• Volume 18,Issue 5,2017 Table of Contents
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    • Study on the Genetic Basis of Important Agronomic Traits in Core Restorer Lines of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

      2017, 18(5):801-809. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.001

      Abstract (1799) HTML (0) PDF 10.51 M (2915) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The core restorer line is a kind of restorer lines which has been widely used in hybrid rice breeding practice. The study on the genetic basis of core restorer lines and identification of QTL/gene underlying important agronomic traits will facilitate the restorer development by the molecular marker assisted selection in rice. In this study, the population with 250 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) was developed with a three-line core restorer Chenghui727 and a two-line restorer 9311 as parents, both have been widely used in hybrid rice breeding. The evaluation of 9 important agronomic traits and genotypic analysis of SSR markers were conducted in Sanya, Hainan of 2015 and Hefei, Anhui of 2016. The phenotype data was analyzed with SAS9.2. QTLs were mapped and analyzed by QTL IciMapping v4.1 software. A total of 39 QTLs were detected in two environments, among which 16 QTLs were identified in Sanya and located on the chromosome 1,2,4,7,8,10,11 and 12, 24 QTLs were identified in Hefei and located on the chromosome 1,2,3,7,8,9,10 and 12. The qPH1-1 was detected in both Sanya and Hefei, of which the additive effects are -1.75 and -2.46 respectively. The increasing alleles of 13 QTLs come from Chenghui727 and 16 QTLs from 9311. There are 26 QTLs identified here had been reported by the previous study and 13 QTLs are newly detected in this study. In addition, 5 pleiotropic QTLs were found in the intervals of RM279—RM521, RM336—RM3534, RM25—RM547, RM553—RM160 and RM222—RM271. Among which the interval of RM25—RM547 was near the cloned gene Ghd8. The QTL located in RM553—RM160 was a novel pleiotropic QTL underlying the filled grain number per plant, grain yield per plant and spikelet fertility with large addivite effects and contributed more than 5% of the phenotypic variation. The other three pheiotropic QTLs had been reported in previous study as a single QTL, however the pleiotropism was found in this study only. In present study, all the newly found QTL e.g. qPN12-1 underlying panicle number, QTL qPL1-2 and qPL10-1 underlying panicle length, QTL qSNP2-1 and qSNP10-1 underlying spikelet number per panicle, qSF3-1 underlying spikelet fertility rate, QTL qTGW7-1 underlying grain weight and qGY1-1 underlying grain yield have large additive effects and explained high proportion of phenotypic variation. The results in this study will be helpful to the fine mapping, cloning and breeding for the related traits.

    • Identification and Evaluation for The Resistance of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)Germplasm Resources to turnip mosaic virus

      2017, 18(5):810-818. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.002

      Abstract (1467) HTML (0) PDF 9.79 M (2369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Virus disease is one of the major disease of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) which is the most important causative virus causes great economical loss in radish. The virus-resistant materials in radish breeding are indispensable currently. In this study, the resistance to TuMV was identified among 150 accessions of representative radish germplasm, coming from 125 cities of 25 provinces in China and other 3 countries. As a result, one immune materials among 23 resistant materials were screened out by combing phenotyping and ELISA detection. These materials would be useful for resistant gene mapping and new radish variety development in future.

    • Genetic variation on protein content, fat content and thousand-grain weight of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) in China

      2017, 18(5):819-829. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.003

      Abstract (1736) HTML (0) PDF 11.04 M (2483) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:270 foxtail millet cultivars from the North China summer-sowing region(NCSR), the northeast spring-sowing region (NSR), the northwest plateau early-maturing spring-sowing region (NESR) and the northwest plateau mid-late-maturing spring-sowing region (NMSR), including 220 improved cultivars and 50 landraces, were planted at Jinan in 2013.Thousand-kernel weights (TGW) of foxtail millet cultivars were weighted. Crude protein and fat contents of kernels were measured by the kjeldah method and soxhlet extractor method,respectively. The average values of crude protein, crude fat contents and thousand-grain weight (TGW) of 270 foxtail millet cultivars were (11.18±1.14) %, (4.00±0.42) % and (2.87±0.28) g, respectively. The average value of crude protein content of 220 improved cultivars with (10.93±1.12) % was significantly lower than that of 50 landraces with (12.28±1.16) %, while crude fat content and TGW of improved cultivars was no significant differences compared with that of landraces. Significant differences were observed for crude protein content and TGW of cultivars from different eco-regions, that of cultivars from NESR were the highest, and that of the NCSR were the lowest. The average value of crude fat content of cultivars from different ecoregions was no significant difference. Significantly positive correlation was observed between crude protein content and TGW, while significantly negative correlations were obtained among crude protein content, TGW and growth duration. This paper reported the main variation in protein content,fat content and TGW of foxtail millet from different eco-regions, which provided theoritcal reference for quality breeding of foxtail millet. Protein content, fat content and TGW should be paid more attention on quality breeding of foxtail millet.

