• Volume 19,Issue 6,2018 Table of Contents
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    • >Review
    • The Implementation Progress and Reform Developments on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

      2018, 19(6):1019-1029. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180423002

      Abstract (1574) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (2564) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The article interprets the legal construction of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing (the MLS) which is the core of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, summarizes and analyzes the implementation progress and reform developments of the MLS. According to this article’s summary, it is clear that significant progress has been made in the implementation of the MLS, but a lot of challenges remain to be responded. The Treaty’s Governing Body is considering reforming the MLS by revising the Standard Material Transfer Agreement and expanding the coverage of the MLS. Relevant measures and programs have taken form and been submitted to the Governing Body for consideration.

    • Status and Progress on Functions of Plant Enolase Gene ENO2

      2018, 19(6):1030-1037. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180402001

      Abstract (2054) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (3569) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Enolase ENO2, which is widely found in animals and plants, is a key glycolytic enzyme. However, latest studies have shown that it has a variety of functions in addition to participating in the glycolytic pathway. In plants, ENO2 can affect the growth and reproductive development of plants, response to abiotic stresses and has the function of transcriptional regulation. Especially, mRNA expressed by ENO2 can alternatively be translated into 2 proteins, ENO2 and MBP-1. Therefore, we summarized the various functions of plant ENO2 and the related research progress. Moreover, we also discuss the current research trends about plant gene ENO2 in order to guide the further research in related fields.

    • >Research Articles
    • Cytological Identification of Wheat-A.cristatum T7PL. 7AL Robertsonian Translocation Line

      2018, 19(6):1038-1044. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180411001

      Abstract (1606) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (2856) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn, as Gaertn.one of important wheat wild relatives, provides gene resources being valuable for wheat genetic improvement. Introducing alien genes from A. cristatum into wheat can broaden the genetic basis of wheat. A series of wheat-A. cristatum introgression lines were produced in our previous studies, including line II-23 that was proved to be an addition and substitution lines with 19 pairs of wheat chromosomes(absence of chromosome 4B and 7A)and three pairs of A. cristatum chromosomes (2P, 4P and 7P). In this study, a spontaneous translocation line 7-20 was identified in the backcrossing progenies of II-23. By genome in situ hybridization (GISH) and non-denaturing FISH (ND-FISH) technologies, line 7-20 was shown to be a whole arm translocation line, and the translocation occurred on short arm of chromosome 7 (7A). By applying ten pairs of SSR markers that are targeted to the short arm of wheat chromosome 7A, three pairs of SSR markers presented polymorphism among the homozygous translocation line 7-20, A. cristatum and wheat. As indicated by marker analysis, the short arm of wheat chromosome 7AS was substituted by the alien chromosome segment. To confirm the size of alien chromosome segment from A. cristatum, EST-STS markers specific for A. cristatum chromosome 7P in wheat genetic background were used. We found that all of the markers located on the long arm of A. cristatum chromosome 7P were amplified in line 7-20, whereas other markers located on the short arm of A. cristatum chromosome 7P failed to amplify PCR products. As a result, the translocation line 7-20 was identified as a T7PL.7AL Robertsonian translocation line. Furthermore, we generated the segregation populations by crossing the translocation line 7-20 and recurrent wheat parent Fukuhokomugi, in order to decipher if the desirable agronomic traits are present in the alien chromosome segment. The plant height and the kernel number per spike of the translocation line T7PL.7AL were significantly reduced than those of non-translocation plants, while the fertile tillers and grain weight have no obvious changes. Taken together, this study confirmed that line 7-20 was a T7PL.7AL Robertsonian translocation line, which provided the possibility for utilizing alien genes from chromosome 7P of A. cristatum in wheat improvement.

