• Volume 19,Issue 2,2018 Table of Contents
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    • Investigation and Diversity Analysis of Wild Actinidia Resources in Daba Mountain of Chongqing

      2018, 19(2):187-193. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.001

      Abstract (1918) HTML (0) PDF 10.75 M (2527) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The field study and sampling, focusing on the analysis of the specificity and diversity of the wild Actinidia resources, have been made in order to address the present distribution and genetic diversity of such fruit resources in the Daba Mountain of Chongqing, for further protecting and exploiting such germplasm resources. The results showed that the wild Actinidia resources in this area, dominated by A. chinensis, A. deliciosa, and their hybrid types, also including A. venosa, A. callosa and A. arguta, are centrally distributed in high mountains, at an altitude of 978m to 1758m. In all survey areas, Chengkou County was the most abundant in wild Actinidia species. The analysis of fruit characters indicated that a great variety of phenotype diversity and resources specificity widely exist among the kiwifruits in the Daba Mountain of Chongqing. This was confirmed by SSR molecular markers from the genetic level. The 41 wild Actinidia resources can be divided into three types based on their maturity: 5 early-maturing kiwifruit varieties, 34 mid-maturing kiwifruit varieties and 2 late-maturing kiwifruit varieties. There were 14 kiwifruit resources with soluble solids above 15% and 4 kiwifruit resources with VC content more than 200 mg / 100 g. In addition, of them five with high practical value have been singled out. The conclusion could be drawn that the kiwifruit resources in the Daba Mountain of Chongqing have a great potential for domestication and breed improvement.

    • Investigation of Agricultural Biological Resources in Sandu Autonomous County of Guizhou Province

      2018, 19(2):194-202. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.002

      Abstract (1392) HTML (0) PDF 3.33 M (2893) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Guizhou province is an important distribution area of genetic resources. Sandu Autonomous County located in the southeast of Qiannan Buyi and Miao autonomous prefecture with significant geographic, climate and ethic. The investigation, collection and arrangement of agricultural biological resources related to work and life of the Shui, Miao, Buyei and Yao national minoritiesminority were carried on out in 15 villages distributed in 5 townships.The survey collected 213 accessions of agricultural agri-biological resources,which included 73 accessions of crops, 54 accessions of vegetables and annual economic crops, 34 accessions of perennial fruits and 54 accessions of medicinal plants. A total of 59 accessions of elite accessions were screen out. At same time, the status, growth and decline of local agricultural biological resources, investigation and collection of resource types and utilization value were analyzed, and the utilization, protection and development of agricultural biological resources in Sandu county were discussed. In this paper,the current situation of local agricultural biological resources,the reasons for the growth and decline,the types and thevalue use of collected resources were analyzed. The protection and the development of agricultural biological resources in Sandu autonomous county were discussed.

    • Field Survey and Collection of Maize Germplasm Resources in Chongqing

      2018, 19(2):203-211. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.003

      Abstract (1591) HTML (0) PDF 2.86 M (4408) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:From 2015 to 2016, Chongqing Project Group of the Third National Survey and Collection Action on Crop Germplasm Resources carried out field survey and collection on crop germplasm resources in 12 key counties and districts. A total of 1379 resources were collected, among which 122 maize landraces were found. The distribution analysis for these landraces indicated that more resources were found in Northeast and South of Chongqing and Wuling Mountain Area, fewer accessions were collected from the West of Chongqing. The vertical distribution showed that more accessions were collected in hilly area of 800-1000 meters altitude and mountain area of 1400-1600 meters. The analysis of morphological traits found that most of the collected maize resources were hard grain and white color. Some elite germplasm resources were also found through the action. For example, the maize landrace Dazihuang is highly resistant to ear and kernel rot; Yejizhua has a strong root system, which is highly resistant to barren; Tiezibai, Qingkezao and Jinhuangzao has a good quality for eating and starch processing. Conclusively, the special maize landraces have a strong prospect for modern varieties utilization in quality, stress resistance, adaptability and nutrient efficient utilization.