    • Identification of cytology about tetraploid millet and analysis between photosynthetic factors response for diurnal variation of different ploidy at booting stage

      2017, 18(5):830-836. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.004

      Abstract (1689) HTML (0) PDF 8.61 M (2687) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Collection of data of phenotype and cytology were collected from 2013 to 2015,including data of photosynthetic factor.Cultivar of Jingu 21 and its autotetraploid are materials of this experimen,We compared them by morphological observation,and ploidy examination is from cytological observation.On the basis of physiological and biochemical characteristics,?experimen study about photosynthetic factor response for diurnal variation of different ploidy.?It turned out that:compared with millet of diploid,tetraploid increased leaf width by 6.11%,increased index of leaf shape from 11.82 to 9.25,increased length of diameter of main stem by 13.04%,increased length of diameter of main?panicle by 5.39%,increased thousand seed weight by 46.16%,decreased leaf length by 17.01%,decreased length of main stem length by 23.29%,decreased length of main panicle length by 5.45%,decreased?panicle?weight by 24.42%,decreased grain?weight?per panicle by 62.47%,decreased fruiting rate by 47.30%.The?results?of?the?microscopy scanning showed that tetraploids had long growth period,globular ovaries,?crenated stigmas,big pollen,some of which are wizened.In addition to these,their seeds have low germination percentage,and their synthetic amounts of chlorophyll and N are small at booting stage.Compared with its tetraploid,photosynthesis factors of diploid affect each other are more sensitive.Unbalance of sink and source is main impact factor to low photosynthetic rate of autotetraploid of induced strains at booting stage.Phenotype of tetraploid is the embodiment of interaction between different genomes,and there must be a rebalancing in its evolution.

    • Phenotype analysis and comprehensive evaluation on Northeast spring soybean resources in Mudanjiang

      2017, 18(5):837-845. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.005

      Abstract (1658) HTML (0) PDF 8.08 M (2579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Germplasm resources are the genetic basis of breeding and resolution of complicated quantitative characters, and the evaluation of germplasm resources can guide the selection of excellent parents in breeding practice to improve the exchange and accumulation of excellent genes and the efficiency of new varieties breeding. In this study, 340 spring soybean germplasm resources from Northeast China and Inner Mongolia area during 1923-2010 were selected as experimental materials. Based on the comprehensive identification of 12 phenotypic traits in Mudanjiang area, we evaluated the genetic variation of the population and screened out some excellent germplasm resources. The results showed that: (1) There was abundant phenotypic variation in spring soybean germplasm resources in Northeast China. Most traits showed significant differences between different varieties and years, and the same trend was observed in two years in addition to growth period. The maximum variation was the effective branch number, followed by the number of effective pods per plant, grain weight per plant and plant height, which had great selection potential, the variation range of quality traits was smaller than orther traits and the selection potential is limited. (2) The frequency distribution of phenotypic traits was in accordance with the normal distribution, Growth period of the northern breeding varieties is earlier than the southern for different latitude breeding units and breeding target. The northern breeds showed smaller nutrients, shorter plants, less effective nodes and higher fat content than the southern in Mudanjiang ecological area.(3) The results of comprehensive evaluation of principal component analysis showed that the ZF value of Jiyu 71 was the highest, and the comprehensive character was the best than the others. The correlation analysis between phenotypic traits and ZF value showed that seven traits, including growth period, plant height, number of main stem nodes, aboveground biomass,harvest index, number of pods per plant and number of pods per plant, could be used as a comprehensive evaluation index of spring soybean germplasm resources. It is concluded that soybean breeding should attach importance to the utilization of the genetic resources with genetic diversity, and simultaneously, also pay great attention to the use of the parents with excellent comprehensive performance and complementary breeding traits in breeding parent selection to improve genetic of varieties.