    • Evaluation of the Resistance of Rice Germplasm Against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola

      2018, 19(6):1045-1054. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180503004

      Abstract (1473) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (3518) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Application of resistant varieties is one of the most economical and effective measure to control rice bacterial leaf streak (BLS). Screening and utilization of resistant germplasm is the fundamental work for developing resistance varieties. 59 of domestic rice varieties or hybrid combinations,318 of foreign germplasms and 13 of near-isogenic lines (NILs) with resistance to bacterial blight (BB) were evaluated on their resistance of BLS. Among the tested rice entries, all of domestic varieties showed susceptible to BLS. 82 of rice germplasms were highly resistant or resistant to BLS, including Popong、IR63372-8、Weda Heenati、Balayan、Gharibe etc. Only BB near-isogenic line IRBB5 was resistant to BLS, while IRBB21 and IRBB23 with broad spectrum resistance to bacterial blight were highly susceptible to BLS. 95 of rice germplasms were selected to analyze the association between the resistances of BB and BLS. Association analysis of 82 rice germplassms and 13 of BB NILs both showed no correlation between two diseases, with the index r =0.103 (P value 0.358>0.05) and index r=0.527 (P value 0.064>0.05) respectively. 79 of rice germplasms with the resistance to BLS were detected with functional molecular markers of xa5 the result indicates that 30 of the tested germplasms habour the xa5 gene, while the other 49 of tested entries do not have the tested gene, which could be the important resoures for the genes mining and the rice breeding with the resistance against BLS.

    • Development of HRM Molecular Markers of Rice Through the Method of Gene Chip Technique

      2018, 19(6):1055-1063. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180429001

      Abstract (1628) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (2656) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sites are widely distributed in plants. SNPs-based markers have become an important molecular tool for crop genetic research due to their high resolution and co-dominant. This study aims to develop SNP molecular markers based on high resolution melting (HRM) technology and to estimate their genotyping efficiency between cultivated rice and wild rice, providing a reliable, simple and rapid tool for gene discovery, variety identification and molecular breeding in rice in the future. Genome-wide scanning of SNPs were performed between the cultivar Huanghuazhan and wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. Y605 using the rice 9K SNP microarray. Then we selected and developed HRM technology-based specific molecular markers from these SNPs. These molecular markers were subsequently used for genotyping of BC3 backcrossed populations with their parents Huanghuazhan and Oryza rufipogon Griff. Y605 to verify their validity. A total of 4,198 SNPs were found between Huanghuazhan and wild rice Y605 by the rice genome 9K SNP microarray, almost evenly distributed on all the chromosomes. Then 5 SNPs were randomly selected from the first, chromosome to develop HRM technology-based specific molecular markers. These markers were accurate and efficient in genotypeing of BC3F1 and BC3F2 populations of Huanghuazhan and wild rice Y605, as well as the homozygous parents and F1 heterozygous. In addition, the wild rice fragments was detected in the ZY1-1~ZY1-4 marker interval of the first chromosome of the backcross. The genome-wide rice 9K SNP microarray can be well applied to the development of SNP markers in rice. The developed specific SNP markers can be accurately and efficiently utilized in genotyping cultivated rice and wild rice. Further development of genome-wide rice SNP markers based on HRM technology will provide an efficient molecular detection tool for molecular genetic research, favorable genes discovery and breeding applications of wild rice.

    • A Survey Report of the Northwestern Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) Resources

      2018, 19(6):1064-1072. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180411002

      Abstract (1315) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2236) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In 2011-2015 and 2017, we collected wild soybean genetic resources in the northwestern regions including Gansu, Ningxia, Shannxi and eastern Inner Mongolia of China in cooperation with the work of the ‘Northwest Stress-Resistance Crop Germplasm Collection Project’ from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People?s Republic of China. The collecting activies were carried out all over 173 village or sites in 134 township areas of 54 cities or counties, and collected 222 wild soybean accessions (from 220 populations). Fifteen drought-resistant plants were identified from two polulations. The altitudes of collecting sites were 332?1623m and approximately 70% of collected accessions grew over 1000 metres above sea level. Electrophoresis of 13544 plants for Kunitz inhibitoing protein (KTI) showed an 83.90% frequency for Tia type and a 16.69% for Tib type, discovered two new variants Til and Tim, and recognized a rare Tiab1 type. Sequencing analysis revealed that the Til was derived from a mutation Ile→Val at the 57th amino acid in Tibi7 allele, and Tim, from a mutation Arg→Trp at the 159 amino acid, with a synonymous mutation(TTA→CTA)at the 169 amino acid in Tiab1 type,and that 15.76% of Tib electrophoretic type was certified to be controlled by Tibi7 allele. This investigation showed that group ? saponins widely existed in Chinese wid soybeans; however, the northwestern soybeans had a relatively highest proportion of varieties with group ? saponin. Thus far, only Chinese soybeans are found to have group ? saponins, and we therefore proposed a hypothesis that the area of the origin of soybeans may be the Wei-he River Valley, China.