    • >Resource evaluation
    • Evaluation and Cataloguing of 77 New Collection of Tobacco Germplasm Resources

      2018, 19(2):212-224. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.004

      Abstract (1301) HTML (0) PDF 5.30 M (2950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To catalog and preserve 77 tobacco germplasm resources collected in Hubei Province into the National Bank of Tobacco Germplasm Resources, field identification and evaluation of these tobacco germplasm resources were carried out. Data on period of duration,morphological characteristics, main agronomic traits and resistance to main virus diseases, have been obtained, and the photos of plant type, leaf, inflorescence, corolla and capsule also have been taken individually. Result showed that the germplasms B035, B075 and B076 have resistance or mid-resistance for more than two main virus diseases, while germplasm B025 have immunity to TMV. Field phenotypic characterization and SSR marker analysis were applied to identify the cataloging germplasm, and to remove the repeated collection germplasm resources. The obtained results of this study will lay a good foundation for enriching the the genetic diversity of National Bank of Tobacco Germplasm Resources and the tobacco breeding.

    • Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Maize Germplasm Resources for Resistance to Southern Corn Rust

      2018, 19(2):225-231. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.005

      Abstract (1547) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (3318) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Southern rust is an important disease in maize production. A total of 903 maize accessions were screened for resistance to Southern Corn Rust in Nanning, Guangxi and Changping, Beijin from 2013 to 2015. And the SSR markers were adopted in genetic diversity analysis of the selected partially resistant materials. In Nanning, Guangxi and Changping, Beijing, both of the results showed that among the 903 germplasm, 8 inbred lines were highly resistant to southern corn rust, accounting for 0.88% of the total germplasm. Twenty-nine germplasm, including 27 inbred lines and 2 landraces was resistant to this disease, accounted for 3.2% of total accessions,

    • Genetic Diversity of Agronomic Traits of Foxtail millet ( Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. ) Mainly bred varieties in Xinjiang

      2018, 19(2):232-242. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.006

      Abstract (1463) HTML (0) PDF 1.63 M (2684) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sixteen agronomic traits of 274 genotypes of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) have been comprehensive evaluated of genetic diversity by using cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that the genetic diversity index of all the 11 quantitative traits was greater than 2.000,and test materials showed a wide range of genetic diversity in Xinjiang. Two hundreds and seventy four foxtail millet germplasm resources were clustered and classified into 6 groups based on the genetic differences of morphology markers among them. Group I contains 105 materials, has a shorter growth period, belongs to early maturity type, but the other traits perform poorly: Group II, which includes 19 materials, the growth period of is shortest, so is the duration between emergence and heading stage, and the uppermost internode length of it is longer than other groups: Group III had shorter growth stage, which consists of 10 materials, the main spike length of it is relatively long, but the other traits are all at low level: Group Ⅳ, including 58 materials, is superior to other groups in main spike length and single panicle weight, and the growth stage of it is shorter: Group Ⅴ had the longest growth stage, which contains 26 materials, belongs to late-maturing type, all the traits of it is better than other groups, except main spike length: Group VI includes 56 materials, has a longer growth stage, belongs to mid-late type, the plant height is low. The result of principal component analysis of 9 quantitative traits shows that the cumulative contribution rate of the first three principal components is 70.41%. The load values of each principal component trait reflect the selection potential and direction of each trait in breeding. The comprehensive analysis of agronomic traits of germplasm resources provided some scientific basis for the collection, evaluation and utilization of Xinjiang foxtail millet resources.

    • Analysis of Protein Content and Genetic Polymorphism in Pea Germplasm in Tibet

      2018, 19(2):252-262. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.008

      Abstract (1315) HTML (0) PDF 3.36 M (3221) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fifty-four landraces of field pea from different ecological and geographical environment conditions of Tibet were collected for this study. Total seed protein content, water soluble and salt soluble protein content of above genotypes of field pea were examined. While, the relationships between the protein contents (total seed protein content, water soluble and salt soluble protein content) of above genotypes and geographical factors (longitude, latitude and elevation) were analyzed. The results showed that the total protein content of 54 pea seed samples ranged from 17.58% to 28.67%, among which water soluble proteins accounted for 86.12 to 91.40%, and salt soluble proteins accounted for 4.76 to 8.29%. The total protein content of Tibet field pea seed samples significantly correlated with longitude, and correlated with latitude, but negatively correlated with altitude. 1588 water soluble and 699 salt soluble protein bands were detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis; among them, 43 band types of water soluble protein and 24 band types of salt soluble protein based on migration rate were identified with diversity index ranged from 0 to 0.5. The relative molecular weight of water soluble proteins ranged from 24.87Ku to 149.54Ku, showing concentrated areas of low molecular weight (24.71~50.41Ku) and high molecular weight (56.34-88.08ku). The relative molecular weight of salt soluble proteins ranged from 24.85Ku to 91.24 Ku. The 54 pea landraces is divided into 4 geographical groups according to the altitude information, with genetic diversity indices of 0.23, 0.18, 0.35 and 0.31, and Shannon information index of 0.33, 0.41, 0.52 and 0.46. The results showed that the pea protein variation related to altitude. Cluster analysis divided the 54 field pea landraces into 7 groups, indicating that water soluble and salt soluble