    • Drought Resistance Identification and Drought Resistance Indices Screening of Job’s Tears Germplasm Resources at Germination Stage

      2017, 18(5):846-859. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.006

      Abstract (1594) HTML (0) PDF 14.36 M (2375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Drought is one of the important problem for Job’s tears production. Identification, indices screening, and cultivar breeding of drought resistance in Job’s tears germplasm resources are important for Job’s tears industrial development. The germination rates of 6 Job’s tears germplasms with different drought resistance were tested under 5 different concentrations of PEG-6000 water solution to determine the optimal osmotic potential of PEG-6000 water solution simulated drought stress at germination stage. The results showed that -0.1 MPa (80 g/L) was the optimum osmotic potential of PEG-6000 water solution simulated drought stress at germination stage for Job’s tears germplasm resources. The changes of germination energy, germination rate, germination index, bud length, bud diameter, bud fresh weight, bud dry weight, root length, root diameter, root fresh weight, and root dry weight of 50 Job’s tears germplasms were investigated under -0.1 MPa PEG-6000 water solution simulated drought stress to identify the drought resistance and screen the drought resistance indices of Job’s tears germplasm resources by comprehensive evaluation method at germination stage. The results showed that drought stress had significant effects on all indices of Job’s tears at germination stage. yy18-1, yy14-3, and yy13-1 were identified as drought resistance Job’s tears germplasms at germination stage, which could be provide basis materials for the researches on cultivar breeding, mechanism, and regulation and alleviation mechanism of drought resistance in Job’s tears. The bud length, bud dry weight, root length, root fresh weight, and root dry weight could be used as the simple and intuitive identification indices of drought resistance in Job’s tears germplasm resources at germination stage.

    • QTLs analysis of Tannin content and Color of Grain in Sorghum

      2017, 18(5):860-866. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.007

      Abstract (1880) HTML (0) PDF 7.36 M (2543) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sorghum plays an important role in white wine industry and agriculture supply-side reform. Grain tannin and color are two important agronomic traits, but molecular genetic mechanisms of these two traits were not clear, and there were no cloned genes refered to grain color in sorghum to now. 325 recombinant inbred lines were constructed with BTx623 (white grian and low tannin) and Rio (pink grain and high tannin). Combination of two years phenotype data, 118 simple sequence repeat (SSRs) and 8 insertion-deletion (INDELs) markers, and QTL IciMapping4.1 were used in mapping with inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) method. 3 and 6 QTLs were mapped, which related to content of grain tannin and seed color, respectively. QTL qTan4-1 was controlled by a known gene Sb04g031730, and the other two QTLs, qTan1-1 (txp11 - txp279, 1.29%) and qTan2-1 (txp298 ~ SB1292, 1.28%) were new in content of grain tannin QTL analysis. In grain color analysis, qGC1-1 (1.00% and 12.03%), qGC1-2 (2.64% and 16.96%), qGC1-3 (22.81%), qGC2-1 (1.00%), qGC2-2 (1.19%) and qGC6-1 (15.08%) were mapped between txp11 - txp279, txp43 - txp11, 1d1A3- sam44127, txp72-txp298 and txp298-SB1292, txp57- sam43683 (chr6), repectively. Our study paves a way to fine mapping grain tannins and color, gene cloning and marker-assisted selection breeding.

    • Combining ability of parents for main traits in sorghum panicles

      2017, 18(5):867-873. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.008

      Abstract (1464) HTML (0) PDF 7.64 M (21655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the main characters of the genetic features of sorghum panicle and evaluate the use value of material of latest introduction and cultivation of sorghum parents, thus providing theoretical basis for breeding of sorghum panicle and reference. Four sorghum sterile lines(13163A, 1358A, 128A and 407A ) and 6 restorer lines (9.1R, 213R, 272R, 381R, Dwarf182R and Early21R) were mated, the combining ability of main traits of F1 generation’s panicles was analyzed according to incomplete diallel cross(NCII). The results showed that the main panicle traits exist significant genetic differences, the main performance for the additive gene effect of genetic traits are: spike length, primary branches number, secondary branch number, grain numbe per spike; Narrow heritability size order are: secondary branch number > primary branch number > spike length> grain number per spike > grain weight per spike >1000-kernel weight. Different parent’s general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) is significant difference in different traits. Sterile line 407A and restorer early 21R, 9.1R which has better comprehensive characteristic, have great potential applications in production of hybrid combinations. Restorer 272R combined with lower spike grain number and small grains characteristics can satisfy the market demand for small grain sorghum. In-depth analysis of sorghum hybrid parent main panicle traits, is conducive to the further understanding and use of parent material.

