoudou No. 1 and its parents were single peak curves. Net photosynthetic rate of Zayoudou No.1 at 8:00 was significantly higher than that of its parents. Zayoudou No.1 had lower light compensation point and higher light saturation point than its parents, which could make strong ability of weak light. Through analyzing the group of photosynthetic potential, leaf area index and photosynthetic potential were significantly higher than W931A and WR016 in flowering stage, podding stage and drum grain stage. Leaf area index and photosynthetic potential of Zayoudou No.1 and tis parents showed a rising trend from flowering stage to podding stage, from podding stage to drum grain stage. The conclusion showed that Zayoudou No.1 having strong utilization ability of weak light and higher leaf area index and photosynthetic potential, which were beneficial to the improvement of yield.

    • Study on low temperature storage and cryopreservation of pollen for peach germplasm resources

      2017, 18(4):670-675. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.009

      Abstract (1562) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (2634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Peach (Prunus persica (L.)) is one of the most important vegetatively propagated crop germplasm resources in China. Cryopreservation has been implemented in genebanks worldwide to conserve vegetatively propagated plant collections by using shoot tips, pollen or dormant buds. In this study, the effects of moisture content, rehydration treatment, and storage temperature (4 ℃ and cryopreservation) on in vitro germination levels of pollen after storage were investigated for 15 peach cultivars. Results showed that: the moisture content for peach pollen cryopreservation were determined; The optimal rehydration condition was found to be cultivar-dependent; In vitro germination levels of peach pollen after cryopreservation were as high as 80%; After 4 years storage, in vitro germination levels of peach pollen after cryopreservation (in vitro germination levels were higher than 30% for 14 cultivars) significantly higher than those were stored under 4 ℃ low temperature (in vitro germination levels of 0). And in vitro germination levels of pollen for 11 cultivars after 4 years cryopreservation were not changed significantly, even significantly higher than the in vitro germination levels before storage. In conclusion, this study will benefit for the establishment of pollen large scale cryopreservation for the new National Crop Genebank of China in future.

    • Analysis of leaf rust resistance in 12 main wheat cultivars(lines) in Shandong

      2017, 18(4):676-684. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.010

      Abstract (1663) HTML (0) PDF 2.22 M (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objective of this study was to determine the leaf rust resistance and leaf rust resistance genes of twelve main wheat cultivars(lines) in Shandong Province to provide theoretical basis for the promotion and reasonable layout, leaf rust control and resistance breeding. The resistance evaluation of twelve main wheat cultivars(lines) was carried out by using five mixed races of Puccinia triticina at the seedling stage. Meanwhile, fifteen Puccinia triticina races with different virulence patterns were used for seedling genes postulation. In addition, thirty molecular markers closely linked or co-segregated with 24 wheat leaf rust resistance genes were used to detect these wheat cultivars(lines). The results showed that these cultivars(lines) were highly susceptible to the mixed races. Gene postulation and molecular detection indicated that Ji'nan 17 carried Lr16. Aikang 58 and Shannong 20 carried Lr26. However, leaf rust resistance genes were not detected in the remaining nine cultivars(lines). In addition, this study also carried out the detection of three non main cultivars in Shandong. And the results showed that Zhongmai 175 carried Lr1 and the adult-plant resistance gene Lr37. Wanmai 38 carried Lr26. And leaf rust resistance genes were not detected in Jimai 20. Comprehensive above results, the abundance of leaf rust resistance genes in these main wheat cultivars(lines) was low, and no effective resistance genes were detected in them to against the main races of P. triticina in China, which need to be paid more attention. New leaf rust resistance genes should be introduced into new wheat cultivars to improve the leaf rust resistance.

    • Analysis of Phenotype and Genetic Diversity of Foxtail Millet Germplasm with Tillering