    • Identification and Selection forPotato Anti-browning Germplasm Resources

      2018, 19(2):263-270. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.009

      Abstract (1215) HTML (0) PDF 2.17 M (2640) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The objective of this study was to select anti-browning potato gene and create new anti-browning potato germplasm resources, further to breed new anti-browning potato varieties. We hoped to use breeding technology to solve the browning phenomenon in potato processing.275 breeding varieties were selected as test materials. To select anti-browning varieties, we mensurated the three indexes, browning index, browning degree and ACD. (1)The cluster analysis of browning index showed that the varieties can be divided into 5 types. The first type was higher anti-browning material, browning index 0.00-16.67, 13 materials; the second type was high anti-browning material, browning index 25.00-54.17, 34 materials; the third type was anti-browning material, browning index 62.50-83.33, 50 materials; the fourth type was browning material, browning index 87.50-95.83, 38 materials; the fifth type was the complete browning material, browning index was 100,140 materials. (2)Browning degree was less than 0.25 when browning time was 20 min for 30℃, and after 4℃for 24h the variation value was no more than 0.15,which can be selected as anti-browning resources. A total of 25 materials were selected by browning degree. (3) Most potato resources can be used for fresh food consumption. The maximum value of ACD was 9, and the minimum was 5. There were 4 higher anti-browning materials, Yunshu 501,CIP395109.29, CIP393615.6,Yunshu 401; 4 high anti-browning materials, Nehegaodianfen, CIP397100.9,Ke200950-3, s.goniocalyx; 4 anti-browning materials,Kexin22, CIP393617.1,Andover,Ke9412-13. These 12 selected materials can be used as the basic material for breeding new potato anti-browning varieties.

    • Screening for Similar Varieties for Maize Distinctness Test using Phenotypic Characteristics

      2018, 19(2):271-278. DOI: DOI:10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.010

      Abstract (1386) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (3070) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compliance with distinctness, uniformity and stability requirements is a precondition for granting of plant breeder’s rights and variety registration. Similar varieties screening is a key technical step for distinctness test. In this study, charecteristics of 3696 varieties (incuding single cross hybrids and inbred lines) from Huang-huai-hai Region planted in 6491 plots from different years at a single location were observed and recorded according to maize DUS test guildlines. After data collation and conversion of mearurments into notes, a database composed of charateristics data of 3696 varietis was constructed. Based on the investigation of variation of observations of state of expressions for the characteristics, the range of notes for 27 charactristics was determined and the charateristics were classified into four classes accordingly. A similar variety screening method was developed based on the deternined range of notes for each charateristic using the characteristics database. This method improves the effciency and stringency of similar variety screening using phenotypic characteristics.

    • Current Researches and Potential Application of Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. in China

      2018, 19(2):279-288. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.011

      Abstract (1723) HTML (0) PDF 2.20 M (3579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Zizania Latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. belongs to an aquatic herbaceous plant of Oryzeae tribe, a close genera of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and a potential donor of genes controlling elite traits of agronomic importance for rice breeding. In addition, it has been shown that Z. latifolia plays an important role for ecological maintainence. Recently, progress has been achieved in many aspects. In this review, we focus on the findings of Z. latifolia study from the following five aspects: the origin and evolution, focus on the findings of Z. latifolia study from the following five aspects: the origin and evolution, the economic value, the relationship with ecological environment, the genetic diversity analysis and the application practice in rice breeding. We expect that this review would provide basic knowlewdege on various aspects of Z. latifolia and clues on protection of this important species.