    • Wild peach resources collection and elementary evaluation in Wuyi mountains China

      2017, 18(5):874-885. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.009

      Abstract (1801) HTML (0) PDF 13.35 M (2552) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In order to confirm the wild peach resources status in Wuyi mountains, the wild peach resources were systematic investigated, collected and evaluated. We collected 244 wild peach resources which come from 24 collected points in this survey. Wild peach resources were found mostly in mountain area. Average altitude of collection point is 522.47m. Wild peach resources in Zhejiang and Fujian province, mostly are at higher altitudes. We found these wild peach resources with plentiful variety 18 short chilling requirement wild peach resources by phenology evaluation, . Correlation analysis showed that the period of buds germination, Stage of initial bloom and collection point altitude and latitude was a highly significant positive correlation. Fruit evaluation shows plentiful variety infruit traits. one of these resources leaves buds germinate before all leaves fall. W e also found 2 red-fleshed and a flat wild peach resources. By two years of water logging evaluation, we selected 53 individuals of wild peach resourceses progeny with Water logging tolerance partly. The photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpirational rate and the flooded days correlation analysis shows that the flooded days was highly significant negative correlation with the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpirational rate, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpirational rate was a significant positive correlation each other.Suggestions related to their protection were put forward in order to insure the sustainable use.

    • Identification and evaluation of elite sugarcane innovation germplasm resistant to SCSMV and SrMV

      2017, 18(5):886-890. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.010

      Abstract (1471) HTML (0) PDF 5.36 M (2601) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In 2015 and 2016, the two main pathogenic sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV-JP1, GenBank accession number JF488064) and Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV-HH, GenBank accession number DQ530434) were used as inoculums, and the double resistance to SCSMV and SrMV was identified and evaluated in 41 elite sugarcane innovative germplasm and parent from the hybrid F1 progenies of saccharum officinarum “Ludashi”and Erianthus rockii “Yundian95-19”by dropping inoculation on stem-section and RT-PCR detection. The results showed that of 41 elite sugarcane innovative germplasm and parent, 23 (53.49%) were highly (Grade 1) to moderately resistant (Grade 3) and 20 (46.51%) were susceptible (Grade 4) to highly susceptible (Grade 5) to SCSMV; 31 (72.09%) were highly (Grade 1) to moderately resistant (Grade 3) and 12 (27.91%) were susceptible (Grade 4) to highly susceptible (Grade 5) to SrMV. Ten germplasm (23.26%) were highly resistant (Grade 1) to resistant (Grade 2) to SCSMV and SrMV, which included Yun09-603, Yun09-604, Yun09-607, Yun09-608, Yun09-619, Yun09-622, Yun09-633, Yun09-635, Yun09-656, Yundian95-19 of 43 elite sugarcane innovative germplasm. Of these, six germplasm (Yun09-604, Yun09-607, Yun09-619, Yun09-633, Yun09-656, Yundian95-19) were the highly resistant (Grade 1) to SCSMV and SrMV, accounting for 13.95%. The results in the present study have determined the resistance of 41 elite sugarcane innovative germplasm and parent to the two main pathogen of mosaic disease, screened the 10 germplasm resistant to SCSMV and SrMV, provide scientific basis and valuable resistance resource for the further breeding of sugarcane cultivars against mosaic disease.