      2017, 18(4):685-695. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.011

      Abstract (1839) HTML (0) PDF 2.34 M (2753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phenotypic and genetic diversity of 68 cultivars of foxtail millet with tillering from abroad and domestic were analyzed in this study. The analysis of phenotype showed that the majority of qualitative traits such as sheath colour, grain colour, hull colour, panicle type and the density of spikelet were green, white, yellow, conic and loose, respectively. The coefficient of variation of the grain percentage was the smallest and other traits showed abundant genetic variation. The XIAO RUAN GU from Shanxi was of the highest values for the panicle weight of single plant, grain weight of single plant and weight of thousand-grain, but the DA QING GU from Heilongjiang was of the lowest values for the grain weight of single plant, grain percentage and weight of thousand-grain. Simultaneously, Genetic diversity analysis of 68 foxtail millet germplasm with tillering were conducted using 77 pairs of SNP and SSR primers distributed across the millet genome. A total of 202 alleles with an average of 2.62 per pairs of primers, and 1?6 alleles per locus were detected. PIC varied greatly from 0.0283 to 0.6974 with an average of 0.4169. The genetic similarity coefficient varied from 0.59 to 0.96 with an average of 0.68. The clustering results based on UPGMA method showed that the tested materials could be divided into four groups named as TGI、TGII、TGIII and TGIV, respectively. TGI and TGII were come mainly from Northwest of China and foreign country, respectively. However, TGIII were come from North, East, Northeast of China and the TGIV included only one material. A total of 10 millet germplasm with tillering were identified according to phenotype. All above revealed that the genetic diversity of 68 germplasm were good. These results would provide a theoretical basis for breeding and mining the good genes for tillering.

    • The method for evaluation of mung bean resistance to Fusarium wilt

      2017, 18(4):696-703. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.012

      Abstract (1607) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (2400) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is one of the most important grain legumes in China. Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, is a severe soil-borne disease on mung bean. F. oxysporum firstly infect roots of plants, and caused symptoms including leaf chlorosis and necrosis, vascular discoloration of roots and stems. Lastly, the plants of mung bean infected seriously died. Deployment of resistant cultivars is the most economic and effective way to control this disease. In this study, the mung bean cultivars with contrasting resistant phenotype were used as plant materials, and the factors affecting resistance phenotype including inoculation method, plant development stage, inoculum concentration, inoculum treatment time and incubation temperature for inoculated plants, were comparatively analyzed. The results showed that the root dipping technique is the optimal inoculation method. The seedling of mung bean at 2 leaf age was suitable to inoculation with pruned roots dipped in spore suspension of 105~106 spore/mL for 2 min. Inoculated plants should be incubated at 25℃. The survey time of disease scoring can effectively shorten experimental period at 14 days after inoculation. This method is rapid and effective for evaluation of mung bean resistance to Fusarium wilt in controlling condition, which will provide technical support for mung bean germplasm resistance screening and breeding program.

    • Analysis of genetic diversity of mango(Mangifera indica L.) germplasm resources in nujiang valley based on morphological characters

      2017, 18(4):704-712. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.013

      Abstract (1434) HTML (0) PDF 3.30 M (2236) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity of 255 mango germplasms in Nujiang Valley were investigated by comparing 24 morphological characters. The results showed that the mango germplasm have rich diversity in phenotypic traits, including single fruit weight, fruit length, seed weight, seed width, fruit shape, pericarp color, flesh color, aroma, taste, and maturity date. The wide variation were among the 11 quality characters of mango with variation efficient of 12.44%—56.44%, the largest coefficient of variation was single fruit weight while the smallest was leaf width. The Shannon-weaver index of 13 quantitative traits in mango was 0.68—2.21,the average diversity indexes was 1.42. The diversity index of the leaf texture was the lowest, while the flesh color were the highest. The thick pericarp, the small fruit,the big seed,the low edible rate , early maturity, sweet and sour , and the poor quality of morphological characters takes up a great proportion in 255 mango germplasms , which could be divided into 5 categories by cluster analysis. There existed significant genetic difference among the materials collected from different areas, and those collected from same area also showed significant genetic differentiation. Further more, 41 specific germplasm resources were initially selected based?on?identification and evaluation of phenotypic characters, which have characteristic?aroma,?off-season?blossom, stress resistance, early-maturing, small fruit, and high yield.

    • Mapping of Growth Habit Related Gene in Common Bean

      2017, 18(4):713-719. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.014

      Abstract (1632) HTML (0) PDF 1.65 M (3257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Growth habit is an important trait associated with the domestication in common bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.),which is a component trait including the types of inflorescence and stem.To locate the growth habit gene, we established F2 plants and F2:3 plants families derived from a cross between indeterminate viny common bean cultivar LiannongziyunNO.1(LianziNo.1) and determinate bush landrace Tuzitui (F0404).The genetic analysis showed that determinate bush was controlled by a single recessive gene, designed as gh-lz, which was primarily mapped on B1 linkage group by bulked segregant analysis. With a lager mapping population, more SSR and In/Del markers, the gh-lz gene was further mapped between SSR marker p1t52 and In/Del marker In93, sited on 45,453,003bp-45,575,103bpon B01, with a physical region about 122kb. This region included 12 genes, named Gene1~Gene12.The 12 candidategenes were annotated by BLAST searching NCBI, and Gene12 was annotated as TFL1 in common bean.These results provided a foundation for growth habit trait study and gene cloning.