    • Drought Tolerance Evaluation of the Early-Maturing Annual Wild Soybeans from the Upper and Middle Reaches of Heilongjiang River

      2018, 19(6):1073-1082. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180402002

      Abstract (1302) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (2366) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the ancestor of cultivated soybean, annual wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb et Zucc) has rich genetic diversity, high protein content, strong tolerance to stresses, etc. In northeast China, the wild soybean distributed widely, but the studies on trait identification and breeding application of the wild soybean germplasm are inadequate. In the current study, 30 accessions of wild soybeans which were collected from upper and middleSreachesSofSthe Heilongjiang River and had similarSgrowth duration. Drought tolerance of these accessions were evaluated both in normal irrigation and drought stress treatments using multiple indices. The results showed that there were differences in responses of various traits of wild soybeans to drought stress, i.e., yield and plant height were sensitive to drought stress whereas 100-seed weight and maturity traits were insensitive. The tested wild soybean germplasm were classified into five groups according to the drought tolerance comprehensive value (D). Among the 30 accessions of the wild soybeans, 2 accessions (Jin 05015 and C05038 C) were classified into grade I (highly-tolerant), 4 grade II (medium-tolerant), 12 grade III (weakly-tolerant), 10 grade IV (water-sensitive) and 2 grade V (highly-sensitive). D value, the comprehensive index of drought tolerance, is positively correlated with vegetative growth period (V), branch number and seed yield per plant, and is negatively correlated with reproductive period (R) and the ration of R to V (R/V), indicating that wild soybeans with longer vegetative growth period, shorter reproductive period and smaller R/V ratio are more tolerant to drought. It was proposed that the D value as the comprehensive index based on multiple traits is a reliable indicator for evaluating the drought tolerance of wild soybeans. The duration of vegetative growth, R/V ration, branch number and seed yield per plant can be used as simple indices for drought tolerance evaluation.

    • Genetic Diversity of Broomcorn Sorghum and Its Utilization on Germplasm Improvement

      2018, 19(6):1083-1091. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180314001

      Abstract (1370) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Genetic diversity of 173 land races and breeding lines of broomcorn sorghum from different origins was analyzed based on agronomical traits. It is indicated that variation of agronomical traits was obvious among land races from different origins mainly on growth duration, plant height, panicle length, number of fibers and panicle exsertion. Breeding lines hybridized from land races had superior characteristic in many agronomical traits compared with that of different origins. Peculiar excellent traits of varieties from different origins could be used effectively in germplasm improvement. All the materials were clustered into 5 groups at the genetic distance of 0.64. Cluster analysis was failed to distinctly group land races according to origins because of their partly similar traits. Meanwhile, breeding lines were grouped comparatively concentrated. Multiple traits should be taken into account simultaneously in germplasm improvement because of their significant correlation. Agronomical traits should be selected as appropriate growth duration, lower plant height, longer panicle length, more fiber numbers, thicker peduncle diameter, high threshed panicle weight, high panicle weight and high 1000-grain weight, but panicle exsertion and peduncle should not be too long.

    • Investigation and Analysis of Fruit Brush Characteristics and Fruit Browning in Grape Varieties

      2018, 19(6):1092-1099. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180319002

      Abstract (1504) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (2524) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the characteristics of fruit brush in grape cultivars, this study analyzed the fruit brush related traits in 126 grape cultivars and the fruit hole browning in 74 varieties at the ripening stage. The results show that there are some differences in the characteristics of fruit brush between varieties. For instance, the fruit brush is either complete or incomplete, and the condition of sticking pulp is different when the brush is pulled out. Vitis vinifera L. fruit brush and pulp adhesion is higher than V. vinifera × V. labrusca L. There was a significant positive correlation between the pull resistance of Vitis vinifera L. grape fruit brush and the length of fruit brush and the thickness of fruit brush; however, there was no correlation between the pull resistance of V. vinifera×V. labrusca L. grape fruit brush and the length of fruit brush, but there is a significant positive correlation between brush thicknesses and the pull resistance.In addition, the pull resistance of Vitis vinifera L. species was significantly greater than that of V. vinifera×V. labrusca L. The browning speed and browning degree of the flesh are different among the varieties, and the higher the maturity, the lower the browning degree is. The browning speeds of different varieties of fruit holes are inconsistent, and the different sizes of fruit holes cause different degrees of damage to the fruit, which affects the storage stability of the postharvest fruit to a certain extent. By deciphering the diversity of fruit brush, this work provided a considerable theoretical basis in evaluation of grape germplasm resources and in breeding of elite varieties.