    • Identification and Detection of Leaf Rust Resistance Genes on Wheat Cultivar Laizhou137

      2018, 19(2):289-295. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.012

      Abstract (1517) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (2980) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Leaf rust is an important wheat disease which has a great influence on wheat yield. Breeding durable resistant cultivars can effectively and economically control the disease. The objective of this study is to identify leaf rust resistance genes in wheat cultivar Laizhou137 by gene postulation, pedigree analysis, molecular detection and adult plant resistance identification. The cultivars were tested for seedling responses in the greenhouse to 20 Puccinia triticina pathotypes and for adult plant to a mixed pathotypes (FHRT, THTT, THJT) in the field in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 cropping seasons in Baoding, Hebei Province and Zhoukou, Henan Province. Meanwhile, pedigree method verifyed the results of known resistance genes. CIMMYT line SAAR, with typical slow rusting resistance and Zhengzhou5389, a highly susceptible line were used as slow rusting and susceptible checks, respectively. Differential sets containing 36 differential lines mostly in a background of Thatcher with known leaf rust resistance genes were used to compare the infection types of the cultivar at seedling stage, the 12 molecular markers of ten leaf rust resistance genes were used for the tested cultivar. Gene postulation combined with markers detection and pedigree analysis, Laizhou137 showed low ITs to races (FGBQ、PGJQ、TGTT、THSM、PHGM、PHST、FHJS、FHGQ、FNTQ、PRSQ and KHGQ), thus it indicated that Laizhou137 contained Lr26, Lr10, Lr14b and other unknown resistance genes; According to the leaf rust resistance phenotype data in the field through four environments, it had unknown adult-plant resistance gene for expressing slow rusting resistant and having no Lr34 and Lr46 detected by molecular marker. Therefore, it can be new resistant resource for wheat leaf rust.

    • Expression analysis of TaCIPK8 gene and its interaction with TaCBLs in wheat

      2018, 19(2):296-304. DOI: DOI:10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.013

      Abstract (1404) HTML (0) PDF 5.18 M (2869) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:CIPKs, Calcineurin B-like (CBL) interacting protein kinases, belong to a group of serine/threonine protein kinases in plants. We cloned TaCIPK8 gene (GenBank number: KJ561804) from wheat variety Shi4185 based on the gene sequence of Arabidopsis AtCIPK8, and the length of TaCIPK8 coding sequence is 1350 bp. Sequence analysis indicated that TaCIPK8 protein consists of 449 amino acids, and its molecular mass and theoretical isoelectric point are 52.24 kD and 7.16, respectively. The protein contains an N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal NAF/FISL motif specifically possessed by the CIPK family proteins; the similarity betweenTaCIPK8 and AtCIPK8 protein is 81%. In order to investigate the function of TaCIPK8 gene, we detected the responses of TaCIPK8 gene to different stress conditions using Real-time PCR, and found that the expression of TaCIPK8 gene was induced by high salinity, ABA and low temperature (4℃). We analysed the promoter of TaCIPK8 gene using plant promoter databases PlantCARE and PLACE. The results indicated that the promoter harbors not only many cis-acting elements responsive to dehydration, drought, low temperature and ABA, but also DNA elements responsive to GA and jasmonic acid methyl ester. Yeast two hybrid was used to study the interaction between TaCIPK8 and TaCBLs proteins, and we found that the yeast transformed with both TaCIPK8 containing vector and TaCBL3 containing vector could grow on SD/-Trp/-Leu、SD/-Trp/-Leu/X-α-Gal/AbA and SD/-Trp/-Leu/-Ade/-His/X-α-Gal/AbA media, with blue colonies on the latter two media. The results indicate that the TaCIPK8 protein interacted with TaCBL3, which activated the expression of the reporter genes MEL1, AUR1-C, HIS3 and ADE2. Our results provide useful information for revealing the functions of TaCIPK8 gene and the interaction regulatory network between the protein of TaCIPK8 and TaCBLs in wheat.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase PAL Gene From Luffa cylindrical

      2018, 19(2):305-313. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.014

      Abstract (1502) HTML (0) PDF 3.66 M (2956) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A length of 2 406 bp cDNA was isolated from Luffa cylindrical by using Race and RT-PCR techniques,which contained a 2 145 bp open reading frame(ORF)that encoded 715 amino acids,with a predicted molecular weight of 77.69 kD and a hypothetical isoelectric point of 6.11. It shared over 93% identity with the homologous proteins from Cucumis sativus and Cucumis melo,proving that it was highly conservative. This gene was named LcPAL and the GenBank accession was KP341758. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that LcPAL and PAL of Cucumis sativus and Cucumis melo was gather to a same group. Wolf Psort protection indicated that LcPAL protein was located in chloroplast or endoplasmic reticulum,and Motif Scan analysis showed that LcPAL protein had three conserved domain databases (i.e., PAL-HAL,PLN02457 and phe_aml_yase)and an enzyme active center sequences in the position of 60 ~ 525,8 ~ 715,24 ~ 715 and 197 ~ 212 Sites,respectively,which suggested that LcPAL protein was one of typical Lyase_I_Like superfamily. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that LcPAL could be expressed in different tissues of Luffa cylindrical, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. The levels of LcPAL were different among eight luffa varieties,and the expression in Luffa cylindrical was higher than that in Luffa acutangula Roxb. What is more, the expression level of LcPAL in‘Minsi 3’was up-regulated in the early, and then decreased during fresh-cut and post-harvest storage browning processes,which was consistent with the changes observed in peroxidase activity,suggesting that LcPAL gene may play a regulation role in luffa browning process.