    • Analysis of sugars and acid contents and its compositions in different ecological peach cultivar groups

      2017, 18(5):891-904. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.011

      Abstract (1907) HTML (0) PDF 14.14 M (20846) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Studies were conducted on the distributions of sugar and acids contents of 118 doses of peach accessions, which contain six cultivar groups in China, for providing reliable evidences of high quality peach breeding selection. In this study Soluble sugar was detected by fehling reagent. Titratable acidity was detected by NaOH.Sugar and organic acid compositions in 295 peach accessions were detected using the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Result:1) Cultivars derived from Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, Southern China Contain high value of sugar compositions (fructose, sucrose), soluble sugar, total sugar, but those are low in cultivars of Northwest China. Cultivars of Changjiang River Region and Northeast China contain high value of fructose.Cultivars derived from North China Plain, Changjiang River Region and Southern China contain low value of titratable acidity , some acid compositions(citrale, quinate, malate) and total acid, but those are high in cultivars of Northwest China. Cultivars derived from North China Plain, Changjiang River Region and Southern China contain high value of SS/TA, SSC/TA and ‘Total sugar/ Total acid’, but those are low in cultivars of Northwest China, Yunnan-Guizhou plateau and Northeast China. 2) For sugar compositions in different cultivars, Ratio of ‘fructose to total sugar’ is the highest in Changjiang River Region cultivars, Northwest China cultivars have a high level of ‘glucose to total sugar’. The ratio of ‘sorbitol to total sugar’ is the highest in Southern China cultivars, but the Northest China cultivars have the lowest level. Ratio of ‘sucrose to total sugar’ have no significant difference in six ecological cultivar groups. For the analysis of acid compositions, Changjiang River Region cultivars have high level of citrale, but cultivars of Southern China have a lower level, which have the highest level of quinate. The ratios of succinic and malate acids have no significant difference in six ecological cultivar groups.

    • Selection for Beardless Iris DUS Testing Quantitative Traits

      2017, 18(5):905-912. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.012

      Abstract (1555) HTML (0) PDF 9.13 M (2441) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The test of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) of new plant varieties was the foundation for new varieties protection. Traits Selection is key to DUS test. To establish beardless iris DUS testing, 43 traits were selected preliminarily. After removing length of leave and stigma with R-type cluster analysis, 41 traits with strong operability and distinct difference were finally determined; Four grouping traits were selected by Q-type cluster analysis; The classification and distribution of traits were analyzed to ensure the feasibility of the test guide, which improved the completion of DUS test guideline and based for test and authorization of varieties.

    • Progress of Conversation and Inovation ofCrop Germplasm Resources in Hunan Province

      2017, 18(5):913-919. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.013

      Abstract (1681) HTML (0) PDF 9.52 M (2616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the works basis on the first (1956-1957) and second (1979-1983) national crop germplasm resources collection investigation action,theSpresent situation of the conversation and inovation of crop germplasm resources in Hunan province were introduced. It considered that there have been some achievements in the inovation of germplasm resources, especially in rice, rape, pepper, citrus and tea. However, the main problems whichSrestrictStoSthe collection, conservation and utilization of crop germplasm resources in this region are the biodiversity decreasing, difficulties inScollection, imperfectSconservation system, lack of professionalSteam, and low utilization efficiency. The suggestions were proposed on giving stable financial support, establishing complete protection system, using the modern biological techniques, establishing accurate evaluationSsystem,and strengthening resources sharing mechanism, etc., which will promoteSsustainableSdevelopment in inovation of crop germplasm resources in Hunan province.

    • Management system of Access to biological genetic and Benefit Sharing in Brazil

      2017, 18(5):920-924. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.014

      Abstract (1561) HTML (0) PDF 6.92 M (3180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Brazil is one of the magediversity countries in the world, and it is also the main provider of genetic resources in the world. China and Brazil have a similar conditions, the papers summarize origin and development of legislation of genetic resource in Brazil, analysis the procedure, management mechanism, benefit sharing in existing laws of access to genetic resources and benefit sharing. It will provide some reference for the domestic legislation in China. Brazil was already aware of the importance in protecting their own biological genetic resources. In order to further protect its genetic resources, in 2001, the Brazilian government announced “the provisional protection regulations of biodiversity and genetic resources of Brazil”. Subsequently, the provisional regulations were amended for several times. In 2015, a form of constitutional amendment, the Law 13.123, was signed by the president and issued. Brazilian legislation have more distinguish and explain for the concepts and terminology than those of Nagoya protocol, and made separate provisions for acquisition, approval, transfer, benefit sharing, administrative penalties and other content of the biological genetic resources and traditional knowledge, set up a "Genetic Heritage Management Council (CGEN)", establish “national fund to benefit sharing (FNRB)”.