    • Association Analysis of Yield-related Traits with SSR Markers in Upland Cotton ((Gossypium hirsutum L.)

      2017, 18(4):720-727. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.015

      Abstract (1520) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (2986) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:s: Improving cotton yield and fiber quality is a major breeding goal for Chinese upland cotton. Discovery molecular markers associated with the target traits can overcome the blindness of conventional breeding and improve the accuracy of molecular marker assisted selection breeding. In this study, a diversity panel consisting of 118 upland cotton accessions was grown in four different environments, and the yield-related traits including lint percentage (LP), boll weight (BW), bolls per plant (BN) and seed index (SI) were measured, and 214 polymorphic SSR markers of covering the whole genome were performed in association mapping. The results were showed: 118 upland cotton accessions were rich in phenotypic variation, the mean coefficients of variance (CV) ranged from 6.1~19.1%, and were more stable in different environments; Genotyping was performed with genome-wide Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), a total of 201markers were polymorphic and generated 460 allele loci, the average genetic diversity index and polymorphism information content (PIC) were 0.5151 and 0.4587, respectively. The results indicated that the alleles and the genetic diversity were larger in upland cotton accessions; 118 cotton varieties were divided into 4 subgroups by analysis of population structure, there has no corresponding relation between each kind of group of accessions and the geographical regions. Association analysis results were showed that 39 marker loci were detected at least two of the four environments (-lg(p) >1.3, P<0.05 ), Of 39 associated markers, four marker loci were associated with more than two traits simultaneously, seven marker loci were coincident with previous studies, and 32 were identified as new association markers. The results could provide a theoretical basis for molecular assisted selection of upland cotton about yield traits.

    • Evaluation of Plant Regeneration Ability of Immature Embryos from Eight New Wheat Varieties or lines Developed in Henan Province

      2017, 18(4):728-733. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.016

      Abstract (2072) HTML (0) PDF 1.98 M (2983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Screening wheat genotypes with high plant regeneration potential from freshly released commercial wheat varieties will be great beneficial to the improvement of this crop by genetic engineering strategy. By using the immature embryos of eight new wheat cultivars developed in recent years in Henan province as materials, the effect of three auxins 2,4-D, dicamba, and picloram on plant regeneration of larger immature embryos of the eight varieties was studied. In the case of adding dicamba on callus induction medium, plant regeneration efficiency of all the tested wheat varieties was more than 189%, among which the regeneration efficiency of six varieties such as Zhengmai1836 and Zhongyu1439 was over 400%. Under the circumstances that picloram was applied in callus initiation medium, plant regeneration efficiency of the eight wheat varieties was more than 210%, among which the regeneration efficiency of four varieties such as Zhengmai1860 and Zhengmai5135 was over 1100%. In the condition of 2,4-D used on calluse initiation medium, Zhongyu1439 showed the highest regeneration ability followed by Zhengmai5135 and Zhengmai1354, while a regeneration efficiency less than 60% was obtained in Zhengmai1860 and Zhengmai1836 and nothing happened in Zhengmai7698, Zhengmai0856, and Zhengmai9023. Results indicated the optimal auxin for the plant regeneration of larger immature wheat embryos is dicamba followed by picloram, but it also showed slight difference in different wheat varieties. In the tested eight wheat varieties, the order of the first four wheat lines based on regeneration potential of their immature embryos was Zhongyu1439, Zhengmai5135, Zhengmai5135 and Zhengmai1354.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of the MOC1 Gene (ScMOC1) in Sugarcane