    • Genome-wide association analysis of silique density of seed density within per silique and its related traits in Brassica napus L.

      2018, 19(2):314-325. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.015

      Abstract (1380) HTML (0) PDF 3.00 M (3488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seed density within per silique will affect seed per silique (the constituent elements of rapeseed yield) , which have a direct or indirect effect on rapeseed yield.In this study, a population of 213 Brassica napus accessions (or lines) were collected from different genetic backgrounds and geographical origins with the Brassica 60 K Illumina Infinium SNP array for assess population structure, relative kinship and linkage disequilibrium. Then the optimal model of each trait was selected array for genome-wide association analysis of the silique density of seed density within per silique and its related traits. A total of 10 SNPs were detected to be with significant association with the seed density within per silique and its related traits in 2016 year. 2 SNP sites associated with seed density within per silique were detected, explaining the phenotypic variation of 9.94% and 11.17%, respectively. 6 SNP sites associated with valid silique length were detected, and Single loci can explain the phenotypic variation of 9.81%-12.17% of the phenotypic variation. 2 SNP sites associated with seed per silique were detected, explaining the phenotypic variation of 10.44% and 10.87%, respectively. According to analyzing the genes information of the LD region sequence associated with the SNP site, we screened 16 candidate genes associated with silique density of major inflorescence and its related traits. KMD4 and UGT76C2 genes are involved in the regulation of cytokinin, and the genes i.e. AGL104 and ADC2 was found to be related to seed formation process. Other genes, such as MCCB、NGA2 and MATE, are involved in the growth and development of lateral organs, when abnormal expression lead to lateral organ variants. Two candidate genes ADC and UGT76C2, which overlapped in seed density within per silique and seed per silique, tended to have pleiotropism.

    • Identification and bioinformatics analysis of the SAUR gene family in grape

      2018, 19(2):326-337. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.016

      Abstract (1655) HTML (0) PDF 5.88 M (4867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The phytohormone auxin exerts a pleiotropic effect on various aspects of plant growth and development, including cell elongation, cell division, differentiation, root initiation, apical dominance, and tropic responses. Auxin mediates these effects at the molecular level by altering the expression of numerous genes. Most early auxin response genes are classified into three families: AUX/ IAAs, GRETCHEN HAGEN3s (GH3s), and Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR). AUX/IAA (PF02309) family genes achieve transcript due to the induction of plant hormone auxin and part of them have an N-terminal DNA binding domain. It is a transcriptional repressor that has proved to play a very vital role in auxin signaling pathway. GH3 (PF03321) was first found in soybean later, some GH3 genes were reported and divided into three groups: one combine JA-amino acid conjugates, the others were used to produce IAA conjugates and catalyze the 30 conjugation of amino acids and 4-substituted benzoic acid. GH3 plays an important role in auxin signaling pathways, optical signaling pathways and plant defense responses; Previous reports indicated that SAUR protein contains a central domain (PF02519), and it is highly conserved. The SAUR domain mainly contains hydrophobic amino acids, short, highly conserved, charged patches and a nearly invariant cysteine residue. Around the SAUR domain, SAUR 35 proteins have lowly conservative length N- and C-terminal extensions. Small auxin-up RNAs (SAURs) are the early auxin-responsive genes represented by a large multigene family in plants. In order to recognize the SAUR (Small auxin-up RNA) gene from the whole genome of the grape, the gene of SAUR gene was identified from the whole genome of the grape, and the gene structure, amino acid characterization, chromosome localization, gene evolution,functional analysis and tissue expression analysis of the SAUR gene family were carried out. A total of 64 members of the SAUR gene family were identified and showed cluster distribution on 8 chromosomes among 19 chromosomes. The genes were mainly distributed in Chr3 and Chr4. Chr3, exist the highest number of genes, 37 were distributed in it. the length of Grape SAUR family genes is shorter, where 59 genes are intronless. Analysis of protein physical and chemical characteristics showed that most SAUR protein was alkaline, the structure stability was poor, the protein fat soluble index was high, and it was hydrophilic. The function prediction of genes showed that the SAUR gene mainly functioned as growth factors, structural proteins, transcription, transcriptional regulation and responded to stress and immunization response and immune response. Most of them were involved in growth regulation. According to the phylogenetic analysis, it was divided into 10 branches. Analysis of different tissue expression profiles showed that SAUR gene family members had different tissue expression patterns and had some regulation effect on abiotic stress. This information has laid a foundation for the functional analysis of SAUR gene family. This work will pave a a new era of applying genetic information to a deeper understanding of strawberries and used to enhance the agricultural production. Making genetic information and genomics applied in many aspects of grape production, which means that the era of application of genetic information in crop production has arrived.