    • Cloning and Defensive Functional Analysis of a Wheat Defensin Gene TaPDF35

      2017, 18(5):925-932. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.015

      Abstract (1978) HTML (0) PDF 11.56 M (3011) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, a wheat defensin gene TaPDF35 was cloned from sharp eyespot-resistant wheat cultivar CI12633, and its expression and function were analyzed. TaPDF35 contains an open reading frame (ORF) with 249 bp-length, and encodes a peptide TaPDF35 consisting of 82 amino acid. The peptide TaPDF35 includes a signal peptide with 27 amino acid-length at its N-terminus. The mature protein forms a typical αβ (CSαβ) motif, which contains an α helix and a triple-stranded anti-parallel β-sheet and is stabilized through four disulfide bridges formed by eight cysteines. Real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of TaPDF35 gene in sharp eyespot-resistant wheat cultivars CI12633 and Shanhongmai were significantly higher than those in sharp eyespot-susceptible wheat cultivars Yangmai158 and Wenmai 6. The expression of TaPDF35 was up-regulated after infection of Rhizoctonia cerealis (the pathogen of sharp eyespot). Through BSMV-based virus-induced gene-silencing (VIGS) method, TaPDF35 silencing CI12633 plants induced by BSMV: TaPDF35 showed more susceptible to Rhizoctonia cerealis infection compared with CI12633 control plants induced by BSMV:GFP. The results suggest that the expression of TaPDF35 is required for wheat defense response to Rhizoctonia cerealis infection.

    • QTL analysis for midge resistance in wheat variety “Jimai 24”

      2017, 18(5):933-938. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.016

      Abstract (1638) HTML (0) PDF 6.62 M (2625) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wheat blossom midge(Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin)is one of the most important pests in wheat, which has caused large losses for wheat production and grain quality. Genetic analysis of wheat resistance to midge based on Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and linked markers has important implications for improving the selection efficiency in breeding midge-resistant wheat. In this study, with recombinant inbred lines(RILs) derived from susceptible and resistant wheat lines as materials, we mapped the QTLs of midge resistance and characterized the relevant inheritance in Wheat cultivar Jimai 24 by using SSR markers and artificial midge nursery. The results showed that resistance between lines 6218 and Jimai 24 are significantly different, and resistance scales among RIL lines are stable during two consecutive years. A linkage map was constructed with 124 SSR loci, which comprises 24 linkage groups. The total length of this map was 672.8cM, and the average distance among different markers was 6.6cM. Using the IciMapping package for inclusive composite interval QTLmapping QTL, a QTL(QSm.hbau-4A) with additive effects was identified on 4A chromosome. The phenotypic variance explained (PVE) of this locus in the two test years is 9.67% and 10.57%, respectively. The mapping of this QTL and the identification of its linked SSR markers will increase the selection efficiency for breeding midge-resistant lines or cultivars.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Cupro-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Gene from Wheat Photo-thermosensitive Genic Male Sterile Line BS366

      2017, 18(5):939-951. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.017

      Abstract (1660) HTML (0) PDF 18.93 M (2668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a major antioxidant enzymes, which is important for plants to cope with adversity stress and anti-aging effect. A cDNA of Cu/Zn-SOD gene defining by the EST sequence assembly from Microarray data, was cloned from the photo-thermosensitive male sterile wheat (PTGMS) line BS366. The length of ORF sequence is 495bp, which encoded a 164-amino-acid polypeptide. Protein sequence contained a typical Cu/Zn-SOD gene family functional domain and 3 dimensional structures. Besides, the protein was located in the cytoplasm by ubcellular localization analysis. Evolution and clustering analysis showed that the Cu/Zn-SOD protein of wheat shared 89% and 94% sequence similarities with the Cu/Zn-SOD protein of Brachypodium distachyon and Hordeum vulgare, respectively. The methods of quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were utilized to analyze the expression patterns in different wheat tissues and abiotic stresses. It was showed that the Cu/Zn-SOD gene expressed in root, stem, leaf, pistil, stamen and glume, belonging to constitutive expression. The highest expression level was found in chlorenchyma such as leaf, stem and glume. In addition, the gene expression was induced by a variety of stressesrevealing that the Cu/Zn-SOD gene of wheat might involve in multiple stress regulation pathway. To illuminate the regulation of Cu/Zn-SOD in wheat fertility, expression profile of Cu/Zn-SOD in PTGMS line BS366 pollen during fertility transformation was performed. The results showed that the relative expression of Cu/Zn-SOD at microsporocyte stage and meiosis stage in fertile environment were 8 times and 16 times higher than control, respectively, while there was no significant changes in sterility environment, suggesting that Cu/Zn-SOD might be involved in the regulation of fertility transformation of wheat PTGMS line BS366. This information lays a foundation for further functional study of Cu/Zn-SOD in wheat.