    • Analysis of Functional Quality Traits of Weedy Rice

      2018, 19(6):1100-1105. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180316001

      Abstract (1450) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (2126) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The functional quality of weedy rice was studied using 41 representative weedy rice germplasms in Ningxia. The results showed that the contents of flavonoids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, zinc, and selenium in weedy rice were highly variable, and the coefficient of variation was more than 13%. The contents of flavonoids, vitamin B1 were lower than the selection.In contrast to the landraces and modern varieties,no significant difference iron, zinc, and selenium was observed in weedy rice, while the vitamin B2 was significantly higher. Through comprehensive analysis of functional quality traits, nine weedy rice accessions with elite traits were identified, and these resources might be useful in breeding for super-quality rice and broadening the rice gene pool in Ningxia.

    • Analysis on Phenotypic Diversity of Rice Landraces That Were Newly Collected in Yunnan Province, China

      2018, 19(6):1106-1116. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180423003

      Abstract (1371) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (2315) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 1189 newly collected rice landraces from 16 prefectures (cities) of Yunnan were used to study difference and distribution of the diversity index for rice landraces by 17 agronomic traits. The results showed that the diversity indexes in counties Mangshi, Yingjiang, Longchuan, Tengchong, Menghai and Cangyuan ranged from 1.6010 to 1.6822, which were higher than that of other counties. The diversity indexes in prefectures Dehong (1.6951), puer (1.6746) and Lincang (1.6723) located in south and southwest parts of Yunnan were higher than that of other prefectures. At rice ecological zone level, the diversity indexes of yield related traits (number of effective panicles, number of spikelets per panicle, thousand-grain weight and seed setting rate) and biological traits (plant height and grain length) were slightly higher in southern lowland and upland rice zone (II) than in northwest highly cold japonica rice zone (III) and southern single and double cropping indica rice zone (I). No significant difference on diversity indexes of 17 traits were observed among zones I, II, and III, while the diversity indexes of 5 traits (seed setting rate, grain width, grain length/width ratio, flag leaf length and flag leaf width) were significantly different between zone II and northeast plateau japonica rice zone (V). The diversity indexes of 13 traits (except for flag leaf angle, lodging, grain color and leaf hair) were significantly different between zone II and central single cropping indica or japonica rice zone (IV). At nationality area level, the diversity indexes of nationalities Hani, Han, Jingpo and Yi ranged from 1.7033 to 1.7308, which were higher than that of other nationalities. In the same prefecture, the average diversity indexes in Dehong prefecture with nationalities Jingpo (1.3735), Lisu (1.3714) and Han (1.3526) were high. In the same nationality zone, the average diversity indexes in prefectures Dehong, Baoshan, Lincang and honghe were high (1.6190-1.6808). 173 accessions with big panicles and 84 accessions with big grains were found mostly in prefectures Dehong, Xishuangbanna and Puer. The accessions with slender grains were mainly distributed in prefectures Dehong and Lincang. Taken together, the prefectures and counties in south and southwest of Yunnan province were found to be a diversity center of rice landraces.

    • Identification and genetic diversity analysis of newly collected tobacco germplasm resources in Hunan province

      2018, 19(6):1117-1125. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180118001

      Abstract (1258) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2205) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a member of the Third National-wide Investigation of Crop Germplasm Resources Project, Hunan team collected 32 tobacco germplasms after systematic investigations. In this study, 23 germplasms were selected from the collected tobacco germplasms, and 22 agronomic traits were identified and analyzed for genetic diversity. The results showed that the tested germplasms had a high level of genetic diversity, and the quantitative traits had a general high diversity index. The three quantitative traits with the highest diversity index were node distance, leaf number, and leaf width. As for qualitative traits, leaf shape had the highest diversity index. Petiole had the highest CV (coefficient variation), followed by plant height and leaf width. Based on the results of cluster analysis, the newly-collected tobacco germplasms were divided into 3 groups. The germplasms from the second group had the most leaves, and the ones from the third group were the tallest, which could be used for breeding varieties with high yield or used as intermediate materials. The identification of the resistance to the major diseases of the characteristic tobacco germplasm demonstrated that 13 germplasms showed resistance to black shank, TMV or CMV, two of which showed pleiotropic resistance to both black shank and TMV, and they could be used for disease resistance breeding. Thus, it is of great significance to carry out the census and collection of tobacco germplasm resources, which can provide richer parental materials or intermediate materials for the breeding of new varieties.