    • Construction of DNA Fingerprinting and Analysis of Genetic Diversity for Grape Cultivars

      2018, 19(2):338-350. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.017

      Abstract (1611) HTML (0) PDF 7.09 M (2495) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim of this study is to construct a DNA fingerprint database of 314 grape accessions, analyze the genetic diversity based on the genomic DNA simple sequence repeats (SSR), and to provide a scientific reference for the cultivar identification, genetic analysis and plant varieties protection. By using 9 SSR primer sets to analyze the 314 grape samples, 199 alleles were produced, of which the polymorphic loci were 199 and the ratio of polymorphism was 100%. Each SSR marker detected 17-31 alleles (with an average of 22.1). The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.793 to 0.886, with an average of 0.839. In this study, we suspected that 3 groups were homonyms and 9 groups were synonyms. In the remaining 290 grape accessions, seventy cultivars could be identified with one primer pair and the other cultivars could be identified with primer combinations. The 290 cultivars could be completely distinguished from each other with only 8 primer pairs. In summary, DNA fingerprint database of the 314 grape cultivars was constructed by using 8 SSR primer sets. Cluster analysis of the fingerprint database showed that the 263 diploids could be divided into two groups: Subgen. Euvitis Planch. and Subgen. Muscadinia Planch. The former group were further divided into 1 large group and 14 small groups. 51 polyploids were divided into 3 groups. The clustering results were basically in good agreement with the family tree of the tested cultivars.

    • >Resource evaluation
    • 303 Sweetpotato Landraces of SSR Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analysis

      2018, 19(2):343-351. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.007

      Abstract (1850) HTML (0) PDF 4.28 M (3447) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Genetic diversity and population structure of 303 sweetpotato landraces was analyzed by SSR markers.This study aims to understand the genetic relationship among sweetpotato landraces , and provide reference for the selection of excellent germplasm resource and the improvement of germplasm. Method:Using SSR to establish the 0, 1 database of the trial materials;The ntsys-pc 2.10 software was used to calculates the Nei72 genetic distance matrix;The genetic distance matrix was imported into MEGA 6.06 to output average genetic distance and cluster analysis. The results showed that 203 polymorphic sites were detected by 30 SSR primers, and 1 to 14 polymorphic bands which average 6.77 polymorphisms were detected for each primer. The average genetic distance of 303 accessions was 0.564. Cluster analysis in 0.087 genetic distance can divide 303 accessions into five groups, of which the fifth group in 0.115 genetic distance is divided into groups of A, B, and C. Population structure analysis of 303 accessions is divided into five groups. Clustering results coincide with the population structure.Q value of 70 accessions is less then 0.6 ,and these accessions were clustered into the mixed subgroup.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fatty acyl reductase in Lycium barbarum L.

      2018, 19(2):351-360. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.019

      Abstract (1350) HTML (0) PDF 8.25 M (2470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fatty acyl reductase are widely involved in the process of lipid metabolism, affecting anther development and cuticular wax sunthesis of male gametophytes. In this study, LbMS2-2 gene encoding fatty acyl reductase was isolated using RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends) method from Ningxia wolfberry ( Lycium barbarum L.). LbMS2-2 consisted of an open reading frame (ORF) with length 1800 bp, which encoded a protein of 599 amino acid residues, and its isoelectric point was 9.00. Bioinformation analysis indicated that LbMS2-2 protein was located in the chloroplast. The amino acid sequence of LbMS2-2 shared high homology with fatty acyl reductase from Capsicum annuum、Nicotiana tabacum and Solanum tuberosum. Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR results revealed that LbMS2 expressed highly in tetrad stage、single nucleus pollen stage and double nucleus pollen stage of anther development. The results of subcellular localization and in situ hybridization further confirmed that LbMS2-2 gene mainly detected in the tapetum and microspores of anther, and its protein was predominantly localized in chloroplast. As the result, the fatty acyl reductase is an important gene in the organ development of Lycium barbarum L.