      2017, 18(4):734-746. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.017

      Abstract (1761) HTML (0) PDF 8.54 M (2652) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MONOCULM 1 (MOC1), a gene that is important in the regulation of plant tillering, which plays a significant role in the formation of plant axillary meristem and axillary bud. In this study, the homolog of MOC1 was cloned from sugarcane variety, which was named ScMOC1. The cDNA of ScMOC1 contains a 1299 bp ORF which encodes a secreted protein containing a GRAS conservative structure domain. The protein was predicted to encode 432 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 45.43 kD and bioelectric point value of 6.98. Sequence alignment analysis showed ScMOC1 keep a high sequence identity with some poaceae family plants homologous proteins such as Sorghum bicolor, Leymus secalinus and Oryza sativa. In the phylogenetic tree, ScMOC1 has a closest evolutionary relationship with the homologous protein from Sorghum bicolor, Setaria italica and Zea mays. Sequenced and analysis of ScMOC1 in sugarcane varity ROC22 , totally 46 SNP and 29 InDels were identified in 30 clones. Among these variation sites, one deletion and the other 4 insertion of bases are the main causes of the changes for the gene encoding protein sequences. Neutrality tests showed that no purifying selection occurred of ScMOC1 in ROC22. Real time fluorescent quantitative-PCR (qPCR) shows that ScMOC1 was constitutively expressed in ROC22 and highest expressed in stem apex at the tillering stage; while present a expression tendency of “up-down-up-down” at the axillary buds formation and development period, so we predicted that ScMOC1 plays a role in the formation of sugarcane axillary buds. According to these researches, we speculated that ScMOC1 might play a key role in the regulation of tillering trait of sugarcane. The results obtained above will provide a theoretical foundation for function analysis of ScMOC1 and molecular assisted selection of sugarcane yield in the future.

    • The Relationship between Steviol Glycosides Accumulation and Biosynthesis Genes Expression

      2017, 18(4):747-753. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.018

      Abstract (1692) HTML (0) PDF 1.83 M (2798) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the relationship between the accumulation of steviol glycosides (SGs) and expression of SGs biosynthesis pathway genes, SGs content and composition in stevia leaves of different canopies of one variety (xinfeng 3) and three varieties (shoutian 3, jiangtian3, puxing 1) were analyzed and the related genes expression were tested by real-time PCR. The results showed that the accumulation of total SGs was highest in the top leaves and lowest in the bottom leaves of xinfeng 3. Among the eight tested genes, six of them had the highest expression in the top leaves and had the lowest in the bottom leaves. The stevioside accumulation was highest in top leaves and the expression of its catalytic enzyme encoding gene SrUGT74G1 was also highest in top leaves. And rebaudioside A (RA) content was the highest in bottom leaves and the expression of its catalytic enzyme encoding gene SrUGT76G1 was highest in the bottom leaves. Among three varieties, the accumulation of total SGs and rebaudioside A (RA) was highest in jiangtian 3 and lowest in puxing 1, while the stevioside accumulation was highest in shoutian 3 and lowest in jiangtian 3. However expression of related genes did not show the same trend to SGs accumulation in three stevia varieties. So it was deduced that expression level of SGs biosynthesis pathway genes affected the SGs accumulation significantly, and in the same variety, the expression level of catalytic enzyme encoding gene could reflect the accumulation of corresponding steviol glycoside.

    • Evaluation and Validation of Molecular Markers Associated with Stalk Rot Resistance in 159 Maize Inbred Lines

      2017, 18(4):754-762. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.019

      Abstract (1729) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (2614) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to evaluate the practicability of molecular markers linked to stalk rot resistance genes in maize, 159 maize inbred lines were used to screen resistance on stalk rot in fields, and eleven molecular markers linked to four resistance QTLs, qRfg1, qRfg2, RpiQI319-1 and RpiQI319-2 were tested. The results showed that more than half of the tested materials belong to middle or high resistance. The average of incidence rate of total materials is 26.30%, and the materials of incidence less than 30% accounted for 67.92%. The proportion of resistant germplasms in Huanghuaihai region is lower than that in Northeast region or Southwest region. Practicability of molecular markers was evaluated for the conformity between genotype and phenotype. Four molecular markers, STS01 (qRfg1), STSZ479 (qRfg2), bnlg1866 (RpiQI319-1) and bnlg1716 (RpiQI319-2) have the high conformity, 76.79%, 78.95%, 91.67%, and 73.33%, respectively. The average incidence rate of positive materials detected by above markers was 22.06%, 19.01%, 10.65%, and 19.63%, respectively. Thus,STS01, STSZ479, bnlg1866 and bnlg1716 can be used as effective markers to molecular assisted selection on stalk rot resistance in maize breeding.