    • Variation of Quality-related Traits and HMW-GS of Wheat Cultivars in Shanxi Province

      2018, 19(6):1126-1137. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180409001

      Abstract (1568) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (2436) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to provide a theoretical basis for further improvement of quality and breeding promotion, and to excavate excellented germplasm resources, quality traits and high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) composition of wheat cultivars in Shanxi Province were investigated. wheat cultivars HMW-GS subunits composition and quality traits were detected. Results showed that the medium-strong gluten wheat varieties dominate in Shanxi, with the hardness index decrease annually, and other quality traits increaseSfirst, andSthen decrease. Wheat cultivars of Shanxi have rich alleles in Glu-1 locus which code HMW-GS. There had three types of subunit (Null,1and 2*)at the Glu-A1, seven types of subunit (7+8、7+9、6+8、13+16、14+15、17+18、20)at Glu-B1 locus, and six types of subunits(2+12、2+10、5+12、5+10、4+12 and 2.2+12) at Glu-D1 locus. The change trend of the quality subunits was consistent with the trend of quality traits evolution. It was discovered that Glu-D1 locus has the greatest effect on protein content, hardness, Test weight, wet gluten content, extensibility and absorption, which 4+12 and 2+10 have positive effect on protein content and wet gluten content, Glu-B1 locus has the greatest effect on Zeleny sedimentation, development time, stability time, Stretch area and Max Resistance, which 7+8 and 7+9 subunits have positive effect on stretch area. 2* of Glu-A1 locus has positive effect on Zeleny sedimentation, development time, stability time, Stretch area and Max Resistance. And Thirty-two different subunit combination were discovered, and “Null,7+8,2+12”had the highest frequency. “2*, 7+8, 4+12”and “1, 7+9, 2+10”had a greater positive effect on quality traits.

    • QTL Mapping of Immature Fruit Basal Color in Cucumis sativus L.

      2018, 19(6):1138-1142.

      Abstract (1597) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (2850) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population containingS142Slines was constructed by using an inbred line with green immature fruit as female parent (1613, P1) and an inbred line of white immature fruit as male parent (JD7, P2). The phenotypic investigation for each RIL on the immature fruit skin color was performed at commodity maturity and the genotypic identification of each RIL was carried out with sequencing technology. The immature fruit of F1 generation is green peel, and three QTLs controlling the immature fruit color were located on cucumber chromosome 3, with the positions on the genetic map of 1.01cM、3.31cM and 6.10cM and the flanking genetic distance of1.01cM/0.09cM,0.21cM /0.29cM,0.11cM /0.19cM,respectively. Bioinformatics analysis founds 16 candidate genes in the target region. The gene Csa3G904080,Csa3G904100,Csa3G903500 and Csa3G902950 are very likely to be the key gene that regulates the color of cucumber fruit.

    • Population Size Effects on QTL Mapping in A F1 Population of Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)

      2018, 19(6):1143-1148. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180406001

      Abstract (1461) HTML (0) PDF 1.44 M (2238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:QTL mapping using F1 population is an important strategy to study the quantitative traits of the tea plant. However the results are largely influenced by the size of population. In this study, sixty F1 populations with different sizes (n = 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300) were generated by randomly sampling from an original population (N = 327), which was derived from a cross of ‘Longjing43’ × ‘Baihaozao’. By integrating a SSR-based genetic map and phenotype data of three traits (timing of spring bud flush, young shoot color and leaf shape index), QTL mapping was performed in all populations. The results showed that the size of population results in a significant influence on estimation of phenotypic variation explained (PVE). When 150 F1 individuals were applied, QTLs with an effect of >10% were found. Notably, the estimation of QTL effect value remained un-precise, since 2.8-fold difference on estimated effect was observed between highest and lowest values. Therefore, a larger size of population is suggested for precisely effect estimation, and QTLs identified from a small F1 population can be employed with caution in the marker-assisted breeding.