    • Cultivar Identification of Ping’ou Hybrid HazelnutBased on EST-SSR Markers

      2017, 18(5):952-959. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.018

      Abstract (1367) HTML (0) PDF 8.71 M (2363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objective of this study is to establish an accurate and high efficiency method for Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut cultivar identification. 43 cultivars/varieties of Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut that were introduced throughout China were used in this experiment. 12 polymorphic EST-SSR markers that developed in the previous study were used to select the high efficient marker combination for cultivar identification. The result showed that: the PIC value of the 12 EST-SSR markers among the 43 samples ranged from 0.3800 to 0.7839, with the average value of 0.5113. All the markers showed good polymorphism and amplification result when visualized by capillary electrophoresis. The genetic relationship of Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut showed very complex due to their breeding method. The genetic distance of Bokehong and Ping’ou 62, Ping’ou 3 and Ping’ou 7, Ping’ou 30 and Ping’ou 48 were the lowest among all the samples. Finally, the combination of four EST-SSR markers, CAF-2, CAF-3, CAF-12 and CAF-13, could identify 43 cultivars/varieties of Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut, the combination of CAF-2 and CAF-13 could identify 16 main cultivars/varieties. The result offered an accurate, convenient and efficiency method for cultivar identification of Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut and could also offer reference for the relative researches.

    • Construction and Function Analysis of a plant binary expression vector pCRI1210

      2017, 18(5):960-967. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.019

      Abstract (1856) HTML (0) PDF 9.76 M (2558) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the study, a plant binary expression vector, named pCRI1210, was constructed on the basis of pBI121 vector, which contained CaMV 35S promoter, cotton β-tubulin gene introns , CaMV 35S polyA terminator and interference expression box with GFP as reporter gene. Functional analysis in tobacco showed that the interference express cassette can normally expressed exogenous gene and GFP gene . The vector had multiple cleavage sites in a TUB intron 5 "and 3" , so that target gene can be positive and reverse inserted and hairpin structure of dsRNA was builded. In addition, the vector carries multiple cloning sites at both 5′and 3′of the CaMV 35S promoter, which allows easy exchange 35S promoter to study other promoter functions. pCRI1210 can used to expression vector or interference vector,which provided a very practical tool for transgenic research.

    • Analyzing of Length Dehiscence at Basal Part of Thecae and Heat Resistance during Seedling Stage of 20 Introduced Rice Germplasms

      2017, 18(5):968-973. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.020

      Abstract (1499) HTML (0) PDF 6.80 M (2368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Heat tolerance of 20 rice germplasms introduced from USDA were evaluated at seedling stage based on relative survival rate of seedling. The length of dehiscence at the basal part of thecae (BDL) which significant related with heat resistance on heading time and the length of anther (AL) were measured during flowering. After treated with heat and then recovered for 7 days, the relative survival rate of seedling of those germplasms was from 83.23 to 100%. When they recovered for 10 days after heat treatment, the relative survival rate of seedling was from 68.18 ~ 100%. N22, AD-1140, IR9403-3-1-1 and IR4427-51-6-3 showed high heat tolerance at seedling stage. BDL and AL of germplasms were ranged from 234.9 to 559.0 um and 1570.0 to 2351.7 um, respectively. Significant correlation between BDL and relative survival rate of seedling was found. The results indicated that the BDL also might be considered as the index of heat tolerance during seedling stage and deeply research is necessary in the future.