    • Gene Structure and Expression Analysis of F-box Gene VvF-box5 in Grapevine

      2018, 19(2):361-369. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.019

      Abstract (1517) HTML (0) PDF 4.86 M (3170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:F-box proteins, widely existing in eukaryotes, were involved in cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and multiple hormone signal transduction. Recently, it was showed that F-box proteins mediated the responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, which is crucial to maintain the normal growth and development for plant. Drought and other abiotic stresses seriously affected plant growth and development. It is urgent to solve the problem which enhances the drought resistance of plant at present. The Grapevine, one of important fruit trees, was widely cultivated among China and world. Drought stress severely affected the plant growth and dramatically reduced the fruit quality of grapevine. Therefore, it has a great meaning to isolate the drought-responsive genes and analyze its functions for stress-resistant improvement in grapevine. According to the analysis of drought treated grapevine transcriptome, we isolated 11 F-box genes obviously up-regulated under drought stress. Pfam software analysis showed these F-box genes encode amino acid sequences having a complete F-box domain. Among them, VvF-box5 exhibited higher expression level compared with other genes and VvF-box5 is located on the 19th chromosome. There are 1 824 bp in opening reading frame of the VvF-box5, including 5 exons and 4 introns according to gene sequence analysis. VvF-box5 protein contains 1 F-box domain in its N terminal and a fibrinogen-like domain(FBD) and two leucine-rich repeat(LRR)in its C terminal. Protein secondary structure prediction analysis showed that the VvF-box5 contain 15 α-helixs and 14 β-pleated sheets. The promoter element analysis showed that the promoter of VvF-box5 contains multiple stresses-responsive elements, such as GA response element GARE-motif, MeJA response element CGTCA-motif, Drought stress related components ethylene-responsive element (ERE), heat stress-responsive element (HSE) and low temperature responsive element (LTR), light response cis elements ACE, Box 4 and Sp1 and other element related to cell cycle regulation and development. Real-time qRT-PCR showed that VvF-box5 responded to drought, salt, ABA and JA. Subcellular localization showed that VvF-box5 was mainly located in nucleus in onion epidermis cells. Overexression of VvF-box5 clearly improved the drought tolerance in transgenic plants. In addition, the fusion protein 6×His-VvF-box5 was induced and expressed in prokaryotic expression system and purified by Ni-NTA Resin, laying foundation for studying VvF-box5 functions.

    • Genome size comparison in 34 Begonia species

      2018, 19(2):370-378. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.2018.02.020

      Abstract (2089) HTML (0) PDF 1.57 M (3832) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genome sizesof a Begonia collection comprising34 species (including fourvarieties) were screenedby flow cytometry, usingOryza sativa L. ssp. Japonica as anexternal reference, the differences in genome size between different speices and sections were compared, correlation between genome size and chromosome number was analysed. The results showed that 1C values varied between 0.292pg and 2.554pg, a 9-fold difference was found among genotypes with genome size, the meangenome size of 34 Begonia species was 0.863 pg, the genome of Begonia peltatifolia was smallest, the genome of B. fomosana origined from Taiwan was largest. The mean genome size of 30 Begonia species in China origin(1C=0.925pg) was lager than 4 Begonia species’ in South American origin(1C=0.398 pg), genome sizes of 3 Begonia species inTaiwan origin were all larger than Chinese origin Begonia species’. There were significant differences in the genome size between different sections of Chinese Begonias, and in the same section, the genome sizes of Begonias were not same. The mean genome size of Section Sphenanthera was largest, 1.285 pg, varied about 3.2 times; while Section Begonia, Section Platycentrum, a bit larger, which were 0.895 pg and 0.888 pg respectively, varied almost 6.4, 6.8 times; the meangenome size of Section Coelocentrum was smallest, 0.721 pg, varied about 1.2 times. Genome sizes were not positively correlated with chromosome number. The resu

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