    • Stress-activated Protein Kinase OsSAPK9 Is Involved in Regulating Tolerant Response to Al Stress in Rice

      2018, 19(6):1149-1153. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180308002

      Abstract (1504) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2991) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stress-activated protein kinase in rice (OsSAPKs) plays an important role in signal transduction. In this study, we analyzed the function of OsSAPK9 in response to Al stress in rice. The results indicated that absorptive capacity for aluminum in the roots of OsSAPK9 over-expressing transgenic rice was significantly lower than that of non-transgenic plants at 6?h, 2?d, 6?d and 10d after 10?mmol/L Al stress. Compared with the wild control, the reduction percent of plant height of OsSAPK9 over-expressing transgenic plants was significantly lower than that in non-transgenic plants 20?d after treatment using 10?mmol/L Al. Moreover, the activities of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Peroxidase (POD) in the roots of OsSAPK9 over-expressing transgenic plants were higher than that in non-transgenic plants. While, the activities of SOD, POD and Catalase (CAT) in the parts above root of overexpression transgenic plants lower than that in non-transgenic plants. These results indicate that OsSAPK9 might be involved in the regulation of tolerant resistance response to Al stress in rice.

    • Genome-Wide Identification of NHL Gene Family and Expression Analysis in Cotton under Verticillium dahliae Stress

      2018, 19(6):1154-1169. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180522001

      Abstract (1770) HTML (0) PDF 2.55 M (2586) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Previous studies showed that Arabidopsis NHL (NDR1/HIN1-like) genes played roles in the disease resistance. By bioinformatics analysis, we identified 100 and 118 NHL genes from Sea Island cotton and upland cotton, respectively. The NHL family members from Sea Island cotton and upland cotton were found to be distributed almostly on all chromosomes. These genes can be divided into three subgroups, and all contained three conserved domains as observed with the conserved motifs of Arabidopsis NHL gene family. The expression patterns of NHL family members in upland cotton were analyzed on the basis of the previously published transcriptional data of the resistant upland cotton after inoculated with V. dahliae. Fifty-seven NHL genes represented obvious expression changes in the root and stem, with three types of and their expression patterns: (1) highly expressed before inoculation and then decreased after inoculation; (2) highly expressed before inoculation, but firstly decreased and then increased after inoculation; (3) lowly expressed before inoculation and then increased after inoculation. The genes (type-1) were negatively regulated in the cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt, while the genes (type-2 and type-3) were positively regulated. Thus, the accumulative results provided a theoretical basis for further analyzing the role of NHL gene family in cotton Verticillium wilt resistance.

    • Cytogenetic Localization of 10 HbWRKY Gene Family Members of on the Chromosomes of Hevea brasiliensis

      2018, 19(6):1170-1179. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180510001

      Abstract (1246) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:HbWRKYs is a family of transcription factor genes in Hevea brasiliensis, which is involved in the physiological and biochemical processes such as gum production, senescence and stress resistance of Hevea brasiliensis. Phytohormones (such as ethephon, jasmonic acid, and salicin acid, etc. ),pathogen infestation and mechanical injury can all induce the expression of HbWRKYs . At present, most members of this gene family have been cloned and analyzed, but the exact location of these genes on the chromosome has not yet been determined. In this paper, useing Hevea brasiliensis ‘Reyan 7-33-97’ as the material and the technique of FISH and in situ PCR were used to identify the 10 members of HbWRKYs (HbWRKY1, HbWRKY2, HbWRKY3, HbWRKY4, HbWRKY5, HbWRKY7, HbWRKY9, HbWRKY11, HbWRKY27 and HbWRKY75). The results showed that the HbWRKY1, HbWRKY4 and HbWRKY5 genes were located on chromosome 9 at the same time, in which HbWRKY1 and HbWRKY4 were located on the short arm of chromosome 9. The average distances of their signal sites from centromeres were 57.38 and 4.57, respectively. HbWRKY5 was located on the long arm of chromosome 9, the average distance from the centromeric signal site is 31.67; HbWRKY2, HbWRKY3, HbWRKY7, HbWRKY9, HbWRKY11 and HbWRKY75 genes were mapped on the short arms of chromosomes 8, 3, 4, 10, 2, and 7,and the mean distances from the centromeres of signal sites were respectively 6.00, 12.30, 4.40, 45.21, 5.74 and 26.11 ;The HbWRKY27 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 6, and the mean distance from the centromeric signal site is 38.88. This article also discusses the positional relationship between these genes and other mapped genes.