    • Observation On Characteristics Segregation Of Victoria Hybrids

      2017, 18(5):974-983. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.021

      Abstract (1511) HTML (0) PDF 11.84 M (2706) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:58 seedlings were obtained from the cross of Victoria cruziana with V. ‘Longwood Hybrid’ offspring, and the characteristics segregation of seedlings was studies and seedlings were clustered. The results showed that: the segregation of seedlings characteristics was wide range and show mid-parent heterosis and over-parent heterosis, there is transgressive inheritance in 6 characteristics; there were higher correlations in the first night inner petals color, the first night stamenoid color, the second night outer petals color, the second night inner petals color and the second night inner-outer shading, and lower correlations in rims color, buds type, sepals color, number of thorns on sepals and the first night outer petals color which most liked independent inheritance. The plants characteristics types were diversified, could be divided into 7 categories which were green leaves and outer pink-inner white flowers type, red leaves and outer fushcia-inner white flowers type, green leaves and outer fushcia-inner deep fushcia flowers type, red leaves and outer fushcia-inner deep fushcia flowers type, green leaves and outer deep fushcia -inner white flowers type, red leaves and outer pink-inner deep fushcia flowers type, green leaves and thorny sepals and outer fushcia-inner white flowers type.

    • Study on Genetic Diversity of Quantitative Traits in the natural hybrid progeny of Triploid Miscanthus

      2017, 18(5):984-990. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.022

      Abstract (1609) HTML (0) PDF 7.14 M (2613) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present work, 16 quantitative traits of natural triploid hybrid.Miscanthus x giganteus were analyzed using the method of variation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that: (1) their variation coefficients ranged from 14.41% to151.85% with the means of 51.22%,which indicates that the variation of crossbreed is wide.(2) The principal component analysis results showed that the first four principal components can reflect 80.206% of the original variable information. The contribution rate of the first principal component is 48.74%, which is mainly contributed by the traits of tiller number per plant, cluster diameter, transect circumference, fresh weight per plant, and dry weight per plant;the second principal component contribution rate is 16.313%,which is mainly contributed by the traits of outside diameter, inside diameter, dry weight per stem, fresh weight per stem and moisture content;the third and fourth principal component contribution rate is 7.775% and 7.378% ,which is mainly composed by the trait of nodal bud number per stem,and the leaf number per stem respectively.(3)The cluster analysis results showed that 66 natural hybrid progeny and 6 female parent of Miscanthus x giganteus germplasm were divided into 4 groups.The first group is composed by the material with low biomass yield.The materials in the second group are suitable for breeding because the variation coefficient of all their traits is generally small and stable. The materials in the third group are characterized to keep evergreen and then are identified to be suitable for biogas fermentation or silage grass.The traits of yield and yield components of the materials belong to the fourth group are obviously superior to the female parent, indicating that they are good breeding materials.These above provide theoretical and material basis for screening and evaluating miscanthus germplasm and miscanthus breeding.

    • Study on bitter taste character of wild Ningxia wolfberry in China

      2017, 18(5):991-1000. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2017.05.023

      Abstract (1922) HTML (0) PDF 12.71 M (2970) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The bitter taste character of Ningxia wild bitter wolfberry was studied, using methods of botany classification, conventional hybridization, PCR-SSR molecular marker detection, Ultra performance liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry?[UPLC-MS(HRMS), and other in this paper. The results showed that, comparing with other Chinese wolfberry germplasm, the length of filament and style, seed size and color etc. of Ningxia wild bitter wolfberry had larger differences. Its stamen filaments and pistil style of flower buds were curly shape. Most berries clustered. PCR-SSR molecular marker detection results showed that DNA of Ningxia wild bitter wolfberry was amplified a band, which hasn ‘t found it in cultivativars that Ningqi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, etc..Menwhile, betwenm 111bp and 147bp, Ningxia wild bitter wolfberry DNA amplified a band which was slightly higher than other Chinese wolfberry germplasm resources, It means that the molecular weight of the site was higher than other germplasm resources of Chinese Lycium barbarum L. It had a significant difference in genetic material. As a female parent, Ningqi 7, a major cultivar in Ningxia, crossed by Ningxia wild bitter wolfberry, the mature berries of hybrid F1 generation had a proportion of bitterness and sweetness separation, which closed to 1:1. Meanwhile, the separation ratio of bitter to sweet berries had 1:4 in F1, when Ningqi 7, as female parent, crossed by wild semi bitter wolfberry. However, all of F1 fruits were bitter from the reverse cross. Obviously, bitter genes may be heterozygous of wild bitter wolfberries in rural environment.However, it indicated that bitter traits might be controlled by multiple dominant genes with additive genetic effects, and it might relate to the interaction between nuclear and plastid genetic material. The sweet trait might be controlled by recessive genes. According to preliminary determination, the main source of bitter substance might be flavonoids with Taxifolin structure.

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