    • Research progress of plant protein kinase and abiotic stress resistance

      2017, 18(4):763-770. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.020

      Abstract (2250) HTML (0) PDF 1.80 M (3194) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and high temperature stress seriously affect plant growth, yield and quality of crops. Under adversity stresses, plants recognize and transmit stress signals, activate the expression of functional genes, and finally to alleviate or defend against the damage which abiotic stress had made to plants. Among them, the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of protein kinases and phosphatases make a role of switch in response to external stress. In general, phosphorylation of protein kinases open signal transduction pathway, and when signal disappears, it will shut off to phosphorylation, achieving the purpose of regulating plant normal growth. Therefore, protein kinases play an extremely important role in growth and a variety of responses to stresses in plants. In recent years, the research of plant protein kinases involved in abiotic stress responses gains much attention. In this paper, we discussed the application of different types of protein kinases in the improvement of abiotic stress resistance of crops, providing information for further research.

    • Evaluation of Bacterial Blight Resistance of Chinese Micro Core Rice Germplasm

      2017, 18(4):771-777. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.021

      Abstract (1464) HTML (0) PDF 1.62 M (2997) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bacterial blight disease of rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is one of the most devastating rice diseases worldwide.In this study, total 174 of rice core germplasm materials from 26 provinces of China were evaluated resistance to BB by inoculation with six representative Xoo strains of China and the Philippines. The results showed there was distinct difference of bacterial blight resistance among cultivars from rice different cultivation regions, and subgroup specificity betweenindica and japonicarice. Six japonica cultivars and seven indica cultivars were resistant to two or more than two Xoo strains, among them, Shangujiu, Maguzi, Baoerfu and Gu154 exhibited broader resistance spectrums. These results will provide useful information for improvement bacterial blight resistance in rice breeding program.

    • Evaluation and Screening of Pea Germplasm Resources for Drought Resistance at Bud Stage

      2017, 18(4):778-785. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.022

      Abstract (1467) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (2852) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:PEG-6000 was used as permeability media, to study dynamic change of germination energy, germination rate, germination index and vigor index of four pea varieties under six different PEG-6000 concentrations. The results showed that 20%-25% of PEG-6000 was the suitable concentration range to screen drought resistance resources at bud stage for pea. Drought resistance of 87 pea accessions from 18 different provinces of China were evaluated with 22% PEG-6000 solution. The principal component analysis results showed that relative values of germination energy, germination rate, radical length, radical fresh biomass, and germination drought resistance index, germination stress index, vigor index were the main impact factors to evaluate drought resistance for pea. Based on the subordinative function analysis of screening results, one germplasm (G0002457) with the highest level of drought resistance and seven general drought resistant germplasms were identified and recommended to be used in the drought tolerance improvement for pea breeding.

    • Identification of Scab Resistance in Potato Variety Resources

      2017, 18(4):786-793. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.023

      Abstract (2636) HTML (0) PDF 2.50 M (2675) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to screen some potato varieties (lines) with high resistance to scab, the scab resistance of 36 potato variety (line) resources planted in Nanning city and Yulin city were comprehensively evaluated through the point of the incidence and disease index. The membership function method were used to analyze these field identification results in this study. The results showed that the incidence (x) and disease index (y) presented the normal distribution. y is the exponential function of x. Two potato varieties with high resistance to scab and one potato material with high susceptibility to scab were obtained. The results of field planting method are basically the same as that of artificial inoculation identification. These findings could provide reference for the prediction of potato scab disease and scab resistance breeding.

    • >资源考察
    • General Survey of Stress-tolerant Crop Germplasm Resources in Arid Region of Gansu Province

      2017, 18(4):794-800. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.04.024

      Abstract (1482) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (2442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:General survey and rapid collection of crop germplasm resources were conducted in arid region of Gansu Province, including 10 counties, during 2011-2012. Activities of referring literatures, visiting and field survey to general survey, filling out basic information forms of more than 960 of stress-tolerant crop germplasm resources, were included. The results showed that in the last 25 years, temperature was rising, rainfall was decreasing, the proportion of agricultural output declined, areas of wheat and minor crops sharply dropped, diversity of crop germplasm diversity decreased, drought stress became severer, and resources protection pressure increased. We have to put forward the effective protection and efficient use of agricultural resources in Gansu Province, to provide the basic information and genetic materials for scientific and technological innovation and government decision-making.

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