    • Expression of Lb14-3-3b Gene in Wolfberry andTransformation into Tobacco

      2018, 19(6):1180-1186. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180324001

      Abstract (1101) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (1831) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of the result of differential proteome study during the anthers development in wolfberry variety ‘Ning Qi No.1’ and its male sterile mutant ‘Ning Qi No.5’, we have isolated an anther development related gene Lb14-3-3b, and confirmed the gene is dominant expressed in floral organs. In order to further understand its expression characteristics in floral organs and functions related development of floral organs, we use real-time quantitative PCR approach to analysis Lb14-3-3b gene expression level at different stages of wolfberry anther development. At the same time, we constructed plant over-expression vector Lb14-3-3b-pCambia1305.1-35s and transformed it into model plant tobacco by method of Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated. The results showed that Lb14-3-3b was expressed during all stages of the wolfberry anther development and the expression level highest at the stage of two-nuclear pollen grain. Compared with wild type, transgenic tobacco plants grew relatively slow and dwarf, floral organ distortion, such as one petals and stamen absent, four angle flower patterns. It is deduced that Lb14-3-3b gene might play a regulatory role in the process of tobacco plant growth and its floral organ development. It still needs to study on the growth and development of wolfberry to understand the regulated mechanism of 14-3-3 proteins. The results provide a reference for the further explore the regulation of the gene in the growth and development of Lycium barbarum L.

    • Chloroplast Genome and CP-SSR Site Analyses of Ulmus laciniata

      2018, 19(6):1187-1196. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180425001

      Abstract (1802) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (2451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Elm (Ulmus) has a long history of using as high-quality hard wood and could grow in temperate, warm temperate, and subtropical regions for its strong ability to resist adversity (drought, cold, and salt). This study performed De novo sequencing of the chloroplast genome of Ulmus laciniata. The lengths of the chloroplast genome of U. laciniata is 158,953 bp, containing four distinct regions: a pair of inverted repeat regions (IR) of 26,037 bp, large single-copy region (LSC) of 88,032 bp, and small single-copy region (SSC) of 18,846 bp. The chloroplast genomes had a GC content of 35.57% and consisted of a total of 139 genes. Among the genes, 85 were protein encoding genes, 8 were rRNA genes and 46 were tRNA genes. A total of 755 SSR loci were found that consisted by 49 repeating units in Ulmus laciniata chloroplast genomes, most of the perfect SSR sequences were based on short sequence lengths of 6 bp ~ 8 bp short sequence. The large proportion of SSR repeat units were A/T and AT/AT (499, 66.09%). The phylogenetic analysis of 42 species with common protein coding genes of chloroplast genomes was constructed. The results showed that U. laciniata was closely related to the plants of Cannabaceae and Moraceae, which belong to Urticales, and coincided with the traditional taxonomy. This study is report on Ulmus laciniata chloroplast genomes, which has significance for understanding photosynthesis, evolution, primer development and chloroplast transgenic engineering.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Glutathione-S-Transferase Gene BnGSTU1 from Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.)

      2018, 19(6):1197-1204. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180228002

      Abstract (1255) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (2285) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are superfamily of multifunctional enzymes which play important roles in stress tolerance and cellular detoxification. In this paper, a GST gene named BnGSTU1 (GenBank accession: MG941011) was isolated from ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) by amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) based on the analysis of expression profiling of cadmium response genes in ramie. The open reading frame of BnGSTU1 is 636 bp, which encodes 211 amino acid residues. The predicted protein was 24.07 kD with isoelectic point of 5.29. Conserved domain search analysis revealed that BnGSTU1 protein contained a N-teminal domain and a C-teminal domain, as well as glutathione binding sites G and substrate binding pockets H, which showed typical characteristics of Tau class GSTs. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that BnGSTU1 was closely to Tau class GST in Arabidopsis thaliana, Hevea brasiliensis and so on. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis indicated that BnGSTU1 expressed in root, stem and leaf of ramie, but the expression level of BnGSTU1 in leaf was significantly higher than that in roots. Furthermore, BnGSTU1 gene was significantly induced by cadmium stress, and the expression of BnGSTU1 increased along with Cd2+ concentration. Collectively, the results suggest that BnGSTU1 is a cadmium-responsive factor and may play potential roles in the plant adaption to cadmium stress.

    • Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Leaf Color Mutant in Maize

      2018, 19(6):1205-1209. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180326001

      Abstract (1545) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (2500) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The leaf color of maize is associated to the content and structure of chloroplast, which is the compartment and of importance in photosynthesis. Genetic analysis and isolation of genes that control the leaf color will provide insights in the genetic improvement for photosynthetic yield and exploration of the theoretical mechanism. In this study, by screening for maize mutants generated by W22::Mu in introgression lines with genetic background of Z31, we obtained a leaf color mutant with the abnormal chloroplast, lack of pigment and the reduction of PSII, which was controlled by a single recessive locus. By the low-resolution genetic mapping using the SSR markers, this mutation locus was mapped to a 2.95 Mb interval (B73 RefGen_V4; bnlg1863-umc2075). Furthermore, this locus was finely mapped to a ~900 Kb interval (B73 RefGen_V4; S1- S7) by 1200 individuals plants from BC6F2 and developed SSR. Taking advantage of gene annotation and expression analysis, we identified a strong candidate gene Zm00001d010000 that encodes for thioredoxin. Thus, the study could provide genetic material and the selection markers that become valuable in theoretical and applied research for increasing photosynthetic yield.

    • Analysis of Phenotypic Traits and SSR Genetic Diversity of Foxtail Millet Germplasms

      2018, 19(6):1210-1221. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180320001

      Abstract (1323) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (2647) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the phenotypic and genetic diversity analysis were conducted in 124 foxtail millet germplasm accessions. The higher variations of qualitative traits, such as seedling leaf posture and spike panicle, and larger variation coefficient on stem weight per plant, individual biomass, and single panicle weight were observed, implying the higher genetic diversity being present in this collection.?The tested materials can be divided to six groups at the genetic distance 7.0 by adopting the phenotype clustering Ward method, and each group represented different characteristics. In addition, The genetic diversity analysis by 52 SSR primer combinations were performed. Fifty-two specific bands were obtained, with the average genetic similarity coefficient of 0.834 and the variation range of 0.615-0.962. These materials were divided into four groups in the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.746. The accessions in groupsⅠand Ⅱwere collected from Hebei, and the genotypes in group Ⅲ were derived from Kazakhstan.87.90% of the 124 accessions were assigned into group IV, but no geographical clustering feature was observed. When the genetic similarity coefficients are 0.843 and 0.870, the germplasm in group IV can be divided into 9 subgroups and 7 sub-subgroups, respectively. Thus, based on the phenotypic and genetic datasets, 12 elite accessions of foxtail millet were identified potentially being use in cultivation in Xinjiang.

    • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg Germplasm Germplasm Accessions by SRAP Markers

      2018, 19(6):1222-1228. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180424002

      Abstract (1186) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (2064) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this study, the genetic diversity of 64 Chinese Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg germplasm accessions was analyzed by SRAP markers. By screening for polymorphism, ten out of 30 primer combinations generated reproducible fragments and they were used for additional diversity analysis in 64 genotypes. Fifty-seven polymorphic loci were amplified, with a polymorphic percentage of 66.67%-100% (mean, 90.38%). Each primer combination could generate 4-10, with a mean of 5.7. The average alleles (Na), the average effective allele number (Ne), the average Nei ''s gene diversity index (H) and the average Shannon diversity index (I) of 64 samples were 1.9038, 1.51501, 0.3009 and 0.45259, respectively. The genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.4603 to 0.9206. By UPGMA clustering, 64 samples were divided to 9 groups when the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.7256. Notably, several accessions collected from Jiangxi were clustered into group of accessions in Hubei, Hunan, Fujian and Guangxi, and several accessions could be clarified into group in Zhejiang. That indicated that Jiangxi may be the center or the transition zone of genetic diversity of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg germplasm resources. In addition, we constructed the fingerprints of 64 genotypes by using primers EM3ME3, EM13ME13 and EM14ME14. The dataset might provide reference in evaluation and identification of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg germplasm resources, and also breeding for new varieties .

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